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Emerald Azzurra

Calendario partenze Emerald Azzurra

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Emerald Azzurra

Emerald azzurra: luxury yacht.

Emerald Azzurra è il primo super yacht ultra luxury di Emerald Cruises. Questo mega yacht è stato costruito in Vietnam e varato a Venezia.

Emerald Azzurra può ospitare solo 100 passeggeri, ideale per crociere esclusive con grande privacy e relax. A bordo puoi rilassarti alla Element Spa o nell'Observation Lounge, se desidera provare sport acquatici la Marina Platform offre tutto quello di cui hai bisogno.

Il design di questo yacht è contemporaneo, ma la caratteristica che lo rende unico è la possibilità di attraccare in piccoli porti inaccessibili ad altre imnbarcazioni.

Mediterraneo: Croazia, Italia


Mediterraneo: Italia, Croazia


Isole Greche: Croazia, Montenegro, Albania, Grecia


Isole di Capo Verde: Croazia, Montenegro, Albania, Grecia


Caraibi: Isole Vergini, Porto Rico, Isole Vergini britanniche, Sint Maarten, Antille francesi, Montserrat, Antigua e Barbuda

Saint Thomas

Caraibi: Isole Vergini, Porto Rico, Isole Vergini britanniche, Sint Maarten, Antille francesi, Montserrat, Antigua e Barbuda, Guadalupa, Francia

Itinerario Caraibi

Porti di partenza Emerald Azzurra

Da quali città salpano le crociere di Emerald Azzurra? Scoprile insieme agli itinerari programmati per questa nave e scegli subito la tua prossima vacanza sul mare.

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Immagine di Dubrovnik

Cabine e Suite Emerald Azzurra

Dalla classica cabina interna alla più lussuosa delle sistemazioni presenti a bordo. Scopri la cabina più adatta a te a bordo di Emerald Azzurra.

D Esterna Vista Mare

Situate sull'Emerald Deck, verso la parte anteriore dello yacht, le cabine esterne sono più grandi dello standard medio e offrono un eccellente rapporto qualità-prezzo.

A Balcony Suite

Divise tra i ponti Osservazione e Panorama, le  Suite con balcone sono la tua elegante casa lontano da casa. Con tutto il necessario per un'ottima notte di sonno, sono progettate con cura per aiutarti a rilassarti dopo una giornata di esplorazione.

B Balcony Suite

Divise tra i ponti Osservazione e Panorama, le Suite con balcone sono la tua elegante casa lontano da casa. Con tutto il necessario per un'ottima notte di sonno, sono progettate con cura per aiutarti a rilassarti dopo una giornata di esplorazione.

S Deluxe Balcony Suite

Le suite deluxe con balcone sono convenientemente situate sulla terrazza della piscina e dispongono di un balcone privato. Con solo due per yacht, beneficerai di spazio extra per il tuo comfort assicurato.

SA Owner's Suite

Le Owner’s Suites le più grandi e sfarzose, situate sul ponte della piscina. Dotato di una camera da letto separata e di un'area salotto, godrai anche della tua ampia terrazza privata, da cui ammirare le viste mozzafiato di ogni porto che visiti.

T Terrace Suite

Le spaziose Terrace Suites occupano un posto d'onore sul retro del Panorama Deck. Come suggerisce il nome, godrai di una terrazza privata di grandi dimensioni, dove potrai rilassarti e ammirare il panorama mentre navighi nei porti più belli del mondo.

Y Yacht Suite

Posizionato sul retro dell'Observation Deck, potrai godere di viste sensazionali sull'oceano e sulla costa dalla tua terrazza privata. Riceverai anche una serie di inclusioni di lusso per aiutarti a sfruttare al meglio il tuo tempo nella tua Yacht Suite.

Ponti Emerald Azzurra

Emerald azzurra: le nazioni attraversate.

Quali sono i paesi toccati dagli itinerari di Emerald Azzurra? Scoprili ora e prenota subito la crociera più adatta a te!

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Immagine di Antigua e Barbuda

Emerald Azzurra: Le destinazioni attraversate

Scopri quali sono le principali destinazioni attraversate dagli itinerari di Emerald Azzurra e scegli l’itinerario dei tuoi sogni.

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Immagine di Caraibi

Info su Emerald Azzurra

Video emerald azzurra.

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Emerald Azzurra

Foto di Emerald Azzurra

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Foto 1 Emerald Azzurra

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Emerald Azzurra

Emerald Azzurra

  • Lunghezza 110,00 m
  • Larghezza 0,00 m
  • Stazza 0 gt
  • Ponti Passeggeri 6
  • Passeggeri 100
  • Equipaggio 64
  • Rapporto Crew/Pax 1 : 1,56
  • Lingua Inglese

Emerald Azzurra con una lunghezza di 110 metri e 50 cabine è in grado di ospitare 100 passeggeri ed ha un equipaggio di 64 persone. Dispone di 6 ponti passeggeri. Lo sky deck e il Pool deck sono i due ponti all’aperto dove si trovano lo Sky bar per sorseggiare un drink con vista, la piscina, un pool cafe e una pool lounge area. Il panorama deck e l’observation deck sono per lo più dedicati alle cabine, ma trovano spazio anche l’observation lounge e la lavanderia. Sull’Emerald deck invece si trovano bar, la reception, negozi e il ristorante. Infine sul Wellnes deck vi sono una palestra, una spa, la sauna, tre tender e uno Zodiac. La nave di Emerald Yacht Cruises dispone di una Marina Platform per consentire un facile accesso allo snorkeling, al paddleboarding o al nuoto in una delle tante soste per il bagno. Giorgia Lombardo

  • Mediterraneo Occidentale
  • Mediterraneo Orientale

Primera experiencia con un super yate

Esta fue nuestra primera experiencia tanto con Emerald como con un super yate. El barco es encantador. La cabina estaba bien estructurada y cómoda. El personal del comedor era eficiente pero no recordaba los nombres o preferencias. Tuvimos la oportunidad de usar el jacuzzi solo una vez, ya que el puerto estaba abierto al público para probar los juegos de agua. El entretenimiento incluía música en vivo con buenos artistas, pero esto podría mejorarse aún más.

  • Comodità e Aspetto
  • Pulizia/Manutenzione
  • Palestra e Spa
  • Spettacoli teatrali
  • Servizio Internet e WiFi
  • Baby Club/ Teen Club
  • Servizio Clienti
  • Intrattenimento
  • Servizio Bar
  • Qualità dei Ristoranti Principali
  • Qualità dei Ristoranti Buffet
  • Qualità dei Ristoranti di Specialità
  • Torneresti in crociera su questa Nave?
  • Consiglieresti questa nave?
  • Rapporto qualità/prezzo
  • Assistenza nella propria lingua

A Fantastic Experience

We chose this cruise for the destinations, which were on our wish list. The embarkation was quite fast, the cabin was comfortable and spacious, and the staff was friendly and attentive, making this trip incredible. The excursions were well-organized with extremely competent and helpful guides. The ship is beautiful and comfortable, the common areas are never crowded, and there is always a place to enjoy a good cocktail. This is a different and incredible cruising experience that I recommend to experienced cruisers who have sailed on giant ships or simply to cruisers who prefer small groups and a tranquil atmosphere.

Une croisière intime!

C'était notre septième croisière et nous avons choisi l’Emerald Azzurra pour une expérience différente et intime. Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, nous avons reçu un très bon service. L'équipage nous a suivi tout au long du voyage et a toujours été très serviable. La qualité et la variété des plats servis dans la salle à manger principale étaient excellentes! Le service au buffet était également impeccable! Le navire est très beau, son design est contemporain et les espaces sont maintenus impeccablement propres. Ce fut notre meilleure croisière.

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Il quotidiano online del mercato super yacht

Il quotidiano online del mercato super yacht

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Emerald Azzurra consegnata e attesa anche in Italia

Previsti scali anche a Venezia e a Civitavecchia nella prima stagione estiva nel Mediterraneo

Emerald Azzurra

Come da programma Emerald Cruises ha preso in servizio Emerald Azzurra, il primo dei due superyacht da 100 ospiti ordinati dalla compagnia di crociere di lusso.

La nave di quasi cento metri di lunghezza ha lasciato due giorni fa il cantiere di Ha Long in Vietman per dirigersi ad Aqaba, in Giordania, dove accoglierà gli ospiti a bordo e salperà per la sua prima crociera di otto giorni nel Mar Rosso l’11 marzo prossimo. Transiterà quindi nel Canale di Suez per intraprendere una serie di viaggi nelle acque calde del Mediterraneo e lungo la costa adriatica (è previsto uno scalo anche a Venezia) nel corso dell’estate per poi tornare nel Mar Rosso il prossimo inverno.

Glen Moroney, fondatore e presidente di Scenic Group, specializzato in crociere di lusso fluviali e oceaniche cui fanno parte Emerald Cruises e Scenic Luxury Cruises & Tours, ha espresso la popria soddisfazione per l’ingresso di questo primo super yacht nella flotta del gruppo che dice di poter vantare già una richiesta senza precedenti, talmente importante da aver quasi completato le vendite per la sua stagione inaugurale.

“Siamo certi che Emerald Azzurra supererà ogni nostra migliore aspettativa” ha detto Moroney, ringraziando tutti coloro che hanno collaborato alla realizzazione di questo progetto. “I suoi ospiti potranno raggiungere nuove destinazioni con servizi di eccellenza a bordo mai avuti prima sulle navi di piccola dimensione. E dal prossimo anno potremo raddoppiare questa nostra esclusiva offerta di crociera grazie all’entrata in servizio di Emerald Sakara, yacht gemello attualmente in costruzione. Considerando anche tutti i problemi causati dalla pandemia i risultati sono stati straordinari”.

L’Emerald Azzurra sarà affiancata dall’Emerald Sakara nel febbraio 2023, con itinerari crocieristici che prevedono scali alle Seychelles, nel Mar Nero e nel Medio Oriente, già prenotabili.


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Our luxury yachts

Discover our pair of award-winning luxury yachts; Emerald Azzurra, Emerald Sakara and Emerald Kaia.

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A new way to cruise

Join us on board our brand-new luxury yachts, as we explore everything that they have to offer. Sun yourself on the Pool Deck or even go for a dip. Enjoy a bite in one of our eateries, and experience complete relaxation in the Elements Spa^.  ^At additional cost

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Introducing our groundbreaking yachts

Why sail on an Emerald Cruises luxury yacht?

At Emerald Cruises, your enjoyment comes first. Every aspect of our superb yachts is designed around you, from the contemporary accommodation and social spaces to our crew’s attentive level of service. Sail with small cruise ship experts.

Award-winning luxury

Our fleet of yachts are your home away from home, boutique floating hotels that provide guests with luxurious surrounds, a wealth of amenities, and unique innovations such as the spectacular Marina Platform and state-of-the-art infrared sauna.

An Emerald Cruises yacht sailing in the blue waters of Calvi, Corsica, France

Small ship yacht cruising expertise

Emerald Cruises specialise in providing a small cruise ship experience. You’ll notice how measured guest numbers, an excellent staff-to-guest ratio, and the purpose-driven design and layout of our yachts offer you a comfortable and luxurious yacht cruise experience.

Two plush chairs and a footstool sit in a lounge with large windows in front of them. A TV and bookshelves sit behind them.

In the heart of the action

Our luxury yachts are custom designed to sail into smaller ports and harbours. This allows our fleet to dock in in the heart of fascinating port towns, meaning you’ll enjoy a more in-depth cruise that takes you closer to the action.

An aerial shot of an Emerald Cruises yacht docked in the heart of Bonifacio, Corsica, France

Contemporary suites & staterooms

Escape to your private sanctuary of serenity. With our range of suites and staterooms, there’s a cabin option to suit all preferences and budgets, whether you need plenty of space to stretch out or you’re longing for cosier accommodation.

A large and spacious cabin on board an Emerald Cruises yacht cruise with double aspect sliding doors leading to a balcony and terrace

A wealth of generous inclusions

Your yacht cruise should also provide complete peace of mind. This is why we cover port charges, all meals on board with accompanying beverages, complimentary Wi-Fi, and cover all gratuities on board and onshore. You’ll also benefit from a first-class English-speaking crew, and enjoy excursions led by knowledgeable, local guides.

Flatbread loaded with toppings on a table next to a glass of white wine, with the bottle of wine just to the side

Our yacht fleet

Emerald azzurra, emerald sakara.

Red sky with an Emerald Cruises yacht sailing in Calvi, Corsica, France

Discover fine dining on board

Enjoy the most delectable dishes in the opulent surrounds of the La Cucina Dining. Let the tastes of freshly sourced ingredients on your palate, and enjoy complimentary beverages with each meal.

Unwind or catch up with friends in our on board social spaces

From the chilled and relaxed vibe of the Amici Bar & Lounge to the open-air surrounds of the Pool Deck and the serene Observation Lounge, you’ll find plenty of spaces on board to enjoy the company of new-found friends or to take a moment for yourself.

Explore our innovative yachts

Take in stunning vistas from the Observation Deck. Swim under the sun in the infinity-style Aqua Pool or take a leisurely dip in the Spa Pool. Unwind in the innovative infrared sauna and, on selected days, enjoy swim stops off the Marina Platform.

Find your sanctuary of serenity

The suites and staterooms on board our yachts are modern sanctuaries with inspired décor and contemporary designs. Enjoy all the amenities you’d expect from a world-class hotel including luxury ESPA toiletries, Wi-Fi, and a queen or twin-sized bed.

Discover exciting destinations across the world

Blue-domed church of Santorini, Greece on a bright sunny day, with light cloudy sky and deep blue sea

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Emerald Azzurra Cruise Review: Onboard Yacht Experience

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Sailing on an Emerald Cruises yacht is fabulous. Our Emerald Azzurra Cruise Review will bring you onboard into the cabins, lounge area, top deck spaces (hot tub and pool included!), and dining spaces. 

We’ll tell you what we loved about the ship , what to beware of before you book so you can have the best experience on Emerald Cruises yacht ships like us, and what to expect in terms of ship movement if you are concerned about motion sickness.

While we sailed on Emerald Azzurra, Emerald Sakara is a sister ship that is expected to be very similar to sailing on Azzurra. So whether your vacation calendar brings you onboard Emerald Azzurra or Emerald Sakara, this information will be vital to maximizing your trip enjoyment.

Disclosure: We thank Emerald Cruises for hosting us. This page may contain affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission if you click the link and proceed with a purchase  at no cost to you , which helps keep our content free. We only recommend cruises, experiences, products, and services we personally use. As Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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Emerald Azzurra Review Overview

You are in awe as soon as you see the ship come into view when you arrive at the port for embarkation. “Can you believe that's our ship?” is a sentiment many Emerald Azzurra guests share. The sleek, modern yacht is a beauty, and its multitude of features makes you fall further in love with the yachting lifestyle onboard.

We felt relaxed and well taken care of the entire time we sailed on Emerald Azzurra. There is a maximum of 100 passengers and 64 crew onboard. With a passenger-to-crew ratio like that, you'll surely feel attended to. The cruise was lovely, as were the other guests.

And truthfully, it didn't even feel like that many people were on board! Dan was only ever sharing the gym with one person. And I was in the infrared sauna solo more than once.

The food was outstanding, the drinks divine, and the scenery and itinerary phenomenal. There was always an evening activity planned that we could go to or skip, and we could do an excursion in the ports or explore on our own.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Our Top Picks for Emerald Azzurra Yacht Cruise Highlights

A few things really wowed us during our cruise:

Emerald Azzurra Yacht Cruise Experience Review with photos of a Sicilian town on the bottom and yacht in the ocean on top.

Emerald Azzurra Review: Common Areas and Spaces, Deck by Deck

There was a multitude of spaces onboard to enjoy, from bow to stern.

It's important to know what Emerald Cruises calls the decks on the cruise ship deck place in case you're trying to figure out what number the “Emerald Deck” is, for example:

  • Deck 2 : Wellness Deck
  • 3 : Emerald Deck
  • 4 : Observation Deck
  • 5 : Panorama Deck
  • 6 : Pool Deck
  • 7 : Sky Deck

Below, we'll share what each deck contains.

Deck 2: Wellness Area (Fitness, Infrared Sauna, Elements Spa, and Beauty), Marina Platform, and Tender Boats

Wellness area.

The Wellness Area is home to Elements Spa, which has the following:

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Marina Platform and Tender Boats

If you are interested in swimming in the ocean while the ship is moored or playing with the marina toys, the Marina Platform is where you'll want to be. It's also where you will go if you need to take tender boats to get to shore.

We didn't have the opportunity to experience the Marina Platform during our cruise because it was too cold to go in the ocean, and because we never moored; we were always docked next to land.

However, we've experienced the fun of one and water toys onboard other cruise ships, like Kontiki Expeditions , and know what a joy it is!

We also never needed to tender to shore. Thus, we didn't experience Emerald Azzurra's tender boats.

Deck 3: Reception, Amici Bar & Lounge, Boutique Azzurra, and La Cucina Restaurant

The reception area is a simple two-desk station with seating across from it in case you need to rest before embarking or disembarking the ship. Thanks to the minimal number of guests onboard, you never really had to wait to talk if you needed to talk to a crew member there.

Amici Bar & Lounge

The ship's main bar and lounge connect to the reception area. This multi-purpose room is, at first glance, the primary place to get beverages, whether at the self-serve coffee, tea, and water station area or the bar, tended by bartenders.

However, it's actually a multi-purpose area. Port talks are given here during the day, the future cruises sales desk is here, and it is an entertainment area at night.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Boutique Azzurra

A lovely on-board shopping boutique has mostly jewelry for sale with some apparel. It's open while sailing, with hours posted in the daily program.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

La Cucina Restaurant

La Cucina restaurant is at the aft of the ship. Plenty of indoor and outdoor seating allows guests to have options of where to dine, depending on the weather.

The beautiful space is decorated with a mixture of round and rectangular tables, booth seating and chairs, and some high tops. Assorted green foliage is placed around the interior dining room to make it an oasis.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Deck 4: Observation Deck and Laundry

Observation deck.

One of the most peaceful places on the yacht is the Observation Deck. This relaxing nook is located toward the bow of the ship. We suppose you could say it's the closest thing Emerald Azzurra has to a library or game room.

Most of the time, guests could be found quietly reading in the space's comfy chairs. Other times we saw some people playing cards there or on their computers.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

There is also a coffee and water station in the Observation Deck, which is one of two onboard. The other is in the Amici Bar & Lounge on Deck 3.

Laundry Room

As avid travelers, we're often on the road for many weeks at a time. Yet, we're minimal packers. This is why having an incredible self-serve laundry room on a cruise ship is such a treat.

Luxury cruise ships often only have the option to send your laundry out for the crew to do. But a true luxury and treat is a laundry room like Emerald Azzurra has. It's indeed welcomed and such an asset onboard. There are several washers pre-loaded with detergent, dryers, an ironing station, and a steamer for guests to use.

We were glad that we happened to have dryer sheets with us because we like to use them in a dryer, and they don't have them onboard.

The laundry room even has a seating area, but it's easy enough to set a timer on your phone to remind you to switch your laundry over to the dryer or retrieve it when it's done. That way, you can enjoy the yacht while your clothes get clean, which is exactly what we did!

If you prefer, you can request your clothes be laundered. There is a bag provided in each stateroom closet with a laundry form.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Deck 5: Emerald Azzurra Aqua Pool and Cafe, and Navigation Bridge

Aqua pool and cafe.

What's a yacht without a pool? This great area is at the aft of the ship. The Aqua Cafe and Pool are right next to each other, which is convenient if you want to station yourself in the area for a few hours – drinks and snacks are at your disposal at the cafe.

What's also nice about this area is that some seating is covered and shaded from the sun, while others are not. This allows guests to choose from multiple seating areas based on their liking.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Yacht Navigation Bridge

A highlight of being on Emerald Azzurra is visiting the Navigation Bridge at your leisure. The officers and Captain were very welcoming and friendly, speaking to us for several minutes to explain the equipment.

A really cool time to visit the bridge, where there is an open-door policy and seating for guests to comfortably observe, is when the ship is docking. Below is a photo of the officers and Captain making sure the ship docks correctly in Naples, Italy.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Deck 6: Emerald Azzurra Hot Tub, Sky Bar, and Bathroom

Deck 6 has one of our favorite Emerald Azzurra onboard amenities: the hot tub. The oval-shaped hot tub can easily fit ten people. Surrounding areas provides comfort in the form of booth seating and lounge areas. Additional seating areas are scattered around deck 6 and provide intimate spaces to read, take a nap, or enjoy the sunshine.

The Sky Bar is on Deck 6. It was a convenient place to get drinks if we wanted to be outside; this area often had the best sweeping port views. It was also where a mixology class was taught while we were sailing one day.

For guests' convenience, a bathroom with a shower is located on this deck for rinsing off after a dip in the hot tub before going back to your room.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Emerald Azzurra Staterooms

Emerald Azzurra has 50 staterooms, including two of each of the following suite categories for a total of eight onboard suites: Owner's Suites, Yacht Suites, Terrace Suites, and Deluxe Balcony Suites.

We outline the square footage of the different staterooms here , and you can view the architectural layout of the room on the Emerald Cruises website .

All staterooms on Emerald Azzurra have balconies except for the six Oceanview Staterooms at the forward of the ship on deck 3. There are eight suites onboard.

We were in room 404, a Balcony Suite on Deck 4.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Our bedroom had a king-size bed, a love seat, and a chair with a small table that perfectly fit a computer, iPad, or drink. There was also a desk we could work out where the Quiet Voxe devices for tours were and the cruise ship phone. Small reading lights next to each side of the bed were adjustable so you could angle them to your liking.

Next to that were light switches for the room so you could shut the room lights once you were cozy in bed, ready to sleep, a USB port, and outlets.

You don't need an outlet converter for your plugs to work on Emerald Cruises; they've smartly designed their outlets to fit multiple countries' electrical prongs. However, depending on your plans and hotels, you may need one before or after your cruise.

Our favorite European outlet converter

➤ This European seven-in-one travel plug converter is the favorite we've ever owned.

We bought one to start and quickly regretted not buying two the first time. Do yourself a favor and buy the two-pack from the get-go.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

We loved the shelves on each side of the bed as well as the headboard that created more shelving. Emerald Cruises smartly designed this area: the top of the headboard was depressed, so it created a small safety guard around whatever items you placed there. That way, they wouldn't roll off if the ship tilted. Emerald Azzurra is a moving ship, after all.

Closet Storage and Drawers

We were awestruck by how much storage space there was in our stateroom. We could hardly fill it up! There was plenty of hanging space in the closet, special pull-out drawers for plenty of pairs of shoes, closet drawers for clothes, and more drawers in the dresser near the mini-fridge.

There was also an umbrella in the closet and a digital safe. We appreciated that Emerald Cruises provided a laundry basket too. This was helpful for us because we took advantage of doing our laundry ourselves in the onboard laundry room . After a week of cruising, we simply took the basket to the washers and dryers for one last wash before disembarking.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Our bathroom was spacious, with an abundance of storage space. Pull-out drawers and a vanity mirror opened to reveal additional storage in two compartments. That's where I placed my toiletries that were in my Stasher bag . 

yacht emerald azzurra prix

One side of the cabinet had plenty of shallow-depth shelves with an outlet inside. The other part of the mirror had a slender section that opened to reveal additional storage. The compartments mimicked the width of the drawers beneath the sink, where there was more storage. (Storage, upon storage, and more storage!)

Hand lotion and liquid hand soap were next to the sink.

The shower was luxurious and as warm or cold as you wanted the temperature. It had a removable shower head to hand-hold it, and the ship provided shampoo, conditioner, and body gel. There was also a shower rail inside if you needed to hold onto something should the ship become a little rocky. (Which happens with any yacht cruise ship.)

We want to note that we had to beware of the water leaking out of the bottom of the shower. It was slippery, and we quickly learned to use the floor mat towel to soak up the water that had left the shower and somehow stretched to the bathroom door.

We thought it may have just been our cabin, but we realized it wasn't unique to our room when a fellow passenger revealed she had the same water-running issue on the bathroom floor after showering. That aside, the bathroom was still great. 

yacht emerald azzurra prix

The balcony was a highlight of our Emerald Azzurra yacht stateroom.

We cruised in March, when it's a bit colder on the Mediterranean Sea than during peak summer season. However, we couldn't resist putting on long sleeves to enjoy a coffee outside, especially given how utterly comfortable the balcony seats were! They were sincerely the most comfortable balcony seats we'd ever sat on.

The cabin steward removed the cushions each evening and placed them in the room so they wouldn't get wet overnight. This was perfect for us because it meant they were dry each morning, ready to use.

In-Room Drinks and Snacks

Regardless of category, all staterooms on Emerald Azzurra have a coffee machine and tea kettle. We never used ours because the coffee machine on deck 4 was right near our stateroom. We preferred hopping over there for morning coffee, but it was a nice option to have in-room if we change our minds.

There were also two bottles of water that the steward refilled daily. Nevertheless, there were water stations near the coffee machines if we ran out or wanted carbonated water.

We had a miniature fridge in our room that we hardly opened because we simply went to the nearest bar if we wanted beer, wine, or mixed drinks.

Small jars of snacks in the room – like wasabi peas and nuts – were priced per jar at an additional cost. We go into detail about snacks, drinks, and food onboard here .

Onboard Entertainment

There was a nightly activity onboard every day. For instance, there were two nights of trivia (a crowd favorite). Another evening our Cruise Director, who went to school for musical theater, sang for the guests.

One special night, while docked in Sicily, a traditional Sicilian dance and singing group came onboard to entertain. It was fabulous! These close-up enrichment programs are part of why we love luxury, small-ship cruising.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Time of Year to Sail

We sailed on Emerlad Azzurra through the western Mediterranean Sea from the end of March into the first week of April. There were disadvantages to traveling this time of year on board the yacht and advantages to the timeframe in port.

Disadvantage onboard: The only real drawback to sailing in late March and early April – which is true for pre-season and post-season shoulder times – is using the exterior spaces. We were incredibly lucky with gorgeous weather in Europe every day in the 60s, with the sun shining. That said, it's always cooler on the water.

Despite the sun, which we were grateful for, it was often way too cold outside to enjoy Emerald Azzurra's outdoor spaces. This was especially true when the ship was sailing when the wind made the temperature colder than when it was docked.

A couple of days when we were docked, the weather allowed us to have lunch on the outside terrace of La Cucina restaurant. On the Pool Deck and Sky Deck, some guests bundled up and snuggled under towels to relax on one of the lounge chairs in the sunshine.

We went in the hot tub, but it was too chilly to enjoy for more than 15 minutes. And we were not brave enough to test the pool temperature, but it sure looked gorgeous! We know that even an indoor pool is cold on small ships from experience, like sailing on Emerald Sky . Braving the outdoor pool was not in the cards this trip!

Next time we book an Emerald Azzurra or Emerald Sakara yacht cruise, we will wait a couple more weeks to sail so we can fully enjoy the hot tub and pool if we're traveling in Europe. Alternatively, if you want to sail during early spring or fall, it's a great time to cruise the Caribbean.

Pro in ports: It was so nice to be visiting before peak season in ports. Inevitably, tourists flock to Mediterranean regions during summer. This includes places like Greece, Croatia, Italy, and nearby countries.

Best time to Vacation on Emerald Cruises Yachts

Best time of year for mediterranean cruises.

In our opinion, the best time of year to sail on Emerald Azzurra or Emerald Sakara in Europe is late April to early May, before peak tourist season in the Mediterranean. Or alternatively, fall from the last week of September to early October in that area.

Best Time of Year for Caribbean Cruises

The great thing about Caribbean cruise itineraries with Emerald Cruises is that they only offer itineraries in this region of the world during ideal times to sail the Carribean Sea. Generally speaking, they offer Caribbean yacht cruises from November through March.

Emerald Azzurra Itineraries

Emerald Cruises offers plenty of itineraries aboard their yachts. You can vacation in Europe like we did and sail on the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. You can also sail the Americas on a Caribbean yacht cruise or one in Central America. To maximize your sea days, choose a Transatlantic sailing.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Caribbean and Central America

Explore destinations from the Grenadines to St. Vincent and Barbados in the Caribbean with Emerald Cruises yachts. Head to St. Barth's on an Eastern Caribbean itinerary, stopping at St. Lucia, Antigua, and Martinique.

Explore Costa Rica and Panama's lush and adventure-filled port towns in Central America.

Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea

Discover historic towns and iconic city centers throughout Europe as you travel from port to port in the lap of luxury. Can you imagine pulling into port on a yacht in Nice, France?! Envision it, and then book your cruise to make it a reality!

Emerald Cruises yachts sail the French and Italian Rivieras on the Mediterranean. They also cruise along the Adriatic Sea, visiting Croatia and Italy before ending in France.

Alternatively, uncover Greek and Italian destinations as we did on an Ionian Sea itinerary.

Emerald Azzurra Ionean Sea Adventure

Our Mediterranean journey on Emerald Azzurra was a dream come true. We knew Emerald Cruises would take us to the best ports (including some we never heard of until this cruise) and have wonderful tour guides. Both turned out to be true.

Some of our favorite ports on the itinerary included Athens and Cephalonia in Greece and Sicily's charming city of Taormina.

Athens, Greece

We embarked on our Ionean Sea Adventure at the Port of Piraeus, which is a 15-minute drive from Athens. We came in a few days early so we could enjoy the city and learn more about Greek culture and history.

It was a joy to be able to visit the Acropolis, eat plenty of Greek salad, olives, and seafood, and drink Greek Mythos beers.

Couple in front of the Greek Acropolis in Athens.

Cephalonia, Greece

Some of the most stunning water and coastline we've ever laid eyes on, anywhere, was in Cephalonia during our Emerald Azzurra cruise.

Gratitude overflowed when the bus made a special stop at a viewpoint to see Myrtos Beach. The milky turquoise blue water changes depending on the day's sunlight, yet our guide told us it's also breathtaking. Words could never adequately describe the view.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

We were also treated to a short rowboat ride in Melissani Cave, with jaw-dropping jewel-toned water. It was like we were looking through topaz gemstones that shimmered in the sunlight.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Taormina, Sicily

Taormina is a coastal town that has incredible views of the Mediterranean. Not to mention, it was the location of season two of HBO's famous hit show, White Lotus. It was so much fun to be able to recognize the streets of Taormina that Dan and I saw in one or two of the episodes and see the outside of the White Lotus hotel in person.

The city has Roman roots and plenty to admire regardless of HBO fandom.

Far beyond our White Lotus thoughts was experiencing the city's energy for a few hours during an included walking tour organized by Emerald Cruises. Emerald Azzurra was docked at a Sicilian port nearby in Catania. Buses drove us 70 minutes north to Taormina.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

The Taormina excursion was seamless, and we learned so much during our walking tour, which included tickets for a guided tour through the Ancient Theater of Taormina (Teatro Antico di Taormina). Without our guide, we would never have understood the meaning and legend behind the Sicilian ceramic heads or about Etna, the island's active volcano.

Our favorite part of our visit was the free time we had. We were grateful this was a schedule option, and we were still able to meet up with the group to take the bus back to the yacht. If you visit Taormina, getting “lost” in the streets and passageways there is a must. We had the best of the tourism world between our free time and guided tour.

Civitavecchia, Italy

It was such a dream to end our cruise in Civitavecchia, which is close to Rome. We decided to extend our vacation to explore this famous city on our own for a few days. It was easy to do thanks to the awesome location of our disembarkation port, just a quick train ride from Rome.

We saw all the hits, from the Colosseum and Palatine Hill, Victor Emmanuel II Monument in Piazza Venezia, to the Trevi Fountain. We also ate all the classics, from Cacio e Pepe to Pizza, which is how we know firsthand how on par the Emerald Azzurra pasta dishes are with the creations of Roman chefs !

Couple in front of a monument in Piazza Venezia in Rome, Italy with Italian flags waving next to the landmark in the distance.

Ready to Book Your Cruise or INquire?

Use our preferred travel advisors, bolds travel, because….

  • They take away the hassle of travel planning : time spent on the phone with the cruise line could be time you spend doing other things.
  • You don't pay them a dime : their service is free (this is because they get paid by the cruise line or destination).
  • Their experience: They have decades of experience and attention to detail.

Bolds travel circle image.

Included Excursions On Itineraries

Emerald Cruises includes an excursion option for their guests in most ports. On their yachts, there are options to pay for additional excursions as part of their DiscoverMORE programming.

For example, if you're in Sicily, you may have the opportunity to do a unique Godfather tour, visiting the movie's local filming locations for an additional fee per guest.

However, you don't have to do an excursion at all. One of the great things about the yacht cruise is that it takes you to incredibly pedestrian-friendly ports. If you get off the ship and want to explore on your own, you can.

You can also opt to ride one of the ship's “Gocycle” bikes at your leisure, included in the cruise fare. These state-of-the-art electric bicycles cost $5,499 each on Gocycle's website! So if you have ever wanted to test one out, it's a great opportunity to do so.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

Ship Movement

When you sail on a yacht cruise ship , you feel the movement more than a river cruise ship , yet likely less than a sailboat or sailing cruise ship . This is why we always travel with anti-nausea solutions , including medication, motion sickness patches, Blisslets, and Non-Drowsy Dramamine or Bonine.

Motion Sickness Fixes

Blisslets anti-nausea wristbands for sea and motion sickness in striped white and blue.

There were times when we hardly felt the ship's movement while sailing and other times when the water was a bit rougher, which affected us more.

But you'll enjoy the ship more when you're sailing if you're equipped with the right medications should motion sickness creep up on you. The Captain did a great job of doing his best to avoid rough routes and provide as smooth a cruise as possible, yet no matter how you slice it, when you cruise on a yacht, you'll be on an ocean contesting with Mother Nature.

Emerald Azzurra Yacht Cruise Cost

One of the best things about sailing on Emerald Azzurra is the cost. You get to feel like a celebrity on a yacht for a minimal cost! Emerald Cruises provides amazing value, just like their river cruises , regardless of whether you're on their river or yacht cruises.

The cruise line does not nickel and dime you. Nearly everything is included in your cruise fare unless you want to add DiscoverMORE excursions or upgrade to a drinks Platinum Package.

Airport transfers, port fees, taxes, and gratuities are included, as well as things like soft drinks, beer, and wine with lunch and dinner. Wifi is included onboard, as is the use of all the marina toys, including SEABOBs, paddleboards, and kayaks.

Cruises start from $3,675 per person or $7,030 per couple.

Read this next:

  • Emerald Azzurra vs. Scenic Eclipse: Super Yacht Cruises
  • Affordable All-Inclusive Yacht Cruise that lets you Vacation Like a Celebrity: Emerald Azzurra
  • Emerald Cruises vs. Viking River Cruises: Who Wins?

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Yacht cruise calendar

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Start planning your unforgettable yacht cruise, sailing the historic coastlines in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas, island hopping around the Caribbean, or discover the beauty of the Red Sea, where ancient monuments and breathtaking marine life await.

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  • Emerald Kaia

Mediterranean & Adriatic

8/24/24 8 Athens (Piraeus), Greece Dubrovnik, Croatia E01D.2
8/31/24 8 Dubrovnik, Croatia Venice, Italy E02D.2
9/7/24 8 Venice, Italy Dubrovnik, Croatia E02D.1
9/28/24 8 Dubrovnik, Croatia Venice, Italy E02D.2
10/5/24 8 Venice, Italy Dubrovnik, Croatia E02D.1
10/12/24 8 Dubrovnik Athens (Piraeus) E01D
10/26/24 8 Athens (Piraeus) Dubrovnik E01D
11/02/24 8 Dubrovnik Athens (Piraeus) E01D
11/09/24 8 Athens (Piraeus) Dubrovnik E01D
4/26/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Dubrovnik E01D
5/3/25 8 Dubrovnik Venice E03D
5/10/25 8 Venice Dubrovnik E02D
5/17/25 8 Dubrovnik Athens (Piraeus) E01D
5/24/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G
5/31/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G
6/7/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G
6/14/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Dubrovnik E01D
6/21/25 8 Dubrovnik Venice E03D
6/28/25 8 Venice Dubrovnik E02D
7/5/25 8 Dubrovnik Venice E03D
7/12/25 8 Venice Dubrovnik E02D
7/19/25 8 Dubrovnik Athens (Piraeus) E01D
7/26/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G
8/2/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G
8/9/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Dubrovnik E01D
8/16/25 8 Dubrovnik Venice E03D
8/23/25 8 Venice Dubrovnik E02D
8/30/25 8 Dubrovnik Venice E03D
9/13/25 8 Dubrovnik Venice E03D
9/20/25 8 Venice Dubrovnik E02D
9/27/25 8 Dubrovnik Athens (Piraeus) E01D
10/4/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G
10/11/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G
10/18/25 13 Athens (Piraeus) Larnaca, Cyprus E03G
10/30/25 11 Historical Echoes, a Voyage from Larnaca to Athens Larnaca, Cyprus  Athens (Piraeus)
11/9/25 11  Mediterranean Crossroads Athens (Piraeus)

4/8/26 11  Highlights of Spain, Morocco & Italy Santa Cruz de Tenerife Rome (Civitavecchia)   
4/18/26 8  French & Italian Rivieras with Corsica Rome (Civitavecchia) Nice, France   
4/25/26 8  French & Italian Rivieras with Corsica Nice, France Rome (Civitavecchia)  
5/2/26 11 Best of the Amalfi Coast, Corinth Canal & Greek Isles Rome (Civitavecchia) Athens (Piraeus)
5/12/26 12 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E07G.1
5/23/26 8 Athens (Piraeus), Greece Istanbul, Turkey E05G.1
5/30/26 8 Istanbul, Turkey Athens (Piraeus) E05G.2
6/6/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G.1
6/13/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E06G.1
6/20/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Istanbul, Turkey E05G.1
6/27/26 8 Istanbul, Turkey
Athens (Piraeus) E05G.2
7/4/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G.1
7/11/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E06G.1
7/18/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G.1
7/25/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E06G.1
8/1/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G.1
8/8/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Istanbul, Turkey E05G.1
8/15/26 8 Istanbul, Turkey Athens (Piraeus) E05G.2
8/22/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E06G.1
8/29/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G.1
9/5/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E06G.1
9/12/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G.1
9/19/26 12 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E07G.1
10/10/26 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E06G.1
10/17/26 11 Athens (Piraeus)
Rome (Civitavecchia) E19M.2
10/27/26 12 Rome (Civitavecchia) Lisbon, Portugal E20M.2

The Caribbean

12/7/2024 8 St. Thomas Antigua E17J.1
12/14/2024 8 Antigua St. Thomas E18J.2
12/21/2024 8   St. Thomas Antigua E17J.1
12/28/2024 8 Antigua San Juan E18J.2
1/4/2025 8 San Juan Antigua E17J.1
1/11/2025 8 Antigua San Juan E18J.2
1/18/2025 8 San Juan Antigua E17J.1
1/25/2025 8 Antigua San Juan E18J.2
2/1/2025 8 San Juan Antigua E17J.1
2/8/2025 8 Antigua San Juan E18J.2
2/15/2025 8 San Juan Antigua E17J.1
12/6/25 8 San Juan St. John's E17J
12/13/25 8 St. John's San Juan E18J
12/20/25 8 San Juan St. John's E17J
12/27/25 8 St. John's San Juan E18J
1/3/26 8 San Juan St. John's E17J
1/10/26 8 St. John's San Juan E18J
1/17/26 8 San Juan St. John's E17J
1/24/26 8 St. John's San Juan E18J
1/31/26 8 San Juan St. John's E17J
2/7/26 8 St. John's San Juan E18J
2/14/26 8 San Juan St. John's E17J
2/21/26 8 St. John's San Juan E18J
2/28/26 8 San Juan St. John's E17J
3/7/26 8 St. John's San Juan E18J
3/14/26 8 San Juan St. John's E17J
3/21/26 8 St. John's San Juan E18J
11/20/26 10 Marigot Bridgetown E09J.1
11/29/26 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J.1
12/6/26 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J.2
12/13/26 8 Marigot Marigot E08J.1
12/20/26 8 - Christmas Marigot Bridgetown E02J.1
12/27/26 8  - NYE Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J.1
1/3/27 7 Bridgetown Marigot E10J.2
1/9/27 8 Marigot Marigot E08J.1
1/16/27 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J.1
1/23/27 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J.1
1/30/27 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J.2
2/6/27 8 Marigot Marigot E08J.1
2/13/27 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J.1
2/20/27 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J.1
2/27/27 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J.2
3/6/27 8 Marigot Marigot E08J.1
3/13/27 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J.1
3/20/27 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J.1
3/27/27 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J.2
4/3/27 8 Marigot Marigot E08J.1
4/10/27 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J.1
11/19/25 10 Aqaba Aqaba E05P
11/28/25 11 Aqaba Jeddah E04P

The Mediterranean

8/24/24 8 Venice, Italy Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy E03M.2
8/31/24 8 Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy E06M.1
9/7/24 8 Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy Athens (Piraeus), Greece E04M.1
9/14/24 8 Athens (Piraeus), Greece Athens (Piraeus), Greece E08G.1
9/21/24 8 Athens (Piraeus), Greece Athens (Piraeus), Greece E08G.1
9/28/24 8 Athens (Piraeus), Greece Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy E04M.2
10/12/24 8 Nice Rome (Civitavecchia) E01M
10/19/24 11 Rome (Civitavecchia) Rome (Civitavecchia) E16M
10/29/24 12 Rome (Civitavecchia) Barcelona E08M
11/9/24 9 Coastal Spain and the Algarve Barcelona Lisbon E09M
4/25/25 10 Malaga Nice E11M
5/4/25 8 Nice Rome (Civitavecchia) E01M
5/11/25 12 Golden Coasts of Italy and France Rome (Civitavecchia) Nice E12M
5/22/25 6 Nice Nice E13M
6/7/25 8 Rome (Civitavecchia) Athens (Piraeus) E04M
6/14/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G
6/21/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Dubrovnik E01D
6/28/25 8 Dubrovnik Venice E03D
7/5/25 8 Venice Dubrovnik E02D
7/12/25 8 Dubrovnik Athens (Piraeus) E01D
7/19/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Athens (Piraeus) E08G
7/26/25 8 Athens (Piraeus) Rome (Civitavecchia) E04M
8/2/25 8 Rome (Civitavecchia) Rome (Civitavecchia) E06M
8/9/25 8 Rome (Civitavecchia) Nice E01M
8/16/25 8 Nice Barcelona E10M
8/30/25 8 Nice Nice E15M
9/6/25 8 Nice Rome (Civitavecchia) E01M
9/13/25 8 Rome (Civitavecchia) Rome (Civitavecchia) E06M
9/20/25 8 Rome (Civitavecchia) Nice E01M
9/27/25 8 Nice Nice E15M
10/4/25 8 Nice Barcelona E10M
10/11/25 8 Barcelona Barcelona E18M
10/18/25 8 Barcelona Barcelona E18M
10/25/25 9 Barcelona Malaga E17M
4/25/26 11 Barcelona Valletta E22M.1
5/5/26 10 Valletta Civitavecchia (Rome) E23M.2
5/14/26 8 Civitavecchia (Rome) Nice E01M.2
5/21/26 6 Nice Nice E13M.1
5/26/26 12 Nice Civitavecchia (Rome) E12M.1
6/6/26 8 Civitavecchia (Rome) Civitavecchia (Rome) E06M.1
6/13/26 8 Civitavecchia (Rome) Nice E01M.2
6/20/26 8 Nice Nice E15M.1
6/27/26 8 Nice Civitavecchia (Rome) E01M.1
7/4/26 8 Civitavecchia (Rome) Civitavecchia (Rome) E06M.1
7/11/26 10 Civitavecchia (Rome) Valletta E23M.1
7/20/26 11 Valletta Valletta E24M.1
7/30/26 10 Valletta Civitavecchia (Rome) E23M.2
8/8/26 8 Civitavecchia (Rome) Civitavecchia (Rome) E06M.1
8/15/26 8 Civitavecchia (Rome) Nice E01M.2
8/22/26 8 Nice Nice E15M.1
8/29/26 8 Nice Barcelona E10M.2
9/10/26 10 Barcelona Palma de Mallorca E26M.1
9/19/26 10 Palma de Mallorca Barcelona E26M.2
9/28/26 11 Barcelona Lisbon E27M.2
10/8/26 11 Lisbon Barcelona E27M.1
10/18/26 9 Barcelona Malaga E17M.2
11/30/24 8 Marigot Marigot E08J
12/7/24 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J
12/14/24 22 Bridgetown Marigot 3J01
12/14/24 15 Bridgetown Marigot 2J01
12/14/24 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J
12/21/24 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
12/28/24 8 Marigot Marigot E08J
1/4/25 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J
1/11/25 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J
1/18/25 15 Bridgetown Marigot 2J02
1/18/25 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
1/25/25 8 Marigot Marigot E08J
2/1/25 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J
2/8/25 15 Bridgetown Marigot 2J01
2/8/25 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J
2/15/25 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
2/22/25 8 Marigot Marigot E08J
3/1/25 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J
3/8/25 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J
3/15/25 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
3/22/25 8 Marigot Marigot E08J
3/29/25 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J
4/5/25 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
11/15/25 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J
11/22/25 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
11/29/25 8 Marigot Marigot E08J
12/6/25 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J
12/13/25 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J
12/20/25 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
12/27/25 8 Marigot Marigot E08J
1/3/26 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J
1/10/26 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J
1/17/26 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
1/24/26 8 Marigot Marigot E08J
1/31/26 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J
2/7/26 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J
2/14/26 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
2/21/26 8 Marigot Marigot E08J
2/28/26 8 Marigot Bridgetown E02J
3/7/26 8 Bridgetown Bridgetown E01J
3/14/26 8 Bridgetown Marigot E02J
11/21/26 8 San Juan Miami E11J.2
11/28/26 3 Miami Miami E01U.1
11/30/26 8 Miami San Juan E11J.1
12/7/26 7 San Juan St. Thomas E14J.1
12/13/26 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
12/20/26 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
12/27/26 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
1/3/27 7 St. Thomas San Juan E14J.2
1/9/27 8 San Juan St. Thomas E16J.1
1/16/27 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
1/23/27 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
1/30/27 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
2/6/27 8 St. Thomas San Juan E16J.2
2/13/27 8 San Juan St. Thomas E16J.1
2/20/27 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
2/27/27 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
3/6/27 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
3/13/27 8 St. Thomas San Juan E16J.2
3/20/27 8 San Juan St. Thomas E16J.1
3/27/27 8 St. Thomas St. Thomas E15J.1
4/3/27 8 St. Thomas San Juan E16J.2
4/14/26 12 Athens (Piraeus), Greece Athens (Piraeus), Greece E07G.1
4/25/26 8 Athens (Piraeus), Greece Dubrovnik, Croatia E01D.2
5/2/26 8 Dubrovnik, Croatia Venice, Italy E03D.2
5/9/26 8 Venice, Italy Dubrovnik, Croatia E02D.1
5/16/26 12 Dubrovnik, Croatia Athens (Piraeus), Greece E16D.1
5/27/26 11 Athens (Piraeus), Greece Dubrovnik, Croatia E17D.2
6/6/26 8 Dubrovnik, Croatia Venice, Italy E03D.2
6/13/26 8 Venice, Italy Venice, Italy E18D.1
6/20/26 8 Venice, Italy Dubrovnik, Croatia E02D.1
6/27/26 8 Dubrovnik, Croatia Venice, Italy E03D.2
7/4/26 8 Venice, Italy Venice, Italy E18D.1
7/11/26 8 Venice, Italy Dubrovnik, Croatia E02D.1
7/18/26 8 Dubrovnik, Croatia Venice, Italy E03D.2
7/25/26 8 Venice, Italy Venice, Italy E18D.1
8/1/26 8 Venice, Italy Dubrovnik, Croatia E02D.1
8/8/26 8 Dubrovnik, Croatia Venice, Italy E03D.2
8/15/26 8 Venice, Italy Dubrovnik, Croatia E02D.1
8/22/26 8 Dubrovnik, Croatia Venice, Italy E03D.2
8/29/26 8 Venice, Italy Dubrovnik, Croatia E02D.1
9/5/26 12 Dubrovnik, Croatia Athens (Piraeus), Greece E16D.1
9/16/26 11 Athens (Piraeus), Greece Dubrovnik, Croatia E17D.2
9/26/26 8 Dubrovnik, Croatia Venice, Italy E03D.2
10/3/26 8 Venice, Italy Dubrovnik, Croatia E02D.1
10/10/26 12 Dubrovnik, Croatia Athens (Piraeus), Greece E16D.1

Indian Ocean & Seychelles

12/11/26 10 Mahé Mahé E02X.1
12/20/26 8 -Christmas Mahé Mahé E01X.1
12/27/26 8 - NYE Mahé Mahé E01X.1
1/3/27 8 Mahé Mahé E01X.1
1/10/27 8 Mahé Mahé E01X.1
1/17/27 8 Mahé Mahé E01X.1
1/24/27 8 Mahé Mahé E01X.1
1/31/27 8 Mahé Mahé E01X.1
2/7/27 8 Mahé Mahé E01X.1
2/14/27 8 Mahé Mahé E01X.1
2/21/27 13 Mahé Mombasa E03X.2
3/5/27 13 Mombasa Mahé E03X.1
10/21/26 11 Piraeus (Athens), Greece Larnaca, Cyprus E04G.1
10/31/26 12 Larnaca Aqaba, Jordan E12P.1
11/11/26 10 Aqaba, Jordan Ain Sokhna (Cairo), Egypt E13P.2
11/20/26 11 Ain Sokhna (Cairo), Egypt Jeddah, Saudi Arabia E14P.1
3/28/27 11 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Ain Sokhna E14P.2
4/7/27 11 Ain Sokhna (Cairo), Egypt Larnaca, Cyprus E15P.2
4/17/27 8 Larnaca, Cyprus Piraeus (Athens), Greece E11G.2

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Emerald Luxury Yacht Cruise Planner 2024-2027

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Mediterranean Enchantment

Explore the Mediterranean by luxury yacht

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Greek Islands & Turkish Coastlines

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Caribbean Yachting Hideaways

Island hop through the Caribbean by luxury yacht

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Caribbean Yachting Discovery

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Discover the Yachting Islands of the Caribbean

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The Histories of the Mediterranean

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5 Things to Understand About Emerald Azzurra

5 Things to Understand About Emerald Azzurra

Emerald Azzurra offers an upscale yacht experience in a relaxed, friendly environment. Photo: Dori Saltzman

Travel Market Report’s editor Dori Saltzman returned this weekend from a week onboard Emerald Cruises’ brand-new ocean-going yacht, Emerald Azzurra, the first of two the line has planned. Having sailed with Emerald on a river cruise, she was familiar with the line’s value-based sailing experience. But Emerald is marketing Emerald Azzurra as a luxury experience. So what would the experience be like?

Below are some of her observations and what travel advisors looking to sell the yacht to their clients should know.

Before we get into some of our observations, a few quick facts.

Emerald Azzurra is a 100-passenger yacht that has been sailing for a little less than two months. (On our sailing, there were 85 guests.)

The main highlights of the yacht are an aft marina, which, weather permitting, is opened when at anchor for swimming, kayaking, and stand-up paddle boarding; an aft hot tub and a forward infinity pool; a small spa with facials, massages, and body treatments, along with a small fitness center; and two dining venues, the main La Cucina restaurant and a pool café.

Our itinerary was port-intensive. We had no day at sea, and port stops were usually three-quarters to a full day in length. We had one overnight in Corfu, Greece.

1. River Cruise Experience at Sea The biggest surprise regarding Emerald Azzurra was how much like a river cruise it is. Having sailed on dozens of ocean-going ships, including one that’s technically a yacht, I wasn’t sure what Emerald’s take on the concept would be. From the destination experience to the dining, lounge-based social life, and crew onboard, it felt very much like Emerald took its river cruise experience and placed it onto an ocean ship.

The overall vibe was friendly and laid-back. Just like an Emerald river cruise. There were few pretensions, no dress code, the crew was friendly from the captain to the room stewards, and there was very little formality – though we never were able to get the waiters to call us by our first names.

For the most part, the yacht docks in small ports within a short walk of the main town (just like on a river cruise). In ports where tendering is required, the tenders usually go straight to town. In some ports, a shuttle was available to go to a nearby beach. As with Emerald river cruises, there was at least one complimentary excursion in each port – again, just like an Emerald river cruise, except with two exceptions. In Parga and on Cephalonia Island, the only excursions on offer were extra fee, though there was a free shuttle to a nearby beach for anyone interested in Cephalonia. Only two ports had more than one complimentary excursion.

It’s clear that Emerald is still experimenting with its shore excursion offerings on Emerald Azzurra. Unlike on the rivers, fewer guests seem interested in shore excursions so not as many are offered, and several alternate options were canceled due to lack of interest (see below). Quite a few people seemed content to have a leisurely morning on the ship and explore on their own a bit later.  

Dining onboard Emerald Azzurra is also river cruise style, with a small buffet for breakfast and lunch and one dinner seating starting at 7 pm after the evening’s presentation of the next day’s activities. There’s also a small café near the ship’s infinity pool, giving the ship a more ocean ship feel. The café was open for breakfast and lunch and offered the most delicious assortment of flatbread pizzas.  

Also reminiscent of the river cruise experience is the lounge-based entertainment. A guitar player/singer was the main entertainment playing before and after dinner, though the cruise director hosted a few theme nights. Most drew a small crowd, including trivia night, name that tune, a deck party, and his one-man show. The most ocean cruise-like of the theme nights was a love and marriage show. The only true bust was karaoke, but that was the night before disembarkation when most people were packing up or going to bed early.

2. Upscale, Not Luxury Despite Emerald’s marketing promising a luxury experience, Emerald Azzurra isn’t really luxury. Don’t get us wrong. It’s upscale, friendly, and sometimes personalized but it’s not luxury. Occasionally long waits for dinner, no room service except for the top suites, being sent to the one open bar on deck 7 to get a cold drink after getting back from a particularly strenuous excursion rather than having one delivered, this is not luxury service. Neither is no sit-down service for breakfast and lunch.

With that said, at least one of the dining room servers remembered my Coke Zero drink preference within 24 hours, everyone knew our names and the lounge bartender occasionally came to us rather than wait for us to go to the bar as we were told we were supposed to do.

And the food was always spot-on. I can’t think of another cruise I’ve been on where I couldn’t find fault with a single meal I ate.

The ship, itself, feels luxurious, with a sleek shape that reminds one of nothing less than a Russian oligarch’s private yacht. Leather seating in the lounge, a hot tub and infinity pool, Missoni towels, plush robes with a hood, a jump-off-the-back marina, all invoke the exclusivity and luxury of the yachting lifestyle.

With such a luxurious feeling, the lack of all-inclusiveness, a hallmark of Emerald Cruises, feels a bit more noticeable. Many of the excursion options carried a fee. Drinks in the minibar cost extra, even if you have the premium drink package. We did get the impression that everyone onboard had the premium package though, as we never saw anyone ask for their cabin number when ordering a drink outside of lunch and dinner. It’s unclear if that inclusion is only for the yacht’s inaugural season pricing or something that will be included permanently.

Serviced laundry also costs extra, but the vast majority of guests took advantage of the DIY launderette, which was free.

Emerald Azzurra is distinctly upmarket, but if your clients are looking for the type of luxury where they don’t need to lift a finger, Emerald Azzurra may not be the right fit.

3. Younger, International Demographic We don’t know if it’s the word “yacht” or the warm-weather destinations that Emerald Azzurra visits, but the demographic onboard skews younger than what you usually find on river cruises. On our one-week sailing, the ages ranged from mid-30s to 80s, but most people were between their early 40s and mid-70s. 

Cruisers are primarily English speaking with most coming from the U.K. On our sailing, there were only a handful of Australians, but Emerald often draws more. North Americans, most from the U.S., represented the second-largest group onboard our sailing.

We found that people grouped together more by geography than age, but everyone was friendly and we had conversations with at least half the 85 people onboard. It’s not easy being shy on a 100-passenger superyacht where most people want to meet and mingle. Let your introverted clients know that people are going to start conversations with them!

When considering which of your clients to offer Emerald Azzurra to, keep the younger age demographic in mind. The majority of those onboard wanted to get off and experience the destinations we visited. Most were relatively fit and not put off by lots of walking. (Being able to navigate stairs and get on and off tenders was essential for our Dubrovnik to Athens sailing.)

With that said, the ship does have elevator service to all decks, making the ship completely accessible. However, there’s no wheelchair access for tenders and just getting on and off the ship would be difficult for someone who can’t actually walk themselves up and down the gangway.

4. Active Vacationing Speaking of fit passengers, the Emerald Azzurra experience isn’t the best choice for the mobility-impaired or slow walkers – unless they’re okay with staying onboard and relaxing, which, to be fair, a decent number of guests on our sailing did opt for. 

Excursions, however, range from moderate to strenuous. We’d estimated we climbed or descended at least 4,000 stairs over the course of the week’s cruise excursions. There are no slow walking tours or panoramic bus tours, but depending on how long the yacht is in port, you could probably arrange such a tour for your clients.

The “easiest” options were probably the shorter town center walking tours (like the one in Kotor) and the food-related tours like a mussel cooking demo and tasting near Ancient Butrint in Albania. But even that tour was immediately preceded by a moderate walking tour of ancient Roman ruins, part of which was uphill and all was over uneven stone pathways. A Greek cooking class with a local chef in Corfu was canceled for lack of interest, but that would have been relatively easy as well.

5. No Guarantees There are never guarantees in cruising, regardless of ship size. We almost missed one tender port because of weather but the captain was able to reposition the ship to a more sheltered cove. However, the same was sadly not true for the vast majority of extra fee tours. Of eight so-called DiscoverMore tours, five were canceled. One, that Greek cooking class we mentioned above, has yet to run at all, as they’ve found it impossible to meet the 20-person minimum. (Understandable on a 100-person ship!)

One our sailing, all but one was canceled for lack of interest (ie Emerald had minimums to meet, which they couldn’t); our extra-fee kayaking trip was canceled by the operator citing rain and swells, which never actually materialized. That left cruisers with very few choices of what to do in each port. In one port, there were actually no included tours and only one extra fee option.

According to the shore excursion manager on board, the low numbers of options reflect the lack of interest passengers have so far shown in group excursions. Some, she said, wait until the last minute to decide to join a tour, but by then it’s too late as tour providers usually need at least 24 hours to finalize details.

Depending on what your clients are interested in, helping them to plan an optional tour or activity may help elevate their destination experience.

And, for tender ports, remind clients not to have their hearts set on visiting them. They’re always weather dependent.

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Emerald Azzurra

Un crucero íntimo en yate en su máxima expresión.

Los dos superyates de lujo, Emerald Azzurra y Emerald Sakara, han sido cuidadosamente diseñados para permitirnos acceder a puertos pequeños donde otros de su tipo no pueden, mientras navegamos hacia el corazón de algunos de los destinos más emocionantes del Mediterráneo, el Mar Adriático, el Mar Rojo y el Caribe y América Central.

Desde las islas griegas, Italia y la Riviera francesa, hasta Turquía, Egipto, Israel, Jordania y las islas bañadas por el sol del Caribe, viaja por algunos de los mares y costas más célebres del mundo con lujo contemporáneo, atracando cerca del puerto y brindando más oportunidades para explorar de forma independiente y fuera de los caminos turísticos.

Con una impresionante eslora de 110 metros, este nuevo y espectacular superyate superará tus expectativas. Y con una intimidad de 100 invitados a bordo, hay mucho espacio en todas partes.

Cenas elegantes a la carta y suntuosos bufés de desayuno y almuerzo en el entorno sereno del espacioso restaurante Reflections. Ingredientes frescos de origen local, y platos cuidadosamente elaboradas por chefs expertos, con vino, cerveza o refrescos de cortesía con el almuerzo y la cena.

Cada una de las suites y camarotes se convierte en tu propio refugio privado, donde todo lo que necesitas está al alcance de tu mano. Relájate en un entorno espacioso y moderno, disfrutando de una colección de lujosas comodidades, mientras navegas hacia algunos de los puertos más pintorescos de la Tierra.

Planos de Cubierta

Consulta aquí los planos de cubierta del Emerald Azurra

Ficha técnica

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Resultados de búsqueda, barcos gemelos, emerald sakara.

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Emerald Cruises unveils 6 Caribbean yacht itineraries for 2025

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Emerald Cruises will operate 6 upscale Caribbean itineraries aboard its yachts, Emerald Azzurra and Emerald Sakara , in 2025.

These 8-day voyages offer luxury and adventure, with new routes including the Caribbean Yachting Discovery and Caribbean Yachting Hideaway.

Departing from St. John’s, Antigua , and San Juan, Puerto Rico , these itineraries feature destinations such as Barbuda, the Iles des Saintes , and the British Virgin Islands. Prices for these new journeys begin at GBP 4,369, with departures in February 2025.

Additional itineraries include Cruising the Leeward Islands and Eastern Caribbean with St. Barths , offering round-trip and point-to-point voyages from Marigot, Saint Martin , and Bridgetown, Barbados . Highlights include snorkeling in Anguilla , visiting the Pitons in St. Lucia, and enjoying exclusive events like a beachside barbecue on Anegada . Prices for these cruises start from GBP 4,388 to GBP 4,853.

Emerald Cruises will also offer the Caribbean Enchantment and Grenadines & Windwards itineraries, with prices beginning at GBP 3,592 and GBP 3,710, respectively.

All cruises include flights, transfers, meals, and excursions.

Mediterranean & Adriatic cruises

Explore breathtaking beaches and coastlines as you uncover countries rich in culture and history.

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Uncover the Mediterranean & Adriatic Sea

Discover the mythical past of Greece and Turkey and uncover the glamour of the French and Italian rivieras. Adventure through the picturesque beaches of Spain, the cities of Portugal, and small fishing ports on the Dalmatian Coast.

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Embark on a Mediterranean and Adriatic cruise and explore a variety of cultures across multiple continents

A world of adventure

Discover ancient lands shaped by the Greeks and the Romans or enjoy the cosmopolitan vibes of the South of France. Sail the stunning coasts of Spain and Gibraltar, explore Portugal, or head to Croatia and visit the Game of Thrones filming locations.

Discover the  Mediterranean & Adriatic

  • Culinary delights
  • The Marina Platform

Featured Itineraries

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Hidden Gems of the Croatian Riviera

Explore the Mediterranean by luxury yacht

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Croatian Coast and the best of the Adriatic

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Adriatic discovery: Venice, Istria & the Croatian archipelago

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Mediterranean Enchantment

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The Greek Islands, Adriatic & Corinth Canal

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Adriatic, the Greek Islands & Corinth Canal

Why cruise with emerald cruises.

At Emerald Cruises, your enjoyment comes first. Sail with luxury cruise ship experts and benefit from our attentive service, as you dock in the heart of exciting destinations across the Mediterranean & Adriatic that larger vessels cannot reach.

Personalized yacht cruising expertise

Emerald Cruises specialize in providing a unique  yacht cruise experience . You’ll notice how measured guest numbers, an excellent staff-to-guest ratio, and the purpose-driven design and layout of our luxury yachts offer you a comfortable and luxurious Mediterranean cruise experience.

Luxury yacht in Bonifacio, Corsica

Our award-winning luxury yachts

Our ocean-going yachts are your home away from home, boutique floating hotels that provide guests with luxurious surrounds, a wealth of amenities, and unique innovations such as the Marina Platform for swimming in the sea and the Sky Bar for enjoying an evening drink as the sun sets.

Rear of luxury yacht, where staff are setting up marina toys from the platform on the deep blue sea on a sunny, cloudless day

Contemporary suites & staterooms

Escape to your private sanctuary of serenity. With our range of suites and staterooms , there’s an option to suit all preferences and budgets, whether you need plenty of space to stretch out, or you’re longing for cozier accommodation.

Suite on board a luxury yacht with double bed and balcony doors shown


Emerald DISCOVERY is designed to take you far beyond the standard tourist experience, with an array of exciting excursions . You’ll enjoy an included excursion nearly every day and have the option to join our Emerald PLUS , Emerald ACTIVE , and extra-special Discover MORE excursions^ to explore each destination in even greater depth.

Woman exploring rugged landscapes in the Mediterranean with whitewashed buildings behind her

A wealth of generous inclusions

Your Mediterranean & Adriatic cruise should also provide complete peace of mind. This is why we cover all port charges, provide all meals on board and with accompanying beverages, offer complimentary Wi-Fi, and cover all gratuities on board and onshore. You’ll also benefit from a first-class English-speaking crew, and enjoy tours led by knowledgeable, local guides.

Flatbread topped with fresh salad and a bottle of white wine

Emerald Cruises’ contemporary ocean-going yachts are designed to make the most of the glorious climate and fantastic views across the Mediterranean & Adriatic. Revel in your sanctuary, where every finishing touch and elegant flourish has been chosen with care.

Man swimming in the pool on board a luxury yacht

Where we travel

Explore the sun-drenched shores found along the mediterranean & adriatic ..

Map of the Mediterranean including France, Italy, Croatia and Turkey

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A luxury yacht cruise brochure cover, featuring a yacht sailing the seas off the coast of an island

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  • Scenic & Emerald

Emerald Azzurra

Unser Tipp: Frühbucherrabatt & Suiten-Upgrade  & Superyacht "Emerald Azzurra" Reisebericht und Erfahrungen

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Für Ihre Emerald Azzurra Buchung erhalten Sie von uns einen zusätzlichen Emocean-Bonus in Höhe von bis zu 5% auf Ihren Seepreis . Weiterhin erhalten Sie alle Vergünstigungen und Rabatte von Emerald Azzurra.

Fragen Sie gerne für Ihre Wunschreise die aktuellen Sonderkonditionen an.

Die Emerald Azzurra ist eine innovative Superyacht der Emerald Yacht Cruises , einer Tochter der australischen Reederei Scenic. Sie bietet aufgrund ihrer Länge von 110 Metern, Zugang zu faszinierenden kleinen und authentischen Häfen und wird seit März 2022 ausschließlich im Mittelmeer und Rotem Meer eingesetzt. Mit modernster Ausstattung überzeugt sie ihre maximal 100 Gäste auf ganzer Linie und schafft auf ihren sechs Passagierdecks ästhetische Rückzugsorte, um sich zu entspannen und zu entfalten.

Genießen Sie den ungehinderten Blick auf die unberührte Landschaft, nehmen Sie ein entspannendes Bad im Infinity- Style-Pool oder verabreden Sie sich mit anderen Gästen an einem unserer gemütlichen Treffpunkte. 

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Ultra Luxus




Länge: 110 m


Passagierkapazität: 100
Besatzung ca.: 76


Bordwährung:   USD

Kabinen & Suiten

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Alles inkludiert, was Sie brauchen, um das Beste aus Ihrer Kreuzfahrt zu machen. Bis hin zu den köstlichen Mahlzeiten an Bord, den Getränken während Mittag- und Abendessen und sogar die Trinkgelder sind im Preis inbegriffen. Sie müssen keinen Cent mehr ausgeben, wenn Sie nicht möchten.

  • Flughafentransfers zu und von Ihrer Yacht
  • Frühstück, Mittagessen und Abendessen an Bord
  • Wein, Bier und Erfrischungsgetränke begleitend zum Mittag- und Abendessen
  • Modernste Kaffeemaschinen und Teestationen
  • Stilles und Mineralwasser in Ihrer Suite (täglich aufgefüllt)
  • Erstklassiger Service durch eine englischsprachige Crew
  • Erfahrene lokale Reiseleiter
  • Kostenloses Wi-Fi
  • Alle Steuern und Hafengebühren
  • Alle Trinkgelder an Bord sind miteinberechnet 

superyacht emerald azzurra Reisebericht & erfahrungen

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Ein richtiger Hingucker!

Gespannt bin ich auf das Erlebnis einer Kreuzfahrt, diesmal mit einer feinen Luxusyacht, der Emerald Azzurra von Emerald Cruises, die bei den Cruise Critic Editors' Pick Awards zum "Besten neuen Luxusschiff 2022" gewählt wurde.

Mein Kurztrip führt mich von Doha über Abu Dhabi nach Dubai.

Timo Clarén

Ihre persönlichen Berater

Timo & Aniko Clarén,

Pia Lehmann & Anne Fischer

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Alle Preise verstehen sich unverbindlich und gültig nach tagesaktueller Verfügbarkeit. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.

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Emerald Azzurra

De l'hébergement à la restauration en passant par la détente, découvrez le vrai luxe à bord de l'Emerald Azzurra.

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  • Transferts aéroport vers et depuis votre yacht
  • Petit-déjeuner, déjeuner et dîner à bord
  • Vin, bière et boissons sans alcool gratuits pour accompagner le déjeuner et le dîner
  • Machines à café et stations de thé à la pointe de la technologie
  • Eau gratuite, réapprovisionnée quotidiennement
  • Service de première classe d'un équipage anglophone
  • Guides locaux compétents
  • WiFi gratuit
  • Toutes les taxes d'aéroport et frais de port
  • Tous les pourboires à bord sont pris en charge
  • Fiche Technique

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  • Accès Internet
  • Coffre-fort
  • Restaurants
  • Sèche-cheveux
  • Service 24h/24h
  • Sports aquatiques

Service du bateau

  • Situées sur le pont Emerald, vers l'avant du yacht, les cabines Oceanview sont plus grandes que la moyenne, offrant un excellent rapport qualité-prix.

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  • Réparties entre les ponts Observation et Panorama, les suites avec balcon sont votre chez-vous élégant loin de chez vous. 

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  • Réparties entre les ponts Observation et Panorama, nos suites avec balcon sont votre chez-vous élégant loin de chez vous. Avec tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour une bonne nuit de sommeil, nous les avons soigneusement conçus pour vous aider à vous détendre après une journée d'exploration.

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  • Nos suites de luxe avec balcon sont idéalement situées sur la terrasse de la piscine et disposent de leur propre balcon privé. Avec seulement deux par yacht, vous bénéficierez d'un espace supplémentaire pour votre confort assuré.

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  • Situé à l'arrière de la plate-forme d'observation, vous aurez droit à des vues sensationnelles sur l'océan et la côte depuis votre propre terrasse privée. Vous recevrez également un certain nombre d'inclusions de luxe pour vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti de votre séjour dans votre Yacht Suite.

yacht emerald azzurra prix

  • Les suite du propriétaires surdimensionnées sont les plus grandes et les plus somptueuses, situées sur la terrasse de la piscine. Bénéficiant d'une chambre et d'un salon séparés, vous profiterez également de votre grande terrasse privée, d'où vous pourrez admirer la vue imprenable sur chaque port que vous visitez.

Partager votre expérience avec les autres utilisateurs !

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  1. Emerald Azzurra... What a Gem!

    yacht emerald azzurra prix

  2. First look: Emerald Azzurra yacht cruise

    yacht emerald azzurra prix

  3. Emerald Azzurra

    yacht emerald azzurra prix

  4. Superyacht Emerald Azzurra delivered to owner

    yacht emerald azzurra prix

  5. Emerald Azzurra : vacances en yacht de luxe

    yacht emerald azzurra prix

  6. Découvrez les nouvelles photos du nouveau superyacht de luxe Emerald

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  1. Emerald Azzurra: prezzi e partenze 2024

    Emerald Azzurra è il primo super yacht ultra luxury di Emerald Cruises. Questo mega yacht è stato costruito in Vietnam e varato a Venezia. Emerald Azzurra può ospitare solo 100 passeggeri, ideale per crociere esclusive con grande privacy e relax.

  2. Emerald Azzurra Itinerary, Current Position, Ship Review

    Emerald Azzurra cruise ship itinerary, 2024-2025-2026 itineraries (homeports, dates, prices), cruise tracker (ship location now/current position tracking), review, news.

  3. Emerald Azzurra Offers Luxurious Value

    Emerald Azzurra, a 100-person super yacht, offers a luxury experience without the high price tag. Find our why our editor loved this new cruise ship.

  4. Emerald Azzurra

    Guarda le Recensioni di Emerald Azzurra con pareri, consigli, opinioni ed esperienze dei crocieristi. Offerte, informazioni e calendario partenze su Cruising Journal.

  5. Our All-Inclusive Luxury Cruise Yachts

    Enjoy the perfect small cruise ship experience on board our groundbreaking luxury yacht, Emerald Azzurra. You'll want for nothing as you relish in the lavish lifestyle, sailing to stunning ports of call while our attentive staff caters to your every need.

  6. Emerald Azzurra consegnata e attesa anche in Italia

    Come da programma Emerald Cruises ha preso in servizio Emerald Azzurra, il primo dei due superyacht da 100 ospiti ordinati dalla compagnia di crociere di lusso.

  7. Emerald Azzurra

    Emerald Azzurra's lastest cruises, upcoming cruise schedule, 3 ship reviews, and Emerald Azzurra's deck plans, cabin layouts and inclusions.

  8. Emerald Azzurra Crociere

    Emerald Azzurra. Scegli la tua indimenticabile crociera con Planet Cruise tra le incredibili offerte di Emerald Yacht.

  9. Our Luxury Cruise Yachts

    Enjoy the perfect small cruise ship experience on board our groundbreaking luxury yacht, Emerald Azzurra. You'll want for nothing as you relish in the lavish lifestyle, sailing to stunning ports of call while our attentive staff caters to your every need.

  10. Emerald Azzurra Cruise Review: Onboard Yacht Experience

    Emerald Azzurra Yacht Cruise Cost. One of the best things about sailing on Emerald Azzurra is the cost. You get to feel like a celebrity on a yacht for a minimal cost! Emerald Cruises provides amazing value, just like their river cruises, regardless of whether you're on their river or yacht cruises. The cruise line does not nickel ...

  11. Emerald Azzurra deck plan

    Emerald Azzurra deck plan review at CruiseMapper provides newest cruise deck plans (2024-2025-2026 valid floor layouts of the vessel) extracted from the officially issued by Emerald Yacht Cruises (Emerald Cruises) deckplan pdf (printable version).

  12. Luxury Yacht Cruises

    Explore the extraordinary on a luxury yacht cruise. Set sail on the voyage of a lifetime. Whether you're searching for a tropical haven, looking for sunny shores, wanting to explore new cultures, or longing to relax on board, you'll discover a world of adventure when sailing with Emerald Cruises.

  13. Yacht Cruise Calendar 2024

    Start planning your unforgettable yacht cruise, sailing the historic coastlines in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas, island hopping around the Caribbean, or discover the beauty of the Red Sea, where ancient monuments and breathtaking marine life await.

  14. Yacht Layouts

    Discover life on board our fleet of yachts. Our innovative yachts feature a wealth of contemporary design features. We've pushed the boundaries of luxury ocean cruising, carefully designing our Sky Deck, complete with bubbling spa pool, and the superb Marina Platform for swim stops in the sea.

  15. 5 Things to Understand About Emerald Azzurra

    Travel Market Report's editor Dori Saltzman returned this weekend from a week onboard Emerald Cruises' brand-new ocean-going yacht, Emerald Azzurra, the first of two the line has planned.

  16. Ultra-Luxury Yacht Cruise Ship Calendar

    See all the exciting sailings coming up on board our luxury yachts, Emerald Azzurra and Emerald Sakara.

  17. The Yacht Life: Cruising Aboard Emerald Azzurra

    Cruising aboard Emerald Cruises new luxury yacht, Emerald Azzurra, in the Mediterranean. Find out why the new small-ship cruise could be right for you. Effective July 1st.

  18. Yate de lujo Emerald Azurra

    Con unos impresionantes 110 metros de eslora, el Emerald Azzurra es un superyate construido a medida para destinos más cálidos como el Mediterráneo, el Mar Rojo y el Océano Índico.

  19. Emerald Cruises unveils 6 Caribbean yacht itineraries for 2025

    Emerald Cruises will operate 6 upscale Caribbean itineraries aboard its yachts, Emerald Azzurra and Emerald Sakara, in 2025. These 8-day voyages offer luxury and adventure, with new routes including the Caribbean Yachting Discovery and Caribbean Yachting Hideaway. Departing from St. John's, Antigua, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, these ...

  20. Mediterranean & Adriatic Sea Cruises

    Emerald Cruises specialize in providing a unique yacht cruise experience. You'll notice how measured guest numbers, an excellent staff-to-guest ratio, and the purpose-driven design and layout of our luxury yachts offer you a comfortable and luxurious Mediterranean cruise experience.

  21. Emerald Azzurra

    Die Emerald Azzurra ist eine innovative Superyacht der Emerald Yacht Cruises, einer Tochter der australischen Reederei Scenic. Sie bietet aufgrund ihrer Länge von 110 Metern, Zugang zu faszinierenden kleinen und authentischen Häfen und wird seit März 2022 ausschließlich im Mittelmeer und Rotem Meer eingesetzt.

  22. Emerald Azzura

    Atteignant une longueur impressionnante de 110 mètres, l'Emerald Azzurra spectaculaire yachts de luxe dépassera vos attentes en matière de croisière. Une abondance d'espace à bord, combinée à un nombre maximum d'invités de 100 et un équipage de 76, nous permet de fournir un excellent niveau de service personnalisé tout au long de vos ...