
Landyachtz Surfskate Review (Bought & Tested)

By: Author Ruben Vee

Posted on Published: November 2, 2021  - Last updated: December 7, 2023

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Landyachtz Surfskate review

I never tried a surfskate before but since they are becoming more popular it was time to learn what all the fuss was about. I decided to buy and review the Landyachtz Surfskate and share my experience riding this board.

The Landyachtz Surfskate is a high-quality cruiser suitable for both carving and cruising. While Landyachtz named it a surfskate, it is actually more of a cruiser-surf hybrid board. It’s fast, forgiving, and beginner-friendly. Surfskates are not designed for tricks but for those who love cruising and carving.

Let’s have a close look at this board and see why it is or isn’t for you. This review is mainly about the Landyachtz Butter but I’ll also cover some of the aspects of the Pocket Knife and make a comparison. Let’s go!

This review contains affiliate links that could earn me a commission at no additional cost to you.

Technical Specifications

  • Trucks (Bear Banger & Standard)

Spaceball Bearings

Fatty hawg wheels, landyachtz surfskate butter, landyachtz surfskate pocket knife, when to buy, when not to buy, landyachtz surfskate first impressions.

landyachtz surfskate butter walnut

The first thing I noticed it’s rather heavy but not too heavy, so it’s still easy to carry around. It’s a gorgeous board, I really love the glossy finish and the minimalistic graphic that is both used on the bottom of the deck and on top of the grip tape.

On the subject of grip tape, it’s quite thick and consists of a layer of foam with grip on top. Should feel very comfy on your feet and maybe it helps you to lock your feet a bit more when carving, just a guess.

The front features a high angle RKP truck with tall bushings that should help you turn better. The rear truck is a standard kingpin Polar Bear truck size 155 mm attached to a super high riser. Very interesting design and you will immediately notice the height of the trucks.

Glossy wheels grippy soft wheels comparable to the Landyachtz Dinghy and the deck has a low kicktail with a slight camber which is almost not visible.

  • Length: 31.2″
  • Width: 9″
  • Wheelbase: 15″ or 17.1″
  • Wheels: Soft Glossy Fatty Hawgs at 63 mm and 78A durometer (hardness)
  • 7-ply maple deck with a slight camber and kicktail, hardly any concave
  • Trucks: Bear Banger SurfSkate Truck and Standard Bear trucks at 155 mm
  • Bearings: Spaceball bearings with integrated spacers

The Pocket Knife specs are almost the same except for the wheelbase (13″ to 15″), width (9.1″), and length (29.6″).

I am not a surf skater so this video is not great at showing what it can do, I saved that for another video.

Overall this board feels like a cruiser with extra carvyness and it takes some time to get used to the jittery movement. I really like how it turns compared to my other cruisers and I definitely like riding this board but it took me some time to get used to it.

The foam grip tape is a strange sensation when you’re used to riding regular boards, I like it though but I’m not sure how durable this stuff is.

It can deal with rough surfaces easily as long as you take a more aggressive stance (lean backward!) and has no issues with gravel, rocks, cracks, or pesky twigs.

Hopping curbs is certainly possible but the kicktail takes some time to get used to, it’s just quite flat compared to my other cruisers. I wouldn’t try any tricks on this board.

It was designed for cruising and carving, not for kickflips, ollies, and shuvits. In my opinion, it’s just a waste of this board and I certainly don’t want to damage it on day one.

Get a regular skateboard with soft wheels instead if you want to get gnarly but still cruise around, this board is just too heavy for that kind of stuff.

I tried a few mellow slopes and did actually experience speed wobbles when you’re going fast, this is clearly visible in the video. It works when you ride in a straigt line, but minor corrections cause the rear truck to wobble. 

This is not a downhill board after all, and I suspect his board will get even more twitchy once you push the speed to its limits. The trucks feel very loose depending on your weight so a heavier person might want to swap out the bushings.

Pumping is possible but it’s really hard to maintain speed, I don’t feel like this board was designed for that. Adjusting the wheelbase makes it a bit easier but even then it won’t pump like a long-distance board.

I managed to pull off a few slides but the area was a bit wet which makes it easier, nevertheless sliding is possible! I haven’t experienced wheelbite yet but I’ll try harder next time. Update: still no wheelbite!

Breaking Down The Parts

Let’s take a look at all the components, most of the parts consist of standard Landyachtz stuff so you can get an up-close view of what this board is made off. Not many surprises but the trucks are certainly the most interesting part of this setup.

Trucks ( Bear Banger & Standard)

Bear Banger truck reverse kingpin

Let’s start with the part that is supposed to make this board a surfskate, the RKP Bear Banger truck. One of the first things I noticed is the reverse kingpin on the front truck which allows for more aggressive turning. is.

The front truck angles at a total of 70 degrees (65° truck + 5° wedges riser pad), and comes with large cone-shaped bushings. When looking at similar setups you often see one inverted kingpin truck at the front and a standard at the rear.

Other surfskates often have springs or adapters for extra carvyness that might not last very long depending on the brand. The lack of spring or other adapters is compensated by this new design but who knows how they will hold up in the future, it’s too early to tell.

I’d say this is more of a cruiser/surfskate hybrid (a cruirfer?) but that doesn’t mean it won’t give you that surfy feeling. It does actually, but probably less so than the more expensive surfskates. I personally don’t mind at all.

Landyachtz surfskate rear truck

The rear truck is less interesting, just a standard Bear truck at 155mm. The huge riser is something you’ll notice immediately and provides a more aggressive angle.

Landyachtz surfskate deck

As I noted in my first impression, the top consists of a layer of soft foam with grip tape on top. Maybe it’s for riders who like to cruise barefooted (on grip tape?) or maybe it provides extra stability when carving. I’m still not sure but it’s rather unique and an interesting design choice.

After riding it I must admit that I’m not a fan. Unless you’re able to replace the foam griptape you should avoid riding after a rainy day. I had a hard time cleaning the grip tape and don’t think it’s very durable.

It feels a bit heavier compared to my other boards but it’s also bigger and wider so that would explain the extra weight. The glossy finish and graphic is beautiful and immediately gets you excited to ride the board. Note that there are a couple of versions available, and I picked the Butter Walnut version which is a bit longer.

The nose is pointy but flat and it has a kicktail which is slightly elevated but way less compared to other cruisers. Still enough to take a more aggressive stance when you encounter pebbles or cracks.

The board consists of 7-ply maple and it hardly has any concave, just a slight camber which makes it also a great surfskate for beginners. It’s a nonflexible board so people that are really into deep carving probably will enjoy this board less.

It’s wide enough for riders with larger feet and really feels stable when cruising around. After all, this what meant to be a stable cruiser and Landyachtz pulled it off.

The front comes with six mount holes so if you aren’t happy about the standard 15″ wheelbase you can move it and try the 17.1″ which will make pumping less difficult and increases stability.

Note that the wheelbase depends on the version you pick, more about that later.

This is the first board that doesn’t have flat screws, this might have something to do with the foamy grip tape. Flat screws probably start tearing, but it’s just a guess. Other than that there’s nothing remarkable to note.  Obviously the screws on the back truck are taller because of the bigger riser pad.

I still am not convinced by the Spaceball bearings. I usually replace these immediately after I tested the board. Right now I have a couple of people riding Spaceballs on regular skateboards to see how they hold up. In my opinion, Bronson Raws or Bones Swiss 6 bearings perform better but to be fair, they are way more expensive.

Overall the bearings are fine but if you want to get more out of your board upgrading the bearings is recommended. Don’t be fooled by the ABEC rating though, it really doesn’t make a difference.

Like all Spaceball bearings they come with built-in spacers, that’s a pretty neat feature and it keeps them in place. If you ever decide to replace the bearings, make sure to get some spacers.

Landyachtz surfskate Fatty Hawk Wheels

Fatty Hawgs are great wheels and I know what they’re capable of because I like to ride the Dinghy and Tugboat occasionally. There are better wheels out there but if you want the absolute best, you better pick your own parts and assemble it yourself.

The difference here is that the wheels are glossy and more grippy, unlike the stoneground Fatty Hawgs. I still need some time to see if there’s any improvement here.

Anyway, on topic. The Landyachtz Surfskate comes with 78A 63mm radial Fatty Hawgs wheels with a contact patch of 43mm (riding surface). You’ll be able to do (power) slides to some extent but this will take some practice.

What’s important here is that they are grippy and small objects won’t block the wheels. Fatties have no issues riding over smaller rocks, surfaces like gravel, or rough roads. They don’t make a lot of noise and you can even plow through a patch of grass if you happen to run into one, just make sure you lean back.

The standard Fatties perform less in wet conditions. When the street are still a bit wet from rain they tend to have less grip compared to other cruiser wheels. No biggie, you shouldn’t ride in these conditions anyway unless you really want to.

Your bearings typically don’t last very long when they get wet often. Again, I still need to test more to see if the glossy fatties perform better.

The wheels stick out a bit, especially at the back truck because of the wide trucks. Regular skateboarders like me aren’t used to wheels sticking out and sometimes I hit the wheels with my push foot. Nowadays less often, but it’s something to keep in mind when you aren’t used to this type of setup.

Landyachts Surfskate Butter VS Pocket Knife

I bet some of you are in doubt between choosing the Butter or the Pocket Knife so I thought I might do a short comparison. The main difference between the Landyachts Butter and Pocket knife are the dimensions, wheelbase, and snappyness.

Currently, Landyachts offers just these two variations but announced to introduce more surfskates in the near future. Depending on your preferences you can go for the Butter or the Pocket Knife.

The Landyachtz Butter is the one featured here. Ik picked this board mainly because of its design and its size, and the fact that it’s probably a bit easier to ride than the smaller version. It isn’t that much bigger though so once I get the Pocket Knife I’ll be able to explain the real difference, for now, I’m just guessing.

I’d say the Butter is better at plowing through cracks and rough surfaces but less snappy than the Pocket.  The Butter is a bit longer (31.2″ vs 29.6″) and offers more real estate at the front which makes it more stable and forgiving when you find yourself slightly off-balance.

This makes the Butter a better choice for beginners that want to carve and cruise, or taller riders and heavier riders that need some extra room and support. The Landyachtz Butter weighs slightly more compared to the Pocket Knife, exactly 3218 grams in science points, and 7.09 LBS in freedom units. 

If you’re in doubt and new to riding boards, this is the one to pick.

The Pocket Knife is the shortest of the two and comes in two different designs. It has a shorter deck and wheelbase compared to the Butter. This makes it more nimble and snappy but less stable compared to the Butter.

It has a pointier nose though I think this has more to do with aesthetics than improving its performance. The total length of the Pocket Knife is 29.6″ and 9.1″ wide and has a standard wheelbase of 13″ but you can adjust this up to 15″ by moving the front truck .

Since the Pocket Knife is smaller, you’d expect it to weigh less and it does. At 6.5 LBS (about 2950 grams) it’s lighter than the Butter but the difference isn’t huge.

If you’re in doubt and have experience riding boards, this is the one to pick.

If you’re into cruising (or new) and want to get a cruiser that offers more aggressive carving compared to standard board the Landyachtz Surfskate is a great choice.

It feels surprisingly stable for a surfskate and the size of the board is beginner-friendly, you will have some trouble balancing at first because of the front RKP truck.

It will take some time to get used to and you need to break-in the bushings before you feel comfortable. Good thing is that there’s lots of room to place your feet and move around, even if they are a bit bigger than average. 

If you’re not into technical trucks or transition skateboarding and just want a fun ride, this is board is a good choice. It’s not too big nor too small and easy to carry around when you have to take the bus or a short walk.

The Pocket Knife is available at Amazon, the bigger Butter version is also available on Amazon (affiliate link).

Since this is the first surfskate I tested I had to do some research to find out what others say about this board. Overall people are really content with its performance but if you are looking for a dedicated surfskate there are better boards available.

The negative comments come from people that are used to long-distance boards with a lot of flex. They have a hard time pumping this board and adjusting to its smaller size. Also, if you are looking to ride longer distances without too much effort perhaps this is not your board.

The Landyachtz Surfskate is a cruiser/surfskate hybrid if you want the ultimate surfing experience on land you better look at other brands like Hamboards or Waterborne (there are many more brands, just do your research).

The Landyachtz Surfskate is neither a cruiser nor a surfer but more of a hybrid that works really well out of the box.

It’s aesthetically pleasing and really gets you pumped to ride by just holding it, it’s a fun ride but I really had to get used to the jittery movements and carvyness at first.

The Butter surfskate is more beginner-friendly because of the extra deck real estate and the Pocket Knife is a bit shorter and snappier.

Want to cruise at speed while still able to make sharp deep carves? This board delivers. I do have a problem with the price tag, it’s almost 200 bucks and I think it’s hard to justify. There are better boards out there for just a bit more. 

Keep in mind that I will do more testing and my initial conclusions might change a bit over time. After all, it takes time to really get to know a cruiser or surfskate so I will update this post. I’ll also lend it to a few people I know to further test its capabilities and share their findings.

After that, it’s time to replace some of the standard parts and see how to get the most out of this board. Make sure to read about all the other boards I tested, check out my list of best cruiser skateboards .

Ruben vee

I’m an aged skateboarder and still shred responsibly. Started skateboarding 25 years ago, peaked in the 2000’s, and still ride to this day. I am a total geek when it comes to skateboard gear, love test to stuff and share my findings.

Our editorial process is dedicated to providing high-quality, fact-checked content, ensuring the best experience. If you spot any inaccuracies, please let us know ([email protected]), and we will take immediate action.

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landyachtz surfskate




landyachtz surfskate




landyachtz surfskate

Surf Life – Wing

landyachtz surfskate

The Surf Life has a wide nose with a healthy taper and deep kicktail for a retro 80s-inspired look. Mellow concave and a nice shape keep you locked in and feeling right at home. Slightly longer wheelbase than some of our other Surfskates, the Surf Life is a board that punches above its weight and can rip the skatepark, hills, or handle those long cruises. This board is made to carve up anything that stands in its way. 

Flex Rating

Skate Spots

Neighbourhood | Mellow Hills | Pathways



With 7-ply maple construction, this Surfskate features the same truck and wheel set-up as our other Surf Skates. The Surf Life comes with our patented Bear Banger Surf Skate front truck mounted to the nose, combined with a 130mm traditional Kingpin Polar Bear truck on the rear. This Combo has maximum turn and response and a stable, predictable ride. The wheels are a Surfskate specific 65mm Hawgs wheel with square lips and a glossy finish for insane amounts of grip.

landyachtz surfskate

Bear Bangerz 130mm

The Bear Bangerz Surfskate truck features a high angle RKP front truck with a unique geometry and extra tall bushings for an unbelievable amount of turn, paired with a Polar Bear 130 to give you a stable, leany back end you can really dig into with confidence

landyachtz surfskate

65mm Surf Skate Wheels

These 65mm wheels are the designed to fit perfectly on to our Surf Skate setups to allow for super deep turns without worry of wheelbite while still being big enough to provide tons of roll speed. The glossy finish and sharp outer lips offer up tons of grip so you dont have to worry about slipping out unexpectedly.

landyachtz surfskate

 Spaceballs are our answer to all of your bearing problems.  Never again can you lose your washers, or spacers because we’ve built them into the inner race!  On the functional side, this means your bearings are always mated correctly which negates any bearing-induced chatter. 

Orders are currently leaving our warehouses within 1 – 3 business days. For us, “business days” means Monday – Friday as we do not ship orders on weekends. From Monday to Friday our hours of operation are 9am – 5pm PST, excluding statutory holidays. Order processing times are subject to change and orders may ship out later (or earlier) than the aforementioned window – depending on how busy we are.

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  • West Coast*  – all orders shipped ground, average transit time is 2-3 days.
  • East Coast* –  all orders shipped express from our LA warehouse, transit time is usually around 5-7 days.

CANADA:  Free Shipping on orders above $125*. Express/Expedited shipping is available at an additional cost

REST OF THE WORLD:  Live rates based on destination.  Customers are responsible for any local taxes, duties and customs clearance fees on their order.

At Landyachtz we have always aimed to improve the quality of the skateboard you ride and we strongly believe in the boards we make. You can rest assured knowing that, in the rare case of defect, our skateboards come with a 1 year warranty.  

The more we know, the easier it is to help your claim!  The best way to submit your warranty claim is using the form below .   There you can provide all of the necessary information and images we require to assess  your warrant y  claim. Before completing the form please ensure you have photos that show the top and bottom of the board as well as detailed pictures of the affected area.

Please allow us 3-7 business days for us to asses your warranty claim and get in contact with you. We will do our best to make sure you’re back on a quality skateboard as soon as possible.

The   following issues are not covered by our warranty:

  • Impact damage, including snaps and cracks
  • Run over by a vehicle (or horse)
  • Scratches or minor chips
  • Water damage

Customer Reviews

Surf Life - Birds

Loving the surf life board! This is my first surf skate. Reviews said it was not as nimble as other brands, but I found myself moving the front truck forward to increase stability right off the bat. I think it’s an awesome hybrid board and like others have said it is definitely very flowy. It’s so fun to carve on. I love it. I wasn’t looking for surf training by any means, just an awesome board to tear up the neighborhood. Again, I’m new to surf skates, but I can pump this reasonably well. I’m sure others with more experience would have no problem. The “flow” model looks amazing. The kick tail is fun. I’m happy with my purchase.

If you don't have a Surf Skate board and wonder about them, in one word. Fun! I have a Bamboo and a Dingy (one for going straight and one for going crooked) and the Butter is quite different. It will slalom (surf) very easily. Not as stable going fast downhill, but that's not what it's for. By the way, I'm 59 years old and this board is a blast! So keep skating it'll keep you feeling young! Also, not really a negative note but, check the bolts. I tightened them up a little more, but you should always check them out anyway.

i like this board, it does have a very surfy feel. the wheels are pretty sticky, catches pebbles pretty easily- so watch out!

Gorgeous! It's well made and fun to ride


landyachtz surfskate

Fixed Blade 38 – Gravity

landyachtz surfskate

Dinghy Classic Skeleton

landyachtz surfskate

Tugboat – UV Bengal Ultra-Carve

landyachtz surfskate

Pocket Knife – Botanical

landyachtz surfskate

Butter Black Lines Ultra Carve

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Flex Ratings

We’ve categorized the stiffness of our boards into 3 main groups, listed below.  The general rule is the faster you’re skating, the stiffer the deck, but this is not universal.

Flexy – Soft and supple flex profile best suited for carving and cruising on longer boards. The bouncy nature of these decks lets you turn deeper and surf your surrounds.

Medium – The do it all of our boards, a perfect balance of stability and carve. 

Stiff – From cruisers to downhill boards a stiff flex profile excels in stability and responsiveness.  Whether you’re dipping into driveways or bombing a mountain pass you’ll be down with the stiffness.

Riding Boards

Landyachtz Surfskates Review: A Carver Alternative?

Posted on Last updated: May 5, 2023

Categories Surfskate

Landyachtz Surfskates Review: A Carver Alternative?

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Photo: Landyachtz

For us surfers and surfer wannabes, seeing a new quality surfskate hit the market is always a thrill. Landyachtz is undoubtedly among the best longboarding brands on the planet. But can their surfskates really surf?

Landyachtz’s surfskate cruisers, the Butter and Pocket Knife, provide a solid mix of surf-style carving and stability. You get a tight turning radius compared to regular longboards, yet they can be taken to higher speeds and are more trickable and poppable than most other surfskates.

Landyachtz’s Bear Banger surf truck powers the surfskates, a high-angle bushing based RKP truck with good carving and pumping abilities for non-hardcore surfskaters.

At $200, Landyachtz’s surfskates are also more affordable than most quality surfskates out there (only Flow beats that price point).

Check out the reviews and pricing for the Butter or the Pocket Knife on Amazon

Table of Contents

Who are these Landyachtz surfskates for?

Here’s a rundown of how Landyachtz’s surskates are positioned in the skate-to-surf spectrum:

(0% = pure skate, 100% = pure surf)33%
(100% = pro)33%
(100% = pro)0%

LY designed these surfskates with their existing customer base in mind – primarily skateboarders and longboarders . In contrast with other brands like Carver or Smoothstar, their target group is not hardcore surfers.

Their design goal is to allow riders to do tight turns and surf-style cutbacks while keeping the ability to slash on many kinds of terrain, from streets to park to bowl .

While they do offer tighter carving compared to normal cruisers, they also let you go fast and do tricks like on a regular cruiser.

In short, these two cruisers are closer to the skateboard end of the skate-surf spectrum ( see this article ). The ageless “carvability” vs stability tradeoff.

Typically, “hardcore” surfskates are too unstable for fast riding – unless you have very good skills – and not well-suited to street tricks. The front truck is usually way too loose, and the ride is too high off the ground.

Of course, some surfskates are better than others for tricks and speed. Slide and Carver C5 work well for skatepark. Going fast or high on a Swelltech or a YOW , on the other hand, would be suicide.

The Landyachtz Butter and Pocket Knife are a very good compromise between a normal Landyachtz cruiser and “hardcore” surfskates like YOW or Smoothstar. They carve well but retain good stability.

So if you’re a skateboarder/longboarder looking to dip your toes in the ocean without abandoning your beloved concrete hills and skatepark, these boards may just be for you. Plus, they’re “only” $200.

Landyachtz Butter surfskate complete

landyachtz surfskate

Size31.2″ x 9″
Wheelbase15″ (vs 17+ for a Carver)
ConcaveFlat-ish, some rocker
KicktailBeefy but low angle
ShapeDiamond tail, wide rounded nose
Construction7 ply maple

The Butter has a classic surf-inspired cruiser shape with a full outline : rounded nose, slightly tapered diamond-shaped tail, decently wide aspect. The 9″ width for a 31″ length gives it a comfy look and feel.

The 15″ max wheelbase is relatively short compared to a similar length Carver (17″+). This helps the Butter be more responsive and turny, but at the expense of stability at speed (although trucks also come into play, keep reading).

The concave is described as “mellow” but is actually quite on the flat side, similar to a Carver or YOW. A flatter deck gives you freedom of movement for surf footwork – like on a surfboard.

That said, low concave (and no wheel flares) means less foot lock-in, something you’d want for fast downhill. But hey, you can’t have it all. The deck does have a bit of rocker to keep your feet in place.

landyachtz surfskate

The kicktail is functional, over 5″ long (spacious) and with a slight taper. The tail angle is very mellow , making it adequate for snapbacks and reentries without getting in the way of flowy surf carves. The nose is basically flat.

The Butter comes in two versions:

  • The White Oak Lines which has a nice white wood veneer top layer with clear grip tape
  • The Walnut Lines which has a dark top and bottom veneer and soft-top grip cover the top side for super comfortable and barefoot riding.

The “Lines” word refers to the cool color lines that run along the full length of the deck on about half of its width, both on the Oak and Walnut versions.

Check out the Landyachtz Butter surfskate on Amazon

Landyachtz Pocket Knife surfskate complete

Landyachtz Pocket Knife surfskate

Size29.6″ x 9.1″
Wheelbase13.2″ – 15.3″ adjustable
ConcaveRaised rails in the middle, some rocker
KicktailBeefy but low angle
ShapeDiamond tail, wide pointed nose
Construction7 ply maple

Compared to the Butter, The Pocket Knife has a more aggressive shortboard-style shape with a narrower nose and sharper, tapered tail.

While 1.6″ shorter than the Butter, it’s slightly wider toward the front before the nose, providing strong foothold near the front truck for high responsiveness in turns.

Compared to the popular Landyachtz Dinghy, the Pocket Knife is slightly longer and 1″+ wider, with a more shortboard-like outline.

Like the Butter, the Pocket Knife has a stiff and durable 7-ply maple construction. Most Surfskate decks are on the stiff side for optimal carving responsiveness, in contrast to other kinds of pumping and carving longboards.

The Pocket Knife’s kicktail is similar to the Butter, relatively ample but with a very mellow incline – just enough for kick turns when slashing a driveway or a bowl, or for hopping on or off a curb.

landyachtz surfskate

This deck has a bit more concave than its big brother, with slightly raised edges that culminate around the wide point of the deck. This gives you good foot lock-in at this strategic spot when carving tight and when riding fast.

Like the Butter Walnut Lines, the Pocket Knife deck comes fitted with soft-top grip allowing for nice and mellow barefoot driveway carving.

See the Landyachtz Pocket Knife surfskate on Amazon

Landyachtz Surf Life surfskate complete

landyachtz surf life flippy

Size31.6″ x 9.5″
Wheelbase15.7″ – 17.8″ adjustable
ConcaveMellow, some rocker
KicktailDeep, mellow angle
ShapeRetro style, wide nose, tapered waist
Construction7 ply maple

The Surf Life is the longest and widest of Landyachtz’s surfskate lineup, being about 1/2″ longer and wider than the Butter. It comes in two really sweet designs, Birds and Flippy .

This board has a very different shape than the Butter, however. While the latter has a classic shortboard surfboard type shape, the Surf Life has an 80s style pool board shape with a wide nose, wide tail, deep kick, and tapered “waist” for faster carves.

This shape is inspired from Landyachtz’s ATV Ditch Life which is designed specifically for concrete ditches, pool, and tricks. The Surf Life, though, has much less concave, a flat nose, and flatter kick to allow great freedom of movement for surf-style carving and snap backs.

Compared to the other LY surfskates, the Surf Line offers the most foot platform with comfortable nose and tail. If also has the largest wheelbase, which can be lengthened up to 17+” (vs 15″ for its siblings).

The long wheelbase combined with the tapered outline and roomy platform allows for faster and slashier surfskate styles, including in the pool, on street obstacles, on park ramps,, and in concrete trenches.

The Surf Life also comes fitted with soft-top grip tape for added return and control and surf-style barefoot riding.

Landyachtz Bear Banger surfskate truck setup

landyachtz surfskate

The surfskate truck setup on the Butter and Pocket Knife has the special Bear Banger surf truck in the front and a regular Polar Bear 155mm in the back.

The Banger truck is a high angle 9″ RKP bushing-based truck. It has a baseplate angle of 65º and comes with an extra riser pad that adds an additional 5º, for a total angle of 70º .

This high angle and high rake is what makes the Banger surftruck carve tighter than a regular truck.

The Banger truck doesn’t use springs but instead extra tall soft cone bushings that give it a lot of rebound in carves and pumps, similar to the Carver CX and Waterborne adapter – though the angles are not the same.

This is in contrast to spring-based surfkate trucks like the Carver C7, YOW, Swelltech, and Slide. Springs typically provide more dramatic swings and snap backs, but they also come with serious issues – looseness, breakage, etc.

Like on most surfskates, while the Banger truck provides snappiness and tight turns in the front, the “regular” angled Polar Bear RKP truck in the back keeps the board stable through good lean in hard turns, maintaining grip in the back wheels.

An important characteristic of a surfskate setup is to provide stability in hard turns at low speed . The high + normal angle combination front/rear is what gives the surfskate that extra stability when riding slow, compared to normal boards.

Both the Butter and Pocket Knife have an adjustable wheelbase (13″ – 15″). The shorter WB results in faster and bouncier pumps, while the longer one gives you more speed and deeper turns.

The Surf Life has a slightly different set up than the above two,, with a 130mm Banger RKP front truck and a 130mm Polar Bear truck in the back. The narrower surf truck makes for even snappier turns when combined with the wide and tapered pool shape of the Surf Life.

Landyachtz surfskate wheels

Both the Butter and Pocket Knife surfskate setups ship with 63mm Fatty Hawgs – the same wheels used on the Landyachtz Dinghy.

The Fatty Hawgs have a radius edge which makes for easier sliding when carving surf style.

The Surf Life ships with new 65mm surfskate-focused, square lipped Hawgs wheels. All the Hawgs wheels that ship with the surfskates completes have a glossy surface, vs stoneground on normal cruisers, for better smoothness and better grip in tight surf turns.

The Hawgs wheels are fitted with Spaceball bearings with built-in spaces that keep the wheels aligned and chatter free.

Landyachtz surfskate riding experience

landyachtz surfskate

Photo courtesy of Landyachtz

While the Butter, Pocket Knife, and Surf Life are carvier than a regular cruiser, they don’t feel nearly as surfy as other surfskates.

Spring-based surf trucks generally give you much tighter turns and a surfier feel. The bushing-based Carver CX also feels carvier and snappier in carves and allows for more radical cutbacks.

Pumping on the Landyachtz surfskates is fairly efficient if you have the technique – though not as effortless as on a C7 or YOW.

I’m personally used to pumping on the CX so the Butter feels relatively natural. The Landyatchz surfskates are harder to pump from a standstill though.

Like the Carver CX, these surfskates have a fairly big ride height . While pushing takes more effort, the extra height gives you more leverage for carving and pumping.

Overall, the Butter and Pocket Knife don’t immediately make for extreme surf moves such as radical snapbacks or tailslides in a driveway or a bowl. However, they are tighter turning and easier pumping than your normal cruiser.

The Surf Life, with its wide and tapered outline and longer wheelbase, is easier and more natural to take into radical maneuvers

A big plus with the Landyachtz surfskates is that they also let you do things you do on a regular cruiser (but typically not on a surfskate) such as riding faster (above 15 mph) or doing ollies and kick tricks. They are a lot more stable than most other surfskates.

In short, the Butter and Pocket Knife make great beginner surfskates OR hybrid boards for coupling some nice surf carving and pumping with everyday city slashing – all in one.

The Surf Life allows you to further explore new hybrid riding styles, by combining street, pool/park, and surf style riding.

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landyachtz surfskate

Landyachtz Surfskate Review (Tested & Compared)

landyachtz surfskate

The Landyachtz surfskate is a more stable surfskate. It’s bushing-based, so it’s lighter than most popular spring-based adapters. It’s tough to pump from a standstill.

Landyachtz Surfskate

Bear Bangerz

Type: Bushing-Based RKP | TKP Setup

High-angle RKP with tall bushings angled at 65 degrees with an extra 5-degree riser pad. Dual tall cone bushings allow for more turn compared to a regular RKP. It’s paired with a Polar Bear TKP in the back.

landyachtz surfskate

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Who’s It Best For?

I’d say someone who wants to take a small step up in terms of carviness from a cruiser. This surfskate has the stability of a cruiser but allows you to get slightly deeper with carving.

I had no issues riding over rocks and pebbles with it, overall, it’s pretty stable. Plus, it’s relatively light, making it portable.

Can You Pump On It?

It is tough to pump from a standstill since it doesn’t pivot as much as spring-based surf adapters. Once you pick up speed, you can get pumpy because of its high-angle RKP.

YOW Surfskate Review (Tested & Compared)

YOW Surfskate Review (Tested & Compared)

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Penny Surfskate Review (Tested & Compared)

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Landyachtz Surfskate Review (Butter Lines 31″ Surfskate)

by Steve Palmer | Dec 13, 2021 | Reviews

Bottom Line Up Front

I’m not a fan of Landyachtz surfskates at all. They call their “Bear Banger” truck a surfskate truck. While it does pump and carve, compared to my list of the top 10 surfskate trucks, it doesn’t function well at all.

The Landyachtz surfskate truck feels sluggish and has a relatively limited range of motion. It’s hard to get started and it doesn’t carve very tightly.

Landyachtz surfskate decks are very flat and their wheels are relatively small and hard, which limits their use.

I don’t recommend Landyachtz surfskates at all and I highly recommend that you get a surfskate from the top 10 instead.

Landyachtz makes two versions of what they call “surfskates”: the 31” Butter Lines and the 29” Pocket Knife . I got the Butter Lines Landyachtz surfskate because the Pocket Knife is too short for me.

I’m not a fan of the Landyachtz surfskate. Let me tell you why.

For help choosing the best surfskate for you, get my free Surfskate Selector app now . In just eight questions I’ll reveal the perfect surfskate for you and your riding style.

Landyachtz “Bear Banger” Surfskate Truck

The truck that Landyachtz uses on their surfskates is called the Bear Banger truck. Similar to the Carver CX, it’s essentially a reverse kingpin with extra tall bushings.

It does pump and it does carve, but not very well. In fact, I have a hard time even calling it a surfskate truck. What they call “carvey” is really not carvey at all in the surfskate world. All you can really do on it is gliding curves.

It’s hard to pump and it’s particularly hard to start pumping on it. So you have to push off first get some momentum before you can really even pump it well. Whereas on other surfskates, I can just jump on and immediately start pumping.

Compared to other legitimate surfskate trucks, the Landyachtz surfskate truck really just isn’t even in the same league. It’s not nimble at all so I can’t really use it in tight urban environments and go around obstacles like I can a typical surfskate.

The only thing the Landyachtz surfskate is good for is just basic cruising, almost like a longboard. So it’s kind of like a carvey longboard that’s not even longboard because it’s too short to be a longboard, it doesn’t ride like a longboard, and it doesn’t like ride like a surfskate.

Landyachtz Surfskate Deck

The deck on the Landyachtz Butter Lines surfskate is 31.2” long and 9” wide. It has extra holes on front for an adjustable wheelbase of between 15 and 17.1”.

The deck itself is very flat and really has no concave at all. It also doesn’t have much of a kicktail.

This means that it doesn’t lock your feet in well at all, so it’s not good for aggressive surfskate maneuvers. As I said, all you can really do on it is basic glidey cruising.

Landyachtz Surfskate Wheels

The wheels on the Landyachtz surfskate are 63mm 78a Fatty Hawgs. Typical surfskate wheels are 68-70mm in diameter.

What this means is that the Landyachtz surfskate does not work well for riding over rough surfaces or pebbles. It’s best for smooth surfaces.

Why I Don’t Like the Landyachtz Surfskate

The bottom line is that, compared to other legitimate surfskates, the Landyachtz surfskate just really isn’t fun to ride at all.

To me, it’s like Landyachtz saw the surfskate world exploding and they were like, “Hey, let’s get in on the surfskate trend.” Then they went and designed something that isn’t even a surfskate.

And in my opinion, it really isn’t even useful for a lot of things. I don’t even know what category to fit this board into. It’s not a skateboard, it’s not a longboard, and it most certainly is not a surfskate at all. I don’t even know what to call it. At best I would call it a carvey street cruiser.

At $199, I also think the Landyachtz surfskate is overpriced. The quality just isn’t there. I’ve hardly ridden it at all and I already have grip tape coming up on it.

If you want a real surfskate, my recommendation is to get a Carver with CX trucks over the Landyachtz surfskate.

For help choosing the best surfskate for you, get Surfskate Selector app now . In just 8 questions I’ll reveal the perfect surfskate for you and your riding style.

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Landyachtz Surf Life Flippy 31.6" Surfskate Longboard - Longboards USA

Landyachtz Surf Life Flippy 31.6" Surfskate Longboard

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Product Description

A new addition to our Surf Skate line, the Surf Life borrows the same shape from our Ditch Life series for a retro 80s-inspired look.

Featuring the same truck and wheel set-up as our other Surf Skates but with a slightly bigger kicktail, this board is made to carve up anything.

Featuring the same super popular shape as our Ditch Life series, the Surf Life boards have a wide nose with a healthy taper and deep kicktail. 7-ply maple construction keeps the ride nice and responsive while mellow concave and a deep kicktail will keep your feet locked in for whatever obstacle you want to hit next.

The Surf Life comes set up with our new Banger Surf Skate trucks combo featuring a new Banger 130 RKP front truck for maximum turn and response paired with a Polar Bear 130 rear for a stable, predictable ride. The setup is finished off with a set of new Surfskate-specific 65mm Hawgs wheels with square lips and a glossy finish for insane amounts of grip. The Surf Life also comes with a soft-top grip tape for maximum comfort.


  • Length: 31.6"
  • Width: 9.5"
  • Wheelbase: 15.7-17.8"
  • Construction: 7 ply Canadian Maple
  • Truck Mount: Top Mount
  • Construction: 7-ply Canadian Maple
  • Banger 130 RKP front truck
  • Polar Bear 130mm Street rear truck
  • Bear Spaceballs with Builtin Spacers
  • 65mm Hawgs wheels
  • 1.25" Flat Rear and .5 Angled Front Risers
  • Soft-top griptape
  • Concave Style: Radial

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Landyachtz - Butter Black Lines Surfskate - Complete

landyachtz surfskate

Landyachtz – Butter Black Lines Surfskate – Complete

$ 229.99 CAD

The larger of our two Surfskate shapes, the Butter will give you a little bit of extra real estate at the front for a slightly more stable turn and powerful pumps.

Details Length: 31.2″ Width: 9.0″ Wheelbase: 15 – 17.1″

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The Butter is a 31.2” Surfskate shape that comes in at 9.0” wide with a slight taper towards the nose and tail. 7-ply maple construction keeps the ride nice and responsive while mellow concave and a kicktail will keep your feet locked in for whatever obstacle you want to hit next. The Butter comes set up with our Banger Surfskate trucks combo featuring a new Banger 130 RKP front truck for maximum turn and response paired with a Polar Bear 130 rear for a stable, predictable ride. The setup is finished off with a set of new Surfskate specific 65mm Hawgs wheels with square lips and a glossy finish for insane amounts of grip. The Butter also comes with soft-top griptape for maximum comfort.

Additional information

Weight11 lbs
Dimensions35 × 10 × 10 in

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landyachtz surfskate

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landyachtz surfskate

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Landyachtz Surf Skate Series Skateboard, Butter Walnut Complete

Landyachtz Surf Skate Series Skateboard, Butter Walnut Complete

Buttery mind-bending lines.

The larger of Landyachtz two Surfskate shapes, the Butter will give you a little bit of extra real estate at the front for a slightly more stable turn and powerful pumps. Perfect for slashing down alleyways, pumping around on banks, or just cruising, this board gives you the confidence you need to explore your environment.

Buttery smooth

The Butter is a 31.2” Surfskate shape that comes in at 9.0” wide with a slight taper towards the nose and tail. 7-ply maple construction keeps the ride nice and responsive while mellow concave and a kicktail will keep your feet locked in for whatever obstacle you want to hit next. The Butter comes set up with our new Banger Surfskate trucks combo featuring a Banger RKP front truck for maximum turn and response paired with a Polar Bear 155 rear for a stable, predictable ride. The setup is finished off with a set 63mm 78a Fatty Hawgs with a glossy surface for the smooth, grippy ride you need. The Butter Walnut also comes with soft-top griptape for maximum comfort.

  • Banger surf skate setup
  • Low concave for comfortable footwork
  • Soft top grip

This Complete Comes Built With...

  • Trucks:  Front = Polar Bear Banger high angle RKP Trucks, Rear = Polar Bear 155mm Trucks, Black Color
  • Wheels: Landyachtz Fatty Hawgs, 63mm/78a
  • Bearings: Landyachtz Spaceballs Bearings
  • Bushings: Standard Polar Bear Bushings
  • Risers: 1/4" Hard Risers
  • Hardware: Landyachtz Hardware
  • Grip Tape: Landyachtz Grip Tape.Various models offer either foam, clear, or standard grip tape.
  • NOTE: Wheel and truck colors may be different than pictured.


  • Length :  31.2" | 79.248 cm
  • Width : 9" | 23.86 cm
  • Wheelbase : 15 - 17.1" | 38.1 - 43.434 cm
  • Concave :  Low
  • Nose / Tail : Yes / Yes
  • Rocker / Camber : None
  • Construction : 7 -ply Maple
  • Special Features :  Designed for ultra tight carving and cruising


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Landyachtz Butter Black Lines Surfskate Complete 9″ X 31.2″ Black

$ 229.95

Ready to have you surfing down your streets or along the seawall! The Landyachtz Butter Black Lines is the larger of the two Surfskate shapes.

Perfect for slashing down alleyways, pumping around on banks, or just cruising, this board gives you the confidence you need to explore your environment.

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Landyachtz Surfsakte Canada Online Sales Vancouver Pickup

The Butter comes set up with the Landyachtz Bear Banger Surfskate trucks combo. These unique trucks feature a new Banger 130 RKP front truck for maximum turn and response paired with a Polar Bear 130 rear for a stable, predictable ride.

The Bear Bangerz Surfskate truck features a high angle RKP front truck with a unique geometry and extra tall bushings for an unbelievable amount of turn. As a result, it is paired with a Polar Bear 155 to give you a stable, leany back end you can really dig into with confidence.

Their take on the surf skate genre of boards is a simple, solid design that achieves unbelievable amounts of turn. This is through a unique RKP front truck geometry and extra tall bushings rather than by using extra parts or springs to enhance the turn. This creates a board that gives you the ability to make super tight turns and cutbacks while still inspiring confidence and allowing you to slash and explore more types of terrain.

The setup is finished off with a set of new Surfskate specific 65mm Hawgs wheels with square lips and a glossy finish for insane amounts of grip.

In addition, these wheels are paired with Bear Spaceball Built-In bearings for a super smooth roll. The built-in spacers means they are easy to maintain and clean, and with 1 shield for easy access for maintenance. The Butter also comes with soft-top griptape for maximum comfort. This means you get the soft feel of a foam grip with the maximum hold of a standard griptape.

Surf Skateboards are our way of bringing surf style riding to anyone, regardless of whether you live near the waves or not.

Landyachtz wanted to make boards that give you the super-tight turning radius that you expect from a surf skate, but which still had the capability to do skate tricks and handle a little more speed.


  • Deck width: 9″
  • Deck length: 31.2″
  • Wheelbase: 15 – 17.1″ 
  • Soft foam griptape 
  • 100% Canadian Maple construction
  • Low mellow concave design 
  • Bear Banger Surfskate trucks
  • Trucks feature extra tall bushings 
  • Bear Spaceball Built-In bearings
  • Landyachtz Hawgs square lip 65mm
  • Wheels from factory may vary

Landyachtz Surfsakte Canada Online Sales Vancouver Pickup

Out for a chill cruise on the new Landyachtz Surf Skates. Ultra turning performance but still has the stability to make it an every day cruiser board.

Landyachtz Longboard Collection Canada Sale Pickup BoarderLabs Vancouver

Weight 4.0 kg
Dimensions 95 × 30 × 50 cm
Axle Width



Skateboard Deck Width

Deck Length

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  2. Surf Skate • Landyachtz

    Pocket Knife - Watercolor Ultra Carve. $ 189.99. 1. 2. →. Our Surf Skateboards are our way of bringing surf style riding to anyone, regardless of whether you live near the waves or not. We wanted to make boards that give you the super-tight turning radius that you expect from a surf skate but which still had the capability to do skate ...

  3. Landyachtz Surfskate Review (Bought & Tested)

    The Landyachtz Surfskate is a high-quality cruiser suitable for both carving and cruising. While Landyachtz named it a surfskate, it is actually more of a cruiser-surf hybrid board. It's fast, forgiving, and beginner-friendly. Surfskates are not designed for tricks but for those who love cruising and carving.

  4. Surf Life

    The Bear Bangerz Surfskate truck features a high angle RKP front truck with a unique geometry and extra tall bushings for an unbelievable amount of turn, paired with a Polar Bear 130 to give you a stable, leany back end you can really dig into with confidence ... At Landyachtz we have always aimed to improve the quality of the skateboard you ...

  5. Surf Life

    The Surf Life comes with our patented Bear Banger Surf Skate front truck mounted to the nose, combined with a 130mm traditional Kingpin Polar Bear truck on the rear. This Combo has maximum turn and response and a stable, predictable ride. The wheels are a Surfskate specific 65mm Hawgs wheel with square lips and a glossy finish for insane ...

  6. Landyachtz Surfskates Review: A Carver Alternative?

    Landyachtz surfskate riding experience. Photo courtesy of Landyachtz. While the Butter, Pocket Knife, and Surf Life are carvier than a regular cruiser, they don't feel nearly as surfy as other surfskates. Spring-based surf trucks generally give you much tighter turns and a surfier feel. The bushing-based Carver CX also feels carvier and ...

  7. Landyachtz Surfskate Review (Tested & Compared)

    The Landyachtz surfskate is a more stable surfskate. It's bushing-based, so it's lighter than most popular spring-based adapters. It's tough to pump from a standstill. Purchase Options Landyachtz Surfskate 10% discount code: shredshack23. Buy on Landyachtz Find a local shop We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional ...

  8. Landyachtz Surfskate

    Description. Shred the ditches or carve your way down the boardwalk with the Landyachtz Surfskate. By combining a minimalistic board design with the Bear Surf Trucks, Landyachtz has created their hardest turning board to date. Built for hardcore pumping, carving, and surfy flowing lines. Feel the force of riding the concrete like a wave.

  9. Landyachtz "Surfskate" Review (Butter Lines 31.2")

    In this video I review the Landyachtz Butter Lines 31.2" surfskate.VIDEO CHAPTERS:00:00 Landyachtz Surfskate Review Intro00:19 Two Landyachtz Surfskate Model...

  10. Landyachtz Surfskate Review (Butter Lines 31″ Surfskate)

    Landyachtz Surfskate Deck. The deck on the Landyachtz Butter Lines surfskate is 31.2" long and 9" wide. It has extra holes on front for an adjustable wheelbase of between 15 and 17.1". The deck itself is very flat and really has no concave at all. It also doesn't have much of a kicktail.

  11. Landyachtz Surf Life Dark Wave Surfskate Complete 9.5″ x 31.6″ Black

    The Landyachtz Surf Life Dark Wave Surfskate features a wide nose with a healthy taper and deep kicktail! This surfskate comes set up with the new Banger Surf Skate trucks combo featuring a new Banger 130 RKP front truck for maximum turn and response paired with a Polar Bear 130 rear for a stable, predictable ride.

  12. Landyachtz Butter Black Lines 31.2" Surfskate Review and ...

    The Butter is a 31.2" Surfskate shape that comes in at 9.0" wide with a slight taper towards the nose and tail. 7-ply maple construction keeps the ride nice ...

  13. Landyachtz Surfskate Review (Tested & Compared)

    Here's a look at the Landyachtz surfskate. I put out a poll to see what review you guys wanted next and over a thousand of you voted, with the majority going...

  14. Landyachtz Pocket Knife Surfskate Botanical for Sale

    Landyachtz Pocket Knife Botanical Surfskate Complete 9.1″ x 29.6″ Purple. $ 239.95. The Landyachtz Pocket Knife Botanical is a super nimble Surf Skate capable of mind-bending lines and nearly instantaneous changes of direction! The Pocket Knife comes set up with our new Banger Surf Skate trucks combo featuring a Banger RKP front truck for ...

  15. Landyachtz Surf Life Flippy 31.6" Surfskate Longboard

    The setup is finished off with a set of new Surfskate-specific 65mm Hawgs wheels with square lips and a glossy finish for insane amounts of grip. The Surf Life also comes with a soft-top grip tape for maximum comfort. Specifications: Length: 31.6" Width: 9.5" Wheelbase: 15.7-17.8" Construction: 7 ply Canadian Maple; Truck Mount: Top Mount

  16. Landyachtz Pocket Knife Surfskate

    Landyachtz Surfskate. $199.95 $109.95. Ocean Pacific Surfskate. $179.95 $174.95. Long Island Surfskate. $192.95 $154.95. Hydroponic Square Complete Surfskate ... With this board you'll bring your surf moves onto the streets. So, get ready for pumping down some asphalt waves. This Landyachtz surf skate comes at a highly affordable price for the ...

  17. Landyachtz

    The Butter is a 31.2" Surfskate shape that comes in at 9.0" wide with a slight taper towards the nose and tail. 7-ply maple construction keeps the ride nice and responsive while mellow concave and a kicktail will keep your feet locked in for whatever obstacle you want to hit next. The Butter comes set up with our Banger Surfskate trucks combo featuring a new Banger 130 RKP front truck for ...

  18. 2021 Landyachtz Surfskate Series Butter Walnut Complete Skateboard

    Buttery mind-bending lines The larger of Landyachtz two Surfskate shapes, the Butter will give you a little bit of extra real estate at the front for a slightly more stable turn and powerful pumps. ... Buttery smooth The Butter is a 31.2" Surfskate shape that comes in at 9.0" wide with a slight taper towards the nose and tail. 7-ply maple ...

  19. Landyachtz Surfskate (2020) Reviewed... Just a Little Late

    TheQuickQuiver. Landyachtz Surfskate (2020) Reviewed... Just a Little Late. Front truck has a high angle and a lot of rake. Just a little dewedging, mostly to counter the rocker. Rocker, a bit of tail, and a massive rear riser combined with that 65º Banger front truck and 5º wedged riser.

  20. Landyachtz Butter Black Lines Surfskate Complete in Black

    Landyachtz wanted to make boards that give you the super-tight turning radius that you expect from a surf skate, but which still had the capability to do skate tricks and handle a little more speed. LANDYACHTZ BUTTER BLACK LINES SURFSKATE: Deck width: 9″ Deck length: 31.2″ Wheelbase: 15 - 17.1″ Soft foam griptape

  21. What are the best surfskate spots in San Francisco/Santa Cruz ...

    Nothing surfskate specific, the nearest cement pump track being in I think Watsonville, which is a ways out. That said, everyone on the coast from OB down to Santa Cruz has a surf skate as those are big surf areas, with the largest contingent maybe being Pacifica. Reply reply

  22. Santa Cruz Skateboards

    Enter For A Chance To Win A $50. Sign Up & be the first to know about our exclusive updates, promotions or seasonal drops! With over 40 years of skateboard knowledge, innovation and iconic graphics from renown artist Jim Phillips, this is the home of Santa Cruz Skateboards. Check out the latest on Santa Cruz Products and Apparel!

  23. Landyachtz Long Board

    Landyachtz Long Board. $80. Sporting Goods › Skateboarding Gear. Listed 16 weeks ago. 16 weeks ago. in Santa Clara, CA. Message. Message. Save. Save. Share. Details. Condition. Used - Fair. Purchased for ~$200, looking to get around $80. I've had it for 1 year. Santa Clara, CA. Location is approximate.

  24. California Dreamin

    California Dreamin Once Upon a Time in Hollywood