Il Veliero CADAMA’ a Crotone

Corso di vela d’altura, planimetria ormeggi ykc, crotone – voli diretti lowcost da roma – milano e pisa, corso di meteorologia 3 appuntamento, offshore 3000 crotone 2014.

  • Programma Serate YKC 2022
  • 11° Trofeo di “Traina Costiera al Femminile”: 18 gli equipaggi in gara

Ben 18 equipaggi composti da concentratissime “Fishing Ladies”, a bordo di altrettante imbarcazioni condotte da esperti skippers (tutti rigorosamente muniti di Green-Pass), hanno dato vita ad una sfida bellissima ed emozionante, che non ha risparmiato tanto divertimento e colpi di scena nelle due prove. Ad aggiudicarsi la kermesse è stato l’equipaggio dello Yachting Kroton Club composto dalla strepitosa Teresa ARABIA, che con ben 34 prede a misura, ha conquistato l’ambito trofeo, grazie anche all’abile driver Ugo Pugliese che da ottimo conoscitore del mare crotonese, consigliava da tattico l’uso alternato dei colori delle “unghiette”, particolari esche artificiali che hanno dato ottimi risultati in termini di pescato. La medaglia d’argento è andata invece all’equipaggio della Uccialì Fishing Team di Isola Capo Rizzuto, composto dalla splendida Serafina CAVALIERE, che a bordo dell’imbarcazione condotta abilmente da Vincenzo PESCATORE anch’egli preparato e prodigo di consigli, ha portato alla pesa ben 13 prede valide, grazie invece alla strategia adottata, basata sull’utilizzo di esche siliconiche. Sul terzo gradino dello speciale podio rosa, si è accomodata l’esordiente ciromarinese Laura MARINO sempre della Uccialì Fishing Team, che sul natante capeggiato da Angelo MAZZACANE, con grinta e determinazione non ha mollato fino alla fine, impegnandosi nella ricerca dei tonnetti alletterati con l’uso di esche top-water e conquistando il meritatissimo bronzo. Da evidenziare inoltre il gesto compiuto dalle diverse partecipanti del gentil sesso della Lega Navale di Crotone, che in alcuni casi, dopo aver catturato prede sotto misura, con amorevoli cure, hanno ri-ossigenato gli esemplari più piccoli, facendogli riprendere il mare, senza alcun problema per il pesce, praticando laddove possibile, anche in questa disciplina il Catch & Release. La manifestazione che aumenta il suo successo di anno in anno, nonostante le difficoltà dettate dalle restrizioni, si è conclusa con una premiazione che ha visto assegnare ricchi premi tecnici non solo alle vincitrici, ma a tutte le partecipanti, compresa alla più “sfortunata” in termini di catture Anna CICCOPIEDI dello YKC, che con goliardia, che si è aggiudicata la fantomatica “Canna di legno”. Il tutto si è concluso poi con un pranzo tipico crotonese, all’insegna dell’amicizia e dell’amore per il mare, nel rispetto rigoroso di tutte le norme Anti-Covid previste, durante il quale, è stato rinnovato l’appuntamento all’anno prossimo per la 12° edizione, che già da subito, visto il clima goliardico durante il banchetto, promette scintille.

  • “sulla rotta del vino ” 2a edizione della veleggiata di fine estate 2021 da Crotone a Cirò

Si è svolta la seconda edizione della veleggiata tra Crotone e Cirò con la partecipazione di 16 equipaggi.

Crotone –  E’ partita questa mattina, intorno alle ore 11,00, “La Rotta del Vino”, dove diciannove barche a vela sono salpate dal porto di Crotone verso la città di Cirò Marina con arrivo nel pomeriggio. eADV

Vi partecipano i circoli Yachting Kroton Club, Club Velico Crotone, WindLife, LNI Crotone, LNI Ciro’ Marina, LNI Le Castella e Asd Maresport, con una festa del vino organizzata dal gruppo denominato “Gruppo Altura Veleggiate”, che racchiude le diverse realtà.

L’iniziativa è voluta dai circoli, una veleggiata che chiude le veleggiate del 2021, una serie di eventi di questa estate. Si sono mosse anche le barche di altura, per un’iniziativa che ha accolto l’Assonautica, per l’inizio di una serie di trofei in relazione in relazione alla promozione delle bellezze enogastronomiche del territorio.  Oggi pomeriggio, presso Cirò Marina, vi sarà una giornata all’insegna del folklore e della degustazione dei prodotti gastronomici della nostra terra.

Domani mattina, invece, un giro nelle Cantine di Librandi. Un evento dove sono stae coinvolte tante imprenditorie del territorio crotonese, e anche una cooking cap a bordo delle imbarcazioni, premiando il piatto migliore.

yachting kroton club


CROTONE 26-27-28 marzo 2021

Sarà lo Yachting Kroton Club asd, quest’anno, ad ospitare la prima selezione interzonale di vela Optimist in collaborazione con FIV VI Zona; da venerdì 26/03 a domenica 28/03 nello specchio antistante lungomare di Crotone, i timonieri nati negli anni dal 2006 al 2010, provenienti dall’intero Centro-Sud (Zone V, VI, VII, VIII e IX) regateranno per le qualificazioni al Campionato Nazionale.

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2A regata nazionale

Buon compleanno Yachting Kroton Club

5 dicembre 1990, …….. 5 dicembre 2020 …….. e sono trent’anni. auguri a tutti noi e soprattutto al nostro amato circolo..

Nei mesi scorsi più volte abbiamo immaginato la festa dei trent’anni, un grande evento, una giornata indimenticabile, tanti abbracci, tanti sorrisi ma, purtroppo, non è possibile, comunque non demordiamo, come i tanti rinvii dati dai TANTI DPCM, anche noi dobbiamo rinviare e solo rinviare questo momento. Voglio ringraziare e ricordare i soci fondatori che vollero la nascita della nostra associazione. Gente di mare, gente d’amare, gente che ha dato vita ad un percorso fatto di tanti risultati, di tanti momenti importanti che hanno permesso una crescita costante. Un grandissimo ringraziamento a tutti i soci, la colonna vertebrale del nostro Yachting Club, a tutti un grande abbraccio e buon compleanno YKC. Con Affetto Mimmo Mazza

Aeroporto Sant’Anna, il MIT firma il decreto per gli oneri di servizio pubblico: da febbraio si vola oltre che per Bergamo anche per Roma, Torino e Venezia

In data 31 luglio u.s. il Ministro delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Paola De Micheli, ha firmato il decreto che, riconoscendo il servizio aereo di linea sulle rotte Crotone – Roma Fiumicino, Crotone – Torino e Crotone – Venezia come un servizio d’interesse economico generale, dà il via alla procedura per l’assegnazione delle medesime tratte ai vettori aerei comunitari secondo le modalità previste dalla normativa vigente e che diventerebbero operative dal 21 febbraio 2021.


Selezione zonale optimist 18-19/7/2020.

Sarà lo Yachting Kroton Club, quest’anno, ad ospitare la prima selezione zonale di vela Optimist in collaborazione con gli altri circoli di Crotone e la FIV VI Zona; da sabato 18/07 a domenica 19/07 nello specchio antistante lungomare di Crotone, i timonieri nati negli anni dal 2005 al 2009, provenienti dalla Calabria e dalla Basilicata regateranno per le qualificazioni.

Informazioni ai soci – linee guida MIT diporto

Trofeo coni 2018 – motonautica – oro e argento per i nostri italo e diego, riprenono i voli ryanair da crotone per milano-bergamo, bologna e venezia, ryanair- biglietti da e per crotone sono acquistabili.

I biglietti per i voli Ryanair da e per Crotone, sono acquistabili sul sito

yachting kroton club

I nostri amici NAVIGANTI : Helmut di Sea Horse

I cari amici Helmut e la sua ciurma alla fine hanno lasciato Crotone per navigare verso la Spagna .

Speriamo di rivederli presto nelle nostre acque per farci raccontare le avventure davanti a un buon bicchiere.

Chi vuol seguire il loro viaggio  ed essere virtualmente partecipe può farlo al seguente link :

da tutti noi dello YKC … ci manchi

YKC Marina Crotone

Lo Yachting Kroton Club è un’ associazione sportiva dilettantistica senza finalità di lucro, fondata nel 1990 da un gruppo di appassionati.

Essi intendevano, uniti dalla comune passione per il mare, diffondere la cultura marinara, promuovere attività nautiche istruttive ed agonistiche nonché dotarsi di una sede nautica ove poter ormeggiare le imbarcazioni da diporto del circolo offrendo altresì ormeggio e servizi a quelle in transito. Conta circa 90 Soci e gestisce attualmente 155 m di banchina , e 132 ml di pontili per un totale di 140 posti.

Posti per gli ospiti in transito

Come  previsto dalle norme, più del 10% dei posti sono stabilmente dedicati al transito. I contributi ormeggi proposti sono : giornaliere, settimanali, mensili, invernale o annuale.

Proviamo ad offrire i più alti standard , e cerchiamo di non obbligarti a correre in ufficio per le formalità ecco perché gradiamo una prenotazione in anticipo.


Con la prenotazione i nostri Assistenti all’ormeggio vi aspetteranno in banchina e potranno guidarvi verso il vostro posto riservato o prenotare un taxi, o aiutarvi nelle vostre richieste , tutto per fare il miglior uso del vostro tempo . Gli o spiti senza prenotazioni sono invitati a contattare il personale via telefono, VHF o ad avvicinarsi al lato esterno dei pontili ed attendere l’arrivo del personale prima di ormeggiare.

 Localizzazione Marina Yachting Kroton Club :

Molo foraneo – porto vecchio, 88900 – crotone, gps position: 39° 4.793’n 17° 8.286’e,  orari guardiania e ufficio ykc.

Guardiania tutti i giorni : 08:00 – 20:00;  21:00 – 08:00
Uffici dal Lunedi alla Domenica e festività : 08:00 – 13:00 ; 13.30 – 20.00
Uffici notte: Aperti – a cura del guardiano notturno (eventualmente da contattare via telefono o VHF)

Clicca qui o Lo trovi in Menù/Chi siamo/statuto


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Yachting Kroton Club - Crotone - Porto Vecchio  

General data, geographical area, e-mail address, maximum draught, sea bottoms, port entrance times, max boat length, dock services, travel lift, fire services, engine reparations, electric reparations, weather forecast service, anchorage staff, security staff, scuba divers, further services, description.

Yachting Kroton Club

Yachting Kroton Club is a non-profit making yachting club founded in 1990 by a group of sea enthusiasts who desired to promote marine culture, nautical activities and races, in addition to provide themselves with a nautical seat where to moor their recreational boats while offering some berths to transiting ones.

YKC offers 180 berths at the quay anf other 100 at piers, all equipped with water, electricity, Wi-Fi and mooring assistance for boats ranging from 1 up to 40 m. Draught varies from 3 up to 5 m.

The structure is under day and night surveillance and videosurveillance.

12-15 berths are generally reserved for transiting boats. Fees are very affordable because the association is a non-profit entity. For example, an annual berth for a 12 m boat is just 1626 euros.

The marina offers many services, such as toilets, showers, a laundry, bike rental, Wi-Fi, mooring assistance, day and night watchmen, help desk and kind staff.

Contacts: +393206115069

Yachting Kroton Club

Marina Yachting Kroton Club is a non-profit club so if you are a member of a sailing, motor or fishing sports federation you have the option of not paying VAT. Let us know in the comment section of your booking. YKC is one of the most renowned marinas for yachting in Crotone, Italy. Situated near the mouth of the Neto River and the Ionian Sea, the marina offers easy access to some of the most beautiful sights in the area. With 110 berths, the marina provides excellent mooring options for both small and large vessels.

Marina Yachting Kroton Club is one of the most renowned marinas for yachting in Crotone, Italy. Situated near the mouth of the Neto River and the Ionian Sea, the marina offers easy access to some of the most beautiful sights in the area. With 110 berths, the marina provides excellent mooring options for both small and large vessels. The marina is located near several interesting sights. The nearby Capo Colonna Archaeological Park offers a unique opportunity to explore ancient ruins. Visitors can also take advantage of excursions to the nearby Santa Severina Castle, an imposing castle overlooking the Crati Valley. For those interested in shopping and dining, the marina is a short walk away from the historic center of Crotone. Here, visitors can enjoy the lively atmosphere of the many shops and restaurants in the area. Whether visitors wish to explore the nearby sights or shop in the center of Crotone, Marina Yachting Kroton Club provides an excellent opportunity to do so.

Marina Insights

Yachting Kroton Club is one of our partner marinas. Your berth will be reserved for you immediately after successful confirmation by the marina.

Weather at Yachting Kroton Club

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Amenities at Yachting Kroton Club

Entering the port keep right between the yellow buoys and the green lighthouse, the YKC will be in front of you on the right along the breakwater

Customer reviews

Opening hours of yachting kroton club, docking instructions.

Call +39 3206115069 to advise of your arrival so the sailors will be waiting for you on the piers to help you moor

Office is open from 8.30 to 20.00.

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Can i book a berth for my boat at yachting kroton club, how can i contact marina yachting kroton club.


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Yachting Kroton Club

  • Max Length 40 m

You can reach Yachting Kroton Club by calling VHF72.

Yachting Kroton Club is also known as Yacht Club Kroton and it is located in the capital of the province of Crotone which wears the same name and in the region of Calabria. This touristic marina offers its visitors and boat owners the chance to practise their favourite water sports in a special envi

Facilities of Yachting Kroton Club

  • Supermarket
  • Fuel station

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Weather in Yachting Kroton Club

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Yachting Kroton Club before your trip.

The neighborhood

Yachting Kroton Club is located in Calabria

A client will be refunded of 25% from the amount paid for a reservation (here including berths and services booking) if he/she cancels the reservation minimum 15 full days before performing the check-in ONLY IF between the booking date and the check-in date there is an interval of minimum 30 full days

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yachting kroton club


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yachting kroton club

Yachting Kroton Club

Crotone, italy • 39° 4' 46" n | 17° 8' 17" e.

VHF Channel

Check-in Times

Check yourself in with the lockbox.

Kroton Club Yachting offers its guests and members a unique location and many services. The services are designed to make the stay more comfortable for those who have chosen to moor their boat at the YKC in Crotone. Other services, such as the use of the Club's headquarters, sailing boats and...

Utilities & Services

Only available at the marina.

The following utilities and services can only be booked once you arrive at the marina.

  • Water Supply
  • Electricity
  • Dry Dock Facility

Marina Approach Map

Calabria • italy.

Southern Italy includes the region of Calabria. It is a peninsula bordered to the north by Basilicata, to the east by the Ionian Sea, to the southwest by the Strait of Messina, which separates it from Sicily, and to the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea. The capital of the region is Catanzaro, and the elements of the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria are, in a nutshell, miles of wild coastline alternating with stretches of sand, charming villages overlooking the clear sea, and lively, bustling beach facilities. Even for the most demanding traveller, the Calabrian coastline offers a wide range of opportunities for relaxation and fun, and is ideal for any type of holiday.

Check-in: 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Checkout: 11:00 AM

Self check-in with lockbox

Health & safety

Committed to enhance the cleaning process

Social distancing and other COVID-19 related guidelines apply

Cancellation policy

Contact the harbormaster to get the cancellation details for this marina

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team

Yes you can. But the chances to get a berth will be much higher when booking in advance.

Welcome on board! Simply sign in on our website and give us some information on you and your boat. Then you are ready to go and book any berth.

Sure. If you need to know any more details on your stay or on how to safely navigate into the certain marina, feel free to contact the harbour master on your chat window. They usually reply withing minutes.

Welcome to the Metarina community! To sign up simply go to our website and give us some information about yourself, crew and your boat.

We are always reachable under: [email protected]


Yachting Kroton Club – Crotone – Porto Vecchio

General data.

Maximum Draft:

Harbor access hours:

Maximum boat length:

Quayside Services

Other services, description.

Yachting Kroton Club

The Yachting Kroton Club is a nonprofit nautical club, formed in 1990 by a group of enthusiasts who intended, united by a common passion for the sea, to spread seafaring culture, promote instructive and competitive nautical activities as well as to equip themselves with a nautical headquarters where they could moor the club’s pleasure boats and also offer mooring and services to those in transit. For mooring, the YKC has 185 ml of dock and 100 ml of piers with running water, electricity, Wi-Fi, mooring assistance etc. for boats from 1 to 40 m with depths from 3 to 5 m. Guarding is both day and night and assisted with cameras.

A minimum of 12 to 15 seats are consistently reserved for transit. The prices are absolutely among the lowest that can be found, precisely because the association is nonprofit and the income is used only to cover living expenses.

tariifa year 12 mt 1626 €

Among the services offered are : toilets and showers , laundry, bike rental, Wi-Fi, mooring assistance, day and night manning, open venue and guaranteed availability and hospitality. dockside contacts +393206115069

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Do you need to sell your boat? You are in the right place! is in fact the largest online portal on recreational boating and in this section you will be able to write your ad for free if you want to sell your boat. Adding a new sales message is very simple and intuitive as is finding a boat you are interested in buying, but to make your listing even more appealing, we want to give you some general but important pointers that you can follow if you wish.

First of all, try to personalize your ad , describing the history of the boat and perhaps the reason why you are selling it, this way you will gain more trust from the reader.

You can call it “half-new” if it is almost new, or “used” by specifying whether or not it is in good condition. It indicates the condition of the engines, the year of registration , how many owners it has had-most importantly, it indicates whether the boat has been owned by a single owner : it increases interest to those reading the ad.

The goodness of your craft must shine through in your message, because before you can convince someone, you yourself must be convinced that the product is good.

It is important that no spelling errors are made in the advertisement, so reread the message well before putting it online. The language then must be clear and simple, understandable to all.

It serves to attract interest and induce the reader to continue reading; it is the most important part and should summarize in one line the whole message we want to give. Unfortunately, you don’t have much chance to stand out much except with something really original to attract attention. So focus on truly original details of the boat , its real qualities: in the portal this brief summary will appear by hovering over the picture of the boat with the mouse.

It is important to clearly include the general record of the vessel. Always enter: shipyard, model, length, width, draft, engines, number of cabins, year of construction, price.

In the boat sheet accurately enter all boat details, standard and extra equipment. It is useful to communicate many details and details for those who are really interested and will continue reading beyond the first few lines.

Suggest to the reader who wants to buy the best features of your craft , and do not indicate-unless it is necessary to inform the buyer in advance-information that might negatively influence the reader.

Always indicate the price . Unless you absolutely do not want to deal, we recommend adding the words “price negotiable” which gives an incentive for the buyer to contact you.


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yachting kroton club


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Yachting Kroton Club

Country information and cruising grounds guide, adac marina classification, technical equipment & service, catering, provisioning/shopping & leisure, facts & figures, max. allowed draught, max. allowed length overall, berth water level (+/-), jetty lighting, navigation lights, max. changes in water level, max. current (kn), characteristics.

Marina closed at night. Marina guarded at night.

Services and connections

Fresh water at berth, wifi connection (available from boat), trockenliegeplätze, crane/travel lift, ship chandler, electrical equipment for boats, boat charter, diesel filling station, petrol filling station, supermarket, leisure time, yachten ab dieser destination, harbour master, availability, contact information.

Coldwell Banker Home Page

5231 Beach Drive Se #A,  Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

Trish Bannister

Keller Williams Realty- Palm H

Last updated:

September 17, 2024, 07:05 PM

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About This Home

***RARE OPPORTUNITY! 14’ WIDE DOCK WITH A 16,000lb LIFT is ALSO available for purchase with this condo unit MLS U8255880*** This beautiful FIRST FLOOR 2-bedroom, 1-bath condo offers the perfect blend of coastal living and modern comfort. Step inside to a spacious, open-concept layout that seamlessly connects the living, dining, and the updated kitchen with its stainless-steel appliances. Enjoy serene WATER VIEWS from your living room or your oversized paver patio, ideal for relaxing with a morning coffee or enjoying evening cocktails. Facing N/NE, this patio is shaded virtually year round and being ground floor, allows owners to have a grill! Both bedrooms offer a spacious and bright retreat and the bathroom is beautifully updated. Updates include; IN-UNIT WASHER AND DRYER, deep kitchen sink with garbage disposal, bedroom fan, new carpet and a 4x8 storage shed on the patio for additional storage. ***Immerse yourself in the luxurious RESORT-STYLE AMENITIES of this gated community… Enjoy cocktails and dinner at the exclusive two-story Waterside Yacht Club, which offers a full liquor sports bar, nightly specials in the restaurant and gorgeous water views. This community also features two pools (one located next to the Yacht Club with stunning views of the Bay!!), a heated spa, sauna, state-of-the-art fitness center, and various recreational activities like shuffleboard, basketball, volleyball, tennis and pickleball (freshly repaved!), and dog park. Enjoy fishing from the pier or exploring the community's 3 miles of waterfront walking paths. Paddleboard and Kayak racks are available for rent*** Located just minutes from downtown St. Petersburg, this pet-friendly community offers easy access to the vibrant city center or enjoy sun-soaked days at St. Pete Beach. This convenient location has quick access to Tampa, Tampa International Airport and St. Pete/Clearwater International Airport . Don't miss this opportunity to own your waterfront dream home!!

Built in 1979

Price Summary

$483 per Sq. Ft.

Last Updated:

Rooms & Interior

Total Bedrooms:

Total Bathrooms:

Full Bathrooms:

Living Area:

825 Sq. Ft.

Building Area:

Year Built:

Finances & Disclosures

Price per Sq. Ft:

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St. Petersburg Yacht Club

11 Central Ave, Saint Petersburg, FL

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Yachting Kroton Club

N°8 in Calabria

Types of moorings

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Stern to dock

Services and equipments


Sewage water facility

Video surveillance

Night watchman

Ice for sale

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Harbor master's office hours

Places to visit during your stopover.

Le castella

Le castella

The community's opinion

Below are the reviews added by Navily users on the marina Yachting Kroton Club. Download our free application on your smartphone to share your own experience with the community.


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  3. Yachting Kroton Club in Crotone, Italia, Italy

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  5. Yachting Kroton Club in Crotone, Italia, Italy

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  1. Yachting Kroton Club asd

    Lo Yachting Kroton Club è un' associazione sportiva dilettantistica senza finalità di lucro, fondata nel 1990 da un gruppo di appassionati. Essi intendevano, uniti dalla comune passione per il mare, diffondere la cultura marinara, promuovere attività nautiche istruttive ed agonistiche nonché dotarsi di una sede nautica ove poter ...

  2. Marina Yachting Kroton Club on Navily

    The Yachting Kroton Club asd is a non-profit amateur sports association founded in 1990 by a group of enthusiasts. It has about 100 Members and currently manages a total of 140 places. As required by regulations more than 10% of the places are permanently dedicated to transit.

  3. Yachting Kroton Club in Crotone, Italia, Italy

    Yachting Kroton Club , Crotone, Italia, Italy Marina. Find marina reviews, phone number, boat and yacht docks, slips, and moorings for rent at Yachting Kroton Club .

  4. ports

    Yachting Kroton Club. Yachting Kroton Club is a non-profit making yachting club founded in 1990 by a group of sea enthusiasts who desired to promote marine culture, nautical activities and races, in addition to provide themselves with a nautical seat where to moor their recreational boats while offering some berths to transiting ones.

  5. Yachting Kroton Club

    Berth reservation and booking in Yachting Kroton Club (Crotone, Italy). Best customer service, best prices online, unforgetable trips

  6. Book a boat slip at Yachting Kroton Club with Navily

    Yachting Kroton Club (138 ratings) Yachting Kroton Club (138 ratings) N°6 in Calabria. 39° 4.75' N, 17° 8.28' E Available on. Navily is the leading cruising guide in Europe with +300,000 contributions on anchorages and marinas. Easily book a berth in our partner marinas in more than 20 countries. Navigation.

  7. Yachting Kroton Club

    Yachting Kroton Club is also known as Yacht Club Kroton and it is located in the capital of the province of Crotone which wears the same name and in the region of Calabria. This touristic marina offers its visitors and boat owners the chance to practise their favourite water sports in a special envi

  8. Yachting Kroton Club

    Kroton Club Yachting offers its guests and members a unique location and many services. The services are designed to make the stay more comfortable for those who have chosen to moor their boat at the YKC in Crotone. Other services, such as the use of the Club's headquarters, sailing boats and...

  9. Yachting Kroton Club

    Docking in Calabria, port of Crotone! On you can find useful information about ports and anchorages in Calabria!

  10. Yachting Kroton Club

    Alle Details zum Anlegen im Yachthafen „Yachting Kroton Club" in Crotone (KR), Italien, Kalabrien Ostküste. Infos für Skipper wie Tiefgang, Anzahl Gastliegeplätze, Telefon, VHF und zur nautischen Infrastruktur.

  11. Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

    Enjoy cocktails and dinner at the exclusive two-story Waterside Yacht Club, which offers a full liquor sports bar, nightly specials in the restaurant and gorgeous water views. This community also features two pools (one located next to the Yacht Club with stunning views of the Bay!!), a heated spa, sauna, state-of-the-art fitness center, and ...

  12. Home

    Situated in a bustling arts community on the downtown St. Petersburg waterfront, the St. Petersburg Yacht Club has been a part of the sailing community for over 100 years. We pride ourselves in creating a relaxed private club atmosphere with a warm, friendly, family-oriented environment. We offer a wide variety of social activities and our ...

  13. St. Petersburg Sailing Center

    The St. Petersburg Sailing Center offers adult and youth programs, special events and community memberships for sailing enthusiasts. It is not affiliated with the St. Pete Yacht Club, which is a private club for yacht owners and sailors.

  14. 5231 Beach Drive SE #A, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

    MLS# TB8300143 Description for 5231 Beach Drive SE #A, Saint Petersburg, FL, 33705 ***RARE OPPORTUNITY! 14' WIDE DOCK WITH A 16,000lb LIFT is ALSO available for purchase with this condo unit MLS U8255880*** This beautiful FIRST FLOOR 2-bedroom, 1-bath condo offers the perfect blend of coastal living and modern comfort.

  15. Marina Yachting Kroton Club on Navily

    Below are the reviews added by Navily users on the marina Yachting Kroton Club. Download our free application on your smartphone to share your own experience with the community. Hospitality. 4.7/5. Cleanliness. 4.3/5. Services. 4.3/5. Shops. 4/5. Tourism. 3.6/5. Disponible sur.

  16. Sailing into History: The St. Petersburg Yacht Club

    Learn about the origins, achievements and challenges of the St. Petersburg Yacht Club, founded in 1909 and located on Bayshore Drive. Discover how the club hosted races, social events and famous members over the years.

  17. St. Petersburg Yacht Club

    A historic Yacht Club in the center of Downtown Saint Petersburg, Florida. We are right in the heart of the city, close to many different hotels, restaurants, shops and nightlife. We are within walking distance of the majority of downtown activity, which makes it the perfect destination for your wedding weekend.

  18. 5231 Beach Dr SE #A Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

    For Sale - 5231 Beach Dr SE #A, Saint Petersburg, FL - $399,000. View details, map and photos of this condo property with 2 bedrooms and 1 total baths. MLS# TB8300143.

  19. Yacht Club of Saint-Petersburg

    The philosophy of the yacht club is to cherish the heritage of the nautical culture and the naval history of Russia and the whole world, as well as to pass them on to the next generations. Product Feature Crewsaver Supersafe 150N . Boats for sale Phantom 1468

  20. Marina Yachting Kroton Club on Navily

    Yachting Kroton Club (77 ratings) Yachting Kroton Club (77 ratings) N°7 in Calabria. 39° 4.75' N, 17° 8.28' E Types of moorings. Mooring lines. Stern to dock. Services and equipments. Electricity. Water. Showers.

  21. Contact Us

    Physical Address: 250 2nd Ave SE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Mailing Address: 11 Central Ave. St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Phone: 727-822-3113. Click Here to Email Us

  22. Commodores

    PETERSBURG YACHT CLUB 1916-1918 Frank C. Carley 1938 Eugene S. Bennett 1923 A.P. Avery 1939 J. Clark Coit 1927-1928 Tom J. Heller 1943 J. Shirley Gracy 1932-1933 Leon D. Lewis 1947 Weyman Willingham 1921 Lew B. Brown 1925 A.L. Gandy 1941 D.C. Robertson 1930 L.L. McMasters 1945-1946 Robert B. Lassing 1936 Al D. Strum