Superyacht sinks latest: Investigators reveal where bodies were found as probe looks at 'crew's responsibility'

Italian officials revealed at a news conference there could be "a question of manslaughter" as they opened a shipwreck investigation and said the probe is also looking at the "crew's responsibility".

Saturday 24 August 2024 18:33, UK

  • Superyacht sinking

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  • Prosecutor: There 'could be a question of manslaughter'
  • Probe 'concentrating' on crew's responsibility
  • Seven bodies recovered after five-day search of superyacht wreckage off Sicily
  • Saturday's papers pay tribute to youngest victim Hannah Lynch
  • Hannah's sister pays tribute to 'my little angel'
  • Explained: Inside the superyacht | What challenges have faced divers?
  • Eyewitness: Sombre scenes greet rescue teams as final body is brought ashore
  • Live reporting by Niamh Lynch

We're ending our live coverage for this evening but here is a recap of what we know:

  • Prosecutors have opened a manslaughter investigation into the Bayesian sinking;
  • Officials have revealed more details on their investigation and the difficult five-day rescue mission;
  • The six bodies found during the search in recent days were all in cabins on the left-hand - and highest - side of the ship. Five were found in the first cabin and the sixth was found in the third;
  • Prosecutors said the six passengers were most likely asleep when the boat sank;
  • The probe is now focusing on the crew and their responsibilities, with the captain set to undergo more questioning.

Monday 19 August

The Bayesian yacht, flying a British flag, sinks at around 5am local time when the area was hit by a tornado.

Fifteen people are rescued from the 56 metre vessel - including a mother and baby - but another seven remain missing.

One body, later confirmed to be the yacht's chef Recaldo Thomas, is found near the wreck.

It emerges that British technology tycoon Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah are among six people that remain missing.

Tuesday 20 August

The search continues for the six tourists missing.

It is reported that among those missing are Morgan Stanley International chairman Jonathan Bloomer; his wife, Judy Bloomer; Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo; and his wife, Neda Morvillo.

Police divers try to reach the hull of the ship, resting at a depth of 50 metres.

Italy's fire brigade Vigili del Fuoco say early inspections of the wreck were "unsuccessful" because of limited access to the bridge and furniture obstructing passages.

The operation is later described as "complex", with divers limited to 12-minute underwater shifts.

Tributes pour in for Mr Thomas, with his friend Gareth Williams saying: "I can talk for everyone that knew him when I say he was a well-loved, kind human being with a calm spirit."

Wednesday 21 August

The search for the six people unaccounted for enters a third day, with crews carrying out inspections of the yacht's internal hull.

A team of four British inspectors from the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) arrive in Porticello to look at the site of the sinking.

A helicopter is drafted in to help with the search effort and remotely controlled underwater vehicles are being used, with naval units and cave divers also taking part in the search.

Five bodies are found inside the yacht on Wednesday afternoon. Only four of them are brought to shore.

Body bags are seen being taken to Porticello in the afternoon where dozens of emergency services staff wait.

Searches finish for the day just before 7.30pm.

Thursday 22 August

The search resumes for the remaining missing person.

The body of the fifth missing person, found but not recovered the previous day, is brought to shore.

A fire service boat with flashing blue lights returns with a blue body bag to the port of Porticello just after 8.45am local time on Thursday.

Tributes pour in for Mr Lynch and Mr and Mrs Bloomer after they are identified as having died.

The search is called off at around 8pm in Sicily, with divers expected to begin again at 6.30am on Friday.

Friday 23  August

The search continues for the final person missing from the wreck of the Bayesian, Hannah Lynch.

Vincenzo Zagarola, of the Italian Coastguard, says the search for Hannah has not been "easy or quick", comparing the sunken yacht to an "18-storey building full of water".

The coastguard confirms in the late morning that her body has been found.

A green body bag is brought to the port of Porticello from the site of the sinking.

A spokesperson announces on behalf of the Lynch family that they are "devastated" and "in shock" after the deaths of Mike and Hannah.

Hannah's sister Esme pays tribute to her "little angel".

Saturday 24 August

A press conference is held in the court of an Italian town, Termini Imerese.

Public prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio tells reporters that his office has opened an initial investigation against unknown persons into manslaughter and negligent shipwreck.

As the focus now turns to the manslaughter investigation, here's another reminder of the seven victims of the sinking and the 15 people who survived. 

A close friend of the Lynch family has added to the chorus of tributes for British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, who died in Monday's superyacht sinking.

Susannah Gurdun, who lives in Suffolk, recalled being "daunted" when she first met Mr Lynch at a dinner party, before discovering he was "so much more than the corporate cliche".

"He was riveting.  He was funny, and kind, and endlessly interesting; capable of talking about anything and everything," she said.

Ms Gardun said the businessman also had a "thrilling ability" to make complicated subjects "accessible to those of us less blessed with a science acumen".

"In particular, he was wonderful with children.  I will never forget hearing him explain to a group of them - including our ten year old son - the physics of why the sky went pink at sunset," she said.

She went on describe Mr Lynch as a "true genius" and "phenomenal creative".

Ms Gardun said his daughter Hannah was also showing "serious literary promise", and added that it was "beyond tragic that we will never know where her own particular brilliance might have led".

"I still feel blessed to have shared that time with them in Spain.  Not just because I witnessed Mike’s incredible storytelling; but because I was given a chance of understanding what that moment said about all four of them as a united vibrant loving family," she said.

"He was an extraordinary human being and it was - truly - a privilege to have known him."

A yacht crew member who survived the sinking has paid tribute to Hannah Lynch, calling her a "diamond in a sea of stars".

Sasha Murray, chief stewardess of the Bayesian, has released a statement after divers recovered the final missing body from the wreckage, which is believed to be 18-year-old Hannah.

"Those who knew her will know that Hannah was a diamond in a sea of stars," she said.

"Bright, beautiful and always shining. What most people may not have seen was the extraordinarily strong, deep and loving relationship she shared with her parents, whom she adored more than anything. 

"While swimming with them she often said, if anything ever happened she would save them. 

"I have no doubt that the Irish, Latina fire that burns in her soul kept that spirited determination alive."

Ms Murray's statement comes as a new image of Hannah Lynch and her father Mike Lynch is released:

Prosecutors announced in this morning's news conference that they have opened a manslaughter and negligent shipwreck investigation.

Officials were unable to answer several queries from the media, saying they needed time to establish the facts, but what are the key questions facing prosecutors? 

Why weren't passengers who remained on board the vessel warned about escaping from the yacht?

The prosecutor in charge of the case, Raffaele Cammarano, suggested that some passengers may have been asleep when others were awake.

Asked why they were not woken up or alerted, he said that is something investigators are trying to work out from the statements of the survivors.

He called it an "essential" part of the inquiry.

Why were several of the passengers in one cabin?

The press conference heard several bodies onboard the sunken yacht were found in a single cabin which was not theirs.

Mr Cammarano said investigators currently do not know the reason for them being discovered in the same cabin.

The chief of the Palermo fire service, Bentivoglio Fiandra, said the yacht pinned to the right and suggested people tried to go on the other side, taking refuge in cabins in the higher part of the wreck.

Why did the boat sink?

The vessel had been deemed "unsinkable" by its manufacturer - Italian shipyard Perini Navi.

The Bayesian was hit by a downburst, according to Mr Cammarano, which are powerful winds that descend from a thunderstorm and spread out quickly once they hit the ground.

Officials will look into the safety equipment on the sunken vessel.

Mr Cammarano was asked about whether there is a black box and if the hatches were left open.

He said investigators do not have exact information about the black box and that the first phase of the inquiry will look into it.

Why were nearby vessels not similarly affected?

Another yacht, the Sir Robert BP, was about 150 to 200 metres from the Bayesian when extreme weather hit.

Its crew helped to rescue 15 people from the stricken vessel.

Italian officials said they would be looking at how the downburst could affect one vehicle and not other nearby vessels.

What weather warnings was the Bayesian alerted to?

Maritime director of western Sicily, Rear Admiral Raffaele Macauda, said the weather at the time of the yacht's sinking was abnormal and there was nothing to suggest such an extreme situation would arise.

He said there were forecasts of winds and a storm alert, but there was no warning of a tornado.

"Given that the conditions were such, there wasn't anything to suggest there could be an extreme situation arising," he said.

"There are vessels that can monitor, after all, these events and one would have thought that the captain had taken precautions."

How long will it take to recover the sailing vessel?

Mr Macauda could not confirm how long it would take to retrieve the shipwreck of the sunken yacht.

"Everything depends on the availability of the owners and the timeframe of the retrieval of the wreck and of course all that has to be submitted to the port authorities and in parallel of course there will be the inquiry results and it's only really then that we will be able to authorise the operation," he said.

"I can't say, like some experts who have already spoken on the subject, [said] that it will be eight weeks."

He made clear that the owners will bear the full cost of retrieval, although he could not estimate the figure.

Italian authorities detailed the challenging and meticulous rescue operation to recover the six missing people from the Bayesian wreck (see 9.18am post).

But why was the five-day search so difficult? 

Read more below...

More on this morning's press conference. 

One of the main updates from prosecutors was that they have opened manslaughter and shipwreck investigations after the deaths of seven people in the Bayesian sinking. 

Watch the announcement below...

Prosecutors have given a lengthy news conference this morning on their investigation into the sinking of the Bayesian. 

Read the full report on the prosecutors' probe below...

Marine investigator James Wilkes has been speaking to Sky News after this morning's press conference.

"Naturally, there are more questions than there are substantive answers at the moment - that's the nature of investigative work.

"Something forced that yacht to roll beyond its nominal stability limits, such that it wasn't able to right itself with the ingress of a certain amount of seawater that was coming into the yacht. 

"So the investigators are going to ask themselves one initial question - what must the conditions have been for this to happen? 

"Then they are going to look at the contributing factors to the yacht, sinking, and, and the unfortunate loss of life." 

Prosecutors said this morning that the future of the investigation is reliant on recovering the wreck. 

Mr Wilkes said the yacht is a "major piece of physical evidence in and of itself." 

"It's lying at 50 metres, which is a recoverable depth. 

"If it was significantly deeper, then I'm not sure they'd be considering salvage at this stage or certainly, the salvage question would be a lot more complicated to answer. 

"But if there was the ability to raise that yacht in one piece safely, then it gives the investigators physically more to look at."

Mr Wilkes said he was unsure if the yacht would have a "black box" - called a voyage data recorder in shipping. 

"It would record things like GPS position, heading speed, engine telemetry, whether the radars were on, what they were recording, alarms, communications from the yacht itself, any audio on the bridge.

"But more often than not, these are on merchant ships. The yacht was a commercial yacht in the sense that it could be chartered out so it's quite possible it has a voyage data recorder on, but I'm not sure that it does. I don't know that as a matter of fact," he said.

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Yacht affondato, il momento del naufragio ripreso dalle telecamere di sorveglianza. VIDEO

Mentre proseguono le ricerche dei sei dispersi, le squadre di speleo-sommozzatori dei vigili del fuoco sono riuscite ad aprire un varco nello scafo per ispezionare il relitto. I superstiti sono ospitati all’hotel Domina-Zagarella di Santa Flavia (Palermo), diventato un quartier generale di emergenza per investigatori e soccorritori 

Il vento, la pioggia battente, l’albero della barca in lontananza e poi più nulla. Il tragico momento del naufragio della barca a vela Bayesian è stato ripreso dalle telecamere di sorveglianza di una villa che si trova a 200 metri dal luogo del naufragio e diffuso dal Giornale di Sicilia . "In appena sessanta secondi si vede che la nave sparisce”, racconta il proprietario della villa. “Casualmente dopo il clamore della notizia ho guardato le telecamere. Me lo hanno detto i miei figli. Di una ventina di telecamere installate nell'abitazione solo una non è stata disturbata dal vento e dalla pioggia. Si vede benissimo quello che succede. Per l'imbarcazione non c'è stato nulla da fare. È sparita in pochissimo tempo". 

Proseguono le ricerche dei dispersi

Lo yacht a vela Bayesian è affondato alle 4 della notte di lunedì 19 agosto. Le immagini degli impianti di videosorveglianza mostrano l’albero e lo scafo illuminati in lontananza. Piove forte e c’è vento ma l’albero sembra stabile. Poi all’improvviso arriva la tromba d’aria e la barca scompare nella tempesta. Intanto in mattinata sono riprese le ricerche dei sei dispersi, tre uomini e tre donne. Le squadre di speleo-sommozzatori dei vigili del fuoco sono riuscite ad aprire un varco nello scafo per proseguire le ispezioni del relitto che si trova adagiato a una profondità di circa 50 metri. L’hotel Domina-Zagarella di Santa Flavia (Palermo) è diventato un vero e proprio quartier generale per investigatori e soccorritori. Lì sono anche ospitati i superstiti, assistiti anche dal personale dell'hotel, che saranno ascoltati dagli inquirenti come testimoni dell’accaduto.

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Naufragio Palermo, affonda lo yacht Bayesian: la barca a vela da sogno

Lunga 56 metri, può ospitare 12 passeggeri

Il veliero qualche ora prima della tragedia

La barca a vela affondata nelle acque siciliane di Porticello, in provincia di Palermo, è il Bayesian . Si tratta di uno yacht di lusso costruito nel 2008 e sottoposto a restyling nel 2020. Secondo le informazioni reperibili in rete, il Bayesian è lungo 56 metri ed è in grado di ospitare 12 passeggeri che alloggiano in 6 suite. I membri dell'equipaggio possono essere anche 10, in base alle esigenze.

Lo yacht, che batte bandiera britannica, è costruito con uno scafo in alluminio e una sovrastruttura in alluminio, con ponti in legno. L'imbarcazione può essere spinta da due motori diesel MTU (8V 2000 M72) a 8 cilindri da 965 cavalli. Può raggiungere na velocità massima di 15 nodi con un'autonomia fino a 3.600 miglia nautiche.

Il sito documenta gli ultimi spostamenti dello yacht. L'ultima segnalazione aggiornata alla notte tra il 18 e il 19 agosto faceva riferimento all'ancoraggio. Il Bayesian, secondo l'archivio del sito, ha navigato tra il 5 e il 9 agosto. L'ultima 'toccata' a Milazzo risale al 14 agosto.

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Baracuda Valletta Charter Yacht

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Baracuda Valletta

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50m  /  164'1   perini navi   2009.

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Cabin Configuration

Special Features:

  • Impressive 4,837nm range
  • Two VIP cabins
  • Interior design from Perini Navi
  • Sleeps 10 guests
  • 6.1m/20' Tender
Lap up the natural splendor of your surroundings in the utmost comfort onboard sail yacht Baracuda Valletta

The 50m/164'1" sail yacht 'Baracuda Valletta' by the Italian shipyard Perini Navi offers flexible accommodation for up to 10 guests in 5 cabins and features interior styling by Italian designer Perini Navi.

A majestic sight at sea, Baracuda Valletta effortlessly combines classic looks with superb modern amenities, boasting expansive sunbathing areas and alfresco dining opportunities to guests.

Guest Accommodation

Built in 2009, Baracuda Valletta offers guest accommodation for up to 10 guests in 5 suites comprising a master suite, two VIP cabins and two twin cabins. There are 7 beds in total, including 1 king, 2 queen and 4 singles. She is also capable of carrying up to 8 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht charter experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Whatever your activities on your charter, you'll find some impressive features are seamlessly integrated to help you including Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing you to stay connected at all times, should you wish. You can stay comfortable on board whatever the weather, with air conditioning during your charter.

Performance & Range

Baracuda Valletta is built with a aluminium hull and aluminium superstructure. Powered by twin Caterpillar engines, she comfortably cruises at 12 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 14 knots with a range of up to 4,837 nautical miles from her 40,000 litre fuel tanks.

When not cruising Baracuda Valletta has onboard an incredible selection of water toys and accessories for you and your guests to connect with the waters around you. Take to the sea on the Jet Skis offering you power and control on the water. Also there are waterskis that are hugely entertaining whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro. In addition there are SEABOBs, offering a truly remarkable experience that lets you skim along the surface or swim with the fishes quietly and safely. If that isn't enough Baracuda Valletta also features wakeboards, fishing equipment, scuba diving equipment and snorkelling equipment. When it comes to Tenders, Baracuda Valletta has you covered - with two tenders, including a 6.1m/20' Tender.

Based in the magical waters of the Mediterranean all year round Baracuda Valletta is ready for your next luxury yacht charter. Let Baracuda Valletta Discover the magical places, food and experiences of the the Mediterranean.

Luxury sail yacht Baracuda Valletta is one of a kind, offering world-class onboard amenities coupled with an overflowing toy box full of the latest water sports gear for unforgettable yacht charters wherever you are.


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Baracuda Valletta Photos

Baracuda Valletta Yacht 11

Length 50m / 164'1
Beam 10.52m / 34'6
Draft 9.79m / 32'1
Gross Tonnage 410 GT
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Builder Perini Navi
Model Custom
Exterior Designer Perini Navi
Interior Design Perini Navi, John Pawson

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Baracuda Valletta has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Baracuda Valletta is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 1 x 6.1m  /  20' Tender Mercury 150 HP engine
  • 1 x Lomac Tender 30 HP engine

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

Baracuda Valletta Awards & Nominations

  • The World Superyacht Awards 2010 Best Sailing Yacht in 45m+ size range Finalist
  • The ShowBoats Design Awards 2010 Interior Design Award: Sailing Yachts Finalist
  • The ShowBoats Design Awards 2010 Exterior Design & Styling Award: Sailing Yachts Finalist
  • The ShowBoats Design Awards 2010 Naval Architecture Award: Sailing Yachts Finalist
  • + shortlist

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

'Baracuda Valletta' Charter Rates & Destinations

Mediterranean Summer Cruising Region

Summer Season

May - September

€185,000 p/week + expenses Approx $198,500

High Season

€210,000 p/week + expenses Approx $225,000

Cruising Regions

Mediterranean Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Turkey

HOT SPOTS:   Amalfi Coast, Corsica, French Riviera, Mykonos, Sardinia

Mediterranean Winter Cruising Region

Winter Season

October - April

Charter Baracuda Valletta

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Aresteas charter yacht

51m | Yıldızlar Yachting

from $134,000 p/week ♦︎

Bahriyeli C charter yacht

Bahriyeli C

55m | Custom

from $20,000 p/week ♦︎

Pan Orama II charter yacht

Pan Orama II

50m | Elthom

POA ♦︎

Perseus charter yacht

50m | Perini Navi

from $165,000 p/week

Q charter yacht

52m | Alloy Yachts

from $263,000 p/week ♦︎

Alila Purnama charter yacht

Alila Purnama

46m | Custom

from $87,500 p/week

Almyra II charter yacht

from $195,000 p/week ♦︎

Asolare charter yacht

47m | Hodgdon Yachts

from $99,000 p/week ♦︎

Blush charter yacht

45m | Perini Navi

from $150,000 p/week

Carpe Diem V charter yacht

Carpe Diem V

47m | Carpe Diem

from $35,000 p/week ♦︎

Drumbeat charter yacht

53m | Alloy Yachts

from $175,000 p/week

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection



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I cinque yacht più costosi del mondo, la classifica

Gli yacht più costosi al mondo incarnano lusso estremo, con oro, tecnologie avanzate e design esclusivi, diventando simboli galleggianti di potere

Francesca Secci


Giornalista pubblicista con esperienza in redazioni rilevanti, è specializzata in economia, finanza e geopolitica.

Nel mondo esclusivo della nautica di lusso, gli yacht non rappresentano semplicemente un mezzo per attraversare gli oceani, ma sono veri e propri monumenti galleggianti al potere e alla ricchezza . Qui, ogni metro quadrato non è solo progettato per il comfort, ma per ostentare uno status che va ben oltre l’immaginabile. Tra materiali preziosi come l’oro e sistemi di sicurezza militari, queste imbarcazioni incarnano una fusione perfetta tra tecnologia, design e sfarzo. In questo viaggio nelle acque più dorate, esploreremo i cinque yacht più costosi al mondo.

History Supreme – 4,4 miliardi di euro

yacht history supreme

Lo History Supreme è lo yacht che lascia senza parole, non solo per il suo prezzo ma per i materiali che lo compongono: oro massiccio e platino per un totale di 100.000 kg. Realizzato dal designer britannico Stuart Hughes, questo gioiello di 30 metri racchiude particolari che sembrano usciti da una fiaba dell’eccesso, come una parete fatta con frammenti di meteorite e una scultura ottenuta da ossa di dinosauro. Più che una barca, una celebrazione dell’opulenza portata all’estremo. A confronto, quello di Mark Zuckerberg sembra una normalissima barca.

Questo yacht sfoggia una gamma di dettagli che sfidano l’immaginazione: il ponte, l’ancora, i corrimano e persino la sala da pranzo sono interamente realizzati in metalli preziosi. Il fiore all’occhiello è la cabina principale, le cui pareti sono impreziosite da pietra meteoritica e un frammento autentico di osso di dinosauro T-Rex​.

Eclipse – 1,4 miliardi di euro


Se il nome Eclipse non vi dice niente, basta guardare chi lo possiede: il magnate russo Roman Abramovich . Con i suoi 162 metri di lunghezza, questa mega-imbarcazione rappresenta un trionfo di sicurezza e comfort, dotata di due eliporti, una discoteca privata, piscine, e persino un sottomarino. La sicurezza è curata nei minimi dettagli: vetri antiproiettile e sistemi di rilevazione missilistica. Abramovich non ha solo comprato un gioiello del mare, ma una vera e propria fortezza galleggiante.

Flying Fox – 500 milioni di euro

Flying Fox

Il Flying Fox, lungo 136 metri, è uno dei superyacht più costosi e lussuosi al mondo. Tra le sue caratteristiche, spiccano una spa di 400 metri quadrati, una piscina di 12 metri e ben 11 mini-appartamenti. Avvistato spesso nelle acque italiane, come a Capri, è un simbolo del lusso contemporaneo. Gli interni offrono una combinazione di relax e raffinatezza mai vista su una nave.

Azzam – 554 milioni di euro

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Con i suoi 180 metri di lunghezza, Azzam è uno degli yacht più imponenti e veloci mai costruiti, e il suo costo supera lo yacht a forma di cigno . Di proprietà della famiglia reale degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, questo gigante del mare può raggiungere una velocità di oltre 30 nodi, grazie alla combinazione di tecnologie all’avanguardia e un design ultra-elegante firmato da Nauta Yachts. Gli interni, progettati da Christophe Leoni, sono un omaggio al lusso più raffinato, senza compromessi.

Dubai – 369 milioni di euro

Commissionato inizialmente dal principe Jefri Bolkiah del Brunei e oggi di proprietà dello sceicco Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum , il Dubai è un altro colosso dei mari. Con i suoi 162 metri, si distingue per i dettagli architettonici, come la spettacolare scala centrale e la piscina con piastrelle decorative che sembrano opere d’arte. Gli interni, arricchiti da materiali pregiati, offrono il massimo della sontuosità, rendendo questo yacht una delle imbarcazioni più ammirate nelle acque di tutto il mondo.

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spiaggia-ombrelloni (1)


Mediazione nella vendita, noleggio e locazione di barche nuove ed usate. Nella nautica dal 1985.

Bruno abbate primatist g41 g 41

Imbarcazioni Nuove

  • OPEN e HT (10)

Imbarcazioni Usate

  • OPEN e HT (221)
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I Nostri Servizi

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Leonardo Spingi Yacht Broker Mobile:  +39 347-3495605,               +39 327-6877978 Fax:      +39 0773 517965 [email protected]      [email protected]

Ultime novità inserite (Fly, Open e HT, Vela)

Fiart 38 genius

Fiart 38 genius

Baia flash 48 ht

Baia flash 48 ht

Abbate Primatist g36 g 36

Abbate Primatist g36 g 36

Hatteras 42 convertible

Hatteras 42 convertible

Sessa key largo 30

Sessa key largo 30

Mochi Europa

Mochi Europa

Innovazioni e progetti Alena 48

Innovazioni e progetti Alena 48

Oromarine audi sport rs 999 r

Oromarine audi sport rs 999 r

Innovazioni e progetti alena 48

Innovazioni e progetti alena 48

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  1. Bayesian (yacht)

    Bayesian was a flybridge sloop designed by Ron Holland and built with a 56 m (184 ft) aluminium hull and a single-masted cutter rig.The 75 m (246 ft) aluminium mast was especially designed for the yacht and at the time of construction was the world's tallest. The yacht had a lifting keel, allowing its draft to be reduced from 10 m to 4 m. [7] It was one of a number of similar vessels from the ...

  2. Bayesian yacht: Fifth body found in search for those missing from ...

    Angela Barcares, Mike Lynch's wife, survived. Speaking to the Italian daily La Repubblica while sitting in a wheelchair in a Sicilian hospital, Bacares said she was woken at 4 a.m. local time as ...

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    Leggi su Sky TG24 l'articolo Yacht affondato, il momento del naufragio ripreso dalle telecamere di sorveglianza. VIDEO. ... l'albero della barca in lontananza e poi più nulla.

  5. Sicily Bayesian yacht sinking

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  6. Bayesian, la barca a vela dei sogni affonda a Palermo

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  7. A Day Trip to Sabaudia: Discover Italy's Hidden Gem

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  8. SUERTE50

    La barca del momento, con uno stile unico e ben progettato . UN NUOVO RIFERIMENTO PER I 50 PIEDI DELLA CATEGORIA. Tre diversi ambienti per vivere il mare al meglio e in ogni contesto. SCOPRI SUERTE 50. ... 04016 Sabaudia(LT) - Italia. Proprietà di Massa Group SRL.

  9. Rizzardi Yachts (@rizzardiyachts) • Instagram photos and videos

    Via Migliara 51 nr. 212, Sabaudia 04016. ... In our shipyard, every yacht is a testament to a love for the sea and our pursuit of perfection. As we create bespoke nautical masterpieces, our legacy is reinforced with each new vessel. #rizzardiyachts #poweringthefuture #italianyachts #yachtdetails #yachttechnology ...

  10. About Us

    Yacht owners are not Clients, but rather partners with whom we develop a project, listening to their requests, interpreting them and offering solutions regarding the layout, the choice of materials and finishes, thus creating regular unique, tailored works, Every Rizzardi is unique. ... Sabaudia, loc. Porto Del Bufalo. 70,000 sqm Area (11,000 ...

  11. Company Info

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  12. Home di Rizzardi Yachts

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  13. Rizzardi Yachts

    Rizzardi Yachts, Sabaudia. 11,573 likes. Everything began more than 40 years ago thanks to the passion of a man, a family and a company which today is famous all over the world for their yachts. Rizzardi Yachts, Sabaudia. 11,573 likes. Everything began more than 40 years ago thanks to the passion of a man, a family and a company which today is...

  14. Baracuda Valletta Yacht Charter

    The 50m/164'1" sail yacht 'Baracuda Valletta' by the Italian shipyard Perini Navi offers flexible accommodation for up to 10 guests in 5 cabins and features interior styling by Italian designer Perini Navi. Offering an enticing combination of luxury and adventure, Baracuda Valletta has all the bells and whistles and a wealth of convivial social spaces for the ultimate sun-kissed yacht charter ...

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  16. Yachting Life Srl

    La nostra professione non è limitarsi alla pura vendita ma ti accompagniamo in tutte le complesse fasi della scelta della giusta imbarcazione. Dal 1977 trasformiamo i sogni in realtà.

  17. Filippetti Yacht barche in vendita su Sabaudia Italia

    Trova filippetti-yacht barche in vendita su Sabaudia Italia. 14 barche. Recensioni, articoli. 1 di 1 pagine. Italia IT. Stati Uniti Canada Australia Regno Unito Spagna Germania Francia Olanda Barche in vendita. Barche in vendita ... Filippetti Yacht Sport 55. 2024. Su richiesta. Filippetti Sport 55: built with the same care as superyachts but ...

  18. I cinque yacht più costosi del mondo, la classifica

    Più che una barca, una celebrazione dell'opulenza portata all'estremo. A confronto, quello di Mark Zuckerberg sembra una normalissima barca. Questo yacht sfoggia una gamma di dettagli che sfidano l'immaginazione: il ponte, l'ancora, i corrimano e persino la sala da pranzo sono interamente realizzati in metalli preziosi.

  19. Spingi-Yachting Broker Nautico

    Mediazione nella vendita, noleggio e locazione di barche nuove ed usate. Servizi per la nautica. Spingi-Yachting, via pisa snc - 04016 Sabaudia (lt) Fax: +39 0773 517965. Cell: +39 347 3495605 327 6877978

  20. Riva barche in vendita su Sabaudia Italia

    Trova riva barche in vendita su Sabaudia Italia. 19 barche. Recensioni, articoli. 1 di 2 pagine. Italia IT. Stati Uniti Canada Australia Regno Unito Spagna Germania Francia Olanda Barche in vendita. Barche in vendita; Barche nuove ... 19 Barche disponibili. Currency € - EUR ...

  21. Filo Yacht

    Filo Yacht, Sabaudia. 4,943 likes · 3 talking about this · 4,395 were here. Beyond any dream #filoyacht #design #yacht

  22. YACHT & HOME Tappezzeria


  23. Yacht Service srl

    Yacht Service srl, Sabaudia. 114 likes · 6 were here. La Yacht Service srl è un'azienda che si occupa prettamente di Rimessaggio, Refitting, Costruzione, Riparazioni e modifiche di ogni genere di...