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Valentino Rossi’s new yacht has been launched. The “Doctor” will sail on board a Sanlorenzo SX88

The utmost discretion regarding valentino rossi’s new yacht, launched in the sanlorenzo shipyard in ameglia, but it will only be ready in may. this is how much it cost.

yacht valentino rossi


What will be the yacht’s name.

Topics: Sanlorenzo , SX88 , Valentino Rossi

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Valentino Rossi tests his brand new yacht Titilla III while wondering about his MotoGP future!

We talked about it a few months ago in one of our articles and now we have absolute certainty. The Italian two-wheel champion Valentino Rossi has launched his new yacht with a first outing in the Adriatic Sea, off the Portonovo bay.

What, in all likelihood, will become the Titilla III, is a real jewel from the Sanlorenzo shipyards located in the city of La Spezia.

A not exciting start to the season

Started as a synonym for great changes, Valentino’s MotoGP season has not been a season full of successes up to now and indeed, The Doctor has had to deal with a long series of acclimatization problems first and then technical problems, which have not allowed him to take any satisfaction until today.

It is therefore easy to think that Valentino particularly appreciated the opportunity to test his new yacht by distracting himself from what may be his thoughts now, between present and future.

yacht valentino rossi

A decision to make

The latest rumors relating to the 42-year-old’s future in the world of motorcycle racing seem to outline more and more a puzzle probably destined to unravel only after races that precede the summer break of the world championship.

Even the last race held on the Sachsenring circuit did not bring significant improvements in performance, with Valentino always fighting for the lower middle positions of the standings.

At this point, the paths that the Italian champion seems to be able to take are basically two: continue to grit his teeth race by race, completing the 2021 season, or follow up on the rumors of a possible retirement already during this summer, thus setting a sudden end to one of the most glorious careers in the history of motorcycling.

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A tour in the company of his girlfriend Francesca Novello

The news spread thanks to the stories published on Instagram by Rossi’s partner, the Italian model Francesca Novello, who shared some shots with her beloved Valentino and some couple friends.

Thanks to the press journalists, it was then known that the chosen location to carry out, we hope the first of a long series of summer tours, has been the bay of Portonovo, an enchanting seaside resort located on the Italian Adriatic coast, just south of the city of Ancona.

yacht valentino rossi

Why Valentino Rossi bought the San Lorenzo SX88 yacht? 

As widely expected in recent months, the choice was for a model from the Italian company Sanlorenzo and precisely for the SX88 .

It is characterized by the wheelhouse positioned exclusively on the flybridge, leaving more space and more solutions to the main deck furnishings.

Related: MotoGP World Champion Valentino Rossi buys a new yacht! (Opens in a new browser tab)

With a length of 26.7 meters and a width of 7.2, It is powered by 3 800 horsepower engines with a fuel tank of over 9,000 liters. In terms of fuel consumption, this yacht requires about 300 liters per hour, reaching a maximum speed of 23 knots.

The larger size of this model allows it to accommodate up to 8 guests and 3 crew members.

What is certain is the basic cost of this yacht model, between 4 and 5 million euros. However, some well-informed swear that with the customizations requested by Valentino Rossi , the final price could be close to 9 million.

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Segui le dirette, i nostri social, continua ad esplorare, valentino rossi, ecco il suo nuovo yacht da 4,5 milioni.

Valentino Rossi, ecco il suo nuovo yacht da 4,5 milioni

La consegna sarà prevista per il prossimo mese di maggio, ma intanto Valentino Rossi ha potuto già assistere in videoconferenza al varo del suo nuovissimo yacht extralusso . Un gioiellino con lunghezza di 26,7 metri, larghezza di 7,2 e velocità massima di 23 nodi: il Sanlorenzo SX88 .

Il 9 volte campione del mondo, infatti, si è voluto regalare un’imbarcazione da 4,5 milioni di euro (esclusivi vari optional), in grado di ospitare ben 8 persone, cui si aggiungono anche 3 posti per l’equipaggio.

MotoGp, Lorenzo: "Avrei potuto costringere Valentino Rossi al ritiro"


La scelta del “Dottore” di affidarsi all’azienda spezzina nata nel 1958 sembra avere una sola ed unica direzione, ovvero quella di regalarsi un’ imbarcazione su misura senza compromessi . Sanlorenzo, infatti, costruisce solamente pochissime barche l’anno e tutte rigorosamente rivisitate in base ai gusti dei clienti.

Stando alle ultime indiscrezioni, quindi, il Sanlorenzo SX88 di colore bianco richiesto da Valentino Rossi – che molto probabilmente verrà ribattezzato Titilla III – avrà personalizzazioni tali da far salire il costo complessivo fino a 9 milioni di euro .


Il Sanlorenzo SX88 scelto da VR46 è una barca pensata per le lunghe navigazioni e fa parte della generazione Crossover dell’azienda. Le sue principali caratteristiche sono un infinito spazio di bordo , la timoneria posizionata esclusivamente sul flybridge, la possibilità di implementare una suite sul main deck, casse carburante da 9.300 litri e tre motori Volvo Penta IPS 1050 da 800 cv l’uno .

MotoGp, Melandri: "Rossi sarà protagonista. Marquez sta bene"

Da non perdere

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Valentino Rossi buys extravagant luxury yacht

Nine-time world champion Valentino Rossi has splashed out on a new luxury motor yacht worth somewhere north of €4.5 million (roughly $6.9 million AUD).

The MotoGP legend is no stranger to the high seas, but this latest nautical purchase may be one of his most extravagant yet.

yacht valentino rossi

Rossi witnessed the launch of his new Sanlorenzo SX88 via video conference, with the official delivery expected to take place in May.

The 27-metre motor yacht appears to be set up for long journeys on the water, with a 9,300-litre fuel tank and accommodation for eight guests and three crew members. The boat is powered by an 800hp Volvo Penta IPS engine, with a top speed of 23 knots.

yacht valentino rossi

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A quick look at the yacht on the Sanlorenzo website reveals a stylish interior with plenty of entertaining space, a sizable galley, spacious bathrooms, and luxurious bedrooms.

The Doctor’s has owned two previous yachts – dubbed Titilla I and Titilla II. It is expected that his new yacht will be christened Titilla III.

yacht valentino rossi

Rossi, who has been racing in the premier MotoGP class for twenty years, is seemingly coming to the end of his career as a professional motorcycle racer. The Italian was dropped from the factory Yamaha team in 2020 , and will race for the satellite Petronas team in 2021.

At the recent test in Qatar , Rossi showed good pace, but was still some way behind the frontrunners. The first race of the 2021 season takes place at the Losail circuit this weekend.

yacht valentino rossi

The Italian rider won his first premier-class championship in 2001 – the last time he raced for a satellite race team. He won a subsequent six world titles, his last coming in 2009. His last race win was in 2017, while he did achieve a podium in 2020 .

If the Doctor does indeed retire at the end of 2021, he’ll have a lot more time to travel the high seas and relax on his brand-new purchase.

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Valentino Rossi gifts himself an eight million euro yacht

Valentino Rossi gifts himself an eight million euro yacht

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Valentino Rossi has bought himself a belated Christmas present: a new yacht.

The Italian MotoGP star sold his Mochi Craft, which was 15 years old, to a French collector and is now going to get a new one.

According to the Italian newspaper Il Resto del Carlino, Rossi has ordered a Pershing, a luxury brand, from the company Ferretti.

This yacht is valued at eight million euros and is 30 metres in length.

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Rossi is regularly seen on these yachts with his girlfriend, Francesca Sofia Novello.

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Valentino Rossi buys new £1.4million yacht

MotoGP legend splashes out on new toy - just don't moor it next to Roman Abramovich's latest purchase

yacht valentino rossi

Don't come knockin' when Rossi's boat's a-rockin'

Abramovich's new boat, the Eclipse just 557ft long

YOU'RE LOOKING at Valentino Rossi's latest purchase: a £1.4million Pershing 56 luxury yacht.

The MotoGP superstar traded in his Pershing 50 foot yacht called Titilla to buy a new Pershing 56. Rossi's new toy boasts two engines that produce around 1300hp.

Titilla II is 18 metres long, 6 berth and is anchored at Vallugola Bay. If you wanted to rent one similar, you'd be looking at around £20,000 a week just for the boat, let alone fuel. It would cost around £3000 to fill up.

Impressive stuff, but mere chicken feed compared to Roman Abramovich's latest toy. The Russian oil tycoon's new boat, Eclipse, is a 557-footer reported to have cost a staggering £300million.

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Il nuovo yacht di Valentino Rossi: il momento del varo e il rito della bottiglia rotta

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23 marzo 2021 (modifica il 23 marzo 2021 | 05:20)


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Varato il nuovo yacht di Valentino Rossi: lusso da 4,5 milioni, che con le personalizzazioni...

Il 9 volte iridato ha assistito in collegamento alla messa in acqua del sanlorenzo sx88: è lungo quasi 27 metri, largo 7,2 e ha una velocità di 23 nodi.

Valentino Rossi, 42 anni, 9 titoli iridati

Al varo del suo nuovissimo yacht Sanlorenzo SX88, ad Ameglia (La Spezia), Valentino Rossi non era presente. Il campione della MotoGP ha assistito però in videoconferenza, mentre la consegna dell’imbarcazione, dopo l’allestimento e le prove in mare, dovrebbe avvenire a maggio.

La barca di Rossi, il modello SX88 dei cantieri spezzini Sanlorenzo, è stata messa in acqua il 22 marzo: in questo video il varo ufficiale con il rito propiziatorio della bottiglia rotta sullo scafo dello yacht, un gioiello di quasi 27 metri il cui valore si aggira sui 9 milioni di euro. L’imbarcazione può toccare una velocità di 23 nodi, circa 43 km/h

Con una lunghezza di 26,7 metri, una larghezza di 7,2 e una velocità massima di 23 nodi, l’SX88 – crossover dell’azienda spezzina guidata da Massimo Perotti - è caratterizzato dalla timoneria posizionata esclusivamente sul flybridge, così da lasciare maggior spazio e più soluzioni modulari nel ponte principale.

Un Sanlorenzo SX88 identico a quello acquistato da Valentino Rossi

Carissime personalizzazioni

Di un classico colore bianco e con un costo ‘base’ di 4,5 milioni di euro, pare che le personalizzazioni volute da Valentino abbiano fatto salire il costo fino a 9 milioni. Ovviamente, solo indiscrezioni. Tra l’altro i cantieri navali Sanlorenzo - come precisano dal loro sito - realizzano yacht dal 1958 e rappresentano la ‘boutique’ della nautica grazie ad una produzione limitata di pochi yacht all’anno, progettati e costruiti secondo le richieste, lo stile e i desideri di ogni singolo armatore.

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Valentino Rossi e Jorge Lorenzo in un duello del 2015. Ciam-Cast

La rivelazione di Jorge Lorenzo: "Con una clausola nel 2012 avrei fatto ritirare Rossi"

Per questo il campione della MotoGP si è rivolto a questa azienda. Il nuovo yacht dovrebbe essere battezzato Titilla III, sulla scia dei nomi delle due precedenti imbarcazioni del Dottore. Sostituirà il Titilla II (prima il Titilla), scafo più volte ripreso nelle immagini dei gossip nelle estati degli ultimi anni del 9 volte iridato.



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yacht valentino rossi

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Segui le dirette, i nostri social, continua ad esplorare, valentino rossi: il nuovo yacht del "dottore" è un sanlorenzo sx88 da 4,5 milioni.

Valentino Rossi: il nuovo yacht del "Dottore" è un Sanlorenzo SX88 da 4,5 milioni

Valentino Rossi ha deciso di farsi un ultimo regalo prima di iniziare a fare sul serio in pista con la partenza del Motomondiale. Stando ad alcune indiscrezioni, infatti, il 9 volte campione del mondo avrebbe assistito nei giorni scorsi al varo del suo nuovissimo yacht extralusso , un Sanlorenzo SX88 lungo 26,7 metri dal costo di 4,5 milioni di euro (esclusi optional e personalizzazioni). 

MotoGp, Lorenzo: "Avrei potuto costringere Valentino Rossi al ritiro"


La scelta del “Dottore” di affidarsi all’azienda spezzina nata nel 1958 sembra avere una sola ed unica direzione, ovvero quella di regalarsi un’ imbarcazione su misura senza compromessi . Sanlorenzo, infatti, costruisce solamente pochissime barche l’anno e tutte rigorosamente rivisitate in base ai gusti dei clienti.

Stando alle voci che circolano, quindi, il Sanlorenzo SX88 di colore bianco richiesto da Valentino Rossi – che molto probabilmente verrà ribattezzato Titilla III – avrà personalizzazioni tali da far salire il costo complessivo fino a 9 milioni di euro .


Il Sanlorenzo SX88 scelto da VR46 è una barca pensata per le lunghe navigazioni e fa parte della generazione Crossover dell’azienda. Le sue principali caratteristiche sono un infinito spazio di bordo , la timoneria posizionata esclusivamente sul flybridge, la possibilità di implementare una suite sul main deck, casse carburante da 9.300 litri e tre motori Volvo Penta IPS 1050 da 800 cv l’uno .

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Il nuovo yacht di Valentino Rossi: oltre 5 milioni di euro per TitillaIII

Avatar di Michele Perrino

3 anni fa - Valentino si è regalato una nuova barca: prezzo oltre 5 milioni di euro

Sanlorenzo SX88: il nuovo yacht di Valentino Rossi è TitillaIII

AVANTI TUTTA A 2 giorni dall'inizio del campionato MotoGP con la prima prova in Qatar – qui trovate tutti gli orari – si fa un gran parlare dei protagonisti e, tra questi, di Valentino Rossi. Il pilota di Tavullia si è allenato duramente, passando anche dal Mugello coi ragazzi della VR46 Academy . Oggi, però, parliamo dell'ultimo acquisto del 9 volte campione del mondo: uno yacht di quasi 27 metri, TitillaIII . Eccolo nel video.

Valentino Rossi in pista al Mugello con la R1 per preparare Losail

LO SFIZIO La nuova imbarcazione di Valentino è lunga quasi 27 metri e larga oltre 7 e può raggiungere una velocità di 23 nodi . Lo yacht, che ha un prezzo base di 4,5 milioni di euro , sarebbe stato personalizzato abbondantemente dal pilota pesarese, tanto che, secondo indiscrezioni, il costo sarebbe lievitato fino a circa 9 milioni di euro . Un bel regalo dopo i buoni risultati negli ultimi test in Qatar . Da domenica, però, si comincia a far sul serio.

yacht valentino rossi

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valencia 4th

I was pushing from the beginning to the end and the first half of the race wasn‘t so bad because


valencia Qualifying

At this track Jorge and Marc are very strong and I‘m very happy about this front row because...

valencia|Free Practice

valencia Free Practice

We had a small problem in the bike but it‘s OK.


My main target for today was to arrive in front of Jorge for second place in the championship,


sepang Qualifying

It was a difficult session and completely different from normal.

Sepang|Free Practice

Sepang Free Practice

This morning we were able to ride in the full dry,

Phillip Island|2nd

Phillip Island 2nd

This morning we discovered that we had a good pace in good conditions and step by step I came...

Phillip Island|Qualifying

Phillip Island Qualifying

It was a very strange day when it comes to the conditions,

Phillip Island|Free Practice

Phillip Island Free Practice

The conditions were very difficult today.


First of all, I would like to say that I‘m OK, fortunately no problems.


Motegi Qualifying

It‘s my third pole position of the year. I‘m very happy because this year in qualifying I‘m...

Motegi|Free Practice

Motegi Free Practice

It was a mixed day, because this morning wasn‘t so bad and I was quite fast,


We started with a different setting and we tried to be stronger towards the end of the race,


aragon Qualifying

It was a difficult day. The start was the worst because I made a mistake on cold tyres and I...

Aragon|Free Practice

Aragon Free Practice

In both practice sessions, in the morning and the afternoon,


I tried the maximum to race against Marquez.


Misano Qualifying

It was a difficult qualifying as always.

Misano|Free Practice

Misano Free Practice

We started very well this morning.


Silverstone 3rd

For the championship these are just three points but


Silverstone Qualifying

When we have these conditions it‘s always difficult,

silverstone|Free Practice

silverstone Free Practice

These were difficult conditions, but we were lucky because


At the beginning I was desperate because I thought we made a mistake,


Brno Qualifying

It‘s a shame for me because I have a better potential and could‘ve arrived on the front row...

Brno|Free Practice

Brno Free Practice

The first feeling was not so bad: this morning and also this afternoon I was quite fast,


Austria 4th

In the end it was a good race because the margin to our rivals in front was not very big.


austria Qualifying

I tried to push where my bike is very good, in the last sector and T3,

Austria|Free Practice

Austria Free Practice

There was a big difference compared to the test, with a lot lower temperatures out on the track.


sachsenring 8th

It‘s a great shame for us, because I was competitive on the


sachsenring Qualifying

I was lucky to stay on the first row, because unfortunately

sachsenring|Free Practice

sachsenring Free Practice

This was a difficult day for all the Yamaha riders,


It‘s a great shame considering our great level of speed and competitiveness this weekend with


Assen Qualifying

I stopped at the pit box four minutes before the end of the session,

Assen|Free Practice

Assen Free Practice

It was a good day and I‘m quite satisfied.


barcelona 1st

I think it was a perfect Sunday, because this morning we improved the setting


Barcelona Qualifying

In the end, the qualifying was not so bad. Unfortunately I wasn‘t able to make the perfect lap,


It‘s a great shame, because it‘s always a pity when you have a problem with the bike in the race,


Mugello Qualifying

I‘m very, very happy because it has been a long time since I last had pole here in Mugello,

Mugello|Free Practice

Mugello Free Practice

It‘s always difficult here. Mugello is one of the best tracks but it‘s very demanding and scary,

Le Mans|2nd

Le Mans 2nd

I started quite badly from the third row so at the beginning it was very complicated.


LeMans Qualifying

Unfortunately I made a lot of mistakes because we had different strategies that didn‘t work and I...

Le Mans|Free Practice

Le Mans Free Practice

We tried a lot of different things for the setting because this morning I wasn‘t fast enough,


I think that this was the perfect weekend. We started to go faster from Friday morning and we...


Jerez Qualifying

We worked a lot because last year we struggled during qualifying.

Jerez|Free Practice

Jerez Free Practice

I‘m very happy to be back in Europe, because here the track is fantastic and


Austin Race

It's a shame because at the start unfortunately I burnt the clutch.


Austin Qualifying

This result is crucial for the race tomorrow and it‘s also a good result for the work that we‘ve...

Austin|Free Practice

Austin Free Practice

The second session was not so bad. I was quite fast from the beginning and we tried something on...


argentina 2nd

I was very happy to do the second part of the race because


argentina Qualifying

'Last year in Qatar and also here in Argentina the qualifying was bad,

Argentina|Free Practice

Argentina Free Practice

Difficult day for everybody because these were challenging conditions.


At the end it was a great race, the pace was very fast from the beginning to the end,


qatar Qualifying

I‘m quite satisfied, because it‘s important that we start from the top5 and we are fifth.

qatar|Free Practice2-3

qatar Free Practice2-3

Today was a bit more difficult, especially in Free Practice 2.

Qatar|Free Practice

Qatar Free Practice

The first practice was positive. I‘m quite satisfied, it was a strong way to start the season,

qatar test|day3

qatar test day3

In the end I‘m quite happy. Unfortunately I had another crash in the same corner,

qatar test|day2

qatar test day2

The second day was OK,

Qatar test|day1

Qatar test day1

I started in a bad way, because after ten corners I crashed.



Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. has agreed a 3-year partnership agreement with Movistar Yamaha MotoGP...

phillip island|test day 3

phillip island test day 3

Unfortunately also today the conditions were not fantastic.

phillip island|test day 2

phillip island test day 2

We‘re lucky and happy, because the summer arrived today and we could work on the bikes and...

phillip island|test day 1

phillip island test day 1

It’s very positive to come here to Phillip Island, because we have a lot of different things to...

sepang test|day3

sepang test day3

I‘m happy about the test and about today because, first of all,

sepang test|day2

sepang test day2

I‘m quite happy, it was a good day.

Sepang test|day1

Sepang test day1

The gap to Lorenzo is too big, but it's also true that he was stronger than everybody else,


Valencia 5th

We wanted to do better, for sure, but it was the kind of race I was expecting.


VAlencia Qualifying

In general it was a good day, because already from this morning I felt good with the bike.

Valencia|Free Practice

Valencia Free Practice

It was a difficult day, especially this morning,


We were a little bit unlucky with the weather because I think that on the dry we could have been...


It was a difficult day, but this morning we were lucky because we were able to do some kilometres,

phillip island|2nd

phillip island 2nd

I enjoyed the race very much. This track is unbelievable and it was a great race!

phillip island|Free Practice

phillip island Free Practice

The position, unfortunately, was quite bad.


This morning we started well, because with the full wet session,

MOtegi|Free Practice

MOtegi Free Practice

I'm in some pain, but it's not a big problem.


I‘m quite proud, because a week ago I didn‘t know


Aragon Qualifying

I think we did a great job after sustaining the injury.

Aragon|Free Practice

I‘m quite happy, because


silverstone 3rd

I’m satisfied because it was a great race for me.


silverstone Qualifying

I always lose a bit in the final section,

silverstone|Free Practice

It was a good day, because first of all we had fantastic unbelievable


austria 7th

Today the problems started after ten or twelve laps.


Austria Qualifying

It was a good Saturday,

Austria|Prove Libere 2

Austria Prove Libere 2

It wasn't a very good day, we had some problems,


It is always difficult in these conditions in a flag-to-flag.


Today I tried to brake later and open the throttle early.

Brno|Free Practice

It was a difficult day, but I had some good feelings.


sachsenring 5th

It was a difficult weekend, because we suffered a lot,


Sachsenring Qualifying

It‘s been a difficult weekend so far. It happened a lot of times this year:

sachsenring|Free Practice

It was a difficult day, because I was slow in all the conditions.


I’m so happy, and for different reasons, because it’s a very important victory for the...

Assen|Free Practice

This day was tough, as always in Assen,


Barcelona 8th

I was really sad today, because I won here last year and also it is one of my favourite tracks.


We had some good ideas for today,

Barcelona|Free Practice

Barcelona Free Practice

For us it was a problem, because we didn‘t come here for the test.


Mugello 4th

I knew that today‘s race would be more difficult than usual for me.


Today we did great work, carrying on from yesterday.

Mugello|Free Practice

Today's sessions were very important to get an understanding of my condition.

Le Mans|RAce

Le Mans RAce

It was a great shame, because for my team it was the best weekend of the season,

Le Mans|Qualifying

Le Mans Qualifying

I‘m so happy, because today was the first practice in the dry,

Le Mans|Free Practice

For sure it's more difficult in these conditions,


It was a very difficult race after a difficult weekend.


I think today wasn‘t so bad, because

Jerez|Free Practice

The conditions were quite wet today.


It was a great surprise for me and for the team because we were struggling very much with the new...


It was difficult because it looked like Maverick and Marquez had a better pace,

Austin|Free Practice

On this track the winglets can help.


My mechanic, Brent, said to me on the grid “It’s the 350th,


This is p7, it‘s nothing fantastic because in the wet I wasn‘t able to go fast likeI was last...

Argentina|Free Practice

We hoped to have a good feeling,


My secret is my team, it‘s Yamaha. We never give up and we always keep up our concentration.

Qatar|Free Practice

Day1 7th 1'55.679 +0.860 Day2 2nd 1:54.732 +0.277 Day3 11th 1'55.185 +0.855  

Phillip Island|test

Phillip Island test

Today we worked a lot on the pace for the second half of the race,


Sepang Test

I'm quite happy, it was a good test, because my lap times were OK and 1'59.589


Yamaha 2017


Valencia test

Valencia Test 


Valencia Race NC

phillip island|P6

phillip island P6


Motegi Race P4


Thailand P4

Thailand Race P4


Aragon race P8


sachsenring 2nd

sachsenring race 2nd


Assen Race 5th 


Barcellona 3rd

Barcellona Race 3rd



Mugello race 3rd

Le Mans|3rd

Le Mans 3rd


Austin qualifiche

Qualifiche P5

Austin|free practice

Austin free practice

The first session was pretty positive because


Argentina qualifiche

«Sicuramente è stata una giornata difficile e la posizione ottenuta non è certamente buona.

Argentina|free practice

Argentina free practice

I‘m quite happy about the first free practice in Argentina.


It was a great fight and a great race. Sincerely,


Qatar qualifiche

The lap time was not too bad, but the position is not fantastic.

Qatar|Prove Libere

Qatar Prove Libere

Prove Libere


I'm quite happy after this test, especially after this afternoon,


test thailandia

I think that we improved today. I rode a 1'30.5s, but unfortunately


Test Sepang

It was hard work today, but also good work.

Abu Dhabi|gulf 12 hours

Abu Dhabi gulf 12 hours

gulf 12 hours 

Phillip Island|P8

Phillip Island P8


Motegi Race

Motegi Race 


thailandia P6

Thailandia Race P6


sachsenring P8

Sachsenring race P8


Barcelona Race


Mugello race 

Le Mans|P5

Le Mans race P5


Jerez race P6




Argentina P2


Sepang test

Monster Energy|Yamaha MotoGp

Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGp

2019 Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGp Team presentazione 


Portimão P12

The Yamaha Factory Racing MotoGP Team and I have a long story together, a


Valencia RACE

For me personally, not being able to finish the race today is a great shame,

Le Mans

It was a great shame,


Barcellona race

It’s a great shame, two mistakes in a row.

Misano 2

For sure, it's a shame that I made a mistake on the second lap.

Misano 1|P4

Misano 1 P4

It’s a great shame because the podium is always special, here in Misano even more so.


I knew that we would have to suffer a bit here,


It was very scary. All four riders, but especially me and also Maverick,


E' stata una bella gara oggi. 


I’m very happy because it’s been a long time since I was on the podium.


It was a tough weekend, because we suffered a lot in the high temperatures with the rear tyre.

Monster Energy|Yamaha MotoGp


100km|Dei Campioni

100km Dei Campioni

Una bellissima domenica di motorsport quella trascorsa oggi al MotoRanch di Tavullia


I didn’t expect that it could be a weekend like this.


I’m happy about today because I was able to have a decent race,


Considering my pace during the weekend my speed today in the race was decent.


The crash yesterday meant that I started the race today from 23rd,


Silverstone P18

It’s a great shame because I felt good with the bike all weekend and I was quite fast.


It was incredible that the changing point between slick and wet tyres was in the final laps of...


It hasn’t been a bad day today because we managed to score some points after starting from 17th.


The result today is a shame because my pace this weekend was not too bad and


sachsenring P14

I had a good feeling this morning and Warm Up was good.


We expected a lot more from the race today,


Mugello P10

My condolences go to the family of Jason Dupasquier,

Le Mans|P11

Le Mans P11

This weekend has been a positive one, compared to the previous races so far this year.


It was a difficult race because I did not have the speed and


Portimão Race

Today things were better because we improved some settings


It is not a great result today and starting from behind is very difficult,


We expected more,

PETRONAS Yamaha|Sepang Racing Team

PETRONAS Yamaha Sepang Racing Team

I’m very proud to be part of PETRONAS Yamaha Sepang Racing Team.

100Km|dei Campioni

100Km dei Campioni

Giorno di Gara!


Misano sprint

brands hatch|sprint

brands hatch sprint

Race 1 P13 Race 2 P8





Valentino Rossi is ready for a fresh challenge in four-wheeled competition. Following a...


Zandvoord P3


Barcellona Endurance-Race


Valencia Sprint-Race


Hockenheim Sprint-Race


Misano Sprint Race P1 

SPA|24H P6

Road to Le Mans P1

Road To Le Mans race 2 P1 

Paul Ricard|race

Paul Ricard race

Paul Ricard - Endurance Race

Brands Hatch|Race

Brands Hatch Race

Brands Hatch - Sprint Race 2 P2


Monza - Sprint Race 




24h DUBAI|P3

24h DUBAI P3



6h Imola Race P2 

yacht valentino rossi

yacht valentino rossi

yacht valentino rossi


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Sunday11:00 AM - 11:00 PM

New arrivals in Valentino Boutique - Moscow

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Nearby boutiques, moscow tsum, moscow tretyakovsky proezd, moscow barvikha.

Sale yacht in Moscow

36 yachts for sale in moscow, customer reviews, popular destinations.

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Moscow is the largest city and historical capital of Russia, the country's most popular tourist center and the center of the Russian Orthodox Church. In this metropolis, antiquity and modernity are whimsically combined, numerous cultural and historical sights, viewing platforms and entertainment centers make it a center of attraction for tens of millions of tourists from all over the world.

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Monterey 224 FSC

  • Length 6.90 m
  • Beam 2.50 m
  • Draft 0.60 m

Merry Fisher 695 Serie 2

  • Length 6.00 m
  • Beam 2.00 m
  • Draft 0.00 m

Velvette 20 Image

  • Length 6.06 m
  • Beam 2.36 m
  • Draft 0.40 m

Nord Star 42

  • Length 11.80 m
  • Beam 3.00 m
  • Draft 1.00 m

Nissan Sunfisher 780

  • Length 8.00 m
  • Beam 2.40 m

Beneteau Antares 8

  • Length 8.10 m
  • Beam 2.80 m

Meridian 341

  • Length 10.75 m
  • Beam 3.56 m

AMT 230 DC

  • Length 8.13 m
  • Beam 2.60 m
  • Draft 0.90 m

Rinker 236 CC

  • Length 7.16 m
  • Beam 2.58 m

Velvette 23 Active Sedan

  • Length 7.06 m
  • Beam 2.55 m

Faserind Evolution 41

  • Length 11.50 m
  • Beam 3.50 m
  • Draft 0.95 m

Finnmaster 7050 SF

  • Length 7.05 m
  • Beam 2.70 m

Trophy 2302 WA

  • Length 7.01 m
  • Beam 2.59 m

Yamarin 59 Cabin

  • Length 5.81 m
  • Beam 2.26 m

Baikal 16 SH

  • Length 16.20 m
  • Beam 7.00 m
  • Draft 1.20 m

Velvette 23 Active Sedan

  • Length 9.44 m

Faserind Evolution 38

  • Length 14.00 m
  • Beam 4.80 m
  • Draft 1.10 m

Frauscher 1017 GT

  • Length 9.99 m

Riva Rivamare #60

  • Length 11.88 m

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 32i

  • Length 9.60 m
  • Beam 3.05 m
  • Draft 1.45 m

XO 270 RS Cabin

  • Length 8.60 m
  • Draft 0.50 m

Jetten 58 AC

  • Length 17.80 m
  • Beam 4.90 m
  • Draft 1.35 m

Jeanneau Merry Fisher 855 Marlin

  • Length 8.25 m
  • Beam 2.97 m
  • Draft 0.59 m

Baikal 18 SMY

  • Length 18.00 m
  • Beam 5.80 m
  • Draft 1.40 m

Nord Star 32 Patrol

  • Length 11.40 m
  • Draft 0.80 m

Grandezza 40 FLY

  • Length 12.30 m
  • Beam 3.95 m

Baikal 14 SMY

  • Beam 4.50 m

Baikal 16 Cat

  • Length 16.00 m
  • Draft 1.30 m

Navigator 30

  • Length 10.00 m
  • Draft 0.89 m

Baikal 18R

  • Beam 8.00 m

Jeanneau 32i

  • Length 9.45 m
  • Beam 3.30 m
  • Draft 1.98 m

Frauscher 858

  • Length 8.67 m

Jeanneau NC 33

  • Length 10.53 m

When planning to buy a yacht in Moscow , pay attention to the offers of 2yachts - we hope you will find a suitable option among current and profitable ads from direct sellers.

Sights of the Russian capital

On the territory of the largest city in Europe with a 9-century history, there are many interesting places and objects. Some of the best attractions of modern Moscow are:

  • The Kremlin and Red Square, with which it is worth starting to get acquainted with the city;
  • Arbat - the main tourist artery of Moscow;
  • The business center of the city with skyscrapers is Moscow City with viewing platforms, including a 360-degree circular view of the capital;
  • The Bolshoi Theater is one of the most significant in Russia and the world;
  • Tretyakov Gallery with the world's largest collection of Russian painting;
  • Ostankino TV Tower, the country's main television tower 540 m high with 2 viewing platforms - open type and glazed at different levels;
  • St. Basil's Cathedral (Cathedral of the Protection of the Holy Virgin);
  • The historical district of the capital is Kitay Gorod.

It is also worth visiting the river berths, beaches (in Rublevo, Strogino and Serebryany Bor) of the Moscow River, Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, Moskarium Oceanography Center, Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Planetarium, Darwin Museum, Zaryadye Natural Landscape Park and Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (VDNH).

The best restaurants in Moscow: Pushkin, Balzi rossi, Wine & Crab, Osteria della Piazza Bianca, White Rabbit, Björn, Northerners, Beluga, Lavkalavka and others.

Yachting in Moscow

You can leave your yacht parked in Moscow at the pier of one of the many yacht clubs on the banks of the Moscow River and the Khimki Reservoir - for example, on the territory of the Yacht Port “Estate Port” with 36 berths for vessels up to 15 m long or in CHALET RIVER CLUB yacht club on the border with the Moscow region with 57 berths for vessels up to 17 m long and with a draft of up to 1.7 m. If you are interested in selling yachts in Moscow , we recommend that you use the services of one of the trusted yacht brokers in the region, for example - PRESTIGE YACHTS, ULTRABOATS, IY C or WEST NAUTICAL.

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Parent item expand the sub menu, oprah and hillary give designer fashion some dnc airtime, tjx takes stake in brands for less, wrangler launches inclusive women’s jeans line bespoke, valentino ramps up retail presence in moscow.

Pierpaolo Piccioli and Stefano Sassi host multiple events to fete a trio of new boutiques, including a flagship in the Hotel Metropol.

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Valentino's Metropol Boutique in Moscow

MOSCOW — Valentino has cast of big vote of confidence in the beleaguered Russian market by planting a sumptuous flagship in central Moscow, and trumpeting its arrival with a lavish and theatrical event the night of Nov. 10 hosted by its creative director, Pierpaolo Piccioli .

The 5,400-square-foot unit at the Hotel Metropol on Teatralny Proezd, not far from Red Square and across from the Bolshoi theatre, is the Roman firm’s largest in Russia, showcasing its women’s ready-to-wear, accessories and fragrance collections across one level.

“We did not have a strong presence in terms of retail in Russia,” said Stefano Sassi, chief executive officer of Valentino . “We only had one boutique with one partner and we had our presence in Tsum. Valentino for the Russian customers is important, and the Russian clients are very important for Valentino. We perceive that the Russians truly are fascinated by our brand…. We were looking for an opportunity to find the right visibility.’

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Today, Valentino counts four boutiques in Moscow, having added a men’s and women’s unit last June on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and a women’s boutique in the luxury Vremena Goda mall last April. A women’s wear boutique in Barvikha Luxury Village bowed in spring 2015.

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The Metropol boutique, developed with British architect David Chipperfield , exudes a palazzo atmosphere with its familiar pebbled surfaces and rich blend of woods, stone, marble and soft carpets. Chipperfield maintained many original decorative elements of the Metropol site, preserving them with a lime wash, exalting them particularly in a “Historical Room.”

While the economic crisis, ruble devaluation and Western sanctions have  curbed rich Russians from traveling , and dampened consumer sentiment, Sassi said the picture for Valentino is bright.

“In three years, we have tripled our revenues in Moscow, where the biggest part of the Russian fashion industry is concentrated,” he said, noting that Russians are spending more locally, prompting Valentino to raise its profile in high-traffic locations.

Valentino is the second marquee Italian brand to host a big event in Moscow this year, following Giorgio Armani’s mega event last April , suggesting heightened interest in the vast market.

Sassi noted that Russians continue to spend healthily in its Paris and Milan boutiques, although tax-free spending has been in decline for years.

“In Russia, because of the climate conditions and the love for the fashion aesthetics, an important segment is fur coats. It’s a big business along with bags and shoes,” he said. “However, in Russia, we believe that we can grow in many categories.”

Among those with strong potential is men’s ready-to-wear and accessories, according to Sassi, who is in talks with Tsum to afford more visibility to Valentino in those areas.

It was Piccioli’s first time back in Russia in about a decade, and he said he perceived many positive changes.

“I also went to Saint Petersburg and I truly feel that Russia needs to be rediscovered, culturally speaking,” he said in an interview. “Even in terms of relationships, people are more open, and it seems like there is a will to restart. There is a new openness in terms of mentality.”

During his Moscow sojourn, Piccioli, now sole creative director of Valentino since his former co-creative director Maria Grazia Chiuri became Dior’s seventh couturier, also hosted a book signing at the Metropol boutique, and made a personal appearance at Tsum.

He had plans to visit the Kremlin and its museum while in town. And given his penchant for Russian  icons, Piccioli planned to bring home typical matryoshka dolls and local jackets. “The more I buy the better it is, as I am shopaholic,” he said.

RELATED STORY: Moscow Elite Relives Fifties-era NYC at Immersive Valentino Party >>

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yacht valentino rossi


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  18. Home

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