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Spectacular Sails

Gaulight takes us on a naval tour

I hope you don’t get seasick, because today we’re talking to expert ship builder Gaulight about his beautiful boat builds! If you do get seasick, don’t worry, it’s just an article! Unless you’re reading it on a boat? Um, why are you reading it on a boat if you get seasick?

“I’ve always loved ships since my childhood,” Gaulight says. “I love their complexity, because of the rigging, but also because of their elegant hull design. I’m regularly heard saying: “ships of the past are today’s satellites,” because they were and are engineering masterpieces. I’m impressed by how people at the time were able to build such gigantic and intricate structures with simple tools and knowledge.”

minecraft mini yacht

Of course, with today’s technology, Gaulight is able to recreate these masterpieces in Minecraft. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy! He told me about his process building a replica of Le Fleuron, a French gunship from the 18th century.

“I first made a blueprint in Minecraft, with its exact proportions. Then I began creating layers that reflected the global shape of the ship and filled in the gaps in order to obtain a completed hull. Afterwards, I created the colour scheme, the stern and bow, and finally I made the masts, sails, and rigging. This took me approximately three months, including intensive research and the actual construction.”

minecraft mini yacht

It’s the details that drew Gaulight to Le Fleuron, especially the colours. “It has an elegant red curve, which runs all along the length of the ship, making it quite unique,” he says, explaining the faithful recreation in his version. Not only does this crimson stripe create a consistent visual design that’s pleasing to the eye, the attention to detail on the rigging, flags, and golden stern decoration are remarkable. And, of course, there are the 64 cannons in case of a fight!

In order to get this much detail, he builds the ships on a huge scale. “I used to build them at about the same size as the real ship, but as I improved over time I realised it’s much more satisfying to go bigger! It allows you to put in as many details as you want, like the stern on Le Fleuron.”

minecraft mini yacht

In fact, Gaulight’s Le Fleuron is three times as big as the original ship was. “Building at an even bigger scale would have resulted in a more accurate ship, but it would have also needed a considerable amount of time,” he added. But that’s not the only thing holding him back – sometimes he wants to build something so big, but he’s confined by Minecraft’s own height limit!

Creating something so large and detailed isn’t easy. “The bow was the most challenging part,” he tells me. “Making it was not an easy task since there are plenty of curved beams meeting at a common point at the front.” But he doesn’t have any favourite part of the build, because everything has to come together to make it perfect. “I consider a ship successfully done when I can imagine it in my hand, like a real model ship.”

minecraft mini yacht

Adding the sails and flags is a crucial part of getting that feeling, though. He tells me that they have to look like they’re catching the wind. “That gives the ship life,” he explains.

It’s easy to imagine standing under those sails in the middle of the ocean. Once upon a time that would have been the job of up to 500 sailors who were needed to keep the ship moving. They would have known they were crewing an important ship – Le Fleuron means “the jewel” in English – but I don’t think they could have imagined it being rebuilt in a video game nearly 300 years later!

minecraft mini yacht

For Gaulight, ship building became his focus as he realised how much he was improving with each build. “The key to progression is to analyse mistakes from the previous ship and try to resolve them on the next one.”

His version of L’Etoile du Roy is one of his favourites because it was the first dedicated recreation that he made. “I love her curvature and her colours,” he enthuses.

minecraft mini yacht

He’s also enthusiastic about the power of the building community. “It’s a powerful way to express your feelings and your passion, and everybody can share their creations,” he says.

He believes that this sharing is important as builders are inspired by and learn from one another. Giving back to the community by explaining your methods and techniques is a great way to show gratitude for things you’ve picked up from others yourself.

minecraft mini yacht

His advice? “Minecraft is a fantastic game with infinite possibilities: the only limit is your dedication.”

So set sail and see where the winds of inspiration will take you!

Renders by Iskillia, VoenixX and Gaulight

Thanks to Bulix for translation help.

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Small Yacht

Object Details

Author: Keralis Block count: 551 Views: 3761

Blocks you'll need:.

minecraft mini yacht

Skill level 1
Object added 19 Oct 2015
Width 9
Height 13
Depth 26
Tags transportation, ship, boat, yacht
Block Count 551
Object materials
Gray Stained Clay 236
Quartz Slab 79
Spruce Wood Slab (Upper) 46
Spruce Wood Slab (Bottom) 34
Quartz Slab (Upper) 22
Snow Block 12
Double Spruce Wood Slab 11
Stone Slab 9
Double Stone Slab 8
Quartz Block 6
Glass Pane 6
Wooden Button (Facing West, Inactive) 4
Quartz Stairs (South, Normal) 4
Quartz Stairs (North, Upside-down) 4
Lever (On Block Top Points South When Off, Not Active) 4
Spruce Fence 4
Stone Brick Stairs (East) 4
Wooden Button (Facing East, Inactive) 4
Stone Brick Stairs (West) 4
Snow (Three Layers) 3
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 3
Quartz Stairs (West, Normal) 3
Quartz Stairs (East, Normal) 3
Snow (Two Layers) 3
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Closed, Bottom half) 3
Tripwire Hook 2
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing Up) 2
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Top Half) 2
Anvil (South/North) 2
Snow (One Layer) 2
Double Quartz Slab 2
Iron Block 2
Oak Fence Gate (Facing North, Closed) 1
Glowstone 1
Daylight Sensor (Power level 15) 1
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Top Half) 1
Birch Fence Gate (Facing East, Closed) 1
Stone Button (Facing West, Inactive) 1
Stone Button (Facing East, Inactive) 1
Redstone Comparator (Facing North, Substraction mode, Unpowe 1
Anvil (East/West) 1
Anvil (North/South) 1
Tripwire Hook (Facing West) 1
Tripwire Hook (Facing East) 1
Birch Fence Gate (Facing West, Closed) 1
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 1
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Top Half) 1
Quartz Stairs (North, Normal) 1
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Top Half) 1
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 1

minecraft mini yacht

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How to Make a Ship in Minecraft

Petra Dolovski

The Seas and Oceans of Minecraft are vast and hold many secrets just waiting to be found. There’s nothing like hopping into your Minecraft Boat and venturing off into the waters in search of Wrecks and finding buried Treasures .

In many of the Ocean Biomes you have certainly come across some of the many Shipwrecks that can be found along Beaches or the bottom of the Ocean.

Anytime I find one I am inspired by the design and wonder how I could make a ship of my very own for a port back at my base or village.

So, let’s go over some ways to build a ship in Minecraft.

Building a Small River Ship

Of course a ship doesn’t need to be an enormous vessel meant to travel through the seven seas. If you have a port more inland you can also build a small River ship as well!

You will first need to find a wider River to fit your ship in or simply terraform a little bit.

To start off we will be choosing our materials. I personally chose to use the kind of Wood I saw near the River before building.

I firstly place down Slabs at the depth of how deep I want my ship’s hull to be, or how deep I can. If your River is more shallow it’ll be good to use Slabs half a block above the bottom so that way the ship still seems to float.

With the Slabs I make a line as long as I want my ship to be and I’ll be using this as the center of the ship. The key and challenge will be keeping both sides symmetrical.

I alternate between normal Wood Plank blocks and Stairs and Slabs to make the shape of the ship. A thing that may help is making a basic outline to see how the whole thing will curve and look.


You want it to be a smooth curve and not something rough, kind of like you would when building a barn or stable roof .

With the small hull done I use Slabs to build the deck. Using Fences of a different type of wood I circle around the deck so it’s not so easy to fall off and make a small sail in the center of the deck with White Banners for the cloth.

Boat 2

The rest is all a matter of your personal style and decoration.

Boat 3

Using a Boat to Build a Small Ship

If building a ship like that from scratch is too much work and too big for you there is a fun alternative you can do that utilizes the original Boat you can craft in the game.

These ships can also be considered larger boats and mostly utilize blocks like Slabs, Trap Doors, and of course, the Boat to build them.

You start off similarly as you do with a larger ship. You will want to make it at least 4 blocks long along with Stairs on the ends just to give the ship a general shape.

Tiny boat

A Boat takes up two total blocks and we will be using it here so that when the build is finished the paddles on the Boat seem to be coming out of the side of our ship. The two (or more) additional blocks we have left we can use to place down a Barrel, Chest, or Crafting Table for us to use.

The sides you can line either with Signs of your chosen wood material or Trap Doors. I chose the Trap Doors, because I prefer the way they look.

Finally, we will once again use Fences and Banners to make our sail. Holding the CTRL button when placing the Fence on the Crafting Table or Barrel will stop you from accessing it as you place it down.

Tiny Boat finish

I make the sail just 3 blocks tall and add an extra Fence to the side, before hanging the 3 Banners along the length of it for the sail.

Building a Large Ship

To build a large vessel fit for the seas we’re going to need a lot of space, compared to our previous designs.

For this I suggest finding a spot farther away from land, preferably in the Ocean, Deep Ocean or just an overall deep Sea biome. We don’t want the bottom of our ship to reach the bottom of the Water or the shore.

Like with our river ship I will start this one off by making the center and spine. I am using regular Wood Plank blocks, making the center 3 blocks thick in total.

When I have my length I proceed to make the skeleton on either side, similarly as I did before. This way I can figure out the shape and size I want for the ship.

Big Boat

Once I have that much done I follow the same steps of filling in the outline and top deck and removing the Water with Sponges that may be remaining inside the lower deck.

Now, since this ship is bigger it means we can fit a lot more, both inside and on top of it. The inside I reserve for my make-belief crew. I use a Ladder on a wooden beam to descend down into the lower deck and one side I use to build the sleeping quarters.

The opposite side will be a small kitchen along with some general storage for the items I have on the ship.

Boat inside

In some cases it is a tight squeeze for building, but it makes it feel cozy.

On the top deck I put down some Barrels and Fences, along with a pair of makeshift canons made with polished blackstone walls. I think wlackstone looks good for these builds.

On the back of the ship I build a small platform where the ship’s steering wheel would be. If you have a bigger ship you can even build a captain’s room here.

In the center of the upper deck I use Spruce Logs to build up the large sail of our ship. Using Stairs at the very top I build a crows nest.

Since Banners would be too small for this sail, I use White Wool blocks at the very top to make it seem like a closed sail. If you want an open sail you can do so using the same blocks.

Boat finish

Finally all that would be left are the details on the inside and outside.

For ships like these getting lighting down is important, so using Torches or Lanterns is crucial. If a Mob such as a Creeper spawns somewhere on the ship a single explosion could ruin all of your work and leave you stranded at Sea.

To combat this you can turn off Mob griefing or light up every part of your ship that you can.

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minecraft mini yacht


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    I firstly place down Slabs at the depth of how deep I want my ship's hull to be, or how deep I can. If your River is more shallow it'll be good to use Slabs half a block above the bottom so that way the ship still seems to float. With the Slabs I make a line as long as I want my ship to be and I'll be using this as the center of the ship.

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