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How to buy a share

The purchase of a share in a yacht is almost as much about the people as it is the boat. Our experience shows us that shared ownership is nearly always successful. Like any good relationship it relies on give and take, sympathy for the other person’s desires and a general respect for each other and the shared asset.

It is important therefore that both the buyer, the seller, and the other owners are all comfortable that the change of ownership will not alter the harmony of the group.

Share Agreement

Almost all share groups will have a clause in their share agreement which states that the existing owners have a reasonable right of veto. This is rarely exercised and is normally only due to a lack of experience of a prospective buyer or a need the buyer has, which is crucial to them, but which would alter the way in which the group is run and the boat enjoyed. Eg… A new owner may wish to change sailing grounds each season whereas the existing owners are quite happy where they are. It is not important to regard the other owners as good friends moreover a healthy group operates on a business-like basis where owners interact as good work colleagues should. All groups which Yacht Fractions deals with must have a share agreement. We can provide a template for a new share agreement, but it must be written by the syndicate for the syndicate, and fully endorsed by the syndicate.

We will not deal with a syndicate which does not have a boat share agreement, and which will not accept one, and we strongly advise any buyer to avoid any share group which is not formally defined.

Whilst share groups will have an agreement they will rarely refer to it, preferring to run the group in a friendly way through discussion and agreement. The agreement is in the back-ground for reference if the owners fail to agree.

The Sale Process

  • Ownership is transferred normally on a Bill of Sale . On occasion a boat is owned by a limited company in which case the ownership is in the form of a transfer of shares. The buyer contacts Yacht fractions via email or ideally by registering on the website. This will give us all the information we need to progress interest in a boat. We need full contact details and brief summary of sailing experience and qualifications.
  • Yacht Fractions will contact the seller of the share and make them aware of the potential buyer, their sailing background, and any specific requirements they may have such as school summer holidays.
  • Yacht Fractions will supply contact phone numbers for the seller to the buyer and ask them to make contact for an initial chat. Usually, if the boat is in the UK this will result in an agreement to meet on the boat for an inspection. The majority of shares in overseas-based boats are sold unseen. We do recommend viewing [3 rd party] and / or surveys before buying, as we are unable to validate the accuracy of the adverts placed by sellers. However, most buyers speak with the other remaining owners who should be very open and honest about the boat and its’ condition and make a decision on this basis. When an inspection is to be done at some time involving a delay in the sale process we recommend that the buyer and seller enter into a Sale Agreement , and for the buyer to pay a deposit to secure the share until after the inspection.
  • Once the buyer wishes to proceed there will be one or more of the following conditions to be met:- the buyer must be accepted by the other owners, and the buyer to satisfy himself he wishes to join the syndicate.
  • The buyer must be accepted as a skipper by the insurance company
  • The buyer must accept the terms of the share agreement
  • The buyer may wish to inspect or survey the boat
  • The buyer may have specific requirements that need to be accepted by the other owners.
  • Before any of the steps above are covered we need to agree the basis of the deal: *This is the price to be paid and the timing of the transfer. Without this fundamental agreement there is no point in processing the purchase, and spending lots of time talking to other owners. For most UK based boats this takes place after the initial viewing, for overseas boats it will normally happen following the initial chat.
  • Once we have agreed the basis of the deal we then proceed as follows;- The buyer needs be accepted by the other owners. This may simply be by an email from the seller informing the other owners of the buyer, their experience and qualifications. Sometimes it is a phone chat with one or more of the other owners. Very occasionally it involves a meeting.
  • The seller or the group manager will contact the insurance company to check that the buyer will be accepted as a skipper.
  • If there is to be a delay between the agreement to buy and completion of the purchase we will raise a   Sale Agreement .
  • Completion- at the point of completion, Yacht Fractions will raise a  Bill of Sale . This is signed by both the buyer and the seller. Once Yacht Fractions is in possession of Bills of sale from both buyer and seller , and the purchase funds are in our client account the completion will take place. The seller will be paid and the bills of sale exchange with both parties.

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Zusammenstoß vor Mallorca: Luxusyacht kracht in Fischerboot – Kapitän entkommt

Stand: 28.08.2024, 19:29 Uhr

Von: Bettina Menzel

Ein deutsches Luxusschiff rammt ein lokales Fischerboot vor Mallorca. Ein spanischer Fischer kommt ums Leben, der Kapitän des Luxusschiffs flüchtet.

Palma de Mallorca/Cala Bona – „Zu viele Touristen, zu viel Müll, zu viele Yachten“, stand auf einem der Plakate, die ein Demonstrant kürzlich bei Protesten gegen den Massentourismus auf Mallorca in die Höhe hielt. Ein Vorfall vom Wochenende dürte den Ärger noch verschärfen: Eine 20 Meter lange Yacht unter deutscher Flagge raste über ein Fischerboot hinweg und tötete dabei einen einheimischen Angler. Die Polizei ermittelt.

Fahrlässige Tötung und Fahrerflucht: Deutsche Luxusyacht kollidiert mit Fischerboot vor Mallorca

Die Yacht, die am Freitagabend (23. August) vor der Ostküste Mallorcas mit dem Fischerboot zusammenstieß, war Berichten zufolge mit hoher Geschwindigkeit unterwegs. Bei dem Unfall kam einer der drei Fischer ums Leben, wie die Polizei laut Deutscher Presse-Agentur bestätigte. Der Verstorbene war lokalen Medien zufolge 20 Jahre alt, seine beiden Begleiter erlitten Verletzungen. Die Fischer versuchten demnach noch, ihr Boot zu starten, als sie die herannahende Yacht bemerkten. Doch es sei ihnen nicht rechtzeitig gelungen, so die Berichte weiter.

„Die Yacht fuhr auf Hochtouren, wir haben wie verrückt geschrien“, zitiert das spanische Blatt Ultima Hora einen der Überlebenden. Das über 20 Meter lange Luxusschiff habe seine Fahrt nach dem Zusammenstoß vor Cala Bona ungebremst mit hoher Geschwindigkeit fortgesetzt, berichteten Medien wie die Mallorca Zeitung und Ultima Hora . Laut Polizei wurde die Yacht im Hafen von Porto Cristo ausfindig gemacht und der Kapitän identifiziert. Der Vorwurf lautet auf fahrlässige Tötung und unterlassene Hilfeleistung. Weitere Einzelheiten gab die Polizei unter Verweis auf die laufenden Ermittlungen vorerst nicht bekannt.

Mallorca am Limit: Deutsche Urlauber kommen weiter auf Insel – trotz Protesten

Immer wieder sorgen Touristen – darunter viele Deutsche – auf Mallorca für Probleme wie Gewalt oder Alkoholexzesse . Kürzlich waren mindestens zwei Polizisten aus Essen an einem gewalttätigen Vorfall auf der Urlaubsinsel beteiligt, bei dem sie einen spanischen Taxifahrer krankenhausreif prügelten . Dies berichtete die Süddeutsche Zeitung unter Berufung auf Informationen aus Sicherheitskreisen.

Auch ohne solche gravierenden Gewalttaten sorgt der überbordende Tourismus bereits seit einiger Zeit für Unmut bei den Einheimischen auf Mallorca. „Es geht darum, dass wir darauf hinweisen, wie überfüllt Mallorca mittlerweile ist“, erklärte eine Teilnehmerin einer Demonstration Mitte August dem Mallorca Magazin . Trotz der Proteste von zehntausenden Einheimischen lassen sich „los alemanes“ noch nicht abschrecken: Auch 2024 bleibt Spanien eines der beliebtesten Urlaubsziele der Deutschen .

Auf den Balearen leben knapp 1,2 Millionen Menschen. Laut der spanischen Statistikbehörde INE besuchten im vergangenen Jahr 18 Millionen Urlauber die Inseln, darunter 4,6 Millionen Deutsche. Der Tourismussektor trägt 45 Prozent zur Wirtschaftsleistung Mallorcas bei.

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Cala Bona fatality: Skipper of the yacht is formally under investigation

He maintains that he was unaware that the yacht had hit the fishing boat.

Service for 20-year-old killed by a yacht in Mallorca

Some of the many people at Sant Marçal Church on Wednesday evening.

On Wednesday, the skipper of La Luna , the yacht at the centre of the fatality in Cala Bona last Friday night, was interviewed for several hours at the Guardia Civil's Palma headquarters. He was formally placed under investigation for manslaughter and failure to assist .

To use the Spanish, he is 'imputado', which isn't the same as formally charging someone with an offence.

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As the yacht was in Porto Cristo, a court in Manacor will be in charge of instructing the case. As well as witness statements, the court will be given technical reports from investigators.

The skipper apparently told investigators that he and others had been unaware that the yacht had hit the fishing boat . The Guardia Civil consider this version to be unbelievable. It would have been almost impossible not to have noticed.

On Wednesday evening, hundreds of friends and family members attended a service at the Sant Marçal Church in Marratxi to say their last goodbyes to 20-year-old Guiem Comamala , who was killed last Friday when the yacht hit the fishing boat.

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  • Mallorca fatalities

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56m perini navi sailing yacht BAYESIAN yacht sinks off coast of sicily

Live updates: Seven dead in 56m superyacht Bayesian sinking tragedy

Seven people have died in the Bayesian sinking disaster. These include the six missing people who were inside the yacht when it sank, as well as a seventh person who was located shortly after the disaster. The seventh person is understood to be the yacht's chef, Recaldo Thomas. The other six are:

  • British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, once dubbed 'Britain's Bill Gates'
  • Lynch's 18-year-old daughter, Hannah
  • Morgan Stanley's chairman, Jonathan Bloomer
  • Judy Bloomer, wife of Morgan Stanley chairman
  • Chris Morvillo, a lawyer working for London-based law firm Clifford Chance
  • Neda Morvillo, an American jewellery designer and Chris' wife

It is understood that the yacht was being used to celebrate Lynch's recent victory in a 13-year £8 billion fraud acquittal.

No one remembers the mast snapping before 56m superyacht Bayesian sunk, says crew

No one recalls seeing the mast snap on board the 56-metre Perini Navi sailing yacht Bayesian which sank off the Italian island of Sicily on 19 August. The eyewitness account of a crewmember on board the vessel, which was obtained by BOAT International , said that the boat was struck by a freak weather event which led to the yacht heeling at around 20 degrees to starboard. As crewmembers were securing items, the heeling angle began to increase rapidly until the yacht started taking on water and sank rapidly.

The crewmembers who were up on deck were able to evacuate the yacht with minor injuries. The yacht is understood to have sunk in just twelve minutes, and it is believed that a "major ingress" of water from the top down would have caused the sinking, according to a captain who wishes to remain anonymous. This is based on the fact that no breaches have been reported in the yacht's hull, and the fact that the yacht should have been able to remain afloat with two flooded compartments.

"Very difficult to understand what could have overwhelmed a vessel of that size" says captain of sistership

The captain of the sistership to the sunken 56-metre Perini Navi sailing yacht Bayesian has said it is "very difficult to understand what could have overwhelmed a vessel of that size" and called the 56-metre Perini Navi series "bulletproof".

David Hutchinson, captain of Rosehearty , said he had taken the yacht around the world multiple times and he had "total faith in the boat".  "We've been to Antarctica and Chile, and we've had her in 70 knots of wind," he says, and the vessel had never put them in a situation that felt unmanageable.

However, Hutchinson noted there were differences between Bayesian and Rosehearty ; notably, Bayesian's  74-metre mast, which would have been heavier and added increased windage. The yacht's layout was also different, with guest accommodation on Bayesian located further forward.

Live updates

  • During a news conference on Saturday morning (24 August), prosecutors confirmed they are in the early stages of investigating a "crime hypothesis" of culpable shipwreck and manslaughter. Authorities also said the yacht likely sunk because of a downburst (powerful wind that descends from a thunderstorm), rather than a waterspout.
  • A search and rescue for six missing people has concluded. The final missing person is understood to be Hannah Lynch. 
  • According to Reuters, six bodies have now been found in the sunken yacht. These include Mike Lynch, a British technology entrepreneur who co-founded Autonomy Corporation and founded Invoke Capital, although Italian authorities have not confirmed this.  
  • One person was found immediately after the yacht sunk, and this is understood to be the yacht's chef. 
  • Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, and a one-year-old are among the fifteen people rescued along with Bayesian' s captain, James Cutfield.
  • Another sailing vessel in the area, the 42-metre Sir Robert Baden Powell ,  stepped in to offer assistance in the initial rescue.
  • Divers have been able to reach Bayesian' s sunken hull, which lies at 45 metres of depth about half a mile from the coast. The yacht had the largest aluminium masts of any sailing yacht on the water.
  • Eyewitnesses in the area reported "hurricane" conditions off the coast but local weather websites did not indicate any severe squall, which suggests that the weather event was not forecast.
  • At around 5am local time on 19 August, Bayesian was hit by bad weather and sunk.  The sailing yacht was anchored or idle at the time of the incident.

Built in Italy by renowned builder Perini Navi and delivered in 2008, the yacht's naval architecture was developed by Ron Holland Design while the interior design is by Rémi Tessier . She was formerly known as Salute and was last refitted in 2016. She was listed for sale earlier this year, according to BOATPro . The yacht had accommodation for nine guests and 12 crew.

BOAT International will update the story as it develops.

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Mike Lynch and daughter among missing after yacht sinks: What we know about disaster - and 'alarming' potential cause

The British-flagged luxury vessel named Bayesian was carrying 22 people when it got into difficulty off the coast of Sicily. Seven bodies have now been recovered from the wreckage.

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News reporter @samuelosborne93

Friday 23 August 2024 12:24, UK

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Seven bodies have been found after a superyacht sank off the coast of Sicily.

Twenty-two people were on board the vessel named Bayesian when it got into difficulty in the early hours of Monday, with 15 people rescued.

Here's what we know about the sinking of the luxury vessel so far.

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Seven people missing after British-flagged yacht capsizes in tornado off coast of Italy

What might have caused the sinking?

The British-flagged luxury vessel, named Bayesian, capsized at around 4.30am local time on Monday morning off Palermo, according to ship-tracking site Marine Traffic.

It sank in as little as 60 seconds with 22 people on board, 12 passengers and a crew of 10, according to the Italian coastguard.

Waterspouts, essentially tornados that form over water, were seen as powerful winds battered the area overnight, local media said.

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The yacht may have sunk faster with all the doors open due to the hot weather, Sailing Today magazine editor Sam Jefferson has said.

"I imagine all the doors were open because it was hot, so there were enough hatches and doors open that it filled with water very quickly and sank like that," he said.

Official pictures show air conditioning units in several of the rooms, however, which could counter the suggestion open windows caused the vessel to sink faster.

The huge mast is also likely to have played a role, he added.

What are waterspouts?

Waterspouts typically occur during thunderstorms and can develop very rapidly, within minutes.

Their spin generally reaches wind speeds between 75-200mph, but can reach as high as 300mph.

A waterspout is formed during a storm in the Mediterranean Sea, October 1, 2018. REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis

They can travel at about 10-20mph typically but can reach greater speeds, making them difficult to avoid - especially in something as slow-moving as a yacht.

Matthew Schanck, chair of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, called the reports of a tornado or waterspout "rare" and "quite alarming".

"The vessel was at anchor in a recognised anchorage," Mr Schanck said.

"Depending on wind direction and the state of the sea, this informs the captain whether it is a safe area to anchor or not. There was nothing that was too concerning, for my eye. All in all, the captain used the information they had to make a safe call."

Pic: Reuters

Who owns the yacht?

The yacht belonged to the family of British tech tycoon Mike Lynch. He was confirmed to have died after rescuers found his body on Thursday. Mr Lynch was on holiday with his 18-year-old daughter Hannah, who is still missing, and his wife Angela Bacares, who was rescued.

Mr Lynch, 59, was known as the " British Bill Gates " and has been in the headlines in recent months over a high-profile fraud case.

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In June, a US jury cleared him of all charges, which were related to the 2011 sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard (HP). The yacht trip is believed to have been a celebration of the end of Mr Lynch's legal troubles.

HP accused him of deliberately overstating the value of the company before it was acquired by the American tech giant.

Mr Lynch was extradited to the US to face trial in May last year and spent 13 months under house arrest in San Francisco as he awaited trial on 17 charges of conspiracy and wire fraud brought by the US Department of Justice - which were later reduced to 15 charges. He always denied any wrongdoing and was acquitted.

Read more: Lynch's co-defendant dies days before yacht sinking

CCTV shows storm which capsized superyacht, killing one

Who was on board when the boat sank?

The passengers were largely British and American, with crew members were from New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada.

Charlotte Golunski was among the Britons rescued. Her LinkedIn profile says she is a partner at Mr Lynch's firm Invoke Capital and has worked there since 2012.

Charlotte Golunski

Speaking after the ordeal, Ms Golunski told Italian media that she lost her daughter Sofia for "two seconds" amid the "fury" of the sea but was able to retrieve her. She said she held the infant above the waves until the lifeboat was ready.

"Many people screamed. Luckily the lifeboat inflated and 11 of us were able to get on board," she told ANSA.

The girl's father James Emsley also survived, according to Sicily's civil protection agency.

Also on board were Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of investment bank Morgan Stanley, his wife Judy Bloomer, a top US lawyer Chris Morvillo, who worked on Mr Lynch's criminal case, and his wife Neda Morvillo. Divers confirmed on Thursday that their bodies had been recovered.

The yacht's captain James Cutfield survived, along with South African crew members Leah Randall and Katja Chicken.

Jonathan Bloomer is the chairman of Morgan Stanley Pic: Hiscox/ Linkedin

Recaldo Thomas, a Canadian-Antiguan chef who was working on the boat, was the first to be found dead, the Italian Coastguard confirmed to Sky News.

During rescue efforts, divers saw "corpses through the portholes" of the wreck as they recovered the body of a man at a depth of 50m (164ft), according to Salvo Cocina, the head of the Civil Protection of Sicily.

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What do we know about the vessel?

The Bayesian is owned by a company controlled by Mr Lynch's wife.

It was known for its unusual 72.3m (246ft) single mast - one of the world's tallest made of aluminium - and shared its name with the statistical method Mr Lynch's Autonomy software was based on.

Pic:Danny Wheelz

It was built by Italian company Perini Navi in 2008 and last refitted in 2020.

It was listed for rent for up to €195,000 (£166,000) a week, according to online charter sites.

The luxury vessel , which was managed by yachting company Camper & Nicholsons, could accommodate up to 12 guests in six suites.

It won a string of awards for its design, according to online specialist yacht sites.

Mr Schanck, of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, said the vessel would have been equipped with "high standard" life-saving appliances and radio communications.

He added the yacht would have met all international standards and UK Maritime Coastguard Agency regulations before its voyage.

It was previously named Salute, or "health" in Italian, when it flew under a Dutch flag. Its minimalist interior featured light wood with Japanese accents designed by the French designer Remi Tessier, according to descriptions on charter sites.

Pic:Perini Navi/The Italian Sea Group

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What were its last movements?

The boat left the Sicilian port of Milazzo on 14 August and was last tracked east of Palermo on Sunday evening, with a navigation status of "at anchor", according to vessel tracking site VesselFinder.

The Bayesian previously travelled to other parts of Sicily before its last sighting off the coast of the port of Porticello.

The path of the last 24 hours of the Bayesian. Pic: MarineTraffic

On Sunday, the boat was seen off the coast of Cefalu before it travelled towards Porticello, MarineTraffic data shows.

In the days before, the yacht travelled around four of the Aeolian islands, just north of Sicily.

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Prosecutors in the nearby town of Termini Imerese have opened an investigation into the sinking.

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The Morning

Why kamala harris’s centrism is working.

The vice president’s convention speech embodied her efforts to win over swing voters.

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By David Leonhardt

Kamala Harris capped her first month as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate with a roughly 35-minute convention speech last night that embodied her aggressive efforts to win over swing voters.

It was a patriotic speech that was hawkish on foreign policy and border security. She described the United States as the greatest country in the world — a view many Americans hold but most Democratic voters do not — and she ended by saying that being an American was “the greatest privilege on earth.” She promised to confront China, Russia, Iran and Iran-backed terrorists and to make sure that the U.S. military remained the “most lethal fighting force in the world.”

She also offered a series of populist promises to help the middle class by reducing the cost of housing and health care — policies that many independents and some Republicans favor. And she spent little if any time on subjects that inspire passion among Democrats but are either secondary or off-putting to many swing voters, such as student debt forgiveness and President Biden’s climate agenda.

You can read more about Harris’s speech in this news story , as well as in this article on how she contrasted herself with Donald Trump .

In today’s newsletter, I want to explain why Harris’s move to the political center seems to be working, at least so far.

Who vs. what

Harris has surged in the polls , erasing Biden’s deficit and taking a small lead over Trump, for two main reasons. First, she has won over some swing voters, including independents, working-class Midwesterners and even a fraction of 2020 Trump voters. Second, she has done so at no apparent cost: In addition to attracting swing voters, she has built a bigger lead than Biden had among the Democratic base, such as young voters, college graduates and city residents.

How could this be? It comes down to the difference between the who and the what of her candidacy.

Loyal Democrats are energized about the who . They spent months agonizing over Biden’s flailing candidacy. Once he quit and Harris wrapped up party support in just a few hours, everything felt different.

Democrats remembered what it was like to have a candidate who could deliver a speech without making people fret that something was about to go wrong. Harris is full of energy and joy. She can cogently explain the administration’s policies, and she seems to be having fun in the process. Amid this electricity, many Democrats have been willing to tolerate her triangulation in the service of winning.

Harris isn’t just another Democratic politician, either. She would be the country’s first female president, of course, and is a woman of color. Today’s Democratic Party puts great emphasis on identity, especially race and gender. The party defines itself in large part as the defender of groups that suffer discrimination and injustice. Just watch Tuesday night’s ceremonial roll call to nominate Harris, when delegates celebrated her historic status — and their own identities.

This focus on personal identity can give pathbreaking candidates more flexibility to stray from Democratic orthodoxy without angering the base. Barack Obama benefited from a similar dynamic in 2008. He was more moderate than some other Democratic candidates that year, yet he still excited many progressives. (Obama’s speech this week was also fairly moderate. Nonetheless, it received rapturous applause.)

For all these reasons, Harris has formed an emotional bond with liberals and others who make up the Democratic base. That bond has freed her to pursue swing voters with the what of her candidacy. She offers an economic agenda that many working-class voters support. She claims that she, not Trump, is the true candidate of border security. She encourages “U.S.A.!” chants. Last night, she referred to American history as “the most extraordinary story ever told.”

A tight race

Even so, the presidential race remains close. Harris leads in enough states to win, but only just. And if recent polls have undercounted Trump voters as much as they did in 2016 and 2020 , he would probably win an election held today.

With the convention now over, Democrats won’t be able to control the narrative the way that they have this week. Republicans have already started running ads to remind voters of Harris’s liberal past. One ad opens by calling Harris a “San Francisco radical” and showing her wearing a Covid mask while she announces her pronouns. It then includes clips in which she calls for a ban on plastic straws, supports looser immigration policies and says more police officers don’t lead to more safety. Expect to see a lot of these ads before November.

It is possible that Harris has been enjoying a temporary polling bump — from the good vibes of replacing Biden — that will soon fade. (In that case, I’ll be curious to see if Harris goes even further to moderate her image; she said nothing last night, for example, about whether she supported an “all of the above” energy policy to reduce prices.)

Nobody knows what will happen between now and Election Day. What’s clear is that Harris has run an effective first month of her campaign, managing both to consolidate Democratic support and to moderately — in both senses of the word — expand her appeal.

More from the convention

Harris’s speech included a statement of support for Israel, a denunciation of Hamas and a demand for security and dignity for the people of Gaza. It was effort to bridge the Democratic Party’s divides on the war.

Harris spoke about growing up in a working-class neighborhood with an immigrant single mother . “She taught us to never complain about injustice, but do something about it,” Harris said. “She also taught us, ‘And never do anything half-assed.’”

Harris accused Trump and the Republicans of planning to jail opponents, cut taxes for the rich and ban abortion nationwide. “Simply put, they are out of their minds,” she said.

“My entire career, I’ve only had one client: the people,” Harris said of her background as a prosecutor and lawmaker. Trump, she argued, was running “to serve the only client he has ever had: himself.” Read a transcript of her speech .

Other speakers last night echoed Harris’s patriotic theme . Adam Kinzinger, a Republican former congressman, said, “I want to let my fellow Republicans in on the secret: The Democrats are as patriotic as us.”

Members of the Central Park Five — who as boys were wrongfully convicted of attacking a woman in 1980s New York — criticized Trump . Years ago, he called for the return of the death penalty over the case.

Celebrity appearances included the Chicks, who performed the national anthem, Kerry Washington , the singer Pink and the N.B.A. star Stephen Curry, who endorsed Harris in a video.

Harris’s grandnieces led delegates in a call-and-response about how to pronounce her name. “First you say ‘comma,’ like a comma in a sentence,” one said. “Then you say ‘la,’ like ‘la-la-la-la-la,’” the other said.

More on the campaign

Trump, calling in to Fox News after Harris’s speech, sought to distance himself from Project 2025, his conservative allies’ governing blueprint, and accused Harris of failing to fix the problems she was “complaining about.”

Trump said on social media that Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, who is Jewish, had done “nothing” for Israel and called himself “the best friend that Israel, and the Jewish people, ever had.” Shapiro accused Trump of peddling antisemitic tropes .

Arizona can require people registering to vote to show proof of citizenship , the Supreme Court said.

Trump’s New Jersey golf club will host a fund-raiser to support Capitol rioters , billed as the J6 Awards Gala, next month.

Arkansas’s Supreme Court rejected an effort to put an abortion-rights amendment on the November ballot, saying the paperwork was faulty.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. filed to withdraw from the presidential election in Arizona. He’s scheduled to speak about his campaign’s future today.


War in ukraine.

Ukraine’s two-week-old offensive in western Russia has slowed , while Russian forces have gained momentum in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region.

In Russia, negative feelings about Vladimir Putin have increased since Ukraine’s incursion, an analysis of online posts found.

In Germany, strict budget rules and rising parties on the far left and far right are pushing the government to reduce its support for Ukraine .

Israel-Hamas War

“They could have brought him back”: The families of Israeli hostages whose bodies were recovered from Gaza this week expressed anger at Israel’s leaders for not agreeing to a cease-fire .

A group representing hostage families said that autopsies found bullets in the recovered bodies . The military said it was too soon to tell if gunshot wounds were the cause of death.

More International News

The second-largest diamond ever found was uncovered in Botswana. It’s the size of an adult’s palm, and weighs more than a pound.

Italian divers recovered the body of the British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch , confirming that he was killed when his yacht sank in a storm.

A volcano erupted in southwestern Iceland , the country’s sixth eruption since December.

Other Big Stories

The F.D.A. approved updated Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Only one in five American adults took booster shots last fall.

A network of more than a dozen current and former inmates used drones to smuggle drugs into Georgia prisons , prosecutors said.

Times Opinion columnists picked their best and worst moments of the last night of the Democratic convention.

This month, the F.D.A. denied approval of psychedelic drugs for mental health treatment. They won’t be approved until proponents stop conducting unethical clinical trials , Caty Enders writes.

Here are columns by Paul Krugman on Trump and crime and Michelle Goldberg on why Harris needs Lina Khan .


Love and loss: Sphen, a gentoo penguin who found international fame because of his relationship with another male penguin named Magic, died at 11 .

Altered states: A survey revealed similarities between psychedelic trips and near-death experiences .

Pickle: A TikTok influencer’s recipes have caused a cucumber shortage in Iceland .

Lives Lived: Charlene Marshall was at the center of a legal battle over the estate of the New York socialite Brooke Astor, her mother-in-law. Marshall’s husband, Anthony, was ultimately convicted of fraud, but she in some ways seemed like the one on trial. Marshall died at 79 .

M.L.B.: The Seattle Mariners, who held a 10-game lead in the A.L. West two months ago, fired their manager Scott Servais. Our beat writer says the organization is at a crisis point .

College football: The sport’s fall schedule kicks off this weekend. See our 12-team playoff projection .


The CrossFit Games are usually a triumphant moment, an extreme four-day test of fitness in which participants leap over hay bales, swing sledgehammers and toss medicine balls. This year, though, the competition turned tragic when a 28-year-old athlete from Serbia died during an open-water swim. His death has resurfaced simmering concerns that the games push competitors too far .

More on culture

A biography of the poet and thinker Audre Lorde offers a new way to think about her activism and legacy.

Jon Stewart went live on the last night of the Democratic convention.


Harness the delight of a chicken gyro in salad form .

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Here is today’s Spelling Bee . Yesterday’s pangrams were chunked and unchecked .

And here are today’s Mini Crossword , Wordle , Sudoku , Connections and Strands .

Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. —David

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David Leonhardt runs The Morning , The Times’s flagship daily newsletter. Since joining The Times in 1999, he has been an economics columnist, opinion columnist, head of the Washington bureau and founding editor of the Upshot section. He is the author of “Ours Was the Shining Future: The Story of the American Dream." More about David Leonhardt


  • Syndicate Information
  • £320,000 12 Weeks p.a.

Fractional Yacht Ownership in Mallorca

Yacht Share Network Mallorca is located in what is arguably the most stylish marina in the Mediterranean, Puerto Portals. Our local team is headed by the founders of Yacht Share Network, Simon and Mandy Maunder coupled with an attentive and extremely experienced management crew under the supervision of Lewis and his team from Yacht Management Network.

Mallorca is a global yachting metropolis. With easy access through an extensive flight network coupled with some of the best anchorages and marinas in the western Mediterranean, it’s a hard to be a combination of convenience and pleasure.

Cruising between Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca, Formentera and Cabrera is always a relatively short cruise, with each Island offering an abundance of anchorages in dream coves and a cross section of vibrant ports. Puerto Portals and Nuevo Ibiza are certainly among the best in the world with an atmosphere that every boater simply has to experience sometime during their yachting days.

Specs, Equipment and Information:

Sleekly stylish, perfect for extended voyages and long anchorage:

  • Built by Horizon Yacht Co. Ltd.
  • Vision Yachts Designer – Designstudio Spadolini
  • Hull Shape – Modified Vee
  • LOA: 21.06 m
  • Beam: 5.94 m
  • Maximum Draft: 1.52 m
  • Dry Weight: 50000 kg

Satisfyingly powerful:

  • Total Power 3100 HP
  • Engine 1: Port engine – MAN Engine Model V12-1550CR, inboard, diesel, Hours 500, Engine Power 1550 HP
  • Engine 2: Starboard engine – MAN Engine Model V12-1550CR, inboard, diesel, Hours 500, Engine Power 1550 HP

Keeping you well supplied:

  • Fresh Water Tanks – 1320 L
  • Fuel Tanks – 4540 L
  • Holding Tanks – 750 L


  • 2 single berths
  • 2 twin berths
  • 2 double berths
  • 4 bathrooms


Superbly equipped with cutting edge tech:

  • Cockpit speakers
  • Log-speedometer
  • Navigation centre
  • Wind speed and direction
  • Depth sounder
  • Repeater(s)

Inside Equipment

Truly luxurious living:

  • Refrigerator
  • Electric bilge pump
  • Electric head
  • Deep freezer
  • Washing machine
  • Battery charger
  • Air conditioning
  • Stern thruster – ABT TRAC Hydraulic & Fin stabilisers
  • Fresh water maker
  • Air compressor
  • Bow thruster
  • Manual bilge pump
  • Microwave oven
  • Sea water pump

Electrical Equipment

Keeping you powered up:

  • Shore power inlet
  • Generator – 2 x ONAN 17,5 KW
  • 220V Electrical Circuit

Outside Equipment and Extras

All the fine details you love:

  • Teak side decks
  • Swimming ladder and hydraulic Hi-Lo platform
  • Cockpit cushions
  • Teak cockpit
  • Hydraulic gangway
  • Tender – Williams 325
  • Jet in the garage
  • Cockpit table
  • Cockpit shower
  • Electric windlass

yacht fractions mallorca

Horizon 70 Syndicate Information

An excellent maintained yacht fitted with all the most desirable options including stabilisers(including full zero speed function), hi-lo bathing platform, tender garage with a Williams 325 jet tender and much more.

A true compact mini-megayacht that is built to cruise further and stay at anchor longer.

Her 4 cabins and her extensive inventory of extras make for a very capable and pleasurable yacht. The quality of furnishings and the calibre of equipment make her a true step-up from other high-end branded yachts of a similar size.

Horizon are highly respected for the build quality of their larger yachts, and this is an equally impressive shrunk-down version, where they have truly not compromised on the materials or the build quality.

She comes with a full time Captain/Engineer/Deckhand who has been with this yacht almost since her initial launch. He maintains her to an exemplary standard, which is immediately evident when boarding the yacht.

Co-owners, therefore, have the best of all worlds, in that they can stand him down if they wish for privacy, have him assist as their deckhand if they wish to self pilot, or simply sit back and relax and leave this most capable crew member to passage make for them.


12 Weeks p.a.

2012 build 2013 launch

Latest Yachts

Custom line navetta 33m, prestige 750 fly, sunseeker 88, aquilla 44 – miami/bahamas winter & hamptons/newport/nantucket summer, riva 90 argo – monaco, pearl 82 – mallorca & french/italian rivieras.

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  1. Absolute 64 Fly

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  2. Sunseeker Predator 68

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  3. Horizon 70

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  4. Horizon 70

    yacht fractions mallorca

  5. Sunseeker Predator 68

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  6. Sanlorenzo SX76

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  1. The Yacht Share Network

    The Yacht Share Network is the global leader in yacht fractional ownership activities, specialising in the sale, purchase, marketing & syndication of yachts. Worldwide Fractional Yachts ... 07181, Mallorca, Baleares, Spain +34 620812935. find your yacht Yacht Share Search Please click here to search our inventory of over 300 yachts located ...

  2. The Yacht Share Network

    Carrer d'en Blanes, Puerto Portals, Calvia, 07181, Mallorca, Baleares, Spain +34 620812935. About Us. Home About Us. The Yacht Share Network - About Us. ... We are told by our many hundreds of co-owners that we offer unrivaled fractional yacht expertise, genuine market knowledge with true syndication excellence and overall professionalism ...

  3. Yacht Share Mallorca

    Riva 63 Virtus - Puerto Portals - Mallorca. - 8 weeks p.a. €200,000. Mallorca. Sanlorenzo SX76 - Balearics. - 6 weeks per annum €660,000. Mallorca. Yacht Share Network Mallorca is located in what is arguably the most stylish marina in the Mediterranean, Puerto Portals.

  4. Boat & Yacht Shares for Sale and Purchase

    Fractional Yacht Shares Ltd T/A Yachtfractions. Email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)7802 657463 Mail to: Yacht Fractions Ltd, 65 Bottrells Lane, Chalfont St Giles, HP8 4EJ. Co. Number; 10682217. Registered in England & Wales.

  5. Fractional Yacht Ownership

    Own a luxury yacht at a fraction of the cost with MIY Yacht Share. ... Yacht Share Mallorca - +44 (0) 7786 066 246. Poole - +44 (0) 7867 650 762. ABOUT. Yachts. How It Works. About. Manufacturers. Blog. Yacht Ownership Yacht Co-Ownership. Yacht Timeshare. INFO. Get In Touch. Faqs.

  6. Fractional Yacht Ownership

    Enjoy all the benefits of owning a yacht at a fraction of the cost. Discover yacht share options here. ... Let the sun go down glamorously, on this 26 meter motor yacht based in Palma de Mallorca LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HOT DEAL >> SAILING CO-OWNERSHIP: OWN 1/3 IN A BENETEAU OCEANIS 40.0 IN MONACO!

  7. Fractional Ownership Yachts

    SmartYacht has fractional ownership yachts to suit everyone, with stunning motor and sailboats in a range of styles. See fractional boat ownership options. ... Mallorca, Spain. BENETEAU OCEANIS 40.1. Monaco, Mediterranean. Sunseeker 95 Yacht. Western Mediterranean: Balearics - Riviera. 32M SUPERYACHT Majesty 100.

  8. Musketeer

    Mallorca - Based in fully serviced marina in Alcudia, Majorca, Musketeer has two double cabins and 2 saloon berths providing comfortable accommodation for 6 people. ... Fractional Yacht Shares Ltd T/A Yachtfractions. Email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)7802 657463 Mail to: Yacht Fractions Ltd, 65 Bottrells Lane, Chalfont St Giles ...

  9. Yacht Share Mallorca

    YACHT SHARE MALLORCA. From its breathtaking beaches to its mega-sized marinas, Mallorca remains one of the most attractive destinations worldwide to enjoy the luxury yacht lifestyle. Yacht co-ownership gives you the opportunity to savor the full spendor and allure of this charming Spanish city, located in the biggest island of the Balaerics.

  10. Princess Yachts fractional ownership programme

    The new fractional ownership yacht, the Princess Y72 will be based in beautiful Mallorca with her home berth either in the prestigious Puerto Portals or Club de Mar. And when it's time to drop the lines, you can enjoy the freedom of cruising on board your own yacht in the Balearics, along with a tender and choice of water toys to discover ...

  11. Boat Shares

    Once Yacht Fractions is in possession of Bills of sale from both buyer and seller, and the purchase funds are in our client account the completion will take place. The seller will be paid and the bills of sale exchange with both parties. The purchase of a share in a yacht is almost as much about the people as it is the boat.

  12. YachtQuarters

    The programme enables owners to conveniently and cost-effectively share all the acquisition and operational costs of the yacht at a fraction of the price and without any of the usual complexities. Enjoy peace of mind with our completely transparent 5-star solution, providing you genuine and legal yacht ownership from a company you can trust.

  13. Fractional Yacht Ownership: Pros and Cons

    Defraying cost when buying a yacht isn't a new idea; shared ownership with friends and family has always been one option, and some boaters simply choose to charter instead of making a purchase. Another option that's gathered steam in the past few years is fractional ownership. Fractional ownership is exactly what it sounds like—you buy a piece of the yacht, instead of owning it from stem ...

  14. Mallorca police: German-flagged yacht cordoned off following fatality

    "The yacht was going at full speed, we were screaming like crazy." News | Latest headlines. German-flagged yacht cordoned off following Cala Bona fatality 20-year-old Guillem Comamala Fiol was killed instantly ... Passeig Mallorca 9A, 07011 Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Switchboard +34 971 78 84 00 | News Desk +34 971 78 84 10.

  15. Zusammenstoß vor Mallorca: Luxusyacht kracht in Fischerboot

    Ein deutsches Luxusschiff rammt ein lokales Fischerboot vor Mallorca. Ein spanischer Fischer kommt ums Leben, der Kapitän des Luxusschiffs flüchtet.

  16. Fractional Yacht Ownership in Mallorca

    Sunseeker 86. Mallorca - Corsica - Sardinia. Request Information. Yacht Share Network Mallorca is located in what is arguably the most stylish marina in the Mediterranean, Puerto Portals. Our local team is headed by the founders of Yacht Share Network, Simon and Mandy Maunder coupled with an attentive and extremely experienced management crew ...

  17. Mallorca fatalities: Skipper of Cala Bona yacht under investigation

    He maintains that he was unaware that the yacht had hit the fishing boat. A court in Manacor will now oversee the case. News | Latest headlines. Cala Bona fatality: Skipper of the yacht is formally under investigation ... Passeig Mallorca 9A, 07011 Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Switchboard +34 971 78 84 00 | News Desk +34 971 78 84 10. Editorial ...

  18. Morgan Stanley International chair among 6 missing after luxury yacht

    The 56-meter (184 feet) sailing boat, called "The Bayesian," was hit by a violent storm around 4 a.m. local time Monday with 10 crew and 12 passengers on board.

  19. After yacht sinks, experts say Mediterranean growing more dangerous

    The shipwreck of a luxury yacht moored off the coast of Sicily is the latest sign that the Mediterranean is becoming a more dangerous sea to sail in, climate experts and skippers say.

  20. THE BEST Voronezh Motels of 2023 (with Prices)

    Best Voronezh Motels on Tripadvisor: Find 14 traveler reviews, candid photos, and prices for motels in Voronezh, Russia.


    Otdokhni, Voronezh: See traveler reviews, 12 candid photos, and great deals for Otdokhni, ranked #44 of 139 specialty lodging in Voronezh and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  22. Bayesian yacht sinking: British engineer Tim Parker Eaton and crewman

    Two British Bayesian crew members under investigation Tim Parker Eaton and Matthew Griffith to be questioned by Italian prosecutors after Mike Lynch's superyacht sank off Sicily

  23. Seven dead in Bayesian yacht sinking disaster

    Built in Italy by renowned builder Perini Navi and delivered in 2008, the yacht's naval architecture was developed by Ron Holland Design while the interior design is by Rémi Tessier.She was formerly known as Salute and was last refitted in 2016. She was listed for sale earlier this year, according to BOATPro.The yacht had accommodation for nine guests and 12 crew.

  24. What caused the fatal sinking of the superyacht Bayesian?

    The trip on the Lynch family's yacht had been intended to celebrate his recent acquittal by a US jury, with 12 passengers on board, including his wife and 18-year-old daughter, and 10 crew members.

  25. How it works

    Many of our syndicates adopt the Fractional Association's standard operating procedure as the basis of their syndicate management structure. Worldwide Fractional Yachts. Call us: +34 620812935. ... where our international co-owners can swap their week on their yacht in Mallorca, for example, for a week on any of our yachts worldwide; Yacht ...

  26. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Voronezh (2024)

    2. Voronezh State Nature Biosphere Sanctuary V.M. Peskova. It was a nice and relaxing trip into the nature after a crammed with excursions day in Voronezh and Voronezh area.... 3. Park Alyye Parusa. It is a great family park in Voronezh. There is a lot to do for children. There is even a beach. I was sunbathing here.

  27. Mike Lynch and daughter among missing after yacht sinks: What we know

    The yacht may have sunk faster with all the doors open due to the hot weather, Sailing Today magazine editor Sam Jefferson has said. "I imagine all the doors were open because it was hot, so there ...

  28. Why Kamala Harris's Centrism Is Working

    The vice president's convention speech embodied her efforts to win over swing voters. By David Leonhardt Kamala Harris capped her first month as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate ...

  29. Horizon 70

    Fractional Yacht Ownership in Mallorca. Yacht Share Network Mallorca is located in what is arguably the most stylish marina in the Mediterranean, Puerto Portals. Our local team is headed by the founders of Yacht Share Network, Simon and Mandy Maunder coupled with an attentive and extremely experienced management crew under the supervision of ...

  30. 26 Best Things To Do In Voronezh, Russia

    4. Tour the lovely Annunciation Cathedral. Posted by Russian Orthodox Church of the Annunciation on Saturday, 3 September 2016. Your tour of Voronezh should lead you to The Annunciation Cathedral. This cathedral is known to be one of the tallest Eastern Orthodox churches in the world and is a spectacle to behold.