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Jah Lil: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: Jah Lil - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 02.09.2024 . 46:26 Min. . WDR .

Der jamaikanische Künstler Jah Lil ist tief verwurzelt in der Musiklandschaft von Kingston. Sein Style ist eine Hommage an Reggae-Ikonen wie Bob Marley und Burning Spear, geschmackvoll angereichert mit Einflüssen von Michael Jackson und Anita Baker.  |  video

Jesse Royal: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: Jesse Royal - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 02.09.2024 . 01:12:25 Std. . WDR .

Jesse Royal ist Teil des “Reggae Revival”-Movements und kümmert sich neben musikalischen Kollegen wie Chronixx, Protoje, Koffee, Kabaka Pyramid und Lila Ike darum, dass dieser Musikstil wieder zu seinen Wurzeln zurückkehrt.  |  video

Collie Buddz

Video: Collie Buddz - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 02.09.2024 . 01:08:56 Std. . WDR .

Colin Patrick Harper alias Collie Buddz ist schon seit Mitte der Nullerjahre in der internationalen Reggae-Szene aktiv. Seinen Durchbruch feierte er 2007 mit der Single "Come Around". Seitdem tourt Collie Buddz durch die ganze Welt und kollaboriert mit zahlreichen bekannten Künstlern.  |  video

Romain Virgo: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: Romain Virgo - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 26.08.2024 . 01:06:02 Std. . WDR .

Romain Virgo wurde schon in jungen Jahren zu einer großen Nummer: Mit nur 17 Jahren gewann er einen populären jamaikanischen TV-Gesangswettbewerb und ist seitdem ein Star in seiner Heimat. Mit zahlreichen Hits hat er seitdem bewiesen, dass er weit mehr als nur ein One-Hit-Wonder ist.  |  video

Ky-Mani Marley: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: Ky-Mani Marley - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 26.08.2024 . 01:20:19 Std. . WDR .

Wie einige seiner älteren Geschwister hat sich auch Ky-Mani Marley früh in seiner Jugend dazu entschieden, in die Fußstapfen seines berühmten Vaters Bob zu treten. Er ist nicht nur als Musiker erfolgreich, sondern arbeitet auch als Schauspieler.  |  video

Burna Boy

Video: Burna Boy - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 26.08.2024 . 01:04:12 Std. . WDR .

Der mehrfach preisgekrönte nigerianische Musiker Burna Boy ist in Europa 2019 für seine Zusammenarbeit mit Stormzy und Ed Sheeran an dem Superhit "Own It" bekannt geworden. In seiner Heimat ist er allerdings schon deutlich länger ein Star.  |  video

Stonebwoy: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: Stonebwoy - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 19.08.2024 . 53:23 Min. . WDR .

Stonebwoy ist ein international erfolgreicher Musiker aus Ghana. Seine Wurzeln liegen im Rap, mittlerweile ist er vor allem als Reggae- und Dancehall-Künstler bekannt.  |  video

Lila Iké

Video: Lila Iké - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 19.08.2024 . 01:06:50 Std. . WDR .

Mit einer samtenen Stimme voller Soul und gefühlvollen, groovigen Tracks hat sich Lila Iké zu einer der gefragtesten aktuellen Reggae-Sängerinnen gemausert.  |  video

Konshens: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: Konshens - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 19.08.2024 . 57:59 Min. . WDR .

Konshens alias Garfield Delano Spence ist ein jamaikanischer Dancehall-Künstler und DJ mit einer internationalen Fanbase. Im Laufe seiner Karriere hat er mit zahlreichen namhaften Reggae-Künstler:innen und DJs kollaboriert.  |  video

Skillibeng: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: Skillibeng - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 19.08.2024 . 41:16 Min. . WDR .

Vom düster-schleppenden "Whap Whap" bis hin zum verspielt-sleazy Sound von "Missbnasty": Skillibeng gehört zu den derzeit angesagtesten Namen in Sachen Dancehall. Seit seinem Durchbruch 2019 hat der produktive Jamaikaner mit einer Reihe von Hymnen eine weltweite Fangemeinde aufgebaut.  |  video


Video: Jizzle - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 12.08.2024 . 51:43 Min. . WDR .

Obwohl Gambias Musikindustrie in den letzten Jahren eine Flut begabter junger Künstler:innen hervorgebracht hat, ist Jizzle ein Ausnahmetalent: Sein Schwerpunkt liegt auf Rap, er singt aber gelegentlich auch Dancehall. Er performt in den drei großen westafrikanischen Sprachen – Fula, Mandingo und Wolof – und dazu auf Englisch.  |  video

Queen Omega: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: Queen Omega & The Royal Souls - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 12.08.2024 . 50:02 Min. . WDR .

Queen Omega hat eine der beeindruckendsten Stimmen der Reggae-Welt: Mit ihrem kraftvollen, souligen und ausdrucksstarken Gesang reißt das Energiebündel auch den größten Reggae-Skeptiker vom Hocker.  |  video

J Boog: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: J Boog - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 12.08.2024 . 57:59 Min. . WDR .

J Boog ist Reggae-Sänger polynesischer Abstammung, geboren und aufgewachsen in Kalifornien. Seine weiche, sonore Stimme und sein charismatisches Auftreten machen ihn zu einem der weltweit beliebtesten Reggae-Interpreten der letzten Jahre.  |  video

Busy Signal: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2024

Video: Busy Signal - Summerjam Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 12.08.2024 . 01:12:09 Std. . WDR .

Busy Signal verbindet Roots-Reggae mit Dub-Experimenten und aktuellen DJ-Styles. Seit seiner Debütsingle "Step Out" findet er sich regelmäßig erfolgreich in den Reggae- und Billboard-Charts wieder.  |  video

Mouth live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Video: Mouth - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 29.07.2024 . 43:00 Min. . WDR .

Freak Valley Festival - 01.06.2024: Man kann allerhand machen, wenn das Titelstück des aktuellen Mouth-Albums läuft. Zum Beispiel – Achtung, Klischeealarm – einmal den Flokati durchkämmen. Sagenhafte 23 Minuten läuft „Getaway“. In dem Stück ist alles drin, was die Kölner Band auszeichnet. Hardrock-Geschepper und Progressive Rock. Glamrock-Geglitzer und Psychedelic Rock. Repetitive Rhythmen, die auf der Schiene minimaler Soundverschiebungen rattern. Mouth packen die 70er-Jahre in ihren ganz eigenen Klangkosmos, und der Flokati ist dabei natürlich eins: frisch frisiert.  |  video

Tō Yō

Video: Tō Yō - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 29.07.2024 . 47:45 Min. . WDR .

Freak Valley Festival - 31.05.2024: Ob sie sich mit dem Titel ihres Debüts vorübergehend in die Tierwelt gebeamt haben, sei mal dahingestellt. Klar ist indes, dass Tō Yō mit „Stray Birds Form The Far East“ diverse Einflüsse aufsaugen, diese zerlegen und neu zusammenbauen. Das Quartett schätzt die psychedelischen Sounds amerikanischer Band der 60er-Jahre und kombiniert diese mit traditionellen japanischen Klängen. Das passiert mal mit Gitarren, die luftig und leicht daherkommen wie in „Li Ma Li“ – und funktioniert auch prächtig, wenn es dynamisch und druckvoll zugeht wie in „Tears Of The Sun“.  |  video


Video: Dÿse - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Rockpalast . 29.07.2024 . 53:17 Min. . WDR .

Freak Valley Festival - 31.05.2024: Zwei Musiker. Zwei Instrumente, Gitarre und Schlagzeug. Und ein kleiner Kniff, der eine große Wirkung entfacht: Der Sound der Gitarre läuft über diverse Bass-, Gitarren und einen Röhrenverstärker. Dÿse – Andrej Dietrich an der Gitarre und Jarii van Gohl am Schlagzeug – spielen Noise-Rock, der einem mit jedem Takt, Beat und Riff tüchtig die Frisur durchpustet. Dabei singt das Duo in verschiedenen Sprachen über alles, was ihnen im Leben so begegnet: Drogenexzesse, soziale Ungerechtigkeiten, Brennholzverleihfirmen. Was für Typen, was für ein Brett.  |  video

Ein Mann mit freiem Oberkörper und langen Haaren hat eine Gitarre umhängen, die er spielt und sich dabei nach vorne beugt.

Rockpalast - Info zur Sendung

Weitere videos, c.o.f.f.i.n - freak valley festival 2024.

C.O.F.F.I.N live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Freak Valley Festival - 30.05.2024: Einen Slogan würden C.o.f.f.i.n. wohl 24/7 unterschreiben. Diesen hier: „Punk’n’Roll will never die!“ Damit das auch so bleibt, hängen sich die Australier ordentlich rein. Ihr riffgetriebener High-Speed-Rock’n’Roll versprüht auch auf dem Album „Australia Stops“ eine räudige Wucht und prescht nach vorn. Und in seinen Lyrics ist Schlagzeuger und Sänger Ben Portnoy gewohnt kritisch: Die drehen sich auch weiterhin um soziale Ungerechtigkeiten, miese Arbeitsbedingungen und wenden sich gegen die Unterdrückung der australischen Ureinwohner. | video

Amyl And The Sniffers - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Amyl And The Sniffers live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Freak Valley Festival - 01.06.2024: Sie ist klein, blond und forsch. Und einen Satz hat sie im machohaft geprägten Musikbiz schon oft gehört: „Du bist schwach, du kannst das nicht“. Ist natürlich beides Quatsch. Amy Taylor prägt als Sängerin von Amyl And The Sniffers den Sound der Band – eine wilde Mixtur aus Punk, Glam und 70er-Jahre-Aussie-Rock – ganz entscheidend. Wenn Amy Taylor mit der Energie einer großen Flummi-Armee in Songs wie „Got You“ und „Comfort To Me“ loslegt, riecht es nach Krawall und Radau – und ist immer knackig auf den Punkt. | video

Black River Delta - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Black River Delta live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Freak Valley Festival - 01.06.2024: Sie kommen aus einer schwedischen Kleinstadt namens Bollnäs. Mindestens genauso wichtig wie ihre Herkunft ist den Musikern von Black River Delta aber, dass sie alle in der Nähe der familiären Plattenregale groß geworden sind. Und das hat bis heute Folgen. Obwohl schwedisch bei nature, fühlen sich Black River Delta in uramerikanischen Sounds pudelwohl. Alternative Rock, Blues und Bluesrock sind ihre Sozialisation, und Helden wie Jimi Hendrix und Stevie Ray Vaughan inspirieren bis heute das Klangkonzept von Black River Delta. | video

Godsleep - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Godsleep live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Freak Valley Festival - 01.06.2024: Es kommt leider nicht allzu oft vor, dass Frauen in diesen Genres etwas zu sagen haben. Bei Godsleep ist das zum Glück anders. Amie Makris heißt die Frontfrau der griechischen Band, die sich in langsamen Doom-Passagen genauso wohlfühlt wie in energiegeladenen Stoner-Rock-Attacken. In ihrer Bühnenfigur vereint Amie Makris the beauty and the beast, und die Sängerin tanzt in Songs wie „Pots Of Hell“ so markant wie schmissig auf ihren Stimmbändern. Bitte mehr davon in diesem männerdominierten Bereich der Musikabteilung! | video

Speck - Freak Valley Festival 2024


Freak Valley Festival - 01.06.2024: Die Zutaten sind seit Jahrzehnten bekannt und bewährt. Eine fette Basslinie. Ein treibendes Schlagzeug. Ein durchgetretenes Wah-Wah-Pedal, mit dem der Gitarrist konsequent auf der Fahrspur minimaler Soundverschiebungen unterwegs ist. Speck heißt die Band, die repetitive Rhythmen auf der Loop-Achterbahn schwindelfrei bewältigt und auch bei der Namensgebung ihrer Tracks eindeutig losbrettert. „Krautobahn, unbegrenzt“ heißt das zentrale Stück auf dem Album „Eine gute Reise“ – und bei dem gilt 13 Minuten diese Devise: Abfahrt! | video

Kadavar - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Kadavar live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Freak Valley Festival - 01.06.2024: Am Beginn ihrer Karriere haben sie Schlaghosen wieder als Bühnengarderobe etabliert. Und sie schreiben Authentizität groß und füllen den Begriff mit Inhalt. Wichtig dabei: Wenn Kadavar ihren Sound zwischen Psychedelic Rock, Pro-Metal und Hard Rock in eine stabile Form gießen, dann setzen sie ausschließlich auf originales Equipment aus den 60er- und 70er-Jahren. Die Vintage-Bartrockbande weiß, wie man eine Zeitmaschine effektiv bedient und bespielt – indem sie Sounds aus dem Gestern renoviert und variiert – ihre eigene Nische. | video

Fuzzy Grass - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Fuzzy Grass

Freak Valley Festival - 31.05.2024: Man kann die Zeit nicht zurückdrehen. Aber man kann mit einer Jahreszahl aus dem Gestern klarmachen, was man im Heute will. Fuzzy Grass haben genau das getan. "1971" heißt das Debüt der Band und es klingt, als schwebten Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix und Co beschwingt durchs 60er- und 70er-Jahre Universum. Der Gesang von Audric Faucheaux ist inbrünstig und charismatisch, und Fuzzy Grass zelebrieren ihre Leidenschaft für Sounds aus der Vergangenheit mit ihrer Version von Psychedelic Rock energetisch. | video

1000MODS - Freak Valley Festival 2024


Freak Valley Festival - 31.05.2024: Ihr Songwriting ist schnörkellos, ihr Sound brodelt, und der Quell ihrer Inspirationen sprudelt aus jedem Riff. 1000mods haben die Heavy-Metal-Urväter Black Sabbath nicht nur gehört, sondern komplett verstanden. Und auch die Stoner-Rock-Begründer Kyuss stehen auf der Agenda der Band, wenn sie in Songs wie „Electric Carve“ und „Super Van Vacation“ tonnenschwere Klanggebirge auftürmt. Zusammen mit Planet Of Zeus und Nightstalker be-ackern 1000mods den griechischen Nährboden, auf dem Stoner Rock und Psychedelic Rock prächtig gedeihen. | video

Alex Henry Foster & The Long Shadows - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Alex Henry Foster

Freak Valley Festival - 31.05.2024: Er ist Musiker, Komponist und Gründer der Band Your Favorite Enemies. Vor allem aber ist Alex Henry Foster 2024 das: wieder bereit für die Bühne. Genesen von einer Herz-OP im Jahr 2023, lotet der Kanadier neue Klangwelten aus. Zusammen mit der japanischen Künstlerin Momoka Tobari ist er auf „Kimiyo“ zwischen Post Rock, Dream-Pop und Ambient unterwegs. Für diesen Sound steht der Track „Nocturnal Candescence“, der einen geisterhaften Sog entfacht; in der zehnminütigen Ballade geht es um Verlust, Selbstaufgabe und Hoffnung. | video

Osees - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Osees live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Freak Valley Festival - 31.05.2024: Auf drei Dinge kann man sich bei dieser Band verlassen. Erstens: Seit ihrer Gründung Ende der 90er ist Sänger und Gitarrist John Dwyer die einzige Konstante. Zweitens: Die Musiker wechseln den Bandnamen so oft wie manche Menschen ihre Socken. Doch ganz gleich, ob es nun The Ohsees, The Oh Sees, Oh Sees oder – aktuell – Osees sind, gilt drittens: Die Musiker bleiben auch auf dem Album „Intercepted Message“ experimentierfreudig und schlagen wild und chaotisch ihre Haken durch Garage, Prog und Psychedelic Rock. | video

Daevar - Freak Valley Festival 2024


Freak Valley Festival - 30.05.2024: Die Kölner von Daevar treten an, um die Stoner-/Doom-Metal-Szene mit ihrem bedrohlichen Lo-Fi-Sound aufzumischen. Schon mit ihrem Debüt haben sie in der Szene für Aufsehen gesorgt und für begeisterte Kritiken gesorgt. | video

Kanaan - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Kanaan live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Freak Valley Festival - 30.05.2024: Im Zusammenhang mit diesem norwegischen Musiker kann man einiges festhalten. Erstens: Freie Tage im Kalender mag Ingvald Vassbø eher nicht. Wenn er als Drummer und Kreativkopf nicht mit Full Earth zugange ist, kommt eine andere Formation dran. Mit Kanaan hat Vassbø – Erkenntnis Nummer zwei – das Format „Single“ in eine neue Dimension befördert: Der Track „Beyond“ ist fast 28 Minuten lang. Drittens: Kanaan spielen instrumentalen Psychedelic und Space Rock: derbe, kraftvoll, zuweilen spacig wabernd – und oft so, dass die Fuzz-Pedale glühen. | video

Black Pyramid - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Black Pyramid live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Freak Valley Festival - 30.05.2024: Sie schreiben ihre Tradition fort und setzen auf ihr bewährtes Soundkonzept. Auch auf ihrem Album „The Paths Of Time Are Vast“ werkeln Black Pyramid zwischen Doom Metal und Stoner Rock so detailverliebt wie donnernd an ausufernden, mit Tempowechseln garnierten Instrumentalpassagen. In diese pflanzt Gitarrist Andy Beresky seinen Gesang, und selbstredend sind auch die Texte eine Konstante im Schaffen des Trios. Der Quell von Heiterkeit sprudelt woanders; bei Black Pyramid haben die Apokalypse und die Abgründe des Daseins ein festes Zuhause. | video

Slomosa - Freak Valley Festival 2024


Freak Valley Festival - 30.05.2024: Natürlich haben sie das Genre nicht neu erfunden. Was Slomosa allerdings auszeichnet: Die Band spielt ihren Stoner Rock so druckvoll wie dringlich. Ihre Riffs sind wuchtig und catchy, und ihre Live-Shows mit Krachern wie „There Is Nothing New Under The Sun“ und „Horses“ sind energiegeladen, dynamisch und mitreißend. Logisch, dass bei den Gigs von Slomosa kein T-Shirt trocken bleibt. Weder im Publikum noch auf der Bühne – zum Beispiel das von Mary Moe, die beim Bassspielen gerne mal eins mit dem Konterfei von Britney Spears trägt. | video

Monolord - Freak Valley Festival 2024

Monolord live @ Freak Valley Festival  2024

Freak Valley Festival - 30.05.2024: Tonnenschwere Gitarrenriffs, Mut zur Monotonie und tranceartiger Gesang, der meistens in eine Richtung zielt: tief in die Magengrube. Für Monolord ist Hektik keine relevante Kategorie. Für ihre Reise Richtung Unendlichkeit hat die Band mit ihrem Doom Metal ewig Zeit. Und bei einem Brecher wie „Empress Rising“ zelebriert das Trio einen Spannungsbogen der anderen Art. Kommt nicht allzu oft vor, passiert aber: dass man ein Riff über 13 Minuten hört. Der Doom-Adel wohnt nicht ausschließlich in Göteborg. Aber dank Monolord hat er dort eine wichtige Filiale. | video

John Diva & The Rockets Of Love - Rock Hard Festival 2024

John Diva & The Rockets Of Love: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Selten trifft ein Waschzettel-Text der Musikindustrie den Nagel so exakt auf den Kopf wie im Falle von John Diva & The Rockets of Love: "Hair Metal with a sleazy attitude. Your mom wouldn’t like it." Das kann man so vermuten. | video

Chapel Of Disease - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Chapel Of Disease: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Chapel Of Disease machen seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2008 von sich reden und gelten als eine der führenden Bands des deutschen Metal-Undergrounds. Vom Death Metal ausgehend, integriert die Band die verschiedensten musikalischen Einflüsse in ihrem Sound. | video

Demon - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Demon: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Mit Alben wie "Night Of The Demon" oder "Unexpected Guest" gehört die Band aus dem englischen Staffordshire seit Ende der Siebziger zur Speerspitze der New Wave Of British Heavy Metal. | video

Exhorder - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Exhorder: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

New Orleans steht nicht nur für Dixie und Jazz – aus den Sümpfen Louisianas kommt auch knallharter Thrash Metal. Die Band Exhorder um Shouter Kyle Thomas sind eine Institution und gelten als Wegbereiter des groovigen Thrash Metal der Neunziger. | video

Riot V - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Riot V: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

1976 in Brooklyn, New York gegründet, gelten Riot als Pioniere des US-amerikanischen Power Metal. Nach mehreren Reunions und Besetzungswechseln ist die Band seit 2013 unter dem Namen Riot V aktiv. | video

D-A-D - Rock Hard Festival 2024

D-A-D: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

D-A-D spielen sich mit ihrem Gute-Laune-Rocksound seit den frühen Achtzigern in die Herzen der europäischen Rockfans. Das erklärte Ziel der Band bei ihrer Gründung: Der Anti-Haltung des von ihnen heißgeliebten Punkrocks etwas positives Lebensgefühl entgegenzuhalten. | video

Baest - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Baest: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Während Schweden und Norwegen immer wieder mit harten Tönen in Verbindung gebracht werden, war es um Metal aus Dänemark einige Jahre etwas stiller. Baest haben dies erfolgreich geändert. | video

Vandenberg - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Vandenberg: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Die Combo um Gitarrist und Namensgeber Adriaan „Adje“ van den Berg steht seit Anfang der 1980er für astreinen Hard Rock. Nach einer sehr langen Pause kam die Band 2020 mit einer Reunion-Platte zurück und tourt seitdem wieder durch die Welt. | video

Waltari - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Waltari: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Die finnische Band Waltari hat schon in den 1980er Jahren mit diversen Sounds und Genres experimentiert - irgendwo im Niemandsland zwischen Metal, Alternative, Pop und Rock. Auch sinfonische Elemente, Techno und HipHop gehören zu ihren Stilelementen. Klingt irre? Ist es auch. | video

Primordial - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Primordial: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

1991 von Bassist Pól MacAmhlaigh und Gitarrist Ciarán MacUiliam gegründet, verbinden Primordial in ihrem Sound Black Metal-Elemente mit Doom Metal und keltischen Einflüssen. Sänger Alan Averill alias Nemtheanga überzeugt mit seiner markanten Reibeisenstimme. | video

Forbidden - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Forbidden: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Forbidden waren eine der ersten Thrash Metal Bands überhaupt und klingen auch heute kein bisschen gealtert. Die Bay Area-Urgesteine um Gitarrist Craig Locicero sind nach einer langen Pause seit 2023 wieder aktiv und sorgen bei Festivals für Furore. | video

KK's Priest - Rock Hard Festival 2024

KK's Priest: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Die Combo des legendären Gitarristen K.K. Downing (Judas Priest) ist seit 2020 aktiv und gibt zur Freude des Publikums live nicht nur eigene Songs, sondern auch Priest-Klassiker zum Besten. | video

Dread Sovereign - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Dread Sovereign: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Alan Averill und seine Band haben ihre Ursprünge im Black Metal. Entsprechend düster und oft auch im satanischen Gewand kommen die Songs der Band daher. Ihr Sound bleibt dabei stets wuchtig und dicht. | video

Thronehammer - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Thronehammer: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Einst als Nebenprojekt der Band Obelyskkh gegründet, gehören Thronehammer mittlerweile zu den großen europäischen Doom-Bands. Das internationale Quintett begeistert mit einem Sound, der viele Einflüsse zulässt – von Bathory über Slayer bis zu Paradise Lost. | video

Mystic Prophecy - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Mystic Prophecy: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Die Allgäuer um Sänger und Bandgründer Roberto D. Liapakis sind mit ihren Songs und Alben seit der Jahrtausendwende erfolgreich. Ihr Stil: klassischer Power Metal mit Heavy- und Thrash-Elementen. | video

Unleashed - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Unleashed: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Unleashed gehören zu den Pionieren der schwedischen Death Metal-Szene und sind seit 1989 nahezu in ihrem Gründungs-Lineup unterwegs. Die Band um Sänger und Bassist Johnny Hedlund beherrscht ein abwechslungsreiches Repertoire von druckvoll-aggressiv bis hymnisch-episch. | video

Brutus - Rock Hard Festival 2024

Brutus: Live @ Rock Hard Festival 2024

Die Band um die singende Schlagzeugerin Stefanie Mannaerts passt nicht in die klassischen Metal-Schubladen. Ihr Sound oszilliert zwischen Rock, Metal, Hardcore und Pop und ist ein weiteres Beispiel für den enormen Kreativ-Output des Musiklands Belgien. | video

Amorphis - Rock Hard Festival 2024


Die Metalband aus Finnland hat schon einige Besetzungswechsel hinter sich, das ist aber bei so einer langen Karriere kein Wunder. Auch soundmäßig gab es bei Amorphis niemals Stillstand. | video

A.S. Fanning - Crossroads-Festival 2024

A.S. Fanning

Die Musik des in Berlin lebenden Iren A.S. Fanning ist groß, düster, gewaltig, pessimistisch und trotzdem catchy und hat die apokalyptische Qualitäten von Nick Cave oder The National. Mit einer komplett internationalen Band (Irland, Australien, Portugal, USA, Deutschland) ist er völlig analog unterwegs. Man könnte sein Schaffen als Anti-Folk-Noir beschreiben, mit dunkel brodelnder Grandezza und einnehmender, songschreiberischer Größe, das hat Klasse ohne Pomp, ist Kunst ohne Kitsch. | video

LÜT - Crossroads-Festival 2024


Lüt sind eher im Punk- und Alternative-rock heimisch, dürfen sich aber auch vieler Fans aus dem Metal- und Hrdrock rühmrn. Die Band hat bereits einen beeindruckenden Weg hinter sich, mit einer norwegischen Grammy-Nominierung, ausgebuchten eigenen Tourneen und einer Support-Tour für Die Ärzte | video

The Cinelli Brothers - Crossroads-Festival 2024

The Cinelli Brothers

Die Cinelli Brothers aus Großbritannien frönen ihrer Leidenschaft für eine Musik, die Blues, Soul und Rock'nRoll zu vereinen scheint, obwohl sie im Chicago- und Texas-Blues der 60er- und 70er Jahre wurzelt. Daraus resultiert ein originelles Repertoire im Stil von Chess, Stax und Motown. | video

Sari Schorr - Crossroads-Festival 2024

Sari Schorr

Sari Schorr ist eine US-amerikanische Bluesrock-Sängerin und Songwriterin aus New York City. Aufgrund ihrer fünf Oktaven umfassenden Stimme wurde sie ermuntert, Opernsängerin zu werden. Schorr bevorzugte jedoch Jazz und Blues und begann, eigene Songs zu schreiben. Ihre ersten Auftritte hatte sie in der Bronx und im Lower East Manhattans, im CBGB und in Arlene's Grocery und wurde 2015 in die "New York Blues Hall of Fame" aufgenommen. | video

Ellis Mano Band - Crossroads-Festival 2024

Ellis Mano Band

Vielfältig ist die Herangehensweise an die klassischen Rock- und Blues-Spielarten, was dazu führt, dass sie tradierte Muster nicht komplett aufbrechen, ihren virtuosen, durchaus melodiösen, Blues-basierten Rock aber stets mit zeitloser Cleverness versetzen. Das changiert zwischen heftigem 70s-Rock und elegantem Yacht-Rock, lehnt sich hier und da an Deep Purple an und weiß durch stimmungsvolle Songs zu überzeugen. | video

Bonafide - Crossroads-Festival 2024


Bonafide wurden 2006 vom Sänger/Gitarristen Pontus Snibb in Malmö, Südschweden, gegründet. Ihre Mission: Hardrock so zu spielen, wie er gespielt werden sollte - treu seinen Wurzeln im elektrischen Blues und im frühen R&B. Bei Bonafide gibt es keinen Platz für Posen, keine Zugeständnisse und keine Abstriche. Einfach guter, lauter Rock'n'Roll. | video

Cody Jasper - Crossroads Festival 2024

Cody Jasper

Cody Jasper ist für energiegeladene und unterhaltsame Auftritte bekannt, hier scheint jemand zu wissen, wie man eine Bühne bearbeitet. Das Soundspektrum reicht dabei von Southern-Rock und Blues zum Soul und von Outlaw-Country zu Stax's Gospel-Wurzeln. | video

Kris Barras Band - Crossroads-Festival 2024

Kris Barras Band

Die Kris Barras Band macht Blues-Rock mit Arena-Touch, hart und doch zugänglich. Barras macht sich dabei die düsteren Melodien und die stampfende Kraft zunutze, die auch Fans von Architects, Shinedown und Alter Bridge schätzen. Zuletzt fügte er seinen Blues-basierten Songs immer mehr Hard-Rock- und Metal-Einflüsse hinzu, mit großen Riffs und großen Refrains - aber stets Riff- und groove-basiert. | video

Paul van Dyk - Weltstar aus Eisenhüttenstadt

Paul van Dyk

In seinem filmischen Porträt begleitet Ingo Schmoll den weltbekannten DJ, Produzenten und Grammy-nominierten EDM-Musiker Paul van Dyk zu Konzerten, im Studio und zu Hause. Dabei sprechen die beiden u.a. um die Rolle von KI in der Musik und einschneidende Ereignisse in van Dyks Leben. | video

Jan Delay & Disko No. 1 - Summerjam Festival 2023

Jan Delay & Disko No. 1: Live @ Summerjam Festival 2023

Jan Phillip Eißfeldt a.k.a Jan Delay hat einen langen Marsch durch die Genres hinter sich: Zuerst HipHop mit den Beginnern, dann mit der Sam Ragga Band im Rücken Reggae und Dance-Hall, und seit einigen Jahren ist der Oberstyler bei Funk und Pop angelangt. | video

Black Pumas - E-Werk, Köln 2024

Live: Black Pumas

Funky Gitarrenakkorde, souliger Gesang und eine Menge Latin Groove, das macht die Black Pumas einen der heißesten aktuellen Acts aus den USA. Die Band um die beiden Masterminds Adrian Quesada und Eric Burton machte ziemlich bald nach ihrer Gründung schon von sich reden. | video

Power Plush - Palladium, Köln 2024

Live: Power Plush

Die Band Power Plush kam 2019 zusammen und seitdem hat sich viel getan im Leben der vier Chemnitzer*innen Anja (Bass, Gesang), Maria (Gitarre, Gesang), Svenja (Gitarre, Gesang) und Nino (Schlagzeug). Nach zahlreichen umjubelten Festivalgigs 2022 folgte 2023 das Debütalbum "Coping Fantasies". | video

Kaffkiez - Palladium, Köln 2024

Live 2024 im Palladium Köln: Kaffkiez

Als Kaffkiez 2020 in Rosenheim gegründet wurden, hatten ihre Mitglieder schon einige Jahre Banderfahrung auf dem Buckel. Die Professionalität hört man dem geradlinigen Indie Rock der Fünf auch an. | video

KMPFSPRT - E-Werk, Köln 2024


Bandname als Kampfansage: Die vier Kölner KMPFSPRT spielen wuchtigen Punkrock mit Postpunk- und Hardcore-Einflüssen. Mit klassischem Deutschpunk hat das gar nichts zu tun. | video

Adam Angst - E-Werk, Köln 2024

Adam Angst

Adam Angst spielen treibenden, zeitgemäßen Punkrock mit deutschen Texten. In ihren immer wieder recht bissigen Songs geht es vor allem um sozialkritische und politische Themen, oft serviert mit einer ordentlichen Prise Humor oder Sarkasmus. | video

NZE NZE - Eurosonic Festival 2024


Nze Nze wurde 2021 im Rahmen einer Resideny in einem Pariser Studio geboren. Das französische Projekt vereint die drei Köpfe hinter Sacred Lodge und das Duo UVB76. Gespenstische Gesänge, eine geradezu chirurgische Produktionsweise und düstere Atmosphären bilden zusammen den Kernsound des Projekts. | video

THALA - Eurosonic Festival 2024


Ihre Liebe zum Shoegaze und Dream Pop der frühen 90er Jahre hat THALA während ihrer Arbeit auf den Kanarischen Inseln entdeckt. Als sie nach Berlin zurückkehrte, stürzte sie sich in Straßenmusik, Open-Mic-Abende und widmete sich voll und ganz der Musik. | video

Den Der Hale - Eurosonic Festival 2024

Den Der Hale

Die schwedische Post-Psych-Band Den Der Hale filtert Rhythmen und atonale Melodien durch extreme Effekte. Geräusche und Noise-Schichten kontrastiert die Band durch treibende Basslinien und Percussions. Das beim oberflächlichen Hören chaotisch klingende Amalgam ist in Wahrheit enorm ausgefuchst. | video

UNIVERSITY - Eurosonic Festival 2024


Die Newcomer aus England mögen es simpel und roh. Ihr doch sehr universell klingender Bandname erleichtert nicht gerade die Suche nach Material über sie, aber University legen offensichtlich keinen Wert auf schnellen Ruhm, sondern arbeiten an ihrer ganz eigenen, ungestümen Version des Alternative Rock in den 2020ern. | video

W!zard - Eurosonic Festival 2024


Die härtere Gangart soll laut Band ihre selbstkritische, emotionale Geisteshaltung widerspiegeln. Es sei auch "eine Analyse einer Welt, die im Untergang begriffen ist." | video

BRACCO - Eurosonic Festival 2024


Gemeinsam mit dem Elektronikproduzenten Paulie Jan haben BRACCO für ihre erste LP genau den Sound gefunden, der ihre Live-Performances wiedergibt: eine Mischung aus düsterer Clubmusik und tiefem Post-Punk. 2022 veröffentlichte das französische Duo sein zweites Album "Dromonia" bei Born Bad Records. Inspiriert von Künstlern wie Chris Carter, Tricky und Factory Floor ist der Zweitling noch drastischer als sein Vorgänger. | video

Skier and Yeti - Eurosonic Festival 2024

Skier and Yeti

"Yetis" Mini-Set aus elektroakustischen Trommeln ist mehr als genug für tanzbare Grooves, während "Skier" seine selbstgebauten Erfindungen Basski, Skitar und Skindolina einfallsreich einsetzt. Die beiden passen jede ihrer Shows mit Improvisationen an den jeweiligen Ort an, inspiriert vom Publikum und der Atmosphäre. | video

C'est Karma - Eurosonic Festival 2024

C'est Karma

Mit 14 hatte sie eine Punkband, und der Aktivismus ist in den Songs von Karma Catenas Soloprojekt C'est Karma noch immer rauszuhören, wenn auch die musikalischen Mittel andere sind. | video

Izzy And The Black Trees - Eurosonic Festival 2024

Izzy And The Black Trees

Izzy And The Black Trees wurde 2018 von der Sängerin und Bandleaderin Izabela "Izzy" Rekowska gegründet. Sie hatte zuvor die einige Zeit in London verbracht, um ihre Songwriting-Fähigkeiten zu schulen. Im März 2018 veröffentlichte die Band ihre Debütsingle "Winter's Coming Down", eine Folk-Ballade. Der Song und sein episches Musikvideo erregten die Aufmerksamkeit verschiedener Indie-Radiosender in Großbritannien, den USA und sogar Australien. | video

Fat Dog - Eurosonic Festival 2024

Fat Dog

Fat Dog wurden während der Corona-Lockdowns gegründet und gelten dank ihrer schweißtreibenden Gigs seit einiger Zeit als Geheimtipp in der britischen Hauptstadt. Die Band besteht aus Joe (Leadgitarre und Gesang), Jazz (Gesang und Keyboards), Will (Synthesizer), Johnny (Schlagzeug) und Ben (Bass), gelegentlich werden sie begleitet von einem Saxophonisten namens Morgan. | video

Crème Solaire - Eurosonic Festival 2024

Crème solaire

"Wer Crème Solaire gesehen hat, vergisst sie nie mehr", schrieb Timo Posselt in seinem Porträt über die Band in der ZEIT. Ähnlich verhält es sich auch mit dem Hören, denn einen solch eklektischen Mix aus Elektropop, Punk, Pop und New Wave hat es lange nicht gegeben. Sicher sind Einflüsse von Acts wie Peaches oder Chicks On Speed irgendwo in der DNA von Crème Solaire vorhanden, doch in seinem explosiven, dringlichen, fünfsprachigen Universum leistet das Schweizer Duo selbst musikalische Pionierarbeit. | video

Leatherette - Eurosonic Festival 2024


Mit ihrem Sound und ihren trashig-einfallsreichen Musikvideos folgen Leatherette keiner Mainstream-Ästhetik, sondern liefern vielmehr einen Mix aus punkigen Ausbrüchen, jazzigen und elektronischen Parts und No-Wave-Elementen. Mal klingen sie warm und harmonisch, mal kratzig und ungemütlich. | video

Annie Taylor - Eurosonic Festival 2024

Annie Taylor

In ihrem Sound vereinen Annie Taylor Einflüsse aus Pop, Psychedelia, Shoegaze und Grunge. Die Band hatte bereits Gigs auf Festivals wie der MTV Music Week, dem Reeperbahn Festival, dem Zürich Open Air, Waves Vienna und dem Montreux Jazz Festival hinter sich, bevor sie auf eigene Tour durch Großbritannien, Deutschland und die Schweiz gingen. | video

HONESTY - Eurosonic Festival 2024


Das Kollektiv HONESTY ist unerwartet entstanden, aus losen, unverbindlichen Treffen in einem Studio in Leeds. Große Egos haben bei Honesty keinen Platz. Gemeinsam mit einer Gruppe von Sängern machten sie sich daran, die unkonventionellen Tiefen zeitgenössischer elektronischer Musik, UK-Bass, Garage, Shoegaze, Ambient und alles dazwischen zu erkunden. | video

Chalk - Eurosonic Festival 2024


Mit krass verzerrten Gitarren, unerbittlichen Rhythmen und Spoken Word-ähnlichen Vocals macht das nordirische Post-Punk/Elektronik-Trio aus Belfast klaustrophobische Räume auf, die zum Durchdrehen und Freitanzen einladen. | video

Sweet Electric - Crossroads Festival 2023

Sweet Electric

Sweet Electric sind eine neue deutsch-australische Band, die klassischen Heavy-Rock, Glam und Retro-Rock’n’Roll kollidieren lässt. Sänger Brad Marr ist das wirbelnde Zentrum eines tobenden Sturms, der durch außergewöhnliche Musiker angetrieben wird. | video

The Hamburg Blues Band - Crossroads Festival 2023

The Hamburg Blues Band feat. Clem Clempson

Seit vier Jahrzehnten touren sie durch überfüllte Clubs, fünf Typen, die zum Namhaftesten gehören, was die europäische Bluesszene zu bieten hat. Die Hamburg Blues Band steht für intensiven, clever arrangierten und live umwerfenden Roots Blues. | video

Ryan Sheridan - Crossroads Festival 2023

Ryan Sheridan

Ryan Sheridan stammt aus dem County Monaghan im Nordosten der Republik Irland. Bereits mit sieben Jahren lernte Ryan Geige und spielte für einige Jahre traditionelle irische Musik. | video

24/7 Diva Heaven - Crossroads Festival 2023

24/7 Diva Heaven

24/7 Diva Heaven - das ist eine zeitgemäße Version des Punk: wütend, wild und niemand vermisst den vierten Akkord, musikalische Querverweise in die 90er und klare Statements zu Themen, die am Herzen liegen. | video

John Diva & The Rockets Of Love - Crossroads Festival 2023

John Diva & The Rockets Of Love

Selten trifft ein Waschzettel-Text der Musikindustrie den Nagel so exakt auf den Kopf wie im Falle von John Diva & The Rockets of Love: “Hair Metal with a sleazy attitude. Your mom wouldn’t like it.” Das kann man so vermuten. | video

Achim Reichel - 40 Jahre Bühne - Fischauktionshalle, Hamburg 2003

Achim Reichel - 40 Jahre Bühne - Fischauktionshalle, Hamburg 2003

2003 feierte der norddeutsche Rocksänger und Gitarrist Achim Reichel sein 40-jähriges Bühnenjubiläum mit einer zweitägigen Party in der Fischauktionshalle Hamburg. Der Rockpalast filmte das Konzert. | video

Achim Reichel - Das Konzert zum 50. Geburtstag - Große Freiheit, Hamburg 1994

Achim Reichel 1994 - Das Konzert zum 50. Geburtstag

Achim Reichel ging immer seinen eigenen, persönlichen Weg - und das stets mit Erfolg. Ob als Gründer der ersten deutschen Rockband, den Rattles oder als vielseitiger Solo-Künstler. Das Konzert zu seinem 50. Geburtstag gehört zu den berauschendsten Festen dieser einzigartigen Karriere. | video

Bywater Call - Crossroads Festival 2023

Bywater Call

Meghan Parnell und Dave Barnes sind die treibenden Kräfte hinter Bywater Call, einer 7-köpfigen Southern Soul- und Roots Rock Band aus Toronto, Kanada. Seit der Bandgründung 2017 wurden sie für den Maple Blues- und den Independent Blues Award nominiert. | video

Eddie 9V - Crossroads Festival 2023

Eddie 9V

Eddies 9Vs Oldschool-Ethos reicht weit zurück. Geboren als Brooks Mason im Juni 1996, bekam er seine erste Gitarre im Alter von sechs Jahren - „eine von denen mit einem Lautsprecher drin - möglichst viel für dein Geld, weißt du?“ | video

Nik West - Leverkusener Jazztage 2023

Nik West

Nik West gilt – nicht erst seit sie für Quincy Jones oder Prince Bass spielte – als talentierteste Nachwuchsbassistin der Gegenwart. Talent und Charisma gehen bei ihr Hand in Hand. | video

LiV Warfield - Leverkusener Jazztage 2023

LiV Warfield

Liv Warfield war im Ensemble von The New Power Generation, der Begleitband von Prince. Im Kontext von Roadcase Royale ist sie als Sängerin zuständig für Rock, Country und R&B – und als Solokünstlerin bringt sie mit energiegeladener Stimme Funk und Soul auf die Bühne. | video

Lee Fields & The Expressions - Leverkusener Jazztage 2023

Lee Fields & The Expressions

Aus Lee Fields strömt Soulmusik, so frei und unablässig wie die Liebe Gottes. Er ist wohl der größte reine Soul-Sänger der Gegenwart. In einer Zeit, in der die Lebensdauer eines Künstlers weitgehend von Posen und Trends abhängt, hat er bewiesen, dass er eine unangreifbare Naturgewalt ist. | video

William Prince - Leverkusener Jazztage 2023

William Prince

William Prince erzählt in seinen von Folk und Country inspirierten Songs von den schönen Möglichkeiten und den schnöden Zumutungen des alltäglichen Lebens. Dabei hat er einen sanften Sound, bei dem das Prasseln eines Lagerfeuers stets serienmäßig mit eingebaut ist. | video

Henrik Freischlader - Leverkusener Jazztage 2023

Henrik Freischlader

Mit neuer Band und einem neuen Studio Album möchte Henrik Freischlader auf die Bühnen der Clubs und Festivals zurückkehren. Die Fans können sich auf intensive Konzerte freuen, bei denen musikalisch aufgeholt wird, was in den letzten Jahren vermisst wurde. Es wird wieder rockiger und natürlich auch etwas lauter als im Internet. | video

Beth Hart - Leverkusener Jazztage 2023

Beth Hart

Beth Hart ist eine Naturgewalt. Die Sängerin aus Los Angeles besticht durch ihr authentisches Auftreten und eine unvergleichliche Intensität und Energie auf der Bühne. | video

Defying Decay - Live Music Hall, Köln 2023

Defying Decay @ Live Music Hall, Köln 2023

2010 in Bangkok gegründet, bringen Defying Decay eine Menge unterschiedlicher Einflüsse in ihre Version des Metal mit. Die Vier aus Thailand sind mittlerweile international als beliebte Liveband auf Tour. | video

Raging Speedhorn - Live Music Hall, Köln 2023

Raging Speedhorn @ Live Music Hall - Köln, 13.12.2023

1998 erspielen sich Raging Speedhorn schnell einen exzellenten Ruf in der britischen Metalszene. Trotz einer sechsjährigen Pause hat die Band ihren Stand in der Szene nicht verloren, sondern sogar international erweitert. | video

Skindred - Live Music Hall, Köln 2023

Skindred @ Live Music Hall - Köln, 13.12.2023

Wer denkt, Reggae und Metal gehen nicht zusammen, der hat sich getäuscht: Die Bandmitglieder von Skindred beweisen nicht erst seit der Entstehung ihrer Truppe das Gegenteil. | video

iedereen - Crossroads Festival 2023


Das Post-Punk Duo aus Köln ist laut, durchgeknallt und im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes atemberaubend. | video

Dead City Ruins - Crossroads Festival 2023

Dead City Ruins

Bereits 2015 haben die Australier Dead City Ruins ihren kompletten Besitz verkauft und alles auf eine Karte gesetzt: Rock ‘n‘ Roll. Unermüdlich tourt das Quintett seitdem um die Welt. Ihre Einflüsse sind die großen Namen des klassischen Rock. | video

Green Lung - Crossroads Festival 2023

Green Lung

Zwischen Psychedelic Rock, Stoner Rock und Heavy Rock klingen Green Lung so doomig und düster, als würden sie ihren Jahresurlaub gerne auf diversen Friedhöfen dieser Welt verbringen. | video

Paul & The Microcosm - Bumann & Sohn, Köln 2023

Paul & The Microcosm

Paul & The Microcosm überraschen und überzeugen immer wieder mit ihrem Ideenreichtum. Der unkonventionelle Sound der vier Kölner um Sänger und Gitarrist Paul Schacht ist beeinflusst von Noise-/Experimental-Heroen wie Sonic Youth oder Swans. | video

Enola Gay - Bumann & Sohn, Köln 2023

Enola Gay

Sie sind hart, sie sind unbequem, und sie sind noisy as hell: Die vier Mann von Enola Gay aus Nordirland sind nicht nur eine schweißtreibende Liveband, sondern prangern in ihren Texten auch gesellschaftliche Missstände an. | video

Sparkling - Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf 2023


Sparkling erspielten sich in ihrer Heimat Köln schnell einen Ruf für wilde, schweißtreibende Clubshows. Es folgt ein Umzug nach London und eine Zusammenarbeit mit Andy Ramsay von Stereolab für ihr Debüt-Album „I Want To See Everything” im Jahr 2019. | video

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf 2023

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

Nach seiner großen US-Tour mit Garbage beehrt Noel Gallagher zusammen mit seiner Band High Flying Birds am 06. November 2023 die Mitsubishi Electric Halle in Düsseldorf. Mit im Gepäck: melodischer Rock, launige Ansagen und jede Menge Hits. | video

Bad Woman Blues - Beth Hart

Beth Hart im Interview

Der Dokumentarfilm Bad Woman Blues - Beth Hart feiert die Musik und die Stimme einer Frau, die Rock und Blues mit Gefühl, Authentizität und Ehrlichkeit bereichert. Beth Hart begeistert und überrascht dabei immer wieder aufs Neue. | video

The Sheepdogs - E-Werk, Köln 2023

The Sheepdogs

The Sheepdogs kommen zwar aus dem kanadischen Saskatoon, klingen aber wie eine astreine Southern Rock Band aus dem Süden der Vereinigten Staaten. | video

Larkin Poe - E-Werk, Köln 2023

Larkin Poe

Seit 2005 machen die beiden Schwestern Rebecca und Megan Lovell gemeinsam Musik. Starke Harmonien, Slide-Gitarre und klassische Southern Rock-Elemente treffen bei Larkin Poe hin und wieder auch auf heavy E-Gitarren-Riffs. | video

Cancer Bats - Kantine, Köln 2023

Cancer Bats

Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2004 sind Cancer Bats eine feste Größe in der kanadischen Metal- und Punkszene. Mit ihrer Fusion aus Hardcore, Southern Rock und Punkrock sind sie mehrmals für den Juno, den kanadischen Grammy, nominiert worden. | video

Kvelertak - Kantine, Köln 2023


Eigenständiger geht es kaum: Kvelertak spielen ihren ganz eigenen Mix aus Hardcore, Black Metal und Rock'n'Roll, singen auf Norwegisch und sind trotzdem international erfolgreich. | video

STONE TECHNO 2023 (2/2) mit Dasha Rush, David Vunk, Marrøn, Anetha, Talismann, Marcel Dettmann, Héctor Oaks b2b Helena Hauff


Im Juli 2023 hat das Stone Techno Festival auf Zollverein seine Fortsetzung gefunden. Es ist weltweit das einzige elektronische Musikfestival auf UNESCO-Welterbe und macht den Wandel in der Kultur- und Naturgeschichte des Ruhrgebiets hörbar und fühlbar. | video

STONE-TECHNO 2023 (1/2) mit Narciss, Nur Jaber, Ahmet Sisman B2B VNNN, Rene Wise, Rødhåd, Freddy K


BAP - Zeitreise 81/82 - Sartory Säle, Köln 2023


Sie gehören zu den beliebtesten Mundart-Bands im deutschsprachigen Raum und haben den Kölner Dialekt wie kaum jemand sonst in der deutschen Rockmusik etabliert: BAP, die Band um Wolfgang Niedecken. Der Rockpalast teilt seit 1982 eine lange Geschichte mit BAP und drehte sie zum achten Mal - bei einem ganz besonderen Konzert. | video

dEUS - Live Music Hall, Köln 2023


Die Gruppe um Mastermind, Sänger und Gitarrist Tom Barman ist eine der bekanntesten belgischen Bands aller Zeiten. Ihre stilistische Bandbreite reicht von Elementen aus Jazz über Rock, Noise, Pop, Filmmusik und Avantgarde. Live sind sie ein Erlebnis. | video

We Scrape The Sky - Gebäude 9, Köln 2023

We Scrape The Sky

Diese Kölner kommen so gar nicht rheinisch-kuschelig, sondern eher hart und energiegeladen daher: We Scrape The Sky spielen modernen, progressiven Metalcore und fetzen live alles weg. | video

Waltari - Gebäude 9, Köln 2023


Die finnische Band Waltari hat schon in den Achtzigern mit diversen Sound und Genres experimentiert, irgendwo zwischen Metal, Alternative, Pop und Rock. Auch sinfonische Elemente, Techno und HipHop gehören zu ihren Stilelementen. Klingt irre? Ist es auch. | video

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Paraphrasing involves expressing someone else’s ideas or thoughts in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Paraphrasing tools can help you quickly reword text by replacing certain words with synonyms or restructuring sentences. They can also make your text more concise, clear, and suitable for a specific audience. Paraphrasing is an essential skill in academic writing and professional communication.

why use this paraphrasing tool

Why use this paraphrasing tool?

  • Save time: Gone are the days when you had to reword sentences yourself; now you can rewrite an individual sentence or a complete text with one click.
  • Improve your writing: Your writing will always be clear and easy to understand. Automatically ensure consistent language throughout. 
  • Preserve original meaning: Paraphrase without fear of losing the point of your text.
  • No annoying ads: We care about the user experience, so we don’t run any ads.
  • Accurate: Reliable and grammatically correct paraphrasing.
  • No sign-up required: We don’t need your data for you to use our paraphrasing tool.
  • Super simple to use: A simple interface even your grandma could use.
  • It’s 100% free: No hidden costs, just unlimited use of a free paraphrasing tool.

People are in love with our paraphrasing tool

Paraphrasing tool trustpilot 01

Features of the paraphrasing tool

rephrase sentences

Rephrase individual sentences

With the Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool, you can easily reformulate individual sentences.

  • Write varied headlines
  • Rephrase the subject line of an email
  • Create unique image captions

Paraphrase a whole text

Paraphrase a whole text

Our paraphraser can also help with longer passages (up to 125 words per input). Upload your document or copy your text into the input field.

With one click, you can reformulate the entire text.

find synonyms

Find synonyms with ease

Simply click on any word to open the interactive thesaurus.

  • Choose from a list of suggested synonyms
  • Find the synonym with the most appropriate meaning
  • Replace the word with a single click

Paraphrase in two ways

Paraphrase in two ways

  • Standard: Offers a compromise between modifying and preserving the meaning of the original text
  • Fluency: Improves language and corrects grammatical mistakes

Upload any document-to the paraphrase tool

Upload different types of documents

Upload any Microsoft Word document, Google Doc, or PDF into the paraphrasing tool.


Download or copy your results

After you’re done, you can easily download or copy your text to use somewhere else.

Powered by AI

Powered by AI

The paraphrasing tool uses natural language processing to rewrite any text you give it. This way, you can paraphrase any text within seconds.

How does this paraphrasing tool work?

1. put your text into the paraphraser, 2. select your method of paraphrasing, 3. select the quantity of synonyms you want, 4. edit your text where needed, who can use this paraphrasing tool.


Paraphrasing tools can help students to understand texts and improve the quality of their writing. 


Create original lesson plans, presentations, or other educational materials.



Explain complex concepts or ideas to a wider audience. 



Quickly and easily rephrase text to avoid repetitive language.



By using a paraphrasing tool, you can quickly and easily rework existing content to create something new and unique.


Bloggers can rewrite existing content to make it their own.


Writers who need to rewrite content, such as adapting an article for a different context or writing content for a different audience.


A paraphrasing tool lets you quickly rewrite your original content for each medium, ensuring you reach the right audience on each platform.

The all-purpose paraphrasing tool

The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool is the perfect assistant in a variety of contexts.



Writer’s block? Use our paraphraser to get some inspiration.

professional written communication

Professional communication

Produce creative headings for your blog posts or PowerPoint slides.

academic writing paraphrasing

Academic writing

Paraphrase sources smoothly in your thesis or research paper.

social media paraphrasing

Social media

Craft memorable captions and content for your social media posts.

Paraphrase text online, for free

The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool lets you rewrite as many sentences as you want—for free.

💶 100% free Rephrase as many texts as you want
🟢 No login No registration needed
📜 Sentences & paragraphs Suitable for individual sentences or whole paragraphs
🖍️ Choice of writing styles For school, university, or work

Write with 100% confidence 👉

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Frequently asked questions

The act of putting someone else’s ideas or words into your own words is called paraphrasing, rephrasing, or rewording. Even though they are often used interchangeably, the terms can mean slightly different things:

Paraphrasing   is restating someone else’s ideas or words in your own words while retaining their meaning. Paraphrasing changes sentence structure, word choice, and sentence length to convey the same meaning.

Rephrasing   may involve more substantial changes to the original text, including changing the order of sentences or the overall structure of the text.

Rewording   is changing individual words in a text without changing its meaning or structure, often using synonyms.

It can. One of the two methods of paraphrasing is called “Fluency.” This will improve the language and fix grammatical errors in the text you’re paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing and using a paraphrasing tool aren’t cheating. It’s a great tool for saving time and coming up with new ways to express yourself in writing.  However, always be sure to credit your sources.  Avoid plagiarism.  

If you don’t properly reference text paraphrased from another source, you’re plagiarising. If you use someone else’s text and paraphrase it, you need to credit the original source. You can do that by using citations. There are different styles, like APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago. Find more information about referencing sources  here.

Paraphrasing   without crediting the original author   is a   form of plagiarism , because you’re presenting someone else’s ideas as if they were your own.

However, paraphrasing is not plagiarism if you correctly referencing the source . This means including an   in-text citation   and a full reference, formatted according to your required   citation style.

As well as citing, make sure that any paraphrased text is completely rewritten in your own words.

Plagiarism   means using someone else’s words or ideas and passing them off as your own.   Paraphrasing   means putting someone else’s ideas in your own words.

So when does paraphrasing count as plagiarism?

  • Paraphrasing   is   plagiarism if you don’t properly credit the original author.
  • Paraphrasing   is   plagiarism if your text is too close to the original wording (even if you cite the source). If you directly copy a sentence or phrase, you should   quote   it instead.
  • Paraphrasing  is not   plagiarism if you put the author’s ideas completely in your own words   and   properly referencing the source .

paraphrasing tool quillbot

Quillbot Review: Is It the Best AI Paraphrasing Tool?

paraphrasing tool quillbot

Have you heard of the Turing Test ?

It tests a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from a human. 

If one can’t tell whether it’s a machine or a person communicating with them, the robot has effectively passed the test. 

Man or machine

With the help of artificial intelligence, robots are taking over many jobs humans used to do. 

They are faster, more accurate, and more efficient.

So it’s no surprise that AI is also used to create content across different industries.

Quillbot claims to be the best AI paraphrasing tool on the market.

In this Quillbot review, I’ll look closely at what this tool can do and see if it lives up to the hype.

I’ll get into its features, discuss its pricing plans, and give you my final verdict.

What Is Quillbot?


Quillbot is a paraphrasing tool that uses artificial intelligence to rewrite your articles.

It is one of the newer kids on the block, but it has quickly become popular among writers and content creators.

However, it’s not just a one-trick pony.

It also offers a comprehensive suite of features, making it a well-rounded writing tool.

Quillbot Features

Here are the main features that help your writing process.

One of the writing modes that Quillbot offers is paraphrasing.

With natural language processing at the heart of the software, this tool makes it easy to rewrite your content without changing the original meaning.

The Quillbot paraphrasing tool can help you sound more like an expert in your field or make your writing more concise.

Rephrasing your key sentences and paragraphs is essential for anyone who wants to create high-quality content.

With a spinner, a paragraph mode, and even compare modes, you are bound to end up with the correct text.

Freeze Words

While saying things differently is vital in some situations, you sometimes want to keep exact words from changing.

Doing so is especially important when writing about brand names or product names.

With an unlimited freeze words functionality, Quillbot can keep any words you desire from being changed when paraphrasing.

Tone Insights

Apart from being a writing tool, Quillbot can also help you improve your writing style.

It does this by giving you insights into the tone of your writing.

From a formal mode that understands the writing style, figuring out the level of positivity or negativity in your text, and more, Quillbot can help you become a more rounded writer.

Grammar Checker

grammar checker

No one likes grammatical errors, yet they can be hard to spot sometimes.

With grammar mistakes ruining the flow of your writing, it’s essential to have a grammar checker to help you find and fix them.

The Quillbot grammar checker is a powerful tool that comes in handy to avoid embarrassing mistakes.

Plagiarism Checks

In addition to grammar checking, a Quillbot plagiarism checker helps ensure your content is original.

With some tools, there is an extra cost associated with using a plagiarism checker.

But with Quillbot, it’s included in the price.

The Quillbot summarizer tool is another excellent component that can help you improve your writing.

paraphrasing tool quillbot

The summarizer comes in handy when you want to shorten a text and be more succinct in what you’re saying.

It condenses your text into a shorter, more concise version while maintaining its original meaning.

citation generator

A nifty feature for those writing research papers or doing any academic writing is Quillbot’s citation generator.

Compared to manually having to look up each citation, this tool can save you a lot of time.

The citation feature, which many other tools also don’t have, ensures you can cite your academic papers properly.

Suggested Text

Using artificial intelligence, Quillbot can suggest different words and phrases that improve your writing.

Getting better sentence structure as you explain ideas is critical.

Choosing more powerful words that pack a punch is also essential.

With the suggested text feature, you can do all this and take your writing to the next level.

Built-in Thesaurus

Finding the perfect synonyms can make a difference when explaining various concepts.

With Quillbot’s built-in thesaurus, you can find the perfect word for any situation.

With various synonym options presented to the user as they type, Quillbot can help you sound more intelligent while ensuring your writing flows smoothly.

quillbot cowriter

If you thought the above features were great on their own, the Quillbot writing assistant provides a creative mode to combine all of the above into one powerful tool.

The Quillbot AI in the Co-Writer module comprises an article rewriter tool, expand mode, shorten mode, fluency mode, and more.

The Co-Writer combines all of the best writing tools into one package.

Extensions and Integrations

chrome extension

Quillbot also provides various ways to help you have a better workflow when using third-party add-ins.

Having its own Google Chrome extension helps ensure you can use Quillbot no matter on which website you might find yourself.

Then with Microsoft Word and Google Docs integrations, you can use Quillbot directly within those applications.

Using these integrations helps ensure you’re never without the Quillbot writing assistant in the moments that matter.

Who Is Quillbot For?

Various users can benefit from using Quillbot.

Here are some of the main ones.

Social Media Managers

The job of a social media manager is to create, curate, and post content that is interesting and engaging for their audience.

Quillbot can help by providing easy-to-read and engaging content, ensuring that the social media manager can keep their audience entertained.

At the same time, if the social media manager uses Quillbot to create original content, they can be sure that it is unique and not simply a regurgitation of someone else’s work.

Web-Based Content Creators

Many people create content for the web, such as articles, videos, and more.

Quillbot can help content creators by suggesting different ways to say things or giving them new ideas for their content.

Suggestions can range from creating better headlines to improving the descriptions for their videos.

Two of the main benefits web-based content creators get from Quillbot are that it can help them create content faster and more efficiently.

Bloggers and SEO Professionals

People who work in SEO or blog about various topics often need to develop new ideas for content and keywords.

A tool that understands how NLP (Natural Language Processing) works can be a huge help.

Moreover, with SEO being all about understanding how people search for things, Quillbot can help by providing different ways to say something or by giving you new ideas based on the input you provide.

Quillbot Pricing

A free account will get you started with the basics, but you’ll be limited in terms of features, word limit, and functionality.

From character limit when generating content to disabling certain features, more than what the free plan can offer may be needed for some users.

With a premium subscription, Quillbot offers unlimited usage with no limits.

There’s also a 100% money-back guarantee within the first three days of purchase, so you can try it out risk-free.

The pricing for the Quillbot premium version depends on the length of time you decide to go for:

paraphrasing tool quillbot

  • Annual : $8.33 per month
  • Semi-Annual: $13.33 per month
  • Monthly : $19.95 per month

Pausing Your Subscription

If you like the premium plan but aren’t finding any use for it right now or need to take a break, Quillbot offers the option to pause your subscription.

Your account will remain active and ready for you to return to it when appropriate.

Quillbot won’t charge you for the time you’re not using the service.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to improve their writing, Quillbot is worth checking out.

The AI paraphrasing tool can help you in many ways, from developing new ideas to improving your sentence structure.

Plus, with the ability to start with the free version, pause your account as needed, and have a money-back guarantee, there’s nothing to lose.

Further reading on AdamEnfroy.com: When it comes to Quillbot alternatives, Jasper AI is considered one of the best AI writing software tools of our time.

Check out my Jasper AI review to learn how it can help you create content for your blog or website.

Finally, did you know that 52% of executives said their productivity increased when using AI?

If artificial intelligence interests you, be sure to read the latest artificial intelligence statistics to learn more.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are made by a team of experts before being written and come from real-world experience. Read our editorial process here .

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy .

Adam Enfroy

Adam Enfroy

We test and review software products based on an independent, multi-point methodology. If you use our links to purchase something, we earn a commission. Read our editorial process and disclosures .

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Item logo image for QuillBot: AI Writing and Grammar Checker Tool

QuillBot: AI Writing and Grammar Checker Tool

756 ratings

Elevate your writing with QuillBot's AI-powered productivity tools: Grammar Checker, Paraphrasing Tool, AI writer, and more!

Need help on the go? QuillBot’s new generative AI writing feature allows you to compose and reply to emails instantly, utilizing the paraphrasing tool and Grammar Checker to tailor each email to your voice. QuillBot writes with you, ensuring effective communication in a way that is true to you. With a number of AI writing tools and generative capabilities, including a world-class paraphrasing tool, QuillBot is a one-stop shop for all your writing needs, whether that’s writing polished emails, well-outlined documents, or posts for LinkedIn or X (previously Twitter). How to write emails with QuillBot Once you begin typing an email, QuillBot will generate a body of text based on the subject of your message. You can then use the Paraphraser and Grammar Checker to refine and edit the email, creating a polished piece of writing. Why QuillBot? QuillBot is perfect for students, writers, and English language learners who need help perfecting their writing abilities. You can proofread your work in just one click, saving time and energy on essays, emails, notes, presentations, and messages. QuillBot’s generative AI feature also helps to create layered, nuanced emails. You can find the perfect tone for your message, add helpful quotes, and rewrite complex sentences. QuillBot writing tools and features AI writing tools: ✒️ Grammar Checker - Checks your writing for grammar and punctuation errors - Includes a powerful spell checker to help you double-check your spelling and avoid misusing words - Gives your written work a final polish—even when you don’t feel like doing it ✒️ Paraphrasing Tool - Helps to overcome writer’s block and other common writing challenges - Offers different ways of writing your text - Helps non-native English writers articulate their ideas faster and more fluently - Provides statistics about the tone and style of your writing AI writing features: Paraphraser modes Writing statistics* Compare modes* Freeze words Advanced grammar rewrites* * Premium features The right time to write With over 20 million monthly active users, QuillBot has never been more influential on the way people write. From students to bloggers to lawyers to academics, QuillBot is helping everyone write smarter, faster, and more effectively. We’d love to see what you create with QuillBot. Share your writing with us online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/quillbot/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thequillbot/ Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/thequillbot Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thequillbot/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@QuillBot Discord: https://discord.gg/4nAm4ZDmEG

4.3 out of 5 756 ratings Google doesn't verify reviews. Learn more about results and reviews.

Review's profile picture

Kayla Yara Sep 10, 2024

It was OK, but charged after used for several times. So I changed to TinaMind, which is free.

Review's profile picture

Sanonchick Sep 9, 2024

I don't have any words to describe this awesome assistant. I have never seen something better than it, because that's more than just useful. thanks

Review's profile picture

Joziah Knowels Sep 9, 2024

I am rating this extension five stars as this has helped me just in general to write documents and such and fix my grammatical errors and even show me replacement words/symbols.

  • Version 3.60.2
  • Updated August 29, 2024
  • Report a concern
  • Size 19.45MiB
  • Languages 4 languages Deutsch , English , Français , español
  • Developer Learneo Inc. 2000 Seaport Blvd Redwood City, CA 94063 US Website Email [email protected]
  • Non-trader This developer has not identified itself as a trader. For consumers in the European Union, please note that consumer rights do not apply to contracts between you and this developer.

QuillBot: AI Writing and Grammar Checker Tool has disclosed the following information regarding the collection and usage of your data. More detailed information can be found in the developer's privacy policy .

QuillBot: AI Writing and Grammar Checker Tool handles the following:

This developer declares that your data is.

  • Not being sold to third parties, outside of the approved use cases
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes

For help with questions, suggestions, or problems, visit the developer's support site

paraphrasing tool quillbot

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Best Paraphrasing Tool: Online & Free

Try our professional paraphrase generator that can quickly reword any text. On this page, you will find the reviews of top online rephrasers: QuillBot Chimpwriter, and others

Here at IvyPanda , we have a solution for you that will save a lot of time and help you avoid plagiarism when gathering information from various sources.

⚙️ Top 12 Best Paraphrasing Tools Online Free

⭐ best paraphrasing tool: the benefits.

  • ☝️ All You Need to Know About Plagiarism
  • 📝 How to Avoid All Types of Plagiarism: Examples

The best way to avoid plagiarism in your writing is to paraphrase the text. Even five words in a row can constitute plagiarism. To help you prevent accusation in stealing someone’s ideas, we gathered twelve online paraphrasing tools, tested them, and ranked.

Check the IvyPanda ranking and detailed descriptions for each tool below and choose the best software for your needs!

Tool Features Free/Paid Import/Export Ads Adjustable results IvyScore
- 5 rewriting modes,
- Text statistics,
- Word Flipper,
- 125-word limit in free version
Free + Premium options - Import from DOCX, DOC, PDF, TXT.
- Export to DOCX format
None Yes 5 out of 5
- 30+ languages,
- AI-powered tool,
- Built-in plagiarism detection
Paid, 7-day free trial - Import: direct input
- Export: copy & paste
None Yes 4 out of 5
- 24+ languages,
- AI-powered tool,
- Browser extensions
Free, premium options Import and export of various file formats None Yes 4 out of 5
- Bulk rewrite,
- AI-powered tool,
- No duplicate content
Paid, 3-day free trial Bulk import & export of articles None Yes 4 out of 5
- AI-powered tool,
- Tone selection,
- 30+ languages
Paid, 7-day free trial - Bulk import from CSV, XLSX
- Export to PDF, DOCX, TXT, WordPress
None Yes 4 out of 5
- AI-powered tool,
- 95+ languages
Free, premium options - Import: direct input
- Export to clipboard
None Yes 4 out of 5
- AI-powered tool,
- Chrome & Edge extensions
Free, premium options - Import from PDF, URL
- Export to clipboard
None Yes 4 out of 5
- AI-powered tool
- Chrome extension
- 30+ languages
- 20+ tones of voice
Free, premium options - Import: direct input
- Export to Word or HTML
None Yes 4 out of 5
- 18 languages,
- Chrome extension,
- Output editing option
Free, optional registration - Import from DOCX, DOC, PDF, TXT
- Export to DOC format
Moderate Yes 3 out of 5
- Desktop version only,
- 12+ languages
Paid, free trial period Supports import/export to all popular file formats None Yes 3 out of 5
Results check for plagiarism Captcha - Import from DOC, DOCX, TXT.
- Export to clipboard
Too many None 3 out of 5
- 4 languages
- Academic, Creative, & Shorten modes
Free, premium options - Import from PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT
- Export to Clipboard
Moderate Yes 3 out of 5

1. QuillBot Paraphrasing Tool

IvyPanda’s #1 award goes to QuillBot’s online paraphrasing tool. The app is ad-free and has many features that can be useful for students, bloggers, and professional writers. For example, you can choose one of nine paraphrasing modes: Standard, Fluency, Formal, Academic, Simple, Creative, Expand, Shorten, and Custom. The first two modes are available for all users. QuillBot supports text import from clipboard and DOC, DOCX, TXT, and PDF files. The results can be copied to a clipboard or exported to DOCX format.

You can paraphrase up to 125 words for free. With a premium plan, you can rephrase an unlimited number of words. The paid version also allows you to use additional features, such as all rewriting modes and the Paraphraser History. The premium subscription plan is $8.33/month (billed yearly) or $19.95/month (billed monthly).

2. Jasper AI

Jasper AI is an AI-based writing tool for paraphrasing, summarizing, and plagiarism checking. It uses an advanced GPT-4 language model to produce unique content.

To paraphrase a text using Jasper AI, paste your text into the field and tell the bot in plain language what you need it to do. If you don’t like the result, you can ask the tool to rewrite your content again. You can also choose your desired tone of voice, which makes it a suitable tool for marketers and bloggers.

Although Jasper AI doesn’t offer a free plan, it provides its users with a 7-day free trial. Premium plans start from $39/month and give you access to AI writing in 30+ languages, 50+ templates, browser extensions, and many more.

3. Writesonic

Writesonic is another AI-powered tool for paraphrasing. It is available in 24+ languages, including Japanese, Chinese, and many European languages. Apart from the paraphrasing software, Writesonic offers many other writing tools, like grammar checker, AI content detector, and plagiarism checker.

You can use Writesonic for free, but you need to register first. The free plan is limited to 10,000 words per month. It is quite a generous amount for students, while marketers and bloggers may choose to go premium to extend this limit. Premium plans start from $19 per month.

WordAi is a feature-rich AI paraphrasing tool. It uses advanced language models to generate content indistinguishable from human writing.

One prominent feature of this tool is that it can produce up to 1,000 rewrites of an original piece of content. So, you’ll definitely get an option that will suit you. Another feature is that you can choose how creative your paraphrase should be, thus gaining full control of the content creation.

One main drawback we found is that WordAi doesn’t offer a free plan. Premium starts from $17 per month and allows you to paraphrase 50,000 words per month. Another drawback is that WordAi supports only the English language.

5. Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse AI is an online rewriting tool that produces accurate and creative texts quickly. It has a tone selection feature that allows you to choose whether your paraphrase should sound authoritative, conversational, humorous, or otherwise.

The tool has 5 main functions: Improve, Simplify, Shorten, Expand, and Rephrase. Therefore, it covers virtually all use cases in which you might want to paraphrase. Moreover, Hypotenuse AI supports over 30 languages, which makes it suitable for content creators across the globe.

The main drawback is that Hypotenuse AI doesn’t offer a free plan. Yet, you can try any premium option for free for 7 days. Premium plans start from $29/month.

Copy AI is an AI-powered writing tool that can paraphrase content in a few seconds. Just paste your text, click the button, and check the result. You can use this tool for free, but the free plan is limited to 2,000 words per month.

Copy AI supports over 95 languages, which makes it a good option for content creators working with diverse audiences. It also offers 90+ prompt templates to facilitate the work with the tool.

One drawback we’ve discovered is that Copy AI can sometimes repeat the original content it was meant to paraphrase. So, we recommend you carefully check the result before using it in your papers to avoid plagiarism.

7. Wordtune

Wordtune is one more AI writing tool used for rewriting. Although it can translate texts from several languages into English, its paraphrasing feature works only with English.

You can use Wordtune without charge, but the free plan allows you to rewrite only 10 texts of up to 280 characters per day. Moreover, you don’t have to register to use the free version. If you wish to extend the limit and get access to advanced features, like text recommendations for clarity and fluency, you have to go premium. Paid plans start from $24.99/month.

Rytr is another paraphrasing tool based on an AI language model. It supports over 30 languages and can write texts in more than 20 tones of voice, including appreciative, formal, and inspirational. It also has a built-in plagiarism checker, so it’s convenient to check paraphrased content for plagiarism.

The tool offers a free plan, which allows you to paraphrase up to 10,000 characters per month. This is about 1,500-2,500 words, which can be enough for students but insufficient for writers who need to paraphrase a lot. Premium plans start at $9/month, and Rytr offers 2 months for free if you subscribe to a premium annual plan.

9. PrePostSEO Paraphrasing Tool

The Paraphrasing Tool by PrePostSEO is another good option for quick rephrasing. This website would come in handy for students, writers, and SEO experts. To get a paraphrased text, you can either copy and paste the article or upload a DOC, DOCX, PPT, or TXT file.

The tool works with 18 languages, including French, German, Turkish, and Japanese. It also has a Chrome extension and mobile apps for Android and iOS. Moreover, you may edit the output before saving it.

One drawback we found is ads. However, you can use ad-blocking software to avoid unwanted advertisements. Another drawback is that the free plan is limited to paraphrasing 500 words at a time. Yet, you can expand it to 2,500 words per submission with a premium plan, which is $19/month.

10. ChimpRewriter

ChimpRewriter is ad-free, paid rephrasing software. The tool uses smart cross-checking and artificial intelligence to make your paraphrased text readable for real people. ChimpRewriter works with multiple languages and can easily rewrite any text.

To use it, you need to register and download a free version with a 14-day trial period, after which you can upgrade to the Pro version. The Pro version costs $15/month or $99/year.

11. Dupli Checker

The next tool in our ranking is Dupli Checker. It has limitations of 2,000 words for input text, which can be extended to 25,000 words with a premium plan. Dupli Checker supports file import. The app also allows users to check the result for grammar errors and plagiarism before exporting it to a DOCX file.

The website is free and has plenty of other useful tools for students, bloggers, and SEO experts. The main drawback of Dupli Checker is the abundance of ads.

12. Paraphrase-Online

The last tool in our paraphrasing tool ranking is Paraphrase-Online. The best part of this website is that it’s free, simple, and fast. It also provides a file import option, allowing you to upload .doc, .docx, .pdf, and .txt files.

The website works pretty fast and doesn’t require solving CAPTCHA or registration. However, the app contains some ads, so don’t forget to activate an ad-blocker.

💰 Free Don’t pay anything with our free paraphrasing tool.
🤗 Easy to use The tool is easier to use than QuillBot unblocked.
📻 Tunable Choose the share of paraphrased words in the text.
🚀 Fast No registration or intrusive ads in this best paraphrasing tool.

☝️ Paraphrasing as the Best Tool against Plagiarism

As you know, plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. You can’t take someone’s ideas and pass them off as your own.

Plagiarism can have severe consequences. If you run a website or a blog and copy and paste articles from other sources without changes, search engines will lower your website’s score. This means that you will have fewer visitors and, as a result, fewer earnings (if you run an online store, provide services, or monetize your website in other ways).

In the business world, plagiarism can also have negative consequences. Copyright violations, for example, can result in million-dollar lawsuits, or in a loss of trust among customers, etc.

Below, you will find the most common types of plagiarism. Familiarize yourself so you can avoid them.

8 Types of Plagiarism

These are eight types of plagiarism that are often seen in academic writing:

  • Cloning or identical copying. This occurs when someone copies another’s text word for word and claims it as their own.
  • Mixture. This type of plagiarism occurs when you gather information from different sources and put it together, claiming it as your own paper.
  • Copy-Paste. This type of plagiarism is seen in papers where the author has copied and pasted significant parts of their paper from one source without changes.
  • Misleading attribution. This occurs when someone uses a citation without giving credit to a primary source.
  • Self-plagiarism. This happens when you decide to reuse your old papers without proper citation and credits. Yes, you have to cite your own writing if you use it again!
  • Mosaic. Mosaic plagiarism involves copying information from a range of sources and compiling it without citations.
  • when you use citations that lead to non-existing sources;
  • when you use a secondary source, but refer to the primary source;
  • when you change information from a primary source, so it gives a false impression to the reader.
  • Paraphrasing plagiarism. This kind of plagiarism occurs when someone changes only certain phrases in an original text without proper citation.

Plagiarism can be intentional, if the author knowingly passes someone else’s work off as their own, or unintentional, if it occurs because the writer has neglected to include citations or abide by paraphrasing rules.

Regardless of its type, plagiarism has serious consequences. A student who is caught plagiarizing can be expelled from college or university.

📝 Anti-plagiarism Tools & Techniques

Avoiding plagiarism is easy. Keep reading to find out more:

Quoting and Quotes

A quote is a copy of an original source that is properly credited. Depending on the formatting style, there are different style rules.

Here are three of the most popular formatting style requirements:

The first thing that you need to determine when quoting in APA is the length of the quote. If it is less than 40 words, you need to add a phrase that contains the author’s name and the publication date in parentheses:

Darwin (1857) stated, “A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of stone.”

If you don’t name the author before the quote, you must put their name, publication date and page number (if applicable) in parenthesis after the quote:

He said, “A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of stone” (Darwin, 1857).

If the quote exceeds 40 words, the quote must be placed in a separate block within the text and put in quotation marks.

Rules for quoting in MLA are similar to APA. If the quote is fewer than four lines, you must denote it with double quotation marks. You should provide information about the author and page number in your in-text citation and provide complete information on the reference page.

If you want to use a quote in the Chicago style, you must use footnotes and endnotes to provide information about the source. A superscript number should be placed after the quote:

Darwin stated that “A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of stone”. 1

If you’re going to quote 100 words, or more than five lines of a text, you need to write it as a separate block without quotation marks.


Another way to avoid plagiarism in your writing is to paraphrase the source. When paraphrasing, you must avoid copying more than two words in a row. In other cases, you should use quotation marks.

Check out how to paraphrase in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles below:

When you paraphrase in APA, you must provide the author’s last name and the date of publication in your paper. It is not necessary to include the page number in the citation.

(Darwin, 1857)

In MLA, you need to include the page number after the author’s last name. You should avoid using a comma between them. You should also paraphrase, but not misconstrue the author’s meaning.

(Darwin 191)

Similar to quotes, when you paraphrase in Chicago style, you should use a superscript number after the in-text citation:

Darwin stated that scientists should be stone-like and avoid desires or feelings. 1

Now you know how to avoid plagiarism and how to paraphrase your texts in only a few seconds. Check out the tools listed above and boost your content writing skills. You should also check out our Text Summarizer , Plagiarism Checker , and Random Word Generator .

Updated: Jun 28th, 2024

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  • Best Paraphrasing Tool | Free & Premium Tools Compared

Best Paraphrasing Tool | Free & Premium Tools Compared

Published on February 2, 2024 by Koen Driessen . Revised on July 11, 2024.

Paraphrasing means rewording something—expressing the same idea in different words. Paraphrasing tools (or paraphrasers) are AI-powered online tools that can automatically rewrite your text for you. Students often use them to improve their writing and provide inspiration—making their text more formal, more fluent, or more concise.

But which online paraphrasers are really reliable at producing correct and readable English? To find out, we tested seven of the most popular free tools—and their premium versions when available.

We wrote three short sample texts to test their ability to improve text that was long-winded , grammatically incorrect , or disjointed . We ran these texts through all the different tools and assessed the fluency and accuracy of the output. We also took the user-friendliness of the tools into consideration.

The results show that the premium versions of QuillBot and Wordtune are the best tools out there, each excelling in different ways. If you’re looking for a free tool, QuillBot and Paraphrase Tool are the strongest options.

Paraphrasing tool Score

Table of contents

1. quillbot (premium), 2. wordtune (premium), 3. quillbot (free), 4. paraphrase tool (free), 5. paraphrase tool (premium), 6. wordtune (free), 7. rephrase (free), 8. paraphraser.io (free), 9. rephrase (premium), 10. paraphraser.io (premium), 11. spinbot, 12. pre post seo (free), 13. pre post seo (premium), honorable mention: grammarly, research methodology, frequently asked questions.


  • Great for shortening long-winded text
  • Reliable, accurate, grammatically correct output
  • Interactive synonym finder
  • Seven modes with noticeably different results
  • $19.95 per month (3-day money-back guarantee)
  • No paragraph rewrite mode
  • Does little to improve disjointed text

The premium version of QuillBot was one of the strongest paraphrasers we tested. Its “Shorten” mode was the best option for making long-winded text more concise. Unlike all other tools, it could consistently distinguish between unnecessary verbiage and essential details, often reducing the text’s length by more than 50% without compromising meaning.

With the grammatically incorrect text, QuillBot was quite consistent in its ability to remove glaring grammatical errors. But with this and the disjointed text, its ability to resolve sentence fragments was limited, since it seems to lack the ability to combine sentences—it only looks at each sentence individually. This problem was shared by most of the other tools we tested.

QuillBot’s interface is simple and usable, allowing you to choose from seven paraphrasing modes and manually adjust the number of synonyms. Paraphrasing is quick, and changes are clearly highlighted. You can also click on individual words to see more synonyms, with detailed information about how each should be used, making it flexible and informative.

To the QuillBot website

Try Quillbot now


  • Paragraph rewrite mode is unique and helpful
  • Does well with both disjointed and ungrammatical text
  • 10 options for each paraphrase
  • $24.99 per month
  • “Shorten” mode not great
  • Interface can be slightly buggy

Wordtune’s premium version was overall the most useful tool we tested. It provided a selection of 10 rewrites for each text. Not all of these were great, but there were generally a few good options in each case.

Where Wordtune stood out was in its whole-paragraph paraphrasing mode, which was able to combine sentences in an intelligent way, thus improving our disjointed and grammatically incorrect texts significantly. Unfortunately, the “Shorten” mode did little to actually shorten long-winded text, mostly functioning quite similarly to the standard rewrite mode.

We found the look of the site fairly clean and appreciated that it offers 10 different suggestions for each sentence. But we did find the interface somewhat awkward at times, and it was occasionally unable to generate suggestions in certain modes or would only generate one suggestion, suggesting some imperfections in the technology.

Try Wordtune


  • Free, quick, and easy to use
  • No “Shorten” mode in the free version

We found QuillBot’s free version almost as reliable as the premium option. Its changes were generally logical and fluent, staying true to the meaning of the original text while improving flow. And, like the premium version, it resolved grammatical errors well.

That said, its ability to cut down long-winded text was restricted, since the “Shorten” mode is a premium feature. The two free modes, “Standard” and “Fluency,” performed well for other purposes but did little to deal with long-windedness.

The other main differences are a word limit of 125 words per paraphrase and the fact that the highest setting for synonyms can’t be selected. Besides those changes, we found the interface just as usable in the free version as in the premium one.

Try the QuillBot paraphraser


  • “Summary” mode is very good
  • Handles all kinds of texts well (in “Summary” mode)
  • Other modes are very inaccurately labeled
  • Some modes add irrelevant content
  • Changes not marked in the text

Paraphrase Tool offered a large selection of different modes to paraphrase our text, some of them very useful. The most useful mode by far (for all of our texts) was “Summary,” which did a decent job of shortening the long-winded text and was able to combine sentences in the disjointed and grammatically confused texts, creating a much smoother read.

We found that other modes were not very accurately labeled: The “Shorten” mode often produced a longer text than “Standard” when the long-winded text was used. “Grammar” mode appeared to just produce very long-winded and repetitive text, while “Smooth” mode added a lot of text that was not based on anything in the original.

We appreciated the clean, minimalistic design of the site, but we did find it unhelpful that the changes made are not marked in any way in the output text. You’re also required to buy a subscription after a certain number of inputs, which isn’t clear when you start. In general, this is a strong paraphraser in “Summary” mode but a very unreliable one in other modes.

Try Paraphrase Tool


  • “Summary” mode is very good (but also available for free)
  • No limit on inputs
  • $7.99 per month (3-day free trial)
  • Extra modes are not worth the cost, often ridiculous

Paraphrase Tool’s premium version allows you unlimited paraphrases and unlocks 11 additional modes: “Academic,” “Confident,” “Simple,” “Smart,” “Clear,” “Thoughtful,” “Elaborate,” “Creative,” “Formal,” “Cohesive,” and “Emphatic.”

However, we found that these modes weren’t very useful or very accurately labeled. The “Summary” mode, already available in the free version, remained the best choice for all of our texts. Other modes like “Emphatic” inserted a lot of irrelevant text that had nothing to do with the original, generally making the text much longer and largely incoherent.

Because of this, the only real reason to pay for this tool is to remove the limit on inputs. But if you’re willing to pay, there are better options available. As the only part we can give a solid recommendation to, “Summary” mode, is available for free, we don’t recommend paying.


Wordtune’s free version lacks the option to paraphrase whole paragraphs, the feature that really stood out to us, so it doesn’t score as well as the premium version.

Without this feature, Wordtune did perform decently at making sense of the grammatically incorrect text, although it didn’t make it all that fluent. But like other tools that work on a sentence-by-sentence basis, it did a poor job of improving disjointed text. The “Shorten” mode performed similarly to the premium version—not terribly, but not all that well.

We found it unfortunate that it limits users to 10 sentence rewrites per day in the free version and that rewrites can only be done on one sentence at a time. As with the premium version, we did like the overall look of the site. But if you’re looking for a free tool, QuillBot or Paraphrase Tool are better options.


  • Paraphrases are reasonably fluent
  • Some changes distort meaning
  • Full of ads
  • Slow and inconvenient to use

Rephrase did a moderately good job paraphrasing our texts. Its changes were generally more advanced than simply swapping out some words for synonyms, and they tended to mostly retain the original meaning (although with some differences such as changing “we” to “I”).

It tended to resolve obvious grammatical problems effectively, although it couldn’t make the text completely smooth. It performed similarly to other tools with disjointed text, failing to combine sentences. It managed to cut down the long-winded text more than most and divide one sentence into two to improve readability, but some of its changes distorted the meaning.

In terms of usability, we found that the paraphrase sometimes loaded quite slowly, and the requirement to complete a captcha for repeated inputs was annoying. The site was also full of flashy ads that were quite distracting and seemed to slow down the page.

Try Rephrase


  • Ensures basic grammatical correctness
  • Quite basic rewrites
  • Some highly inaccurate synonyms and bugs with output
  • Very slow and buggy

Paraphraser.io’s rewrites were fairly basic. While it made some small changes to sentence structure, it mainly just swapped individual words out for synonyms, which were often highly inaccurate (e.g., changing “could” to “bottle”). It could not deal with long-winded text well, since it lacked a “Shorten” mode and tended to make the text even longer.

Its changes to the grammatically muddled text did usually ensure basic correctness, but not much fluency. Like the other tools, it was unable to do much to improve the flow of the disjointed text, since it wouldn’t combine sentences or add transition words. Occasionally, we saw errors like the insertion of sentence fragments without initial capitalization.

In terms of usability, we found it unfortunate that the paraphrased text loaded extremely slowly (and sometimes just failed to load). We appreciated the ability to click on individual words to see synonyms, but as noted, a lot of these synonyms were just wrong. Overall, the interface was poor.

Try Paraphraser.io


  • $20 per month
  • New modes add little
  • Still full of ads
  • Still slow and inconvenient to use

The premium version of Rephrase adds three extra modes, “Creative,” “Smart,” and “Formal.” We noticed little difference between these modes and the free ones, and we don’t see them as worth paying for.

In terms of usability, we found it annoying that you’re still required to complete a captcha for each paraphrase, even after paying for the tool, and that the same flashy ads still appear in the premium version. You get remarkably little for your money with the premium version of Rephrase.


  • Doesn’t actually remove ads
  • Very slow, buggy, and confusing interface
  • No real advantages over free version

This tool’s premium version did not really add anything of value. The main selling point, the “Creative” and “Smarter” modes, performed very similarly to the free “Fluency” mode, with no real advantages. The slow loading times were also no better in the premium version.

Other pros included a word limit increase to 1,500 words—not very helpful when the tool only paraphrases on a sentence-by-sentence basis anyway. The premium version is also supposed to remove ads, but in practice we still saw ads when using this version, so it’s not clear what is meant by this.

We don’t find this tool a very good option to begin with, and we certainly don’t find the premium version to be worth the cost.


  • Interface looks quite nice
  • Doesn’t really paraphrase, just swaps words for synonyms
  • Creates a lot of inaccuracies
  • Doesn’t correct grammatical errors
  • Doesn’t highlight changes
  • “Advanced Paraphrase” just redirects to QuillBot

We found SpinBot’s functionality to be extremely basic and produce a lot of errors. It did not do any real paraphrasing (changing the sentence structure) but simply swapped out a few words for synonyms, often highly inappropriate ones.

Because of this very basic approach, it failed to correct any of the grammatical errors in grammatically incorrect text. It also could not do anything useful for either the long-winded or the disjointed text, since it made no changes to structure whatsoever.

In terms of interface, the site has a nice enough look, but it doesn’t highlight the changes it has made in any way. Its “Advanced Paraphrase” button just redirects to QuillBot. Basic paraphrasing is fairly quick, but—as mentioned above—not very good.

Try SpinBot’s paraphrasing tool


  • Very basic paraphrasing
  • Creates lots of grammatical errors
  • Poorly designed interface
  • Many features buggy or broken
  • Slow to use

Pre Post SEO offered a few modes for paraphrasing: “Simple,” which just swaps out a few words for (usually inaccurate) synonyms, producing very poor text; “Advanced,” which makes slightly more extensive changes but produces a lot of errors; or “Fluency,” which does the same with fewer (but still some) errors.

None of these modes were very effective at improving any of our three texts. “Fluency” mode was at least able to resolve some grammatical errors, but its changes tended to make all of the texts less, not more, readable.

The interface of the site was very poor. Besides inserting errors into your text, the page is full of flashy ads and often freezes, forcing you to refresh the page. It’s necessary to complete a captcha for each input. Changes are highlighted in the text, and you’re supposed to be able to click on them for alternative synonyms, but this feature often breaks too.

Try Pre Post SEO’s paraphrasing tool


  • $19 per month
  • No worthwhile improvements over free version
  • Creates lots of errors
  • Poor interface

The premium version of Pre Post SEO claims to feature a higher word limit of 2,500 words, but we found that we could already input more words than that in the free version. Testing suggests that different word limits apply to different modes, but this is not clearly explained, making it confusing.

The other main points are the removal of ads and captchas and the addition of a “Creative” paraphrasing mode. We found that this mode produced very similar results to “Fluency” mode and certainly wasn’t a feature worth paying $19 a month for. We don’t recommend paying for this tool.

Despite coming up frequently in the search results for paraphrasing tools, Grammarly doesn’t have a dedicated paraphrasing tool. Rather, one of the perks of a Premium membership is that it will sometimes suggest rewording phrases or sentences for clarity purposes. But there’s no way to paraphrase a specific sentence on demand.

If you have a Grammarly Premium membership, you can make use of this feature. But the lack of a standalone paraphrasing tool excluded Grammarly from our analysis and makes it an inappropriate choice if you’re looking for a paraphraser specifically. For more information, you can read our in-depth  Grammarly review .

Try Grammarly

To compare the capabilities of the different paraphrasing tools, we tested them all using the same texts and applying the same criteria to assess the output.

Testing texts

Three short testing texts were used to test the tools’ ability to deal with different kinds of writing. The three texts all expressed the same information in different ways to explore three different problems: long-windedness, grammatical incoherence, and disjointedness.

The first text states the information in a very long-winded way, using a lot of inflated language and needlessly repeating itself. We wanted to test whether the tools could paraphrase this text into something more concise while retaining the essential information.

Due to the fact that participants displayed a tendency to have a negative reaction to the intervention, we have reached the conclusion that the intervention was not a success. As a result of the fact that the intervention was less successful in comparison to comparable interventions available at the present time, we are of the opinion that more research is needed in order to ascertain whether or not the intervention has potential for wider use, due to this low success rate.

The second text communicates the information in a confusing, grammatically incorrect way that makes it quite difficult to follow. We wanted to see if the tools were able to make sense of it and express the intended meaning more coherently.

Due to participant’s tended to have negative reaction to the intervention. This why we conclude that they were not a success. Because similar interventions was better by comparison, this concludes that more research needs before knowing if the intervention is good for general using.

The third text conveys the information in a disjointed way, without appropriate use of transition words to make the text flow nicely and with one sentence fragment. We wanted to see if the tools could produce a more fluent, readable version.

Participants had overall negative reactions to it. We think the intervention wasn’t successful. There should be more research done. That way it can be seen if the intervention can be used more widely. Or if it is not appropriate.

Assessment criteria

To assess the quality of each tool’s output, we asked several questions:

  • Is it accurate ? Does it reflect the intended meaning of the original text, or does it add or remove content that changes the message?
  • Is it fluent ? Does it read clearly and flow smoothly, or does it seem stilted and unnatural?
  • Is it correct ? Does it eliminate grammatical errors or introduce new ones?
  • Is it significantly different ? Does it properly paraphrase by changing the sentence structure or merely swap out a few words for synonyms?

We ran all the texts through each tool repeatedly, trying out different modes if they were available and otherwise just assessing how the output varied between attempts—did it sometimes make mistakes? What was the best text it could produce?

To evaluate usability, we looked at the following factors:

  • How quick, easy, and flexible the tool was to use
  • Whether it clearly showed which parts of the text had been changed
  • Barriers such as requiring a sign-up, a word or character limit, or a limit on the number of paraphrases
  • In the case of premium versions, whether the additional features were worth the price

A grammar checker is a tool designed to automatically check your text for spelling errors, grammatical issues, punctuation mistakes , and problems with sentence structure . You can check out our analysis of the best free grammar checkers to learn more or try the Scribbr Grammar Checker .

A paraphrasing tool edits your text more actively, changing things whether they were grammatically incorrect or not. It can paraphrase your sentences to make them more concise and readable or for other purposes. You can check out our analysis of the best paraphrasing tools to learn more.

Some tools available online combine both functions. Others, such as QuillBot , have separate grammar checker and paraphrasing tools. Be aware of what exactly the tool you’re using does to avoid introducing unwanted changes.

To paraphrase effectively, don’t just take the original sentence and swap out some of the words for synonyms. Instead, try:

  • Reformulating the sentence (e.g., change active to passive , or start from a different point)
  • Combining information from multiple sentences into one
  • Leaving out information from the original that isn’t relevant to your point
  • Using synonyms where they don’t distort the meaning

The main point is to ensure you don’t just copy the structure of the original text, but instead reformulate the idea in your own words.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Driessen, K. (2024, July 11). Best Paraphrasing Tool | Free & Premium Tools Compared. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/language-rules/best-paraphrasing-tool/

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Paraphraser is the best AI paraphrasing tool that helps you accurately paraphrase sentences, paragraphs, and essays using state-of-the-art technology.

Features of Paraphraser

Paraphraser has many features that make its paraphrasing tool the best on the market, including rephrasing essays, writing effective content, and creating original copies with AI.

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Our free paraphrase tool is the most advanced AI rephraser based on NLP. Our paraphrase generator can rephrase sentences and complete articles in seconds.

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Why our Paraphrasing Tool is best?

Our paraphrasing tool uses advanced AI algorithms to accurately paraphrase text. AI-based text rephrasing was never possible before Paraphraser launched.

Some benefits are mentioned below that make Paraphraser the best:

Quality Content

Our rephrase tool generates more readable, engaging, and grammatically error-free content without ruining the quality of the content after paraphrasing. Hence, our rephraser helps to improve your writing skills and provides a different way to express ideas in your own words.

It replaces proper synonyms, rephrases like real humans, and paraphrases better than professional writers.

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Our Paraphrasing tool helps you to  avoid duplication of content . Paraphraser.io is useful to increase productivity as it quickly and easily generates multiple versions of the same text.

As compared to other tools, Paraphraser provides the fastest results by keeping the best quality. It can provide large text results within a few seconds.

Easy to use

Sentence rephraser by Paraphraser is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. Do you have any suggestions to improve our interface? Please let us know . 

We provide Fluency & Standard mode with 600 words limit free of cost. You can rephrase unlimited text without any daily limit. You can increase the word limit to 1500, by upgrading to pro .

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Colleges and universities can integrate our rephraser using our paraphrasing APIs .

Customer support

We take care of our users. In case you have any questions or need assistance, You can contact us via chat or open a ticket on our  support page . 

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How to paraphrase online?

To paraphrase online using our rewording tool, follow these simple steps:

  • Type the text in the input box or upload a file. 
  • Click on the submit button and let this paraphrasing tool do the rest of the work. 😊

Paraphrasing tool users

Our tool can be used in a number of ways, so it is up to you to decide how you want to use it. 

We are always here for any alterations or paraphrasing you may need. Our Paraphrasing tool is commonly used by the following people:

If you are a student and looking for an accurate and best solution for paraphrasing, we are here for you. 

Our online paraphrase generator gives different ideas for assignment writing and thesis writing. You can make your assignments plagiarism-free and more readable. Use our rephrasing tool, Get good grades, and Thank us later 😉.


If you are a teacher, we know your feelings. For a teacher, a paraphrasing tool is not less than a life-savour, as they have to prepare notes, reports, quizzes, and helpful study material on a regular basis.  

  • With our tool, teachers can create study notes that are easier to understand.
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Using our tool, copywriters can 

Craft compelling and persuasive messages to sell products, services, or ideas.

Work with creative teams, including art directors and designers, to ensure that the writing is visually appealing and effective.

Create copy for a wide range of media, including print, digital, and social media.


Write more engaging and killer quality content using our free paraphrasing tool. Different word choices and sentence structures make blog content appealing to blog readers.

Every Blogger should use a rephrasing tool to

Avoid Plagiarism : Our free tool creates original content to avoid plagiarism by changing the words and sentences. 

Improve readability : make blog content readable for all types of users.

Save time : we can save your time and effort by automating the process of rephrasing. For large projects with tight deadlines, our paraphraser tool is super helpful. 

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Create best-performing content for your social media posts, emails, advertisements, and article submissions with our online paraphrase tool. 

Marketers can cut down the writing cost using our free tool.

Get Multiple versions of the content for A/B Testing, for example, email subject lines or social media posts, to test which ones are most effective.

Paraphrase text in a way that is easier to understand for their audience.


Display the best tag lines and descriptions for your website with our advanced paraphrase tool. Writing the best quality content attracts readers and is also good for SEO purposes. We had six different modes; you can choose the most suitable mode for your e-commerce, landing page or a saas website.

Paraphraser.io helps you rephrase text easily and quickly

Our paraphrasing tool online lets you paraphrase text in one go. You can use this free tool to paraphrase your sentences, paragraphs, articles, and even long blogs with advanced AI technology. It further provides several useful features that help you customize the rephrased text to fit your content needs.

🥰 Improves: Readability, fluency, & vocabulary
🚀 Instant Paraphrase: Sentences, paragraphs, & more
✔️ Modes: 3+ Unique AI Modes
🌐 Multilingual: Supports 20+ Languages.

How Does This Paraphrasing Tool Work?

It is an AI-based paraphraser developed with state-of-the-art technology. It rewrites articles, rewords sentences, and paraphrases the text. It also works as a reworder and rewriter for lessness chances of plagiarism.

Paraphrase Anywhere

Our free paraphrasing tool can be used online across all devices, including Android & IOS.

Multiple Languages

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Some of The Most Frequently Asked Questions

Is using a paraphrasing tool is illegal?

No, using a paraphrasing tool is not illegal if used correctly. In academic writing, if you use a word rephraser to create content then it must be correctly cited. Using paraphrased content as original work could be considered academic misconduct.

Can you get in trouble for using a paraphrasing tool?

Sentence rephraser developed using advanced AI algorithms to paraphrase content like a human. You can use our different modes to check which rephrase model is the best fit for you. Pro Tips: Cite the sources to avoid any trouble.

Is using a paraphrasing tool count as plagiarism?

No, Using a paraphrase online tool does not count as plagiarism. As mentioned above, our tool provides plagiarism-free content while keeping the original meaning of the context.   Our text paraphraser helps users to rephrase text and avoid plagiarism. The content generated by our tool is completely unique.

Can I use a paraphrasing tool for legal writing?

  • Check plagiarism: Double-check the rephrased text for plagiarism.
  • Cite Sources: Cite any sources used, even if you used a paraphraser tool to rephrase a text.

Students Blog

paraphrasing tool quillbot

What is ChatGPT? Everything You Need to Know About AI Content

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that uses NLP to write human-like AI content & answer questions. Here are some tips to paraphrase AI content effectively ...

paraphrasing tool quillbot

Best Way to Summarize a Scientific Research Paper Effectively

Crafting content is certainly a challenging task, especially if it’s relevant to academics. Academic content demands extensive research from the...

paraphrasing tool quillbot

Types of Paraphrasing

There are several types of paraphrasing, including: Direct paraphrasing Indirect paraphrasing Summary paraphrasing Transformation paraphrasing ...

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QuillBot's online paraphrasing tool uses AI to find new ways to phrase sentences without changing their meaning or context. Think of it like a full-sentence thesaurus. 1. Paste or type your text. Start by either typing or pasting the text you want to paraphrase into the input box on the left. Or you can upload the document that you would like ...

Start writing clearly and confidently with QuillBot. By enhancing your communication and giving your writing greater impact, we can help you reach your personal and professional goals. Write effortlessly and efficiently with QuillBot's suite of AI tools. Paraphrase, check grammar, analyze tone, improve fluency, and more.

QuillBot transforms your paragraphs into new words with different styles and modes. You can also use other tools like grammar checker, plagiarism checker, translator, and more to improve your writing.

Accurate: Reliable and grammatically correct paraphrasing. No sign-up required: We don't need your data for you to use our paraphrasing tool. Super simple to use: A simple interface even your grandma could use. It's 100% free: No hidden costs, just unlimited use of a free paraphrasing tool.

Rewrite text in your own words with the Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool, powered by QuillBot. Paraphrase sentences, paragraphs, or whole documents, find synonyms, and avoid plagiarism.

QuillBot is an AI-powered tool that can rewrite any sentence, paragraph, or article with different modes and synonyms. It integrates with Microsoft® Office, Google Docs, and Google Chrome and has over 50 million users worldwide.

Which mode is best in QuillBot? What is the Synonyms tool? What is the drop-down thesaurus? What do the colors on my results mean? Is using a paraphrasing tool plagiarizing? Can I paraphrase with QuillBot through Facebook? Can I use QuillBot for plagiarism? Where are the paraphraser settings located? Does QuillBot have or keep a paraphrase history?

Grammarly's paraphrase generator uses AI to reword sentences for essays, articles, and more. Learn how to paraphrase without plagiarizing, cite your sources, and access other AI writing features.

Learn how to paraphrase text with QuillBot, an AI-powered tool that can rewrite your words in different ways. Find out how to adjust settings, use modes, and make changes to your paraphrased text.

Quillbot is a paraphrasing tool that uses artificial intelligence to rewrite your articles. It offers various modes, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, grammar checking, plagiarism checking, and more. See the pros and cons of Quillbot and compare its plans.

Updated. Go to our website and start typing! Really, it's that easy. Most of our tools are available to use for free, with upgrades and perks available through our Premium plans. Was this article helpful? 17 out of 18 found this helpful.

Paraphrasing Tool Rewording Tool Paragraph Rewriter Sentence Rewriter Summarizer QuillBot Flow Word Counter Translator. ... QuillBot for macOS. Student Resources. Products & Tutorials AI Writing Tools Educational Courses. Knowledge Base. QuillBot University Paraphrasing Guide AI Writing Assistant QuillBot Blog Meaning.io.

QuillBot is a Chrome extension that offers AI writing tools, including a paraphrasing tool that helps overcome writer's block and improve your writing. You can also use QuillBot to check your grammar, spell, and tone, and compose emails with generative AI.

Paraphrase any text with this free tool that uses a language model to generate human-like text. Learn how to use it for academic writing, content creation, and language learning.

IvyPanda's #1 award goes to QuillBot's online paraphrasing tool. The app is ad-free and has many features that can be useful for students, bloggers, and professional writers. For example, you can choose one of nine paraphrasing modes: Standard, Fluency, Formal, Academic, Simple, Creative, Expand, Shorten, and Custom. The first two modes are ...

QuillBot AI offers a free sentence rewriter that rephrases your text with new vocabulary and word order. You can also upgrade to Premium for more modes, unlimited rewrites, and other writing tools.

Scribbr tested seven online paraphrasing tools and ranked them based on fluency, accuracy, and user-friendliness. QuillBot and Wordtune were the top two tools, each with different strengths and features.

Learn how to use the "Paraphrase" button on the bottom bar to paraphrase entire paragraphs or highlighted text in QuillBot Flow. QuillBot Flow is a tool that helps you rewrite sentences and paragraphs in different ways.

QuillBot offers a free online grammar checker tool that corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in English and other languages. It also has other AI-based writing tools for paraphrasing, summarizing, and plagiarism checking.

Paraphrasing Tool is a free online tool that rewrites your articles, sentences, essays, and stories using NLP technology. It offers you synonyms, structure, clarity, and uniqueness for your writing.

Learn how to use QuillBot's products, features, and tools, such as paraphraser, plagiarism checker, summarizer, citation generator, and extensions. Find answers to common questions and issues about QuillBot.

Paraphraser.io is an online tool that uses AI to rephrase sentences, paragraphs, and essays. It has six modes, supports 20+ languages, and offers fast, easy, and plagiarism-free results.

QuillBot is a paraphrasing tool that rewrites sentences and paragraphs in different ways. To use QuillBot, you need to log in with Google, Facebook, Apple, or email.

QuillBot's suite of tools employs cutting-edge AI technology in order to make writing painless. Founded on the belief that learning and applying knowledge is more important than the mechanical aspects of writing, QuillBot seeks to automate these necessary tasks intending to augment your language. ... Paraphrasing Tool Rewording Tool Paragraph ...

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Neuer Bereich

Riverboat vom 13. september.

Am 13. September sind im RIVERBOAT bei Kim Fisher und Klaus Brinkbäumer zu Gast: Claus Weselsky, Silly, Paula Lambert, Constantin Schreiber, Tanja Wedhorn, Wanja Mues und Ulrike Wehrspohn-Heidenreich.

Gäste der Sendung Riverboat posieren gemeinsam für ein Foto.


  1. Sendung verpasst? Riverboat vom 17.11.2023 (mdr)

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  2. Riverboat vom 17. November

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    Er traf Nachfahren von Sklaven, einen Schiffsarzt, der wissen wollte, wie lange man im Eismeer überleben kann, und den singenden Reiseführer Pablo. Der spannende und bildgewaltige 6-Teiler "Thomas Junker unterwegs - Tief im Süden" ist ab dem 20. November jeweils um 19.50 Uhr im MDR Fernsehen zu sehen.

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  22. Riverboat vom 13. September

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