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Luna Rossa closes this Final Preliminary Regatta in second place

Luna Rossa closes this Final Preliminary Regatta in second place

  • America’s Cup

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli closes this Final Preliminary Regatta in Barcelona in second place after four intense days that confirmed the solidity of the Italian team both in terms of design and sailing performance. On the final day, Luna Rossa won a magnificent and thrilling race against Alinghi Red Bull Racing but lost the final match against Defender Emirates Team New Zealand, winner of the event.

«Today is the final day of the preliminary races, and if the audience was expecting a show, they got it. Of course, we would have preferred to finish with a victory over ETNZ because it was within our reach. We are not happy about losing the race, but overall, after these days, the assessment is positive because we have a high-performing boat that will surely allow us to compete at the top against all our opponents. It’s a good feeling to have before the start of the Challenger Selection Series next week» said Max Sirena, Skipper and Team Director of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli.

«It’s a slightly disappointing way to close the day. We made some mistakes when we got close and there are definitely some umpire decisions that require interpretation. The positive aspect is that the boat performs well, the crew is strong, and we are ready to fight in the upcoming races» said Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli helmsman Francesco “Checco” Bruni.

Measurement checks are scheduled for August 26, 27, and 28 and racing will resume on August 29 with the first day of the Round Robin of the Louis Vuitton Cup.

MATCH 14 – ITA vs SUI Although both boats entered the pre-start box separated, a few seconds before the start Alinghi forced Luna Rossa to cross the line early, with a resulting penalty. The Swiss crew immediately took the lead and kept it until halfway down the second leg. At that point, however, in a sudden loss of control of their AC75, they dropped off the foils and their bow reared up. Luna Rossa closed in immediately at full speed, overturning the outcome of what appeared to be an unpredictable race. After serving a penalty for an infraction of the rule (which was later found to be unfounded due to a malfunction in the electronic positioning system), the Italian crew decided to engage the Swiss team in a series of tacking duels, gaining meter by meter until they rounded the third gate with a 12-second lead. From that moment onwards Luna Rossa chose to control the Swiss team and kept a steady lead. Despite the difficult course conditions, with choppy waves and gusty winds, Luna Rossa progressively increased the lead and crossed the finish line first, securing another well-deserved point. Winner: ITA 

FINAL – NZL vs ITA:  Another thrilling match race that stayed open until the very end, but was lost due to three penalties too many. There was a lot of anticipation for this race, and it did not disappoint. The match was aggressive right from the pre-start, when Luna Rossa incurred in a right-of-way penalty. This however did not discourage the Italian crew as they pushed to close the gap. At the second gate Luna Rossa decided to separate and, taking advantage of stronger shifts on the right side of the course was able to fully close the gap. The final leg was neck-to-neck, with both boats engaged in aggressive crossings. In two of these Luna Rossa incurred two more penalties. The Kiwis took full advantage of this opportunity and made the most of the advantage gained, controlling Luna Rossa until they crossed the finish line.  Winner: NZL 

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Luna Rossa’s crew today featured Jimmy Spithill and Francesco Bruni at the helm, with Umberto Molineris and Andrea Tesei as trimmers. Cyclors on board were Enrico Voltolini and Emanuele Liuzzi who sailed both races, while Nicholas Brezzi e Mattia Camboni alternated with Luca Kirwan and Cesare Gabbia.

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Luna Rossa’s New AC75 Marks Its Silver Age

  • April 15, 2024

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli AC75

“A masterpiece of technology, design and aesthetics,” is how Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli described the AC75 with which the Italian America’s Cup Challenger will enter the forthcoming Louis Vuitton Challenger Series. Given its reflective metallic silver finish, the Italians once again enter the game with their traditional flair, reminiscent of the silver catamaran of San Francisco in 2013.

Designed in house by Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli’s design team and built at the Persico Marine shipyard, the team’s 40-strong engineer and naval architect bench put on display over the weekend a striking new AC75 that’s not too far off from those already revealed by fellow challenger Alinghi Red Bull Racing and defender, Emirates Team New Zealand.

As was expected, these second-generation AC75s are so far following hull form, so what’s hidden inside the vessel and the foil concepts to come are expected to make the difference come race days.

With the April 13 launch at the team’s base in Cagliari, the longtime challenger continued its 25-year commitment to winning the America’s Cup, this particular AC75 marks the team’s 10th Luna Rossa hull, said Patrizio Bertelli, President of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli team. “This name, which has marked important milestones in my life, has also become an iconic name in sailing worldwide. It is a beautiful and radical boat that represents a step forward in terms of design and technology, born from an incredible collective effort.

Luna Rossa hull

“For this I congratulate the team at all levels for its achievement. In these 25 years I have accomplished a goal that I had set for myself a long time ago: to create a team of extraordinary technicians and sailors capable of shaping the future of sport in our country and leaving a legacy for future generations. Now, with this new Luna Rossa, I also hope to achieve my sporting ambition, to win the America’s Cup.”

Max Sirena, team director and skipper on his fourth campaign with the Italian syndicate, has long been bullish on the team’s potential going into Barcelona this summer. They were a formidable foe to Emirates Team New Zealand in Auckland for the 36th America’s Cup and continued apace after losing. With ace helmsmen Jimmy Spithill and Francesco Bruni at opposite steering wheels once again the continuum has not skipped a beat.

“We have before our eyes the result of three years of work ‘in the dark,’” Sirena said in a team announcement following the launch. “This Luna Rossa is an Italian challenge in terms of design, technology and aesthetics. With only one boat at our disposal, we had to make brave choices, pushing ourselves to extremes in all areas open to development and research, thanks also to the know-how acquired with the LEQ12 prototype.”

AC75 being loaded

On hand for the unveiling ceremony, AC Recon personnel observed that the boat had its “legacy” foils mounted, as other teams have done for launches, and their notations were that the boat’s bustle “started sharp from the bow decreasing and ending up to the rather edgy transom.”

As with the AC75s of the New Zealand and Swiss teams, the harder edges and slab sides of the earlier-generation AC75s have been transformed to a more curved profile and the crew pods show the helmsmen and trimmers forward and the cyclors positioned in the larger aft pods.

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An early-morning dock-out from the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli base offered the Italian Challenger for the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup an outstanding and variable session where they had a little bit of everything. This was a day of pure power and class from a team that seemed to have effortlessly moved from their LEQ12 into the beautiful new AC75 with an ease and assurance that is remarkable.

Power Display From Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli | 25th April | America’s Cup

The biggest take-away from the day was the sheer balance of the boat in flight. In short, she just looks right in flight with the team able to secure near-perfect end-plating and making the bustle in the middle third of the boat work very hard for its living. As the wind increased into the early afternoon, Luna Rossa came alive with some outstanding stints completed that varied between straight-line sailing for data gathering and sail trim purposes and then some smart laps to keep the eyes of the sailors in.

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Interesting to see today that in the first stint it was Francesco Bruni and Marco Gradoni joining forces on the wheels (can you imagine being 20 years old and sailing an AC75?) before Jimmy Spithill and the Olympic Gold medallist Ruggero Tita stepped onboard for the latter part of the day. Serious talent is coursing all the way through this Italian challenge, and they didn’t disappoint.

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Tacks and gybes were effortlessly foil-to-foil with the team adjusting easily for the conditions – high exit in the light to keep the power on and then rapier-fast angle to angle when the breeze picked up. Majestic manoeuvring, Luna Rossa looked on a tear all day today with pin-point trim and very dynamic traveller control keeping the boat moded mainly flat, leaning on the immersed foil and only briefly showing windward heel – which actually appeared very fast in execution.

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In total the team put in some five valuable hours on the water and executed 35 tacks and 31 gybes – a decent tally by any standard and all with legacy foils still onboard. Speaking afterwards, cyclor Enrico Voltolini who was a grinder in the last campaign commented: “It was a perfect day today 12-15 knots, first few laps, lots of manoeuvres and we are learning a lot, very good day.”

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Comparing the new role of cyclor versus the old grinding pedestals of the last America’s Cup, Enrico said: “It’s pretty hard now, we are pushing a lot of parts in the accumulator so it’s harder than the handles on the last Cup.”

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Solid day for Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli who will be looking now to press on into the weekend to keep momentum going. Impressive performance again.  (Magnus Wheatley)  

On-Water Recon Report – Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli:  The Italian team rolled out their B3 AC75 at 6:45, stepped the mast and craned in by 7:20. As previous days the boat appeared with the older appendage configuration. After running the usual FCS, flaps and rudder checks, the sailors proceeded with the sail control checks involving the power group cycling. The M1-7 was locked in the mast fittings 20 minutes before dock-out scheduled for 8:30.

Out of the harbour, the offshore breeze was quite patchy and shifty with several cloud systems distributed around the Bay. Just when the team started to hoist the main M1-7, 8-9 knots from 290° were recorded, as the J3 jib was chosen at 8:55, there were 13-15 knots from 280°. The first foiling stint lasted 13 minutes and began with a self-take-off on starboard tack, followed by two tacks exiting quite high and slow before the first bear-away of the day was observed. The yacht then executed three more gybes and trimmed up to starboard decelerating.

luna rossa yacht

With the boat back on towline, several technicians boarded the yacht as it stayed in displacement for 30 minutes working on the jib track and mast base. The yacht self-took-off on port tack, sailed straight for a while, tacked and bore-away. Two additional gybes were executed before turning up on two boards to starboard. Then, the team seemed to test some upwind modes straight-lining for data on each tack upwind. A second bear-away was recorded at approx. 10:00 which led the yacht rolling quickly into a series of gybes. After 5 of these, the team turned up to port on two boards and proceeded upwind with a series of tacks before stopping after 42 minutes foiling.

During this break, both helms, one trimmer and a pair of cyclors were rotated and the ones remaining swapped between forward and aft pod seats. As the breeze seemed to soften further inshore, the team lowered the J3 and hoisted their new J1 at 10:30. The yacht was towed back further offshore to find some acceptable pressure. As the tow line was released, the yacht bore away softly to sail downwind in light air. One gybe was executed before the yacht turned up again to practice some light air tacks as the pressure was slowly filling in again. This third foiling sting lasted another 19 minutes.

At 11:10 the pressure was increased to 13-15kn from 295° and hence the J1 was lowered to hoist the J2-7. An engineer was noticed onboard monitoring the jib track and mast rotation plate as the yacht slowly tacked in displacement.

At 11:30, B3 was back on foils after a self-take-off on starboard, tacking to port and straight-line sailing for longer whiles upwind and downwind with occasional manoeuvres. In this 25-minute-long stint, the team seemed to be running through some upwind and downwind modes while the boat seemed more bow-down pitched compared to previous runs.

After a short break, a tow-to-fly followed at 12:10 while the chase boat dropped a leeward gate. At 12:20, what seemed to be an unofficial time on distance practice was observed followed by an upwind and a downwind leg including a JK. During the upwind leg, B3 seemed to be shadow sailing against a virtual opponent considering the tack pattern conducted on the left-hand side of the course. Another similar drill was then observed before three sailors and a pair of cyclors rotated again at 12:50.

The last drill was similar to the two previous ones with B3 entering on port tack, trimming on two boards towards the upper right hand and coming down the line starting its lap. Finally, B3 sailed towards the harbour where the day was called at 13:20 lowering the jib.

The team docked in at 13:35 with 122 minutes foiling time, approx. 35 tacks and 31 gybes  [Michele Melis AC Recon].

  • Americas Cup
  • Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli

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Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli is the Italian team that is taking part in the Challenge for the 37 th  America’s Cup, representing the Circolo della Vela Sicilia for a third consecutive edition. The team is animated by vision, expertise and passion, strongly driven by a determination to succeed in its quest for the prestigious trophy. More than a sporting contest, the Challenge represents the highest expression of competitive sailing and technological innovation. Over the years, the project has won the hearts and minds of Italians and enthusiasts of the sport around the world.

Luna Rossa Challenge

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The story of a myth.

Since its foundation in 1997, Luna Rossa has written the history of Italian and international sailing. The 37 th  America's Cup, taking place in 2024, is the sixth time the team will compete for the world's oldest sporting trophy. Luna Rossa sealed victories in two editions of the Challenger Selection Series (in 2000 and 2021), winning the right to challenge the Defender of the trophy. In the final match of the 36th America’s Cup – presented by PRADA, Luna Rossa achieved the best result ever for an Italian team.

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Luna Rossa’s greatest value is its team spirit, a guiding force that leads over 140 people towards a common goal: to win the America's Cup. The qualities of determination and motivation are shared by all team members across the various departments (sailing team, design team, shore team, communication, logistics, administration and service team).


The Italian spirit of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli is further elevated by the national excellence involved, such as its sponsors and suppliers whose reputation for quality is renowned worldwide. The boat is entirely built in Italy and its crew is almost completely made up of Italian sailors.

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The America's Cup is principally a technological challenge. The AC75 Luna Rossa, a 75-foot flying monohull capable of reaching speeds over 50 knots (approximately 100 km per hour), represents the state of the art of innovation and yacht design, destined to leave a mark in the yachting industry in the years to come.


A constant commitment to generational change has ensured continuity in Luna Rossa’s challenge over the years. An example is the New Generation project, a training program for talented young sailors, who are given the opportunity to become part of the Cup, under the guidance of more experienced sailors.

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Fishing For Litter

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Vola, Luna Rossa | Documentario


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Luna Rossa, the story of a passion for yachting

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As often in Italian seafaring stories, the first inkling of Luna Rossa was in Milan. It was there in the studio of famed Argentinian naval architect German Frérs that Patrizio Bertelli decided to launch the America's Cup challenge in the early days of 1997 . 

The Italian boss chose the other key men of the team soon after. American designer Doug Peterson and Brazilian ace Torben Grael were to be joined by the Neapolitan skipper Francesco de Angelis . He bought three IACCs, the class of the time called Kanza, Might Mary and America³. Punta Ala, in Tuscany, was chosen as the team's Italian base for its conditions comparable to those of the Hauraki Gulf, in New Zealand, where the races would be held.

On 21st April, the Punta Ala Yacht Club formally challenged the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, holder of the trophy. It was the official beginning of one of the most exciting adventures of Italian sports with a name that was destined to excite, Luna Rossa .

The mystery of the name

The name was revealed at the launch of ITA-45, the first boat of the challenge, in Punta Ala on 5th May 1999. As the official story has it, the name popped into Bertelli's mind while he was admiring the rising of a big reddish full moon on a warm summer evening during a dinner on the hills of Tirli, near Punta Ala. Bertelli's wife, Miuccia Prada , has always maintained that the name was in perfect contrast with that of the defender, Black Magic.

Later, they remembered the Neapolitan song called “Luna Rossa”, written in 1950 and re-interpreted in a modern key by Renzo Arbore. The tune would follow the boat on its adventures in the southern hemisphere. That they were off to a great start was clear to all at the Louis Vuitton Cup in the winter of 1999 when they competed in Auckland with nine other syndicates. Luna Rossa lost only one race in the first two Round Robins. By the semifinals, it was leading the pack despite two losses.

An epic battle

The semifinal round was not one of the easiest. After having previously used the new ITA-48 hull, De Angelis chose to go back to the tried and tested ITA-45 that the New Zealanders had dubbed the “Silver Bullet” for its speed. Luna Rossa ended the regattas in second place and faced off with America One for the Louis Vuitton Cup. Their skipper Paul Cayard was an old friend of the Italians for his past at the helm of the Moro di Venezia.

The challenge will go down in the history of the America's Cup and in Italian collective imaginary not least because of the live television coverage on TMC. It was a heart-stopping series: first 1-1, then 3-1 for Luna Rossa, then 3-4 for America One that appeared to have found an extra gear. The Italians were pulling all-nighters because of the time difference to watch the regattas. It was all everyone was talking about at school, in cafés and at work. The headlines on newspapers and TV were all about burst spinnakers, sails in the water, penalties and insults, masterstrokes and mistakes.

The team made a comeback and the score was 4-4 with just 37 seconds left on the clock. In the ninth race, on 6th February 2000, they went at it like there was no tomorrow. De Angelis and Grael's team defence of the 34-second lead at the first mark was exemplary. Italy won the Louis Vuitton Cup for the second time in history.

The Kiwi barricade

The 30th America's Cup Final took place from 20th February to 2nd March 2000. Expectations were running high in Italy but it was soon apparent that it was not in the cards. Black Magic NZL-60 was like a missile with its crew made up largely of San Diego veterans and Sir Peter Blake guiding it from the shore. It was a 5-0 win. The gaps were not huge (from 48 seconds to two minutes 43 seconds) but the feeling was that nothing more could be done. Russell Coutts even enjoyed the luxury of handing the wheel over to young Dean Barker in the last match-race.

The trophy remained in Auckland, Sir Peter Blake said bade farewell amidst the cheers and decided to apply himself to ocean sailing but Luna Rossa (rightly) was not ready to give up just yet and a few minutes after Black Magic had crossed the finish line, they presented a new challenge. When they returned to Auckland in 2002 for the 31st edition, Patrizio Bertelli's team was essentially the same as the one that had won the Louis Vuitton Cup 2000, but this time the boats were not up to scratch, so much so that designer Doug Peterson was relieved of his duties after the first disappointing races.

In the final in Valencia

With some hard work in the shipyard and hasty fine-tuning, Luna Rossa managed to reach the finals and dominated the Victory Challenge but in the end lost 2-3 to One World Challenge. Five years would go by before Luna Rossa appeared again in the Mediterranean when Alinghi chose Valencia to defend the trophy they had won against all odds in the Antipodes.

Bertelli's crew was even more international and full of champions. They fought very well, losing just 4 out of 20 races in the selections. The semifinals make Italian fans dream again when the team assertively defeated BMW Oracle Racing 5-1 reaching the Louis Vuitton Cup final and giving Luna Rossa Challenge the chance to make up for its defeat in Auckland in 2000.

But the Kiwi boat found ideal light wind conditions and although the Italian team - led by James Spithill and Torben Grael - never let up, all five races ended the same way. Bertelli called it quits but reconsidered and returned the following year.

The times of the catamarans

A prolonged legal battle between the defender Alinghi and the challenger Oracle Racing prevented Luna Rossa from taking part in the next edition. But in 2011, a new challenge began and this time the stars were the AC 72 catamarans. Two years later, three teams were vying for the Louis Vuitton Cup in the waters off San Francisco. Luna Rossa, entrusted for the first time to Italian Max Sirena, did the job liquidating the Swedish team 4-0 in the semifinals but once again encountered the Kiwi barricade and lost 7-1. 

Bertelli was not about to give up and started preparing the campaign for the 35th edition, in Bermuda, on the new class chosen by BMW Oracle Racing . But, surprisingly and unfairly, the defender submitted yet another boat for the event in April 2015. The unexpected switch from the AC 62 to the AC 50 (understandably) enraged Patrizio Bertelli, driving him to say goodbye and storm off, declaring he never wanted to hear about the America's Cup ever again. Luckily for us, he changed his mind.

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Exclusive: Luna Rossa skipper Max Sirena: "We are good enough to be in the final"

The road to the 36th America’s Cup , the pinnacle of yacht racing, has been fraught with difficulty. The 2020 America’s Cup World Series races, which were planned to take place in Sardinia and the UK, were cancelled due to the pandemic . This ruled out the crucial first opportunity challengers Luna Rossa, Ineos Team UK and American Magic had to race against each other. Then the Prada Christmas race on December 20 was abandoned due to lack of wind. Now, with American Magic working furiously to repair its damaged race boat Patriot following its dramatic capsize, and Ineos Team UK winning the Round Robins and its place in the Prada Cup final, it is clear that Italian challenger Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli still has many challenges ahead.

Despite this, team skipper Max Sirena remains confident the team can join Ineos Team UK in the Prada Cup final and even challenge defenders Emirates Team New Zealand for the Auld Mug. “First of all, we have to get there but we are good enough to get there,” Sirena says. Indeed, the team swells with experience. This is the seventh America’s Cup challenge for Sirena, two of which were winning campaigns. He sailed to victory with both BMW Oracle Racing in 2010 and Emirates Team New Zealand in 2013. As such, he knows a thing or two about winning. The key, he says, is to take “everything step by step”. “When you only have three challengers, every race counts.”

The cancellation of the World Series races was a blow, Sirena admits, and deprived all three challengers of the opportunity to find their racing stride on the new foiling monohulls. Designed to fly in as little wind as possible, the radical boats are capable of reaching speeds of up to 50 knots. “We were keen to race as much as possible before the competition and what we really missed is actually racing,” Sirena says. “If you look back, what every team needed was more racing with this type of boat.” As defender, Emirates Team New Zealand has played no part in the challenger racing and will not race until the final America’s Cup match starting on March 6. Surely this lack of racing practice must put the defending team at a disadvantage to the three challengers? “This is the reason New Zealand pushed to be involved in the practice [Christmas] race,” Sirena says. “The more races you do the better.”

This lack of prior racing practice resulted in an “escalation of performance” in the Round Robin races, Sirena says. Even now, he believes the teams have further to go in the quality of racing on display. “I don’t think what we are seeing now is the real performance of the three boats,” he says. “We are all in the development process – everyone is changing something each race.” He predicts the challengers will reach their peak racing performance from the Prada Cup semi-final. “From the semi-final, I think we will start to see the final racing package of the teams.”

With the design of each teams' AC75 racing boats kept under wraps until arriving in New Zealand, the competition has been full of surprises. Sirena describes the three-year design process as “very tricky”, with each team striving to “find a way to get a good lift” in varying wind conditions. “What we see today is a reflection of how the teams started three years ago when we thought it was crucial to foil in 6.5 knots,” Sirena says. “Some teams came out with a bigger foil to be able to sail and fly in the light breezes but at the same time you want to be able to fly in the big breezes”. 

Sirena describes the AC75 design as “very sensitive” to wind conditions. “Different arrangements” are set up for varying weather conditions. “Everyone has a different arrangement where they can perform better,” he says, adding that this is “typical of the America’s Cup.” Sirena has observed defender Emirates Team New Zealand’s capabilities on the racecourse. “Different teams are stronger in different conditions,” he says. “Emirates Team New Zealand are really strong and fast, especially in a medium high breeze – they have an advantage on everyone in that.” Despite this, Sirena is confident Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli can be competitive, especially in light conditions. Sailing conditions may have been breezier than expected in New Zealand this summer but as Sirena asserts, “the only thing you can’t control is the time and weather”.

Panerai Luminor Luna Rossa GMT – 42mm

As part of its role as official sponsor of the Luna Rossa Team, Panerai has launched a new timepiece in collaboration with the team. The limited edition run of 250 pieces is constructed from carbon fibre residue collected from the hull and hydrofoils taken from the Luna Rossa AC75 race boat. “We wanted to put together, not just a commercial partnership, but also an exercise in storytelling,” Sirena says about the watch. “We used a lot of technology that we used for the boat and ended up creating a totally unique piece.”

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America’s Cup Team: Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli


Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Photo: Carlo Borlenghi

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli has a very long America’s Cup history having first competed in 2000 and has taken part in every Cup since (with the exception of the unique 2010 Deed of Gift match and the 2017 event from which they withdrew after an argument around a change of boat in the cycle).

Team Name: Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Yacht Club: Circolo della Vela Sicilia Skipper: Max Sirena (ITA)

For the 36th America’s Cup Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli were the Challenger of Record – a position now occupied by INEOS Britannia . They also won the challenger selection series so it was this Italian team who took on Emirates Team New Zealand for the America’s Cup itself.

The team will return for the 37th America’s Cup though this time they are not the official Challenger of Record.

The team’s recent history in the cup is a very interesting one. They took part in the 2013 AC but were late to develop hydrofoiling – which was pioneered by Emirates Team New Zealand – and were knocked out by the Kiwis in the challenger selection series.

Following that event and the eventual win by Oracle Team USA , Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli had entered the 2017 America’s Cup but withdrew in protest when the class of boat was changed, ending an 18-year 4-Cup run.

Although they did not compete in the 2017 AC Luna Rossa did lend some of their team members and resources to Emirates Team New Zealand. It was widely believed this team-up came with the promise that should the Kiwis win, Luna Rossa would be their Challenger of Record, giving the Italian team a say in the type of boat to be used in that next event.

The Kiwis did win and duly made Luna Rossa their Challenger or Record and these two teams fought it out in the 2021 America’s Cup itself (after the Italians won the Challenger Selection Series) but it was the Kiwis who came out on top.

luna rossa yacht

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LUNA ROSSA yacht NOT for charter*

33.91m  /  111'3 | sunseeker | 2011.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

  • Previous Yacht

Special Features:

  • Interior design from Sunseeker
  • Sleeps 12 overnight

The 33.91m/111'3" motor yacht 'Luna Rossa' was built by Sunseeker in the United Kingdom at their Poole, Dorset shipyard. Her interior is styled by British designer design house Sunseeker and she was completed in 2011. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Sunseeker.

Guest Accommodation

Luna Rossa has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 12 guests in 5 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 6 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Range & Performance

Luna Rossa is built with a GRP hull and GRP superstructure, with teak decks. Powered by twin diesel MTU (16V 2000 M94) 2,640hp engines, she comfortably cruises at 16 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 23 knots. Her water tanks store around 3,900 Litres of fresh water.

Length 33.91m / 111'3
Beam 7.39m / 24'3
Draft 2.28m / 7'6
Gross Tonnage 225 GT
Cruising Speed 16 Knots
Builder Sunseeker
Model 34 Metre Yacht
Exterior Designer Sunseeker
Interior Design Sunseeker

*Charter Luna Rossa Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Luna Rossa is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Luna Rossa Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/Y Luna Rossa

Length 33.91m / 111'3
Exterior Designer Sunseeker
Interior Design Sunseeker
Built | Refit 2011
Beam 7.39m / 24'3
Gross Tonnage 225 GT
Draft 2.28m / 7'6
Cruising Speed 16 Knots
Top Speed 23 Knots


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Luna Rossa yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

Arago charter yacht

34m | Sunseeker

from $69,000 p/week ♦︎

Black Pearl charter yacht

Black Pearl

32m | Diverse Projects

from $69,000 p/week

By Bubanny charter yacht

35m | Canados

from $75,000 p/week ♦︎

Cada Uno charter yacht

from $98,000 p/week

Heaven Can Wait charter yacht

Heaven Can Wait

35m | Benetti

from $85,000 p/week

Honors Legacy charter yacht

Honors Legacy

34m | Offshore Yard

from $39,800 p/week

Indigo charter yacht

32m | Sanlorenzo

from $86,000 p/week ♦︎

Infinity 7 charter yacht

31m | Gulf Craft

from $52,000 p/week ♦︎

Katerina P charter yacht

35m | Sanlorenzo

from $64,000 p/week ♦︎

Leonardo charter yacht

31m | Azimut

from $55,000 p/week ♦︎

Lila Cuy charter yacht

34m | Westport Yachts

from $55,000 p/week

Orso 3 charter yacht

33m | Benetti

from $91,000 p/week ♦︎

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photo of Sunseeker 111 Yacht LUNA ROSSA Listed For Sale

Sunseeker 111 Yacht LUNA ROSSA Listed For Sale

By Rob Bowman | Posted On Sep 14, 2021 Updated On Mar 23, 2022

United Yacht Sales is pleased to announce that LUNA ROSSA , a 2012 Sunseeker 111, is now available on the brokerage market. UYS professional yacht broker Matthew Stropes is the listing agent of this immaculate superyacht located in Fort Lauderdale at the LMC Free Trade Zone docks. Cared for by a full-time, 5-person crew, LUNA ROSSA is in tremendous cruising condition. Built by her original owner, there were many specific customization requirements when being constructed including a main open salon that allows everyone in the interior of the main deck to feel included. The navy blue hull was re-painted in 2019.

To schedule a showing or for more information on this beautiful Sunseeker 111 Motor Yacht, please contact Matthew Stropes at 1-(619) 847-9208 or by email at [email protected] . United Yacht Sales has an in-house closing support team to ensure your yacht purchase goes smoothly from ' love at first sight ' through your maiden voyage of your new Sunseeker Yacht .

LUNA ROSSA is currently listed for sale with an asking price of $5,600,000.

Yachts of this magnitude are kept in pristine condition and LUNA ROSSA, which translates to 'Red Moon', has had continual improvements and updates since new. Some of these updates include the following:

  • Routine 4,000 hour service completed
  • Atlas 75kVA Shore Power Converter
  • Installation of a custom-built wood table that can seat 12 guests comfortably
  • A sofa arrangement on the aft deck instead of the normal cocktail table
  • Recent interior updates including new hardwood floors, high-quality mattresses, and other upgrades
  • For the complete list of updates, visit the listing page for Luna Rossa .

Whether you are looking to keep LUNA ROSSA as your private vessel, or place her into a yacht charter program, the United Yacht Sales team is here to guide you through every step of the process with complete transparency, expert advice, and unmatched support.

guests on board luna rossa

Comments From Matthew Stropes: "Luna Rossa" was originally sold in 2012. Her current owner bought her in 2015 and corrected all survey findings at that time. In 2019 the yacht benefited from a mechanical update including a zero-hour rebuild of the mechanical end of both generators, complete Awlgrip hull repaint, interior refurbishment including new hardwood floors and fascia boards in strategic areas, new high-quality mattresses, and a general update and upgrades were needed. "Luna Rossa" has a full-time crew of five, who maintains her in show condition at all times. Every area of this yacht is immaculate and ready for the next owner.

The flybridge on the Sunseeker 34M is spectacular for entertaining guests during a cruise or hosting a formal dinner party. With a beam of over 24-feet, there is plenty of space to move around and enjoy the 360-degree views under the shade of the factory hardtop. Beginning aft on the flybridge is a delightful seating area for sunbathing next to a jacuzzi. A retractable sunshade can be extended completely over the jacuzzi when desired.

flybridge jacuuzzi on luna rossa

Forward of the jacuzzi area is plenty of space for exercise equipment, sun loungers, or other water toys you wish to bring with you. A large dining table with room for 10 guests is found portside, while a long, comfortable couch lines the starboard side of the bridge. A flat screen television angles so it can be seen from the entire upper bridge and a wet bar with ice maker keeps everyone's drinks filled without the need to go down a level. 

Heading down the aft flybridge stairs leads you to the personalized aft deck seating area. The recessed lighting in the flybridge overhang sets the mood as the sun lowers below the horizon. While one can still enjoy cocktails and hors d'oeuvres without a more formal outdoor dining table, the large couch and chairs definitely facilitate socializing among all of your guests.

aft deck seating on sunseeker 111

Wide walkways lead you and your guests forward safely to the foredeck sunlounge area. Large sunpads with backrests are large enough to fit 4 guests. A remote-controlled Bose sound system is present in the foredeck that can entertain everyone relaxing while at anchor or slow cruise.

Heading through the aft cockpit doors, there are several characteristics about the salon that are immediately noticeable - the hardwood floors are immaculate, there is an unordinary amount of space with makes the yacht feel like it has more volume, and the picture-windows that line the interior illuminate the salon. Seating is plentiful and is a perfect set up for large groups should the new owner decide to offer LUNA ROSSA for charter. Present in the salon are a flat screen television, Bose stereo, and multiple storage opportunities.  Forward of the salon is the formal dining area that can easily seat 10 guests.

salon on sunseeker 111 yacht

The fully equipped galley is sufficient to feed all guests on board, or more during an event hosted on board. Sub-zero fridge, freezer, and additional drawers, along with 2 wine caves, offer plenty of storage space. Other galley equipment includes 2 ovens, a microwave, 5-burner stove, built-in coffee maker, dishwasher, and more in the laundry facilities.

galley on luna rossa

Up to 10 guests will enjoy five stateroom onboard LUNA ROSSA, along with accommodations for up to six crew members. The full beam master suite features a king-sized berth, large windows, full entertainment system, closets, and multiple storage opportunities. Owners that wish to take a long-distance, multi-week cruise will have plenty of storage space to bring all of the essentials from home.

master stateroom on luna rossa

The master bathroom rivals that of a luxury resort and is even privately located down a staircase within the master suite.

master bathroom on sunseeker 111

The engine room on board this Sunseeker 111 is clean, spacious, and well-organized for easy service. The propulsion choice for this model includes twin MTU 16V 2000 M94 2,640HP diesel engines that have a sufficient fuel capacity of over 5,600 gallons. With the 4,000 hour service recently completed, the new owners will be purchasing a superyacht ready to cruise. Other mechanical equipment on board and features include:

  • Yacht is built to U.S. electrical specifications
  • (2) Kohler 65kW generators that recently had major routine service
  • Brand new Idromar MC3J180 water maker (1150 g/p/d)
  • Bow and Stern Thrusters
  • TracStar digital fin zero speed stabilizer system

Additionally, a Castoldi 16' Jet Tender with a Yanmar 110hp outboard is included in the sale, along with a Yamaha GX1800 waverunner.

engine room on sunseeker 111

United Yacht Sales specializes in the sale and purchase of luxury cruising yachts. With over 200 professional yacht brokers and over 20 offices, our network if boat buyers and sellers is the largest in the world. We use today's latest marketing technology and tactics to find the right buyer for your vessel. Looking to purchase? We can represent your needs and interests in the purchase of your next boat, guiding you the entire way and relieving you of the stress of negotiation. Contact our main office today for details at 1-772-463-3131 and we would be happy to answer all of your questions. The team at United Yacht Sales looks forward to earning your business!

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--> Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli conquista la finale, vittoria decisiva su Ineos Britannia a Barcellona -->

Luna rossa continua la sua striscia vincente nella final preliminary regata di barcellona, assicurandosi un posto nella finale grazie a una perfetta performance contro ineos britannia..

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli conquista la finale, vittoria decisiva su Ineos Britannia a Barcellona

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli prosegue la sua marcia trionfale nelle Final Preliminary Regata di Barcellona, ottenendo una vittoria decisiva contro Ineos Britannia che le garantisce l’accesso alla finale di Oggi.

Il match contro Ineos Britannia, guidato da Sir Ben Ainslie, è stato segnato da errori da parte del team britannico, che ha commesso due penalità decisive. La prima è stata inflitta per un ingresso anticipato nel box di prepartenza, mentre la seconda è stata causata dall’oltrepassamento del boundary di sinistra subito dopo lo start. Questi errori hanno consentito a Luna Rossa di guadagnare terreno prezioso, che ha saputo mantenere fino al termine della regata, con un vantaggio di 46 secondi al traguardo.

Luna Rossa ha navigato con grande sicurezza, scegliendo sempre il lato migliore del campo di regata per sfruttare al massimo la brezza debole e instabile. Nonostante le condizioni difficili, che hanno portato il comitato di gara a ridurre il percorso, l’equipaggio italiano ha condotto una regata impeccabile, senza sbavature.

Con questa vittoria, Luna Rossa ha conquistato il terzo punto della classifica generale, assicurandosi un posto nella finale di domani, dove affronterà i migliori team della competizione. L’equipaggio di oggi comprendeva Jimmy Spithill e Francesco Bruni al timone, Umberto Molineris e Andrea Tesei come trimmer, e i cyclor Enrico Voltolini, Emanuele Liuzzi, Cesare Gabbia e Luca Kirwan.

Il prossimo appuntamento è fissato per oggi 25 agosto, quando Luna Rossa disputerà il Match #14 contro Alinghi Red Bull Racing. Al termine degli incontri della giornata, i primi due team in classifica si sfideranno in una finale a match race per decretare il vincitore dell’evento.

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Media ID-4886


The encounter between Patrizio Bertelli, Prada Group’s Chief Executive Officer, and yacht designer German Frers, gives life to Luna Rossa sailing team in 1997, when they decide to participate to the XXX America's Cup.

Media ID-4885


In January of 2001 Patrizio Bertelli decides to to continue the adventure with Luna Rossa and once again challenges the kiwi team.

Media ID-2054


Of the twelve teams challenging for the trophy, Luna Rossa is the first to set up its base in Valencia, the city chosen to host the thirty second America’s Cup.

Media ID-2050


In 2012 Luna Rossa Team Principal, Patrizio Bertelli, will be the first Italian in history to enter the America’s Cup Hall of Fame, and  will also be the year in which the revolutionary AC72 is launched.

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The Circolo della Vela Sicilia is the first yacht club to challenge the ETNZ Defender for the 2021 edition. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli is Challenger of Record and wins the PRADA Cup

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Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, through the Circolo della Vela Sicilia, launches its sixth challenge to the America's Cup to be raced in Barcelona between August and September 2024

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Coppa America, alle regate preliminari Luna Rossa sfiora l’impresa contro New Zealand

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La prima impressione conferma le previsioni circa barche e team in competizione

di Antonio Vettese

25 agosto 2024

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3' di lettura

Sono stati quattro giorni interessanti quelli delle regate preliminari della Louis Vuitton America’s Cup numero 37 che inizia tra pochi giorni con il primo Round Robin delle regate di selezione dello sfidante che in ottobre incontrerà nel Match il Defender Emirates Team New Zealand: squadra condotta da Grant Dalton con timonieri Peter Burling e Nathan Outteridge.

Sono state un buon antipasto dello spettacolo che attende i velisti, che ci hanno dato la misura di quello che è in campo. Una prima impressione che tutto sommato conferma le previsioni: Emirates Team New Zealand e Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli hanno raggiunto la finale e dopo una regata sanguinosa i kiwi hanno battuto i nostri eroi dimostrandosi ancora una volta uno squadrone che è difficile superare.

Tuttavia… hanno dimostrato qualche incrinatura, della crepe entra un poco di luce che può far pensare che la competizione sarà spettacolare e importante. Dietro i due team “duellanti”, che si incontrano senza pace come nel film di Ridley Scott (con soggetto del maestro del mare Joseph Conrad) la concorrenza si sgretola al momento come da classifica: American Magic New York Yacht Club condotta da Terry Huchinson chiude con l’onore di aver battuto i kiwi ma con una classifica a corrente alternata che non rende del tutto merito all’impegno del team.

Al quarto e quinto posto i due team che hanno speso molto in ricerca con i team dei designer legati alla Formula Uno: Ineos Britannia in cui investe Jim Ratcliffe (l’imprenditore privato più facoltoso del Regno Unito) condotto dal supercampione Ben Ainslie e Alinghi Red Bull Racing che ha un design team stellare con Marcelin Botin e Adrian Newey.

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Dai due team molte incertezze che forse non meritano, o forse si: la Coppa America è un gioco che richiede molta esperienza specifica, il mood moderno “rifare tutto” ringiovanire non sembra funzionare in questo mondo come in altri, la solidità di kiwi e italiani racconta un’altra storia.

Gli ultimi in classifica sono i francesi di Orient Express: in questo caso team con molte meno risorse, che ha fatto scelte per risparmiare denaro: hanno comprato il design dal Team New Zealand e potrebbero avere una barca veloce. Nei Round Robin che iniziano il 29 agosto saranno in lotta per non essere esclusi ed entrare nei quattro che disputeranno la semifinale e per quello che si è visto potrebbero anche giocare un brutto scherzo ai team che sono appena davanti a loro.

Torniamo a Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli: la buona notizia è che la barca di Patrizio Bertelli e Max Sirena va forte, con i kiwi nella regata finale è stata in grado di recuperare sempre dopo aver scontato le penalità, e questo ha fatto male ai kiwi che se li sono sentiti sempre sul collo, perché abituati ad amministrare una velocità superiore. La cattiva notizia è che i timonieri Checco Bruni e James Spithill hanno fatto un po’ troppi errori con un numero record di penalità nella giornata che Checco ha definito «difficile – aggiungendo - siamo molto contenti della velocità della barca – ha detto Checco - molto di come abbiamo portato la barca ma dobbiamo rivedere alcune cose. Di certo con regate così combattute abbiamo fatto una bella pubblicità alla Coppa America».

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A barcellona

Luna Rossa si rialza subito: battuta Orient Express nella seconda regata

Muso in acqua e barca ferma per un problema elettrico nella sfida con new zealand nei preliminari che non attribuiscono punteggio, poi arriva il successo sui francesi.

Davide Romani

Aggressiva, con velocità sostenuta. Luna Rossa se la gioca alla pari nei primi minuti della prima regata preliminare (dal 29 si fa sul serio con i round robin) ma quando riesce a lanciare il suo AC75 in scia dei neozelandesi per studiare il sorpasso succede l’irreparabile. Nelle acque di Barcellona il muso italiano finisce in acqua, foil a fondo e barca ferma. Dopo i primi controlli, è emerso che è stato a causa di un problema elettrico.

la ripartenza 

I timonieri Bruni e Spithill, i trimmer Molineris e Tesei e i cyclor Voltolini, Gabbia, Liuzzi e Kirwan le provano tutte a ripartire, alla fine ci riescono, ma dopo due lati su sei di match race si ritirano per capire cosa non abbia funzionato in vista della seconda uscita di giornata contro i francesi di Oriente Express. “Davvero difficile iniziare in questo modo le regate preliminari – ha subito raccontato Francesco Bruni -. Fortunatamente sono appunto regate preliminari che non inficiano sul risultato”. Intanto nella regata d’apertura successo degli svizzeri di Alinghi su Orient Express. Tra poco American Magic e Ineos Britannia.

A Barcellona Luna Rossa si rifà immediatamente. Nella prima giornata delle regate preliminari, il challenger italiano smaltisce in fretta la delusione per i problemi di elettronica che hanno rovinato la prima sfida con New Zealand e supera nettamente Oriente Express. I francesi, con qualche problemino in partenza, non riescono mai a impensierire le manovre di Spithill e Bruni mollando definitivamente al quarto lato di gara. In questo secondo match race Luna Rossa ha cambiato due dei quattro cyclor in barca: spazio a Camboni e Simion al posto di Gabbia e Kirwan. Domani per Luna Rossa la sfida ad American Magic, oggi brillantissima nel successo su Ineos Britannia.


Alinghi (Svi) b. Orient Express (Fra); New Zealand (N.Zel) b. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli (Ita); American Magic (Usa) b. Ineos Britannia (Gb); Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli (Ita) b. Orient Express (Fra)

il programma di domani

Alinghi (Svi)-American Magic (Usa); 

Ineos Britannia (Gb)-New Zealand (N.Zel)

American Magic (Usa)-Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli (Ita) 

Orient Express (Fra)-New Zealand (N.Zel)



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Sunrise Yachts Sponsor 2011 Moscow International Boat Show (MIBS)

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Written by Mike Smith

Sunrise Yachts, a luxury yacht building company which is based in Turkey, has been made a main sponsor of next year’s 2011 Moscow International Boat Show (MIBS). The four-day Russian yacht show event is currently scheduled to run from April 14-17 at the Moscow’s Crocus exhibition centre.

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moscow boat show

MIBS is organised by the ITE Group and it is one of Russia’s leading boat shows and is an internationally recognised superyacht event. The show covering everything from small parts and accessories to large superyacht with over 9,000 people and 178 exhibitors attended the last year show.

The Paolo Scanu-designed Sunrise 45 yacht is an ocean-going cruising yacht that was released in 2009 to much acclaim at this was the group’s first-ever model.

Sunrise Yachts was founded in 2007 by the German entrepreneur Herbert P Baum along with the French-British yacht builder Guillaume Roché. The luxury yacht group is based in Antalya, Turkey and utilises a 10,000sq m shipyard facility. Sunrise has two sheds measuring 100m (328ft) x 16m (53ft), as well as a 70m (230ft) x 16m (53ft) fully acclimatized paint shed that can accommodate new-build and refit projects up to 65m (213ft) in length and 1,200 tonnes displacement.

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The sunrise 45m superyacht by Sunrise Yachts

Along each side of the yacht-building facility, space is available for long-term sub-contractors with the latest equipment and logistics capabilities, along with air-conditioned storage, ventilation and extraction plants. The shipyard is organized as an “assembler,” based loosely on the car industry’s model, with a small, yet powerful project management team charged with running all the in-house long-term sub-contractors.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Sunrise Yachts Sponsor 2011 Moscow International Boat Show (MIBS)".

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  5. Luna Rossa Yacht for Sale

    luna rossa yacht

  6. A Pardo 38 for Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli

    luna rossa yacht


  1. Luna Rossa closes this Final Preliminary Regatta in second place

    The match was aggressive right from the pre-start, when Luna Rossa incurred in a right-of-way penalty. This however did not discourage the Italian crew as they pushed to close the gap. At the second gate Luna Rossa decided to separate and, taking advantage of stronger shifts on the right side of the course was able to fully close the gap.

  2. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli

    Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, originally named Prada Challenge, then Luna Rossa Challenge, is an Italian sailboat racing syndicate first created to compete for the 2000 America's Cup.It won the Louis Vuitton Cup on its first attempt in 2000, but then lost the America's Cup match against the defending champion team, Team New Zealand.. Luna Rossa was challenged again for the 2003 America's Cup but ...

  3. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team

    Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli is the Italian team that represented the Circolo della Vela Sicilia yacht club in the 36th edition of the America's Cup presented by Prada, which has been held in Auckland, New Zealand, from March 10 to 17, 2021

  4. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team

    Preliminary Race #2. November 28 - December 2, 2023 (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)

  5. Luna Rossa's New AC75 Marks Its Silver Age

    Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team unveiled its new AC75 in Cagliari in April, the yacht with which it will challenge for the 37th America's Cup.

  6. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team

    Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team | PRADA. For the third consecutive time, representing the Circolo della Vela Sicilia yacht club, Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli is the Italian team participating in the 37th America's Cup held in Barcelona (Spain) from August to October 2024. To access the final match against the Defender, Emirates Team New Zealand ...

  7. The design and construction of the AC75

    Next, the Luna Rossa designers worked on optimizing the shape of the hull, creating the most aerodynamic lines possible to obtain a lift on the foils already at low speeds. Boat 1 and Boat 2 were built in the Persico Marine shipyards in Bergamo, but they were finished and assembled at the Cagliari and Auckland bases. ...

  8. Watch: Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli's America's Cup Boat Innovations

    Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli's latest AC75 is a testament to the team's dedication to innovation and excellence in yacht design. By focusing on aerodynamic efficiency, structural integrity, weight ...

  9. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli's AC75 Shines in Sunday Commissioning Sail

    On-Water Recon Report - Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli: Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli rolled out their B3 AC75 at 10:20, stepped mast and craned the yacht in by 10:35. The boat appeared with the older appendage configuration and with an added hull window for the flight controller pod. After running the usual FCS, flap, and rudder rake checks, the ...

  10. The Silver Age: Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Launches Its Ac75

    Twenty-five years after the launch of the first Luna Rossa (in 1999), the Italian challenger's America's Cup hull No.10 first touched water today: it is the AC75 foiling monohull with which Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli will participate in the 37th America's Cup in Barcelona, Spain. The sea christening of the only Italian boat in the 2024 edition ...

  11. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli: A Day of Power and Class with the New AC75

    On-Water Recon Report - Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli: The Italian team rolled out their B3 AC75 at 6:45, stepped the mast and craned in by 7:20. As previous days the boat appeared with the older appendage configuration. ... The yacht then executed three more gybes and trimmed up to starboard decelerating. With the boat back on towline, several ...

  12. Luna Rossa

    Since its foundation in 1997, Luna Rossa has written the history of Italian and international sailing. The 37 th America's Cup, taking place in 2024, is the sixth time the team will compete for the world's oldest sporting trophy. Luna Rossa sealed victories in two editions of the Challenger Selection Series (in 2000 and 2021), winning the right to challenge the Defender of the trophy.

  13. Luna Rossa, the story of a passion for yachting

    On 21st April, the Punta Ala Yacht Club formally challenged the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, holder of the trophy. It was the official beginning of one of the most exciting adventures of Italian sports with a name that was destined to excite, Luna Rossa.

  14. Prada unveils radical yacht for the world's most dangerous billionaire

    The AC75 Luna Rossa reportedly took a team of 90 from luxury yacht maker Persico Marine over 78,000 hours to complete. The technology includes a hull crafted from 7,000 square-metres of carbon fibre alongside 400 square-metres of aluminium honeycomb.

  15. Preliminary Regatta Barcelona Day 3: Win for Luna Rossa secures the

    Related Articles A clear-cut win for Luna Rossa over American Magic On day 2 of the Preliminary Regatta Barcelona Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli brings a second point to the board in the Final Preliminary Regatta in Barcelona with a clear-cut and splendid win in the day's race against the American team. Posted on 23 Aug A victory and technical withdrawal for Luna Rossa

  16. Luna Rossa skipper Max Sirena: "We are good enough to be in the final"

    Exclusive: Luna Rossa skipper Max Sirena: "We are good enough to be in the final". The road to the 36th America's Cup, the pinnacle of yacht racing, has been fraught with difficulty. The 2020 America's Cup World Series races, which were planned to take place in Sardinia and the UK, were cancelled due to the pandemic.

  17. America's Cup Team: Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli

    Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli has a very long America's Cup history having first competed in 2000 and getting to the finals in 2000 ans 2021. ... Essential yacht racing skills; Catamaran sailing;

  18. LUNA ROSSA Yacht

    Sleeps 12 overnight. The 33.91m/111'3" motor yacht 'Luna Rossa' was built by Sunseeker in the United Kingdom at their Poole, Dorset shipyard. Her interior is styled by British designer design house Sunseeker and she was completed in 2011. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Sunseeker.

  19. The Luna Rossa challenge in the 37th America's' Cup

    From Barcelona, NZ Herald sports reporter Michael Burgess backgrounds the Luna Rossa challenge in the 37th America's' Cup. Video / NZ Herald

  20. Sunseeker 111 Yacht LUNA ROSSA Listed For Sale

    United Yacht Sales is pleased to announce that LUNA ROSSA, a 2012 Sunseeker 111, is now available on the brokerage market.UYS professional yacht broker Matthew Stropes is the listing agent of this immaculate superyacht located in Fort Lauderdale at the LMC Free Trade Zone docks. Cared for by a full-time, 5-person crew, LUNA ROSSA is in tremendous cruising condition.

  21. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli conquista la finale, vittoria decisiva su

    Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli prosegue la sua marcia trionfale nelle Final Preliminary Regata di Barcellona, ottenendo una vittoria decisiva contro Ineos Britannia che le garantisce l'accesso alla ...

  22. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team

    The Circolo della Vela Sicilia is the first yacht club to challenge the ETNZ Defender for the 2021 edition. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli is Challenger of Record and wins the PRADA Cup. 2024 BARCELONA. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, through the Circolo della Vela Sicilia, launches its sixth challenge to the America's Cup to be raced in Barcelona between ...

  23. NZ gifts Barcelona regatta opener, Italy's Luna Rossa in trouble

    By Elliot McGowan. Friday, 23 August 2024. Emirates Team New Zealand triumphed on the first day of the Barcelona preliminary regatta on Thursday as a systems failure forced Italian opponents Luna ...

  24. Coppa America, alle regate preliminari Luna Rossa sfiora l'impresa

    Coppa America, alle regate preliminari Luna Rossa sfiora l'impresa contro New Zealand La prima impressione conferma le previsioni circa barche e team in competizione. di Antonio Vettese. 25 ...

  25. Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

    Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT - Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project.The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

  26. Maxi-Open Mangusta Yachts presented at Boat Shows in Palm Beach and

    Two important events saw the Mangusta Maxi Open by the prominent Italian builder Overmarine again protagonist on the nautical scene: Marine Max exclusive partner for the United States attended the Palm Beach Boat Show, running from March 22 to 25 with the spectacular motor yacht Mangusta 92 and the Mangusta 130 superyacht on display.Burevestnik Group, on the other hand, was the star of the ...

  27. America's Cup, Luna Rossa si ritira nella prima regata preliminare

    Luna Rossa se la gioca alla pari nei primi minuti della prima regata preliminare (dal 29 si fa sul serio con i round robin) ma quando riesce a lanciare il suo AC75 in scia dei neozelandesi per ...

  28. Sunrise Yachts Sponsor 2011 Moscow International Boat Show (MIBS)

    The four-day Russian yacht show event is currently scheduled to run from April 14-17 at the Moscow's Crocus exhibition centre. moscow boat show. MIBS is organised by the ITE Group and it is one of Russia's leading boat shows and is an internationally recognised superyacht event. The show covering everything from small parts and accessories ...