Définition d’un yacht – Tailles, types, styles et catégories

Avec un tel choix de types de yachts, il peut être difficile de distinguer les Flybridges des Tri-Decks si vous débutez vos recherches. Bien qu’il y ait un nombre croissant de termes utilisés pour décrire les différents types de yachts, beaucoup de ces termes se chevauchent ou sont utilisés de manière interchangeable.

Si vous êtes sur le marché pour un yacht, l’équipe de la marina de Van Isle a compilé une revue des différents termes que vous rencontrerez probablement en parcourant les yachts à vendre.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un bref guide pour comprendre les différents termes utilisés par la communauté des plaisanciers pour décrire les yachts.

definition of a yacht - megayacht

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Définition d’un yacht

Qu’est-ce qui fait exactement d’un yacht un yacht, et pas seulement un gros bateau ? Il n’existe pas de définition précise de ce qui fait d’un yacht un yacht, mais la plupart des plaisanciers considèrent qu’un yacht est un navire de mer utilisé strictement à des fins récréatives ou de plaisance, comme la croisière, le divertissement, les sports nautiques, la pêche ou l’hébergement à l’année.

Les yachts sont généralement assez grands pour disposer d’une cabine de couchage pour les voyages de nuit, d’une cuisine et d’une salle de bain. Ils sont également assez grands pour nécessiter plus qu’un apport humain (c’est-à-dire ramer) pour se propulser vers l’avant.

Les yachts sont classés en fonction de nombreux critères, notamment leur mode de propulsion, leur taille, leur style, leurs équipements et leur fonction.

Types généraux de yachts

Un yacht est d’abord défini comme un yacht à voile, un yacht à moteur ou un yacht de type gulet, puis comme un yacht de sport ou de luxe.

  • Yacht à voile : un yacht principalement propulsé par le vent et les voiles.
  • Yacht à moteur : yacht propulsé par un ou plusieurs moteurs.
  • Gulet Yacht : yacht hybride à la fois à voiles et à moteur.
  • Open Yacht, Cruiser, Cabin Cruiser, Express Cruiser : yacht standard non catégorisé pour la croisière et les loisirs.
  • Yacht de luxe : un yacht doté de finitions et de caractéristiques haut de gamme et des dernières technologies modernes en matière de performance. Le terme « luxe » peut précéder tout type de yacht, par exemple « yacht à moteur de luxe », « yacht à voile de luxe », etc.
  • Yacht de sport : un yacht orienté vers la pêche, les sports nautiques ou la croisière avec un design plus épuré et un moteur plus puissant pour des vitesses de croisière plus rapides. Le terme « sportif » peut également précéder d’autres types de yachts, par exemple « yacht sportif à moteur ».
  • Catamaran : un yacht à deux coques (pontons), souvent en fibre de verre, qui peut être utilisé dans des eaux peu profondes

Definition of a yacht - Catamaran

Tailles des yachts

Les yachts peuvent être définis comme des superyachts ou des mégayachts, en fonction de leur taille.

  • Les superyachts mesurent généralement 24 mètres (78 pieds) et plus.
  • Les mégayachts mesurent généralement plus de 80 mètres (260 pieds).

La plupart des yachts à moteur sur le marché mesurent généralement 24 mètres (78 pieds) ou moins.  Il n’existe qu’une poignée de mégayachts dans le monde en raison de leur prix extravagant.

Catégories de styles de yachts

Les yachts peuvent également être regroupés ou définis en fonction de leur forme et de leur fonction, comme par exemple les yachts à flybridge, les berlines, les bateaux-pilotes et les yachts de sport.

Yacht à moteur classique : un yacht qui a été construit entre les années 1920 et 1970 (avant que la technologie moderne d’aujourd’hui ne commence à dominer la fabrication des yachts modernes). Un yacht moderne peut être construit sur le modèle du yacht à moteur classique. Sedan : un style de yacht populaire avec un espace de pont au-dessus de la coque et des quartiers d’habitation en dessous. Les quartiers d’habitation d’un yacht à berline sont fermés et de plain-pied.

  • Flybridge : un yacht de style berline avec un pont ouvert et un espace de vie plus confortable au-dessus du pont principal du navire.
  • Daybridge : un yacht à plusieurs niveaux qui est encore plus ouvert qu’un flybridge. Belize Motoryachts est connu pour créer ce style de yacht distinctif.
  • Ouvert ou fermé : un terme utilisé pour décrire la disposition et l’accès au flybridge. Dans un flybridge fermé, l’accès au flybridge supérieur est enfermé à l’intérieur de l’espace de vie. Dans un flybridge ouvert, l’accès au flybridge supérieur est ouvert aux éléments.
  • Style Downeast : un yacht à profil bas avec un grand cockpit de travail et un petit poste de pilotage. Ce style très reconnaissable s’inspire du homardier traditionnel du Maine du milieu des années 1900. Les yachts de Back Cove sont un exemple brillant des yachts inspirés du style Downeast.
  • Pilothouse : Un yacht à plusieurs ponts comme un flybridge avec un pont principal intérieur plus grand.
  • Sky Lounge : un espace clos au sommet du navire qui offre les avantages de la vue mais avec plusieurs commodités, une protection contre les éléments, de grandes fenêtres et parfois un toit ouvrant.
  • Cockpit Motor Yacht : un yacht dont le cockpit est plus spacieux que le pont.
  • Sportfish ou Yacht de pêche sportive : Un yacht utilisé pour la pêche avec un grand cockpit, de l’espace de rangement et la capacité d’affronter des mers plus agitées. Ils peuvent également être appelés Sportfish Flybridge ou Sportfish Express et sont construits pour de plus longues durées sur l’eau.
  • Convertible : un yacht qui combine les caractéristiques d’un yacht à moteur standard et d’un yacht sport afin de disposer d’un espace de divertissement lorsque vous en avez besoin, mais aussi d’un espace de pêche lorsque vous en avez besoin.
  • SUV : un yacht qui combine les caractéristiques d’un yacht à moteur standard et d’un yacht de sport.
  • Tri-Decks : un superyacht avec trois niveaux d’espaces de vie fermés et échelonnés.
  • Expedition Yachts : un grand yacht avec une coque à déplacement plus profonde pour plus de stabilité et de confort pendant les voyages à longue distance.

Il suffit de lire quelques descriptions de yachts à vendre pour se rendre compte que la communauté des plaisanciers semble parfois avoir son propre langage. Pour accompagner ce tour d’horizon des types de yachts allez directement voir certains modèles.

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Les yachts, impressionnants bateaux d'occasion créés pour les loisirs et le luxe dans le monde nautique, ont toujours capté l'attention des gens. Ces navires majestueux représentent non seulement un symbole de statut et de richesse, mais incarnent également l'esprit d'aventure et d'exploration. En d'autres termes, un yacht est un bateau de plaisance de luxe, conçu pour la navigation de plaisance et le divertissement sur l'eau. Ils sont généralement associés à l'idée qu'un yacht privé appartient à des personnes riches ou célèbres, utilisé pour des vacances en mer, des fêtes exclusives et des événements sociaux.

Dans la Grèce antique et à Rome, les nobles et les aristocrates possédaient des bateaux luxueux utilisés pour les loisirs ; cependant, le concept moderne de yachting a commencé à prendre forme au 17ème siècle à l'ère du yachting. L'évolution des yachts était étroitement liée aux progrès de la construction navale et de la technologie de la voile. Au XIXe siècle, avec l'avènement des moteurs à vapeur et les progrès de l'ingénierie navale, les yachts ont commencé à devenir plus grands et plus sophistiqués. Les riches aristocrates et hommes d'affaires de l'époque ont commencé à commander des yachts personnalisés pour afficher leur statut et leur style de vie opulent . C'est à cette époque que le terme "yacht" devient populaire et devient synonyme d'élégance et de luxe dans le monde nautique.

Cela pourrait aussi vous intéresser : Voilier

types de yachts

L'industrie de la plaisance est un monde fascinant et diversifié, où l'élégance et le luxe se conjuguent pour créer de superbes bateaux de plaisance. Certains types de yachts sont :

Voiliers : également appelés voiliers, ils sont une option classique pour les amoureux de la mer et de la navigation traditionnelle. Ces bateaux utilisent le vent comme principale source de propulsion et offrent une expérience unique et calme sur l'eau. Des yachts de course gracieux et agiles aux voiliers de luxe à plusieurs ponts, les amateurs de voile peuvent profiter d'un style de navigation nostalgique et élégant.

Yachts à moteur : ils sont le choix préféré de ceux qui recherchent la vitesse, le confort et les fonctionnalités modernes. Ces bateaux utilisent des moteurs à combustion interne ou des moteurs électriques pour se propulser dans l'eau. Les yachts à moteur appartiennent à différentes catégories telles que les yachts de croisière, les yachts de pêche sportive, les yachts d'expédition et les yachts de sport à grande vitesse. Ces yachts offrent un grand espace de vie, une multitude d'équipements de luxe et une longue autonomie en mer.

Superyachts : ce sont les géants du monde nautique, véritables chefs-d'œuvre d'ingénierie et de design. Ces magnifiques navires, généralement de plus de 24 mètres de long, sont équipés de fonctionnalités extravagantes telles que des piscines, des héliports, des salons de spa, des cinémas privés et bien plus encore. Les superyachts sont la quintessence du luxe et leur construction sur mesure garantit une expérience sans pareille à leurs heureux propriétaires.


Marques de yachts emblématiques

Azimut : est une marque italienne connue pour ses yachts de luxe innovants et au design élégant. Avec plus de 50 ans d'expérience, Azimut s'est forgé une réputation de yachts à moteur de haute qualité et d'une attention méticuleuse aux détails. Sa gamme de produits s'étend des yachts de sport aux super yachts, offrant un large éventail d'options pour les plaisanciers exigeants.

Sunseeker – Basée au Royaume-Uni, c'est une autre marque emblématique dans le monde des yachts de luxe. Leurs bateaux se caractérisent par un style sophistiqué, des performances exceptionnelles et un savoir-faire impeccable. En outre, ils ont créé certains des yachts les plus reconnaissables de l'industrie, et leur concentration sur la personnalisation permet aux propriétaires d'adapter leur navire en fonction de leurs préférences et de leurs besoins.

Ferretti - L'industrie des yachts de luxe, fondée en 1968, s'est forgé une solide réputation d'excellence en matière de conception, de qualité de construction et de technologie de pointe. Leur portefeuille comprend une large gamme de yachts à moteur, des yachts de croisière aux superyachts personnalisés. Ferretti est réputé pour son souci du détail et son souci d'offrir aux propriétaires une expérience de navigation luxueuse et confortable.

Benetti - est l'une des marques les plus anciennes et les plus prestigieuses de l'industrie des yachts de luxe. Avec une histoire remontant à 1873, cette marque italienne s'est bâtie une solide réputation de yachts haut de gamme et de savoir-faire exceptionnel. Benetti est connu pour son accent sur la personnalisation et la construction sur mesure, créant des yachts uniques qui répondent aux normes les plus élevées de qualité et d'élégance.

Lürssen – Ce sont des superyachts extraordinaires et de taille impressionnante. Cette société allemande, avec plus de 140 ans d'expérience, s'est forgé une réputation comme l'un des constructeurs de yachts les plus prestigieux au monde. Elle est connue pour son accent sur l'innovation, la qualité exceptionnelle et la construction sur mesure pour répondre aux désirs les plus exclusifs de ses clients.

Feadship - est une collaboration entre plusieurs chantiers navals néerlandais et est reconnu comme l'un des leaders dans la construction de superyachts personnalisés ; Son souci du détail et son dévouement à la création de yachts uniques et de haute qualité font de chaque navire, une combinaison de tradition, de technologie de pointe et de savoir-faire, une expérience exceptionnelle pour les propriétaires les plus exigeants.

Combien valent les yachts ?


Lorsqu'il s'agit de nouveaux yachts, le luxe et l'exclusivité se combinent pour créer des bateaux de plaisance qui représentent un style de vie sophistiqué. Bien sûr, ces symboles du luxe en mer ne vont pas sans leur prix correspondant, certains plus chers que d'autres. Les facteurs les plus pertinents qui affectent le prix des yachts neufs, sans parler de leur marque, sont :

- Taille et longueur : elles sont l'un des principaux déterminants de son prix. Plus le bateau est grand, plus il faut de matériaux et de main-d'œuvre pour le construire, ce qui se traduit par un coût plus élevé. La longueur, mesurée de la proue à la poupe, influence également le prix ; Depuis, les yachts plus longs ont souvent une plus grande capacité et offrent plus d'espace de vie et de commodités.

- Conception et personnalisation : Les nouveaux yachts sont souvent construits avec des conceptions personnalisées pour répondre aux préférences et aux besoins du propriétaire. Cela peut inclure des fonctionnalités spéciales, des intérieurs luxueux, des systèmes de divertissement avancés, etc. Plus la personnalisation et la conception sont élaborées, plus le coût du yacht est élevé.

- Construction et matériaux : les yachts haut de gamme utilisent souvent des matériaux haut de gamme, tels que la fibre de carbone, le titane et les bois exotiques, qui augmentent les coûts de production ; De plus, des processus de construction plus sophistiqués, tels que la construction en couches et l'utilisation de technologies de pointe, contribuent également à la valeur finale du yacht.

- Équipements et commodités : cela peut inclure des piscines, des jacuzzis, des salons de spa, des salles de sport, des cinémas privés, des systèmes de sonorisation haut de gamme, etc. La présence et la qualité de ces équipements et commodités supplémentaires augmentent le prix du yacht.

Il est important de toujours garder à l'esprit que le prix d'un yacht neuf ne se limite pas seulement à l'achat initial. Les coûts supplémentaires tels que l'entretien, l'assurance, les salaires de l'équipage, les amarres et autres dépenses d'exploitation doivent également être pris en compte lors de l'évaluation du coût total de possession d'un yacht. Voici quelques exemples de prix de superyachts et de yachts économiques :

Azimut Grande 25 Metri - Ce yacht de luxe a une longueur d'environ 82 pieds et offre un design élégant et moderne. Son prix peut varier de 4 à 7 millions de dollars.

Sunseeker Predator 68 - Ce yacht de sport d'environ 68 pieds de long est connu pour son style agressif et ses performances exceptionnelles. Le prix d'un nouveau 68 Sunseeker Predator peut être d'environ 2 à 3 millions de dollars.

Ferretti Yachts 850 - D'une longueur d'environ 85 pieds, ce superyacht personnalisé allie luxe et élégance avec des caractéristiques haut de gamme. Le prix d'un nouveau Ferretti Yachts 850 peut aller de 6 à 10 millions de dollars.

Benetti Delfino 95 - D'une longueur d'environ 95 pieds, ce yacht de luxe personnalisé offre de nombreux équipements et des espaces de vie de haute qualité. Le prix d'un nouveau Benetti Delfino 95 peut varier de 8 à 12 millions de dollars.

Lürssen Azzam - Considéré comme l'un des plus grands au monde, ce superyacht de taille exceptionnelle a une longueur de plus de 590 pieds. Le prix d'un nouveau Lürssen Azzam est estimé à plus de 600 millions de dollars.

Ces prix sont des prix approximatifs et peuvent varier considérablement en fonction des spécifications, de la personnalisation et des options sélectionnées par le propriétaire. Il est important que vous gardiez à l'esprit que les prix actuels peuvent être supérieurs ou inférieurs en fonction des facteurs mentionnés et du marché au moment de l'achat ; Cependant, si vous recherchez de nouveaux yachts moins chers, certains des bateaux relativement plus abordables sont :

Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 : yacht à moteur d'environ 26 pieds de long est connu pour sa polyvalence et son confort. Le prix d'un nouveau Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 peut être d'environ 100 000 $ à 150 000 $.

Bavaria Cruiser 37 - Ce voilier d'environ 37 pieds offre un design élégant et des performances solides. Le prix d'un Bavaria Cruiser 37 neuf peut varier de 150 000 $ à 200 000 $.

Four Winns Vista 255 : yacht à moteur d'environ 26 pieds de long est idéal pour les sorties à la journée et les activités nautiques. Le prix d'un nouveau Four Winns Vista 255 peut être d'environ 100 000 $ à 120 000 $.

Hanse 315 : voilier d'environ 32 pieds allie design moderne et navigation agile. Le prix d'un nouveau Hanse 315 peut varier de 150 000 $ à 200 000 $.

Galeon 305 HTS - Ce yacht à moteur d'environ 30 pieds se distingue par son design contemporain et sa fonctionnalité. Le prix d'un nouveau Galeon 305 HTS peut être d'environ 200 000 $ à 250 000 $.

Cela pourrait aussi vous intéresser : Yachts Bavaria


Documents pour acheter un yacht

La documentation requise pour acheter un yacht peut varier selon le pays dans lequel la transaction a lieu. Vous trouverez ci-dessous la documentation généralement requise dans certains pays :

États Unis:

Titre du navire ou certificat d'immatriculation indiquant la propriété du yacht.

Un contrat légal détaillant les termes et conditions de la vente.

Pièce d'identité valide, comme un passeport ou un permis de conduire.

Un numéro d'identification fiscale (TIN) est nécessaire pour effectuer la transaction.


Titre du navire ou certificat d'immatriculation.

Un accord juridique entre l'acheteur et le vendeur.

Pièce d'identité valide.

Relevé de taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA) le cas échéant.

Acte public ou contrat d'achat notarié qui montre la propriété du yacht.

Un contrat légal qui énonce les termes et conditions de la vente.

Numéro d'identification fiscale (NIF) et paiement des taxes correspondantes.

Déclaration fiscale et paiement des taxes correspondantes, telles que la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA).

Il est important de noter que les exigences spécifiques peuvent varier. Il est recommandé de consulter un avocat ou un agent spécialisé dans les transactions nautiques dans le pays dans lequel vous souhaitez acheter le yacht pour obtenir des informations précises et à jour sur la documentation requise.

Cela pourrait aussi vous intéresser : Quicksilver Yachts

Comme indiqué précédemment, les yachts sont de magnifiques inventions qui incarnent le luxe, l'élégance et l'esprit d'aventure sur les mers, et depuis leur création, ils continuent d'être un symbole de statut et d'exclusivité. Leur conception et leur construction innovantes, associées à des équipements et services luxueux à bord, en font le véhicule de loisirs rêvé pour ceux qui recherchent une expérience de navigation exceptionnelle. Alors que la technologie et la conception des yachts continuent de progresser, il est probable que nous verrons encore plus d'innovations dans le monde de la plaisance, garantissant que ces magnifiques navires continueront de captiver notre imagination et notre admiration pour les années à venir.

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What Does Yacht Mean? (The Definition and History Explained)

c quoi un yacht

Ah, the luxurious lifestyle of the yacht.

Whether youve seen one in the harbor or on a distant horizon, the image of a yacht has a certain allure and mystique.

But what exactly is a yacht? From the definition to the different types, the history, and the lifestyle, there is so much to explore.

In this article, we will uncover the mysteries of the yacht, and explore the different types, the races, and the luxury amenities that come with them.

Get ready to set sail!.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Yacht is a term used to describe a recreational boat or vessel that is used for pleasure trips and sailing.

It typically refers to a larger, more luxurious boat than a regular fishing or leisure boat.

Generally, yachts are meant for longer trips, usually with more than one person on board.

Yachts can range in size depending on the type of boat and its intended use, but all will typically include luxury features and amenities for a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

The Definition of Yacht

Yacht is a term often used to describe a variety of large and luxurious recreational boats, typically used for personal pleasure or sport.

Yachts can be defined as any boat or vessel that is used for leisure and recreational activities.

While the term yacht may be used to describe any kind of boat, it is most commonly used to refer to large, expensive boats designed for recreation, luxury, and leisure.

These vessels are typically larger than other recreational boats, and can range from modest day-sailers to luxury mega-yachts with all the amenities of a home.

Yachts are usually crewed by professional or paid crew and can be used for activities such as fishing, cruising, racing, and even as a floating holiday home.

Yachts may be owned either by individuals or by companies, and typically contain a variety of amenities such as staterooms, sleeping areas, dining areas, and entertainment areas.

Yachts are often used in the charter industry, where they are rented for short-term use, and can be found in harbor cities and coastal towns around the world.

Yachting is a popular recreational activity that has been around for centuries, and can be traced back to ancient Greece.

Yachting has long been associated with wealth and luxury, with the earliest yachts being owned by wealthy aristocrats.

In modern times, yachting has become more accessible to people of all backgrounds, with a variety of yachting activities and vessels available to meet a variety of budgets and preferences.

The term yacht is derived from the Dutch word jacht, which translates to hunt.

The term was originally used to refer to small, fast vessels used by the Dutch navy to chase and capture pirates.

Over time, the term has come to refer to large, luxurious recreational vessels that are often used for pleasure and leisure.

Yachts have become a symbol of wealth and luxury, and are often associated with the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

Types of Yachts

c quoi un yacht

When it comes to yachts, there are several different types available.

The most common type is the sailing yacht, which is propelled through the water by sails and is typically smaller than other types of yachts.

Motor yachts, on the other hand, are powered by an engine and are typically larger than sailing yachts .

Another popular type of yacht is the sport fishing yacht, which combines the luxury of a motor yacht with the convenience of fishing.

These yachts often have advanced navigational equipment, fishing tackle, and other amenities.

Finally, there are luxury yachts, which are the most luxurious of all yachts and typically feature amenities such as jet skis, hot tubs, and full-service bars.

No matter which type of yacht you choose, they all provide a luxurious experience on the water.

Yacht Racing

Yacht racing is one of the most popular activities associated with yachts, and it has a long and storied history.

Yacht racing dates back to the 1800s and has been a popular pastime ever since.

The sport is often divided into two main categories: offshore and inshore racing.

Offshore racing involves navigating the open waters of the ocean, while inshore racing is confined to the waters near shore.

In both types of racing, yachts compete against each other to see who can complete the course in the shortest amount of time.

Yacht racing is typically governed by the rules and regulations of the International Sailing Federation, which sets out a standard for the equipment and safety of the yachts and the sailors onboard.

Yacht racing is a highly competitive sport, and it is a great way to test the skills and strategies of the crew.

There are a variety of different classes of yacht racing, ranging from small dinghies and keelboats to large ocean-going yachts.

The most prestigious class of yacht racing is the America’s Cup, which is the oldest and most prestigious sailing race in the world.

The America’s Cup has been held since 1851 and is now held every four years in a different location.

Yacht racing is an exciting and challenging sport, and it is one of the most popular activities associated with yachts.

Whether it is a day sail or a full-fledged race, yacht racing is a great way to experience the thrill of sailing and the camaraderie of the crew.

Yacht Charters & Cruising

c quoi un yacht

When people think of yachts, they usually think of luxury and leisurely cruising around the ocean.

Yacht charters have become increasingly popular, allowing people to enjoy the freedom of the open seas without having to purchase their own yacht.

Yacht charters offer a variety of packages, depending on the size and amenities of the yacht, the type of cruise being taken, and the number of people being accommodated.

Chartering a yacht is a great way to explore a variety of destinations and enjoy a variety of activities, from fishing and swimming to sightseeing and sunbathing.

Yacht charters typically include a professional crew to manage the vessel, as well as a variety of amenities such as a chef, cabin crew, and a variety of water toys.

Some charter companies even offer special packages for romantic getaways, corporate retreats, or special occasions.

Safety is always a priority when it comes to yacht charters, and all vessels must adhere to strict safety regulations.

All vessels must be inspected and certified by the relevant maritime authority and must be equipped with the necessary safety equipment.

Yacht charters are typically subject to local laws and regulations and must be operated in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Whether youre looking for a private escape or a unique corporate event, yacht charters offer a luxurious and convenient way to explore the open seas.

From discovering new destinations to enjoying the comforts of home away from home, yacht charters provide an unforgettable experience for all.

The History of Yachts

The term yacht has been around since the 1600s, and it has come to represent a broad range of luxurious recreational boats.

The word itself is derived from the Dutch term jacht, which translates to hunt.

In the 1600s, yachts were used for military purposes, such as scouting and patrolling.

Over time, however, the term yacht has come to refer to any large, luxurious recreational boat.

Modern yachts are typically larger than other recreational boats, and range from modest day-sailers to luxury mega-yachts with all the amenities of a home.

Yachts are typically crewed by professional or paid crew and can be used for activities such as fishing, cruising, racing, and even as a floating holiday home.

The evolution of the yacht has been quite remarkable.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, yachts were primarily used by the wealthy and elite to show off their wealth and status.

Yachts of this era were often quite elaborate and ornate, with richly decorated decks, lavish interior spaces, and even an onboard orchestra.

As technology improved, so did the capabilities of yachts.

In the late 1920s, the modern sailing yacht was invented and became the norm, allowing for a more comfortable and efficient sailing experience.

In the mid-20th century, motor yachts were developed, making navigation and speed much easier.

By the latter part of the 20th century, yacht builders began to focus more on luxury and comfort, with modern yachts featuring amenities such as spas, fitness centers, multiple decks, luxurious cabins, and more.

Today, yachts are still seen as a symbol of wealth and status, and there is a great deal of competition in the luxury yacht market.

There are many different types of yachts to choose from, from modest day-sailers to mega-yachts that can cost millions of dollars.

Yachts of all sizes can be used for a variety of activities, from fishing, cruising, and racing, to simply enjoying the beauty of the open sea.

The Yacht Lifestyle

c quoi un yacht

Yachting is more than just a leisure activity; it is a lifestyle.

From the outside, it might appear to be a glamorous and luxurious pursuit, but there is much more to it than that.

Yachting is a unique way of life that is rich in adventure, exploration, and relaxation.

It is an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing you to explore the world in a more intimate and luxurious way.

Yachting provides an opportunity to experience the world in a way that is both exciting and luxurious.

Whether it be racing around the world or simply enjoying the gentle breeze of a summer day, yachting is a great way to explore the world.

You can explore remote destinations, experience different cultures, and even explore the depths of the sea.

With a yacht, the possibilities are truly endless.

The yacht lifestyle is also a great way to relax and enjoy the finer things in life.

With a yacht, you can enjoy the luxury of a five-star hotel, complete with a dedicated crew to cater to your needs.

On board, you can enjoy fine dining, top-shelf drinks, and all the amenities of a luxurious hotel.

You can also take advantage of the yacht’s amenities, such as a gym, swimming pool, spa, and even a movie theater.

The yacht lifestyle also offers the opportunity to meet new people and build relationships.

With a yacht, you can travel to different ports and meet new people from all over the world.

You can also host events on board, from intimate dinner parties to large gatherings.

At the end of the day, the yacht lifestyle is about living life to the fullest.

It is about exploring the world in luxury and relaxation.

It is about creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Whether you are a racing enthusiast or simply looking for a way to escape from the everyday grind, the yacht lifestyle is an unparalleled experience that is sure to provide a lifetime of memories.

Luxury Amenities of Yachts

When it comes to luxury and comfort, yachts are in a class of their own.

From plush furnishings and spacious cabins to state-of-the-art entertainment systems and private chef-prepared meals, yachts have all the amenities of a home but with the added benefit of being able to take them anywhere in the world.

Whether you’re looking to cruise the Mediterranean, fish the Pacific, or just relax in the Caribbean, yachts are the perfect way to do it in style.

Most yachts come equipped with fully-stocked wet bars, hot tubs, and even private movie theaters, making them the perfect place to entertain family and friends.

There are also plenty of options when it comes to entertainment, from game rooms to fishing equipment, and even water-sports equipment for those looking for a more active vacation.

Yachts also come equipped with the latest navigation and communications systems, so you can stay connected with the world even when you’re out at sea.

With satellite-based communication, you can even stay connected with friends and family back home.

Finally, when it comes to luxury amenities, yachts are the perfect way to pamper yourself.

From private spa treatments to personal chefs and masseuses, yachts provide the perfect opportunity to indulge and relax in style.

Final Thoughts

Yacht is a term that has a long and fascinating history, and today there are a variety of yachts that range from modest day-sailers to luxurious mega-yachts.

Yachts can be used for a variety of activities such as racing and cruising, and also offer a unique lifestyle with various luxury amenities.

If you’re looking to experience the luxury of a yacht, consider chartering one for a special occasion or take a sailing course to learn more about the yacht lifestyle.

No matter what, you’re sure to have a memorable experience.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Yacht : modern meaning of the term and types of boats

  • Luca D'Ambrosio
  • February 25, 2023

The etymology of the term yacht comes from the Dutch word ‘jacht’, which was used in the past to define the fast sailing vessels used to hunt down pirates along the coasts of northern Europe.

Today, the term ‘yacht’ is used to describe all recreational vessels, whether sailing or motor-powered, with at least one cabin that allows the crew to sleep on board.

There is no established definition for the length of this family of boats, but common usage tends to define a yacht as a vessel longer than 33 feet, or about 10 meters.

As mentioned above, a yacht may be equipped with sailing, motor or mixed propulsion. It can have more than one hull, and if it exceeds 25 meters it also deserves the definition of superyacht . When a yacht is over 50 meters it is called a megayacht and, more and more frequently, when it exceeds 100 meters it becomes a gigayacht.

A yacht normally flies a flag that corresponds to the country where the vessel is registered, not least because, if it does not, it may be captured and taken to the nearest port for ‘flag survey’. As far as international maritime law is concerned, the yacht is considered in all respects to be the territory of the country of the flag it flies, to whose sovereignty the crew is subject.

A yacht flying the flag of a country, unless there is well-founded suspicion of illegal activity, can only be stopped for inspection by the military vessels of that country. When a yacht enters the territorial waters of a country other than that of its flag, it is obliged to fly a courtesy flag.

This is tantamount to a declaration of submission to the navigational laws of the country in which it is sailing.

Sailing and motor-powered yachts

The first major distinction is between sailing yachts and motoryachts. The current worldwide spread of these two families has shifted decisively towards motor yachts, which make up about 75% of the total sailing fleet.

Progress and design have produced many different categories of motor yachts, so let’s discover them together.


Seen from the stern, a flybridge yacht is often equipped with a “beach club”, a platform that facilitates access to the sea and on which water toys are placed or simply used for diving. A staircase, or even two symmetrical staircases, leads from this platform to the main deck. Sometimes there is a “garage” between these two staircases to house the engine room, a tender and other on-board equipment.

The main deck is characterized by the presence of a helm station, inside of which a large open-space salon houses settees and a galley. The helm station often leads below deck, also known as the lower deck, where the sleeping quarters, or cabins, are normally located.


The foredeck often has a large sundeck bordered by a “bowplate” for hauling anchor. The bow is often “fenced in” by the handrails, which are vital grips for safety at sea.

Let’s get to why a yacht is called a flybridge. The flybridge is an upper deck, open 360 degrees and often covered by a hard-top, a roof usually made of fibreglass. The flybridge usually has an additional helm station to steer from a more panoramic position. An additional galley is often located on the flybridge, as well as additional lounge seating and sun decks.

Open Yachts

An open yacht has no flybridge and its main deck is commonly all open. The helm station can frequently be sheltered by a T-Top. Below deck, depending on the length of the yacht, there are living spaces for the crew which may include dinette, cabins and facilities. Open yachts can be walk-around, i.e. with the possibility for passengers of walking freely around the perimeter of the boat, or they can have an enclosed bow and thus have a raised deck.

yacht 1

A coupe yacht is a yacht without a flybridge, characterized by a sporty design, with the main deck open aft. Very often it has a sunroof and is always equipped with side-decks connecting the stern to the bow. It is a vessel that, depending on its size, is suitable for medium to long-distance cruising.

coupe yacht

This is an important type of yacht, which has its origins on the American East Coast where it was used to catch lobsters. It has a romantic, sometimes vintage aesthetic, and is endowed with sinuous lines that, for some, are evocative of the 1950s. Very suitable for cruising and conviviality, thanks also to a large sofa in the cockpit, the lobster is an iconic boat that offers plenty of comfort and space below deck for at least one cabin and one head.


The trawler is essentially a yacht for owners who want to spend a lot of time on board. This is why interior volumes are maximized and the upper deck is always present. Also part of the trawler family are the famous Menorcan boats, inspired by the llaüts of the Menorca island..

Increasingly popular among motor yachts, too, is the multihull, due to its inherent features of stability and capacity. In most cases it is a catamaran designed for long stays at sea.

Sailing yacht

Sailing yachts are vessels where propulsion should mainly rely on the power transmitted by the wind. In the past, sailing yacht engines were low-powered and mainly used for entering and leaving ports, but today, for obvious reasons of practicality and ease of use, they have enough power to make the sailing yacht cruise at a speed at least equal to its theoretical hull speed. This means that sailing yachts can be used efficiently even in the total absence of wind.

A sailing yacht can be rigged in many different ways, these being the most common in modern times:

Sloop : this is the most common rigging on modern boats, characterized by the presence of a single mast with a mainsail and a jib or genoa. Sloop rigging has become popular over the years because it is the easiest to handle with a small crew and also offers the best ease of use/sailing performance ratio.

Cutter : Widely used for long distance sailing, it is characterized by the presence of a mainsail and two jibs rigged on a single mast. Normally the two jibs are a genoa and foresail that are used individually, depending on the weather conditions.

Ketch : this is the most commonly used rig on two-masted sailing yachts, with a mainmast, rigged with a mainsail and genoa, and a mizzenmast, forward of the rudder shaft, rigged with a single mainsail. The splitting of the sails makes this type of yacht suitable for sailing in bad weather.

Yawl : exactly the same as a ketch but with the mizzen mast located aft of the rudder shaft.

Sailing yachts can be monohulls or multihulls, i.e. catamarans or trimarans, but in all cases they can be divided into these categories:

sailing yacht

Easy to handle and with plenty of space above and below deck, this type of yacht is normally characterized by an unbalanced length/width ratio favouring the latter, a small sail area and more powerful than average engines.

The interiors are fully equipped and sophisticated, with each cabin often having its own en-suite head.

The deck plan and sailing equipment are simplified, often electrified and minimal.


sail-powered yacht

This yacht, while still featuring a luxurious and complete interior, also has all the equipment needed for sail fine-tuning and a generous sail area.

This is a category where special attention is paid to both the overall weight of the boat and the hull shape.

The hull lines are in fact designed to enhance performance and, inevitably, this results in a slightly smaller interior than that of pure cruising yachts of the same length.



The owner who buys this type of yacht has already competed in club competitions and now wants to engage in higher level racing. The hulls are light and can sometimes be made of carbon, and all the sail adjustments are fine-tuned to achieve maximum performance.

The deck plan is definitely designed for crewed racing and the sail area/displacement ratio is unbalanced in favour of the former, making this yacht more difficult to handle with a smaller crew but, conversely, capable of performance similar to a pure racing yacht.

A pure racing yacht is a sailing yacht built exclusively for racing. Free from any commercial constraints, it is built according to the type of race to be competed in and, above all, the rating to be obtained. The interiors of this boat are minimal. This yacht is capable of planing and sailing upwind at very low wind angles, but is almost never used for recreational purposes.


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  • Comprendre le monde de la plaisance : Définitions et origines

Le monde du yachting et de la voile est un royaume d'élégance, d'aventure et de riche histoire. Cependant, la terminologie qui entoure ces activités nautiques peut parfois prêter à confusion. De la définition d'un yacht à l'orthographe de divers termes liés à la voile, cet article vise à démystifier la langue des mers, en offrant un aperçu des origines et des significations de ces mots captivants.

Décoder le yacht : Définition et origine

Un yacht est plus qu'un navire, c'est un symbole de luxe et de sophistication. Dérivé du mot néerlandais "jacht", qui signifie "chasse" ou "poursuite", les yachts étaient à l'origine des navires rapides et maniables utilisés pour la poursuite. Au fil du temps, les yachts sont devenus d'opulentes embarcations de plaisance appréciées des amateurs de voile et de l'élite.

Exploration du terme nautique "voile"

La voile ne se contente pas de se déplacer sur l'eau grâce à la force du vent ; elle incarne un esprit d'exploration et de liberté. C'est l'art d'exploiter l'énergie du vent pour naviguer sur les vastes océans, représentant une relation harmonieuse entre l'homme et la nature.

Lisez nos meilleurs articles sur des sujets tels que la voile, les conseils de navigation et les destinations dans notre magazine .

Découvrir le mot "yacht" et sa signification

Le terme "yacht" évoque des images de navires élégants glissant gracieusement sur l'eau. Sa signification va toutefois au-delà de l'esthétique. Un yacht est un navire élégant et luxueux, souvent associé au plaisir et aux loisirs plutôt qu'à des fins utilitaires.

Zoom sur le yachting : Définition et signification

Le yachting est l'activité qui consiste à naviguer à bord d'un yacht, ce qui englobe à la fois les aspects récréatifs et compétitifs. C'est une façon de découvrir l'attrait des eaux libres tout en profitant du confort et des équipements offerts par ces navires sophistiqués.

Les subtilités de la prononciation du mot "yacht

La prononciation du mot "yacht" varie selon les régions, certaines mettant l'accent sur le son "ch", tandis que d'autres optent pour un son "y" plus doux. Cette diversité linguistique ajoute une couche intéressante au monde du yachting, reflétant l'attrait mondial de la voile.

Yacht de luxe

Nom ou yacht ? Comprendre la terminologie

Dans le milieu du yachting, le terme "name yacht" désigne un yacht connu et souvent réputé. Ces yachts sont associés au luxe, à l'innovation et à la personnalité de leurs propriétaires.

Plongée dans les origines des yachts

L'origine des yachts remonte aux Pays-Bas du XVIIe siècle, où ils ont d'abord été utilisés à des fins navales avant d'être transformés en navires de plaisance. Leur évolution reflète le changement de perception de la navigation, qui est passée de l'utilitaire au loisir.

Yacht vs. yatch : L'orthographe compte

L'orthographe correcte est "yacht", tandis que "yatch" est une faute d'orthographe courante. L'exactitude de l'orthographe est vitale, en particulier dans la communication maritime, où la précision garantit une compréhension claire et une transmission efficace de l'information.

Terminologie de la voile : Qu'est-ce qu'un dériveur ?

Un dériveur est un petit bateau ouvert souvent utilisé pour de courts trajets, pour le transport entre un bateau plus grand et le rivage, ou pour la navigation de plaisance. Les dériveurs existent en différentes tailles et sont un élément essentiel des activités de voile.

Décryptage du "catamaran" et de son orthographe

Un catamaran est un type de bateau caractérisé par deux coques parallèles reliées par un pont. L'orthographe est "catamaran", et la compréhension de ce terme est essentielle pour discuter et identifier les différents types de bateaux.

L'essence de la voile : Le mot et sa signification

La voile est plus qu'un acte physique ; c'est une métaphore du voyage de la vie. Tout comme les marins qui relèvent les défis sur l'eau, les individus naviguent sur les courants de leur vie, guidés par les vents de l'opportunité et la boussole de la détermination.

Le langage du yachting et de la voile est riche en histoire et en signification. De la définition d'un yacht à la signification des termes liés à la voile, la compréhension de ces mots nous permet de mieux apprécier le monde maritime et l'attrait intemporel des mers.

Alors, qu'attendez-vous ? Jetez un coup d'œil à notre gamme de bateaux de location et partez pour quelques-unes de nos destinations favorites.

FAQ sur les définitions et les origines

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Yacht definitions: What is a yacht? And does it need to have sails?

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By far the most common question we get asked here at Motor Boat & Yachting is ‘how can you call that a yacht if it doesn’t have sails?’ Here we explain why a boat doesn’t need sails to be called a yacht...

What’s in a name? Quite a lot if you’re a yacht! Not only are the names of yachts a source of endless amusement, but by defining your boat as a yacht in the first place, you’re setting up certain expectations.

Yacht definitions: A brief history

Whilst boating for fun dates back to Ancient Egypt and possibly even further than that, the word yacht comes from the Dutch ‘jachtschip’, which means hunting ship. Jachts were originally a class of sailboat used in the 16th century to hunt down enemies of the Dutch Republic.

However by the 19th century the term ‘yachting’ had developed to mean recreational boating in general, and with the advent of steam boats, sails were no longer the only method of propulsion available to Victorian yachtsmen.

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In the early 20th century (1904 to be precise), our humble magazine was launched under its original title The Motor Boat , but by the 1950s the ‘& Yachting’ suffix had been added to refer to the general pastime enjoyed by motorboat owners. We even reviewed the occasional motorsailer for those who liked to enjoy the benefits of both power and sail.

Today’s Motor Boat & Yachting is dedicated purely to powered leisure vessels from 25-125ft with the occasional foray above and below that when interest dictates. Current editor Hugo Andreae insists that he is ‘terminology agnostic’ saying, “I’m not bothered whether people refer to their boats as yachts, cruisers, power boats or gin palaces just so long as they enjoy using them. But for the record my 22ft Karnic is definitely a gigayacht!”


Editor Hugo’s Karnic 2250 is his family’s pride and joy, but should it be called a yacht?

What makes a yacht, a yacht?

Some would argue that a yacht has to have sails, and as we’ve seen, that was originally the case, but we here at Motor Boat & Yachting beg to differ, as its common to refer to large motorboats as motoryachts, superyachts or even megayachts without any expectation that they would have sails.

Others assert that a yacht should have to have a cabin in order for it to be fully considered a yacht, or that it has to measure at least 10m in length. If that’s the case then some longer narrowboats could be technically considered as yachts, although you’d be hard pushed to find anyone who agrees with that definition.

The final test for something to be considered a yacht is harder to pin down, but it is generally accepted that all yachts have to have a certain aesthetic or architectural appeal in order to earn this haughty moniker.

c quoi un yacht

The advent of internal combustion in the 19th Century allowed motor yachts, like this fine example from Camper & Nicholsons, to be launched. Photo: Getty Images

Whether a boat is worthy of being called a yacht is clearly subjective, but there’s one thing we won’t budge over – it certainly doesn’t have to have sails!

If it’s sailing yachts specifically that you’re interested in, you won’t find many of them here, but we can heartily recommend our sister titles Yachting Monthly and Yachting World , who know much more about them than we do.

Bigger yacht definitions: Superyacht, megayacht or gigayacht?

Beyond the simple term yacht, there are a few other yacht definitions worth clarifying. The most commonly used of which is superyacht .

The debate still rages over what constitutes a superyacht. Any pleasure yacht with a load line length of 24m or more (not length overall or waterline length as is often misquoted) and a gross tonnage of 80GT is classified as a Large Yacht under MCA coding rules, causing a number of additional regulations to kick in, most crucially the requirement for the skipper to hold a commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate. This is the closest thing to a technical definition of a superyacht.

Azzam - the world's largest superyacht on of many belonging to Middle Eastern owners

At 180m Azzam is currently the largest yacht in the world, but an 183m gigayacht called REV is currently under construction in Norway. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

However, while this used to mean most leisure boats with an overall length (LOA) of 80ft or more fell into the Large Yacht category, yards have become so adept at designing bigger boats with a load line length of just under 24m that many craft with an LOA of 90ft or more still count as regular pleasure vessels.

For that reason some people prefer to use the simpler definition of a superyacht being any privately owned vessel with an LOA of 100ft or more. Even then some would argue that a true superyacht should be a custom built yacht of at least 35m or 120ft.

Such is the inflationary pressure on yacht sizes and terminology that the term superyacht itself has begun to lose currency among the yachting elite. Owners of craft over 50m now use the term megayacht to categorise their larger vessels, while the lesser-spotted gigayacht is reserved for yachts over 100m.

Fewer than 100 gigayachts have been built to date, making this the rarest of rare breeds. That said with the world’s largest yacht now measuring over 183m, it’s surely only a matter of time before the 200m mark will be broken and yet another term will be needed. Got any suggestions? Drop us an e-mail: [email protected]

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Yacht vs Bateau : Quelles Différences ?

c quoi un yacht

Definitions of words such as “yacht”, “boat”, or even “ship” are not always clear. Most of us make our own (unspoken) rules up, while others simply go with the flow and call their vessel whatever comes up at the moment.

So when does a boat become a yacht? Are all boats yachts? Are all yachts boats? What about ships?

Here is our subjective take on this vital matter.

The definition of a boat

In spoken or written English, it seems that anything able to float can be called a boat . It has little to do with size, function, or fit-and-finish. It is the most general term.

According to many dictionaries, boats are defined as “small vessels for traveling over water, propelled by oars, sails, or an engine”. So, a boat can have recreational purposes as well as commercial ones, but it is expected to be quite limited in size. 

A yacht : our unofficial definition

c quoi un yacht

The word « yacht » generally refers to a more sophisticated craft than a boat or a ship. 

Yachts can be sailed or motorized: so catamaran, monohulls, or even trimarans can also be called “yachts”. 

To deserve their name, they have to be comfortable, spacious, well equipped and built with luxury in mind.

Regarding their functions, yachts are purely recreational. 

They are designed for relaxation and leisure first, even though they can be suitable for long stays at sea and transatlantic crossings.  

To sum up, as soon as your boat is a certain size and boasts several luxury features designed for leisure, then you can call it a yacht.

The definition of a ship

c quoi un yacht

According to the Oxford dictionary, a ship is “a large boat for transporting people or goods by sea”.

The ship is associated with something larger and less fancy than a boat. 

It is a “working” vessel, unlike yachts which are made for leisure purposes.

A ship usually needs a full crew to operate. A yacht might need a full crew to operate depending on its size. A boat usually implies smaller vessels and therefore most of them don’t need a crew.  

Common vessels that are called “ships” include ferries, petrol tankers, or warships.

Details to look at to know if you are dealing with a boat, a yacht, or a ship

The size: one of the strong factors to identify a boat vs a yacht.

Size is one of the most determining factors to know how to call your vessel.

A boat is often expected to be smaller than a ship or a yacht. Generally, a vessel anywhere from 15-30 feet in length will be called a boat.

Starting from 15 meters (50 feet), private luxury recreational crafts can be considered yachts. 

Starting from 24 meters (79 feet), you are entering the superyachts area. 

c quoi un yacht

Above, 50 meters can start talking about mega yachts. Obviously, there is no upper limit to mega yachts. Currently, Azzam, the world’s biggest yacht is 180 meters long (590 feet).

So when it comes to differentiating between boat and yacht, size does matter.

But size alone isn’t enough to know the sort of vessel you are dealing with.

The function of a yacht vs a boat isn’t the same

The main function of its vessel is one of the easiest ways to recognize a boat from a ship or a yacht.

Boats can be used for both leisure and business (fishing, day trips, police, …) depending on their size and options.

On the other hand, a yacht has a purely recreational function. Unlike a “boat”, it can be used for long voyages on oceans thanks to its larger size, better propulsion, advanced electronics, guidance, and safety equipment, but especially thanks to its comfort. Yachts can protect passengers from bad weather and the comfortable cabins can accommodate several passengers for long stays. Yachts are also often available for charter with a staff taking care of the guests at a high standard of comfort.

Ships primarily have commercial functions. It can be forwarding freight, crossing the sea with thousands of people on board, or going on a warzone with a unit and its material.

To add to the confusion, some mega yachts such as Christina O could be called ships due to their initial function or their size.


Besides these exceptions, it’s quite obvious to recognize a yacht from a boat or a ship simply by its size and the luxury of its amenities.

The luxury on board makes it a yacht or a boat

A yacht is a recreational vessel designed with luxury and comfort in mind. 

The facilities, be it furniture, rooms, living spaces, safety equipment, and navigation systems are all luxurious on a yacht. 

c quoi un yacht

The notion of space is often very important to feel comfortable on board, even for long cruises. The largest and most luxurious yachts have various spaces such as beaches, sundecks … to make life on board as comfortable as on land, if not more.

To make it simple, if a vessel is luxurious, then more often than not, it’s a yacht.

Check out all our luxury yachts here.

The propulsion of the vessel can determine whether it’s a yacht or a boat

A boat can be rowed, propelled with its sails, or with one or several engines. 

Motorized small boats can have impressive speed on the water thanks to their lightweight, but their engines are usually less powerful and sophisticated than yacht engines. 

Some boats can sail long-distance when they are well equipped, such as solar panel, water maker etc.

On the other hand, equipment on yachts make them able to operate over very long distances, including crossing oceans.

Most ships are designed to cross the sea with safety and they are designed for this objective.

Looking at the propulsion is therefore not enough to know if a vessel is a boat, a yacht, or a ship, although it can give you a few clues.

The crew on board can tell the difference between a boat and a yacht

Commercial ships and professional boats obviously have experienced captains to sail them around the rough corners of the globe. 

For yachts and leisure boats, it is less obvious.

c quoi un yacht

Big yachts owners usually employ professionals to sail, but also manage the daily operations onboard. The number of enrolled crew members depends on the yacht’ size.

Usually, boats do not need a professional enrolled skipper to operate, if you know how to sail. But you can always rent a boat and hire a skipper to bring you wherever you want.

So, what should you call your vessel? 

To make it simple, if your vessel is a  luxury craft above 50 feet, designed for fun, recreation, relaxation, and comfort, then call it a yacht.

Anything below that size, call it a boat.

If you own a working craft rather than something recreational, especially if it’s a long vessel, then you are free to call it a ship.

But let’s be honest, nobody will blame you if you use the wrong term. You are entirely free to continue calling your canoe a yacht if you like it that way!

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Starting from 50 feet (15 meters), a pleasure boat is usually considered a yacht.

Yes, a 40-feet boat can be considered a yacht if it has recreational use and a luxurious outfit. Otherwise, it is only a boat!

By definition, a ship is a large vessel that crosses oceans and other deep waters for commercial purposes. It carries cargo or passengers or performs specialized missions, such as defense, research, and fishing. So a boat becomes a ship when it is big, it weighs at least 500 tonnes or above and it has commercial use.

Private recreational boats from 33 feet are actually yachts. Luxury is also an important point once defining a yacht.

No. If the boat doesn’t have a recreational purpose, if it is below 33 feet long (10 meters), or if it is not luxurious, it is not a yacht but a boat!


Comment hiverner son bateau : le guide complet, propriétaires et locataires de yacht: ce que votre équipage voudrait vous dire, foire aux questions – location de yacht avec équipage.

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Yacht classification definitions

The merchant shipping sector is ruled by safety regulations developed since the beginning of the 20th century, and is familiar with international conventions such as SOLAS, MARPOL and Load Lines. But the application of common safety requirements to pleasure vessels is something relatively new – a continuous work in progress – and is very much dependant on the service and the flag of the yacht.

Defining the problems

Definitions do not help. How often have we read of large yachts, superyachts, megayachts, gigayachts or other bombastic adjectives? How many times have we mentioned MCA, RINA, and Lloyd’s, without having a clear idea of who’s doing what?

A good starting point for understanding the subject is to clarify the main definitions and the roles of the main players:

Large yacht

A large yacht is a pleasure vessel with a load line length equal to or over 24m. Almost all the flag administrations have adopted safety codes dedicated to large yachts and this is, therefore, the only definition having a universal meaning in the international regulatory framework of yachts.

Commercial yacht

A motor or sailing vessel in commercial use (i.e. charter) for sport and pleasure, carrying no cargo and not more than 12 passengers.

Private yacht

A pleasure vessel solely used for the recreational and leisure purpose of its owner and his guests.

Flag administration

The government of the state whose flag the yacht is entitled to fly . This administration sets the safety regulations, manning requirements and fiscal aspects relevant to the yacht registration.

Different flag administrations can inspect the safety aspects of yachts with their own inspectors (see MCA for example) or delegate this activity partially or totally to other recognised bodies such as the classification societies.

The main flag authorities in the yachting industry are: The UK-MCA, Cayman Islands, Isle of Man, Malta, the Marshall Islands, Italy and Luxembourg.

Classification societies

Organisations that establish and apply technical standards in relation to the design, construction and survey of ships.

Classification rules are developed to assess the structural strength and integrity of the essential parts of the hull, the reliability and function of the propulsion, steering systems, power generation and all the other features installed on board which contribute to guarantee the main essential services.

In addition to this ‘third party check’ function, class societies carry out statutory duties on behalf of the major flag administrations in accordance with specific delegation agreements signed with each government.

The main class societies involved in yachting are: American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas, Germanischer Lloyd, Lloyd’s Register, and RINA.

Large yachts: Applicable rules and certificates

Private yachts

The mandatory requirements for these boats are very light. For the majority of flag states, a registration survey and a tonnage measurement, carried out by an authorised surveyor, are sufficient.

The only mandatory international conventions are those relevant to the marine environment: MARPOL and the Anti-Fouling System Convention.

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is intended to eliminate the intentional pollution and to minimise the accidental pollution of the marine environment caused by harmful substances.

The Anti-Fouling System Convention’s purpose is to eliminate the presence of harmful substances for the marine environment contained in anti-fouling paints applied to ships.


While classification is not mandatory, building and maintaining a private yacht in class is the only evidence that the boat has been designed, constructed and operated in compliance with appropriate technical standards. It is therefore highly desirable, especially in relation to insurance and re-sale purposes.

Commercial yachts

All flag administrations require commercial yachts to be certified in accordance with a specific large yacht safety code.

The most popular of these safety codes, and the first that was developed, is the MCA Large Commercial Yacht Code (LY2) published in 2004. It replaced the Code of Practice for the Safety of Large Commercial Sailing and Motor Vessels (LY1) published in 1997.

LY2 is applied by the Red Ensign Group Flags (UK, Cayman Islands, Isle of Man, Bermuda, Gibraltar, British Virgin Islands, etc.) and is recognised as a reference standard for all the yachting industry.

Other flags have developed similar codes. Luxembourg, Italy, Marshall Islands, Malta, Belize and The Netherlands are some examples.

While introducing a stricter set of rules and regulations compared to private yachts, commercial registration offers yacht owners the possibility of making a profit from the chartering activity of their boats, and allows them to take advantage of all the other benefits of a commercial operation (in particular VAT exemption on the purchase, sale, bunkering, provisions, dry-docking, and others).

Mandatory certificates

The number and type of the mandatory certificates depends on the size of the vessel; the following is an indicative list:

  • International Tonnage Certificate : A measurement of the internal volumes of the yacht expressed in gross tons (GT). This measurement should not be confused with displacement tonnage, which quantifies the weight of a vessel.
  • Large Yacht Code Certificate : Covers life-saving appliances, fire protection and means of escape, navigational and signalling equipment, intact and damaged stability, manning and crew accommodation.
  • Class Certificate : This mainly deals with the yacht’s hull, machinery, electrical equipment and outfitting.
  • International Load Line Certificate : This certifies the weather-tightness of the yacht.
  • Safety Radio Certificate : This is applicable if gross tonnage exceeds 300GT This concerns the radio communication and distress installations.
  • MARPOL Annex I Certificate : This is applicable if gross tonnage exceeds 400GT This deals with the disposal of oil and bilge water from machinery spaces.
  • MARPOL Annex IV Certificate : This is applicable if gross tonnage exceeds 400 or the yacht is certified to carry over 15 persons. This deals with the disposal of sewage from ships.
  • MARPOL Annex V : This is applicable to all ships. It covers the disposal of rubbish.
  • MARPOL Annex VI : This is applicable if gross tonnage exceeds 400GT as well as to all main and auxiliary engines with a power exceeding 130kW. It concerns the emissions from main and auxiliary engines (NOx and SOx).
  • Safety Construction and Safety Equipment : These are additional prescriptions on machinery, electrical parts, life-saving and navigational equipment for yachts with a gross tonnage above 500GT.
  • International Safety Management Certificate : This is only applicable to yachts having a gross tonnage greater than 500GT. A certified management company is requested to carry out this service, preparing operational manuals, procedures for drills, and taking care of the maintenance of the yacht and its installations.
  • International Ship and Port Security Certificate : This is only applicable to yachts having a gross tonnage greater than 500GT and deals with the anti-piracy certification. A certified management company is requested to provide the ashore assistance and establish on-board procedures and operational manuals.

The GT Factor

The gross tonnage value (GT) is a key issue, not only as a reference for the registration fees applied by the different flag administrations, but also because it determines whether an international convention, rather than a particular safety standard, applies to a yacht.

The table below summarises how the conventions and relevant certificates come into force depending on the gross tonnage of the yacht. In particular, the following values may have a critical impact:

300GT: In many codes, when you reach this value the yacht must be certified in unrestricted service (stricter requirements regarding stability, load line and life-saving appliances).

400GT: This is the threshold for almost all the environmental conventions such as MARPOL and Anti-fouling System.

500GT: This is the threshold for the application of the SOLAS Convention, meaning stricter requirements on machinery, safety systems, materials of construction, fire protection, life-saving appliances and navigational equipment. Furthermore an external certified management company is requested for the ISM and ISPS certifications.

The tonnage issue could also arise on existing yachts when undertaking major refits or modifications, in that any change to the internal volumes of the boat – such as adding enclosed deckhouses or superstructures, or modifying the hull transom or bow – will modify the tonnage value with the risk of subjecting the yacht to stricter mandatory rules.

UPDATE: Since this article was originally published, LY2 has been superseded by Large Commercial Yacht Code Revision 3 (LY3) .

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Le blog des passionnés de bateaux à moteur et de voiles

Les différents types de Yacht

par Laurence Lestage | Oct 28, 2019 | Les plus beaux bateaux | 0 commentaires


Le yacht, du rêve sur l’eau !

Un yacht est un bateau de plaisance à voile et/ou à moteur, disposant d’un espace habitable et utilisé pour les loisirs aussi bien que pour les activités sportives. Dans la langue française, le terme yacht véhicule une idée de rêve et une image assez prononcée de « bateau de luxe », d’une taille respectable, carénage fuselé, salon cuir sur le pont arrière, muni de voiles sans oublier un puissant moteur pour quitter le port et se faire « remarquer ». Cette image, même si elle n’est pas conventionnelle, reflète totalement la réalité de beaucoup de ports méditerranéens. Pour désigner ce même type de bateau , qui nous fait rêver dans les ports côtiers, les anglophones restent factuels et utilisent l’expression « motor yacht », restant très « pragmatiques » et marquant la distinction entre le yacht et le motor yacht.

Le yacht, y-a-t’il une taille minimale ?

Le terme yacht se substitue au « bateau de luxe », qu’il soit à moteur ou à voile , ou les deux à la fois. Si le yacht dans nos esprits mesure plus d’une trentaine de mètres, les embarcations de plus petites tailles sont-ils simplement des bateaux de promenade ? Le chantier naval PRINCESS YACHTS fabrique des yachts à moteur depuis de nombreuses années et dans leur catalogue on trouve aussi bien des bateaux de moins de 20 mètres comme le Princess F45 (14,35 m), le Princess F55 (17,60 m) que quelques bateaux de plus de 30 mètres : le Princess 30M. Un peu plus de 15 mètres séparent les deux bateaux et pourtant, tous les deux se qualifient de « yachts ».

L’équipement du yacht de moins de 20 mètres…

Sur ce yacht, l’aménagement intérieur comme extérieur reflète une sensation de luxe omniprésent et devant les canapés contemporains, les meubles artisanaux qui semblent magnifiés sous l’effet subtil des lumières, les finitions de haute qualité et les tapisseries japonaises, chacun se sent envahi d’une véritable sensation de sérénité. Les architectes ont aménagé le Princess F55, ce yacht de 17,60 mètres, de façon intelligente. En jouant sur l’emplacement des cloisons et par exemple, la transformation de la table basse du salon en table de salle à manger, ils ont ainsi gérés l’espace pour ne pas l’encombrer. Dans le même état d’esprit, le flybridge transforme sa banquette en L en bain de soleil, occupant les volumes utilement. Au pont inférieur sont installées la cabine principale équipée d’un espace « petit-déjeuner » et d’une salle de bain et la cabine twin à tribord. En option, une cabine équipage peut être aménagée ; le tout baigné par la lumière issue des grands hublots.

…comparé à l’équipement du yacht de plus de 30 mètres !

Le Princess 30M est long de 30,56 mètres, il peut aisément « étalé » ses aménagements, concrétisant le luxe dans son extrême. Tout est décuplé par rapport aux yachts de plus petite taille, tout est calculé et harmonisé pour le plaisir des yeux et de la vie à bord. Ce yacht au poste de pilotage surélevé, est actuellement un des plus luxueux à naviguer sur nos mers et nos océans. La conception de son aménagement intérieur est laissée aux soins des acquéreurs qui peuvent donner libre cours à leur imagination. Les volumes aménageables sont si impressionnants que peu d’envies sont refoulées par le studio de création du chantier naval : salons extérieurs et intérieurs, bains de soleil, coin repas avec barbecue, bar avec évier et pourquoi pas, coin jacuzzi ?

Les finitions sont faites à la main par des experts dont l’expérience est mise entièrement à la disposition de l’aménagement luxueux de ce bateau. Les cabines, au nombre de 3 ou 4, sont spacieuses, lumineuses et accueillantes.

Elles disposent de salles de bain attenantes et sont décorées de façon exceptionnelle pour recevoir des invités. Les yachts équipés de voiles sont gréés en tenant compte de la taille du bateau, en sloop, ketch ou goélette. Si le yacht est un bateau à moteur, la puissance de ce dernier est en rapport avec la vitesse maximum souhaitée. Par exemple, pour une vitesse approximative de 23,5 nœuds, le Princess 30M est équipé de 2 moteurs MTU 16 V soit 2×2636 CV alors que le Princess F55 pour une vitesse de 30 à 33 nœuds, dispose de deux moteurs Volvo développant chacun 800 CV. Vous pouvez imaginer la qualité de vie à bord d’un yacht comme une expérience fabuleuse ; la possibilité de profiter d’un espace luxe bien réel, combinée à la joie de naviguer !

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