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Lunedì 26 Agosto 2024

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Zaca - Lo yacht "Sogno" di Errol Flynn


Zaca - Lo yacht - Nautica Report

  • 13/07/2020 11:00

Poche imbarcazioni a vela moderne sono circondate da mito e leggenda come lo  Zaca yacht. Varato alla vigilia della Grande Depressione, la goletta da 118 piedi ha navigato attraverso settant'anni di storia passando da una straordinaria avventura all'altra. Oggi, ancorata a Monaco, Zaca rimane un argomento affascinante nei circoli nautici di tutto il mondo.                                                                


Nel 1929, San Francisco, Templeton Crocker incaricò l'architetto navale Garland Rotch di progettare uno degli yacht più lussuosi mai costruiti. L'idea era quella di sostituire un 75 piedi che Crocker aveva perso l'anno precedente durante una rivoluzione in Messico.

Rotch prese in prestito le linee dalla Bluenose, famosa goletta da pesca canadese, la  più veloce mai costruita, e nel mese di agosto del 1929 costruì la chiglia dello Zaca a fianco del cantiere Fratelli Nunes a Sausalito, California.

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Per costruire una goletta della dimensione dello Zaca non fu una proposta semplice. Designer Garland Rotch e proprietario Templeton Crocker pensarono che la  baia di San Francisco fosse più adatta del cantiere di Ernie e Antonio Nunes a Sausalito.

La nave di 118 piedi era troppo grande così, nel mese di agosto del 1929, la chiglia fu posta nel bel mezzo della strada principale di Sausalito. Una settimana dopo, il mercato azionario crollò. Ma nonostante la Grande Depressione spazzò via la nazione, la costruzione del nuovo Zaca andò a tutta velocità. 

zaca yacht proprietario


Durante il viaggio inaugurale lo Zaca di Templeton Crocker incontrò SM Lambert nelle isole Figi, Lambert, un dottore in medicina tropicale per la Fondazione Rockefeller, intrattenne Crocker con racconti di regioni isolate e inesplorate nelle Isole Salomone.

Lambert raccontò che là viveva una tribù di polinesiani che, non avendo avuto mai contatti con i bianchi, era 20 mila anni dietro l'uomo moderno vivendo in una civiltà preistorica.  

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Con la guerra nel 1941, ogni yacht privato fu requisito dalla US Navy. Crocker fu pagato solo 35.000 dollari per la sua goletta amata costata 350.000. Zaca fu dipinto di grigio come una corazzata, ribattezzato IX-73 e messo di pattuglia a 500 miglia al largo di Eureka, California.  

Zaca era come una stazione radiofaro, anche se portava a bordo due mitragliatrici calibro 0,50 mm. Quando tornava a Treasure Island nella baia di San Francisco ogni tre settimane, il suo congelatore era pieno di salmone. Nel 1944, lo Zaca fu sostituito da una motovedetta diesel e nel 1945 fu dismesso e, insieme a molti altri yacht, finì all'asta.

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Nel 1945, Errol Flynn acquistò Zaca la sua 'nave sogno ' dallo speculatore Joe Rosenberg. Flynn rinnovò completamente lo yacht, dipingendolo di bianco, nel 1946, in compagnia dell' equipaggio, il padre scienziato, biologo marino Carl Hubbs, un assortimento di attori, parenti, e una troupe cinematografica, navigò a Acapulco in una 'spedizione scientifica' che si trasformò in un fiasco.

Dopo che tutti abbandonarono la nave a Acapulco, Flynn assoldò un equipaggio messicano e affittò Zaca a Orson Welles e Rita Hayworth per le riprese di "La signora di Shanghai". Nel 1947, Zaca riapparve a Port Antonio in Giamaica, che Flynn avrebbe chiamato la sua casa. Veleggiando nel Mediterraneo nel 1950, con un equipaggio giamaicano, Zaca sarebbe poi finito al Club Nautico di Palma di Maiorca, dove lui e la terza moglie Patrice Wymore avrebbe vissuto a bordo.

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Dopo la morte di Flynn nel 1959, Zaca rimase nel posto barca del Club Nautico, Patrice non poteva mantenerla e poco si poteva ottenere dalla sua vendita. Gli avvocati di Flynn nel frattempo stavano tramando per sbarazzarsene. Alla fine decisero di consegnarla al milionario playboy inglese Freddie Tinsley che promise cdi poterla vendere vendere in Francia. Una volta in Francia, Tinsley spogliò Zaca da tutto ciò avesse valore e, nel 1965, abbandonata nel cantiere di Bernard Voisin a Villefranche.

Voisin infine rivendicò Zaca a fronte del mancato pagamento del canone di locazione. Zaca peggiorò ulteriormente trasformata in una nave fantasma. La gente del posto sosteneva ci fossero emanazioni di Errol Flynn provenienti dalla nave e il suono di feste sfrenate ogni notte. Tutto questo cessò dopo un doppio  anglicano-cattolico  nel 1979. Nel 1987 l'inglese Coussins Phillip acquistò il cantiere Voisin solo per acquisire Zaca ma l'affare è finì al tribunale francese per due anni. Nel 1990 Coussins liquidò la vendita dello Zaca ad un imprenditore italiano Roberto Memmo.

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Dopo due anni di ricostruzione totale a Tolone, lo Zaca fece la sua grande ricomparsa a Regatta classico di Monaco nel 1993. Zaca fu eletta una delle più belle barche del mondo. Skipper, Bruno Dal Pias, e un equipaggio regolare di quattro marinai Zaca veleggiò, visitando i porti di Punta Ala, Gaeta, Capri, Cagliari, e l'Egeo.  

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Il proprietario Roberto Memmo ha reso nuovamente Zaca protagonista nell'ospitare eader mondiali, scrittori, stelle del cinema e di documentaristi. Durante l'estate, Zaca può essere visto di persona presso importanti regate del Mediterraneo. In inverno si può ammirare a Port de Fontvieille, Monte Carlo.

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zaca yacht proprietario

Started building in 1928 and finished in 1930.   Garland Rotch (designer) was largely inspired by the famous Bluenose schooners.   Originally commissioned by Templeton Crooker, a Yale educated San Francisco banker.   Zaca went around the world twice on scientific expeditions due to the owners interest in Marine Biology.  Crooker then joined the war effort and sold Zaca to the U.S. Navy for $40,000.   Zaca was then painted requisition gray-blue, fitted with 20mm guns and a crew of 35 sailors.

In 1945 Errol Flynn discovered her, and bought her in 1946.   He invested $80,000 towards her restoration:  new masts, repainting etc.   In 1952 Flynn died while trying to sell Zaca to pay off his debts … In 1988 Zaca ended up sinking in the port of Beaulieu.

1991 Roberto Memmo bought the wreck, refloated her and she was restored in IMS shipyard in Saint-Mandrier-sur-Mer, near Toulon.   Officially rechristened by Memmo on 22nd September 1994.


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I Can't Believe It's NonFiction

A collection of strange, but true, stories…

Built in 1930, the Zaca is a wooden yacht commissioned by Templeton Crocker.

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Templeton spent much of the next 10 years traveling the world on his boat. He was a scientist and left much of his research to the California Academy of Sciences.

During World War II, the Zaca was acquired by the United States Navy and used to rescue the crews of downed American planes until 1944.

Actor Errol Flynn purchased the Zaca in 1946. He owned the vessel until his death in 1959.

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The yacht sat docked and rotting until 1965 in Villefranche, France.

In 2008, Roberto Memmo purchased the Zaca and completely restored the vessel.

Visitors to the Zaca claim that it is haunted by the ghost of Errol.

Errol was born June 20, 1909 to Theodore and Marelle Flynn in Tasmania, Australia.

He often described his mother’s family as seafarers and had a lifelong fascination with boating.

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In 1926, he was expelled from school for theft. When asked about it later in life, he would claim instead that he had an affair with a female employee of the school.

Errol found a job as a junior clerk in Sydney, Australia, but was fired for stealing money.

His first film role was In the Wake of the Bounty in 1933 and sparked his interest in acting. He went to Europe to study acting shortly after the film was released.

He tried his hand at stage acting, but was fired from the Northampton Repertory after throwing a female stage manager down the stairs.

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Errol’s performance in Murder at Monte Carlo led to a trip to Los Angeles, California and a contract with Warner Bros. Pictures.

He married Lili Damita in 1935. The marriage lasted 7 years. The couple had a son named Sean. Sean was an actor, as well, before becoming a journalist. Sean was declared dead in 1984 after disappearing in Vietnam.

In 1938, Errol starred in his most famous role as Robin Hood in The Adventures of Robin Hood.

In 1942, two 17 year old girls accused Errol of statutory rape. He was acquitted in 1943, but his reputation was forever tarnished.

That same year he married Nora Eddington. The marriage lasted 6 years.

zaca yacht proprietario

He married Patrice Wymore in 1950 and the couple remained married, even if just on paper, until his death.

Warner Bros. terminated their contract with Errol in 1953. He made 35 films in the 18 years he was under contract.

Errol became known for living a hard and fast life. He drank and smoked and was popular with women. The expression “in like Flynn” became popular after his acquittal of the statutory rape charges.

Errol was just as fast and loose with his finances and often found himself broke.

Needing to make some quick money, Errol flew with 17 year old Beverly Aadland to Vancouver, British Columbia in October 1959 to lease the Zaca to a man named George Caldough.

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Before he could catch his flight home, Errol complained of pain in his back and legs. He was taken to the home of a doctor who was friends with George. The doctor treated Errol for pain and told him to rest.

Errol lost consciousness in a bedroom of the doctor’s home and was taken by ambulance to the hospital where he died on October 14 at the age of 50.

His official cause of death was heart failure with cirrhosis of the liver as a contributing factor.

His ghost is said to be seen walking the deck of the Zaca at night.

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zaca yacht proprietario

Zaca (#) (1930-current) , was a wooden-hulled, schooner-rigged yacht with an auxiliary engine, built at the Nunes Brothers Boats and Ways Boatyard Co. in Old Town, Marin, in 1929. The vessel was designed Garland Rich and commissioned by Templeton Crocker, one of the heirs to the Union Pacific Railway fortune. Nunes yard, located on what is today known as the Valley Street beach, won the job by submitting a low bid of $350,000, thus bringing to Sausalito a welcomed infusion of money and jobs. Nunes had to build a special shed at the foot of Main Street to accommodate the 118’ hull.

Zaca yacht was 127’ including the bowsprit, and was two masted, gaff rigged, and had an unusually broad 23’ beam. The ship had hot and cold running water, and on deck they carried a full sized power cruiser for side trips.

Crocker sailed Zaca around the world covering 27,152 miles and visiting 50 ports (1930). He had a keen interest in natural history, and early on he invited scientists from the California Academy of Sciences on major expeditions, including an expedition to the Galapagos Islands and the South Pacific March 1932 – September 1932). Zaca was at San Nicolas Island in 1932. In late March 1932 the vessel visited Clarion Island and the Revillagigedos, Mexico. Ornithologist Harry Swarth was in charge. He found seven species not previously known for Clarion island.

A 2,690 foot mountain on Indefatigable Island was named Mount Crocker in honor of his conquest of that peak. Later expeditions included Honolulu, Hawaii with the Bishop Museum (1933), Easter Island for the American Museum of Natural History (1934), Gulf of California for the New York Zoological Society (1936), again visiting Clarion Island, this time in charge of William Beebe of the New York Zoological Society, and Hawaii, Tongareva and Samoa for American Museum of Natural History (1936-1937). Crocker received the Ribbon of the Legion of Honor (France, 1926) for his opera “Fey-Yen-Fah”, an adaptation of a play he had written, “Land of Happiness”. He also authored "The Cruise of the Zaca" in 1933.

Due to the need for local patrol and rescue craft in the busy waters in the San Francisco area during World War II, the schooner was acquired by the Navy from Templeton Crocker on 12 June 1942. Zaca was placed out of service at Treasure Island, California on 6 October 1944; and her name was struck from the Navy list on 13 November 1944.

On 21 May 1945, Zaca was acquired in 1946 by Errol Flynn, an actor famed for his "swashbuckling" roles in numerous movies. Zaca is featured prominently in the 1947 Orson Welles film "The Lady from Shanghai". A documentary short film "Cruise Of The Zaca", which features Errol Flynn and marine mammologist, Carl Hubbs, aboard his vessel, was made in 1952 and has been shown on the Turner Classic Movies TV channel. Flynn owned the yacht until his death in 1959.

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As of 2008, Zaca was privately owned and berthed in Monaco.

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Zaca – Full Sail in San Francisco Bay – 1930

Many thanks G.B. for the rare and wonderful photos of Zaca!!!

— Tim

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Zaca Charter Yacht


This Yacht is not for Charter*


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ZACA yacht NOT for charter*

43m  /  141'1 | nunes | 1930 / 1993.

  • Previous Yacht

The 43m/141'1" classic yacht 'Zaca' was built by Nunes at their Sausalito, CA shipyard. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Garland Rotch and she was last refitted in 1993.

Range & Performance

Zaca is built with a wood hull and wood superstructure, with teak decks. Her low draft of makes her primed for accessing shallow areas and cruising close to the shorelines.

Length 43m / 141'1
Beam 7.22m / 23'8
Draft -
Gross Tonnage 122 GT
Cruising Speed -
Built | (Refitted)
Builder Nunes
Model Custom
Exterior Designer Garland Rotch

*Charter Zaca Sail Yacht

Sail yacht Zaca is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Zaca Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Zaca Photos

Zaca Yacht

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


S/Y Zaca

Length 43m / 141'1
Exterior Designer Garland Rotch
Built | Refit 1930 | 1993
Model Custom
Beam 7.22m / 23'8
Gross Tonnage 122 GT
Draft -
Cruising Speed -
Top Speed -


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Zaca yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

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POA ♦︎

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46m | White Brothers

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Malcolm Miller

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from $67,000 p/week ♦︎

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from $58,000 p/week

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Sir Winston Churchill

41m | Dunston Shipyard

from $35,000 p/week ♦︎

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ZACA, a 43.01 m Sail Yacht built in the United States of America and delivered in 1930, is the flagship of Nunes .

Her top speed is 9.0 kn and her cruising speed is 8.0 kn and her power comes from two General Motors diesel engines. She has a gross tonnage of 122.0 GT and a 7.22 m beam.

She was designed by Garland Rotch , who also completed the naval architecture. Garland Rotch has designed 1 yacht and created the naval architecture for 1 yacht for yachts above 24 metres.

ZACA is in the top 30% by LOA in the world. She is one of 141 sailing yachts in the 40-45m size range.

ZACA is currently sailing under the Netherlands flag (along with a total of other 83 yachts). She is known to be an active superyacht and has most recently been spotted cruising near Netherlands. For more information regarding ZACA's movements, find out more about BOATPro AIS .


  • Yacht Type: Sail Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Classic Yacht
  • Builder: Nunes
  • Naval Architect: Garland Rotch
  • Exterior Designer: Garland Rotch
  • Refits: 1993,2004,2005

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Zaca ® 60'

Type of ship Zaca ® 60'
Hull material Aluminium
Length hull 18.00 m
Beam 5.15 m
Draft 3.00 m
Displacement 36 t
Rig typeCutter or Schooner
BuilderV&O Yachting
Classificaton CE - cat. A

Her centreboard enables cruising in shallow waters and she can be dried out on any bottom.

articles Zaca 60:   Domusvaer 1998

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Luxurylaunches -

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Il video del naufragio del super yacht a Porticello: la luce sulla punta dell'albero, poi in 60 secondi scompare ed è il buio

zaca yacht proprietario

20 agosto 2024

La Rai (Tgr Sicilia) ha mandato in onda il filmato ripreso dalle telecamere di una villa sul litorale palermitano

Corriere Tv / CorriereTv

Un video, trasmesso dal Tg Rai Sicilia, mostra gli ultimi secondi dello yacht Bayesian nel mare di Porticello prima che si inabissi. Sono immagini davvero drammatiche riprese dalle telecamere di sorveglianza di una villetta che si trova a 200 metri dal luogo del naufragio . ​                                           I tre punti critici del disastro ​Pioggia e vento sferzano la zona , ma si staglia in lontananza il veliero con il suo albero imponente e illuminato. La furia della tempesta rende il video sempre meno nitido con il passare dei secondi, la luce dell'albero si fa sempre più fioca fino a scomparire del tutto. Probabilmente è il momento in cui lo yacht va a picco . ​ ​Il proprietario della villa ha descritto alla Rai quei momenti ripresi nel prezioso video: « In appena sessanta secondi si vede che l'imbarcazione sparisce . Si vede bene quello che succede. Per lo yacht non c'è stato nulla da fare. È sparito in pochissimo tempo».

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  1. USS Zaca (IX-73)

    A documentary short film Cruise Of The Zaca which features Flynn and his father Theodore Thomson Flynn, an eminent marine biologist, collecting marine samples in the semi-tropics, was made in 1952 and has been shown on the Turner Classic Movies TV channel. Flynn owned the yacht until his death in 1959.

  2. Zaca

    In a recent article about the launching of the Matthew Turner, Chronicle writer Carl Nolte pointed out that the ship is the first large wooden vessel to be built on the Bay since the Zaca. It seems only appropriate that we reprint an earlier column about that storied yacht and its colorful past.

  3. The Zaca Today!

    Zaca was in Palma de Mallorca in her berth at the Palm de Mallorca Yacht Club (Club Nautico) and the crew kept her maintained, but soon Patrice encountered financial problems. The lawyers kept Errol's estate for 14 years in probate for what reason is the biggest mystery. Unfair practices where suspected in particular how was it possible for the attorneys to consign the Zaca to English ...

  4. Zaca's voyage: Bay Area yacht's history filled with splashy tales

    It's a storied yacht born in the Bay Area whose 20th century voyage was filled with more tales than most fleets see in a lifetime — and whose exploits were covered in great depth in The Chronicle.

  5. Zaca

    ERROL FLYNN. 1946. Nel 1945, Errol Flynn acquistò Zaca la sua 'nave sogno ' dallo speculatore Joe Rosenberg. Flynn rinnovò completamente lo yacht, dipingendolo di bianco, nel 1946, in compagnia dell' equipaggio, il padre scienziato, biologo marino Carl Hubbs, un assortimento di attori, parenti, e una troupe cinematografica, navigò a Acapulco ...

  6. Zaca

    Zaca. Started building in 1928 and finished in 1930. Garland Rotch (designer) was largely inspired by the famous Bluenose schooners. Originally commissioned by Templeton Crooker, a Yale educated San Francisco banker. Zaca went around the world twice on scientific expeditions due to the owners interest in Marine Biology. Crooker then joined the ...

  7. Story Of The "Zaca" Flynn Movie Prompts Research On His Sausalito Built

    Having owned an earlier and smaller schooner built in Los Angeles in 1928 and also called the "Zaca," Crocker commissioned the second and larger "Zaca" specifically for the purpose of racing her in the Transpacific San Francisco-to-Honolulu yacht race.

  8. Zaca and Sausalito

    The graceful schooner Zaca is part of Sausalito's history in more ways than one. As Historical Society member Annie Sutter has written, the 127-foot yacht was built at the Nunes Bros. Boatyard in Old Town in 1929. She was commissioned by the original owner, Templeton Crocker, one of the heirs to the Crocker fortune.

  9. Zaca II (IX-73)

    The second Zaca, a wooden-hulled, schooner-rigged yacht with an auxiliary engine, was designed by Garland Rotch and completed in 1930 at Sausalito, Calif., by Nunes Bros. Due to the need for local patrol and rescue craft in the busy waters in the San Francisco area during World War II, the schooner was acquired by the Navy from Templeton Crocker on 12 June 1942.

  10. USS Zaca

    USS Zaca. Built in 1930, the Zaca is a wooden yacht commissioned by Templeton Crocker. Templeton spent much of the next 10 years traveling the world on his boat. He was a scientist and left much of his research to the California Academy of Sciences. During World War II, the Zaca was acquired by the United States Navy and used to rescue the ...

  11. Zaca

    Zaca (#) (1930-current), was a wooden-hulled, schooner-rigged yacht with an auxiliary engine, built at the Nunes Brothers Boats and Ways Boatyard Co. in Old Town, Marin, in 1929. The vessel was designed Garland Rich and commissioned by Templeton Crocker, one of the heirs to the Union Pacific Railway fortune. Nunes yard, located on what is today ...

  12. Zaca

    Zaca - Full Sail in San Francisco Bay - 1930 Many thanks G.B. for the rare and wonderful photos of Zaca!!!

  13. Errol Flynn, the Cruise of the Zaca

    In 1952 the Hollywood actor Erroll Flynn took a group of scientists from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography on an expedition south of California and through the Panama canal to the Caribbean, collecting samples for scientific research aboard his schooner, the Zaca. Zaca was a timber hulled auxilliary two-masted schooner of 122 tons and 118ft (36m)

  14. ZACA Yacht

    ZACA is a 43m luxury sail super yacht built in 1930, refitted in 1993 by Nunes. View similar yachts for Charter around the world

  15. USS Zaca

    USS Zaca has been the name of two ships of the United States Navy : USS Zaca (ID-3792), a cargo ship in commission from 1918 to 1919. USS Zaca (IX-73), a yacht in commission as a rescue ship from 1942 to 1944, and later purchased by Errol Flynn.

  16. SuperYacht Times

    Zaca is a sailing yacht with a length of 43m. The yacht's builder is Nunes from United States who delivered the superyacht Zaca in 1930.

  17. ZACA yacht (Nunes, 43.01m, 1930)

    ZACA is a 43.01m superyacht built by Nunes in United States of America and delivered in 1930. Explore her photos and specifications here.

  18. Zaca ® 60' Olivier van Meer Design

    Zaca ® 60' - Her centreboard enables cruising in shallow waters and she can be dried out on any bottom. articles Zaca 60:   Domusvaer 1998    

  19. zaca yacht proprietario

    The Errol Flynn Blog. Contact us! News & Events; The Errol Flynn Timeline; Zaca - Full Sail in San Francisco Bay - 1930. Many thanks G.B. for the rare and wonderful photos of

  20. Tom Brady's billionaire friend Jeffrey Soffer has sold his outstanding

    The Lürssen masterpiece was sold in-house by Moran Yacht & Ship for an asking price of $244 million. Delivered in 2019 and winner of the Judges' Commendation at the 2020 World Superyacht Awards, Madsummer was commissioned by billionaire Jeffrey Soffer who wanted a ship with space for his seaplane.

  21. Flotilla Radisson Royal

    Flotilla Radisson Royal: Cruises and excursions on Moscow River on river yachts and trams, official website. Cruises all year round, in summer and winter! > Purchase tickets online

  22. There was a fire in a Moscow yacht club

    On the night of Wednesday, May 3 to Thursday, May 4, there was a fire at a yacht club in the capital. According to the press service of the Moscow EMERCOM, the fire happened at 37 Leningradskoye Shosse, Building 1, the flames affected the winter garden on the roof of the yacht club office building «Yacht City». Also caught fire in a nearby apartment. The total area of the fire is about 150 ...

  23. Il video del naufragio del super yacht a Porticello: la luce sulla

    Probabilmente è il momento in cui lo yacht va a picco. Il proprietario della villa ha descritto alla Rai quei momenti ripresi nel prezioso video: «In appena sessanta secondi si vede che l ...

  24. VLADIMIR POTANIN: Russia's Richest Man and his Luxury Yachts

    NIRVANA is a stunning yacht built by Oceanco and designed by Sam Sorgiovanni. The yacht features an exquisite interior, accommodating 12 guests and a crew of 27. Vladimir Potanin, a Russian billionaire, is the owner of NIRVANA. Recent sanctions have been imposed on the yacht due to Potanin's alleged ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.