Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion, Part 1 Recap: Gary and Colin Go Head-To-Head

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

Welcome to the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion. Host Andy Cohen was alone in the Clubhouse, as the rest of the cast appeared remotely via Zoom. It’s not an ideal reunion set-up, but when the crew are still working around the world, it has to do. Let’s jump into exactly what happened during Part 1 of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion…

Heads of department start the show

First in the (remote) hot seat was Captain Glenn Shephard , calling in from Spain. After all the engine trouble with the boat this season, Andy wanted to know, “Is Parsifal III still up and running?”

“She sure is,” Glenn said. “We’ve had a lot of work done in the engineering department, and she’s ready to go. I’m on board [right now].”

Next up was Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher , who also joined the show from Spain. Could she also be aboard the Parsifal? I think it’s likely since the yachting season is in full swing this time of year.

Joining them was First Mate Gary King , who Andy called the “Kissing Bandit.” Gary was also, coincidentally, in Spain. Suspicious!

Also joining via Zoom was Chief Engineer Colin MacRae . “Colin, you found yourself in the middle of some drama this season,” Andy said. “How are you feeling about being here tonight?”

“I’m excited,” Colin said. “I just want to say my piece and get this all behind us.” Something tells me, he’s not on Parsifal with Daisy and Gary.

When Andy asked where he was, “because I want to be wherever it is you are,” Colin admitted he was in French Polynesia in the Tuamotu Islands. Wow. Nice work if you can get it. All I know is that Tahiti is in French Polynesia, and I’ve always wanted to go there. So jealous right now!

Bring on the underlings!

Next introduced were Junior Stews Madison “Mads” Herrera (from Boca Raton, Florida) and Lucy Edmunds (from Cardiff, Wales).

Joining the interior crew were Deckhands Alex Propson (from Fort Lauderdale, Florida) and Chase Lemacks (from Miami, Florida). Chase showed off a backpack containing an adorable dachshund named Charlie, and I was immediately smitten. I’m a sucker for the puppies, especially the wiener dogs since we had one when I was growing up. They are smart, sweet little pups.

And last, but as Andy said, “Certainly not least,” was Chef Ileisha Dell , coming to us from Byron Bay, Australia. Due to the time difference, it was 3:26 a.m. at Ileisha’s location. Now that’s dedication.

After welcoming everyone to the reunion, Andy settled down to business.

Questions for the crew

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

Greg D. asked Colin “how it feels to be the MVP of the season when there was a chance there might not even have been a season.”

“Going through that was absolutely horrible at the time,” admitted the boat’s engineer. “But it makes me look okay this season, I guess.”

“ Chrissy Teigen has been posting up a storm about how great this season has been,” Andy said. “I’m curious how you all have [handled] celebrity fandom to the show and if any have reached out to you.”

Daisy admitted to having “a few celebrities” reach out to her, but refused to name-drop, even though the rest of the crew urged her to do so. But then she relented and revealed that Christina Applegate and Chrissy had both reached out to her.

Daisy in the line of fire

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap

Next, Andy mentioned what may be a first across the entire Below Deck franchise: the stews all got along this season! But it wasn’t all smooth sailing, as Daisy sometimes found herself in hot water with Captain Glenn. Stressed out early in the season, Daisy cried in her cabin a time or two, and even left a tip meeting in tears of frustration.

After Andy asked her what made this season more difficult than others in the past, Daisy said, “I’ve learned that I’m somebody who either needs reinforcement or no comment … I do not deal well when I’m sleep deprived and kind of getting this negative feedback. For me, it just wasn’t productive.”

Andy asked how she thought her superior should give feedback in order for her to improve at her job. “I think starting with a positive,” Daisy suggested. “Also for me, the feedback just felt … very personal … [and] irrelevant.” Daisy insisted that her absolute goal would be to have a stew with the guests at all times, but it’s just not practical when there are so many other things to accomplish, including breaks for her crew.

Is Daisy being defensive?

Turning his attention to the Captain, Andy asked if Daisy was being defensive when Glenn criticized her work. “It seems like she can’t take criticism,” Andy commented. “How is she supposed to get better at her job if you’re not allowed to say what’s not working?” Ouch, Andy! That was a little bit mean.

“I can take criticism,” Daisy said, a little defensively.

“Really?” Andy questioned. “You just said that in order to criticize you, we have to give you a compliment first, and then, like, rev up to it.”

“During the season, yes,” Daisy responded.

“Daisy, how did you not hear Gary radioing you about the guest’s injury?” Andy asked, referring to the time a guest accidentally walked into a sliding glass door and injured his head. “Seems like the response time was long.”

“In that moment, I don’t know,” Daisy answered. “Maybe I didn’t have my radio on me, maybe I was ignoring it. I actually think I turned down my radio.” As I recall, she was just sitting in the galley chatting with the other girls and ignoring the guests for about 15 minutes.

Even though Daisy didn’t hear the call on the radio, Glenn reasoned that there still should have been a stew checking on the guests every few minutes. At the very least, “Whoever heard that call, if Daisy didn’t, should have gone to Daisy” and let her know that a guest had been injured. Daisy f*cked up.

Did Colin pile on when Daisy was already upset?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

Next Andy brought up the tip meeting early in the season, when Daisy was already feeling frustrated and emotional, and Colin sided with Glenn over the interior’s service issues. “When you watched it back, did you feel that he went as hard at you as you [felt] in the moment? Because you certainly had a big reaction, and you were really upset.”

“I don’t think you should kick a man [when he’s down],” Daisy responded. “It was quite [apparent] to everybody that I was very emotionally affected … I didn’t really understand what it had to do with him, to be honest.”

Turning to Colin, Andy asked, “Do you think Daisy overreacted, Colin?”

“I think she was taking it much too personally,” Colin answered. “My comments weren’t directly aimed at her, because I had just finished talking to Mads and Lucy about it while she was away. But yeah, I think she took it too personally.” Uh oh, Colin and Daisy must not be together anymore, ’cause that wasn’t very understanding of him.

“I was incredibly vulnerable at that moment,” Daisy interjected. “I was tired, I was exhausted, I was feeling a lot of pressure … It just overtook me.” I understand how she was feeling. Normally guys respond to frustration by getting angry. I’m sorry if it sounds sexist, but most women are more prone to cry than to get mad. That’s just the way we react to stress. Whether it’s anger or tears, it’s got to come out somehow.

Would Gary change anything about his behavior this season?

Andy’s next question was for Gary. “Rose from Connecticut said, ‘When the crew is struggling to do dessert, why do you think it’s okay for you to sneak off and have a cigarette, just after Daisy asked for all crew to help with dessert?’ Isn’t that selfish?”

“Um, yeah,” the First Mate admitted. “I guess it was pretty selfish of me … But if eight people can’t set up dessert, and they need me to be there, then fair enough.” So Gary thinks it’s okay for him to sneak off for a smoke, while the captain serves dessert? Does he think he’s above everyone else?

“Gary, let me ask you this,” Andy continued. “Regarding your working with the stews this season … is there anything you would change about your behavior, looking back on the season?”

“Uh, no, I think we all did a pretty good job,” he answered. “I think we helped each other where we could. As much as I can remember … I thought it was a pretty good season.”

“Daisy is laughing at you,” Andy commented.

“Ugh, yeah,” Daisy said. “I’ve kind of learned to accept that it’s never gonna change … Maybe I’m asking too much from the deck crew. Maybe it’s my fault.”

“Finally, Dais!” Gary countered. “Take accountability.” I thought Gary was just being an asshole, but then he admitted that he was “just playing.”

Gary gets grilled

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

After hearing Gary admit that he’d only watched back one show all season, Andy asked, “So Gary, you did not watch the show back this season?” Isn’t it part of their job to watch the show?

“Andy, to be honest, I haven’t watched any season back,” Gary admitted. “At the end of the day, I lived through it. There’s no point in rewatching what I lived through.” Kind of arrogant, Gary. There’s more to the show than just you. He might have gotten some insights into other people’s lives if he’d watched the show, but then maybe he doesn’t really care about other people.

“Some might argue that you might change for the better or grow by watching your behavior,” Andy observed, “and seeing how other people view you.”

“I think we’ve been given this really unique opportunity and life,” Daisy added, “that no one else has been given, to be able to reflect and grow, and watch ourselves. I don’t think the majority of the world has that opportunity, and we were given [the chance] to be the best version of ourselves. And you just don’t take it.” Well said, Daisy.

“I’m just here for the drama,” Gary snapped back. “That’s all.” Because he’s just that shallow. Please tell me Daisy didn’t pick this empty shell of a man over Colin.

Parsifal III was the troublemaker this season

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

After admitting that Gary is usually “the one making the most trouble during the charter season,” Andy moved on to all of the problems with Parsifal’s engine. Andy gave kudos to Colin for being the hero of the season and keeping the boat running. “How many times did you think … that the charter season was over because of the engine, Colin?”

“After that first one … I thought it was game over,” Colin confessed. “We couldn’t get parts. The engine was full of salt water.” But Colin was talking to some of the boat’s previous engineers who had just brought the boat to Italy. “It was a struggle, but we got there in the end, for sure.”

“It looked like it was gonna be smooth sailing after you fixed the problem,” Andy continued. “Were you freaking out when it started smoking a few charters later?”

“Again, it was the shaft inside the turbines snapping,” Colin explained. “That’s just a freak accident, and it took a long time to troubleshoot. All we saw was, like, oil dripping out of the turbine. But … we had a few strokes of good luck there … the nature of some of the failures enabled us to carry on. It could have been, for sure, season-ending. For sure.”

Gary barges into the engine room

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

“Colin, why were you so annoyed when Gary barged into the engine room when there was smoke?” Andy questioned.

“The engine room is my department,” Colin responded. “I’d known about this issue for days. I was monitoring it. I was right there in the control room, and he just came down in a bit of a panic and pushed one of the cameramen out of the way. It was just a little too frantic in my space.”

“No one knows how that engine room runs or what’s going on in there like I do,” Colin added. “That’s my space, and I’m in complete control of it.”

“Fair enough,” Gary conceded. “I’ve worked on this boat for three years. If there’s a fire in the engine room, you’ve gotta find out what’s happening. Sorry, bro.”

“I was watching it,” Colin clapped back. “I had it under control.”

Chef Ileisha is “small but mighty”

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

Though she started the season struggling to keep up with the guests’ demands, Ileisha managed to pull herself together and earned everyone’s respect – especially Chase’s.

“Ileisha, you may be the most even-keeled yacht chef … in Below Deck history,” Andy told her. “How are you able to handle every challenge while keeping your sh*t together?”

“Watching the show back,” she responded (take that, Gary!), “I’m actually really surprised. Like, I was not okay on the inside. I don’t know how I seemed okay and relaxed on the outside.”

“She nailed it,” Glenn commented.

“Thanks, Glenn,” she smiled.

Chase takes the cake

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

“Chase, how much were you freaking out,” Andy asked, “when you were eating that cake and you found out that the guests wanted more?”

“All I’ll say,” Chase smirked, “is I’m not the only person who ate that cake. You know what I mean?”

“Daisy, do you regret sharing it with the rest of the crew, when the guests weren’t in bed yet?” Andy asked.

“Yeah, I f*cked up,” Daisy admitted. “Actually, it wasn’t like straight away. It had been a while, but yes, it was my fault.”

“Ileisha, are you still with your same boyfriend?” Andy asked, as Ileisha drew a finger across her throat. “Because I was rooting for you and Chase to get together.” So was Chase.

“No boyfriend,” Ileisha responded. “No Chase and I. Single and ready to mingle.”

“After the show finished filming,” Cheffie continued, “I went home and ended things with my boyfriend. Chase and I just were there for each other, and he supported me through a lot of hard times … He came to Australia, you know, [and] I’ve been to America.”

“The reality of it is Ileisha’s one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met,” Chase interjected. “But we live on the opposite ends of the world … There’s nothing but love there, but we’re just friends to this day.”

The deck crew never seemed to click

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap

“Due to Covid, Gary had to join the season late,” Andy continued. “But once he arrived, his deck team never seemed to click, with tensions running high throughout their time on board. Gary, if you’re watching the show, um, which I know you didn’t, it kind of seemed like you came onto the boat with guns blazing for Chase. Do you feel like you came at him with the same energy that you came at Alex, or what? What was it about him that rubbed you the wrong way?”

“Chase, I’m not gonna say you rubbed me the wrong way,” Gary said, “but I don’t ever think I’ve met someone with quite a strong personality like Chase. To be honest, he’s very full-on, but very good at his job. I think maybe there was a bit of a personality conflict in the beginning, but … we ended up on a high. It’s not how you start with someone, it’s how you end with them. And I think Chase and I ended very well.”

“To jump in on that,” Chase added, “some of my best friends to this day hated me when they met me, so I am an acquired taste, and I don’t blame Gary. And Gary is an acquired taste, too, let me tell ya.”

That may be so, but I’ve lost what little respect I had for Gary this season. He’s a terrible communicator, unable to give his crew clear instructions or training. He’s a dog with women, seeming desperate at times and never takes no for an answer, bordering on harassment. And he’s kind of lazy, always trying to hang out with the captain and goof off, while his crew is working. He’s very immature.

Was Chase cringe-worthy?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

“By the way, was there a moment that you saw this season, Chase … that made you cringe?” Andy asked.

“Oh, yeah! All the way through!” Chase laughed. “The jokes that land back in South Carolina with my guy friends maybe don’t land with the ladies in Europe.”

“No!” Lucy agreed.

“They shouldn’t land with anyone,” Daisy said. Making comments about drinking tequila from between a woman’s breasts is just not funny or polite. Also commenting on the size of those same breasts is just rude and crude. Your “guy friends” might find that behavior amusing, but nobody else does.

Does Gary have problems with his management skills?

“Gary, Rebecca T. wants to know your response to Colin saying you needed to just man up when it came to managing Chase,” Andy went on. “Do you think you have a problem with your management skills?” Oh, for sure, he does. Didn’t I just mention that very subject a few paragraphs up?

“Interesting question,” Gary said. “Colin likes to stir the pot, so he’ll do anything he can to try and get involved in the drama. Managing Chase, I promise, I don’t think anyone’s going to find that easy. No offense, Chase. But like I said, we started off on a rocky start but ended well. So obviously it worked out for the best.”

“I don’t know how it’s stirring the pot when I’m saying something to his face,” Colin responded, “When he’s asking me what I think he should do in that situation … I think he needed to man up a little bit. Because he was bitching to me about it instead of talking to Chase, which would have solved the problem a little bit earlier.” Something tells me Colin’s not Gary’s “Sea Doggy Dog” anymore.

Glenn rates the deck team’s performance

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

“Glenn, what’s your overall take on the deck team’s performance this year?” Andy asked the captain.

“Well, I was quite impressed,” Glenn said. “It wasn’t perfect, but it never is in this industry … I think we had a great season, so yeah … I’m proud of the deck team.

“I want to dig into Alex and Chase’s … work ethics,” Andy continued. “After working with them all season, Gary, what do you think is the biggest difference in how Chase and Alex work?”

“Honestly, I thought Chase gave 150% every day,” Gary answered. “Alex was just quite happy to be there … [But he was just] kind of coming [along for the ride], and I feel Chase had to pick up a lot of slack.”

“Chase does have an incredible work ethic,” Alex chimed in. “I think that’s something we both pride ourselves on. There was a lot of work to be done on essentially a two-man deck team, and we have very different styles … I learned more from Chase this season than pretty much anybody else. He’s knowledgeable, and he works extremely hard. And when I have clear direction and constructive criticism, I think I can match that. But I didn’t receive a ton of that [from Gary].”

Gary’s leadership is questioned

“Gary, why did you lie to Alex regarding Chase being super, super upset about how the boat was in the morning?” Andy continued. I get the feeling Andy doesn’t really like Gary very much either.

“I guess that’s poor management from my point,” Gary admitted. Duh, you think? “It was kind of putting two deck crew members against each other, and I apologize for that.”

“What I will say about Gary,” Chase offered, “is that Gary really does care about the success of the charter season and the guest experience. No one can argue that … But I think one of his shortcomings is that he’s not very collaborative. In the future, I think, you know, you just get the deck team together when we’re both awake, and that’s when you talk about it … instead of doing a one-on-one telephone game, you know?”

Does Gary’s womanizing affect his job performance?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Recap

“Mads, Frank J. wants to know if you ever thought that Gary’s romantic entanglements affected his performance as chief officer this season,” Andy asked, eliciting a giggle from Lucy.

“I think that can be said for anyone,” Mads responded. “When you get involved in a relationship, you’re giving energy to something besides your work. It’s why they say, ‘Don’t screw the crew.'”

“Glenn, you love working with Gary,” Andy said, turning his attention back to the captain. “What do you love about him as a chief officer?”

“I like his attitude,” Glenn answered, “and his knowledge. I mean, he knows boats, he knows sailboats, he knows sailing. Maybe this season it didn’t work out with [Mads], but I think he’s a good leader. He has a lot of [good] qualities. I think it would probably benefit him to watch the whole season because I think he’s the kind of guy that will learn from it and come back even stronger.”

Did Gary meet his match with Mads?

“Over the years, Gary has engaged in his fair share of love triangles,” Andy continued. “But this season he may have met his match with Mads, who drove him mad all season, especially when she cozied up to Alex.”

“So, Mads, people seem to think that you’re foolish for falling for Gary,” Andy went on, “but it looked like you were 100% in control of the situation. What do you say to the doubters?”

“To the doubters,” Mads began, “you don’t know me. I am a very detached kind of person, and I like to stay in control of situations, and I personally felt in control of the situation.”

Is Mads the “female Gary?”

“Alicia A. wants to know, ‘How can you say that you were led on by Mads when she was always clear that you two were just having fun?” Andy asked Gary.

“It was strange,” Gary answered, “cause she would come and climb into my bed every night and try and have sex with me. That’s what puzzled my mind, really.”

“Oh, please,” Mads interrupted. “You’re really going to say that?”

“Well, that’s exactly what happened,” Gary insisted, “as far as I remember. I went to bed a few times and you decided to jump into my bed.”

“I’m not even gonna argue,” Mads decided, “’cause he hasn’t watched the season, and to watch the season, like, that’s when you take accountability, so…”

Gary misses the point

“Oh, no, don’t get me wrong,” Gary said, “I was into you, Mads, by all means. I’m not gonna deny that.” The thing he’s missing here is that she wasn’t that into him. If he’d actually watched the season back, maybe he’d understand that.

“I’m not saying you weren’t,” Mads argued. “Just don’t say that I was the one initiating all of it.”

“Gary, it is interesting,” Andy continued, “that you were confused about her intentions, because, I mean, there was a rather savage montage that the editors played of her being very clear, saying, ‘I just want to have fun.’ I mean, frankly, she kind of felt like the female Gary, in a weird way. I mean, she was being very clear.”

“No, I’m not the female Gary,” Mads spoke up, “’cause I’m very direct. I said it straight from the start and throughout the whole time, ‘I am having fun.’ If you didn’t understand that, I’m sorry. I tried.”

The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion concludes Tuesday, July 18, at 8/7c on Bravo.


Below Deck Med Season 9, Episode 12 recap.

Just a California girl with an English Lit degree who watches way too much reality television and likes to talk about it. Favorite shows: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, New Jersey, New York, Orange County, Salt Lake City; Vanderpump Rules; all Below Decks; Summer House; Bachelor in Paradise. Reality Tea News/Recap Writer since 2022.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht

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below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

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How to watch part 1 of the ‘Below Deck Sailing Yacht’ season 4 reunion for free

  • Published: Jul. 17, 2023, 6:05 p.m.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Below Deck Sailing Yacht (still from YouTube video)

The Bravo series “Below Deck Sailing Yacht” will kick off its season 4 reunion on Monday, July 17 at 9 p.m. EST on the network.

The show can be streamed on platforms like FuboTV and DirecTV for free, if you can’t watch the new episode with cable on TV. Both platforms offer a free trial for new users interested in signing up for an account. Sling is available as well for streaming.

“Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea,” FuboTV said in a description for the series.

The reunion will be hosted by Andy Cohen as he welcomes Captain Glenn Shephard, Gary King, Daisy Kelliher, Colin MacRae, Chase Lemacks, Chef Ileisha Dell, Lucy Edmunds and Mads Herrera debriefing the entire season of drama on board the ship.

How can I watch the newest episode of “Below Deck Sailing Yacht”?

Viewers looking to stream can do so by using FuboTV , Sling or DirecTV Stream . Both FuboTV and DirecTV offer free trials when you sign up and Sling offers 50% off your first month.

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‘Below Deck Sailing Yacht’ Season 4 Reunion Revelations: Where Each Boatmance Stands Post-Filming

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Revelations Where Each Boatmance Stands Post-Filming 273

Drama from season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht did not remain on board — and the cast had plenty of issues to address during the reunion.

The Bravo special, which aired its first part on Monday, July 17, centered around the challenges that Captain Glenn , Gary King and Daisy Kelliher faced during the latest charter season. A noticeable change from the season 4 finale to the reunion was the distance between Daisy and Colin MacRae .

The former couple, who started a relationship during their time on Parsifal III, did not appear to be on good terms. Daisy hinted at a falling out between her and Colin before they virtually crossed paths after filming season 4.

“I am going to leave it to the reunion. I feel like he [has the most to answer for at the reunion]. I have a lot of love for Colin, but things are complicated,” she explained on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen in June when a fan asked why she unfollowed Colin on social media. “I don’t need complication on my social media.”

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Before new episodes started to air in April, Daisy also discussed Gary and Colin’s overlapping interest in her. “I definitely feel like [Gary] was jealous. I think the boys — at times it did feel like I was a trophy prize [for them]. I could be completely wrong but [the way they acted felt a] bit like an ego thing going on between the two of them,” she exclusively told Us Weekly that same month. “And I was like, ‘OK, I don’t really want to be involved in this.'”

Part 2 of the season 4 Below Deck Sailing Yacht reunion will air on Bravo at 9 p.m. ET on Tuesday, July 18.

Scroll down for the biggest bombshells from the season 4 reunion of Below Deck Sailing Yacht:

below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Season 4 Reunion Revelations: Where Each Boatmance Stands Post-Filming

Drama from season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht did not remain on board — and the cast had plenty of issues to address during the reunion. The Bravo special, which aired its first part on Monday, July 17, centered around the challenges that Captain Glenn , Gary King and Daisy Kelliher faced during the latest charter season. A noticeable change from the season 4 finale to the reunion was the distance between Daisy and Colin MacRae . The former couple, who started a relationship during their time on Parsifal III, did not appear to be on good terms. Daisy hinted at a falling out between her and Colin before they virtually crossed paths after filming season 4. [sendtonews type="float" key="MJ5t4GJE98-2827103-14453"] "I am going to leave it to the reunion. I feel like he [has the most to answer for at the reunion]. I have a lot of love for Colin, but things are complicated," she explained on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen in June when a fan asked why she unfollowed Colin on social media. "I don't need complication on my social media." Before new episodes started to air in April, Daisy also discussed Gary and Colin's overlapping interest in her. "I definitely feel like [Gary] was jealous. I think the boys — at times it did feel like I was a trophy prize [for them]. I could be completely wrong but [the way they acted felt a] bit like an ego thing going on between the two of them," she exclusively told Us Weekly that same month. "And I was like, 'OK, I don't really want to be involved in this.'" Part 2 of the season 4 Below Deck Sailing Yacht reunion will air on Bravo at 9 p.m. ET on Tuesday, July 18. Scroll down for the biggest bombshells from the season 4 reunion of Below Deck Sailing Yacht:

below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

Credit: Courtesy of Daisy Kelliher/Instagram

The Distance Between Daisy and Gary

During the second part of the reunion, Daisy accused Colin of affecting her friendship with Gary. "You made me feel so guilty about Gary. I eventually stopped talking to him and stopped being friends with him," she shared after crying on screen.

Colin and Gary later noted that they wanted to work on their friendship — but neither seemed to have high hopes about their individual relationships with Daisy.

below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

Credit: Stephen Lovekin/Shutterstock/Courtesy of Colin MacRae/Instagram

The Truth Behind Daisy and Colin's Connection

According to Daisy and Colin, they originally hooked up before filming season 4. The chief stew, however, accused Colin of being with another woman as well, which he didn't originally disclose. Daisy also claimed Colin told her several times that he wanted to be with her between seasons 2 and 3 — while he was in a serious relationship.

The engineer, for his part, blew off the "irrelevant" comments about their timeline, adding, "This is what nobody knows in the audience. This is why the relationship turned toxic because you can't reason with this woman. I have realized that and I ended things with her."

below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

Credit: Shutterstock (2)

A-List 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Fans

After Andy Cohen asked whether any celebrities reached out to the season 4 cast, Daisy recalled getting messages from several Hollywood stars.

"I have had a few celebrities reach out to me. I am not going to name drop. But Christina Applegate had reached out to me after I had seen her — she had a nice conversation with Captain Lee," the chief stew shared. "She's a huge fan of the show so it was really exciting. And obviously Chrissy [Teigen] ."

Mads and Alex's New Normal

Mads and Alex confirmed that they have stayed close after sharing a kiss during their last charter. The pair went on to say that a romance didn't seem to be in the cards amid the deckhand's complicated love life.

below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo (2)

Daisy vs. Gary's Management Styles

During the first part of the reunion, Daisy put Gary on blast when she questioned his work ethic.

"I think Glenn acknowledges and is aware of how much I do. But possibly he sometimes isn't aware of what Gary doesn't do. Let's put it that way," Daisy quipped. "Gary could probably manage better. He could probably lead better. This isn't about me, this is about Gary."

In response, Glenn noted that Daisy had a "good point" that he didn't know everything about what happens behind the scenes. Gary, for his part, said he stood by the hard work he put into season 4.

below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

Credit: Jagueneau/Bravo (2)

Chase and Ileisha's Relationship Status

"After the show finished filming, I went home and ended things with my boyfriend. Chase [Lemacks] and I were just there for each other and he supported me through a lot of hard times," Ileisha Dell , who had a flirty relationship with Chase , revealed at the reunion. "We kind of went back and forth. He came to Australia and I have been to America a couple of times. I even went to Charleston."

The deckhand, meanwhile, admitted that his connection with Ileisha had a major factor working against them.

"The reality of it is that Ileisha is one of the most amazing women I have ever met but we live on the opposite ends of the world," he added. "Australia and Charleston couldn't be farther from each other. There's nothing but love there."

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  • Cast & crew
  • Episode aired Jun 1, 2020

Andy Cohen, Glenn Shephard, Jenna MacGillivray, Byron Hissey, Georgia Grobler, Paget Berry, Ciara Duggan, Parker McCown, Madison Stalker, and Adam Glick in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

Georgia, Paget and Ciara finally clear the air about their flirtation; Ciara opens up about Georgia's betrayal; Parker reflects on his lack of experience; Jenna and Adam discuss the ups and ... Read all Georgia, Paget and Ciara finally clear the air about their flirtation; Ciara opens up about Georgia's betrayal; Parker reflects on his lack of experience; Jenna and Adam discuss the ups and downs of their romance; Madison and Jenna go head-to-head. Georgia, Paget and Ciara finally clear the air about their flirtation; Ciara opens up about Georgia's betrayal; Parker reflects on his lack of experience; Jenna and Adam discuss the ups and downs of their romance; Madison and Jenna go head-to-head.

  • Janie Stolar
  • Jenna MacGillivray
  • Paget Berry

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Adam Glick

  • (as Madison)

Ciara Duggan

  • (as Georgia)

Parker McCown

  • (as Parker)

Chris Miller

  • (as Captain Glenn)

Andy Cohen

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Sandy Yawn

  • (as Captain Sandy)
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  • June 1, 2020 (United States)
  • 51 Minds Entertainment
  • Little Wooden Boat Productions
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  • Runtime 43 minutes

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below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

Your First Look at the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion

There are tears, shocking revelations and an update on who's still hooking up with who.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion, Part 1 Recap: Gary and Colin Go Head-To-Head

Welcome to the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion. Host Andy Cohen was alone in the Clubhouse, as the rest of the cast appeared remotely via Zoom. It’s not an ideal reunion set-up, but when the crew are still working around the world, it has to do. Let’s jump into exactly what happened during Part 1 of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion…

Heads of department start the show

First in the (remote) hot seat was Captain Glenn Shephard , calling in from Spain. After all the engine trouble with the boat this season, Andy wanted to know, “Is Parsifal III still up and running?”

“She sure is,” Glenn said. “We’ve had a lot of work done in the engineering department, and she’s ready to go. I’m on board [right now].”

Next up was Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher , who also joined the show from Spain. Could she also be aboard the Parsifal? I think it’s likely since the yachting season is in full swing this time of year.

Joining them was First Mate Gary King , who Andy called the “Kissing Bandit.” Gary was also, coincidentally, in Spain. Suspicious!

Also joining via Zoom was Chief Engineer Colin MacRae . “Colin, you found yourself in the middle of some drama this season,” Andy said. “How are you feeling about being here tonight?”

“I’m excited,” Colin said. “I just want to say my piece and get this all behind us.” Something tells me, he’s not on Parsifal with Daisy and Gary.

When Andy asked where he was, “because I want to be wherever it is you are,” Colin admitted he was in French Polynesia in the Tuamotu Islands. Wow. Nice work if you can get it. All I know is that Tahiti is in French Polynesia, and I’ve always wanted to go there. So jealous right now!

Bring on the underlings!

Next introduced were Junior Stews Madison “Mads” Herrera (from Boca Raton, Florida) and Lucy Edmunds (from Cardiff, Wales).

Joining the interior crew were Deckhands Alex Propson (from Fort Lauderdale, Florida) and Chase Lemacks (from Miami, Florida). Chase showed off a backpack containing an adorable dachshund named Charlie, and I was immediately smitten. I’m a sucker for the puppies, especially the wiener dogs since we had one when I was growing up. They are smart, sweet little pups.

And last, but as Andy said, “Certainly not least,” was Chef Ileisha Dell , coming to us from Byron Bay, Australia. Due to the time difference, it was 3:26 a.m. at Ileisha’s location. Now that’s dedication.

After welcoming everyone to the reunion, Andy settled down to business.

Questions for the crew

Greg D. asked Colin “how it feels to be the MVP of the season when there was a chance there might not even have been a season.”

“Going through that was absolutely horrible at the time,” admitted the boat’s engineer. “But it makes me look okay this season, I guess.”

“ Chrissy Teigen has been posting up a storm about how great this season has been,” Andy said. “I’m curious how you all have [handled] celebrity fandom to the show and if any have reached out to you.”

Daisy admitted to having “a few celebrities” reach out to her, but refused to name-drop, even though the rest of the crew urged her to do so. But then she relented and revealed that Christina Applegate and Chrissy had both reached out to her.

Daisy in the line of fire

Next, Andy mentioned what may be a first across the entire Below Deck franchise: the stews all got along this season! But it wasn’t all smooth sailing, as Daisy sometimes found herself in hot water with Captain Glenn. Stressed out early in the season, Daisy cried in her cabin a time or two, and even left a tip meeting in tears of frustration.

After Andy asked her what made this season more difficult than others in the past, Daisy said, “I’ve learned that I’m somebody who either needs reinforcement or no comment … I do not deal well when I’m sleep deprived and kind of getting this negative feedback. For me, it just wasn’t productive.”

Andy asked how she thought her superior should give feedback in order for her to improve at her job. “I think starting with a positive,” Daisy suggested. “Also for me, the feedback just felt … very personal … [and] irrelevant.” Daisy insisted that her absolute goal would be to have a stew with the guests at all times, but it’s just not practical when there are so many other things to accomplish, including breaks for her crew.

Is Daisy being defensive?

Turning his attention to the Captain, Andy asked if Daisy was being defensive when Glenn criticized her work. “It seems like she can’t take criticism,” Andy commented. “How is she supposed to get better at her job if you’re not allowed to say what’s not working?” Ouch, Andy! That was a little bit mean.

“I can take criticism,” Daisy said, a little defensively.

“Really?” Andy questioned. “You just said that in order to criticize you, we have to give you a compliment first, and then, like, rev up to it.”

“During the season, yes,” Daisy responded.

“Daisy, how did you not hear Gary radioing you about the guest’s injury?” Andy asked, referring to the time a guest accidentally walked into a sliding glass door and injured his head. “Seems like the response time was long.”

“In that moment, I don’t know,” Daisy answered. “Maybe I didn’t have my radio on me, maybe I was ignoring it. I actually think I turned down my radio.” As I recall, she was just sitting in the galley chatting with the other girls and ignoring the guests for about 15 minutes.

Even though Daisy didn’t hear the call on the radio, Glenn reasoned that there still should have been a stew checking on the guests every few minutes. At the very least, “Whoever heard that call, if Daisy didn’t, should have gone to Daisy” and let her know that a guest had been injured. Daisy f*cked up.

Did Colin pile on when Daisy was already upset?

Next Andy brought up the tip meeting early in the season, when Daisy was already feeling frustrated and emotional, and Colin sided with Glenn over the interior’s service issues. “When you watched it back, did you feel that he went as hard at you as you [felt] in the moment? Because you certainly had a big reaction, and you were really upset.”

“I don’t think you should kick a man [when he’s down],” Daisy responded. “It was quite [apparent] to everybody that I was very emotionally affected … I didn’t really understand what it had to do with him, to be honest.”

Turning to Colin, Andy asked, “Do you think Daisy overreacted, Colin?”

“I think she was taking it much too personally,” Colin answered. “My comments weren’t directly aimed at her, because I had just finished talking to Mads and Lucy about it while she was away. But yeah, I think she took it too personally.” Uh oh, Colin and Daisy must not be together anymore, ’cause that wasn’t very understanding of him.

“I was incredibly vulnerable at that moment,” Daisy interjected. “I was tired, I was exhausted, I was feeling a lot of pressure … It just overtook me.” I understand how she was feeling. Normally guys respond to frustration by getting angry. I’m sorry if it sounds sexist, but most women are more prone to cry than to get mad. That’s just the way we react to stress. Whether it’s anger or tears, it’s got to come out somehow.

Would Gary change anything about his behavior this season?

Andy’s next question was for Gary. “Rose from Connecticut said, ‘When the crew is struggling to do dessert, why do you think it’s okay for you to sneak off and have a cigarette, just after Daisy asked for all crew to help with dessert?’ Isn’t that selfish?”

“Um, yeah,” the First Mate admitted. “I guess it was pretty selfish of me … But if eight people can’t set up dessert, and they need me to be there, then fair enough.” So Gary thinks it’s okay for him to sneak off for a smoke, while the captain serves dessert? Does he think he’s above everyone else?

“Gary, let me ask you this,” Andy continued. “Regarding your working with the stews this season … is there anything you would change about your behavior, looking back on the season?”

“Uh, no, I think we all did a pretty good job,” he answered. “I think we helped each other where we could. As much as I can remember … I thought it was a pretty good season.”

“Daisy is laughing at you,” Andy commented.

“Ugh, yeah,” Daisy said. “I’ve kind of learned to accept that it’s never gonna change … Maybe I’m asking too much from the deck crew. Maybe it’s my fault.”

“Finally, Dais!” Gary countered. “Take accountability.” I thought Gary was just being an asshole, but then he admitted that he was “just playing.”

Gary gets grilled

After hearing Gary admit that he’d only watched back one show all season, Andy asked, “So Gary, you did not watch the show back this season?” Isn’t it part of their job to watch the show?

“Andy, to be honest, I haven’t watched any season back,” Gary admitted. “At the end of the day, I lived through it. There’s no point in rewatching what I lived through.” Kind of arrogant, Gary. There’s more to the show than just you. He might have gotten some insights into other people’s lives if he’d watched the show, but then maybe he doesn’t really care about other people.

“Some might argue that you might change for the better or grow by watching your behavior,” Andy observed, “and seeing how other people view you.”

“I think we’ve been given this really unique opportunity and life,” Daisy added, “that no one else has been given, to be able to reflect and grow, and watch ourselves. I don’t think the majority of the world has that opportunity, and we were given [the chance] to be the best version of ourselves. And you just don’t take it.” Well said, Daisy.

“I’m just here for the drama,” Gary snapped back. “That’s all.” Because he’s just that shallow. Please tell me Daisy didn’t pick this empty shell of a man over Colin.

Parsifal III was the troublemaker this season

After admitting that Gary is usually “the one making the most trouble during the charter season,” Andy moved on to all of the problems with Parsifal’s engine. Andy gave kudos to Colin for being the hero of the season and keeping the boat running. “How many times did you think … that the charter season was over because of the engine, Colin?”

“After that first one … I thought it was game over,” Colin confessed. “We couldn’t get parts. The engine was full of salt water.” But Colin was talking to some of the boat’s previous engineers who had just brought the boat to Italy. “It was a struggle, but we got there in the end, for sure.”

“It looked like it was gonna be smooth sailing after you fixed the problem,” Andy continued. “Were you freaking out when it started smoking a few charters later?”

“Again, it was the shaft inside the turbines snapping,” Colin explained. “That’s just a freak accident, and it took a long time to troubleshoot. All we saw was, like, oil dripping out of the turbine. But … we had a few strokes of good luck there … the nature of some of the failures enabled us to carry on. It could have been, for sure, season-ending. For sure.”

Gary barges into the engine room

“Colin, why were you so annoyed when Gary barged into the engine room when there was smoke?” Andy questioned.

“The engine room is my department,” Colin responded. “I’d known about this issue for days. I was monitoring it. I was right there in the control room, and he just came down in a bit of a panic and pushed one of the cameramen out of the way. It was just a little too frantic in my space.”

“No one knows how that engine room runs or what’s going on in there like I do,” Colin added. “That’s my space, and I’m in complete control of it.”

“Fair enough,” Gary conceded. “I’ve worked on this boat for three years. If there’s a fire in the engine room, you’ve gotta find out what’s happening. Sorry, bro.”

“I was watching it,” Colin clapped back. “I had it under control.”

Chef Ileisha is “small but mighty”

Though she started the season struggling to keep up with the guests’ demands, Ileisha managed to pull herself together and earned everyone’s respect – especially Chase’s.

“Ileisha, you may be the most even-keeled yacht chef … in Below Deck history,” Andy told her. “How are you able to handle every challenge while keeping your sh*t together?”

“Watching the show back,” she responded (take that, Gary!), “I’m actually really surprised. Like, I was not okay on the inside. I don’t know how I seemed okay and relaxed on the outside.”

“She nailed it,” Glenn commented.

“Thanks, Glenn,” she smiled.

Chase takes the cake

“Chase, how much were you freaking out,” Andy asked, “when you were eating that cake and you found out that the guests wanted more?”

“All I’ll say,” Chase smirked, “is I’m not the only person who ate that cake. You know what I mean?”

“Daisy, do you regret sharing it with the rest of the crew, when the guests weren’t in bed yet?” Andy asked.

“Yeah, I f*cked up,” Daisy admitted. “Actually, it wasn’t like straight away. It had been a while, but yes, it was my fault.”

“Ileisha, are you still with your same boyfriend?” Andy asked, as Ileisha drew a finger across her throat. “Because I was rooting for you and Chase to get together.” So was Chase.

“No boyfriend,” Ileisha responded. “No Chase and I. Single and ready to mingle.”

“After the show finished filming,” Cheffie continued, “I went home and ended things with my boyfriend. Chase and I just were there for each other, and he supported me through a lot of hard times … He came to Australia, you know, [and] I’ve been to America.”

“The reality of it is Ileisha’s one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met,” Chase interjected. “But we live on the opposite ends of the world … There’s nothing but love there, but we’re just friends to this day.”

The deck crew never seemed to click

“Due to Covid, Gary had to join the season late,” Andy continued. “But once he arrived, his deck team never seemed to click, with tensions running high throughout their time on board. Gary, if you’re watching the show, um, which I know you didn’t, it kind of seemed like you came onto the boat with guns blazing for Chase. Do you feel like you came at him with the same energy that you came at Alex, or what? What was it about him that rubbed you the wrong way?”

“Chase, I’m not gonna say you rubbed me the wrong way,” Gary said, “but I don’t ever think I’ve met someone with quite a strong personality like Chase. To be honest, he’s very full-on, but very good at his job. I think maybe there was a bit of a personality conflict in the beginning, but … we ended up on a high. It’s not how you start with someone, it’s how you end with them. And I think Chase and I ended very well.”

“To jump in on that,” Chase added, “some of my best friends to this day hated me when they met me, so I am an acquired taste, and I don’t blame Gary. And Gary is an acquired taste, too, let me tell ya.”

That may be so, but I’ve lost what little respect I had for Gary this season. He’s a terrible communicator, unable to give his crew clear instructions or training. He’s a dog with women, seeming desperate at times and never takes no for an answer, bordering on harassment. And he’s kind of lazy, always trying to hang out with the captain and goof off, while his crew is working. He’s very immature.

Was Chase cringe-worthy?

“By the way, was there a moment that you saw this season, Chase … that made you cringe?” Andy asked.

“Oh, yeah! All the way through!” Chase laughed. “The jokes that land back in South Carolina with my guy friends maybe don’t land with the ladies in Europe.”

“No!” Lucy agreed.

“They shouldn’t land with anyone,” Daisy said. Making comments about drinking tequila from between a woman’s breasts is just not funny or polite. Also commenting on the size of those same breasts is just rude and crude. Your “guy friends” might find that behavior amusing, but nobody else does.

Does Gary have problems with his management skills?

“Gary, Rebecca T. wants to know your response to Colin saying you needed to just man up when it came to managing Chase,” Andy went on. “Do you think you have a problem with your management skills?” Oh, for sure, he does. Didn’t I just mention that very subject a few paragraphs up?

“Interesting question,” Gary said. “Colin likes to stir the pot, so he’ll do anything he can to try and get involved in the drama. Managing Chase, I promise, I don’t think anyone’s going to find that easy. No offense, Chase. But like I said, we started off on a rocky start but ended well. So obviously it worked out for the best.”

“I don’t know how it’s stirring the pot when I’m saying something to his face,” Colin responded, “When he’s asking me what I think he should do in that situation … I think he needed to man up a little bit. Because he was bitching to me about it instead of talking to Chase, which would have solved the problem a little bit earlier.” Something tells me Colin’s not Gary’s “Sea Doggy Dog” anymore.

Glenn rates the deck team’s performance

“Glenn, what’s your overall take on the deck team’s performance this year?” Andy asked the captain.

“Well, I was quite impressed,” Glenn said. “It wasn’t perfect, but it never is in this industry … I think we had a great season, so yeah … I’m proud of the deck team.

“I want to dig into Alex and Chase’s … work ethics,” Andy continued. “After working with them all season, Gary, what do you think is the biggest difference in how Chase and Alex work?”

“Honestly, I thought Chase gave 150% every day,” Gary answered. “Alex was just quite happy to be there … [But he was just] kind of coming [along for the ride], and I feel Chase had to pick up a lot of slack.”

“Chase does have an incredible work ethic,” Alex chimed in. “I think that’s something we both pride ourselves on. There was a lot of work to be done on essentially a two-man deck team, and we have very different styles … I learned more from Chase this season than pretty much anybody else. He’s knowledgeable, and he works extremely hard. And when I have clear direction and constructive criticism, I think I can match that. But I didn’t receive a ton of that [from Gary].”

Gary’s leadership is questioned

“Gary, why did you lie to Alex regarding Chase being super, super upset about how the boat was in the morning?” Andy continued. I get the feeling Andy doesn’t really like Gary very much either.

“I guess that’s poor management from my point,” Gary admitted. Duh, you think? “It was kind of putting two deck crew members against each other, and I apologize for that.”

“What I will say about Gary,” Chase offered, “is that Gary really does care about the success of the charter season and the guest experience. No one can argue that … But I think one of his shortcomings is that he’s not very collaborative. In the future, I think, you know, you just get the deck team together when we’re both awake, and that’s when you talk about it … instead of doing a one-on-one telephone game, you know?”

Does Gary’s womanizing affect his job performance?

“Mads, Frank J. wants to know if you ever thought that Gary’s romantic entanglements affected his performance as chief officer this season,” Andy asked, eliciting a giggle from Lucy.

“I think that can be said for anyone,” Mads responded. “When you get involved in a relationship, you’re giving energy to something besides your work. It’s why they say, ‘Don’t screw the crew.'”

“Glenn, you love working with Gary,” Andy said, turning his attention back to the captain. “What do you love about him as a chief officer?”

“I like his attitude,” Glenn answered, “and his knowledge. I mean, he knows boats, he knows sailboats, he knows sailing. Maybe this season it didn’t work out with [Mads], but I think he’s a good leader. He has a lot of [good] qualities. I think it would probably benefit him to watch the whole season because I think he’s the kind of guy that will learn from it and come back even stronger.”

Did Gary meet his match with Mads?

“Over the years, Gary has engaged in his fair share of love triangles,” Andy continued. “But this season he may have met his match with Mads, who drove him mad all season, especially when she cozied up to Alex.”

“So, Mads, people seem to think that you’re foolish for falling for Gary,” Andy went on, “but it looked like you were 100% in control of the situation. What do you say to the doubters?”

“To the doubters,” Mads began, “you don’t know me. I am a very detached kind of person, and I like to stay in control of situations, and I personally felt in control of the situation.”

Is Mads the “female Gary?”

“Alicia A. wants to know, ‘How can you say that you were led on by Mads when she was always clear that you two were just having fun?” Andy asked Gary.

“It was strange,” Gary answered, “cause she would come and climb into my bed every night and try and have sex with me. That’s what puzzled my mind, really.”

“Oh, please,” Mads interrupted. “You’re really going to say that?”

“Well, that’s exactly what happened,” Gary insisted, “as far as I remember. I went to bed a few times and you decided to jump into my bed.”

“I’m not even gonna argue,” Mads decided, “’cause he hasn’t watched the season, and to watch the season, like, that’s when you take accountability, so…”

Gary misses the point

“Oh, no, don’t get me wrong,” Gary said, “I was into you, Mads, by all means. I’m not gonna deny that.” The thing he’s missing here is that she wasn’t that into him. If he’d actually watched the season back, maybe he’d understand that.

“I’m not saying you weren’t,” Mads argued. “Just don’t say that I was the one initiating all of it.”

“Gary, it is interesting,” Andy continued, “that you were confused about her intentions, because, I mean, there was a rather savage montage that the editors played of her being very clear, saying, ‘I just want to have fun.’ I mean, frankly, she kind of felt like the female Gary, in a weird way. I mean, she was being very clear.”

“No, I’m not the female Gary,” Mads spoke up, “’cause I’m very direct. I said it straight from the start and throughout the whole time, ‘I am having fun.’ If you didn’t understand that, I’m sorry. I tried.”

The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion concludes Tuesday, July 18, at 8/7c on Bravo.


Predictions for the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Reunion

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The post Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion, Part 1 Recap: Gary and Colin Go Head-To-Head appeared first on Reality Tea .

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Is Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Daisy Kelliher headed for another Bravo spin-off?

below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

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Daisy Kelliher has been a fan favorite on Below Deck Sailing Yacht for four seasons, known for her fun personality, gift of the gab and ability to handle challenging guests like Erica Rose.

Though she’s made a name for herself on the Bravo spin-off, the Dublin native isn’t ruling out the possibility of joining another Below Deck show, much like Aesha Scott, who moved from Below Deck Med to Below Deck Down Under before returning to her roots.

When asked about working with a different captain in the franchise, Kelliher, 37, told The Standard she views stewing as “just work” and would be "happy" to report to another captain.

“I love sailing, and I'm a sailor at heart, and that's where my background is in, and I love working with Captain Glenn [Shephard]… but you know for me, it is just work, and I'm transferable, and I'm happy to work with any other of the captains or any of the other franchises.

While she has a soft spot for the seasoned captain, the reality TV star added: “As long as they invite me back, I’ll keep returning to Sailing Yacht. But, yeah, never say never. I'm like, whatever work is work, just another boat, more crazy guests and that’s fine with me."

below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

Last season, fans saw Kelliher caught in an unexpected love triangle with chief engineer Colin MacRae and first officer Gary King.

Tension flared when King revealed that he and Kelliher had secretly hooked up before season four, just as she started growing closer to MacRae. The South African first mate accused her of getting involved with MacRae to "spitefully" to get back at him.

Although she and MacRae attempted to continue their romance after leaving Parsifal III, the revelation caused a rift between her, King, and the Kiwi engineer. During the reunion last July, when the trio tried to clear the air, Kelliher was brought to tears after MacRae made barbed comments about her and their relationship.

It's been two years since that season was filmed, yet Kelliher said she still gets messages from fans about the situation, particularly her relationship with MacRae. When asked where things stand now, she admitted: "I would say there's like nothing."

"Honestly, we don't really have—I don't want to say a friendship— obviously, if he needed something, or anyone, like, there's no bad blood there. But no, we don't keep in touch, there’s no reason to.”

Reflecting on the season 4 reunion, she added: "I still stand by a lot of what went down in the reunion. I don't take any of that back, and I still stand by that so there's no reason to rekindle any sort of friendship. But there's also no hard feelings either."

She continued: "I'm like, 'You do you, I’ll do me.' If he needed something, of course, I'd be there. If he texted me, I'd reply. But we’re doing our own thing now."

“And it does really feel like a lifetime ago now, we're very much not in each other's lives. And yeah, it’s fine.”

below deck sailing yacht season 4 reunion part 1

While she wants to draw a line under that boatmance, Kelliher kept things cryptic about the future of Below Deck Sailing Yacht and when season five will eventually air. “My lips are sealed,” she teased, adding, “I know nothing” about season five or whether she’ll be part of it.

“I don’t know if there is one. I don’t know if I’m on it, if there’s gonna be one. I know nothing, which I know is not what you want to hear.”

Although, her Sailing Yacht captain Glenn Shephard, recently echoed her sentiment, he hinted that fans might not have to wait too long when he spoke to The Standard earlier this week about the delayed installment, which was previously tipped for a February release.

Like Shephard, Kelliher will be making an appearance at the International Boat Show in the UK this Saturday. She’s hosting a cocktail-making masterclass and said she’s “very excited” to be returning to the event, which she called a “great day out” and a fantastic chance to connect with the “awesome boat community.”

“I love being on the sea, and I've grown up with being on the water my whole life, so I love encouraging other people to do the same,” she shared. “And yeah, I'm meeting people, and, yeah, soaking up the atmosphere. So, I'm very excited.”

The Southampton International Boat Show 2024 takes place at Mayflower Park from September 13 to 22. To grab tickets to Daisy’s VIP cocktail-making masterclass visit here .

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Captain Glenn Shephard Reveals Hopeful Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 Update After Gary King Puts Show In Jeopardy

Daisy kelliher finally reveals if below deck manipulates storylines amid producer plant accusations, the bachelorette's jenn tran reveals surprising dating status after breakup with villain devin strader.

  • Below Deck Sailing Yacht should be the next franchise installment airing, but Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 will be first.
  • The premiere delay is likely due to First Officer Gary King's problematic behavior, the sexual misconduct allegation against him and the need to edit his appearance.
  • Below Deck Sailing Yacht will likely feature the same returning crew as the last three seasons.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 may be just around the corner, and viewers can expect some big changes. Bravo's hit Below Deck spinoff began in 2020 and has already featured four explosive seasons. Fans will once again jump aboard Parsifal III and experience the next adventure with Captain Glenn Shephard and his interior and exterior crew. There have been some troubling new developments with season 5, the cast, and when fans can expect the hit Below Deck spinoff's return.

While the network has been silent about Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5, a lot has been going on behind the scenes that may be cause for concern. However, crew sightings have revealed which part of the Mediterranean Sea Captain Glenn will explore with his new and returning crew members. Furthermore, First Officer Gary King has also posted some clues that confirm the location and highlight that filming has already happened. A few observations also highlight that viewers are just a few months away from watching another season despite any drama signaling otherwise.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 Latest News

Below deck sailing yacht has had a lot of drama.

Some Below Deck Sailing Yacht sightings practically confirm Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5's location. In June 2023, Reddit user Take_Me_To_Ibiza spotted Captain Glenn's Parsifal III and snapped a picture. The user then reshared the post, stating that the famous boat was "spotted in Ibiza." The iconic reality TV show's last two seasons covered Spain and Italy. Therefore, it wouldn't be surprising that the crew is exploring nearby areas and visiting exotic locations such as Ibiza. The location is part of Spain's Balearic Islands, including resort cities such as Palma. It seems like a perfect setup for the show.

34-year-old First Officer Gary King has been mired in controversy . While his reputation throughout his three seasons in Below Deck Sailing Yacht has largely been negative, with fans believing him to be sleazy, a pot-stirrer, and a bad boss, optics have gotten even worse for Gary. A former makeup artist for the Below Deck franchise, Samantha Suarez came forward in August 2023, alleging that Gary was sexually inappropriate with her during filming in the summer of 2022. Gary was never held accountable by production, although Bravo said they investigated the misconduct allegations.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5's Potential Release Date

Bdsy is not being released when it usually is.

The Below Deck franchise typically follows a schedule. Historically, Below Deck Sailing Yacht has been filmed in August for a Spring/Summer release schedule the following year. It usually follows after Below Deck 's OG series. The show's airing schedule has been similar since 2020. Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 1 aired in February 2020, and the next three seasons also came out at a similar time. Therefore, fans should have expected Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 to appear on their TV screens as early as February 2024.

There has been overlap with the main show and its spinoffs before, so it would not be unusual for that to happen again. However, there has been no mention of the release date, and instead, Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 is up next. This is likely due to Gary's misconduct and the public fan outcry over his continued involvement in Below Deck Sailing Yacht . In the past, certain cast members have been edited out when seriously damaging information has come to light about them.

Peter Hunziker from Below Deck Med season 5 was edited out after his past racist social media posts surfaced. The reason Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 is delayed in its release date, is likely due to Gary's behavior and the network's need to edit him from the latest filming. The Bravo network has yet to make a public statement on why BDSY is not airing next or when fans can expect its return. Since the season has already been filmed, it will most likely move forward soon.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5's Potential Cast

The usual crew will likely be returning.

Bravo hasn't confirmed the crew yet, but cast members' social media profiles hint at who may appear on Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5. Captain Glenn would certainly be part of the show, as he's the main icon. Gary is also expected to resume his duties as the First Officer, as some of his posts suggest he was in Ibiza. Chief Engineer Colin MacRae lives and breathes sea life, and would be by Captain Glenn's side. Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher is very busy these days but likely made time to return to the show that made her a Bravo icon. Stew Lucy Edmunds may also return since she became a fan-favorite from season 4.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 Trailer

Below deck mediterranean is next up.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht fans may not be able to count on watching a trailer in the near future since the release date is currently unknown. But until then, fans can look forward to Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 with Captain Sandy Yawn at the help and Below Deck Down Under Chief Stew Aesha Scott returning to the Med series (via Bravo .) Check back to find out more information on Below Deck Sailing Yacht 's return to TV in season 5.

Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 premieres Monday, June 3, at 9 p.m. EDT on Bravo.

Source: Take_Me_To_Ibiza /Reddit, Bravo

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is a spin-off of the Below Deck reality television series. Premiering on Bravo, the show follows the life of a Yacht crew as they attempt to navigate a busy Charter season in which many customers make use of a 177-foot sailing yacht. Over the first three seasons, the yacht has been to Greece, Croatia, and Spain.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht


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    Season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht is officially coming to an end. That being said, it's time for what the viewers are waiting for: The reunion! The reunion will be 100% virtual and will be ...

  4. Where to Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion

    The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion Parts 1 and 2 are currently available to watch on the Bravo app and by logging in with your cable provider. Catch a preview of what to ...

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  6. Below Deck Sailing Reunion: Gary, Mads Face Off Over Romance

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  7. Reunion Part 1

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  8. Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Streaming Online

    TV14. Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. Peacock is now the streaming home of your favorite Bravo shows plus so much more. Watch hit movies, live sports and exclusives. Get Started. Home.

  9. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Part 1 of the Season 4 Reunion Dives Into

    Part 1 of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion didn't uncover why chief engineer Colin MacRae had a lot of "explaining" to do, but the crew did get into Gary King and Mads Herrera ...

  10. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Reunion S4 Part 1

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Reunion S4 Part 1. E! The cast members of "Below Deck Sailing Yacht" Season 4 come together to talk about the events of the season. 43min 2023 13+ Unscripted. This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location. Watchlist. Like. Not for me. Share. Details. Details.

  11. How to watch part 1 of the 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' season 4 reunion

    The Bravo series "Below Deck Sailing Yacht" will kick off its season 4 reunion on Monday, July 17 at 9 p.m. EST on the network. The show can be streamed on platforms like FuboTV and DirecTV ...

  12. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion trailer DISSECTED: Here's

    We break down the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion trailer, including all the drama between Colin MacRae, Daisy Kelliher and Gary King. The trailer ...

  13. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Teaser: Watch

    The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 reunion kicks off on Monday, July 17, at 9:08 p.m. ET/PT following the Season 2 premiere of Below Deck Down Under . The second and final part of the reunion ...

  14. Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht

    S4 E19 - Below Deck Sailing Yacht Reunion, Part 2. 19 July 2023. 43min. Andy Cohen interviews the cast from Below Deck Sailing Yacht s4. ... 51min. Andy Cohen interviews the cast from Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4. Free 7-day trial of hayu, auto renews at £4.99/month. Watch with hayu. Related. Customers also watched. Below Deck ...

  15. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Part 1 Discussion Post

    teanailpolish. ADMIN MOD. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion Part 1 Discussion Post (. Below Deck Sailing Yacht. The reunion airs AFTER Below Deck Down Under tonight at 9ish (some say 9, others say 9:08 but join us for BDDU at 8pm). The second episode of the reunion is on tomorrow at 8pm and there will be a separate discussion post.

  16. When Is The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion?

    A teaser for the nail-biting reunion episode has been shared by BravoTV, which revealed everything about what to expect at The Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 reunion. The Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 reunion will air on Monday, July 17 at 9:08 p.m. ET, following the premiere of Below Deck Down Under season 2. Since the reunion has been divided into two parts, the second part will ...

  17. Below Deck: Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion & Down Under ...

    We're back in port for more Below Deck: Sailing Yacht coverage! Today, Captain Rob Cesternino and chief engineer Sasha Joseph are joined by first mate Chappe...

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    Drama from season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht did not remain on board — and the cast had plenty of issues to address during the reunion. The Bravo special, which aired its first part on Monday ...

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    Season 4 Preview: There are tears, shocking revelations and an update on who's still hooking up with who. Watch Your First Look at the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion | Below Deck ...

  21. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion, Part 1 Recap: Gary ...

    Gary accuses Colin of being all about the drama. The post Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion, Part 1 Recap: Gary and Colin Go Head-To-Head appeared first on Reality Tea.

  22. Season 4: REUNION Topic : r/BelowDeckSailing

    SEASON FOUR. Reunion Video Clip. The Reunion will be in two parts, 17 and 18 July 2023. Stay tuned Monday (July 17th), following the season premiere of Below Deck: Down Under. Part 1 of the Season 4 Reunion will debut on WWHL, with Part 2 the next evening. You can discuss the Season 4 Reunion here. Spoiler tag will stay on until after it airs.

  23. Is Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Daisy Kelliher headed for another Bravo

    Reflecting on the season 4 reunion, she added: "I still stand by a lot of what went down in the reunion. ... Kelliher kept things cryptic about the future of Below Deck Sailing Yacht and when ...

  24. Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4, Episode 1: ParsiFAIL

    The Voice. NEW SEASON STREAMING SEP 24. NBC Fall Lineup. Sunday Night Football. STREAMING LIVE EVERY SUNDAY. Live Sports. Say Hello to Peacock! The wildly entertaining new streaming service for watching Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 1 : ParsiFAIL. Watch today!

  25. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5: Everything We Know

    The Below Deck franchise typically follows a schedule. Historically, Below Deck Sailing Yacht has been filmed in August for a Spring/Summer release schedule the following year. It usually follows after Below Deck's OG series.The show's airing schedule has been similar since 2020. Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 1 aired in February 2020, and the next three seasons also came out at a similar time.