• Apr 20, 2019
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The Beginning - Yacht Week Croatia Original Route

Updated: Aug 22, 2019

the yacht week croatia original route

This was the trip that started it all for us, so we remember it fondly. In fact, we even went with my ex-boyfriend, Chrissy’s soon-to-be ex, and a girl none of us speak to anymore and we STILL had the time of our lives. There’s truly nothing like TYW experience (except maybe something like BucketLust or the other companies who have copied them).

You find this same breakdown in all of our Yacht Week posts:

1. Choosing your boat

2. Choosing your crew

4. The first day

5. The parties

6. The sightseeing

7. The Food

8. TYW Clichés

9. The costs you may not already know about

So here goes…

1. Choosing your boat – this was our first time around and we were more cautious with our money when we were 23, so we went with a cheaper monohaul (AKA a sailboat). It didn’t have air conditioning and was about 750 euro per person (there were 8 of us). That price also doesn’t include the skipper fee which is another 800 euro split between you all. The boat had one huge master bedroom, a bunk room, and two rooms at the back with double beds.

Stereo system works great if you have a car jack to plug your phone into.

It had pretty good space on deck to hang out and lay in the sun

The rooms with the double beds have good amount of storage and closet space

There’s a mini fridge for fresh food and a giant cooler for beers and things

There was a storage space under the floor in the master where we stored more beer

It had no skipper cabin so Marcus slept on our couch every night.

It had no air conditioning, which was a HUGE mistake as it was about 95 degrees or hotter every single day and this is a boat so you don’t exactly have a ton of windows.

It only had two bathrooms so there was a lot of sharing happening.

It had a bunk room, two double bed rooms, and a MASSIVE suite room. This meant that one couple got a huge room the entire week and two people had to cram into a TINY bunk space. Would not recommend this at all.

the yacht week croatia original route

We were actually able to fill our entire boat the first year with our friends. When you’re talking to people about going on a trip like this, make sure that they understand that it won’t be the cheapest trip of their lives and they going to have to embrace living in cramped quarters for a full week. I highly recommend picking super laid-back people that you’ve traveled with before. That being said, you never know what will happen on yacht week. Friendships can soar or completely crash and burn.

3. Packing (this is the same list across YW posts)

First and most importantly, you really have no room for hard suitcases/normal rolling bags so avoid those – go for duffles that you can flatten. Another option, especially if you’re spending a lot of time traveling before or after YW is to pack a large suitcase, bring a duffle, and then check your large suitcase with whatever you don’t need in a locker at the marina. TYW can usually tell you whether or not your marina has storage.

Here’s a packing list that we got from Marcus (our skipper in Croatia) and our thoughts on each thing (in italics):

Dramamine (non drowsy) – absolute must

Sleeping mask + ear plugs – not a bad idea depending on how easily you sleep

Floaties – another must (check Nordstrom, amazon, target, kohls, etc.)

Costumes for the regatta on the last day – come up with a theme. Bae-watch is way overdone

Sunscreen -- duh

Flags – it will help you identify the boat – bring a bunch. And bring big ones – we underestimated how small ours would look

Sharpie Marker – to help mark your belongings – never needed this

Aux cable – for music to play through the boat speakers

12 Volt USB car charger – while not in the marina, this is your only source of power - to connect your phone to the car (would recommend getting one with a few usb slots so you can charge multiple phones at one)

External Rechargeable USB Battery Charger – yes. Keep in mind if you get a big one, you might blow a fuse. There’s plugs in every room so probably just get a few small ones

Deck of cards – just in case it rains or for drinking games

Boat shoes, sneakers and flip flops – girls please leave the heels at home! – agreed. Don’t bother with heels

Sweatshirt – it may get windy at night -- yep

Beach towel – yep although if you don’t have room for it, just buy a cheap one when you get there and throw it away before you leave

Bluetooth speakers – yep – sometimes annoying to have to change your song when the phone’s plugged in downstairs

Go Pro/waterproof camera/disposable waterproof camera – try your best to capture the most amazing week!! -- yep

Glowsticks, body paint, glitter -- yep

Battery powered Christmas lights for the boat – DEFINITELY. There is no light on the boat and you’ll come back on a taxi boat and have no clue which one is yours. The more unique the lights, the better. Zip ties to attach them to things also helps.

Bug Spray! -- ehhhhh

Sunglasses – bring a couple of pairs as you may break or lose a pair during the week – true, and you lose them because they go overboard so don’t bring expensive ones out during the day while sailing

White outfit for the white party – they call it something else now, Riviera chic or something stupid, but it’ll always be white party to us

Here’s what we brought that he missed:

Waterproof phone case

A hat to block out the sun some days

One of the other things that we did was pack a box full of Costco stuff as a checked bag. Two of our friends were flying directly there from SF and they filled a box with liquor, paper plates, solo cups, peanut butter, plastic silverware, paper towels, and sunscreen from Costco because it was SO much cheaper to do it that way. Then at the end of the week they just tossed whatever was left and had no checked bag on the rest of their flights on low-cost airlines.

4. The First Day

Unfortunately, I can’t really comment on this because we got stuck in an airport in Frankfurt due to bad weather and missed the first day.

That being said, Lainie did actually make it and similar to our first day in Greece, they ask you to be there super early and you end up just sitting around on your boat. Usually people just get super drunk and/or go grocery shopping. If you don’t have a hostess, I highly recommend you make a list of things you need to buy in advance so that the people who go to the store know what to get for everyone else. I’m not sure what the situation is with groceries in Split but you can definitely walk to get more in Trogir on Day 2 if you need to.

The Day 8 app will have more details for you on where to be and when on your first day. It’ll also outline any security deposit you’ll need to put down on your boat. Some boat rental companies give you an option between full coverage in cash ($$$) and a smaller deposit on a card ($). The first option covers literally anything you could do and the second is just a small amount. Both of my skippers in the past have recommended the more expensive option just in case. They also took photos of the boat so that we had proof when we got back at the end of the week that any possible damage wasn’t caused by us.

One major piece of advice : Plan for the worst. You don’t want to miss the first day of TYW, so if you’re coming in from somewhere else in Europe I’d recommend being in Split the night before.

First piece of advice – go for the table/bottle service everywhere. You’ll get an email about signing up for tables before TYW starts, and have someone ready to refresh constantly that day. The tables go QUICKLY. They’re nothing close to the cost of a Vegas table and they’re completely worth it. We only did it once in Croatia and I regret not doing it more because a lot of the party venues don’t have places to put stuff or sit down, so without a table you’re just standing in the middle of the dance floor the entire time.

Croatia Route Parties:

The first party – this is at a smaller spot in Split. Again, I missed the first night but I heard its ok. That’s usually the case for the opening party.

Hula Hula – this one’s a blast. You’ll probably get sprayed with too much champagne and fall in the sand, but it’s a sick spot right on the coast in town. It’s also open to all of the tourists on the island, so don’t be surprised to see people that aren’t with Yacht Week.

the yacht week croatia original route

Kiva Bar – this is an alley bar that I actually hated. It’s super crowded, yacht week completely takes over the alley and the two bars on either side, it’s hot, you can’t get a drink. We left early.

White Party – our week they ended up having White Party out on Carpe Diem Island. Apparently it’s normally on the main island, so I can’t comment too much on this. Usually there’s another party that night at Carpe Diem which would be a new setting for most people. I’d definitely recommend going to White Party (now called Riviera chic) and going to Carpe Diem. There’s nothing quite like partying on a private island. The bottle service tables there are totally worth it.

the yacht week croatia original route

The final night –It’s a cool club that’s in downtown Split I think called Eleven. Some people skip this party, but they’re crazy. There’s fireworks and a great dance floor. Totally worth going to close out the week.

6 . The sightseeing

The Croatia route was very different in this aspect from Greece. It felt a lot less culture-focused. The islands you visit are actually pretty busy and the Croatian cost has become a hot destination for rich Europeans. Hvar even has huge resorts on it and an entire city that reminded me of Positano or Amalfi.

Things we’d recommend:

Renting scooters when you can – I think it was on Vis. They’ll ask if you’ve ever driven one before – either lie and figure it out or just find one at home to try before you go. The island roads are pretty winding so be careful.

Make sure your skipper takes you to the caves to go cliff jumping. Technically it’s against YW rules but it was so cool and there’s options for how high you can jump from if you’re afraid of heights or something.

Groceries –

TYW usually provides transportation on day one to a grocery store in Split that you can go to, order, and then they deliver it to your yacht. Take advantage of this and keep an eye on their timeline. You’ll have to be inside the store by a specific time. Also only send one or two people to shop with a list. No sense in everyone going.

There’s also a grocery service that one YW alumni started and she may contact you about it prior to your week. Usually she’s more expensive than the stores, but she has things like solo cups that the stores may not have.

Here’s our recommended grocery list:

Alcohol (survey your boat and figure out what people will and won’t drink and what they’re willing to pay especially if you have guys and girls and tanks and lightweights)

Fruit – it’s always fresh there.

Breakfast croissants or cinnamon rolls (anything that doesn’t need to be refrigerated)

Eggs and breakfast meats – you can definitely make breakfast for real one day, just remember how many people you’re feeding and how many eggs people eat in one sitting. Also remember how hot it is and how you don’t want to be downstairs doing dishes.

Stuff for sandwiches – grab salami or ham or whatever the local meat is, some bread, and some spreads (mustard or mayo or tzatziki) and whatever else you might want. Sandwiches and chips are the easiest lunch to have while sailing. They don’t really do turkey as a lunchmeat so don’t be surprised.

Plan for two dinners on the boat – go with something easy. Salad, pasta, grilled cheese, etc. Keep in mind you probably have two pots/pans maximum and a tiny stove

Paper plates, silverware, and plastic cups. Again, no one wants to be down in the boat doing dishes.

Toilet paper

Paper towels – trust me you want a lot of this

Garbage bags

Nutella – it’s better in Europe

For those of you that haven’t been to Europe before, they do not have ranch or peanut butter. If they do have it, it’ll be a tiny jar and it’ll be super expensive.

TYW Promoted/Organized Dinners :

· Fort George - Dinner will either be on your boat that night or at Fort George. It’s not cheap, but it’s probably the most incredible view I’ve ever had or a meal in my life. You get to watch the sun set over the water from tables set up outside a castle. It really doesn’t get much cooler than that. And the dessert was amazing. I think you have to ask your skip or hostess to book this so make sure you do. It’s probably on the app now.

the yacht week croatia original route

Dinners on the islands:

Hvar - You’ll be able to find some pretty cool spots on the islands. Ask your skipper or hostess for a recommendation in Hvar – there’s some fun places that are set back in alleys.

Vis - If there’s one place on the whole trip we’d say you have to go to, it’s the vineyard restaurant at the top fo the mountain in Vis. I guarantee you if your skipper has any experience with YW Croatia, he or she will know about this place. It’s family style and the food is amazing.

These are the things you see in the YouTube videos that make yacht week so unique. All of these other companies that also do circle floats absolutely copied it from TYW.

Circle Float: This was our favorite part of Croatia. On a good day, you whip out your floaties and they tie all of the boats together and you party all afternoon boat hopping and making new friends.

the yacht week croatia original route

Tunnel Float Night: Basically for this one they’ll just tie all of the boats together in two long parallel lines in front of a deserted island. You’ll either have Italian delivered to your boat or make dinner on the boat, so plan for that. The party that night pretty much goes all night. It’s a lot of fun.

Regatta Day: One of the days you’ll get all decked out in your themed gear and all of the boats will race (aka have a regatta) to the next location. The staff will sail around trying to get pictures and videos of all of the different themes, so be ready to show off your creativity. Greek gods and Bae-Watch themes are way overdone. We saw some cool themes like penguins, Titanic, Top Gun, the Croatian Bobsled team, etc.

There are a couple ATMs in the Split airport after you get through baggage pick-up where you can pull out Croatian Kuna

You buy all of your skipper’s meals and drinks. They have full access to your kitchen. Don’t be awkward about it at dinners where they’re with you. Just split everything evenly. Splitwise is your friend but don’t use multiple currencies. Convert everything to or leave it all in EUR/Kuna.

Skipper Tip – this is usually about 10-20% of the total cost of your boat. Give it to them on the last day as you leave the boat.

Hostesses – they’re a blast and they buy all of your groceries for you so you never have to shop, but they’re expensive. They also take up a spot on your boat, so keep that in mind. It means that you’re splitting the cost of the boat with one less person AND you pay an extra 600 euro on top of that to have her plus all of her meals and her tip at the end of the week. It adds up quickly.

The Kitty – when you first get on the boat, the skipper will ask you for kitty money. It’ll cover your gas, your taxi fees, and your docking fees. I think we did 600 kuna each in Croatia. Our skippers always made sure to keep receipts for everything so we had them if we wanted them.

The bottle/table service – Each YW route is different for bottle service. In Croatia we just signed up and then paid at the bar when we were done. In Greece you have to pay in advance and tell the YW staff what your order is so it’s there when you arrive.

If your skip hits on you, which we’ve heard stories about, talk to someone in a crew tshirt. That’s not cool.

Try not to hit on your skipper. That being said, if it happens and it’s mutual….oops?

The skippers do not get paid the same amount – there’s a survey at the end of the week and their salaries are based on their survey results

Don’t let your skip get too drunk. Someone has to sail the boat in the morning.

If you’re American and you’ve never had Somersby – find some.

If you can come up with something fun to introduce yourself around on either float day, do it. For example, we had shots of rose with rubber duckies in them that we call Ducky Rose and people loved it

Don’t be that asshole that brings a floating barge as a floatie that fits 8 people. You’ll take up too much space and everyone will hate you

Full cans of beer/cider float. Do with that what you will.

Once you pick your ratio when you’re booking your boat, it’s hard to change it. Especially if you want to take a girl off and add a guy in, so try to know your ratio before you book.

Make friends with the photographer – they might just end up on your boat for the day and then you could end up in their Instagram posts on Thanksgiving!

You may think going on YW over an American holiday like Labor Day is a great idea, but so does every other American. You’ll end up on a week with 10 boats from Jersey.

The boats and flights are most expensive mid-june through early August. You’re better off going one of the later weeks in August.

No shitting where you sleep! DO NOT go #2 on the boat. Just trust us. It’s gross and everyone will know you did it. Tell everyone else on your boat that’s a rule. Go on-shore.

There are cabs that will take you to/from the airport. On the last day, you'll get off your boat around 9am. I'd recommend going into Split to hang out and see the town. A lot of people got an Air BnB or a hotel to pass out for a day before leaving.

Uber in Split was more expensive than a cab, but they do have Uber and the driver did speak great English

That’s Yacht Week Croatia in a nutshell…or maybe more than a nutshell :). Our last words of advice on TYW:

It’s going to be one of the best weeks of your life – embrace the insanity

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The Ultimate Guide to The Yacht Week in Croatia

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yacht week

Are you a party animal in search of an unforgettable experience? Look no further than The Yacht Week in Croatia! This week-long extravaganza is held annually in the beautiful and underrated destination of Croatia. But here's the twist - all the parties take place on yachts! If you're ready for an adventure filled with epic parties, stunning scenery, and lifelong memories, then The Yacht Week is the place to be.

What is The Yacht Week?

Choosing your route, booking your yacht week experience, accommodations on the yachts, exploring the islands, the parties - the highlight of each day, dining on the yacht week, budgeting for the yacht week, the importance of your crew, arrival and departure.

The Yacht Week is a renowned seven-day festival that takes place in six different locations, with Croatia being one of them. It all started back in 2006 when a group of friends from Sweden decided to create their own sailing experience for adventure seekers like themselves. Since then, The Yacht Week has grown to include 70,000 people who love to explore, party, and sail.

When it comes to The Yacht Week in Croatia, there are seven different routes to choose from. Each route offers a unique experience, with varying levels of partying, local exploration, and cultural immersion. The Original Croatia Route is the most popular choice, known for its legendary parties and breathtaking scenery. But if you're looking for something different, you can also opt for routes in Italy, Greece, Montenegro, the Caribbean, or Grenada.

Once you've decided on the route that suits your preferences, it's time to gather your crew and book your yacht or cabin. It's important to book early as the boats per route are limited. You can book directly through the official website of The Yacht Week to secure your spot and start planning for the adventure of a lifetime.

During The Yacht Week, your home will be the yacht itself. While the accommodations may not be lavish, the boats are well-maintained and provide a comfortable space for you and your crew. It's important to note that space on the yachts can be a bit cramped, so be prepared for close quarters. Most boats have multiple bathrooms, but it's essential to be mindful of water usage and follow proper toilet etiquette.

While The Yacht Week is known for its epic parties, it's also an opportunity to explore the stunning islands of Croatia. From secluded bays to charming towns, there's no shortage of beauty to discover. Take the time to go on excursions, rent a Vespa and explore the islands, or simply walk around the towns and indulge in local delicacies. It's all about finding the perfect balance between partying and experiencing the culture and natural wonders of Croatia.

Let's not forget the main attraction - the parties! The Yacht Week Croatia is famous for its legendary parties, and each day offers a unique and unforgettable experience. From the Riviera Chic party in Hvar to the Fort Party in a historic fort, the festivities are non-stop. Snagging a table with bottle service is highly recommended for a more comfortable experience. The Raft Party and Regatta are also highlights not to be missed. It's all about dancing, socializing, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

While onboard, you'll have the option to have your own hostess who will cook breakfast and lunch for you and your crew. Trust us when we say, this is worth every penny. Your hostess will take care of the meals, ensuring that everyone is well-fed and ready to take on the day's adventures. However, there are also plenty of opportunities to eat out at local restaurants and enjoy the delicious cuisine of Croatia. Don't forget to try traditional dishes like Peka, and indulge in some mouthwatering ice cream from local shops.

It's important to be prepared and budget accordingly for The Yacht Week. While the cost will depend on various factors such as the route, yacht type, and group size, it's essential to account for expenses like groceries, port fees, water taxis, bottle service, and group dinners. Splitting costs evenly with your crew is recommended to ensure a fair distribution of expenses. Planning ahead and using apps like Splitwise can help keep track of expenses and settle the bill at the end of the trip.

Your crew plays a significant role in the success of The Yacht Week. It's important to have a group of like-minded individuals who are open-minded, responsible, and ready to have a good time. The Yacht Week places emphasis on the ratio of guys to girls in your group, so it's crucial to ensure a balance. Having a skipper and hostess on board is also highly recommended, as they will provide guidance, take care of logistics, and enhance your overall experience.

Arriving a day before the official check-in time is recommended to avoid any potential travel delays and ensure a smooth start to your Yacht Week adventure. Booking accommodations near the marina allows for a good night's sleep before embarking on your journey. On the departure day, you'll return to the marina, check out, and bid farewell to your yacht and crew. It's a bittersweet moment, but the memories and friendships forged during The Yacht Week will last a lifetime.

The Yacht Week in Croatia is an experience like no other - a perfect blend of adventure, partying, and exploration. From sailing the stunning Croatian coastline to dancing the night away at legendary parties, this week-long extravaganza is sure to be the best week of your life. So gather your crew, book your yacht or cabin, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime. Embark on The Yacht Week in Croatia, and let the party begin!

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The Beginners Guide to Yacht Week Croatia

the yacht week croatia original route

The Yacht Week, wow! The trip, well experience, of a lifetime! Unlike most adventures, The Yacht Week is not a single event that only happens once a year. Instead, it’s a week long epic boat party that is stretched out throughout several months in your choice of either Croatia, Greece, Montenegro or BVI Caribbean. It’s up to you to decide which week you’d like to go and in which country. Being that Croatia is the ORIGINAL route, I felt that it was only right to start what could be a series of adventures  where it all started.

the yacht week croatia original route

Pick A Route

The Yacht Week Croatia is here to make life harder on you by giving you not one, not two, but THREE different routes to choose from. Due to an increasingly large interest in sailing (and partying on) the Adriatic sea, one route is not enough. They now offer the black, the red and the Ultra route.

The black and red routes are identical, except they operate in different directions. The black route is not only the best route (based off of public opinion), but it’s the original route. There are typically 30-50 boats sailing this route, which currently makes it the most popular out of the three. My group decided to go on this route, and we did not regret it AT ALL.

The red route is the newest Croatian Route that sails from Dubrovnik to Trogir. Since it’s still new, it typically has about 20-25 boats sailing this route, making it the least popular amongst the three.

Croatia Ultra is the wildest route out of the three. If you’ve ever been to the world famous Ultra Music Festival and want to relive all the madness while sailing the seas in between sets, then this is the route for you. This wild route is similar in popularity as the black route and typically has about 30-50 boats sailing.

the yacht week croatia original route

Cabin Vs. Yacht

Each yacht accommodates approximately between 6 to 12 people. The main difference between choosing a cabin or a yacht is whether or not you’re planning on filling the cabins on the yacht with your own crew or if you’d like TYW’s talent to place you (and your cabin crew mate) on a boat with strangers, who will end up becoming family. Each yacht has 3-5 cabins depending on the size, and if you decide to go with the entire yacht package, then it will be your responsibility to find crew members to fill those cabins.

One thing to note is that TYW prefers to keep an equal gender ratio on each yacht, so if it’s uneven then there may be an additional penalty charge.

My crew consisted of 4 mermaids, so we decided to go with the cabin option. We purchased 2 cabins on a standard yacht, which ended up being one of the smaller yachts, but we were okay with that. We were crewed up with 4 mermen from Australia and the funnest (not biased, I promise) skipper from South Africa.

the yacht week croatia original route

To Hostess Or Not To Hostess

Having a hostess throughout the week is optional, and to be honest – a tough decision. It really all depends on whether or not you plan on eating full meals throughout the week.

What does a hostess do? A hostess is pretty much a live-in culinary genius. They will shop for you and prepare ALL breakfasts, lunches and TWO dinners throughout the week.

Considering the fact that we were living in our bathing suits for a week, our group opted out of paying the extra money for a host. We knew that we would want to have a light breakfast and lunch and then go out and have dinner in town every day. When we first arrived, we had to wait a few hours before being let on board, so our group got together and went grocery shopping as a whole. We bought daily lunch supplies, including hamburger patties, pasta, taco meat, etc., and split that cost amongst each other evenly. It turned out to be around $35 per person for 8 people. Not bad at all. We then each separately bought our own personal stash of snacks and alcohol, which also was not too expensive.

One thing we had to consider was to make sure our skipper was fed every meal throughout the entire week. Yes, that is YOUR responsibility. So although we split the cost evenly between 8 people, we made sure we had enough food to feed a group of 9 people for each meal. We also took turns making breakfast for our skipper every day, which mainly consisted of scrambled eggs – so that wasn’t too hard.

Overall, I’m glad we didn’t splurge on a hostess. Although, if you’re the type to rather be pampered, then spending a little extra money for one isn’t a bad idea.

the yacht week croatia original route

Not exaggerating, but how you pack for the week will make you or break you.. or your toes. The cabins on each yacht are TINY and are a shared space between two people, so it’s important to pack smart and light. First rule of thumb when packing – NO HARD SUITCASES. Your luggage needs to stay in your assigned cabin, so be smart with the size and material used. The best type of luggage to use is a duffel bag that can easily be folded and placed under your mattress. I had a couple of tight layover flights before and after TYW that I didn’t want to risk missing any due to having to check in a bag, so I opted for this spacious Olympia 8-pocket carry-on duffel from Amazon.

Second rule of thumb – BE ORGANIZED and understand that a box of Ziploc Freezer bags is your best friend and will possibly be your savior.

Confused? Don’t worry – I’ll explain.

Day 8 , TYW smartphone app, releases a daily itinerary of where you’ll be on each day and what type of events are lined up for that day. So based off of that you can pretty much figure out which outfits you’ll need for each day. There’s no need to over pack because it’s likely that you’ll be in your bathing suits all day, every day and sometimes even throughout the night.

Ziploc bags are going to make your getting ready process a lot easier. They are like packing cubes except better because you can suction the air out of them to make more room in your duffel. Each one of my freezer bags was labeled in permanent marker by day and held 3 outfits: a bathing suit, a daytime outfit for possible land expeditions and a night-time party outfit. I separated my toiletries by putting my face, body and shower materials into smaller freezer bags. I ended up packing the toiletries bags in my duffel pockets to keep them separate from my clothes. Once I got to my cabin, I was able to unpack my duffel and place each Ziploc bag in order by day on our shelf, which made it easier for me to get dressed every day.

Side note: You most likely will not be able to use any hair dryers or irons on board, so I’d recommend saving room in your luggage by not packing any. Instead, bring hair creams and other hair essentials that’ll keep the daily natural look looking fresh to death.

the yacht week croatia original route

Budgeting in real life is hard, but budgeting for TYW is even harder. To be honest, it’s hard to figure out exactly how much money you’ll need throughout the week, but if you play it smart then you won’t need much.

Aside from spending money for the week, you’ll need Yacht deposit money and Kitty Pool money – both are due in cash upon arrival.

Yacht Deposit – This amount differs depending on the size of your yacht. If you rented a Catamaran yacht for the week, it could be thousands of dollars per person. Our yacht was the standard basic option, so our deposit was only €375 per person. Since TYW is originally a European company, the deposit had to be paid in EURO’s and it was given to our skipper on the first day. Keep in mind that if you don’t break anything on the yacht, you’ll get your deposit back at the end of the trip.

The currency used for everything else is Croatian Kuna (HRK). Since my national currency is USD, I was required to exchange my cash into Euro and then from Euro to Kuna. To avoid additional exchange rate fees, try to go to your local bank before your trip and exchange your currency directly into Kuna’s.

Kitty Fund – This fund covers most additional costs for the week, which include fuel, water, docking fees, and some water taxis. We gave our skipper a total of 1220 HRK (roughly about 184 USD) each and he paid these fees for us. If there is any money left over at the end of the week, then the skipper will distribute the money evenly between all crew members. We used a lot of water, (showers, washing dishes, etc) so we didn’t have any money from the kitty fund left over.

Since both the deposit and kitty fund differ depending on route and boat size, you can expect an email from TYW a week or two before your trip with exact details on how much both expected totals are. My group received our email 10 days before our trip, so don’t expect too much of a heads up.

Grocery Shopping – Each yacht is only stocked up with a few essentials. With possibly 9 other roommates, it’s easy to run out of daily necessities. So other than food and snacks for the week, make sure to add toilet paper, paper towels, hand soap, garbage bags, dish washing soap, a sponge and plenty of water bottle cases to the group shopping list for your arrival day.

Other than the deposit, kitty fund and some cash for your grocery shopping – you’ll need some spending money. Since we went grocery shopping on day 1 for breakfast and lunch supplies, we did not have to spend that much money on food. Grocery stores also sell alcohol for pretty cheap, so we each stocked up on a couple bottles of the drink of our choice and some mixers. So not only did we have enough alcohol to day party every day, but we were able to pregame before every outing. We went out for dinner almost every night, but it did not break the bank. Depending on how much you plan on eating out or drinking, I’d say about $75-$100 a day budget is pretty reasonable. Just don’t forget to include your skipper and your hostess if you have one in your budget plans since you are responsible for paying for their meals.

the yacht week croatia original route

What To Bring Vs. What To Buy There

The marinas you’ll dock at throughout the week will have small bodega-like grocery stores that have almost everything you’ll need, so save room in your luggage and don’t pack too much.

What to bring with you:

  • Plastic flip flops or sandals that you can wear on the boat or in the shower.
  • Reusable insulated stainless steel tumbler. Not only does this keep your drink cold in the summer heat, but it keeps plastic out of the sea.
  • Skincare products. Don’t expect to find your daily high-end facial moisturizer on the shelves, so if your skincare regime includes specifics – bring them.
  • Electronics. You’re going to be in the middle of the Adriatic Sea, so if you plan on blasting music while still having a full phone battery life bring a car charger, a battery pack , and an auxiliary cord.
  • Handheld battery operated fan to cool off throughout the day.
  • FLAGS! Not only will they be used to rep your country, but they can also help you identify which boat is yours during that late night walk home when all the boats start to look the same.

the yacht week croatia original route

What to buy there:

  • Sunscreen and suntan lotion.
  • Float. You can either buy these at the local bodega or even possibly get free recycled floats from the crews leaving the week before. Just make sure you get it on Day 1 during your first market run because you’ll be floating around almost every day.
  • Shampoo, conditioner and body wash.
  • Bug repellent.
  • A Captain’s hat for obvious reasons.
  • Beach towel – The markets have plenty of towels and your skipper and/or host will give you one large and one medium sized bath towel for showers.
  • A pump. Believe me when I say that blowing up multiple floats is hard work. I almost fainted a few times before finding out that each boat has an emergency pump under one of the seats. Look for it and use it before manually pumping. You’ll thank me for this.

the yacht week croatia original route

Planning Ahead For Emergencies

If you ask any skipper at TYW, they will tell you that at least one person breaks their toe during each week because heavy objects in a tight space while on wavy water and being drunk do not mix that well. So, in other words hope for the best, but plan for the worst.

A few things to keep your emergency worries at ease:

Travel Insurance. Just buy it. Travel insurance covers unexpected medical expenses, trip cancellations, lost luggage and some other losses incurred during the trip. On either the fourth or fifth night of our trip, two of my crew members decided to drunkenly jump over steel bollard on their way back to our yacht after a night out. It ended with one of the guys being rushed to the hospital by our skipper to get stitches. Another girl randomly slipped on her yacht and sprained her ankle. You just never know.

Tweezers. Unless you’re a bushy-browed babe like me, you don’t really think of packing tweezers for emergencies. Croatia is full of tiny spiny sea urchins and it’s very easy to get stung by them. In fact, I accidentally stepped on one while hanging out at the local beach and ended up having 10, yes that’s right – 10 , splinter-like spikes in my foot. Although it ruined my day, having tweezers nearby helped me pick each spike out one by one.

Nausea and sleeping aids. You’re going to be living on a rocking boat for a week, so expect a little nausea. I don’t typically get sea sick, but I woke up on the second day, took a bite out of a banana and immediately got sick. Needless to say, I didn’t eat anymore bananas that trip. Dramamine is a great motion sickness prevention medicine that can be bought over-the-counter. It also comes in non-drowsy so it shouldn’t stop you from having all that daytime fun. I’d recommend stocking up in both non-drowsy and regular Dramamine, or something similar, because the motion of the boat was the worst at night. The high winds would make our boat dramatically rock side to side when it was docked. It was so bad that I woke up every day with a new unexplained bruise, which probably came from unknowingly bumping into my cabin mate throughout the night.

Emergency first-aid kit. This is a no-brainer, so it doesn’t even really need an explanation. Every yacht should have a first aid kit on deck, but it never hurts to have extra band aids handy. You, or one of your crew members, will probably get cut at some point of the trip, so I’d recommend bringing a travel-sized first-aid kit with you for those small emergencies.

Emergen-C. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’re going to get sick, whether you end up swapping spit with someone else or not. Almost everyone went home without a voice or with some sort of bronchitis. Apparently, the hacking cough that you most likely will end the trip with is a well-known cold amongst yacht weekers called the skippers cough . That’s what happens when you have a mix of boys, girls, alcohol and lots of bad decisions in a confined area for a week. Pack some Emergen-C and drink it on the daily.

the yacht week croatia original route

Don’t Forget To Tip 

I cannot stress this enough, treat treat TREAT your skipper and hostess well and make sure you tip both of them at the end of the trip.

You’d be surprised with how many people “forget” to tip their skippers and hosts. Hosts wake up early to cook for your crew EVERY. DAY., and skippers literally have the navigation of your week in their hands.

Tipping Etiquette:

Pay them in either USD or Euro’s. Most skippers and hosts don’t live in Croatia, so they don’t typically like being paid in Croatian Kuna’s.

Pay them separately. If you have both a skipper and a host, don’t give one lump sum. Hand both of them their tip separately.

Depending on how well they did, tip about $80-$100 each. So in total, that’s $160-$200 per person for tip. Unless your crew went crazy and broke a bunch of stuff on the yacht, you should get your deposit back at the end of the trip. Since that was originally paid in Euro’s, we each ended up taking 100 euros from that and handing it to our skipper before heading to the airport.

the yacht week croatia original route

Let Loose And Have Fun

Leave your worries at home and just have fun. TYW is not the time to think about work and it’s definitely not the time to think about morals. (hehe, jk mom)

You’ll most likely see a lot of random hookups, nudity and most definitely some crude behavior. So leave your judgemental behavior at home, relax and float your way into the happy yacht week abyss.

But most importantly – JUST HAVE FUN!

the yacht week croatia original route

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The Ultimate Guide To The Yacht Week Croatia

Published: October 14, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Kaitlyn Jason

  • Travel Destinations
  • Travel Guide
  • Travel Tips



The Yacht Week Croatia is a one-of-a-kind sailing adventure that combines stunning landscapes, crystal-clear waters, and unforgettable parties. If you’re looking for a unique and exhilarating vacation experience, this is the perfect choice. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a first-time sailor, The Yacht Week offers something for everyone.

Set sail along the breathtaking coastline of Croatia, exploring picturesque islands and hidden coves. Soak up the sun, swim in turquoise waters, and indulge in delicious local cuisine. The Yacht Week Croatia will take you on an unforgettable journey through some of the most enchanting destinations in the Adriatic Sea.

Hosted in the summer months, The Yacht Week Croatia attracts thousands of adventurous travelers from around the world. Join a fleet of yachts and party alongside like-minded individuals, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re traveling with friends, a significant other, or looking to make new connections, The Yacht Week offers a social and vibrant atmosphere.

Prepare to be amazed by the natural beauty of Croatia as you sail from one stunning location to another. Each day brings a new adventure, whether it’s exploring charming coastal towns, snorkeling in hidden caves, or simply relaxing on deck while taking in the breathtaking scenery.

The Yacht Week Croatia is not just about sailing. It’s a fully immersive experience that combines adventure, relaxation, and incredible nightlife. From exclusive beach parties to sunset cocktails, the evenings are as electric as the days. Dance the night away under the stars, surrounded by the sound of music and the laughter of newfound friends.

Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a thrilling party scene, The Yacht Week Croatia has it all. Embark on the journey of a lifetime and create memories that will stay with you forever.

What is The Yacht Week

The Yacht Week is a world-renowned sailing event that offers a unique and exciting vacation experience. It brings together sailing enthusiasts, party-goers, and adventure seekers from all over the globe for an unforgettable week of sailing, exploring, and partying.

Started in 2006, The Yacht Week takes place in various stunning locations around the world, including Croatia, Greece, Italy, and the British Virgin Islands. Each destination offers its own unique charm and allure, but one of the most popular and iconic routes is The Yacht Week Croatia.

During The Yacht Week Croatia, participants have the opportunity to sail along the picturesque coastline of Croatia, visiting beautiful islands such as Hvar, Vis, and Brač. The crystal-clear waters, stunning landscapes, and vibrant nightlife make it an ideal destination for an unforgettable sailing adventure.

One of the key features of The Yacht Week is the social aspect. Participants have the option to join as a group or as individuals, and they are assigned a yacht to share with other like-minded individuals. This creates a unique and vibrant community on each yacht, fostering new friendships and connections.

While The Yacht Week is known for its amazing parties and nightlife, it also offers a range of other activities and experiences. From exploring ancient towns and villages to snorkeling in hidden coves, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Participants can also partake in water sports, beachside yoga sessions, and cliff jumping for an extra dose of adventure.

Whether you’re an experienced sailor or a beginner, The Yacht Week caters to all levels of sailing expertise. Each yacht is equipped with a professional skipper who ensures a safe and enjoyable sailing experience. Participants also have the opportunity to learn the ropes and gain confidence behind the helm if they desire.

Overall, The Yacht Week is a perfect combination of sailing, adventure, relaxation, and vibrant nightlife. It offers a unique opportunity to explore stunning destinations, make lifelong friends, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Getting Started

Before embarking on your Yacht Week Croatia adventure, there are a few important steps to take to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Here’s a guide to help you get started:

1. Plan in advance: The Yacht Week is a popular event and spots fill up quickly. It is important to plan and book your trip well in advance to secure your spot. Decide on your travel dates, gather your crew, and start researching yacht options.

2. Choose your route: The Yacht Week Croatia offers different route options, each with its own highlights and experiences. Research and select the route that best suits your preferences, whether you’re interested in exploring historical towns, secluded beaches, or lively party destinations.

3. Gather your crew: The Yacht Week is all about creating unforgettable memories with your friends or making new connections. Gather your crew of friends who share your sense of adventure and party spirit. If you don’t have a full crew, you can join as an individual and be placed with other like-minded individuals.

4. Select your yacht: The Yacht Week offers a range of yachts to accommodate different group sizes and preferences. From luxury catamarans to traditional monohulls, choose the yacht that best suits your needs. Consider factors such as the number of cabins, onboard amenities, and budget.

5. Determine your budget: It’s important to set a budget for your Yacht Week Croatia adventure. Consider expenses such as yacht rental, fuel, provisioning, mooring fees, and additional activities. Splitting costs amongst your crew can help make the experience more affordable.

6. Book your yacht: Once you’ve decided on your route, gathered your crew, and selected your yacht, it’s time to book. Contact The Yacht Week Croatia organizers or a trusted yacht charter company to secure your yacht and finalize the details.

7. Prepare necessary documents: Ensure that you have all the necessary documents for your trip, including passports, travel insurance, and any required visas. Check the entry requirements for Croatia and make sure your travel documents are valid and up to date.

8. Pack wisely: Pack clothing suitable for warm weather, including swimwear, light and breathable clothing, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat. Don’t forget essentials such as towels, toiletries, and any personal medications you may need. It’s also a good idea to bring a waterproof bag to protect your belongings on the yacht.

9. Familiarize yourself with sailing basics: While you’ll have a skipper on board, it’s always helpful to have some basic sailing knowledge. Familiarize yourself with sailing terminology and learn a few key skills such as tying knots and handling lines.

10. Get excited and embrace the experience: The Yacht Week Croatia is an incredible adventure filled with unforgettable moments. Embrace the excitement, make new friends, and be ready to create lifelong memories as you set sail in the beautiful Adriatic Sea.

Route Options

The Yacht Week Croatia offers several route options, each showcasing a different set of stunning destinations and experiences. Here are some of the popular routes to consider:

1. Dubrovnik Route: Starting from the “Pearl of the Adriatic,” Dubrovnik, this route takes you along the southern coast of Croatia. Explore historical sites in Dubrovnik, famous for its medieval walls and stunning architecture. Sail to the idyllic island of Korčula, known for its vineyards and picturesque Old Town. Continue to the trendy island of Hvar, famous for its vibrant nightlife. The Dubrovnik Route allows you to discover the beauty of southern Croatia.

2. Split Route: Departing from the vibrant city of Split, this route takes you to some of the most popular islands in Croatia. Visit the island of Brač, known for its beautiful beaches, including the famous Zlatni Rat. Sail to the island of Vis, a hidden gem with secluded bays and crystal-clear waters. Explore the lively town of Hvar, where you can soak up the sun, indulge in water sports, and enjoy the buzzing nightlife. The Split Route allows you to experience a mix of relaxation and partying.

3. Zadar Route: Starting from the historic town of Zadar, this route takes you to the northern part of the Croatian coast. Discover the stunning Kornati National Park, a unique archipelago of picturesque islands and reefs. Sail to the island of Dugi Otok, where you can explore hidden coves and enjoy serene natural beauty. Visit the vibrant town of Šibenik, with its impressive Renaissance Cathedral and charming old town. The Zadar Route offers a more off-the-beaten-path sailing experience.

4. Ultra Route: If you’re a music lover and a party enthusiast, the Ultra Route is the perfect choice. This route combines the electrifying experience of The Yacht Week with the renowned Ultra Europe music festival. Start your journey in Split, where you’ll enjoy the festival, featuring top international DJs and incredible stage productions. After the festival, sail to the nearby islands, such as Hvar and Brač, for some relaxation and more partying. The Ultra Route combines the best of music, sailing, and island hopping.

Remember that each route offers its own unique attractions and experiences. Consider your preferences for history, culture, nightlife, beaches, and relaxation when choosing the route that suits you best. Keep in mind that The Yacht Week Croatia provides a carefully curated route with recommended destinations and activities, ensuring a well-rounded and unforgettable sailing adventure.


When it comes to accommodation during The Yacht Week Croatia, your yacht becomes your home away from home. The yachts provided are spacious and comfortable, offering everything you need for a week-long sailing adventure.

The yachts are well-equipped with multiple cabins, allowing you and your crew to have your own private sleeping quarters. The cabins are cozy and designed to maximize space, with comfortable beds and storage options for your belongings. Each cabin typically accommodates two people, making it easy to allocate sleeping arrangements among your crew.

Common areas on the yacht include a spacious salon where you can gather and relax, a fully equipped kitchenette to prepare meals, and dining areas both indoors and outdoors. The yachts also feature bathroom facilities, including showers and toilets, ensuring convenience throughout your trip.

It’s important to note that the yachts provided during The Yacht Week Croatia are fully crewed. Each yacht is assigned a professional skipper who is responsible for navigating the yacht, handling sails, and ensuring the safety of all onboard. Having a skipper allows you to sit back, relax, and fully enjoy the experience without the stress of sailing the yacht yourself.

While the yachts offer a comfortable living space, it’s important to manage expectations regarding space and privacy. With a limited amount of space onboard, it’s essential to be mindful of your fellow crew members and maintain a respectful and considerate atmosphere.

Outside of your yacht, there are also additional accommodation options available for those who prefer to stay on land. Some participants choose to book a hotel or villa before or after The Yacht Week to extend their stay and explore more of Croatia’s incredible destinations. This allows for a mix of onboard and onshore experiences.

Keep in mind that booking separate accommodation on land may require additional planning and coordination. However, it can provide an opportunity for some downtime and a chance to experience the local culture and amenities.

Overall, the yachts provided during The Yacht Week Croatia offer a comfortable and convenient accommodation option for your sailing adventure. With well-appointed cabins, communal living spaces, and professional skippers, you can enjoy the perfect balance of comfort, adventure, and socializing during your time on the yacht.

Yacht Selection

Choosing the right yacht is an essential part of planning your Yacht Week Croatia adventure. The Yacht Week offers a range of different yachts to cater to various group sizes, budgets, and preferences.

When selecting a yacht, here are a few factors to consider:

1. Group Size: Determine the number of people in your crew. Yachts can accommodate different group sizes, from smaller yachts for intimate groups to larger yachts for bigger parties. Make sure the yacht has enough cabins and sleeping arrangements to comfortably accommodate everyone.

2. Yacht Type: Consider the type of yacht that suits your preferences. The Yacht Week offers a variety of options, including monohulls, catamarans, and luxury yachts. Monohulls offer a more traditional sailing experience, while catamarans provide spacious and stable platforms for socializing. Luxury yachts provide additional amenities and a higher level of comfort.

3. Amenities: Check the amenities available onboard the yacht. Some yachts offer additional features such as air-conditioning, Wi-Fi, swimming platforms, and water toys. These amenities can enhance your sailing experience and provide extra fun and convenience.

4. Budget: Set a budget for your yacht rental. Yachts range in price based on their size, age, and level of luxury. Consider the overall cost of the yacht rental, including fuel, provisioning, and any additional fees. It’s important to align your budget with the type and size of the yacht you choose.

5. Skipper or Bareboat: Decide whether you want to charter the yacht with a skipper or as a bareboat. Having a professional skipper onboard can provide peace of mind and let you fully enjoy the experience, especially if you’re not an experienced sailor. If you have the necessary qualifications and experience, you may opt for a bareboat charter and take the helm yourself.

6. Age and Condition: Take into consideration the age and condition of the yacht. Newer yachts may offer upgraded features and a more modern design. However, older yachts can still be charming and well-maintained. Research the yacht’s history and reviews to ensure you choose a reliable and comfortable vessel.

7. Yacht Charter Company: Work with a reputable yacht charter company or The Yacht Week organizers to book your yacht. Ensure they have a good track record of providing quality yachts and reliable service. Read reviews and gather recommendations to make an informed decision.

It’s important to note that the availability of specific yachts may vary depending on the time of booking. Popular yachts tend to book up quickly, so it’s recommended to book your yacht well in advance to secure your preferred choice.

Remember, selecting the right yacht will contribute to the overall enjoyment of your Yacht Week Croatia experience. Consider your group’s size, preferences, and budget to choose a yacht that meets your needs and ensures an unforgettable week of sailing and celebration.

Crewing Options

When participating in The Yacht Week Croatia, there are various crewing options available to accommodate different preferences and group dynamics. Here are some crewing options to consider:

1. Full Crew: If you have a group of friends or a pre-existing crew, you can book a full yacht and sail together. This option allows you to have full control over who you share the yacht with, ensuring a comfortable and familiar environment. You can customize the experience according to your group’s preferences and have a cohesive dynamic throughout the trip.

2. Partial Crew: If you have a smaller group or are open to meeting new people, you can book a partial yacht and be paired with other individuals or smaller crews. This option allows you to join a diverse and sociable group, giving you the opportunity to make new friends and forge connections with people from all over the world. It can create a dynamic and lively atmosphere, with a mix of different personalities and backgrounds onboard.

3. Cabin Charter: If you’re an individual traveler or have a small group, you can opt for a cabin charter. This option allows you to reserve individual cabins on a shared yacht. You’ll be paired with others who have chosen the cabin charter option, and you’ll share the common areas and facilities of the yacht. Cabin chartering is a great way to meet like-minded travelers and experience The Yacht Week Croatia without needing to gather a full crew.

Regardless of which crewing option you choose, it’s important to maintain a respectful and considerate attitude towards your fellow crew members. Communication and cooperation are key to ensuring a harmonious and enjoyable experience for everyone onboard.

Participating in The Yacht Week is not just about sailing—it’s also about building connections, fostering friendships, and creating incredible memories together. Embrace the opportunity to meet new people, learn about different cultures, and share adventures with like-minded individuals from around the world.

For those who are new to sailing or want to enhance their sailing skills, The Yacht Week offers crew training courses. These courses provide participants the chance to learn the basics of sailing, navigation, and boat handling. It’s a great option for those who want to be actively involved in the sailing aspect of the trip and gain a deeper understanding of the craft.

Overall, The Yacht Week provides different crewing options to cater to various preferences and group sizes. Whether you choose to sail with your own crew or join others on a shared yacht, the focus remains on creating an inclusive and vibrant community of sailors and party-goers. No matter which crewing option you choose, you’re bound to have an unforgettable experience sailing along the stunning coastline of Croatia.

Food and Drinks

When it comes to food and drinks during The Yacht Week Croatia, there are several options to ensure you’re well-fed and hydrated throughout your sailing adventure.

1. Provisioning: Before setting sail, you have the option to provision your yacht with groceries and supplies. Many yacht charter companies offer provisioning services, allowing you to pre-order everything you need for meals and snacks. You can choose from a variety of food and drink options, including fresh produce, meats, seafood, beverages, and snacks. This is a convenient option if you prefer to cook your own meals onboard.

2. Dining Out: If you prefer to indulge in local cuisine or take a break from cooking, you can explore the restaurants and cafes in the towns and villages you visit. Taste traditional Croatian dishes, such as fresh seafood, grilled meats, and Mediterranean-inspired cuisine. From beachside cafes to elegant waterfront restaurants, there are plenty of dining options to satisfy your appetite and immerse yourself in the local gastronomy.

3. Onboard Cooking: If you enjoy cooking or want to experiment with meals onboard, the kitchenette on your yacht provides the necessary equipment to prepare your own dishes. You can create delicious meals using the provisions you’ve stocked up on, showcasing your culinary skills and catering to your crew’s preferences. Cooking onboard also allows for flexibility in meal timings and dietary restrictions.

4. Group Dinners: The Yacht Week offers various group dinner events, where you and your crew can join other sailors for a shared dining experience. These events often include a catered meal or barbeque, allowing you to mingle with other participants, exchange stories, and create connections over a delicious feast. Group dinners are a great opportunity to socialize and meet fellow sailors from different yachts.

When it comes to drinks, be prepared to enjoy refreshing beverages throughout your sailing adventure:

1. Bring Your Own: You have the option to bring your own beverages, such as your favorite wine, spirits, or mixers. Pack your preferred drinks in plastic bottles or cans for safety and convenience. Make sure to check the alcohol policies and any restrictions or regulations in Croatia before bringing alcohol onboard.

2. Local Drinks: Embrace the local culture by trying Croatian wines, beers, and spirits. Croatia boasts a rich wine-making tradition, with various regions producing excellent wines. Sample different varieties and discover your favorites. Additionally, try local beers and spirits to fully immerse yourself in the Croatian drinking experience.

3. Beach Bars and Nightlife: Along the coastline of Croatia, there are numerous beach bars, clubs, and nightspots where you can enjoy a wide range of drinks. From refreshing cocktails to ice-cold beers, these establishments offer a vibrant atmosphere to socialize and celebrate with your crew and fellow sailors.

Remember to drink responsibly and within your limits. Stay hydrated throughout the day to combat the sun and heat, especially when engaging in water activities and partying under the Croatian sun.

Whether you choose to cook on board, dine out at local restaurants, or enjoy group dinners and drinks with fellow sailors, there are plenty of options to satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst during The Yacht Week Croatia. Indulge in delicious meals and refreshing drinks as you create unforgettable memories along the beautiful Croatian coastline.

Daily Itinerary

The daily itinerary during The Yacht Week Croatia is designed to offer a balance of adventure, relaxation, and vibrant nightlife. While each day may vary depending on the route and weather conditions, here’s a glimpse into what a typical day might look like:

Morning: Wake up to the gentle rocking of the yacht and the refreshing sea breeze. Enjoy a leisurely breakfast onboard, either prepared by your crew or using the provisions you’ve stocked up on. Take the time to soak in the stunning surroundings and plan out the day’s activities.

Afternoon: Set sail to your next destination, enjoying the freedom and excitement of being on the open water. Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to explore hidden coves and swim in crystal-clear waters. Take a break from sailing and anchor in a picturesque bay for a relaxing lunch. Swim, snorkel, or simply bask in the sun while enjoying the beauty of your surroundings.

Late Afternoon: Continue sailing to your next destination, arriving at a vibrant coastal town or island. Step ashore and explore your new surroundings, immersing yourself in the local culture. Wander through charming streets, visit historical sites, or indulge in some shopping. Take in the panoramic views and capture the beauty of the Croatian coastline from different vantage points.

Evening: Return to your yacht and prepare for the evening’s festivities. Freshen up and get ready to enjoy The Yacht Week’s legendary parties. Whether it’s an exclusive beach party, a themed event, or a sunset cocktail gathering, the nights are filled with energy and excitement. Dance under the stars, enjoy live music, and connect with fellow sailors, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Late Night: After partying the night away, return to your yacht for a peaceful night’s sleep, serenaded by the gentle sounds of the sea. Reflect on the day’s adventures, share stories with your crew, and prepare for the next day’s itinerary.

It’s important to note that while there is a general itinerary, The Yacht Week allows for flexibility and spontaneity. Weather conditions and group preferences can factor into the schedule, allowing for adjustments and impromptu detours. The beauty of The Yacht Week is the freedom to embrace the adventure and create your own unique experience.

Throughout the week, you’ll have the opportunity to visit various destinations, each with its own charm and allure. From historical towns to remote islands, there is something for everyone to discover and enjoy. Savor the breathtaking landscapes, swim in hidden bays, and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Croatia.

Remember, The Yacht Week is not just about the sailing and parties. It is a chance to disconnect from the everyday and fully embrace the beauty of the Adriatic Sea and Croatian coastline. Soak up the sun, make new friends, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Activities and Excursions

The Yacht Week Croatia offers a wide range of activities and excursions that allow you to explore the beautiful destinations and make the most out of your sailing adventure. Here are some of the activities and excursions to consider during your trip:

1. Swimming and Snorkeling: With its crystal-clear waters, Croatia is a paradise for swimming and snorkeling. Dive into the refreshing sea and discover the vibrant underwater world. Snorkel around coral reefs, explore hidden caves, and encounter colorful marine life. Don’t forget to bring your snorkeling gear or rent it from yacht charter companies.

2. Water Sports: Get your adrenaline pumping with various water sports activities. From paddleboarding to kayaking, jetskiing, and wakeboarding, there are plenty of options to choose from. Explore the coastline from a different perspective and enjoy the thrill of these exciting water activities.

3. Cliff Jumping: For the adventurous at heart, try cliff jumping at designated locations. Plunge into the deep blue waters from rocky cliffs for an exhilarating experience. It’s essential to assess the safety of the jump and be aware of any potential risks before taking the leap.

4. Island Explorations: Croatia’s islands are full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Rent a scooter or take a guided tour to explore the islands’ stunning landscapes, picturesque villages, and historical sites. Visit ancient forts, churches, and local markets to get a taste of the local culture and traditions.

5. Beach Parties: No Yacht Week experience is complete without attending the legendary beach parties. Dance barefoot on sandy shores, enjoy live music performances, and socialize with other participants. These energetic and vibrant parties are the perfect opportunity to let loose and celebrate your sailing adventure.

6. Sunset Cocktails: Witness breathtaking sunsets over the Adriatic Sea while sipping on refreshing cocktails. Many beach clubs and bars offer sunset viewing spots where you can relax, enjoy the view, and capture memorable photos. It’s the ideal way to unwind after a day of sailing and activities.

7. Historical Sightseeing: Croatia is rich in history and cultural heritage. Visit historical sites such as Diocletian’s Palace in Split, Dubrovnik’s city walls, or the ancient town of Hvar. Explore the narrow alleys, marvel at the architecture, and learn about the fascinating history of these intriguing destinations.

8. Wine Tasting: Croatia has a long tradition of winemaking, producing excellent wines. Take part in a wine tasting tour and visit local wineries to sample the diverse range of wines produced in the region. Discover unique grape varieties and learn about the winemaking process while enjoying the stunning vineyard landscapes.

These are just some of the many activities and excursions you can engage in during The Yacht Week Croatia. Each destination offers its own set of opportunities, so take the time to plan and choose activities that align with your interests. Remember to embrace the adventure, try new experiences, and make the most out of your time exploring the enchanting Croatian coastline.

Party and Nightlife

Party and nightlife are an integral part of The Yacht Week Croatia experience. From beachside celebrations to vibrant clubs, Croatia’s party scene offers something for everyone. Here’s a glimpse into the exciting party and nightlife options you can expect during your sailing adventure:

1. Beach Parties: One of the highlights of The Yacht Week is the legendary beach parties. Imagine dancing barefoot in the sand, with the sound of waves crashing in the background and live performances by renowned DJs. These beach parties are known for their electric atmosphere, energetic crowds, and stunning locations. Enjoy the mix of music genres, from house and techno to hip-hop and pop, and dance the night away under the starry skies.

2. Rooftop Bars and Clubs: The coastal towns and cities along the Croatian coastline boast a vibrant nightlife scene. Explore the lively bars and clubs in cities like Split, Hvar, and Zadar. Dance to the beats of international and local DJs, enjoy signature cocktails, and mingle with locals and fellow sailors. Many clubs feature rooftop terraces where you can enjoy panoramic views while sipping your favorite drink.

3. Floating Festivals: Experience the thrill of unique floating festivals during The Yacht Week. These events bring together multiple yachts, creating a floating party where you can socialize, dance, and immerse yourself in the festival atmosphere. Dance to world-class DJs, enjoy light shows, and celebrate with fellow sailors on the open water.

4. Yacht Parties: Create your own party atmosphere onboard your yacht. Gather with your crew and fellow sailors, play your favorite tunes, and enjoy drinks as you cruise along the coast. It’s a unique and intimate way to celebrate with friends and experience the freedom of being on the water.

5. Full Moon Parties: If you’re lucky enough to be on The Yacht Week during a full moon, don’t miss out on the famous full moon parties. These events take place on secluded beaches and offer a magical setting under the moonlight. Enjoy bonfires, live music, and spectacular performances as you dance and celebrate late into the night.

Throughout The Yacht Week, you’ll have the opportunity to attend themed parties, dress up in eye-catching costumes, and participate in various events organized by The Yacht Week team. From white parties to neon-themed events, every night delivers a unique and unforgettable experience.

It’s important to keep in mind that while partying is a significant part of The Yacht Week Croatia, it’s essential to party responsibly and respect the environment and local communities. Adhere to guidelines set by event organizers and respect the destinations you visit by keeping noise levels in check and practicing responsible consumption of alcohol.

Whether you prefer dancing under the stars, enjoying cocktails at rooftop bars, or creating your own party ambiance onboard your yacht, The Yacht Week Croatia offers an unparalleled party and nightlife experience that you won’t soon forget.

Safety and Regulations

Ensuring the safety and adhering to regulations are paramount during The Yacht Week Croatia. Here are some important considerations to keep in mind to have a safe and enjoyable experience:

1. Skipper Guidance: Each yacht is assigned a professional skipper who is responsible for the safe operation of the vessel. Follow the skipper’s instructions regarding sailing procedures, anchorages, and safety protocols. They have the expertise and experience to navigate the waters and handle any unforeseen situations.

2. Weather Awareness: Stay informed about weather conditions throughout your journey. Be aware of any potential storms or adverse weather and take necessary precautions. Your skipper will have access to weather updates and can advise you on the best course of action to ensure your safety.

3. Safety Equipment: Ensure that the yacht is equipped with essential safety equipment, including life jackets, flares, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits. Familiarize yourself with the location and usage of safety equipment onboard. Ensure that everyone in your crew knows where the safety equipment is stored and how to use it in case of emergencies.

4. Respect Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations of Croatia. Observe speed limits, navigation rules, and any other regulations set by local authorities. It’s important to respect the environment, marine life, and the communities you visit during your journey.

5. Mooring Etiquette: When mooring at marinas or anchorages, be considerate of other vessels. Follow proper mooring procedures and avoid blocking access or overcrowding spaces. Respect any designated areas or zones and ensure that you leave the mooring area as you found it.

6. Responsible Alcohol Consumption: While enjoying the vibrant party atmosphere during The Yacht Week, it’s important to drink responsibly. Exercise moderation and be aware of your alcohol consumption. Stay hydrated and plan ahead for safe transportation after consuming alcohol, such as arranging designated drivers or utilizing taxi services.

7. Swim Safety: Take necessary precautions when swimming or engaging in water activities. Be mindful of water depth and currents, especially in unfamiliar areas. Avoid diving into shallow water and always assess the conditions before cliff jumping or engaging in any water-based activities.

8. Emergency Contacts: Save emergency contact numbers including local authorities, Coast Guard, and medical services in your phone. Ensure that all crew members are aware of these emergency contacts and the location of onboard safety equipment.

Remember to respect the natural surroundings, wildlife, and local communities during your sailing adventure. Dispose of waste responsibly, avoid littering, and be mindful of noise levels, especially during overnight stays.

It’s important to note that safety is a shared responsibility. Communicate openly with your crew members, listen to the guidance of your skipper, and take necessary precautions to ensure that everyone onboard has a safe and enjoyable experience during The Yacht Week Croatia.

Tips and Advice

Here are some tips and advice to help you make the most of your Yacht Week Croatia experience:

1. Pack Smart: Pack light and efficiently. Include essentials like swimwear, sunscreen, towels, and comfortable clothing suitable for warm weather. Don’t forget any necessary medications, a waterproof bag for keeping belongings dry, and a power bank to keep your devices charged.

2. Stay Hydrated: The Croatian sun and activities can be exhausting. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, especially when exposed to the sun or engaging in water activities. Carry a reusable water bottle and refill it regularly.

3. Embrace the Experience: Let go of expectations and fully immerse yourself in the adventure. Be open to meeting new people, trying new activities, and embracing the unique atmosphere of The Yacht Week Croatia.

4. Capture Memories: Bring a waterproof camera or phone case to capture memorable moments. From picturesque sunsets to fun-filled parties, you’ll have plenty of opportunities for incredible photos and videos.

5. Respect the Environment: Keep the oceans and coastlines clean by avoiding littering and disposing of waste responsibly. Be mindful of anchorages and marine life, and avoid damaging reefs or disturbing natural habitats.

6. Plan Ahead: Familiarize yourself with the route and scheduled events. Take note of any must-visit destinations, recommended activities, and parties. Planning ahead will help you make the most of your time and ensure you don’t miss out on any highlights.

7. Be Flexible: While having a plan is essential, also be open to embracing spontaneity. Weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances may lead to changes in the itinerary. Stay flexible and adapt to the situation for a stress-free experience.

8. Stay Connected: Stay connected with your crew members and the Yacht Week community. Exchange contact information with fellow sailors to coordinate meet-ups and share experiences. Utilize social media platforms or apps recommended by The Yacht Week to stay updated on events and meet-ups.

9. Take Care of the Yacht: Treat the yacht as if it were your own. Clean up after yourself, be mindful of any potential damages, and respect the rules and regulations provided by the yacht charter company.

10. Have Fun and Make Memories: The Yacht Week Croatia is all about having fun, making memories, and forging lifelong friendships. Embrace the spirit of adventure, dance the night away, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Remember, The Yacht Week Croatia offers a unique and exciting experience. By following these tips and advice, you’ll be well-prepared to have an unforgettable sailing adventure along the stunning coastline of Croatia.

The Yacht Week Croatia is a transformative sailing adventure that combines breathtaking vistas, thrilling parties, and unforgettable memories. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a first-time adventurer, this unique experience offers something for everyone.

From the moment you step aboard your yacht, you’ll embark on a journey like no other. Sail along the stunning Croatian coastline, explore picturesque islands, and discover hidden coves with crystal-clear waters. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of beach parties and rooftop bars, dancing under the stars and creating connections with like-minded individuals from all around the world.

The Yacht Week Croatia is not only about partying; it’s also an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of nature, embrace outdoor activities, and discover the rich history and culture of Croatia’s coastal towns. Swim in pristine waters, snorkel among marine life, and indulge in mouthwatering local cuisine.

Throughout your voyage, you’ll have the support of professional skippers who ensure your safety and smooth sailing. They’ll guide you through the Adriatic Sea and share their knowledge of the best spots to visit, local traditions, and hidden gems along the coast.

Whether you join as a group or as an individual, The Yacht Week Croatia creates a sense of community and friendship that extends beyond the week-long adventure. You’ll form lifelong bonds with your crewmates, exchanging stories, laughter, and experiences that will forever be etched in your memory.

As you bid farewell to the sun-soaked coastline and vibrant nightlife, you’ll leave with a sense of fulfillment, feeling alive with a newfound love for sailing and the beauty of Croatia. The Yacht Week Croatia is much more than a vacation; it’s an exhilarating experience that challenges you to step out of your comfort zone, open yourself up to new friendships, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

So, set sail, dance the night away, swim in turquoise waters, and fully embrace the adventure that awaits you during The Yacht Week Croatia. Get ready to make memories that will shape your story and leave you yearning to return to the enchanting Adriatic Sea.


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Undiscovered Path Home

Revealing The True Cost of Yacht Week Croatia

  • August 11, 2023
  • 8 minute read

Dreaming of setting sail in the Mediterranean, swimming in sparkling blue waters, and dancing in outdoor clubs on private islands? The Yacht Week Croatia is an iconic, super fun event that draws thousands of people each year – but the Yacht Week cost can be overwhelming for some before they understand their options. 

The Yacht Week Croatia (the original Yacht Week route!) is on many, many people’s bucket lists. When I sailed with The Yacht Week Croatia, we had guests from as far away as the U.S. and Australia flying to Croatia to attend the event. If you’re dreaming about spending a week on the water, but aren’t sure how to start budgeting, I’m here to help you plan your Croatia Yacht Week adventure. 

We set sail with The Yacht Week in Croatia in July 2023 – and despite the amount of research I did in advance, very few articles or budget breakdowns mentioned the true extent of the Yacht Week Cost. The Yacht Week boat fee is JUST the start – there are lots of hidden fees ! So how much does The Yacht Week cost, really? Let’s get into it with my detailed budget breakdown. 

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When is Yacht Week Croatia? 

Tunnel Raft, one of the many reasons people want to sail Yacht Week Croatia

The Yacht Week happens every summer – it’s the most iconic (and the original) rent-a-yacht-and-party experience in the Mediterranean. The Yacht Week runs what they call several different “routes,” meaning they sail in a couple different locations (more on that below). However, Yacht Week Croatia is the “original route” – and the one many people pick for that very reason. Each year, Yacht Week runs seven day routes from May to August . 

There are other Yacht Week routes. Nowadays, Yacht Week runs routes in Greece, Turkey, and even Tahiti! You can find a full list of their destinations here . However, the original route? That’s Yacht Week Croatia.  

How much does Yacht Week cost?

Most people know The Yacht Week costs a pretty penny – but just how much does it cost? 

A girl hangs off a boat during Yacht Week Croatia

The Yacht Week cost depends on several factors:

  • Do you want a cabin on a boat, or will you rent out an entire boat with your group?
  • If you do plan to rent out your own boat, how many people will be in your group to help split the cost? 
  • Do you want a host, or will you handle your own food? 
  • Do you want a simple boat, or will you upgrade to a luxury option (a bigger boat with air conditioning)?

Our group attended The Yacht Week in mid-July 2023 and opted to rent a single monohull with no A/C – the simplest, most affordable option. However, we did add a host to our boat to help prepare meals and tidy the boat, which added a small extra cost. It ended up costing us 10,500 USD for the entire boat with a host. 

A girl smiling during Yacht Week Croatia

The great part about The Yacht Week is that you have multiple price tiers to fit a variety of budgets. Let’s dive into the breakdown. 

The Core Yacht Week Cost (the Yacht Fee)

First things first: you’ll need to pick your boat. The Yacht Week offers four boat options:

  • Classic Monohull
  • Premium Monohull 
  • Classic Catamaran 
  • Premium Catamaran 

Each option comes with a skipper, entrance to Yacht Week parties, towels and linen, and boat cleaning at the end of the week post check-out. 

Though the costs change each year, generally, the classic Monohull is the most affordable option. When we sailed in 2023, the boat was 10,500 Euros total for the week. That’s the starting price, though a premium catamaran will cost quite a bit more (though it also fits more people!). 

The classic monohull, the most affordable boats for Yacht Week Croatia

You can see how small the classic monohull looks above, but don’t be surprised — it fits more than you might expect!

The inside of the classic monohull, the most affordable boats for Yacht Week Croatia

If you’re unhappy with these options, Yacht Week has a luxury option that allows you to pick your own boat – many of which are often more expensive. We won’t talk about that option here, as it changes a little each year, both price-wise and option-wise. 

Adding a Host to Your Yacht Week Experience

Above, we talked about the “Host” option for Yacht Week. What exactly is a host?

Breakfast prepared by a host on the Yacht Week Croatia

A host is your chef for the week – and she also helps keep the boat tidy and assists on deck when needed. The host will cook:

  • All breakfast meals on board
  • All lunch meals on board
  • Two dinners on board

If you’re booking a single cabin on your Yacht Week boat, you may find the host is often, if not always, included in the price. 

However, if you’re booking your own boat to split with your friends, you’ll have the option to add your own host. The price of the host will depend on the amount of people you’re bringing on your boat. For six people, we ended up paying around 100 USD extra for the host each. 

Lunch prepared by a host on the Yacht Week Croatia

Keep in mind your host and skipper will need their own cabin, so you’ll have fewer options to split the cost. Normally, the host will split a cabin with the skipper – taking 2 people off the total number of people to fill the boat.

Hidden Fees: Yacht Week Croatia 

the yacht week croatia original route

There’s a significant amount of hidden fees many Yacht Week attendees don’t fully understand until they book their trip. Paying for the boat is only a portion of your full cost! Let’s dive into the parts of The Yacht Week they don’t discuss. 

  • Refundable yacht deposit/ security deposit: One person will pay this amount upon check-in. This deposit covers damage to the vessel. Assuming there is no damage, you’ll get the deposit back at the end of the week. You’ll pay $2,500 Euros, and you will almost always pay by credit card. 
  • The Cash Kitty : The biggest fee no one talks about? The Cash Kitty. The Cash Kitty is a name assigned to a group of miscellaneous fees collected at the start of your trip. These include port fees, yacht fuel, shore power, water, ice, and water taxis – among other things. The cash kitty will vary for each boat , because shore fees and fuel needs will be different for each boat. You can use this nifty calculator on their website (hidden way down at the bottom) to learn about your estimated fees. For a monohull on the Croatia Original Route, fees run around 1950 Euros total – or 200 Euros per person. For a catamaran, those fees run around 2500 Euros total – or 245 Euros per person. The breakdown assumes, of course, you’re filling the boat. If you don’t plan to fill the boat, each person will need to pay more. At the end of the trip, if your skipper has leftover money, they will hand it back to you. On our boat, we had no leftover money. 
  • Tip : You’ll need to tip your crew at the end of the trip, too! Your tip should be around 10% to 20% of your total booking price . That means for a classic monohull, a 20% tip would be around 2,000 USD . You will need to tip your crew in cash. 
  • Food & drink : If you’re booking your own boat, you’ll need to worry about food and drinks, too – no matter if you have a host or not. Not every spot you dock will have easy access to restaurants or food (though most major ports will, of course). That’s why you should go grocery shopping in advance. For an entire week’s worth of food and drink for six guests, a host and a skipper, we paid around 850 Euros. However, we also opted out of one dinner and therefore had less food. A word of advice about the food situation: the best grocery store you’ll find? It’s near the dock, about a 10 minute walk away. None of the other ports had as large or well-stocked stores. So stock up early, if you can – because there aren’t always food options everywhere you go. That’s also why I recommend a host: she’s familiar with the boats and storage space. There isn’t a ton of room in the fridge, so it’s usually a tough fit.  
  • Host & Skipper Food Fees : During your charter, you’ll need to cover any costs for your host and skipper to have food. It’s tradition to invite them to dinner with you and cover their costs. If you don’t want to do that, you’ll need to give them cash to eat dinner. 
  • Transport to/from the marina : You’ll need to get to and from the marina, which will be assigned to you closer to the date of departure. Don’t fret – if you can’t afford a taxi, there’s an excellent bus that runs often between Trogir, the airport, and Split for two Euros. 
  • Additional speakers and/or cooler : I know the Yacht Week website says the boats come with speakers, but that’s normally not true. If you want to blast music, you’ll need to rent a speaker. The speaker will cost 250 Euros to 300 Euros, depending on size. The smaller cooler will cost 70 Euros, the bigger one, 90 euros. If you’re visiting in peak summer, opt for the bigger cooler for sure. Keep in mind these are provided by a third party and prices fluctuate year by year. Pro tip: You can’t actually play loud music at most ports past 8 p.m. or 10 p.m. And some days, you’ll be at port for the entire day.So keep that in mind! 
  • Misc. Costs : Be sure to bring some spending money for miscellaneous expenses. That means dinners on shore, for the most part, and drinks when you’re out and about. This should cost around 100 – 200 Euros at most, depending on how much you drink and how much you eat. 

When you take the security deposit out of the equation, we brought around 500 to 1,000 Euros extra per person to cover the above fees – and spent all of it, too. 

How many people do you need for Yacht Week?

the yacht week croatia original route

You can travel with as little people as you want – or as many (to an extent). 

If you want to go solo, you can book a bed in a cabin on a yacht. Alternatively, you can look on “Crew Finder” and other Facebook groups for groups looking to add people to their yachts. 

However, if you want to rent out your own boat, you can fill it up. The maximum depends on your boat and whether you opt for a host. Generally speaking, it’s a maximum of 6 to 12 people. You can bring less, of course, but everyone will have to pay more to cover the total cost. 

Do you need A/C?

The silhouette of a girl walking along a tide pool during Yacht Week Croatia

Ah yes, the golden question. Do you need air conditioning when you’re booking Yacht Week? Let’s be honest: Yacht Week costs can add up, and it may seem a little pricey. 

Before getting on the boat, I read as many blog posts and forums as I could – and everyone recommended air conditioning. I was really worried because we booked a boat without air conditioning. 

We traveled in mid-July, and it was really hot. We’re talking 38 degrees Celcius our first two days. Did we make it? Yeah, it ended up being totally fine . Many boats have lots of space to sleep outside. You can bring cushions and camp under the stars. 

Boats rafted together for Tunnel Raft during Yacht Week Croatia

Half our boat opted to sleep outside, the other half, inside. Either way, everyone was surprised – it ended up being much easier to sleep than we expected. Later in the week, when it cooled off, most people ended up sleeping inside with no problems. 

So do you need A/C? It’s up to you. 

Remember: The reality is different, and not everything you read online is true. People we met with A/C on their boats told us the A/C had been broken…and was broken the entire trip and the entire season.

These are boats, after all. Things break, and they don’t always get fixed. If you book a boat with A/C, remember, there’s a chance it may be broken. In addition, remember you can only use the A/C when plugged into shore power (which was only 4 days on our route). 

Final Musings 

yachts docked in Bol during the Yacht Week Croatia

Yacht Week Croatia can be affordable – if you’re willing to skip out on some of the luxuries. One mentality shift? Think of it like camping! To optimize your Yacht Week Croatia costs, make sure to think about alllll the hidden fees and costs in advance. There’s nothing worse than being surprised with costs. Happy Sailing!! 

Samantha Tatro in Czech Republic

Samantha Tatro is a Czech-American third culture kid who grew up living and traveling abroad. Many years later, after living in California and working as a journalist, she decided to take the leap and move abroad again…this time to Prague, Czech Republic. Samantha started Undiscovered Path Home to help couples and solo female travelers find the courage to visit countries – and locations – off the beaten path. Her work has appeared in Bon Appetit, NBC News , The Adecco Group , and more .

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Wow! This looks like an incredible adventure. My husband and I have been talking about spending a week on a catamaran around the Caribbean. This is definitely convincing me!

Thank you! Honestly, it’s so worth it (I even have sea sickness and loved it!)

Great tips and love the photos!

Thank you!!

Yacht Week sounds like so much fun! I love the idea of thinking of it a bit like camping if you can’t afford to splurge on all the luxuries. It’s good to know that it is an experience that most people can enjoy, even if you’re working with a smaller budget. Thanks for the comprehensive guide!

I had no idea about this. It looks very fun! 🙂

I would love to do this! Have not been to Croatia but have done flotilla sails in Greece, Caribbean and BVI. It is not cheap, but well worth it, I found. Thanks for the insights about this event.

That sounds amazing — it’s never cheap but it’s such a unique experience!

Have always wanted to do yacht week! Thanks for the info!

Oh this looks amazing! I’ve not sailed for years other than from a to b. I think I need to start considering more ways to travel around than the usual plane, train or car.

This looks like so much fun! I’ve always wanted to go on a yacht in Crotia. Looks like a great way to explore the area. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Thank you for reading!! 100% bucket list!

This sounds like so much fun! I will definitely have to try it with the hubby one day!

It’s such a unique experience!

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Sardinia, Refined Route

A Yacht Week exclusively designed for a 40-ish crowd. Join us for champagne sunsets, starlit dance decks and spectacular sailing. Rediscover refined revelry. Sign up to register your interest for 2025.

Live La Dolce Vita with us

Join a crowd of explorers seeking refined revelry.

Sail Sardinia's rugged coast through archipelagos all the way to Corsica. Dip into an itinerary packed with top-notch sailing, handpicked experiences, curated dining and the best of Yacht Week, including our renowned circle raft parties. The same epic parties and vibrant atmosphere of the original route, with a little added sophistication for a seasoned crowd.

It's yacht life, elevated.

Join us for:

✅ The best of the original Yacht Week ✅ Raft nights ✅ Curated Expert-curated dining ✅ A wide programme of activities from diving to yoga & hiking ✅ Hidden coves, secret stops and chic nightlife ✅ Connections for a lifetime included

Circle Raft Party

Old Town Hike

Gourmet French and Italian Food

New Dining Experiences

La Maddalena archipelago

Cruise around in a Buggy

Diving Sardinia

Professional Host

Sail to France

Tunnel Raft Party

Explore Natural Bays

Bonifacio Cliffs

Grab a Jet Ski

Dockside Party in La Maddalena

Live, love and laugh with us: talk to the team today.

Start planning the adventure of a lifetime. Book a call with our friendly team to hear more about the route, the crowd and our packages.

Included in our routes

Yacht accommodation
 (6 nights)

Access to all exclusive events

International DJs

Stereo speakers onboard

Final yacht cleaning

Towels & bed linen

Festival VIP

Your word, not ours

After 15 years running Yacht Week, people have a lot to say about us

Amazing week!!! Would 100% do again !

Derek Jackson

I wanna redo this all over again

This week was the highlight of the year. Thanks for this unforgettable memories.

Jenna Bobena

Will Charlton

Nicole Tinkoff

Ashley Koide

The Sardinia Route was INCREDIBLE btw. Bring it back!!!!!!! So beautiful!!!!

Doriano Hautlé

I like the variety of parties, also the locations were great!

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the yacht week croatia original route


When is yacht week in croatia?

When is Yacht Week in Croatia?

Yacht Week is an annual event that takes place in Croatia, attracting thousands of sailors and party enthusiasts from all over the world. The event has become a staple of the Croatian sailing scene, offering a unique experience for those who want to combine sailing, socializing, and partying in one of the most beautiful sailing destinations in the world.

What is Yacht Week?

Yacht Week is a sailing event that started in 2005 in Croatia and has since become a global phenomenon. The event is a series of sailing regattas and parties that take place on the Adriatic coast, specifically in Croatia and Montenegro. The event is organized by The Yacht Week, a company that specializes in sailing events and charters.

Yacht Week in Croatia typically takes place in July and August, with the exact dates varying from year to year. The event usually starts around the first week of July and ends around the last week of August. The dates for the 2023 Yacht Week in Croatia are July 2-9 and July 9-16 , with the Hvar Regatta taking place on July 15-16.

What to Expect during Yacht Week in Croatia

Yacht Week in Croatia is a 7-day event that offers a unique sailing experience for participants. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Sailing Regattas : The event features a series of sailing regattas that take place along the Adriatic coast. The regattas are designed to be fun and social, with a focus on camaraderie and competition rather than intense racing.
  • Parties : Yacht Week is known for its lively parties, which take place on board the yachts and in various marinas and harbors. The parties feature live music, DJs, and other entertainment.
  • Social Events : In addition to the sailing regattas and parties, Yacht Week in Croatia features a range of social events, including beach parties, BBQs, and cultural events.
  • Yacht Charters : Yacht Week in Croatia offers a range of yacht charter options, from 30-foot monohulls to 60-foot catamarans. Participants can choose from a variety of yacht types and sizes to suit their needs and preferences.

Highlights of Yacht Week in Croatia

Here are some of the highlights of Yacht Week in Croatia:

  • Hvar Regatta : The Hvar Regatta is the highlight of Yacht Week in Croatia, featuring a series of sailing races and a closing party on the island of Hvar.
  • Split to Hvar : The first leg of the event takes participants from Split to Hvar, one of the most beautiful islands in the Adriatic.
  • Vis to Kor ula : The second leg of the event takes participants from Vis to Kor ula, another stunning island in the Adriatic.
  • DCP Party : The DCP Party is a highlight of Yacht Week in Croatia, featuring live music and a beach party on the island of Hvar.

Tips for Participating in Yacht Week in Croatia

Here are some tips for participating in Yacht Week in Croatia:

  • Book Early : Book your yacht charter and accommodations well in advance, as Yacht Week in Croatia is a popular event.
  • Be Prepared : Make sure you’re prepared for the sailing regattas by having the necessary sailing experience and qualifications.
  • Pack Light : Pack light and be prepared for the weather, which can be unpredictable in the Adriatic.
  • Respect the Environment : Yacht Week in Croatia is committed to respecting the environment and local communities. Make sure to follow the rules and regulations of the event.

Yacht Week in Croatia – A Table of Highlights

Here’s a table of highlights for Yacht Week in Croatia:

Event Date Location Description
Hvar Regatta July 15-16 Hvar Sailing regatta and closing party
Split to Hvar July 2-3 Split to Hvar First leg of the event
Vis to Kor
ula July 8-9 Vis to Kor
ula Second leg of the event
DCP Party July 10 Hvar Live music and beach party

Yacht Week in Croatia is a unique and exciting sailing event that offers a range of activities and experiences for participants. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or just looking for a fun and social sailing experience, Yacht Week in Croatia is an event you won’t want to miss. With its beautiful sailing routes, lively parties, and stunning islands, Yacht Week in Croatia is a must-attend event for anyone who loves sailing and partying.

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What we know about the Bayesian superyacht that sank

The Bayesian, which capsized in the early hours of Monday, was an award-winning yacht with the second-tallest mast in the world.

the yacht week croatia original route

News reporter @niamhielynch

Friday 23 August 2024 12:37, UK

Pic: Perini Navi

The Bayesian, an award-winning superyacht, sank during bad weather off the coast of Sicily in the early hours of Monday.

On Thursday, authorities confirmed divers had found the bodies of British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, Morgan Stanley International boss Jonathan Bloomer, his wife Judy, and one of Mr Lynch's lawyers Chris Morvillo, and his wife Neda.

Recaldo Thomas, the on-board chef, was the first to be confirmed dead earlier this week.

Mr Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, was rescued along with 14 others - including Charlotte Golunski, a mother who told la Repubblica she held her one-year-old baby above the waves to save her from drowning.

Mr Lynch's 18-year-old daughter Hannah is missing, but believed to be the seventh body recovered from the wreckage on Friday.

But what do we know about the ship?

The British-flagged 56-metre ship - previously called the Salute - was built in 2008 by Italian shipyard Perini Navi, and refitted in 2020.

More on Superyacht Sinking

Divers have been searching the area where the yacht sank. Pic: Reuters

Captain of superyacht that sank off Italian coast questioned as prosecutors open manslaughter investigation

Mike and Hannah Lynch

Mike Lynch's court-appointed guard pays tribute to him and daughter Hannah

Rescue personnel transport what is believed to be the body of Hannah Lynch, daughter of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, at the scene where a luxury yacht sank, off the coast of Porticello, near the Sicilian city of Palermo, Italy, August 23, 2024. REUTERS/Louiza Vradi

Superyacht rescue efforts impressive to observe - but this was a tragedy from the beginning

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  • Superyacht sinking

Its 72-metre mast was the world's tallest aluminium mast, and the second-tallest overall. The yacht could reach a maximum speed of 15 knots and weighed 543 tonnes.

The French design house Remi Tessier fitted out the Japanese-style interior decor, with touches of light and dark beige and dark wood furnishings, as well as a teak deck.

Pic: Danny Wheelz

It won the best exterior styling at The World Superyacht Awards in 2009, and best interior at the International Superyacht Society Awards 2008.

It had six guest bedrooms - one master, three doubles, and two twins - holding 12 people, and could carry another 10 crew members.

Pictures show air conditioning units in several of the bedrooms, which could counter expert claims open windows may have caused water to rush in and tip the boat over faster. says it was owned by a firm called Revtom Limited. Mike Lynch's wife, Ms Bacares, is named as the sole shareholder of the firm on company documents.

Read more from Sky News: Lynch's co-defendant dies after being hit by car We can learn from Lynch's unsuccessful prosecution

The yacht's name would resonate with Mr Lynch because his PhD thesis and the software that made his fortune involved a statistical method known as Bayesian inference, based on an 18th-century theory, which helps forecasters predict outcomes more reliably.

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the yacht week croatia original route

It was listed for rent for up to €195,000 (£166,000) a week, according to online charter sites.

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Mapped: New mpox cases reported. What countries have it now?

A new, potentially more deadly strain of the virus is rapidly spreading within Africa and has been discovered in Asia and Europe.

Mpox isolation ward Pakistan

Uganda has reported two new cases of the clade 1b strain of  the mpox virus .

The health ministry has announced that one of the patients is a truck driver and that both are in isolation at a hospital in Entebbe, about an hour south of the capital.

Keep reading

Public health emergency as global mpox cases confirmed, what is mpox and how do you protect yourself, thailand says mpox detected in european who travelled from africa, mpox not the new covid, says who.

As mpox spreads, concerns are rising about the confirmed cases of 1b, a new and potentially deadlier strain.

Where has mpox spread?

Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand and Uganda have reported cases – a total of 18.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the virus a “public health emergency of international concern” while emphasising that mpox is “ not the new COVID “.

This is the second emergency alert relating to mpox from the global health agency in two years.

Mpox has been identified in Africa since 2022, originally traced to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The current outbreak is mostly triggered by Clade 1, believed to be a more serious variant that can spread through skin-to-skin contact.

In 2023, a new strain of Clade 1 was discovered in DRC – Clade 1b.

A different outbreak of the virus’s earlier Clade 2 variant is also spreading, although at lower levels, with more than 100 countries reporting infections by last month.

Clade 2 is believed to cause milder infections and has a fatality rate of 0.2 percent compared with 3.9 percent for Clade 1.

Here’s where mpox disease has spread from January to August this year:

According to data from the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), WHO, and the governments of Kenya, Mozambique, Uganda and the Ivory Coast, variants of Mpox have been detected in these countries this year:

Clade 1 and Clade 1a

  • Burundi (eight cases, zero deaths)
  • Cameroon (35, two)
  • Central African Republic (213, zero)
  • Republic of Congo (146, one)
  • DRC (13,791, 450)
  • Rwanda (two, zero)
  • Uganda (four, zero)
  • Kenya (one, zero)
  • Mozambique (one, zero)
  • Ivory Coast (28, one)
  • Ghana (four, zero)
  • Liberia (five, zero)
  • Nigeria (24, zero)
  • South Africa (22, three)

The DRC is experiencing the biggest outbreak of the disease ever recorded with thousands of people infected as of August 21. The government declared an epidemic in December 2022 .

Nearly all reported Mpox cases – 96 percent – across Africa are in the DRC, where children younger than 15 account for 60 percent of the cases, Africa CDC said.

The new Clade 1b strain has been detected in countries neighbouring the DRC: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda, which had not previously reported any cases since the outbreak began in 2022.

In West Africa and Southern Africa, the outbreaks are linked to the Clade 2 variant. Cameroon is reporting both Clades 1 and 2.

So far, 541 deaths have been recorded from mpox, with 535 in the DRC (97 percent). The Africa CDC does not classify deaths according to strain.

  • Pakistan (one, zero)
  • Philippines (one case, zero deaths)
  • Thailand (one, zero)

The Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan reported new mpox cases in August.

In Thailand, authorities confirmed a new case of Clade 1b on Thursday, Asia’s first case of the new strain.

The individual, identified as a 66-year-old European male, reportedly returned from an unnamed African country currently experiencing a “large” outbreak of the Clade 1 variant.

He reportedly does not have serious symptoms and was believed to have transited through a Middle Eastern country en route to Thailand.

In the Philippines, authorities said the milder Clade 2 variant has been confirmed in the most recent case there – a 33-year-old Filipino male with no travel history.

The patient is the country’s 10th confirmed case since 2022 and authorities say mpox has likely been spreading quietly for a while.

Pakistani authorities said its first patient reported this year is a male infected with Clade 2.

However, authorities said last week they are trying to trace the patient, who is believed to have travelled to another province before the test results were released.

  •  Sweden (one case, zero deaths)

Sweden reported an mpox case on August 15 which was confirmed to be the more serious Clade 1 variant.

It is “highly likely” that Europe will record more cases of Clade 1 because of frequent air travel between Europe and Africa, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

However, sustained transmission might be low in Europe if cases are quickly diagnosed and if testing, surveillance and contact tracing are used, the agency said. The European Union has ruled out closing its borders to hard-hit countries.

Americas, Middle East, Oceania and Antarctica

No countries in North or South America have reported new Clade 1 cases so far.

However, they should be “alert” to possible Clade 1 and Clade 2 cases, the Pan American Health Organization said on August 9.

The region reported more than 62,000 cases of the Clade 2 virus from 2022 to July 2024, including 141 deaths.

There are no confirmed cases of Clade 1 in Oceania or the Middle East.


  1. The Yacht Week Croatia Original Experience

    the yacht week croatia original route

  2. The Yacht Week Croatia Original Experience

    the yacht week croatia original route

  3. The Yacht Week Croatia Original Experience

    the yacht week croatia original route

  4. The Yacht Week Croatia Original Experience

    the yacht week croatia original route

  5. Beginners Guide To Yacht Week Croatia

    the yacht week croatia original route

  6. Sailing Holidays in Croatia

    the yacht week croatia original route


  1. Croatia, Original

    The original and best floating festival. As the place where it all began, this route isn't just an option; it's the definitive Yacht Week experience that beckons to all. Discover hidden coves, savour the finest local cuisine, and dance until the break of day. Exclusive Yacht Week parties. Floating DJ booth.

  2. Croatia, Original Route

    Sail Croatia for 7 days on our festive route. Explore Hvar, Split and other islands every day as well as our famous floating day parties. How It Works. How It Works. What's Included ... Croatia, Original Route. The original The Yacht Week experience, and the home of the floating festival. Spend seven days sailing and partying around the ...

  3. Croatia, Original Route

    Then you will have time to register with us, do the check-in with the yachting company and the food shopping before you get your yacht. The yachts normally set sail between 4-6pm. You will get back to the marina on Friday afternoon and have to check out and leave the yacht before 9am on Saturday morning. See full FAQ.

  4. What will the itinerary look like for Croatia Original Route?

    What will the itinerary look like for Croatia Original Route? Updated over a week ago. The exact routes are set a few weeks before the event starts. As soon as the routes are set, you will be able to view the arrival info on your booking and on the Day8 app. In the meantime, you can see an example route here, as well as lots of information ...

  5. The Yacht Week

    Croatia is and always has been a firm favorite… but we're biased 😏 Experience our original route firsthand this summer. See what all the fuss is aboat.www.t...

  6. Yacht Week Croatia Original Route

    It's going to be one of the best weeks of your life - embrace the insanity. The essential guide to the Yacht Week Croatia Original Route. Packing tips, how to choose the best crew, restaurants to stop at, and more. A perfect one-stop shop for the first-time yacht weeker.

  7. The Ultimate Guide to The Yacht Week Croatia

    Extra Costs: 5. While grocery shopping isn't too expensive in general in Croatia, this route can rack up some serious extra costs. Port fees can cost more than $100 a night, parties can be expensive (especially if you're buying bottle service), and you will burn through some fuel.

  8. All Croatia Routes

    Tell me more about the music on the Drumcode, Croatia Route. Tell me more about the music on the Pêche week. Tell me more about the music on the Ultra, Croatia Route.

  9. What will the itinerary for the Croatia, Ultra Route look like?

    The exact routes are set a few weeks before the event starts. As soon as the routes are set, you will be able to view it on the arrival info on your booking and on the Day8 app. In the meantime, you can see an example route here, as well as lots of information regarding the highlights and things to do on route.

  10. Everything You Wanted to Know About Yacht Week Croatia

    Yacht Week Croatia is a seven-day motor-assisted sailing experience that takes place once a year at various locations in the Croatian Adriatic. The main organizer is European Travel Ventures. Current main destinations are: Greece (Athens route) the Caribbean (BVI route), Montenegro (Adriatic route), and. Croatia (Original route, Ultra festival ...

  11. The Ultimate Guide to The Yacht Week in Croatia

    When it comes to The Yacht Week in Croatia, there are seven different routes to choose from. Each route offers a unique experience, with varying levels of partying, local exploration, and cultural immersion. The Original Croatia Route is the most popular choice, known for its legendary parties and breathtaking scenery.

  12. Croatia, Original

    Sail Croatia for 7 days on our festive route. Explore Hvar, Split and other islands every day as well as our famous floating day parties. ... Croatia, Original. The original, the biggest and the best floating festival around. Join a like-minded crowd for exclusive parties, circle rafts and adventure. Browse dates

  13. The Beginners Guide to Yacht Week Croatia

    Pick A Route. The Yacht Week Croatia is here to make life harder on you by giving you not one, not two, ... The black route is not only the best route (based off of public opinion), but it's the original route. There are typically 30-50 boats sailing this route, which currently makes it the most popular out of the three. My group decided to ...

  14. Destination guide for Croatia destinations, Greece routes & more

    The best of Yacht Week in original and new destinations. ... secluded coves and the best eating, drinking and partying on the planet whichever route you choose. Explore Destination. Dates May - Aug. Price from €613pp. Most popular. Croatia Original. Our first ever sailing adventure. If an Insta-worthy coastline and vibrant nightlife scene ...

  15. The Ultimate Guide to The Yacht Week Croatia

    The Yacht Week Croatia offers several route options, each showcasing a different set of stunning destinations and experiences. Here are some of the popular routes to consider: 1. Dubrovnik Route: Starting from the "Pearl of the Adriatic," Dubrovnik, this route takes you along the southern coast of Croatia.

  16. Revealing The True Cost of Yacht Week Croatia

    For a monohull on the Croatia Original Route, fees run around 1950 Euros total - or 200 Euros per person. For a catamaran, those fees run around 2500 Euros total - or 245 Euros per person. The breakdown assumes, of course, you're filling the boat. If you don't plan to fill the boat, each person will need to pay more.

  17. Everything You Need To Know About The Yacht Week

    Yacht Week Croatia, Dubrovnik route. Yacht Week Croatia, Ultra Festival route. Yacht Week Greece, Athens route. Yacht Week Carribean, BVI route. Yacht Week Montenegro, Adriatic route. Pick a week - each event is 7 days long and generally start and end on Saturday. The options vary by location, with the Europe routes running in the summer and ...

  18. Sardinia, Refined Route

    Sardinia, Refined Route. A Yacht Week exclusively designed for a 40-ish crowd. Join us for champagne sunsets, starlit dance decks and spectacular sailing. Rediscover refined revelry. ... Croatia, Original. From €613/ person. Greece, Athens. From €889/ person. Croatia, Ultra. Caribbean, BVI. From €1,950/ person. Polynesia, Tahiti.

  19. Yacht Week FAQ

    About your Yacht Week . 17 articles. Our Destinations . 56 articles. Our Skippers and Hosts. 7 articles. Life on Yacht Week. 6 articles. Our Booking Options. 13 articles. Payments & Cancellations .

  20. Yacht Week

    The best of Yacht Week in original and new destinations. ... secluded coves and the best eating, drinking and partying on the planet whichever route you choose. Explore Destination. Dates May - Aug. Price from €613pp. Most popular. Croatia Original. Our first ever sailing adventure. If an Insta-worthy coastline and vibrant nightlife scene ...

  21. When is yacht week in croatia?

    Yacht Week is a sailing event that started in 2005 in Croatia and has since become a global phenomenon. The event is a series of sailing regattas and parties that take place on the Adriatic coast ...

  22. Sicily Bayesian yacht sinking

    One man has died and six people are missing after a luxury yacht sank in freak weather conditions off the coast of Sicily. The 56m British-flagged Bayesian was carrying 22 people - 12 passengers ...

  23. What we know about the Bayesian superyacht that sank

    Recaldo Thomas, the on-board chef, was the first to be confirmed dead earlier this week. Mr Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, was rescued along with 14 others - including Charlotte Golunski, a mother ...

  24. Croatia, Ultra Europe Festival

    The only sailing experience with Ultra VIP. Get the best of our original Yacht Week plus exclusive VIP access to Ultra Europe, an iconic festival featuring the world's top EDM DJs, set against jaw-dropping stage designs. Join 500 Yacht Weekers for the biggest party of your life. 2 day Ultra pass with VIP access. Exclusive Yacht Week parties.

  25. Mapped: New mpox cases reported. What countries have it now?

    Uganda has reported two new cases of the clade 1b strain of the mpox virus. The health ministry has announced that one of the patients is a truck driver and that both are in isolation at a ...

  26. The Yacht Week Planner

    Croatia, Original. Greece, Athens. Caribbean, BVI. Festivals. Destination Guide. ... Log in. Book now. Introducing Yacht Week planner. Invite friends, synchronise your dates and collaborate your week together. Pick your paradise . Each route is unique and has varying degrees of party, culture and exploration. Croatia Original. Aug ...