20 Million Dollar Yachts

Find the perfect 20 million dollar yacht for sale.

Indulge in the epitome of maritime luxury with our exclusive selection of $20 million yachts for sale. These exceptional vessels represent the zenith of yachting sophistication, combining cutting-edge technology with exquisite design and unrivaled craftsmanship. Each yacht in this distinguished class offers expansive, elegantly appointed interiors, featuring opulent staterooms, state-of-the-art entertainment systems, and gourmet kitchens designed for the finest culinary experiences. The outdoor spaces are equally impressive, boasting spacious decks, luxurious lounges, and stunning amenities such as infinity pools and hot tubs, perfect for both relaxation and entertainment. Designed for those who demand nothing but the best, a $20 million yacht from our collection promises an extraordinary lifestyle of comfort, elegance, and adventure on the high seas.



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20m yacht kosten


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Entdecken Sie auf unserer Bootsbörse neue und gebrauchte Super- und Luxusyachten aller namhaften internationalen Hersteller. Nutzen Sie unser Portal, um private und gewerbliche Händler zu kontaktieren und schwelgen Sie dabei in Videos, Bildern und Beschreibungen der schönsten und teuersten Yachten der Welt.

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer exklusiven 30 Meter Yacht, dann entdecken Sie auch unsere Themenwelt . und finden Sie ebenfalls auf unserem Portal auf jeweils eigenen Produktseiten.

Die Liste der Luxusyacht-Hersteller ist lang. Zu den Top-Herstellern gehören unter anderem: Absolute, Azimut, Benetti, Cranchi, Fairline, Ferretti, Galeon, Pershing, , Princess, , San Lorenzo und Sunseeker.

Große Boote sind Custom oder Semi-Custom Yachts: Die Hersteller gewähren Ihren Kunden viele Möglichkeiten, die neue Yacht zu individualisieren. Oft besteht nicht nur die Wahl zwischen unzähligen verschiedenen Oberflächen und Stoffen für das Interiordesign, sondern auch zwischen mehreren Raumaufteilungen und technischen Funktionen.

Dennoch spiegelt sich der allgemeine Stil einer Werft häufig auch im Interiordesign wider. Während sich Benetti und Ferretti Luxusyachten von Innen eher in einem historisierenden prunkvollen Stil präsentieren, zeichnen sich Sunseeker oder Azimut Yachts durch eine zurückgenommene zeitlose Formensprache aus. Riva Yachts setzt derweil auf die Kombination von hochglänzendem Mahagoni, auf Leder und dezente Farbkontraste. Sehen Sie sich bei uns Fotos und Videos verschiedener Yachten von Innen an.

 Erfolgreich Ihre Yacht verkaufen -

Ähnlich wie beim Immobilienkauf bestehen bei Yachten große Preisunterschiede – vor allem aufgrund der enormen Größenunterschiede. In unserer Themenwelt finden Sie Boote ab einem Preis von einer Million Euro. Die teuersten Luxusyachten kosten über zwanzig Millionen Euro. Die Grenzen nach oben sind jedoch offen. Fast jährlich lassen Privatpersonen gewagtere Gigayachten bauen. Mit der Streets of Monaco entsteht gerade die teuerste Yacht der Welt: Sie soll über eine Milliarde Dollar kosten. Die derzeit teuerste und längste Yacht der Welt ist die Azzam des Scheichs Khalifa bin Zayid Al Nahyan. Sein fahrender Palast misst 180 Meter und soll einen Wert von 490 Millionen Euro haben. Die mit 150 bis 180 Meter Länge größten Yachten der Welt kosten zwischen 200 und 500 Millionen Euro.

Für neue Yachten gilt: Je mehr Individualisierung desto höher der Preis. Mega- und Superyachten ab 30 Metern Länge sind Customyachten, die die Hersteller exklusiv für ihre Kunden anfertigen, was sich auf den Preis auswirkt. Kleinere Yachten sind oft Semi-Customyachten, bei denen Sie sich für ein Modell entscheiden und beim Interieur die Wahl zwischen verschiedenen Designs haben. Die Faustregel, ein Meter Yacht würde eine Million Euro kosten, entspricht nicht wirklich den Marktpreisen. Vielmehr steigen die Preise exponentiell mit der Länge. Kleinere Luxusyachten kaufen Sie zu einem deutlich günstigeren „Meterpreis“. So zahlen Sie für manche 30 bis 40 Meter lange Yacht einen Preis von unter 15 Millionen Euro. Eine 25 bis 30 Meter messende Yacht kostet häufig unter neun Millionen Euro. 20 bis 25 Meter Yachten bekommen Sie für circa anderthalb bis dreieinhalb Millionen Euro. Für ein bis zwei Millionen finden Sie auf unserem Portal exklusive neue Boote von 15 bis 20 Metern Länge.

Einige Luxusyacht Hersteller wie Riva Yachts fertigen Ihre Boote vollständig in Handarbeit an, was sich ebenfalls auf den Preis auswirkt. Auch das Rumpfmaterial und der Antrieb sind für den Preis ausschlaggebend. Carbon ist etwas teurer als Aluminium und beides ist deutlich teurer als GFK. Elektromotoren sind teurer als Diesel- oder Benzin-Motoren. Und kosten mehr als .

Beim Kauf einer Yacht sollten Sie auch die Haltungs- und Wartungskosten miteinkalkulieren. So können Sie in etwa von zehn Prozent des Neupreises für Liegeplatz, Pflege, Wartung, Versicherung und Reparaturen ausgehen. Hinzu kommt die Bezahlung der Crew. Denn Yachten von über zwanzig Metern Länge sollten Sie möglichst mit Unterstützung eines Yachtmatrosen führen. Die Haltungskosten können Sie jedoch (teilweise) decken, wenn Sie Ihr Boot für den Yacht-Charter anbieten, solange Sie es nicht nutzen. Luxusyacht-Charter vor Mallorca oder Ibiza erfreuen sich einer großen Beliebtheit.

sind abgesehen von wenigen stark nachgefragten Oldtimer-Modellen deutlich günstiger als neue Yachten. So erhalten Sie manche fünf bis sieben Jahre junge Yacht gebraucht bereits um bis zu vierzig Prozent günstiger. Zwanzig Jahre alte Boote bekommen Sie oft für weniger als die Hälfte des ursprünglichen Kaufpreises. Für bereits zwei bis drei Millionen können Sie eine zehn bis fünfzehn Jahre alte 30m-Yacht kaufen. Immer gilt jedoch: Die Nachfrage bestimmt den Preis. Kult-Modelle können sogar im Wert steigen.

Natürlich müssen Sie bei gebrauchten Booten auch eventuelle Umbau- und Erneuerungsmaßnahmen miteinkalkulieren. Luxusyachten befinden sich jedoch häufig auch nach vielen Jahren noch in einem sehr guten Zustand, da bei der Fertigung hochwertige Materialien zum Einsatz kommen. Außerdem haben große Yachten häufig verhältnismäßig wenig Seemeilen 'auf dem Buckel', da sie viel vor Anker liegen.

Ob neue oder gebrauchte Boote – die Verkäufer von Premium-Yachten sind häufig gewerbliche Händler, die im Auftrag der Eigner verkaufen. Viele Händler sind dabei auf bestimmte Marken spezialisiert. Über unsere können Sie alle Yacht-Händler, Dealer und Broker finden, die eine bestimmte Marke führen, oder sich selbst als gewerblichen Händler registrieren. Möchten Sie als Privatperson Ihre Luxusyacht verkaufen, dann schalten Sie bei uns einfach eine kostenlose Anzeige. Wenn Sie Videos vom Produkt hinzufügen und es ausführlich beschreiben, erhöhen sich die Chancen eines schnellen Verkaufs.

Andere suchten aus nach:


Nach Schätzungen existierten 2017 weltweit circa 6.500 Yachten mit einer Länge ab 24 Metern. Der überwiegende Teil dieser Luxusyachten ist im Mittelmeer unterwegs. Dort kreuzen sie in der Hochsaison zwischen April und September und dienen außerhalb der Saison vor Anker als Unterkunft oder Partylocation.


Auch die Ostsee erfreut sich als Yachtrevier zunehmender Popularität. In unserer Themenwelt ist Deutschland als Liegeplatz voreingestellt. Sie finden bei uns aber auch Yachten, die vor Monaco und an den Küsten Kroatiens, Frankreichs, der Türkei, Italien oder Spanien ankern. Ihren favorisierten Liegeplatz und Preis können Sie ebenso wie die Länge, das Baujahr und viele weitere Details über die Filterfunktion anpassen. So bekommen Sie eine Top-Auswahl der für Sie in Frage kommenden Produkte angezeigt. Probieren Sie es einfach aus und entdecken Sie vielleicht noch heute Ihre exklusive Traumyacht!

begleitet Sie auf dem Weg zu einer für Ihre Luxusyacht.

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Wir arbeiten mit Original Banken für die Finanzierungen Ihrer Luxusyacht und erstellen Ihnen zur passenden Yacht.

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20m yacht kosten

Superyachts of 20m (66 ft) In Length

  • Inspiration

Adapt your search results here:

Sailing Yacht LIFETIME

COLIBRI | From US$ 57,900/wk

Sailing Catamaran COLIBRI

PANGEA | Enquire for Pricing

Luxury Yacht PANGEA

Celtic Spirit of Fastnet ex Lazy Jacques

lazy jacques

dARTAGNAN | From EUR€ 23,000/wk


Lady Godiva Swan 60 | From AUS$ 24,150/wk

Godiva home

EVENIA | Enquire for Pricing

Motor Yacht EVENIA

Sunseeker 62 | From EUR€ 13,000/wk

sunseek home

BREIZILE ONE | From EUR€ 34,000/wk

Sailing Yacht BREIZILE ONE (sistership)



Gullet Anatolie | From EUR€ 11,550/wk


Princess 65


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Sailing Catamaran TRUE STORY

Gemini 70 | From EUR€ 18,000/wk


Page Loading

  • Vessel ltinerary
  • Administration
  • Dockage & Fuel
  • Maintenance
  • Capital Repairs & Reserves
  • Total Expenses =
  • Name Length Build
  • # Total Expenses Date Saved

Advanced functionality coming soon.

Us flagged vessel, health insurance costs per crew, uniform cost per crew, training cost per crew, food cost per crew, crew turnover, hires using a professional crew agency.

  • Restore Default
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Costs of food provisions will vary dependent upon how eloborate food Preferenaces are

Location will play huge factor in food provisons and thing may have to be folws into remorte locations.

Crew is one of the largest expenses on a superyacht and critical to the owner’s enjoyment of their vessel. As the largest crew agency in the world, we know crew. Our cost calculator contains customized crew lists for yachts ranging from 80ft to 600ft with salary information based on our reference verified salary data.

Our users also have the ability to completely tailor the crew list to the specific needs, schedule and requirements of their vessel. Each yacht is unique and may have specific owner requests in addition to the yacht’s safe manning requirements.

Management of the supplemental crew costs and strategic budgeting can help avoid significant overspend on categories such as food and uniform. This tool contains default values based on our industry expertise and recommended budget for an efficiently and safely run superyacht.

To learn more about each crew position in detail, including salary ranges, please visit our yacht department directory .

Drag the sliders to modify your results. These are not linear scales and we expect most yachts to operate within the 20-80% window. Above 80% and below 20% costs increase or decrease at exaggerated levels and we only see numbers in these levels in very rare circumstances.

This sunburst diagram is interactive. You can click into each block to see the expense break down and mouse over each block for more details.

Our chart of accounts displays seven major categories, 20 sub-categories plus a further 80 detail categories for a total of 107.

Our yacht operating cost calculator is now on it’s third major revision. We start with actual yacht expense data from our yacht management accountants and then generate formulas to extrapolate out the budget for a wide range of yachts. We have been providing accounting services to large yachts for the past 18 years.

Our operating cost calculator is tuned for yachts from 80 to 600 feet. We find operating variables create the largest variances for yachts smaller than 100 feet and larger than 250 feet. We have tested the numbers the most in the range from 100 to 250 feet.

Our budget calculator factors in the fuel burn for a range of engine sizes typically seen installed on yachts by length. By dragging the green “fuel dockage” slider to the right you will increase the projected fuel burn rate and therefore the budget cost for fuel. Our default position would be for a typical displacement fuel burn. Position the slider in the 60-80% range for fuel projections for planning hulls.

Our default values produce a budget number that we believe is generous to run a yacht to a high standard. Perfect is a very expensive word to use in the yachting industry where standards are already high. Moving the crew and maintenance sliders to 80% will provide an “industry best” quality of crew and give them the maintenance budget to operate to a very high standard. If you need to go over the 80% area then you may have unusually labor intensive equipment on the yacht.

Yes, our yacht operating cost calculator can output a budget suitable for this situation. Adjust the owner use to 2 (minimum value), owner slider to 0, crew slider to 10%, Administration to 10%, Fuel and Dockage to 0, Maintenance to 10% and then Capital Repairs to 0. This will remove all of the large charges associated with owner use and vessel movement but leave the essential base maintenance and insurance in place.

Lift on and float in yacht transport is a popular way to transport yachts across large ocean passage. The yachts that this service certainly applies to are ones that may not have the motoring range or structural integrity for blue ocean cruising. The cost of transporting a yacht twice per year is put into our budget once the “Fuel Dockage” slider hits 75%. If your yacht has the range we recommend self-sufficient ocean passages whenever possible. Whilst the transport companies sell their services based upon reportedly well oiled operated schedules the reality is that your yacht may stay waiting for pickup for a week or more with no compensation due. When factoring in all secondary factors of self-sufficient passages (increased fuel, maintenance, potential storm damage, crew time off, extra delivery crew) compared with transporting your yacht (insurance, potential loading / unloading damage, loss of schedule control, no work whilst underway, crew flights, crew accommodation) we believe that there is a 100% premium associated with float in transport and a 75% premium with lift on transport compared with self-powered.

Abandoned yachts crash in value. We recommend that even if you are trying to sell your yacht that you use the yacht for a minimum of two weeks per year so that systems are tested and working every six months. There is nothing worse for a yacht than not being used. If you truly are not going to use the yacht then you should sell it immediately for the first genuine offer as every dollar you put into maintenance will not be recovered at the time of the sale.

We did not build this version with sailing yachts in mind. Early in our development of this version we decided to exclude sailing yachts as a few of the major cost drivers scale very differently for sailing yachts compared with motor yachts. For example: To calculate paint costs we reviewed the surface area of over 100 large yachts and created a formula for painted surface area to length. Sailing yachts just don’t scale in a consistent way. Similarly crew numbers don’t scale in the same manner that they do for motor yachts. If there is sufficient demand we may build a sailing selector switch into a future version of this tool.

We hate to hear when yacht owners were told by their broker to factor in 10% of the purchase price to operate the yacht. This over used saying is sadly right occasionally (particularly for newer yachts in the $20-30M range)… but just because a broken watch tells the right time twice a day you shouldn’t rely upon it to tell the time. As yachts get older their capital value decreases but their maintenance costs increase. There is no way that a fixed 10% of purchase cost rule can be true… if your broker told you this rule then you need a new yacht broker… we know some good ones. 😊

Advanced functionality coming soon…

We are building advanced tools to allow you even greater control over our operating cost calculator. Please enter your email address below to be advised when it is available.

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20m yacht kosten

Boot-Verkauf Suche

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Princess 66

Princess 66

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Benetti - Azimut 90 Custom Fly


Azimut Grande 26 M

Riva 66 Ribelle

Riva 66 Ribelle

Sanlorenzo 82

Sanlorenzo 82


Antago 21 S


Horizon Elegance 85

Sanlorenzo SL 94

Sanlorenzo SL 94


Riva 88 Folgore


Princess 30M


Motor Yacht Karadeniz 34m

Passion Yachts

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20m Yacht Charter

  • View Yachts

Experience ultimate luxury on an intimate scale with our 20m yacht charters, bound for some of the most beautiful locations on Earth. Perfectly designed for smaller groups or family vacations, book your 20m chart charter vacation to enjoy personalized comfort with access to secluded destinations that larger vessels can’t reach.

20m Yacht Charters at Worth Avenue Yachts

Personalized comfort and elegance at sea.

20m yacht charters are a perfect fit for those looking for a more personal yachting experience. These yachts seamlessly blend luxury and functionality, providing a cozy setting without sacrificing the premium features of larger boats. Charter a 20m yacht through serene islands, cozy coastal towns, or vibrant harbors for a vacation you’ll remember forever.

Quality and Style in a Compact Package

Each 20m yacht in our fleet is a testament to fine craftsmanship and elegant design. Sourced from  top yacht builders , these vessels feature modern amenities, stylish interiors, and robust performance capabilities, ensuring a smooth and luxurious voyage.

Ideal for Smaller Groups and Families

These yachts are specially designed for intimacy and relaxation, making them ideal for romantic getaways, small family holidays, or private gatherings with beloved friends. Enjoy the freedom to customize your charter with activities and services that cater directly to your group’s interests.

Flexible Chartering Options

Whether you want to anchor in quiet coves, explore bustling ports, or simply bask in the sun on deck, we design flexible 20m yacht charter itineraries that suits your preferences. The smaller size of these vessels allows access to lesser-known marinas and shallow waters where larger yachts can’t venture.

Amenities Designed for Comfort and Fun

Despite their more compact size, our 20m yachts come equipped with only the finest amenities:

  • Comfortable cabins with private bathrooms
  • Elegant dining and lounging areas
  • State-of-the-art navigation and safety equipment
  • A selection of water toys and entertainment options

Dedicated Crew and Personalized Service

Enjoy a bespoke yachting experience with a professional crew that includes a captain and a chef. The crew’s expertise ensures every aspect of your journey is carefree and tailored to your preferences, from meal preparation to daily activity planning.

Versatile Cruising Itineraries

From the tranquil waters of the Mediterranean to the scenic vistas of the Caribbean, a 20m yacht charter is your gateway to exploring a variety of enchanting destinations. These vessels are particularly suited for navigating smaller harbors and inlets, offering unique perspectives on local cultures and landscapes

Book Your 20m Yacht Charter Today

Browse our fleet to find the perfect 20m luxury private yacht and set sail on your next adventure in style. Each yacht’s detailed profile includes information on its amenities, layout, and capabilities.

For customized service or further details on planning your trip, contact our dedicated team at Worth Avenue Yachts. We’re committed to providing an exceptional and intimate yachting experience that creates lasting memories.

20m yachtS available for charter


View yacht MARGUERITE, available for charter

MARGUERITE , yacht for charter


View yacht AEOLUS 77, available for charter

AEOLUS 77 , yacht for charter


View yacht TWIN FLAME 77, available for charter

TWIN FLAME 77 , yacht for charter


View yacht GREY B, available for charter

GREY B , yacht for charter


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MANE ET NOCTE , yacht for charter


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XMOTION , yacht for charter


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SPIRIT OF PONANT , yacht for charter


View yacht VIVA LA VIDA, available for charter

VIVA LA VIDA , yacht for charter


View yacht IT'S ENOUGH, available for charter

IT'S ENOUGH , yacht for charter


View yacht MARIAH PRINCESS III, available for charter

MARIAH PRINCESS III , yacht for charter


View yacht JACK, available for charter

JACK , yacht for charter


View yacht OTOCTONE, available for charter

OTOCTONE , yacht for charter


View yacht FANTASTIC TOO, available for charter

FANTASTIC TOO , yacht for charter


View yacht SEA LA VIE, available for charter

SEA LA VIE , yacht for charter


View yacht MARIA THERESE, available for charter

MARIA THERESE , yacht for charter


View yacht NOT YET, available for charter

NOT YET , yacht for charter


View yacht SASTA, available for charter

SASTA , yacht for charter


View yacht OCEAN VIBES, available for charter

OCEAN VIBES , yacht for charter


View yacht ENTRE 4, available for charter

ENTRE 4 , yacht for charter


View yacht STILL ALIVE, available for charter

STILL ALIVE , yacht for charter


View yacht MISTRAL, available for charter

MISTRAL , yacht for charter


View yacht AMILEO, available for charter

AMILEO , yacht for charter


View yacht MOON DRAGON, available for charter

MOON DRAGON , yacht for charter


View yacht ENDLESS SUMMER III, available for charter

ENDLESS SUMMER III , yacht for charter

Looking for a custom list of yachts available in a specific destination for your preferred dates? Contact us for a tailored presentation today! 

Explore Other Types of Charter yachts

Styles of yacht charters.

Sailing yachts for charter

Motor yacht for charter

Monohull yachts for charter

Honeymoon yacht charter

Family yacht charter

Catamaran yacht charter

Explore yachts for charter by price range

Explore yachts for charter by size range.

20m yachts for charter

30m yachts for charter

40m yachts for charter

50m yachts for charter

60m yachts for charter

70m yachts for charter

80m yachts for charter

90m yachts for charter

100m yachts for charter

Explore yachts for charter by number of guests

Yacht charters for 4 guests

Yacht charters for 6 guests

Yacht charters for 7 guests

Yacht charters for 8 guests

Yacht charters for 10 guests

Yacht charters for 12 guests

Yacht charters for 14 guests

Yacht charters for 16 guests

Yacht charters for 18 guests

Yacht charters for 20+ guests

20m yacht kosten

Average Yacht Prices | 40, 50, 60, 70, 100 feet + Helpful Examples

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How much do yachts cost? Let’s look at yacht prices per size.


Note: We will look at yachts that are a few years old. Very few people buy brand-new yachts as the price comes down a lot after only a few years.

How much is a small yacht? Let’s start at 40 feet length.

40 Foot Yacht Cost

A 40-foot yacht can be found used for around $200,000 and new models can cost as much as a million dollars. There are always lots of used yachts for sale around 40 feet in length, which makes them more attractive to first-time buyers.

Technically, a yacht begins at 23 feet. However, yachts that size will more often be referred to as boats.

A 40-foot yacht is a great option for looking for relative simplicity and plenty of comfort and capability. This size is great for day trips in the Caribbean dedicated to speed boating or simple cruising.

The size remains manageable, but the vessel can be updated with extra living spaces and amenities as desired, with a more affordable price than larger options.

The maintenance prices will remain lower as well.

Make sure you are considering the age of your yacht. Even if it is on the smaller end, it will be more expensive if it is new and custom-built to your wants.

Even if you think a 40-foot yacht is the cheapest option, these small factors make for a sliding price scale.

You might find that a smaller, new, custom yacht is more expensive than an older, simpler, larger yacht. One benefit of an older yacht is that it should have the improvements and equipment that make it comfortable to operate and will not have those additional costs.

For  sailboat prices specifically, check out this article .

Our Pick: Viking 42 Convertible: Cruise and Fish (2014)

Price: $895,000

20m yacht kosten

  • Cushioned seats
  • Underwater lights
  • Flybridge fiberglass hard-top
  • Recent engine and service
  • Joystick control
  • Cockpit shade with poles, freezer, and step-up box
  • Custom chairs
  • Coach roof overhang to provide shade
  • home theater setup
  • Freshwater wash area
  • Cockpit freezer and drink box
  • Forward-facing viewing windows in deckhouse

Here’s a great example of a yacht with differing ages and year models. It has twin diesel engines, 600 hp each, and cruise at 35 mph (pretty fast!).

Yacht Price Examples for Three Other 40-50 Foot

  • 42-foot Grand Banks 42 Classic; trawler-cruiser style yacht; twin diesel, 350 hp each, cruising speed is 13 mph. Price: $370,000 for 2004; $124,500 for 1986; older ones for less
  • 45-foot Sea Ray 450 Sundancer or Sedan Bridge; single or twin diesel, about 1,000 hp total; cruising speed about 26 mph Price: $472,000 for 2012 twin-engine
  • 41-foot Back Cove Downeast; single diesel 715 hp; cruising speed is 26 mph Price: $619,000 for 2016

50 Foot Yacht Cost

50-foot yachts are  normally owner-operated, so you wouldn’t need to pay for a crew. Now we are around the size of 2-bedroom yachts.

They can provide more living space giving the owner flexibility for more guests and making it a more permanent residential option. With more space comes the opportunity to install more amenities as well.

The biggest difference between the 40-foot vessel and the 50-foot is the accommodations.

Expect three-cabin layouts, which give plenty of space for rest. The opportunity to create guest rooms, owners’ suite, and entertainment spaces are better with these yachts.

Our Pick: Hatteras GT54 Convertible Sportfish

20m yacht kosten

The price for the 2017 model of this used yacht starts at $2,249,000. 

This yacht is 53′ 10″ long and weighs 75,000 pounds! It has twin diesel engines, 1,300 hp each, cruising speed of 35 mph.

It has a 1200-gallon fuel capacity with three staterooms. It sleeps up to 6 people, so it is perfect for entertaining without being so large to the point where maintenance becomes very difficult. It is known for its great propulsion rates and is very smooth and agile.

It specializes as a fishing boat but allows plenty of room for guests. In addition to the three staterooms, it has a large salon deck, a spacious galley, and plenty of indoor and outdoor seating.

Yacht Price Examples for Two Other 50 Foot

  • 51-foot Azimut Magellano 50; express cruiser; twin diesel engines, 425 hp each, cruising speed 16 mph Price: $670,760 for 2013
  • 52-foot Carver C52 Command Bridge; twin diesel engines, 600 hp each; cruising speed 18- 26 mph Price: $1,149,000 for 2017; $1,750,00 for 2021 with bow thrusters, gyro-stabilizer

How much is a large yacht? Let’s  step up to 60 foot.

60 Foot Yacht Cost

Now we’re looking at 2-bedroom yacht prices. A yacht in this range approaches the upper end of the owner/operator criteria.

This means that owners need to decide whether they can handle this size yacht on their own or if they need to hire outside help from a crew.

If you’re thinking of buying a boat this size, the cost may not be an issue, but understand that adding crew members adds substantial extra expenses! Crew salaries start at around $3K /mth for junior members and $10K for captains and experienced crew members.

This size is great for longer travels beyond day trips and adds more and more space for extra amenities. Hosting guests becomes easier.

Here are some examples:

Our Pick: Hatteras M60

20m yacht kosten

The average base price for this model is around $2,995,000.

The Hatteras M60 is great for someone who wants the luxury of a larger yacht but still wants to be an owner-operator. The deck’s layout below and above is spacious, with a large salon and a full master suite. It can be customized to order with hardwood floors or specific carpeting and amenities like TVs, a bar, a full kitchen, etc. It is a motor yacht, meant for pleasure cruising.

It has twin diesel engines, 1135 hp each; cruising speed is 28 mph.

Yacht Price Examples for Two Other 60 Foot

  • 64-foot Schaefer 640; express cruiser; twin diesel engines, 625 hp each; cruising speed 25 mph Price: $1,299,000 for 2017
  • 60-foot Sunreef 62 Sailing Catamaran; twin diesel engines 110 hp each; cruising speed 10 mph Price: $990,000 for 2009

70 Foot Yacht Cost

We’re now looking at 3-bedroom yachts. Once you reach this size yacht, it is almost guaranteed you will need a crew to help operate it. A crewed yacht is very different from an owner-operated yacht.

This is just shy of the superyacht category, so if you settle on this size, know you are almost there!

As previously mentioned, as the yacht size gets larger, so do the number of factors that make the purchase more layered and complex.

When yachts reach this size, the interior layout begins to change more drastically. They often have a spacious main deck perfect for dining and entertaining guests, whereas below, the yacht would likely have four or more cabins and crew quarters.

With more rooms comes more cost and more opportunity to customize the space to make it your own.

Here are some great options for this size:

Our Pick: Hatteras GT70 Convertible Sportfish

20m yacht kosten

The 2017 GT70 model runs around $4,500,000, but keep in mind the extra costs of maintenance, furnishing, and a cabin crew to help it run. It’s great for a long vacation and far-away destinations.

The GT70 convertible sportfish is known for its speed and agility, and high propulsion power. It has twin diesel engines, 1900 hp each; cruising speed over 30 mph.

It is 70′ 6″ with 2,140-gallon fuel capacity. The inside is lavish, with a galley, a huge salon, and five staterooms.

Yacht Price Examples for Two Other 70 Foot

  • 75-foot Hatteras Motor Yacht; sport cruiser; twin diesel, 1800 hp each; cruising speed 28 mph. Price: $4,375,000 for 2017
  • 74-foot Ocean Alexander Motoryacht; twin diesel, 1150 hp each; cruising speed 24 mph. Price: $1,895,000 for 2011

100 Foot Yacht Costs (and up):

You are officially in the superyacht range.

These yachts come in all styles and shapes, allowing for cruising along coastlines or focusing on watercraft and speed boating.

Since this is likely the peak size boat for practical use, you can expect a lot of additional costs for hiring a crew, maintenance, docking, as well as stocking your boat full of amenities. 

You’re likely to spend the bulk of your costs furnishing this size boat as bigger yachts typically are sold without furniture. The previous owner will want to hold on to designer furniture and other expensive interior.

Check out these great  examples of 100-foot yachts .

Our Pick: 143′ 04″ Virtus 44

20m yacht kosten

This model cost around $20,189,000.

This mega yacht is anyone’s dream.

It is home to a fully integrated beach club with room for a pool deck, floor-to-ceiling windows in the main salon, a hot tub on the top deck, five staterooms, an 8-person crew, and room to sleep ten guests.

It has room for water toys and other gadgets, with a layout that keeps them purposefully hidden from the outside world. It has a 12-knot cruising speed and 16-knot max speed,

Other 100+ Feet Yachts Price Examples

  • 98′ 5″ AB 100 Price: $8,843,260 for 2018
  • 161′ 04″ Acico Nassima Price: $17,933,000 for 2012

How Much is Yacht Insurance?

Insurance on a yacht is around 1% of the purchase price per year. It can go higher if you have lots of expensive designer furniture. This can add up over the years. It’s often cheaper to insure a sailing yacht but the price range is still within the 0.7-1.3%.

What Other Expenses Do Yacht Owners Face?

Harbor fees is another expense for yacht owners. It’s also a yearly fee that varies but as a rule of thumb, you can expect to pay around $100 per foot per year, depending on how popular the marina is. You will also have to be on a waitlist if you want a good location.

How Much Does a Luxury Yacht Cost?

A super yacht fall under the category of “luxury yachts” or “mega-yachts”.

The world’s largest private vessel belongs to the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s Azzam. It is 590 feet long and costs $600 million to build!

It is outliers like these that increase the price average for yacht owners, perhaps scaring potential owners when they start their research.

As a luxury yacht price guide, however, we need to look at averages.

Currently, the average superyacht costs $275 million. This does not even account for maintenance costs, either.

Superyachts are large and luxurious, needing a professional crew to help them run. They are designed to emphasize comfort, speed, and longer expeditions – depending on the yacht builders.

They might have:

  • swimming pools,
  • water toys,
  • diving and fishing poles,
  • fully furnished rooms,
  • helicopter landing pads,
  • and smaller support vessels

Just to name a few amenities. They are truly the epitome of the elite.

What Size Boat is Considered a Yacht?

The normal yacht length starts at around 23 feet, and can extend hundreds of feet.  If the boat meets 23 feet, it can be considered a yacht.

A boat does not need luxury features to be considered a yacht.

It can be minimal and stripped of the “extra” stuff to fall into the yacht category, so long as it meets the size and length criteria.

11 Things to Consider Before You Purchase

When making this purchase, the yacht size you buy needs to reflect what you hope to get out of the vessel.

Some important questions to ask yourself before you buy are:

  • What does your perfect day on the water look like?
  • How long will your average day on the water be?
  • Will it be more boating/watercraft focused or long cruise focused?
  • Will you use the yacht for fishing?
  • Will you be on the yacht every day of the week or just on weekends?
  • How many people do you hope to fit on the yacht?
  • Do you plan to stay on the yacht overnight?
  • Where will you dock the yacht?
  • How much boating experience do you have?
  • How fast do you want the yacht to go?
  • How important is it to have extra amenities like furnished rooms, water toys, electronics, etc.?

These questions will guide you to understand the size you really need and will be able to realistically maintain versus what your most ideal yacht would look like.

When Do You Need a Full-Time Crew?

At length over 50 or 60 feet, you may need a full-time captain or crew. 

A full-time crew person will be needed to keep all the varnished woodwork looking good and all the little things maintained.

Sometimes, you must be honest with yourself about what you want and what you actually need. Be self-aware about your abilities (or lack thereof) in taking care of a specific size yacht.

If you don’t know much about boats and navigation, you will need more help to use your vessel.

Hopefully, this comprehensive guide gives you a good starting point as you begin your yacht price research process.

Important Things to Consider As Well

Although there are many factors to consider when understanding a yacht’s prices, it is an exciting purchase nonetheless and should be enjoyed as much as possible.

At the end of your research, you’ll be the owner of a beautiful yacht you can use for leisure, cruising, sports craft, fishing, or all of the above.

Although this article is a good starting point, we would also recommend getting in touch with a  yacht broker who can help you find your best fit , model, year, and the price is given your personal budget. 

They are great sources of knowledge in addition to personal research.

Make sure you are as patient as possible in this process to make sure you are covering all your bases, but most importantly, enjoy the process!

Here’s How Much Yachts Cost on Average:

Yachts start around $300,000 for smaller 40-foot models and can go as high as several hundred million dollars for superyachts.

These are the main contributing factors to the price of a yacht:

  • The size of the yacht
  • The age of the yacht
  • The brand and  type of yacht

In general, the larger the yacht is, the more important the quality of the build becomes.

Also, potential owners need to understand the cruising speed and propulsion of different yachts.

The yacht type is also broken down into two categories:

  • Mediterranean Style Open style expresses yacht with maximum space for sun, little-to-no shade on the deck.
  • Hard-top express Semi-enclosed or fully-enclosed space on deck for the operator
  • Flybridge yachts

An express yacht is often referred to interchangeably as an  express cruiser  or  sports cruiser .

It has a single deck above the hull with a living space below.

They are much sleeker, too.

A flybridge yacht is often referred to as a sedan bridge or sport bridge, and it is typically used for fishing. It has additional space above the main deck.

Since the flybridge area has more space on the second deck, the main deck is normally made up of enclosed spaces and rooms.

It can have an open-air layout but can also have a hard-top.

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20m Yachts for Charter

20m yacht charter, number of guests.

Sunreef 80 Sail

23.99m | Sunreef | 2022

20m yacht kosten

18.9m | Lagoon | 2015

20m yacht kosten

19.5m | Lagoon | 2017

20m yacht kosten

20.15m | Azimut | 2022

20m yacht kosten

20.2m | Azimut | 2017

20m yacht kosten

20.36m | Fountaine Pajot | 2021

20m yacht kosten

20.46m | Sunseeker | 2022

20m yacht kosten


20.5m | Aicon | 2022

20m yacht kosten

20.5m | Prestige | 2018

20m yacht kosten


20.73m | Sunreef | 2017

20m yacht kosten

20.8m | Riva | 2005

20m yacht kosten

21.16m | Ferretti | 2001

20m yacht kosten

21.25m | Princess | 2016

20m yacht kosten


21.32m | Princess | 2021

20m yacht kosten

21.34m | Sunreef Yachts | 2012

20m yacht kosten

21.34m | Sunreef Yachts | 2021

20m yacht kosten

21.37m | Azimut | 2019

20m yacht kosten

21.46m | Prestige | 2018

20m yacht kosten

21.7m | Princess | 2007

20m yacht kosten

22.26m | Pershing | 2008

20m yacht kosten

22.31m | Princess | 2022

20m yacht kosten

22.56m | Sunreef | 2017

20m yacht kosten

22.64m | Azimut | 2018

20m yacht kosten

22.7m | Sunreef Yachts | 2022

20m yacht kosten

22.8m | Canados | 2004

20m yacht kosten


23m | Pearl Yachts | 2014

20m yacht kosten


23.28m | Lagoon | 2019

20m yacht kosten

23.28m | Lagoon | 2018

20m yacht kosten

23.60m | Sunseeker | 2021

20m yacht kosten


23.6m | Baltic Yachts | 2008

20m yacht kosten

23.6m | Azimut | 2017

20m yacht kosten

23.64m | Azimut | 2021

20m yacht kosten

23.7m | Lazzara | 2010

20m yacht kosten

23.75m | Sanlorenzo | 2021

20m yacht kosten


23.77m | Lagoon | 2020

20m yacht kosten

23.77m | Privilege Marine | 2016

23.78m | Azimut | 2020

20m yacht kosten

23.8m | Lagoon | 2018

20m yacht kosten


23.84m | Lagoon | 2021

20m yacht kosten

23.96m | Sunreef Yachts | 2022


Contact our charter brokers about chartering a superyacht

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44m | Sanlorenzo | 2022

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27m | Italcraft | 2009

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50 | Heesen | 2021

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British Marine

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Motor Yachts - PRINCESS 20m

Technical data

Type: Motor Yachts
Shipyard: Princess
Year built: 2000
Last refit: 2012
Length: 72 feet
Beam: 17
Draft: 4
Cabins: 4
Guests sleeping: 8
Guests cruising: 12
Crew: N/A
Cruising speed: N/A
Max. speed: N/A
Weekly Price from: EUR
Brokerage price: N/A
Location: Balearics


Accommodation, water sports, entertainment, you may also be interested to check out one of the following boats:, sunseeker predator 74 - bg3.

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20m used boat

20m yacht kosten

Sunseeker PREDATOR 56

Overall length : 17.50 m

Year : 2000

Prix : 350 000 € VAT PAID

Pershing 92

Pershing 92

Overall length : 27.96 m

Year : 2012

Prix : 3 795 000 € VAT PAID

CRN 132

Overall length : 40.00 m

Year : 1976

Prix : 3 950 000 € VAT PAID

Pershing 54

Pershing 54

Overall length : 16.45 m

Year : 1999

Prix : 295 000 € VAT PAID

Riva CORSARO 100

Riva CORSARO 100

Overall length : 29.90 m

Year : 2019

Prix : 7 950 000 € VAT NOT PAID

Pershing 62

Pershing 62

Overall length : 18.94 m

Year : 2020

Prix : 1 890 000 € VAT NOT PAID

Ferretti Yachts 53

Ferretti Yachts 53

Overall length : 16.79 m

Year : 1998

Prix : 260 000 € VAT PAID

Ferretti Yachts 550

Ferretti Yachts 550

Overall length : 17.42 m

Prix : 1 490 000 € VAT PAID

Ladenstein 72

Ladenstein 72

Overall length : 21.85 m

Year : 2004

Prix : 595 000 € VAT PAID

VanDutch 40

VanDutch 40

Overall length : 12.08 m

Year : 2011

Prix : 390 000 € VAT PAID

Goldfish 38 SPORT

Goldfish 38 SPORT

Overall length : 11.90 m

Year : 2021

Prix : 450 000 € VAT NOT PAID

Sunseeker MANHATTAN 68

Sunseeker MANHATTAN 68

Overall length : 21.21 m

Year : 2024

Prix : 3 300 000 € VAT NOT PAID

Pershing 82

Pershing 82

Overall length : 23.99 m

Year : 2016

Prix : 3 320 000 € VAT PAID



Overall length : 8.78 m

Year : 1996

Prix : 800 000 € VAT PAID



Overall length : 17.30 m

Year : 2023

Prix : 1 675 000 € VAT NOT PAID

Baia ITALIA 70

Baia ITALIA 70

Overall length : 22.00 m

Year : 2010

Prix : 875 000 € VAT NOT PAID

Custom Line 106

Custom Line 106

Overall length : 32.82 m

Prix : 9 750 000 € VAT NOT PAID

Azimut 55S

Overall length : 17.29 m

Year : 2017

Prix : 819 000 € VAT PAID

Ferretti Yachts 960

Ferretti Yachts 960

Overall length : 29.20 m

Prix : 6 390 000 € VAT NOT PAID

Custom Line NAVETTA 27

Custom Line NAVETTA 27

Overall length : 27.45 m

Prix : 2 600 000 € VAT NOT PAID

20m used boat : feel free to contact an expert

Abys Yachting provides a large list of used yachts for sale.

Perfectly located on the French Riviera in Saint-Tropez, Antibes and Monaco (Monte Carlo), Abys Yachting brings its brokerage experience at your service.

If you are searching a used Open, Cruiser or Flybridge yacht, our experts will assist you.

You are passionate about sailing and desire to realize your dream of buying an used boat to sail on the most marvelous seas. Yacht brokers, our specialists give you the best used boat ads.

High-end services

Detect the yacht of your dreams, while keeping your budget under control. Abys Yachting offers a wide range of boats available for sale on the French Riviera.

Searching for a yacht to arrange an extraordinatry trip, you will find the perfect boat with the ads on our website.

Why opting an used yacht?

Supplying more reasonable prices, this solution also allows you to purchase a higher-end yacht while preserving your original budget.

This is a great chance to find out about the nautic world. Learn navigation with a cost-effective yacht. A second-hand boat also allows you to ldecrease insurance costs.

Used motor yachts market is vast. Many ads are accessible. Abys Yachting will help you make the right choice and will provide you the most appropriate boat.

To exploit the delights of sailing and boating, purchasing an used boat is a very good choice.

Abys Yachting, yacht broker since 1997

Founded in 1997, Abys Yachting is a key figure in the sailing industry. Our expertise and professionalism have enabled us to become the exclusive distributor for the Ferretti Yachts group, Pershing, Mochi Craft and Custom Line.

Buying a used boat sound complex. For that reason it is important to hand over your project to an expert in the nautical world who will be able to take into consideration your needs and your budget. As such Abys Yachting offers you a customized accompaniment to meet all your needs.

All ads on our website are vetted by our team to provide you with proper used boat ads.

20m used boat: why mandate your project to Abys Yachting?

We support you with the administrative procedures and manage you through the purchase process.

For over 20 years, we have been delivering our customers with our experience and technical and nautical skills. Our team offers guarantees and availability to make the purchase of used yachts a simple and unforgettable experience.

Completing a direct transaction from private individual to private individual can sometimes be complex especially in the nautical field. And contrary to what you might think, trusting our brokerage team is not more expensive. With a very good perception of the current market, our salesmen will find the best ads, at the best price.

Abys Yachting, dealer Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Custom Line and Mochi Craft

Ferretti Yachts

The Ferretti Yachts shipyard has always surrounded itself with the best craftsmen, since of its shipyard in 1968. Our teams perpetuate tradition and know-how, while creating, implementing and designing the technical innovations of yachting of tomorrow. Ferretti Yachts reflète the manufacturing excellence and technological know-how acquired over years, thanks to the innovative intuitions of its founders, Alessandro and Norberto Ferretti.

The balance between engineering and design is a guarantee of the craftsmanship that the product keeps inchang;, respecting the Italian character inscribed in its DNA. Ferretti is the combination between timeless charm and attention to detail. The Ferretti brand has been a reference in the nautical flybridge market for decades, with gliding and half-finished boats that meet the diverse requirements of boat owners around the world. This is the essence of Italian nautical intelligence.

Sporty character and unparalleled comfort, without sacrificing design: Pershing, constructor of open yachts with racy lines, has always been in the line of the most prestigious yachting brands. Now part of the Ferretti Group, Pershing has continued to innovate while maintaining its commitment to detail.

Mochi Craft

A identifiable line among all the others, a colourful carée that makes the popularity; of its models, MOCHI CRAFT re-invents the concept of lobster with each new unit. Elegance and research of ergonomics animate the designers of Mochi Craft units: In addition to being completely unique in the nautical world, the lobsters of the transalpine manufacturer are unceasingly at the cutting edge of research in terms of comfort and space: immense owner's cabins, agencountered surfaces to the millimetre, everything is luxury on board a Mochi Craft.

Environmentally conscious and passionate about the new challenges of boating, the designers of the Mochi Craft yachts compete with each other in terms of engineering and inventiveness, as evidenced by the extraordinaries of the Mochi Craft; The extraordinary Long Range 23 and 25, the dignified hull and the hybrid engine, a world first, are examples of this. With its range of Dolphin 44' Long Range 25, Dolphin 54' 64' Cruiser and 74' Cruiser, the Italian shipyard is proud to be the first to offer a hybrid engine.

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Was kostet eine Yacht?

Powered by smava, deutschlands günstiger yacht-kredit.

Je größer die Yacht, desto höher der Preis – und desto größer die Unterhaltskosten. Doch was kostet denn nun eine Yacht? Wie viel Geld muss man aufbringen, will man sich den Traum vom Hobby auf dem Wasser erfüllen? Genauer gesagt: Wie hoch sind die Yacht-Kosten in der Anschaffung und wie hoch ist der Yacht-Unterhalt?

Die Anschaffungskosten einer Yacht

Dass es beim Kaufpreis kaum Grenzen nach oben gibt, beweist ein Blick in die BoatNet-Datenbank oder die Pressemitteilungen über die Reichen und Superreichen, die ihre Schiffe von Star-Designern entwerfen und in spezialisierten Werften bauen lassen. Für alle anderen wird es deutlich günstiger, besonders auf dem Gebrauchtmarkt. Die Anschaffungskosten für zum Beispiel eine gebrauchte 10-Meter-Yacht können bereits im vier- und fünfstelligen Bereich liegen. Ein ordentliches Gebrauchtboot ist zum Teil schon für 20.000,- bis 30.000,- Euro zu haben. Ein Neumodell mit sieben bis acht Meter Länge, wie es der Durchschnitt in Deutschland ist, liegt bei rund 60.000,- Euro. Der Preis für ein Boot steigt mit jedem Meter. Neben Größe und Ausstattung geht es bei dem Marktwert im Grunde um drei Faktoren: - Alter des Boots - Zustand/ Pflege (werterhaltend vs. werterhöhend) - Betriebsstunden Gerade bei Motoryachten sind die Betriebsstunden nicht unwichtig, denn sie geben einen wichtigen Hinweis auf den Zustand des Antriebaggregats. Wenn man bedenkt, dass man beim Kauf einer Yacht preislich schnell im Bereich einer respektablen Immobilie ist, sollte man an der fachkundigen Beratung nicht sparen: Ein Wertzertifikat beispielsweise von RateMyBoat ist für den ersten Preis-Check ausreichend. Geht es dann in die konkreten Verhandlungen ist ein Sachverständiger empfehlenswert, wenn man nicht gerade selbst ein Fachmann ist. Auch bei der Bootsfinanzierung sollte man nicht voreilig handeln und genau rechnen, wie sich die Yacht am günstigsten finanziert.

Der Yacht-Unterhalt

Wenn es um die laufenden Yacht-Kosten geht, macht es keinen Sinn, mit absoluten Zahlen zu rechnen. Schließlich macht es einen Unterschied, ob man eine 10-Meter-Yacht oder eine 30-Meter-Yacht unterhält. Als ganz grober Richtwert haben sich 10 Prozent des Anschaffungswerts als Orientierung für die laufenden Kosten als realistisch erwiesen – und zwar pro Jahr. Wer also beispielsweise 250.000,- Euro bei der Anschaffung investiert, darf bei diesem Rechenbeispiel mit rund 25.000 Euro Betriebskosten für 12 Monate rechnen. Diese 10 Prozent verteilen sich wie folgt: Versicherung – grob 1-2 Prozent des Yachtwerts, abhängig von Versicherungsumfang. Wichtig ist Haftpflicht und Kasko. Auch wenn es in Deutschland keine gesetzliche Pflicht gibt, eine Yacht-Haftpflicht-versicherung abzuschliessen. Liegeplatzgebühren – durchschnittlich 2 Prozent Reinigung, Wartung, Malerarbeiten (inkl. Kosten für Farbe) ca. 1 Prozent Verbrauchsmaterialien: Reparatur Segel, Austausch Batterien – 2-3 Prozent Kraftstoff, Öl, Betriebsstoffe (Wasser, Strom, W-LAN in den Marinas), Rettungsmittel (Wartung bzw. Austausch von Rettungswesten, Rettungsinseln und Leuchtraketen) – 1 Prozent Unvorhergesehenes wie z. B. außerplanmäßige Reparaturen 1 Prozent Die Abschreibung ist noch nicht mit eingerechnet, ebenso wenig wie eventuelle Kurtaxe, Visum, Überzeit etc. im laufenden Betrieb. Wer selbst Hand anlegt, kommt natürlich gerade bei den Reparaturarbeiten günstiger weg. Zu beachten ist allerdings, dass nicht wenige Liegeplätze eigene Arbeiten nicht erlauben.

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  6. Dutch Barge 20m with London mooring


  1. 20 Million Dollar Yachts for Sale

    Find the perfect 20 Million Dollar Yacht for sale. Indulge in the epitome of maritime luxury with our exclusive selection of $20 million yachts for sale. These exceptional vessels represent the zenith of yachting sophistication, combining cutting-edge technology with exquisite design and unrivaled craftsmanship.

  2. 20m to 30m Luxury Yachts for Sale (65ft to 98ft Yachts)

    20m-30m (65ft - 98ft) Luxury Yachts for Sale. The perfect size for a couple or family, a 20 to 30 meter (65feet - 98feet) yacht offers luxurious spaces and a smaller crew for added privacy, with lower running costs compared to larger yachts. A yacht of this size is ideal as either a starter yacht or for those looking to downsize.

  3. Luxusyachten kaufen: Gebraucht oder Neu

    Eine 25 bis 30 Meter messende Yacht kostet häufig unter neun Millionen Euro. 20 bis 25 Meter Yachten bekommen Sie für circa anderthalb bis dreieinhalb Millionen Euro. Für ein bis zwei Millionen finden Sie auf unserem Portal exklusive neue Boote von 15 bis 20 Metern Länge. Weitere Preisfaktoren

  4. Yachts for Sale 20m Yachts

    Welcome to our curated selection of yachts, sorted by size. Explore our collection of vessels approximately 20m in length. Each listing offers a unique opportunity to discover the perfect vessel tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

  5. See The Entire List of Luxury Yachts 20m (66 ft) In Length

    20m (66 ft) Yachts Listed Below. Select a boat with a length of 20m (66 ft) or contact the CharterWorld Team for the full selection of all 3000+ charter yachts available worldwide. Adapt your search results here: New Search. Charter Yachts Listed: 1-20 of 261 ...

  6. 20m Boats for Sale

    Welcome to our curated selection of boats, sorted by size. Explore our collection of vessels approximately 20m in length. Each listing offers a unique opportunity to discover the perfect vessel tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

  7. Superyacht Cost Calculator

    Yes, our yacht operating cost calculator can output a budget suitable for this situation. Adjust the owner use to 2 (minimum value), owner slider to 0, crew slider to 10%, Administration to 10%, Fuel and Dockage to 0, Maintenance to 10% and then Capital Repairs to 0. This will remove all of the large charges associated with owner use and vessel ...

  8. Motoryacht gebraucht kaufen

    Preise umrechnen in: Speichern. Wählen Sie die Einheit: m Fuß ... Gebrauchtboot Länge x Breite: 20,67 m x 5,29 m, 20,67 x 5,29 m Bj.: 2019, Kabinen: 3 Motor: MAN, 2 x 1.550 PS (1.140 kW) € 2.650.000 Liegeplatz: Frankreich, Côte d'Azur 2019 ... Registrieren Sie sich und bieten Sie Ihre Motoryachten und andere Boote auf Yachtall an. zum ...

  9. 20m Luxury Yacht Charter

    20m yacht charters are a perfect fit for those looking for a more personal yachting experience. These yachts seamlessly blend luxury and functionality, providing a cozy setting without sacrificing the premium features of larger boats. Charter a 20m yacht through serene islands, cozy coastal towns, or vibrant harbors for a vacation you'll ...

  10. Average Yacht Prices: 18 Helpful Examples (Size 40'-130')

    A 40-foot yacht can be found used for around $200,000 and new models can cost as much as a million dollars. There are always lots of used yachts for sale around 40 feet in length, which makes them more attractive to first-time buyers. Technically, a yacht begins at 23 feet. However, yachts that size will more often be referred to as boats.

  11. 20m Yacht Charter

    Our 20-meter yacht range is the epitome of luxury and sophistication in a more compact, maneuverable size. These yachts are expertly crafted to offer the perfect balance between elegance, comfort, and performance, making them ideal for family vacations, romantic getaways, or small group adventures. Each yacht in our 20-meter fleet has been ...

  12. New and used Princess 20M boats for sale

    Listed price kr4,495,000 SEK. Tax paid / included. 1999 | 21.64m | Diesel | Power. View details. All boats from Marine Concept. Contact Seller. Search all our new or used Princess 20M for sale. We have Princess 20M brokers and sellers from around the world at great prices. Information.

  13. PRINCESS 20m

    Luxury Motor Yacht Priness 20m Charter Brief:MY PRINCESS 20m was launched in 2000 and refitted in 2012. Two double suites, both en suite and with queen beds, and two twin cabins, provide accommodatio for up to 8 adult yacht charter guests. Cruising speed is in low 20's with maximum speed being in the region of 27kn.Superyacht crew of up to 3 are on board to welcome you and provide you with a ...

  14. 20m to 30m Luxury Yachts for Charter (65ft to 98ft Yacht Charter)

    20m-30m (65ft - 98ft) Luxury Yachts for Charter Pocket-sized Luxury. The saying 'good things come in small packages' is more than apt for a 20 to 30 meter (65 feet - 98 feet) charter yacht, with charter yachts in this size range offering plenty to endear themselves.A charter yacht of this size is an excellent choice for a couple, smaller groups or a family, delivering a luxurious charter ...

  15. The best yachts from 13 to 20 meters in length

    Tell us about mid-sized motor yachts on the short list of World Yachts Trophies 2020.. The Cannes show in 2020 could not be held due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the cancellation of the event did not affect the annual World Yachts Trophies Award, which is traditionally presented during the Cannes Yachting Festival. The finalists of the 19th edition of the award are 69 boats from 13m to ...

  16. 20m used boat

    Abys Yachting, yacht broker since 1997. Founded in 1997, Abys Yachting is a key figure in the sailing industry. Our expertise and professionalism have enabled us to become the exclusive distributor for the Ferretti Yachts group, Pershing, Mochi Craft and Custom Line. Buying a used boat sound complex. For that reason it is important to hand over ...

  17. Gebrauchte Yachten 20 bis 25 Metern kaufen

    107 Anzeigen. Alle Gebrauchte Yachten zwischen 20 und 25 Metern von Privatpersonen und Händlern zum besten Preis zu verkaufen. Verifizierte Anzeigen.

  18. Was kostet eine Yacht?

    Die Anschaffungskosten für zum Beispiel eine gebrauchte 10-Meter-Yacht können bereits im vier- und fünfstelligen Bereich liegen. Ein ordentliches Gebrauchtboot ist zum Teil schon für 20.000,- bis 30.000,- Euro zu haben. Ein Neumodell mit sieben bis acht Meter Länge, wie es der Durchschnitt in Deutschland ist, liegt bei rund 60.000,- Euro.

  19. 20m Trawler

    20m Trawler - For this ocean going trawler the owner's main requirements were optimal seaworthiness, low fuel consumption, minimal noise and perfect manoeuvrability. ... Motor Yachts; 20m Trawler; 20m Trawler. Type of ship : 20m Trawler: Hull material : Steel: Length overall : 20.00 m: Length (lwl) 18.05 m: Beam : 6.28 m: Draft : 2.30 m ...

  20. The best of Omsk walking tour

    Tripadvisor gives a Travelers' Choice award to accommodations, attractions and restaurants that consistently earn great reviews from travelers and are ranked within the top 10% of properties on Tripadvisor.

  21. Omsk

    Omsk on a map Omsk Omsk. Omsk is a city in Russia in the Siberia region, capital of Omsk Oblast.As of the census in 2010, Omsk had been declared one of the cities in Russia with over 1 million people. Omsk is close to the border of Kazakhstan.Omsk is the only city in the world which has Metro with only one station. [source?

  22. Live Webcams in Omsk Oblast, Russia

    The online webcams will take you to Omsk Oblast (О́мская о́бласть), situated in southwestern Siberia, Russia. It is a federal subject (oblast) bordering Kazakhstan in the south, Tomsk and Novosibirsk oblasts in the east, and Tyumen Oblast in the north and west. The region is entirely flat plains on the basin of the Irtysh River ...


    Nakhimov, Omsk: See traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Nakhimov at Tripadvisor.