Specialist officers and more deportations: Government reveals plans to tackle small boat crossings

  • Immigration
  • Wednesday 21 August 2024 at 7:26pm

micro sailboat plans

The Home Office will re-open two immigration centres, as well as recruiting up to 100 new intelligence officers to target people smuggling gangs. ITV political correspondent Shehab Khan reports

The home secretary has announced new measures to curb illegal immigration, boost border security and increase deportations.

Yvette Cooper is aiming for the highest removal rates since Theresa May's tenure as home secretary, insisting the home office is taking "strong and clear steps to... ensure the rules are respected and enforced".

The measures include hiring up to 100 specialist intelligence and investigations officers at the National Crime Agency (NCA) to dismantle criminal smuggling gangs and prevent dangerous boat crossings.

This follows a 50% increase in the number of NCA officers stationed at Europol, which is currently conducting around 70 active investigations into people smuggling and trafficking groups.

Cooper said the officers have been swiftly deployed to support European operations targeting criminal smuggling gangs profiting from small boat crossings.

She assured that a range of sanctions, including financial penalties, business closure orders, and potential prosecution, will be imposed on employers of illegal workers.

There will also be a significant increase in enforcement and deportation flights, aiming to reach the highest removal levels since 2018, reversing the recent decline.

Detention capacity will be expanded with 290 additional beds at Campsfield Immigration Removal Centre, in Oxfordshire, and Haslar, in Hampshire.

This increase aims to provide the additional space needed to support higher levels of enforcement and returns, ensuring that immigration rules are properly enforced.

Staff will be redeployed to support the increased returns, which have dropped by 40% since 2010.

Some 300 caseworkers have already been reassigned to handle thousands of failed asylum and return cases, including both enforced and voluntary returns, the government said.

Additionally, sanctions will be imposed on "unscrupulous" employers who hire illegal workers.

Cooper said Border Security Command “is gearing up” to increase removals after the number of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats topped 19,000 this year so far.

The home secretary said: "Our new Border Security Command is already gearing up, with new staff being urgently recruited and additional staff already stationed across Europe.

"They will work with European enforcement agencies to find every route into smashing the criminal smuggling gangs organising dangerous boat crossings which undermine our border security and put lives at risk.

"And by increasing enforcement capabilities and returns, we will establish a system that is better controlled and managed, in place of the chaos that has blighted the system for far too long.”

Shadow Home Secretary James Cleverly called the government's response "pathetic" as he said their plans are not ambitious enough to tackle the scale of the issue, and called it out for scrapping his administration's Rwanda policy.

He said: "I returned 30,000 people a year on average when I was home secretary, the fact is their aspirations are too low, their energy is too low, the National crime agency - which said it needed a deterrent - and yet the first thing the government did upon entering office is to scrap that very deterrent.

"They still haven't recruited a commander for this phantom border command. Their rhetoric is falling apart and their action is falling well below what the country needs."

Tony Smith, former director general of Border Force UK, told ITV News an agreement with France is needed to tackle the issue and believes the Rwanda policy could be copied by other countries

Home Office figures showed 206 migrants crossed the English Channel in three boats on Monday, which has taken the 2024 provisional total crossings to 19,294. This is a 10% increase on the figure recorded last year, which was 17,620. But the latest figure is 10% down on 2022, when 21,344 crossings were recorded in the same period.

According to figures released by Labour ministers in July, the previous Tory government spent around £700 million on its flagship Rwanda scheme before the General Election earlier this year.

The programme, designed to deter illegal arrivals by small boats to England through a treaty with Kigali, aimed to relocate some individuals to East Africa.

However, only four volunteers arrived in Rwanda, and Sir Keir Starmer declared the scheme "dead and buried" within two days of becoming prime minister.

NCA director general of operations, Rob Jones, said: “Tackling organised immigration crime remains a key priority for the NCA and we are dedicating more effort and resource than ever before.

“These extra officers will play a key role in that, with the NCA currently leading around 70 investigations into the highest harm people smuggling and trafficking groups."

Care4Calais CEO Steve Smith said: “The new Government continuing to invest in border security rather than workable solutions is repeating the mistakes of the last government.

“The evidence shows that these so-called deterrents don’t work. They do nothing to reduce Channel crossings, they just force people to take greater risks to do so.

“The only way to stop crossings, and to save lives, is to create safe routes for people to claim asylum in the UK. That’s what the new Government should be focusing on.”

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Home » Ocean Explorer – a micro cruising sailboat for inland waters from Perttu Korhonen

Ocean Explorer – a micro cruising sailboat for inland waters from Perttu Korhonen

Plywood microcruiser for rivers and lakes – cabin and cockpit fitted into a tiny 8 foot sailboat which sails pretty well – see the video below!

Owning “yacht” – you don´t have to be rich – only little playfully attitude. Perrtu Korhonen

This is the story of an actual three day trip of Perttu and his nephew in Finland.

Plans $40 from Duckworks  and is complete with all details from making the hull to making the sail from a polytarp. I wonder if it qualifies as a tiny house. Maybe a tiny house … boat.

Perttu in Finland built one of my OZ PDRacers (now OZRacer) last year as well as building a Quick Canoe that he built in the snow during the last winter and used for camping and daytrips.

He is an adventurin’ sort of guy.

During this last winter he had a secret project.  Most of the Duck community fell over with surprise when he introduced his really nicely resolved Ocean Explorer – an 8ft long cabin boat.

It uses the sail, foils and spars from his OzRacer/OZPDRacer.

It makes a lot of sense for colder climates where it can be hard to find a warm and windless place to sleep.

He’s had it away on a couple of trips – he made this neat video of one of the trips.

I couldn’t decide if it was the most crazy thing or most wonderful thing I had ever seen – but was sure it was great!

Ocean Explorer

Ocean Explorer.

He used the spars, sail and foils from my OzRacer.

So we got together via the net and worked it all out to produce a really good set of plans.

About 80 pages.  It includes all the methods to build the hull, centreboard and rudder, make the polytarp sail (though you can use regular sailcloth if you like) and make the spars.

A low cost professionally made dacron/polyester sail designed by Michael Storer is available from Duckworks .  It is labelled as the Oz Sail.

Perttu spent hours doing really cool perspective drawings of the construction, I fiddled through my Oz stuff to grab what was needed for his plan. He made some suggestions for the Oz stuff and I made some suggestions for his hull – it is really very simply constructed for a boat with so much surface area.

A nice collaboration despite being about 10,000miles apart. The new shape of the world – or size – or something.

Perttu headed off on the boat for several days with a compact crewmember.

Looking aft in the cabin – adult legs go under the cockpit seats.

There are two very important things with this boat.

One is that the boat is designed to be sailed with the hatch SHUT in all but the best weathers.

Also to make progress upwind in choppy water it is important to the weight of loose gear next to the centrecase in the middle of the boat to help keep the boat on its lines.

Perttu on the building

Last winter was quite busy for me. I lost my sense of realism when my girlfriend was going to Africa for four weeks. I had bought plans for two kayaks and I was focused of building them for both of us. Then Mik´s Quick canoe came on marked and I could not resist buying plans and building one. And then I get the idea of Ocean Explorer and I started to draw sketch of it. I liked it immediately and when Hanna left to Africa I started to build it in our living room – ( I forgot to tell her – now we are repairing our living room… ). oh1 | Flickr – Photo Sharing!

Idea was to make small, cheap and light “yacht looking boat” with good performance. It´s cheap to build, light and sails good – the look of boat is little odd on front view, but I still like it. loma3 | Flickr – Photo Sharing!

In end of last summer I made three days exploring trip with it. Maybe I have lively imagination, but I felt like real sailor- sleeping inside cabin – on boat which I have build by myself – feeling how waves moves the boat… loma2 | Flickr – Photo Sharing!

Scotty on my forum

Scotty went ahead and did some great google sketchup drawings of the boat and some of the parts on my forum .

Perttu’s Cruise in Finland

Yes a real multiday cruise in a tiny and cheap boat.  I Launched my boat in Porosalmi Harbour.

I had three days to explore Linnansaari National Park in lake Saimaa Finland. The harbour was in sheltered bay and the wind was behind me. When I sailed on a reach, open lake area winds picked me up and I reefed the sail one step down. It was fun sailing. I was moving windward and the waves started to grow bigger and bigger. My boat name is iSo (big), but she started to feel small. It was a little scary and exiting at the same time. I started to look for shelter behind the islands and soon I reached a sheltered bay on one small island. I was so focused on sailing and taking photos, that I wasn´t sure in which island it was. I don’t have GPS– with maps there is always possibility to get lost! In the evening the winds are usually gentler. I had time to make coffee and refit the wind indicator, which had dropped into the cockpit. The bay was only 50m wide and it was a little battle to sail out to open lake. In the evening the winds were nicer and the sun was shining – not a trouble in the whole world.On one island there were 15 canoes and a group of young germans singing Kumbaya my Lord – I thought I must sailed too far south. The first night inside the cabin. The boat moves little with waves. I was reading a book and listening to the radio. Nice feeling – dawn comes and I fall into sleep. 12.8. 07:00 – Holiday – Why wake up at 7 o’clock? 09:30 – Stuck in calm. I miss yesterday´s winds and surfs. History knows greater sailors and explorers than me, maybe we still share something common – moments like this? That spirits up my mind and I start reading and let the sail up. 11:00 – Water supply showing alarming low. Sun is burning hot. In these latitudes the sun can be an enemy – am I gonna survive?My boat carries Michael Storer’s lugsail and it picks up even the littlest whisper of wind. I am actually moving slowly. My destination is Linnansaari Island´s north edge. The map says it has a dock for small boats. My boat has berth´s for two – is that dock going to be too small? 11:50 – A bird. Sign of land, binoculars! coconuts – whiskey for all! 12:00 – Back to reality (at least half of reality) – no whiskey for sailors! – Maybe a little in the evening? It´s time for lunch break. Tuna and pasta. (I caught the tuna earlier this morning.) When I moored, the winds started to blow. Luckily they died as soon as they appeared – I had time to eat in peace and take a small nap. 14:15 – In Linnansaari Island small boat’s dock. My fear was unnecessary. The boat just fit the dock. I hiked to a cliff which gave a great view of the lake. 17:00 – Moored to rocky island. Coffee break and swimming – feeling free. You don’t have to be rich, (with money) to complete your dreams! 16:00 – Nice steady winds – not big, but keeps us moving. 20:45 – Found nice place between two small islands. I took a couple of photos, set up the boom tent and slid into my sleeping bag. Later I watched the sunset through the cabin window.
13:08 – Friday the 13th. Beautiful morning, no clouds and the sun warms nicely. After breakfast I headed back to the harbour where I started. This trip is going to end soon. It´s time to start planning the next one. Any questions or comments: Plans are $40 and include Perttu’s hull and Michael Storer´s Lug rig, spars, sail design for home sailmaking,  and foil shapes.Plans for this baby are available from Duckworks or BoatCraft Pacific and soon all storerboats agents.

26 thoughts on “Ocean Explorer – a micro cruising sailboat for inland waters from Perttu Korhonen”

Hi….Michael…the new SkechUp for the 12ft design .is i think the very practical One….love that it has mor space..and payload.. hope to see that…i was playing micro sail boat for quit some times…..!!!have tons of adventure ..on that type


the 8″ is too short for me (space), the 12″ is too long (car). i guess i’ll have to “stitch” the 8″ read to the 12″ front. otherwise i can’t roofrack that one on my compact car… (volkswagen rabbit, roughly 10″ long) also i need less height than the 12″ one…

what do you think – could be done in glass fibre with no wood for 30 kilograms ? (building a outer form, laminating in carbon or metal struts and using baloon pressure lamination techniques)

what about a 5hp suzuki engine (we have very few wind) ?

It is a common misconception, but modern wood construction is much lighter than fibreglass. Even with carbon you would find it difficult to get close to the weights of the same structure in premium plywood such as the gaboon species. Sometimes called Okoume. Still much cheaper than Carbon particularly when considering the cost of moulds and materials that won’t go into the boat

Fibreglass will be about 60 to 100% HEAVIER than wood. Glass specific density – 2.5gm/cm^3 Resin specific density – 1gm/cm^3 Okoume wood specific density – 0.35gm/cm^3

About 3hp would be more than enough for little boats like this. More will just make the boat stand up with its nose high in the air. Sensible speed is about 5knots (nautical miles per hour)

Best wishes Michael

What is the approximate dry weight of the OE with and without sails/rigging? I’m wondering if the boat is (at least in theory) car-toppable.

Cheers! ~Rob

I will forward this to Perttu and ask him for an approximate figure. It will vary a lot depending on the plywood and timber selected.

One thing to be aware of is that BULK can be as big a problem as weight when roofracking.

I calculated the approximately weight for hull and it shoud be around 45 -55 kg ( birch plywood ) Approx 130 lbs. and 5.5 kg for spars ( pine ) Thanks Perttu

(Comment from Michael … the hull weight looks about what I would expect but would depend on the timber. The whole rig for the OzRacer (the first two Oz PDRacers we built) was about 18 to 20 lbs (7kg) for the sail, rig and the few fittings and ropes).

Perttu and Michael, thanks for the response! That’s certainly an impressive weight and well within the 75kg limit of my roof rack (all bulk concerns aside …). I think it may be doable with speed restrictions and short trips.

Hello everybody, this boat is wonderful :-).

I have some question: is the ocean explorer a good boat for two persons?

What do you think to use that in the mediterranean sea? Do you think that the ocean explorer can works well in the normal waves of that sea?

Thank you very much

Paolo, Italy

Sorry, I forgot one thing.

The “Stitch and glue” is the construction tecnique?

No, it is not stitch and glue. It uses timber with square cross section in all the corners.

This requires fewer building steps than stitch and glue because the hull shape is so simple.

I would not recommend the Ocean Explorer for the Meditteranean. If you know it already, you know there are many beautiful sailing days when you could sail any boat, but then the screaming strong winds come from the mountains or the deserts. I don’t think it would be safe. It really is a boat for rivers and lakes with good sailing conditions because it is such a tiny boat.

As far as two people … It depends on the two people. I have slept in a very small tent with another person and it had been fine. I have slept in a much bigger tent with one person and they found it difficult. It is a small space with a small vertical dimension.

Not everyone will like it, but some who have the spirit of adventure will think it is cute and fun.

Excellent pictures, and funny story of the holiday trip. I especially like the shots on flicker of your living room co nstruction. If my wife was away, I would likely do the same if I had to, knowing she would HIGHLY disapprove. I love the final product, and am considering making one when I get home from West Africa rotational work.

I surfed the web and love the videos of your boat under sail. Post more to Youtube if you have any. I just restored an 18ft 1972 Folbot sailing kayak and had a blast learning to sail it last month while at home on days off. My wife said not to come home with another project that kept me up all hours of the night in the garage …… I think I will be in hot water when I pull in the drive way with the plywood in my truck :)

Bill, Surette’s Island, Nova Scotia

This is exactly what I am looking for! When do you think these plans will be available?

Plans are for sale now!

Ooze Gooze plans on Duckworks

I didn´t draw boom tent for this boat, same type boom tent like Ocean Explorer can´t be use, because cockpit is longer than boom. Boom tent is so nice equipment, that I would miss it, so that may come in future as add on – and curtains for sure – ha!

Now there is optional plans for outboard mount and some another small things, but that boom tent needs some thinking — Thanks

This is fantastic!

My wife (Finnish, coincidentally!) and I currently enjoy infrequent weekends doing minimalist canoe camping in the hidden lakes of the Canadian Shield (we’re not much for crowds). Our children are very near the age where they can be left on their own, so for over a year I have been conspiring to build a PD Goose for “luxury” camp cruising. My new home with double garage was completed over the winter and I came back to this page to visit the Goose plans when I saw this!

I intend to check back frequently and be one of the first in line when the 12ft plans are ready.

All the best from Canada,

Guess what Darren,

We finished the plans yesterday. Plans are for sale now!

More pics of the Ooze Goose sailing micro cruiser will go up here as we get them together.

Perttu’s computer drawings are a wonder.

Wow!…..How exciting!

Not only am I enticed about about this microcruiser’s sailing performance, but I am already being flooded with dreams of my sweetie and I on ultra-romantic wekkend and long-weekend getaways….I can picture us anchored up in some of our favourite private gunkholes – her stretched out sunbathing in the cockpit; me sitting on the bow catching supper; swimming; an ice chest full of cold ones; and the best part – no hauling camping gear ashore and back again!

Is this plan set also going to come with all the extra goodies – boom tent, curtains, blocks, etc?

The plans come with some of those accessories drawn up just like the smaller version. I will dig up Perttu for comments about what is there exactly – he will reply here and the reply should be forwarded to you automatically.

We are really interested in the performance too and how it handles different conditions. It is not really an “open water” boat, I would probably think of it like an open boat in terms of seaworthiness. If you keep that in mind and gradually extend what you do I think it will be very good fun.

Plans are for sale now Darren.

I’m loving this design. I really think there is genius in it. Great collaboration. I don’t think I can resist building one…I’ll send pictures

Most of the Genius is Perttu’s. I just supplied the running gear to make it go nicely.

I’m quite taken with your Ocean Explorer. My only problem is my wife always comes sailing with me, so the boat would have to sleep 2 adults. I’m 5’10” and my weight is 210 pounds; my wife is 5’3″ and her weight is 110 pounds. Could you design a larger Ocean Explorer that would sleep my wife and I? I sure hope so. We tent camp in a two person pack tent that weights 6 pounds. Good protection with a bit of comfort would be fine for us. Thanks so much for your help. We hope you have a great year.

Perttu and I are working on a 12ft version. It is a lot of work so it might take some time to get it ready.

One of the best ways to monitor what is happening is to join my forum as well as this website.

auch ich denke übereine 10 ft version nach- gegebenenfalls 12 ft-,auf keinen fall größer oder schwerer. habe großes interesse an neuesten informationen.

Thankyou Roland,

I work slowly when creating new plans. But I will write something here when it is ready.

12ft is a good choice. 10ft makes it difficult to get good performance when there are two people on the boat.

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Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home

Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

September 13, 2023

‍ Key Takeaways

  • There are many sailboats that anyone can build from home depending on tastes
  • Budget will be the biggest deciding factor on a majority of the process
  • Consider kits that come with most of what you need or choose ones that are all-inclusive
  • Design complexities and new materials may make the building time process longer
  • Plan the best you can ahead of time to save money and your working hours

‍ Buying a sailboat can be expensive, but building your own can save you money. So what are sailboats you can build from home?

Sailboats that you can build from home will likely be a small boat under 20 feet. These could be from many different boat suppliers such as B&B Yachts, Brooks Boat Designs, and Chase Small Craft. Boat plans will vary based on your budget and how much time you have on your hands.

Based on my previous experience, building your own boat will take much longer than if a professional were to do it. You also have to be able to study plans, consider various sailboat designs, and have tons of supplies such as fiberglass tape or fiberglass cloth. On top of that, you will also have to be good with your hands.

Table of contents

‍ Top 10 Affordable Sailboats Anyone Can Build at Home

Building your own pocket cruiser or other styles from boat plans is an impressive feat, as this will need dedicated time and money to assure your boat sails safely. Boat building takes a lot of patience as well, especially since this will not be completed in a fast manner.

Finding boat plans and materials that fit your budget will be key to being able to complete the project. The time it takes to complete these projects will vary on your overall experience and needs. Below are 10 of the most affordable sailboats that you can build in the comfort of your home.

B&B Yachts

B&B Yacht

B&B Yachts have 14 different boat plans you can choose from to find the boat of your desires. Their shop is located along the Bay River in North Carolina where they construct all of the kits and have a 100 foot dock to show off your project once you complete it.

One popular model to check out is their Core Sound 15, as it is the perfect size for those wanting to build a modest size boat for a handful of people on board. Their website features some videos of completed projects and the plans or kits for purchase.

  • 14 different models to choose from plus some dinghies
  • Various monohull and multihull options
  • Friendly customer service with attractive prices
  • Might be too many options for some that are indecisive
  • Not ideal for those wanting to have a motor sailer

Brooks Boat Designs

Brooks Boat Designs

Brooks Boat Designs has a handful of options to consider for your next sailboat building project. They are located in Brookline, Maine and give the option to buy the kits or have them build one from scratch for you. They have plenty of knowledge, so do not be shy to ask about modifications or custom features you are looking for.

Depending on your specifics, they can attempt to accommodate some of their plans to help fit your desired outcome. By checking out their site, you can see many examples of their construction in progress and what the boats will look like when completed.

  • Offers a variety of kits
  • Plans vary around $50 and up, while materials will obviously add more costs
  • Some plans can be rowing boats that can convert to sailboats
  • Might take a while to hear back from them, as their contact section is a little outdated
  • Their plans may not accommodate a ton of extras for your taste

Chase Small Craft

Chase Small Craft

Chase Small Craft offers a simple process for building boats. Their kits are equipped with everything you need and will help save you time than just buying the materials outright and other parts you could need. This is arguably one of the best bang for buck instances if you want to save time and money searching for pieces to your boat.

They are located in Saco, Maine and will ship everything to your home from there. All the necessary materials are included and all you need are the proper tools and working space.

  • All-inclusive kits with what you need
  • Tons of knowledge on their site for boat building
  • Easy process to order and customize
  • Complete kits can range over $20,000 for larger boats
  • Kits may take up to eight weeks to ship out

Chesapeake Light Craft

Chesapeake Light Craft

You can expect high-quality boat kits from Chesapeake Light Craft . They feature 18 different sailboat kits that vary from eight to 20 feet in length. This should be more than enough to find one for you if you are newer to boat building.

They also have a wide variety of other kits in addition to the sailboat, in the event that you wanted to order a small kayak or paddleboard in addition to your sailboat. The prices vary considerably when considering a small or larger boat, so check the complete list of options to in order to potentially fit your needs.

  • Plenty of sailboat offerings to choose from
  • Different beautiful hull form options to consider
  • Easy to build and perfect for sailing
  • Only has basic materials needed for kit, so you may need to purchase other items
  • Has epoxy shipping fee no matter if you pick up item

Dudley Dix Yacht Design

Dudley Dix Yacht Design has an extensive list of plywood and single skin sailing boat options. They have plenty of sail plans and kits to consider depending on your goals. These follow a classic look for sailboats, which are aesthetically pleasing.

If you are wanting one to accommodate a small family, they have more than plenty to look through. The cost is not as bad compared to others, but keep in mind that you may need to throw in your own supplies or specific tools to get the job done.

  • Plans start at $30 and range up to $7,500 or more for kits
  • More than enough of options to consider
  • Affordable variety of sailboat offerings
  • Might be too many options for those new to sailing
  • Most are wood without the use of aluminum or steel

Farrier Marine

Farrier Marine

If you are in search of a multihull to build, then Farrier Marine is what you need. They offer a unique folding catamaran that is trailerable and give you the option to build it yourself. This not only makes it an appealing option, but anyone can take this multihull boat wherever they want with ease.

It features a thorough construction guide once you receive all of the materials. These also come with stainless steel fasteners and an aluminum mast for high-quality materials. Pricing will vary since you must request which model type you are considering.

  • Ability to build a unique catamaran
  • In-depth construction guide to help
  • Easily handled and trailerable
  • Price may be too high
  • Limited offerings since only a few multihull options

Glen-L Marine Designs

Glen-L Marine Designs

Building a boat from Glen-L Marine Designs can save you time and money. They feature an easy system to order and receive the kits, as well as an in-depth guide to building them. This is an appealing option compared to most boat kit sellers.

The beauty about Glen-L is that anyone can build these from scratch, so you do not have to be the best boat builder in the world to get it done. They offer guides and helpful insights from their team to point you in the right direction. Plans vary around $15, while kits can range well over $1,000 depending on boat size.

  • Nearly 50 designs to choose from
  • Complete guide to help anyone build it
  • Plenty of price points depending on size
  • Might be overwhelming with the amount of options
  • Could take a while to get parts since they are popular

John Welsford Boat Designs

John Welsford Boat Designs

John Welsford Boat Designs invites new and veteran boat builders that want a taste of quality small wooden boats. The boat plans are designed to meet your specifications and are catered to your desires.

There are seven sailboat designs to choose from so you do not feel overwhelmed in the process. However, they do not sell kits all the time, so you would need to have the materials or be on the lookout for the best prices when they are available.

  • Seven sailboat plans with different sizes
  • Quality boat builder and supporting community
  • In-depth knowledge provided to you when you order
  • Might be too small of boat size
  • Kits are not always available

Iain Oughtred

There are plenty of options on the wooden boat store, but you should narrow down your search for Iain Oughtred’s line of sailboat kits and plans. There are 25 different plans to choose from, which should accommodate most everyone looking to build their own boat.

While they do offer some kits, they do not routinely offer sailboat kits. You would need to purchase all of the materials if you are considering one of their sail plans. Keep this in mind if you are considering, as you would need to hunt down the parts yourself.

  • 25 different sailboat plans to look through
  • Various sizes to contemplate for you sailing needs
  • Prices will vary but are not bad compared to market
  • No sailboat kits, only plans
  • Newer boat builders might find too many options unappealing

Paul Gartside Boat Builder and Designer

Gartside Boats is a boat builder company based in Long Island, New York that showcases a variety of boats from traditional and newer methods of boat building. Within that variety, they have boat plans meant for six to 50 feet in length.

With an abundance of options, you will need to contact them regarding prices and any customizable options. Kits may vary as well, as they typically design in-house and build for you.

  • Experienced boat designer that can accommodate with custom plans
  • Many options are trailerable
  • Can have plans for up to a 50 foot boat
  • You will need to contact them for prices
  • Customized options may make process more complicated for new boat builders

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Sailboat at Home?

As you have likely already done so, the math between building your own boat and buying one may be a huge difference. Likewise, you may even enjoy the challenge of taking an older boat that is gutted and restoring with parts from a kit to build one new again.

But how much does it cost exactly to build a boat from the comfort of your own garage or workshop? The prices are going to vary dramatically depending on your situation and material needed to get the job done. In addition, the time that it takes to complete this will also vary.

Sail plans are rather inexpensive if you are aiming to build a small boat. These plans allow you to see the workings of the boat design and what you need to build the boat.

Without these plans, you will not know the exact details of the design and it can cause major issues with the boat’s hull or other areas of the boat. Think of these as the backbone or instructions of the boat’s infancy before being built.

Price Per Square Foot

You should assume to pay anywhere between $300 to $600 per square foot if you are interested in building a boat. Buying a kit outright can be a good way to save time, but oftentimes these do not come with everything you need.

Instead, you should try to source as much of the materials at the best price as possible. Thinking ahead is part of the process and you might be able to score a deal at a lumber yard or hardware store for parts.

Boat Designs Matter

The design of the boat will be much different from one boat to the next, regardless if they are the same size in length. If you are pondering boats that range anywhere between 16 and 20 feet, you should factor in the shape of the hull, any rigging, and various appendages.

Prices tend to increase when there are more complexities within the designs. If you are considering a kit with more details than others, you will also have to pay more for the designs on that as well.

Kits Can Differ

It is important to understand that all kits are not going to be the same. As you gander at sailboat kits online to stitch together, you need to thoroughly look over to see if you have everything you need before buying.

It would also be at your advantage to ask the seller if any additional parts or supplies are needed. This may change your dynamic on the kit buying process and you may pass up one for another if it has everything you need. An all-inclusive kit may cost several hundred, if not thousands, of dollars more to have the convenience of everything in the bundle.

Construction Approaches

Some boat plans may require you to have certain tools to get the job done. This means special saws or planers, which the average person simply does not have.

Purchasing specialty tools might be expensive upfront and hard to find depending on what it is. Your best bet would be to check locally for others trying to sell their tools or consider a boat plan that does not require extensive tools to finish the job.

How Long Does it Take to Build a Sailboat?

An easy to build sailboat could take a while to build from scratch. Many different variances come into play that are difficult to pinpoint for everyone. But how long is that exactly and how will your experience play into this?

A fun project to sail in the wind could take you several months to well over a year depending on the boat plan and how big your boat is going to be. In addition, the materials all need to be accounted for prior to starting in the event a hardware store does not have them in stock.

Time Varies

The time that passes for simple boat designs on small sailing vessels can be done in a few weeks. This is assuming you have everything you need and work non-stop around the clock.

Certain complex situations may make the process long, such as the difficulty of working with some materials. If you are a skilled laborer, it may take you half the time compared to a novice. The amount of time it can take will vary on your availability and skill level.

Planning ahead will undoubtedly offer the most time-saving features. It also helps if you can tackle parts of the project at your own pace.

Complexity of Design

The design of the boat may make the construction process longer. For example, it may take you longer to build a catamaran compared to a similar lengthed monohull.

More complex designs might require more materials, therefore making the process a bit longer to complete. Furthermore, you will also need more experience working with difficult designs and that will affect you more as a newbie.

Be sure to manage your expectations well and do not allow yourself to become too stressed over this fun project. If you can, seek expert boat building advice from a local builder or the company you purchased sail plans through.

Quality Materials

The quality of the materials will matter significantly when building a boat and will greatly affect the time it takes to construct it. Handling fiberglass or carbon fiber might require specialty tools, while wood also demands a certain level of craftsmanship.

If you are not skilled at working with the material at hand, it might affect the quality of the build and you may have to go back to fix mistakes. This will definitely add more time to your project, because mistakes are bound to happen with your first project.

To save time, consider adding the tools and materials throughout the year or as often as your budget allows. You may want to try testing your skills on fiberglass or other materials to get a feel for how to work with it.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Sail Far Live Free

Sail Far Live Free

Go small and go now 5 pocket cruisers to take you anywhere.

Marquesas anyone? Flicka will get you there.
Allegra 24 in all her glory
Tom Thumb 24 slicing nicely through the chop
A local (to me, sort-of) Nor'Sea 27
Falmouth Cutter 22 in action

What, no Georgian 23? ;)

Gotta love those little Canadian sloops!

Or Bayfield?:)

I am a Bayfield fan (and even more so a Ted Gozzard fan), but I wasn't aware of the Bayfield 25 making any major bluewater passages. Do you know of any?

A bayfield 25 is built well enough BUT it’s shallow keel and light weight classify it more of a coastal cruiser. But that also makes it a great gunk holer. It’s a nice little boat for the Chesapeake and coastal areas. It lacks the deep keel and ballast to be comfortable offshore. The bayfield 29 is a bit more blue water but also it’s shoal keel at only 3ft 6 inches also gives it a comfort ratio a bit on the edge for a true blue water boat. BUT that said a bayfield 29 outfitted right will get the job done and with a good turn of speed over most listed here. It will reach its hull speed of 6.5-7 knots no problem and will point windward well enough. (It’s not got to compete with a fin keel 30 footer but it will be more comfortable. And it’s faster then a westsail32 (nick named the wet snail 32) I find most of the better pocket cruisers on this list are great for what that are but NOT the most boat you can get for your money today. Some great 30-32 foot blue water boats can be purchased for LESS then some of these. I just bought a great bayfield 29 for UNDER 3K that’s right 3 not 30. I looked at a foulmouth cutter that was available in my area it was rough really rough and they still were asking over 10K. It’s only benefit was it came with a trailer but what good doesn’t that do when Your offshore. I wouldn’t mind taking one on single handed adventure as the romance of the boat would add to the fun of the adventure but. Is it the best boat for your buck? No their popularity and reputation and (good ones are getting scarce) bring high prices.

It's amazing: after looking at all your boat reviews and choices, I realize we have exactly the same tastes and dream boats! And I enjoy your writing and musings! I'm very glad I happened upon your blog site! Bill Hinkel

Thanks Bill! I love writing about sailboats almost as much as I love actually sailing them.

I've owned a Flicka, Allegra, and FC all excellent boats.

Wow...that's an impressive resume! I bet you've got some great stories to tell.

What about the Halcyon 23? Any thoughts on that one? Great article by the way!

Sorry, I'm not personally familiar with the little Halcyon 23, but you can read a review reprinted from "Yachts and Yachting" originally written in 1970 here .

How about the Pacific Seacraft 25? If your talking about small salty sailboat (SSS) that can take you to the paradise. She prolly don't a standing headroom but sure does the perfect little sailboat. Just like HC33t.

Yup, I too like the PSC 25. She's not as roomy as either the Flicka or the Dana, but a typically a fair amount more affordable. And as you point out, no standing headroom. Still, a pretty boat with bluewater experience.

A very informative article, thank you very much. I find myself daydreaming to be on a boat, sailing around the world quite often and i'm trying to collect a budget, to buy a boat and take sailing classes. I love the design on the ships you posted. Are there any good pocket-cruisers with a steering wheel ?(i can't say i really like tillers :P). Again, thank you for compiling this list, you gave hope to a "wannabe" skipper.

My humble little Bristol 24 wants to know if she can join the group.

Yup, good choice. Humble and capable...just the right ingredients!

what about the Catalina 22 ?

A fine little coastal sailboat, trailer sailboat and "first" sailboat, but for all the things that the C22 is, she is definitely not a pocket cruiser that can GO ANYWHERE. Don't get me wrong, I love the C22 and our first boat (Helms 25) was very similar, but neither is suited for offshore work.

My little hurley 22, can she make the mark?

A Hurley can do anything! Ihave had a 24 since 1972 they are forgotten but they are great! Joe

Morris Frances 26.

Good recommendation! I love all of the small classic Morris boats like the Frances 26, Linda 28 and Annie 29. Chuck Paine has a way of making these small boats look larger than life!

Was expecting to see an Albin Vega 27 mentioned...

I included the Albin Vega in my "Bluewater on a Budget" post about affordable offshore cruisers. You can read it here: http://www.sailfarlivefree.com/2012/06/blue-water-on-budget-5-budget-cruisers.html

Any thoughts on our west coast Brent Swain 26 welded steel boats? Truly budget cruisers!

I have built one, but yet to launch it I am getting a trailer for it, an advantage that I never thought of when I started building it. Not very many built, mine is a single keel version and I added a wheelhouse.

What about Cape Dory's?

Howard - Good suggestion. Both the CD22 and CD25 are worthy little pocket cruisers with classic Alberg looks. I haven't been aboard either and don't know of any that have crossed oceans, but I suspect someone's been offshore in these two little Cape Dory's and I have little doubt they could be good sea boats in the right hands, given their stout construction, full keels, etc.

The boats listed are priced such that one could buy a much larger, albeit not-so-primo boat for the same or lesser amount. I've seen decent cal 34s go for $8k. So why buy a pocket cruiser that goes for 30K? Smaller sails and reduced slip rent can only account for a modicum of savings

True enough, this is NOT necessarily a list cheap/affordable small boats, but rather well-built and capable small boats that can go offshore in the right hands. Some sailors simply prefer a small, simple sailboat to a larger more spacious (and sometimes more complicated) sailboat, even if the purchase price is similar.

West Wight Potter 14 #223. Mexico to Hawaii.

I'm contemplating buying a 26' Micmac for rougher waters. http://sailboatdata.com/viewrecord.asp?class_id=6202

A Vancouver 27 !!!!

hey you forgot a little boat from south africa called the flamenca 25 great little boat built for the cape of storms

A Flamenca would also sail circles around this list of boats. These traditional long keel boats are slow and without decent fouls, suck going upwind.

Would the Cascade 27 be a good pocket cruiser or is this just a coastal cruiser

I think it would be a excellent choice

Mmm. Some consistencies in your selections (apart from the obvious US of A bias), they all have square bows. Me thinks this is as much a beauty contest as a seaworthy small boat list. I'm afraid trailer and seagoing don't fit in the same sentence

Guilty as charged! Although I do disagree about trailer and seagoing...with both the Flicka and the Nor'Sea being plenty capable on both fronts.

Okay. On seaworthy, I sailed in 12 knots past a site where 2 friends were drowned, their yacht lost in a gale. So is my Folkboat, my sailing skill or patience to credit or was their boat any less seaworthy? An ocean crossing does not make a boat seaworthy, the sailing skill and weather and sea mix have as much to credit. I assert that a long heavy keel, stout rig and water tightness are compulsory if you want to lengthen the odds in your favour.

Nice article, I would however strongly suggest that you give a second thought about linking to myboatplans.com. It's a scam (most, if not all, of the plans are available for free elsewhere on the net and at least some pics are stolen from other boatbuilders). You don't have to take my word for it, just google around.

Thanks, and thanks for the suggestion...the link has been removed!

I am agree with you. Tks. An article about siling solo those smalls boats (in spanish): http://www.navegar-es-preciso.com/news/la-navegacion-oceanica-en-solitario-en-peque%C3%B1os-veleros-/

How about a Privateer26 by Kenner ? Check the specs, and I think you'll find she's equal in important areas and prettier by far than most!

Having a love affair with traditional boats with genuine shear lines, I just stepped out of my Marshall 22, and into a totally unknown double ender called a Skipper 20. Why these trailer sailors dream have gone unnoticed is hard to fathom. With room for 4, 2' draft, 800#s ballast, and a cockpit larger than my Bristol 27' which includes a outboard locker has me spending the last 4 months making the 40 year old look like modern and updated, quality pocket cruiser. With the new genoa, 5.5kts up hill and down, and as dry as they get,, Where they been???

I just bought a Skipper 20 and am fixing it up, can you tell me how it handles in a heavy blow? I am planning to use it as a micro coastal sailer and would like to know as much about it's capabilitys as I can. Much appreciated, Richard.

What are your thoughts on a San Juan 7.7 with the keel shoe? Offshore sailong to Hawaii or the inside passage to Alaska.

What are your thoughs on a San Juan 7.7 with the keel shoe offshore? IE; Hawaii or the Inside Passage to Alaska.

We recently purchased a JJ Taylor Contessa 26, hull #262, Ophelia, and have trailered her to Malletts Bay in Lake Champlain, VT. We were extremely flattered to have a visit from Tania Aebi, who lives 35 min. from us and wanted to show her sister and daughter-in-law an example of the boat that she sailed round the world in the late '80's.

What about steel Tom Thumb 24 ???

For whatever reason, I'm a fan of the Bristol 24 (Paul Coble design). The baby Bristols are full-keeled and don't go upwind very energetically, but once the sheets are started they come into their own. Hulls are usually nearly bulletproof, and even if damaged, they are small and easy to fix... some have been gilded into mini-yachts, but I prefer sparse brightwork and light/white paint. They are very (very) sea-kindly for their size and although they heel to about 15-20 degrees, their nearly 50% ballast usually stops it right there... Mast-head rigged, they have a large main and can develop noticeable weather-helm, so one reef keeps the tiller loads modest. Thankfully they aren't very popular or well-known, so you can find bargains and even top-drawer examples probably will cost less than a modest commuter car... I'm now on my second one (after having a larger fin-keel... am returning to the B24); if possible, look for one with split lower shrouds... Oh, they have comfortable 5'11" headroom, or just a fraction more,,,

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PocketShip by Chesapeake Light Craft

15-foot fast-sailing pocket cruiser with sitting headroom and 8-foot berths.

Length overall
Draft (cb up)
Sail area
Hull construction Stich-n-glue

URL: http://www.clcboats.com/shop/boats/boat-plans/sailboat-plans/pocketship-sailing-pocket-cruiser-kit.html


" PocketShip " is a small cruising sailboat of refined model, meant to sail well on all points, provide dry camping accommodations for two adults, and tow behind a four-cylinder car. Examples are now sailing on four continents; as of this writing more than 50 are sailing or under construction around the world.

Designer John C. Harris has designed, built, owned, and cruised aboard a variety of smallcraft. His first camp-cruiser as a teenager was an 11'6" rowing boat with a tent, in which he explored the upper Chesapeake, sleeping aboard. Twenty years later, he wanted a fast-sailing pocket cruiser with a dry and commodious interior. It had to be quick and easy to build or the project would never get finished, so stitch-and-glue plywood construction was a given from the start. The cockpit was laid out for daysailing comfort and is large enough for sleeping on warm nights.

Interior arrangements are ample, we think bigger and more comfortable than anything else this size, without compromising Pocketship 's looks and performance. Two adults may sleep below or wait out a rain shower, and a portable head stows beneath the cockpit, sliding forward into the cuddy for use. The enclosed area of the cabin is identical to an average four-man tent, but drier, more private, and more secure.

Geoff Kerr of Two Daughters Boatworks built the first hull. He started in mid-January 2008 and clocked about 525 hours before delivering a finished hull and spars, ready for hardware. PocketShip was rigged at CLC and launched on May 10th, 2008. The typical amateur builder might require about 30 weekends and occasional evenings to see this one through.

Plans comprise 11 pages of architectural drawings, and full-sized patterns for nearly every part in the boat. Plans and manual are in both metric and standard measurements. The manual is 280 pages, spiral-bound, and lavished with nearly 800 images and drawings showing construction step-by-step. Kits include the pre-cut plywood parts, epoxy, and fiberglass for the hull. Since solid timber (floorboards, stringers, rails, spars) is available everywhere inexpensively, it will be sourced and milled by the builders. Due to the shipping challenges, lead ballast is not included in the kit. Sails and hardware are available in several deeply discounted packages.

2008 sailing trials in varied waters from Maine to Maryland included crews of 1 to 4 adults and wind conditions of 0-20 knots. PocketShip is stiff and fast and tacks through 90 degrees. The helm is light and the boat will spin nearly in its own length in both light and heavy air and with a variety of sail combinations. We are thrilled with performance and handling - all expectations have been exceeded.

Many ask about auxiliary power for PocketShip . While the boat's sailing qualities are sufficient to undertake long expeditions in challenging waters without power, many sailing examples have small outboards mounted on a stern bracket for negotiating marinas, channels, or flat calms. We've seen up to five horsepower, but two horsepower is ample even for rough conditions. The excellent Honda four-stroke 2hp is light enough not to diminish sailing qualities. Aftermarket outboard brackets are plug-and-play without modification to the transom. John Harris built this simple outboard bracket for PocketShip #1 and it has worked admirably.


Boats about same size as PocketShip


Questions? Suggestions? Contact us at: [email protected]

Bedard Marine

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  • 34′ x 12′ High Speed Catamaran, 36 Passengers
  • 31′ x 12′ High-Speed Catamaran, 24 Passengers
  • Sponge Docks Skiff 13
  • Sponge Docks Skiff 16
  • Sponge Docks Skiff 19
  • F1430 Sit-On-Top Kayak
  • F1830 Sit-On-Top Tandem Kayak
  • MASH 24ft family cruiser
  • OzonaX Nesting Pram
  • 15′ RoG Micro-cruiser
  • F1430 Sit-On-Top Kayak PDF Assembly Manual
  • F1830 Sit-On-Top Kayak PDF Assembly Manual
  • Ozona X Nesting Pram PDF Assembly Manual
  • Sponge Docks Skiff 13 PDF Assembly Manual
  • Sponge Docks Skiff 19 PDF Assembly Manual
  • Ozona X Nesting Pram
  • Okoume Marine BS1088
  • Meranti Marine BS1088
  • Baltic Birch Plywood
  • Sanded Birch Plywood
  • Ozona X Sail, 70 square feet
  • Ozona X Spar kit
  • Epoxy Resin, Laminating, FGCI 1 Gallon
  • Epoxy Activator, 2:1, FGCI 1/2 Gallon
  • Epoxy Activator, 2:1, FGCI 1 Gallon
  • Wood Flour 5Qt (Premium Hardwood)
  • Fumed silica 5QT
  • Microballoons 5QT
  • E-Glass cloth 4oz/sq.yd. 50″ wide
  • E-Glass cloth 6oz/sq.yd. 60″ wide
  • MASH, 24ft Cruiser
  • 15′ RoG Micro-Cruiser
  • F1430 Sit-On-Top
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micro sailboat plans

15′ RoG Micro-cruiser Plan Set

micro sailboat plans

$ 239.00 – $ 339.00

  • Description
  • Additional information

The specs of this boat are [mark]HERE[/mark]

This plan set includes:

  • 13X ARCH-D 24″x36″ [609x914mm] Drawings (paper)
  • 4X ARCH-D 24″x36″ [609x914mm] Full-Size Templates (paper)
  • 4X 24″x72″ [609x1800mm] Full-Size Templates (paper)
  • 2X 24″x192″ [609x4877mm] Full-Size Templates (Matte Film)

To complete this boat you will also need

  • 15 4’x8′ sheets of 6mm marine grade plywood
  • 2 4’x8′ sheets of 3/4″[18mm] construction plywood for cradle and temp frames
  • 2×4 12′ construction white wood (3x) for the cradle
  • 8 gallons of mixed epoxy
  • Wood flour, silica and microballoons
  • 50yd-roll 6ozX3″ FRP cloth-tape (1x)
  • 50yd-roll 6ozX2″ FRP cloth-tape (3x)
  • 12yd 6ozX60″ FRP cloth
  • 8yd 1208 DB woven-roving
  • Whale pump, diverter valves and various plumbing fro water ballasts
  • Acrylic for the windows
  • UHMWPE 1.5″x7″x7″ for mast steps and collars
  • Paint/Varnish
  • Western Red Cedar for centerboard blank, rudder blank and various pieces and gluing sticks
  • 50lb lead for the keel
  • plastic tie-wraps, 3/16″ and 1/8″
  • Spars, sails and rigging

This list is not complete or precise.  Quantity used will vary according to builder’s skills and habits.  Contact us for more details

Here’s a more exhaustive list.

We strongly recommend the carbon spars, but the sails do not have to be full-battens, nor do they absolutely need 2 reef points so there can be some savings there.  The BOM as beow is comprehensive, with lines led aft, all the way to the hiking sticks.  Beware comparing this to your barebones-run-of-the-mill equipment list on most new boats.

Download it here, current as of 3/26/2017:  [mark]RoG BOM 170325[/mark]

micro sailboat plans

The RoG is designed with carbon spars, but can be easily adapted to aluminum spars, as well as un-ballasted centerboard and/or without water-ballasts.

Contact us for more details

**This plan set is printed to order, therefore please allow us 2-4 weeks from the time of order to shipping date, especially for the first few (as of 03/17) . Prices and Plan Set content can change without notice. Note that shipping charge at checkout is estimated (on the high-side) and will be held on your credit-card, but we will only charge actual shipping +US$10 for S&H.  Contact us for a precise shipping quote before ordering. Shipping fees are out of our control, it is therefore understood that shipping price could potentially be higher than the amount held on credit card.   In this case, we will contact you to validate before applying any charge to your CC.

micro sailboat plans

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 5 × 5 in

No Thx, I don't have a CNC, Yes! Send me DXF cut files

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50th Anniversary Collectors Issue - September/October Issue No. 300 Preview Now

micro sailboat plans

Sailboats - Cruising

15' rog micro-cruiser.

An expedition micro that will accommodate 2 adults for a week-end or a single-hander for up to 5 days. Ability to take on some weather and deliver solid performance while doing so. For the crew: forgiving and predictable but fast & fun. Launch time should be kept to a minimum. As a RAID class boat, she must draw 8″ or less, be rowing-friendly and launched from the beach unassisted; in other words, as small as possible.The result is ‘RoG’(River of Grass), a 15ft micro expedition cruiser

Design Specifications

[email protected] 727-488-4573 www.bedardyachtdesign.com 42160 US19 N #25 Tarpon Springs FL 34689

An expedition Micro-Cruiser.


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Print $39.95, digital $28.00, print+digital $42.95, from plans & kits.

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From the community.

Antique yachting cannon by L.T. Snow model 1892

Antique yachting cannon by L.T. Snow model 1892

Very fine condition and working 4 bore breech loader, with shell box and accessories.

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Yankee One Design Sloop Sailboat 30’

Award winning, designed by William Starling Burgess/Stone built.

1958 Fully restored Knarr Sailboat

1958 Fully restored Knarr Sailboat

3 of everything!

TN Simmons Sea Skiff

Original16’ circa 1955. Recently restored. $2,500.

 ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]



plans (nearly 450 at present) and building manuals, CD’s and DVD’s.

The range of designs includes :-


covering plywood, strip plank and clinker ply construction as well as sail making.

Click here for details of the Terms & Conditions, Use of our Plans, Back-up, SFDesign Philosophy etc

When you go to order a plan you will have a choice of two Buy Now Buttons - one for the Printed Plans (to be sent by post) and the other for the electronic PDF version of the plan, which will be sent to your email address. 
Generally, the prices of the PDF versions for boats above dinghy size (where there is usually more than 4 sheets of A1 print), are lower than the printed versions, as no printing is involved. Once payment for your order has cleared, sending the PDF files attached to an email is almost immediate with no waiting for the post and with guaranteed delivery to any country.

(also a 28' version)

. dayboat details. Launch added to the Classic Motor Cruisers page. and photos of the first launched. . plans. .   by Paul Fisher have been put up in a new section on the Sailer, Steam/Electric Launch, Steam Launch and the added. clinker motor launch added to the Motor Cruisers 21' to 30' page. almost complete added. added. design with more beam and hull depth, plus a new design, a added, one of which is built in two halves. and motor yachts and a photo of the finished . open strip planked motor cruiser. added. plans and a set of drawings and sketches has been added as an option to the 16' Curlew Motor Punt to make it into the . and the . . canoe plans. ; ; ; and models. .

After a youth messing around in all sorts of boats on the Thames, I gained my degree - a BSc (Bachelor of Science) in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding from Newcastle University in 1974.

Straight after University l worked in the design office of McGruer & Co. Scotland for 4 years - famous for high performance racing /cruising yachts beautifully crafted in wood (cold moulded as well as conventional clinker and carvel). l then became Technical Manager at D.M. Russell Marine - formerly Jas. A. Silvers yard just up the road at Rosneath, for 5 years - famous for their motor yachts - this period found me sailing/cruising in all sorts of craft around the coast of the UK and regular racing in everything from Dragons to the IOR fleet on the Clyde.




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[…] am building a 16′ wooden bass boat using the Glen-L design and it is about 80% complete. I am now getting ready to outfit the interior, build the helm, […]

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11 Best Pocket Cruiser Sailboats to Fit a Budget

  • By Cruising World Staff
  • Updated: May 24, 2024

Looking for a trailerable pocket cruiser that offers that liveaboard feeling? This list features 11 small sailboats with cabins that have the amenities often found on larger vessels. They may not be ocean crossing vessels, but they’re certainly capable of handling big bays and open waters.

What is a pocket cruiser? It’s a small trailerable sailboat, typically under 30 feet in length, that’s ideal for cruising big lakes, bays, coastal ocean waters, and occasionally bluewater cruising. Pocket cruisers are usually more affordable, compact, and offer a level of comfort that’s comparable to bigger liveaboards.

Small cruising sailboats are appealing for many reasons, but if you’re like most of us, you want to maintain a certain level of comfort while on the water. We took a poll and these are what we found to be the best cruising sailboats under 30 feet.

– DON’T LET CARBON MONOXIDE SNEAK UP ON YOU – Install detectors on your boat to sniff out any buildup of carbon monoxide gas. Avoid running engines or generators while anchored or stopped for extended periods. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

Andrews 28

Open and airy below deck, the Andrews 28 doesn’t sacrifice comfort for speed. Designed by Alan Andrews, the Southern California naval architect renowned for his light, fast raceboats, this 28-footer will certainly appeal to the cruiser who also enjoys a little club racing. Sporting a total of 6 berths, a galley, head and nav area, you might forget you are on a boat small enough to be easily trailered. The retractable keel allows the Andrews 28 to be easily launched and hauled and ensures it’s as comfortable as a daysailer as it is a racer. Click here to read more about the Andrews28.

Beneteau First 20

First 20 at sunset

Small sailboat with a cabin? Check! Fun to sail? Modern design? Capable of flying a spinnaker? Check! Check! Check! The Finot-Conq-designed Beneteau First 20, which replaced the popular Beneteau first 211 nearly a decade ago now, is a sporty-but-stable pocket cruiser suitable for newcomers to the sport who are eager to learn their chops before moving up to a bigger boat or for old salts looking to downsize to a trailerable design. The boat features twin rudders, a lifting keel, and a surprisingly roomy interior with bunks for four. Click here to read more about the Beneteau First 20 .

Ranger 26

Conceived as a way to bridge the gap between a safe, comfortable, family cruiser and a competitive racer, Gary Mull’s Ranger 26 does exactly as it was designed to. Undeniably fast, (one won the 1970 IOR North American Half-Ton Cup) the boat sails as well as it looks. However speed isn’t the Ranger’s only strong-suit, with over 7 feet of cockpit there’s plenty of room for socializing after an evening of racing. The Ranger 26 sports a nice balance of freeboard and cabin height ensuring that a handsome profile wasn’t sacrificed for standing headroom. Click here to read more about the Ranger 26.

Nonsuch 30 left side

Catboats were once a common site in coastal waters, where they sailed the shallow bays as fishing or work boats. Their large single and often gaff-rigged sail provided plenty of power, and a centerboard made them well-suited for the thin waters they frequently encountered. In the late 1970s, Canadian builder Hinterhoeller introduced the Nonsuch 30, a fiberglass variation of the catboat design, with a modern Marconi sail flown on a stayless mast, and a keel instead of a centerboard. The boat’s wide beam made room below for a spacious interior, and the design caught on quickly with cruising sailors looking for a small bluewater sailboat. Click here to read more about the Nonsuch 30 .

– SHOW THEM HOW MUCH YOU CARE – Nothing says ‘I love you’ like making sure the kids’ life jackets are snugged up and properly buckled. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

Newport 27

Debuted in 1971 in California, the Newport 27 was an instant success on the local racing scene. For a modest 27-footer, the Newport 27 has an unusually spacious interrior with over 6 feet of standing headroom. With 4 berths, a table, nav station, head and galley the Newport 27 has all the amenities you might find in a much bigger boat, all in a compact package. While quick in light air, the drawback of the tiller steering becomes apparent with increasing breeze and weather helm often leading to shortening sail early. Click here to read more about the Newport 27.

Balboa 26

First splashed in 1969, the Balboa 26 continues to enjoy a strong following among budget-minded cruisers. Built sturdy and heavy, all of the boat’s stress points are reinforced. The spacious cockpit comfortably seats 4 and is self bailing, ensuring that sailors stay dry. While only 26 feet, the Balboa still has room for a double berth, galley with stove and freshwater pump, and an optional marine head or V-berth. The Balboa has the ability to sleep five, though the most comfortable number is two or three. Under sail, the Balboa is fast and maneuverable, but may prove a handful in heavy breeze as weather helm increases. Click here to read more about the Balboa 26.

Cape Dory 28

Cape Dory 28

While the sleek lines and the teak accents of the Cape Dory 28 may grab the eye, it is the performance of the boat that make it unique. The Cape Dory comes with all amenities that you might need available, including a V-berth, 2 settees, and a head. Safe, sound and comfortable as a cruiser it is still capable of speed. Quick in light wind and sturdy and capable in heavy air, it is off the wind where the Cape Dory 28 shines with a balanced helm and the ability to cut through chop and still tack perfectly. Click here to read more about the Cape Dory 28.

Islander Bahama 28

Islander Bahama 28

On top of being a real eye-catcher, the Islander Bahama 28, with its 5-foot-6-inch draft and 3,300 pounds of ballast, sails beautifully, tracks well, and responds quickly to the helm. Inspired by the International Offshore Rule, it is unusually wide, offering stability in breeze without sacrificing the sheer and lines that make it so attractive. Below deck, the Islander Bahama 28 comes standard with plenty of berths and storage space and a galley complete with stove, icebox and sink. Click here to read more about the Islander Bahama 28.

– CHECK THE WEATHER – The weather changes all the time. Always check the forecast and prepare for the worst case. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

S2 8.6

Much like its older sibling, the S2 8.6 still holds its contemporary style, despite its 1983 introduction. Like all other S2 Yachts, the 8.6 is recognized for the quality craftsmanship that allows the boat to hold up today.The S2 8.6 is a very comfortable and easily managed coastal cruiser and club racer. It’s relatively stiff, its helm feels balanced, and it tracks well. On most points of sail, it compares favorably with other boats of similar size and type. Click here to read more about the S2 8.6.

Contessa 26

Contessa 26

When the Contessa 26 was released in 1965, it immediately proved itself to be a strong, seaworthy vessel. The Contessa has continued to prove itself throughout its lifetime, being the boat of choice for two solo circumnavigations under the age of 21. While upwind performance leaves some wanting, the boat is sturdy and can carry full sail in up to 20 knots of breeze. Suited more for single-handing, the Contessa lacks standing headroom and the accommodations are sparse. Nonetheless, the Contessa 26 performs well as a daysailer with guests aboard. Click here to read more about the Contessa 26.

Hunter 27

The Hunter 27 perfectly encompasses the pocket cruiser ideal. Even if you don’t want a big boat, you can still have big boat amenities. With the generously spacious layout, wheel steering and a walkthrough transom the Hunter feels much larger than 27 feet. Step below deck and any doubts you had that the Hunter was secretly a big boat will be gone. The amenities below are endless; a full galley including stove, microwave and cooler, head with full shower, several berths and not to mention a saloon with seating for 6. The Hunter 27 has reset the benchmark for 27-footers. Click here to read more about the Hunter 27.

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Idea 21 sportboat

The development of the family of small offshore capable sailboat plans : chined hull for the highest stability, vertical lifting keel, trailerable, suitable for club racing or cruising (two interior versions) ,  plywood and epoxy hull with the radius chine system, sparkling performances while sailing and reasonable interiors for coastal cruising.
6,30 m 27,5 m2
2,50 m (trailerable) 45-26 m2
1,75 m – 0,50 m outboard 2.3-5 HP on transom bracket
900 kg
1200 kg
1700 kg
300 kg

First boat launched : read the first impressions here

Idea 21 small sailboat plan is the latest development of my family of small plywood & epoxy sailboats plans for homebuilders : it was quite a time since i was thinking of an evolution of her smaller 19 footer sister, so i finally take the decision to publish this new plan. the goals of this plan is simple: add interior volume, simplify the work for homebuilders switching to a complete plywood & epoxy radius chine hull, enhance slightly the sparkling performances of idea 19, keeping the sailboat very balanced and suited for sailors ranging from enthusiast beginners to experienced seamen., first boat launched and several other boats in building stage make idea21 the most sparkling project on our catalogue,  hull: chined hull on a small light sailboat has a simple reason to exist: it gives more stability to the sailboat when heeled, much more than a round hull similar sailboat. i managed to keep a very low wetted area of the unheeled hull, in order to achieve a good pace in light air and avoid excessive drag. stern sections are quite flat to gain speed downwind (idea 19 has been clocked with speed steadily in excess of 15 knots)., bow sections: experiences on racers showed that “knife-blade” bows may give you less resistance, but the price to pay is high in terms of buried bow sailing downwind, so i decide to provide this plan a large u-shaped section on the bow ; sails provide the sailboat plenty of power to defeat the small amount of added drag., sailplan: i have a very good starting point with idea 19, so we’re doing small adjustments and no revolutions: square top mainsail, 7/8 fractional rig , very wide single swept spreaders, no backstay, deck stepped mast with sturdy section, 110 % j jib, code zero, jennaker hoisted on swinging retractable bowsprit, and a good amount of sail area., keel and ballast: idea21 have a solid hard wood cored & unidirectional glass epoxy laminated lifting keel, with a naca optimised profile and a low resistance hydrodynamical shaped 280 kg lead bulb bolted on the keel tip; it can be made by a homebuilder, no need for professional welder; the fin area is on the low side, speed will help generating the required lift without adding too much drag. keel case is in 20 mm thickness plywood and epoxy laminated glass reinforcements, and it’s perfectly waterproof while sailing., full lifting keel  version : after a request from a builder, idea 21 cruise is available in a version featuring an integral watertight keel case running form hull bottom to cabin top panels, this feature called flk (full lifting keel) will allow the boat to sail with keel partially raised or to motor with keel totally up, a good option if you sail in shallow waters frequently., cockpit: was one of the strongest point in idea19, we simply keep the same arrangement and dimensions, so we have a really huge area for the crew and a simple and sturdy building in plywood panels epoxy glued on a structure of bulkheads and stringers., interiors: here i focussed on several upgrades; i decided to split the project in two versions (so two different sets of plans, you have to specify on order), “sport cruise” or “racing” ; both versions have 4 berths, a classic v berth on bow and two quarter berth after; in the cruising version cabin is 55 cm longer, giving wider interiors, enough room for a separate toilette and more comfortable after berths ; in the racing version we have a marine toilet (there’s room for a jabsco compact one) under the bow v-berth; cabin height is 1.65 m in both versions. interiors plywood panels are detailed on plans., taking advantage form the first season of sailing, i can now say that i strongly advice the cruise version as long as you are not going to run a sailing school, thus needing extra space in the cockpit., wooden rig: starting form summer 2019 we deliver two extra drawings with the plans, both for race and cruise version,  describing how to build a wooden rig suited for this boat.  keep your budget low at the price of a small extra weight , how to build the boat: we chose the plywood & epoxy resin “radius chine” system, as for petrel 28 and hirundo 750, so the hull planking is in okume marine grade plywood ; planking the hull is quite fast , and the internal structure of the boat is made by plywood bulkheads, floors and solid wood longitudinal stringers, all glued with epoxy and strengthened with epoxy laminated glass tape, assembled on a cheap wood scaffold, keeping the hull light, sturdy and quite easy to build for homebuilders ; the goal is to keep the total weight of the 19 footer, raising the ballast fraction of the sailboat at the same time. here are a couple of pictures of the first planked hull perfectly showing the radius chine planking system.

a HUGE Thanks to Nils Theurer    ([email protected])   for the awesome pictures taken during the first sea trials  

micro sailboat plans

Plans availability: Plans are available in italian and english. Plans are available in imperial units upon request (send me a mail before purchase).

micro sailboat plans

Duckworks Boat Builders Supply

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Meet the Scout, a great sailing dinghy -- and rewarding project for a first-time boatbuilder.

The Scout is a wide, stable, 10-foot boat that's a blast to sail and row. Weighs only  ~70 pounds and makes a great tender, yet has enough dry stowage below deck to take on a beach camping trip of its own. The offset daggerboard makes an open footwell so you can even sleep aboard.

The Scout is available as a CNC plywood-and-foam kit exclusively here at Duckworks. You can also grab the epoxy/fiberglass kit , sail & rigging , and any hardware that you need right here as well. Or if you prefer, check out the  COMPLETE SCOUT PACKAGE  with EVERYTHING you need for your build! 

Check out the YouTube video below for a demo of the Scout on the water, and an interview with a home builder who brought this kit boat to life!

Ready to build your own? Shop Scout kits below! 

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2 Piece Carbon Mast for Scout 10

2 Piece Carbon Mast for Scout 10

Scout 10 Complete Package

Scout 10 Complete Package

Scout 10 Sail

Scout 10 Sail

Scout 10 Deck Hardware and Hatches Package

Scout 10 Deck Hardware and Hatches Package

Scout 10 Daggerboard and Rudder Package

Scout 10 Daggerboard and Rudder Package

Scout 10 Sailing Package

Scout 10 Sailing Package

Scout 10 Epoxy and Fiberglass Package

Scout 10 Epoxy and Fiberglass Package

Scout 10 CNC Kit

Scout 10 CNC Kit

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Sailboat Plans

Free Sailboat Plans

A selection of some of the Free Sailboat Plans (pdf) that were published in magazines such as “Popular Mechanics”, "Popular Science" and the "Boat Builder Handbook".

If you need help with lofting out the plans click here for an article here which should help.

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Open/Dayboat, Free Sailboat Plans

Everyone who digs boating has heard of the Hobie Cat, the sleek little catamaran that burst on the scene and captured the attention of all the fast-action sailors.

hobby kat free boat plans

Marked by asymmetrical hulls and special trampoline supports, the Hobie can reach speeds above 20 mph and perform with a rare agility.

But it has one drawback.

It costs mucho dinero.

Thus, we introduce the Hobby Kat, sailboat plans, a build-it-yourself version of the “Hobie” that should cost from half to a third of the commercial version. If you have the moola, of course, go for a Hobie and have the time of your life on the water.

If not, try our Hobby

The homebuilt is not quite the same.

But she sails sweetly and fast—qualities which have made the “Hobie” popular

Even in a light air she’ll slip through the water at a fast clip.

She has no centreboards, leeboards or keel, and needs none.

The inside of each hull has built-in lift, like an airplane wing, so that as the boat heels and one hull digs in the boat is pulled back to windward.

Click Here for the Plans

She can run in very shallow water and the rudders kick up for beaching.

You can carry her on a trailer or even disassemble her.

tern free boat plan

Many a “stink pot” addict will take a second look at Tern because she planes in modest breezes, is easy to handle, and her streamlined prow arid pod-shaped, “inland scow” type hull offer slight water resistance. Then too, there’s a charm about the tiller of a sailer that’s not matched by the wheel of a motor-powered boat. Part of it is the challenge of making the most of nature’s free-wheeling breezes. Even with her 72sq.ft of sail, this Free Sailboat Plan is remarkably stable, and packs as many as four persons aboard

For thousands of inland lakes, Tern is the answer to sailing water sport, she is rugged and easy to launch

And she’s remarkably easy to build.

sailboat plans

Falcon is a small, speedy, sporty sailboat which handles well. Tests on the original Falcon showed that she could easily out-distance boats of comparable size such as the one design class Snipe and Comet sailers.

And she will pace neck and neck with 18 footers with considerably greater sail spread.


This strong, beamy, eight-foot pram may be sailed either cat-rigged or sloop-rigged.

The dagger-board may be adjusted forward to balance the helm when sailing with the addition of a jib sail.

Oars or a small outboard motor may also be used to power this versatile Free Sailboat Plans.


Dart” is a small two or three person sailing craft, designed for use on protected waters such as bays. lakes, rivers or wherever sheltered waters are found. Its construction will repay the builder handsomely and provide a fast sailing craft, light in weight, easily transportable and cheap to construct with all difficult joinery eliminated

It provides thrilling and economical sport.


The 'Crescent', designed by C. T. Allen, is the ideal sailboat for day sailing on a small lake, river, or protected waters of a bay.

Centreboard design (Fig. 2) reduces Crescent's draft, so Shallow is not a problem.

Its broad beam of over 5½ft. makes it an ideal family boat because there is room for a cockpit large enough to accommodate four adults or two adults and three kids, and side and forward decks big enough to stretch out on when sun bathing.

"Jewel" is a 16' Crescent Sailboat being built by Mike Allen from the free sailboat plans by C.T .Allen in the 1958 "Boat Builders Handbook". And what a superb job Mike is doing check out his photos here .

Click Here for the Free version of the Plans


Sailing enthusiasts and backyard boat builders are not likely to find free boat plans for a sailing pram that can be built faster, lighter, stronger, or less expensively than Graefin-10. Two men can begin work on a Friday evening and have a smart, lively 10-ft. 85-pound sailboat in the water by Sunday evening (it’s been done).


Zephyr Is a refinement of a type of boat developed by the English for use in the rough open waters of the English Channel. Not only is it fast under sail, but it can stand up under punishment. And it’s light enough to be easily loaded atop an auto or light trailer.


breeze baby

Skimming off a brisk wind or with the wind abeam, Breeze-Baby actually planes with one person aboard. Despite her rowboat lines that make her easy to build, she handles easily under her simple sail, an ideal first boat. Simple lines are adapted to plywood construction that’s strong, light and that keeps Breeze-Baby’s bilges dry

You can take her with you atop your car or on a lightweight trailer for summer fun wherever you vacation or get in a week-end’s sailing.

cats paw

Cat’s Paw is easy to build because of the straight-sided hulls. The sheer line is flat and that simplifies building the form. Bow and stern are straight, so there’s no cockeyed bevel to fit and fuss with

She Is an Ideal boat to learn or practice sailing in because she will forgive so many mistakes.

Cabin Cruiser, Free Sailboat Plans

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I am perfectly aware that the majority of Wooden Boat aficionados are sensible folk. However, I need to point out that I am an amateur wooden boat enthusiast simply writing in order to try to help other amateur wooden boat enthusiasts. And while I take every care to ensure that the information in DIY Wood Boat.com is correct, anyone acting on the information on this website does so at their own risk.


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  10. Pocket Cruisers 16' to 20'

    Plans include sail construction for the amateur sail maker. The keel lifts vertically using winch and tackle and is made of mild steel sheet with a lead bulb bolted to the bottom. Micro 18 Particulars ... MICRO 18 PDF PLANS: UK/EU/US/Elsewhere - STUDY PLAN £25.00/FULL PLANS ...

  11. PocketShip. 15-foot Fast-Sailing Pocket Cruiser with Sitting Headroom

    15-foot Fast-Sailing Pocket Cruiser with Sitting Headroom and 8-foot Berths. " PocketShip " is a small cruising sailboat of refined model, meant to sail well on all points, provide dry camping accommodations for two adults, and tow behind a four-cylinder car. Examples are now sailing on four continents; as of this writing more than 50 are ...

  12. 15′ RoG Micro-cruiser Plan Set

    To complete this boat you will also need. 15 4'x8′ sheets of 6mm marine grade plywood. 2 4'x8′ sheets of 3/4″ [18mm] construction plywood for cradle and temp frames. 2×4 12′ construction white wood (3x) for the cradle. 8 gallons of mixed epoxy. Wood flour, silica and microballoons. 50yd-roll 6ozX3″ FRP cloth-tape (1x)

  13. Skiff Life's Bateau SK14 Build, A Microskiff for Skinny Water

    Bateau's SK14 is without a doubt one of the skinniest water micro-skiffs we've had the pleasure of running. We've literally floated this rig in about 2 1/2″ of water! Even more satisfying is that we successfully completed building this boat from the ground up using plans provided by veteran boat designer and builder, Jacques Mertens ...

  14. 19'6" Pocket Cruiser Plans

    SKU: SEL-19.6POCKETCRUISER. Availability: Printed plans shipped and PDF plans emailed from Selway Fisher. $34.00 - $465.00. Type of plans: Required Full Plans Study Plans. Plan format: Required PDF (to be emailed) Printed (sent by post) Quantity: Add to Wish List.

  15. 15' RoG Micro-Cruiser

    For the crew: forgiving and predictable but fast & fun. Launch time should be kept to a minimum. As a RAID class boat, she must draw 8″ or less, be rowing-friendly and launched from the beach unassisted; in other words, as small as possible.The result is 'RoG' (River of Grass), a 15ft micro expedition cruiser.

  16. Sailboat Plans

    Choosing the Right Small Craft. PocketShip "PocketShip" is a small cruising sailboat of refined model, meant to sail well on all points, provide dry camping accommodations for two adults, and tow behind a four-cylinder car. More than 60 are sailing or under construction on six continents.... Kits from $4799.00 Plans from $299.00 Northeaster Dory

  17. Plans & Kits

    Lisa B Good - Free Plans. Download free plans Essential statistics Length overall - 16' Beam at trailer bed - 7' 6" Beam at rubrails - 8' Weight - about 2500 lbs Draft - 5" Headroom - 6' 5" at center Power - 5-10 hp outboard Speed - 5 kts downhill Features "Lisa B...

  18. Selway Fisher Home Page

    Boat plans and manuals for the home and DIY boat builder for canoes, dinghies, sailing and motor yachts and launches using wood epoxy, stitch and tape and Cedar strip plank construction. ... Apart from almost 450 plans for yachts and small boat designs (above) Paul has also produced 18 plans for model boats, all based on his full-size designs. ...

  19. 300 Boats You Can Build!

    Dr. Norman Cove, Bahamas. "Boat building is one of the few pursuits where utilization of the end product is as rewarding as its construction.". Marc Bourassa, Wilmington, MA (built the Power Skiff and 2 Kidyaks) With Glen-L proven plans & kits, building your own boat can be a reality. Choose one of the categories below, click on a boat for ...

  20. Saltaspiaggia |cheap minimal coastal cruiser

    Draft (keel down-up): 1,00 - 0,30 m. Reacher/mps: 13 m2. Design displacement: 1000 kg. Engine: outboard 6-10 HP. Plans can be purchased here: Nautikit Saltaspiaggia order page. "Saltaspiaggia", can be translated as "Beach-hopper"; this sailboat is a minimal coastal cruiser, a sailboat to hop from one beach to another with a small ...

  21. Best Pocket Cruiser Sailboats, Small Cruising Sailboats

    Balboa 26. Balboa 26 Courtesy Of Matts G. Djos. First splashed in 1969, the Balboa 26 continues to enjoy a strong following among budget-minded cruisers. Built sturdy and heavy, all of the boat's stress points are reinforced. The spacious cockpit comfortably seats 4 and is self bailing, ensuring that sailors stay dry.

  22. Idea 21

    Idea 21 small sailboat plan is the latest development of my family of small plywood & epoxy sailboats plans for homebuilders: it was quite a time since I was thinking of an evolution of her smaller 19 footer sister, so I finally take the decision to publish this new plan. The goals of this plan is simple: add interior volume, simplify the work for homebuilders switching to a complete plywood ...

  23. Plans & Kits

    Cutwater 12.5 Classic Wooden Paddleboard Plans PDF. $65.00. Build yourself a timeless Cutwater 12.5 stand up paddle board from our easy to follow instant downloadable plans. (Click HERE for printed plans) Board info... Length - 12.5 feet / 381cm Width - 29 inches / 73.6cm Weight - 29.8...

  24. Plans & Kits

    Meet the Scout, a great sailing dinghy -- and rewarding project for a first-time boatbuilder. The Scout is a wide, stable, 10-foot boat that's a blast to sail and row. Weighs only ~70 pounds and makes a great tender, yet has enough dry stowage below deck to take on a beach camping trip of its own. The offset daggerboard makes an open footwell ...

  25. Sailboat Plans

    affiliate links Cabin Cruiser, Free Sailboat Plans Petrel You can build this 16ft boat as a day sailer or an overnighter with cabin. Petrel is a Free Sailboat Plan that fulfils the greatest possible variety of uses in one model, offering the builder either an open-cockpit racing craft with comfortable accommodation for day sailing or a snug cabin model with accommodation for overnight trips to ...