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Yachthafen Cochem

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Unmittelbar südlich der Moselbrücke.


Marina closed at night.

Beautifully situated marina

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Als ob die kleine Stadt in der weiten Schleife der Mosel nicht schon malerisch genug wäre, thront über ihr auf steilem Hügel ein Traumschloss: die Reichsburg Cochem. Auf den Ruinen einer bereits 1079 erbauten, 1689 von den Franzosen zerstörten Anlage wurde sie von einem reichen Berliner Eisenfabrikanten 1869-1877 wieder errichtet mit vielerlei Erkerchen, steilen Dächlein und spitzen Türmchen. Herzstück von Cochem ist der Marktplatz mit dem Fachwerk-Rathaus von 1737 und einem hübschen Barockbrunnen von 1767. Das Enderttor aus dem 14. Jh. mit seiner Torschenke ist ein reizvoller Überrest der einstigen Stadtbefestigung. Mit einem Sessellift kann man zum Aussichtspunkt Pinnerkreuz hinaufschaukeln, wo man einen herrlichen Blick auf Stadt und Fluss genießt. Oben gibt es Wanderwege, einen Märchenwald, einen Wildpark und ein Terrassencafé.

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Herzlich Willkommen im Yachthafen Treis-Karden!

Inmitten des malerischen Moseltals zwischen Cochem und Koblenz finden Sie unseren wunderschön gelegenen Yachthafen.

yachthafen cochem

Mit 140 Liegeplätzen an neun Steganlagen, in einem ruhigen Seitenarm der Mosel, lädt der Yachthafen zum Verweilen in der umgebenden Naturlandschaft ein und bietet einen günstigen Ausgangspunkt zum Erkunden des Moseltals mit dem Boot, zu Fuß, per Fahrrad oder mit dem Auto.

Vom Schlauchboot bis zum 16m Kajütboot findet jeder Skipper bei uns einen geeigneten Liegeplatz zum Anlegen. Die neun Steganlagen besitzen eine separat abschließbare Zugangsbrücke. Auf Ordnung und Sauberkeit legen wir in unserem Hafen besonderen Wert.

Wassersportfreunde haben hier genügend Platz und die Möglichkeiten um sich voll und ganz auszupowern.

yachthafen cochem

Unsere Steganlage ist hochwassersicher und muss im Winter nicht demontiert werden, jedoch dürfen in den Wintermonaten keine Boote an den Stegen verbleiben. Durch ein im Hafengrund verankertes Kettensystem passen sich die Steganlagen bei Hochwasser automatisch dem Wasserstand an.

Ihre Gastgeber Frau Ujj und Herr Brandl

sowie Ihr Team freuen sich,

Sie im Yachthafen willkommen zu heißen!

Öffnungszeiten des Hafens:

Vom 1. 4. eines Jahres,

bis zum letzten Sonntag im Oktober.

Hinweis! Am Abreisetag muss der Liegeplatz bis 11.00 Uhr geräumt sein.

yachthafen cochem

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  • Straße: Uferstr.
  • Postleitzahl: 56812
  • Stadt: Cochem-Cond
  • Bundesland: Rheinland-Pfalz
  • Land: Deutschland
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  • Breitengrad : 50.147000
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  • Adresse: Uferstr. 56812 Cochem-Cond Deutschland
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Miss Travelesque

Europe , Germany , Guides · 31/08/2018

Cochem, Germany: Guide to a Fairy Tale Village

Last updated on August 12th, 2024 at 05:56 am

Where do I start with Cochem Germany? There are just so many things to gush about this pretty little town that I don’t know where to begin. I’ll start, though, with the fact that Cochem is pretty, picturesque, charming, and a definite traveler’s dream destination. Yep, there’s a lot to love about it.

yachthafen cochem

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About Cochem, Germany

Cochem is a wine village, the largest one, in the Cochem-Zell district in the Rhineland-Palatinate region in Germany. It is located between the villages of Bremm and Klotten, and lies along the Mosel River with its town center lying on Mosel’s left bank.

Cochem is romantic and idyllic with its steep vineyard slopes that produce outstanding wine (the Reisling ), a charming medieval Altstadt with its little and narrow alleyways, a bustling promenade along the Mosel river, half-timbered houses, medieval gates, and a fine yacht harbor, all capped off with an enchanting castle, the Schloss Reichsburg.

Are you in love already? My description may not do this darling destination justice, but trust me when I say it’s worth the trip. Here’s what you need to know about visiting the amazing and delightful Cochem Germany.

How to Reach Cochem

You can reach Cochem from any German city by car, train, or bus. The nearest airport is in Frankfurt.

It is an hour and a half from Frankfurt by private vehicle and around 2 hours and 15 minutes by train.

If you’re coming from Dusseldorf, it also takes those same times with the same modes of transport to reach Cochem.

Cologne, though, is closer to Cochem since the journey from there to the latter only takes 1 hour and 14 minutes by private vehicle and just 1 hour and 35 minutes by train.

Exploring Cochem, Germany

Cochem can be explored on foot, although there’s the 30-minute or so Mosel-Wein-Express train for some faster sightseeing, as well as a chairlift to take you to a high point in town for some gorgeous views. Bicycles for rent are also available around town. You can bike along the hills, past vineyards, and to other neighboring towns. Also, regular bus and rail services are available for the same endeavor.  

Sights to See in Cochem

1. reichsburg cochem.

You don’t want to miss visiting Reichsburg Cochem, the town’s majestic medieval castle that goes back to the beginning of the 12th century.  


Towering over Cochem, it’s a beacon on a hill that’s quite hard to miss. It can be reached on foot, which takes about 20 minutes of walking along manageable slopes, or you can take a bus ride for less than 10 minutes from town for €2.50, one way.

A visit gets you a guided tour for around 40 minutes along stately rooms with gorgeous wood paneling, beautiful stained glass windows, antique furniture, and more. Picture-taking is allowed.

2. Pinnerkreuz

For a wonderful view of the Mosel valley and Cochem, ride up to Pinnerkreuz (Pinner Cross), a lookout point situated on the top of Pinnerberg mountain. Getting there is via the Sesselbahn (chairlift) that takes you up–fun and exciting! A restaurant can be found in the area.

3. Senfmühle

See one of the oldest mustard mills in Europe, the Senfmühle. Known for producing a wide array of top-notch gourmet mustards, this mustard mill’s history dates back to 1810.

Related Readings

  • Things to Do in Cochem: Fun Activities on Your Visit
  • Cochem Hotel: Home Away From Home

4. Enderttor

Enderttor is one of Cochem’s three medieval gates and, by far, its largest. It’s a stunning piece of architecture that was built in 1332 and once served as a defense against the town’s attackers, as a prison at some points in the town’s history, and as a landmark for travelers traveling in stagecoaches from various points in Germany back in the day.

5. Moselpromenade

The Moselpromenade along the Mosel river is a sight to behold. This lovely strip with its array of pretty flowers is a charm that is ideal for a walk or a place to soothe your tired feet and just be.


6. Altstadt

Of course, you shouldn’t miss Cochem’s absolutely charming Altstadt or Old Town. With half-timbered buildings lining the market square’s perimeter and an interesting-looking town hall that dates back to the 1700s, it’s a lovely place to be in. The area is brimming with restaurants, cafes, and shops that will keep you happily occupied.

yachthafen cochem

Activities in Cochem Germany

For the best Cochem experience, you can book these guided activities that come with more information. Book them well ahead of your trip to ensure you still have slots available.

Things to Do   in Cochem

1. wine tasting.

Cochem is passionate about wine and several wine tastings are offered at various stands, particularly prevalent in the early fall. Don’t miss getting a taste of their well-known Riesling.


There are plenty of hiking options to be enjoyed around Cochem, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy. The famous Moselhöhenweg is the hiking trail that spans both sides of the lovely Mosel river and can be hiked on each side going in different directions. These hikes take you past beautiful landscapes, captivating valleys, pretty villages, ancient castles, incredible rock formations, and more.

3. Mosel Cruise

Take a cruise along the Mosel via boats that ply the route and view the picturesque Mosel landscape with its various towns and villages. Some boat rides offer live music and dances.

yachthafen cochem

4. The Mosel-Wein-Express

A great way to see the town is via a ride with the Mosel-Wein-Express, a train that gives a guided tour around the town for almost half an hour. It’s pretty much like Rüdesheim am Rhein’s own cute sightseeing train .

The journey takes you to both sides of the river, past the old town, along panoramic vistas, to areas that are otherwise only accessible after long walks, and amidst scenic vineyards. Ticket prices are reasonable and can be purchased on-site. Plus, capping off the tour is a glass of Mosel wine you’ll be provided at the end.

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  • Burg Eltz: A Dreamy Fairy Tale Castle
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What to Eat   in Cochem

Cochem is brimming with many restaurants and cafes serving fine dishes and regional fares that you won’t have trouble finding a place to eat. Here are some cuisines we had.

Where to Eat in Cochem, Germany

We all had these dishes at Gaststätte Noss along Cochem’s Moselpromenade. It’s easy to find since it’s fronting the river and just in front of the Altstadt. My personal favorite was the potato pancakes or the Latkes. I’m still trying to recreate it successfully these days, heh.

Another restaurant we frequented during our second visit was Weinstube Restaurant Beim Weinbauern , also along the Moselpromenade. We love their delicious dishes, some of which we had are below. On the left is risotto with sea bream, and on the right are cordon bleu and potato balls, I think.

yachthafen cochem

Last, but definitely not least because it’s my number one favorite restaurant in Cochem, is Pizzeria Castello, an Italian restaurant that’s located on one of the inner streets that go uphill, just off the town square. Everything we tried there was just delicious that we ended up eating there most of the time, even getting our to-go food from them many times. And we love the cozy ambiance of their restaurant–quite dreamy and so conducive to enjoying good food!

What to Drink

Whether it’s through wine tasting or having a glass of wine at a restaurant during a meal, don’t miss sampling the wine offered in this region of Germany that’s known for its fine wines.

Where to Stay in Cochem

There are a number of hotels, bed and breakfasts, and places to stay in Cochem Germany–there’s even a hostel.

During our first visit, we stayed in this lovely bed and breakfast that’s just a walk away from the center of town and major sights. See our full coverage of homey Pension Hendricks here .

On our second visit, however, we weren’t so lucky to find something in the center of town, so we ended up in one of these hilly areas that are around a 30 to 40-minute walk to the center. It was some sort of an apartment-type kind of accommodation in a quiet neighborhood, so we were fine with it. Plus, the walk to the center along the Moselpromenade was nice and we found a bakery nearby that served such delicious pastries, so it was a win-win, all in all.

If you want to keep searching for places to stay in Cochem, use this to look for the best deals.

Shopping in Cochem, Germany

A bottle of wine would be perfect to remember your Cochem trip as well as make a nice gift for loved ones back at home. There are restaurants in Cochem that sell wines from their own vineyard in town so you can get from them too.

We hope you get to visit Cochem and experience all that it has to offer. If you do, let us know how you like it!

Before you go, don’t forget to PIN this for later reread or to share with others. Happy travels!

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Yachthafen Holländischer Hof

Der Yachthafen Holländischer Hof liegt an einem der schönsten Orte Deutschlands, knapp 12 Kilometer entfernt von Cochem an einer Halbinsel am Rande des malerischen Weindorfs Senheim. Der Hafen verfügt über 140 Liegeplätze, an denen Boote bis 15 Meter Länge anlegen können. Es gibt außerdem die Möglichkeit ihr eigenes Boot hier ins Wasser zu lassen.

Während Ihres Aufenthalts können Sie die Einrichtungen am Campingplatz nutzen – dazu zählen unter anderem das Sanitärgebäude sowie ein Spielplatz. Wenn Sie gerne an Land übernachten möchten, bietet Ihnen der Campingplatz Holländischer Hof verschiedene Möglichkeiten – von einem Zeltplatz bis hin zur Moselhütte. Wenn Sie am nächsten Morgen ausgeruht aufwachen, können Sie mit frisch gebackenen Brötchen aus unserem Supermarkt in den Tag starten.

Der Yachthafen im Überblick:

  • Liegeplätze für Boote bis 15 Meter
  • Abfahrt der Ausflugsschiffe nach Cochem
  • Entsorgungsanlage für Chemie-Toilette*
  • Spielplatz*
  • Restaurant*
  • Supermarkt mit Brötchenservice*

Ausflugsschiffe nach Cochem

Haben Sie kein eigenes Boot, möchten die Region aber trotzdem einmal vom Wasser aus genießen? Dann sind die Ausflugsschiffe nach Cochem oder Treis-Karden genau das Richtige für Sie! Die Schiffe fahren vom Hafen aus zu festen Zeiten in Richtung Cochem und Treis-Karden und wieder zurück.

Den Fahrplan mit den aktuellen Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeiten sowie Tickets für die Ausflugsschiffe erhalten Sie an der Rezeption des Campingplatzes.

Besuchen Sie die Website des Moselhafen

*Einrichtungen auf dem angrenzenden Campingplatz Holländischer Hof

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15 Best Things to Do in Cochem (Germany)

There may not be a lovelier scene in Germany than the town of Cochem, couched in the high, vine-clad slopes of the Moselle Valley.

The town of half-timbered houses, scurrying streets and medieval gates is on a loop in the river, under the steady watch of the Romantic Reichsburg castle.

The Moselle cuts through two hiking paradises, the Eifel and Hunsrück ranges, while there’s a trail along the valley threading through vineyards and past Medieval castles to Koblenz or Trier.

Or you can take it easy, sipping local Riesling on the town’s half-timbered squares and kicking back on a cruise on the Moselle.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Cochem :

1. Reichsburg Cochem

Reichsburg Cochem

Cochem’s crowning glory is a Medieval toll castle, rebuilt in a fairytale style in the 1870s.

No matter which route you take into Cochem your gaze will be drawn to this fantasy-like sight and its giant four-storey octagonal tower far above the river.

The castle goes back to the start of the 12th century.

There are remnants of the Medieval building in the ring wall, octagonal tower, “Hexenturm” witch’s gate and the building housing the great hall (Rittersaal). But most of what we see today was done in the Neo-Renaissance style when the Berlin banker Louis Fréderic Jacques Ravené restored the property according to the Romantic tastes of the 19th century.

A guided tour of the castle will take about 40 minutes, presenting tapestries, fine wood panelling, Louis XIV-style furniture, Baroque paintings, stained glass windows and armour.

2. Altstadt


Pressed against the Moselle by the soaring valley walls, Cochem’s old town has undeniable charm.

Tracing the sloped alleys are gabled, half-timbered houses, several storeys high and topped with Moselle slate tiles.

The best ensemble of these is on Marktplatz, where the Baroque town hall from 1739 is sophisticated company for an alfresco meal.

A lot of the city’s wall has survived, including three of four of the 14th-century gates, testifying to an eventful past when Cochem was an Imperial Estate.

We’ll talk about a lot of the contents of the old town in this list, but do check out the mosaic of Cochem’s noble family tree on the bridge by the tourist office, and the Fuchsloch (fox hole), a tiny passage leading down to the Moselle promenade and the city’s smallest gate.

3. Cochemer Sesselbahn

Cochemer Sesselbahn

Mid-March to November you can catch this gondola chairlift from the lower station in the Endert Valley up to the Pinnerkreuz lookout point.

At 255 metres there are eye-popping views of the loop in the Moselle, the precipitous vine-covered valley walls and Cochem itself.

The chairlift opened in 1955 and has a height difference of 155 metres.

The steepest gradient is a dizzying 65%. At the upper station a cafe with a terrace tempts you to spend a bit more time up here, or you can use the cable-car as the launch pad for a hike in the vineyards above the Moselle.

4. Bundesbank bunker Cochem

Bundesbank Bunker Cochem

In the Cold War the FRG was in special danger had a conflict broken out between NATO and the Warsaw Pact States.

To avoid the hyperinflation that would come with a war the Germany Federal Bank set up secret currency reserves around the country.

The one in Cochem is in a subterranean bunker and between 1964 and 1988 held up to 15 billion Deutschmarks.

One of the coolest thing about the bunker is that it’s hidden in plain sight, and the entrance is disguised as a pair of nondescript residential houses.

There are tours of the bunker taking you into the large safe where the notes were kept and telling how, with the help of a deep well, sand filtered air-supply and diesel generators, 100 people could survive for two weeks down here in the event of a nuclear war.

5. Enderttor


The largest of Cochem’s three Medieval city gates was built in 1332 at the northern entrance to the city.

This tough-looking defence, with an a guard house attached, controlled the route into the city along the valley of the Endert, a left tributary of the Moselle.

For hundreds of years the gate was a landmark for long-distance travellers riding stagecoaches through the region to Cologne or Frankfurt.

As with many old gates, the Enderttor was Cochem’s city prison for a time and now adds lots of Medieval charm to a tour of the old town.

There are restaurants and bars with outdoor seating right beside the gate.

6. Moselland Museum

Moselland Museum

Five kilometres up the Moselle Valley in Ernst is a museum about culture in the Moselle Valley that opened just in 2017. The setting is a former hotel from 1959 and over four floors you can sample rural life in the Moselle Valley during the 50s and 60s.

You can step into a reconstructed blacksmith’s forge, a schoolhouse with authentic furniture, a traditional wine tavern and a winery.

There’s also a big cache of farming equipment, among which are 20 restored Fendt and Bautz brand tractors from the era, all perfectly maintained and in working order.

7. Burgruine Winneburg

Burgruine Winneburg

Impossible to miss above the Endert Valley to the west of Cochem are the ruins of another castle, Winneburg, raised at the start of the 14th century.

The castle is on a steep spur 80 metres above the river and was in the possession of the Lords of Winneburg until the line died out in the 17th century.

In 1689 during the Nine Years’ War the castle was besieged, taken and blown up by the French Army, and has been untouched for the last 330 years.

After a calorie-burning hike from the valley you can pick your way through the remnants of the outer bailey, ring walls, residential buildings and best of all the circular keep, 22 metres high and 8.5 metres wide.

8. Moselpromenade

Moselle Valley

The Moselle Valley in Cochem is an amazing spectacle that deserves to be pondered from Cochem’s river banks.

Next to the upper part of the old town the riverside walkway broadens into a park and just before the Skagerrak-Brücke (bridge), beside the quay for tour boats you can turn back for the ultimate view of Cochem Castle on its high roost.

The bridge itself is another superb vantage point, while to the north on the left bank on the river the lawns are especially wide so you can take a picnic, gazing at the vineyards, slow river traffic and the high valley sides.

9. Historische Senfmühle

Historische Senfmühle

This mustard mill has been making Cochem’s favourite condiment since 1810, and seven days a week welcomes visitors on half-hour tours throughout the day.

Under the guidance of the head mustard “miller” you’ll watch mustard being made using traditional skills, more than 200 years of savoir-faire and a recipe that has been passed down several generations.

Best of all is getting to taste the many condiments produced here like honey mustard, Riesling infused mustard, curry mustard and a range of fruit preserves all infused with mustard.

You can try the them alone, or order a bratwurst to bring out the aromatic flavour.

10. Martinstor


The old southern entrance to Cochem is defended by the Martinstor, which came a little later than Enderttor, in 1352. In conjunction with the nearby Reichsburg, Martinstor was a toll gate, and a chain on the bank of the Moselle beside the gate would be used to stop ships to make sure they paid duties.

Martinstor still has its Medieval battlements on two levels, and right after you depart Cochem through this gate you can start the climb to the castle.

This serpentine path was plotted by Ravené when he rebuilt the castle in the 1870s.

11. Moselhöhenweg


The Roman poet Ausonius waxed lyrical about the beauty of the meandering Moselle Valley in the 4th century, and you can walk the same path 1,600 years later.

The Moselhöhenweg is a hiking trail with two arms, one on each side of the river from Trier to Koblenz.

The trail is now more than 100 years old, and is waymarked with a white “M” on a green background.

The route doesn’t always hug the river, as it takes little detours leading up to overwhelming viewpoints.

If you’re really committed you could walk upriver to Alf in about six hours and then catch the train back to Cochem in just 10 minutes.

12. St. Castor (Karden)

St. Castor

Minutes along the river in Karden is a Romanesque former collegiate church.

St. Castor is the foremost religious building between Trier and Koblenz and is often referred to as the Moseldom (Moselle Cathedral). St.

Castor was founded as a basilica in the 8th or 9th century at the latest, and was then extended with a West Tower, Romanesque choir and nave in the 12th and 13th centuries.

The must-sees inside are the Late-Gothic altarpiece from 1420, with an image of the Adoration of the Magi made from local clay, and the Baroque organ fitted by celebrated organ-maker Johann Michael Stumm in 1728.


The vineyards in the valley above Cochem mostly grow Riesling grapes, and this white variety makes up about 60% of the Moselle wine region.

The drainage on these steep slopes, the slate soils and long exposure to sunshine couldn’t be better for Riesling, which ripens late in the season and produces fruity wines with layers of flavour.

To get stuck into Cochem’s wine culture, try to be here late-May/early-June for the Cochem-Wein-Woche when 12 local vintners set up stalls on Endertplatz touting their Riesling and sekt sparkling wine.

The whole affair is combined with live music, dancing and a fireworks display on the Friday evening.

14. Erlebnisweg Tal der Wilden Endert


Chances are you’ll still have an appetite for the invigorating scenery in the Moselle Valley.

If so, make for the town of Ulmen to begin this 20-kilometre hike downhill through the southeastern Eifel region back to Cochem.

The walk starts in heart-lifting fashion at the ruins of Ulmen Castle, above its namesake lake.

From there you’ll journey though forest, past a seven-metre waterfall and down onto the Endert Valley.

At one point the Endert powered 28 grain mills, and some of these have made it to the 21st century.

Eventually the valley opens up, and you find yourself at the gates of Cochem once more.

15. Boat Trips

Boat Trips

The Moselle is one of Europe’s busiest inland waterways and the second most travelled shipping route in Germany.

Just sitting by the promenade you’ll be surprised by how many barges and cruise ships pass by, and you can join them on one of many cruises available from Cochem.

The main cruise company on the Moselle is the family-run Gebrüder Kolb, operating 14 vessels.

The largest of these is the Wappen von Cochem, which has a gigantic upper deck where you can watch the Moselle’s scenery scrolling past.

If you want to go long-distance you can travel for a few hours upriver to Traben-Trarbach, or all day to Trier.

Half the experience is seeing how the captain deftly negotiates the many locks along the route, while meals and Moselle valley wines are served aboard.

15 Best Things to Do in Cochem (Germany):

  • Reichsburg Cochem
  • Cochemer Sesselbahn
  • Bundesbank bunker Cochem
  • Moselland Museum
  • Burgruine Winneburg
  • Moselpromenade
  • Historische Senfmühle
  • Moselhöhenweg
  • St. Castor (Karden)
  • Erlebnisweg Tal der Wilden Endert

Cochem and Germany’s Beautiful Mosel Valley

Cochem Mosel Valley

Tucked away in the far west of Germany is the charming medieval village of Cochem along the Mosel River. There’s a castle on a hill, beautiful houses with traditional German architecture, and more Riesling than you can shake a stick at. 

Is this a fairy tale? No, but it’s pretty damn close. I visited Cochem as often as I could while living in Amsterdam. It’s impossible not to love this place. 

There are endless amazing things to do and see in Cochem and in this post we will go through everything you need to know for a perfect trip to this underrated region of Europe!

Cochem, Germany – What You Need to Know

A quick history of cochem, wineries and wine tasting, castles along the mosel river, other things to do in cochem, cochem – frequently asked questions.

Note: this article contains affiliate links, which means that should you purchase something or get a quote through them I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps keep the site running with up to date information. I do not represent World Nomads, Booking.com, GetYourGuide, or Rentalcars.com. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy the product mentioned in this article.

Where is Cochem and the Mosel Valley?

The Mosel Valley stretches along the Mosel River from Koblenz to Trier in western Germany. Cochem is about halfway between the two along the Mosel River, a bit closer to Koblenz.

The village is about 90 minutes south of Cologne and 2 hours west of Frankfurt. The stretch of river within about a 30 mile radius of Cochem is arguably the most beautiful part, and that’s where you’ll want to base yourself.  

How to get to Cochem

The nearest major airport is Frankfurt. With flights to almost every city in the world, Frankfurt is one of the most connected airports in Europe. But Cochem is also within a 5 hour drive of many major European cities, such as Brussels, Amsterdam , and Munich. So don’t feel like you have to start in Frankfurt. 

Renting a car and driving is the quickest and most convenient way to get to Cochem. For renting cars in Europe we use Rentalcars.com . You can find a great deal on a car rental from Frankfurt (or anywhere else) using the search bar below.

It’s also easy to get there on the train, albeit a bit slower. Koblenz is along many major Deutsche Bahn domestic and international routes (the German train system). From there, a regional DB train runs along the Mosel River stopping at nearly every village on the way.

Even if you’re driving to Cochem, the train can be a great asset to quickly get between villages if you’ve had a few glasses of wine (though note that the train skips multiple villages just south of Cochem).  

What is Cochem known for? 

Cochem and the Mosel Valley are known for extensive vineyards along the steep slopes of the Mosel River and exquisite castles perched atop hills. The region is most particularly known for producing the world’s finest Riesling wine.

How to get around the Mosel Valley

A car is the best way, but as mentioned above the train is also an excellent option. The freedom the car provides is essentially in my mind though. Getting to some of the castles is not possible on public transportation so you’d need to take a taxi.

In my three trips to Cochem I rented a car every time.  Another reason to have a car is that you might not just be going to Cochem. The Mosel Valley is a great stop on any road trip around Germany .

Weather and when to visit 

The weather along the river varies greatly by season. Summers are full of blue skies and sunny days, whereas spring, fall and winter can be surprisingly cloudy for a region that is known for wine. The climate is very mild and it rarely gets hot, with average summer highs are the mid 70s (23 C). Winters can be cold and often nights are below freezing. 

Things to do in Cochem - a view of the town of Cochem from the castle

The ideal time to visit Mosel is in the summer. As it’s not nearly as overrun with tourists as many other European destinations, it won’t feel too crowded. If you visit on the first weekend of September you’ll be treated to the annual Mosel Wine Festival . More on that later. It’s also possible to visit in Spring and Fall, but I would not recommend a visit in the winter. 

Where to stay in Cochem

Ideally you’ll want to base yourself in Cochem itself. There are some lovely places to stay in the town along the river. For an amazing view of Cochem Castle, consider Hotel am Hafen . Some other superb properties to stay at in Cochem are Hotel Cochemer Jung, Hotel Villa Tummelchen , and Hotel Zehnthof . Or check out the full list of accommodation options in Cochem on Booking.com .

Where to stay in Cochem : Hotel am Hafen

If you want to stay in a smaller village along the river, hotel and lodging prices are considerably cheaper just a few miles away. You can also look at properties in Ernst , Bruttig-Fankel , Klotten , or even as far as Treis-Karden or Moselkern . The villages are all well connected and you’ll still be able to have dinner in Cochem and get back to your hotel.

How long to spend in Cochem and the Mosel Valley

Two nights is the minimum you’ll want for your visit to the Mosel Valley. With so many amazing things to do in Cochem and the region you’ll want at least a full two days. Three nights would be better. A week is a bit overkill. Should you wish to spend a week in the region, then I’d suggest starting in Koblenz and working your way down the Mosel and ending in Trier. 


While the Mosel Valley is becoming more popular with international tourists, it’s still super German. You should not expect everyone to speak English here.

In Cochem most restaurants will have English menus, but if you’re eating in one of the smaller villages along the river you can reasonably expect to have to whip out your Google Translate app to know what you’re ordering. 


Germany is on the euro, and while it might surprise you, cash is still king in many parts of the country. One such part is the Mosel Valley. You will need cash, and you should take out a decent amount. If you’re in one of the surrounding villages, it’s likely there won’t be a single ATM in the entire town while at the same time all the restaurants are cash only. 

In terms of cost, this region is still very affordable. You can get a bottle of amazing wine at a winery shop for less than 10 euros. Accommodation prices are creeping up every year, but it’s still possible to get a decent German Pension for under $100/night if you book well in advance. 

Food and Restaurants

The Mosel Valley is known for its wine more than its food. You’ll find all the traditional German dishes at the German restaurants in Cochem, but it’s not quite the same as eating in Berlin or Dusseldorf. Don’t set high food expectations.

Also be aware that many restaurants outside of central Cochem close by 8:00 PM, the complete opposite of Italy or Spain. Don’t be looking for food around 7:30, as many kitchens will be closed already. You must eat dinner early along the Mosel, a lesson I learned the hard way.  

Mosel Valley Wine

The Mosel Valley is famous for one type of wine in particular and that is its Riesling. Check the label of any good Riesling you’ll get at a restaurant or wine store around the world and chances are it’s from the Mosel Valley.

The grapes are high in sugar due to the summer sun, which is high in the sky for most of the spring and summer. You’ll also find a variety of other whites and reds, but Riesling is king here. 

Travel insurance

Before any trip to Germany, it’s necessary to have travel insurance so that you’re protected for the unexpected. We use World Nomads and have had good experiences with them. World Nomads provides coverage to travelers in over 100 countries. You can search for a coverage plan using the link below.

yachthafen cochem

The earliest recordings of Cochem date back to the 9th century. Although it’s believed that settlements were present along the Mosel River during Roman times. Cochem became an incorporated town in 1334 and soon after construction began on its various fortifications, the most famous being the Reichsburg Cochem (see section below on castles).  

Like many European cities, Cochem has had a tumultuous history. It survived the plague, numerous wars, and various occupiers. Much of the town center was destroyed during WW2 and painstakingly rebuilt.

In 1946 Cochem was incorporated into the new German state of Rhineland-Palatinate, where it retains the seat of the Cochem-Zell district. Today Cochem’s main industries are wine and tourism. 

Perhaps the most popular of all the things to do in Cochem is to experience the amazing wine of the region. While Germany might be more known for beer, you’re in wine country in the Mosel Valley. Any fan of wine will not be disappointed by the fine Riesling produced in the vineyards along the Mosel River. 

The Mosel River winds like a snake through the German countryside. From the banks of the river, steep hills rise to the plateau above. The vast majority of vineyards in this region are located along the hills of the river valley. The photo below describes it a little better than words. 

A view of the Mosel Valley from a castle with wine

Most of the wine made along the banks of the Mosel is Riesling. These Rieslings are typically on the sweeter side. High in sugar and a bit low on alcohol (usually between 8-12% ABV), a nice Mosel Riesling will quench your thirst on a sunny, summer day. The high sugar content of the grapes is a direct result of the steep hills leaving the vineyards drenched in sun in the summer months. 

Visiting the Mosel Valley Wineries

This might come as a surprise, but you can’t really visit most of the wineries themselves in the Mosel Valley. Instead of offering vineyard tours in the beautiful vineyards like Tuscany , the wineries operate shops in the villages.

If you have an image of a beautiful building on 100 acres of land surrounded by sprawling vineyards, this isn’t really the place for that. The river is loaded with vineyards left and right, but most are not open to the public. 

Don’t fret though. If you want beautiful photos of you in a steep vineyard overlooking the river you can still get that. Many of the vineyards are essentially free to access with various walking trails between the vines. One such place to walk through vineyards is on the way to Burg Thurant. Stop by this spot for an amazing view of vineyards and the river below.  

If you’re looking for Mosel Valley wine as part of an organized tour, GetYourGuide offers a full-day biking, cruising, and wine tasting tour from Cochem . You can check out a few other tours in and around Cochem using the tool below.

Wine Tasting

Just because the vineyards themselves are not open for tours does not mean there is any shortage of wine tasting available in Cochem and the Mosel Valley. Quite to the contrary actually.

Just about every winemaker has a local shop in one of the villages where you can taste their wines. Think of it like a brewery that has an offsite brewpub in the city center. Except instead of a city center it’s a little village on the most beautiful river in Europe. 

Cochem is loaded with wine shops and tasting rooms. But outside of Cochem is where you’ll find the best wine tasting. Head down the Mosel to Valwig, Ernst, or Bruttif-Fankel for a taste of some of the best local wines in the region.

Many wineries here have restaurants and some even have hotels along the river. Wherever you stop you’re bound to try some amazing wine. And as a bonus, German wine glasses usually come in 200-250ml (8-10oz) pours. What a deal! 

different wines from Cochem

Now it should be said that some of the wineries – especially south of Cochem towards Trier or closer to Koblenz – do offer special experiences at their vineyards. Note that most of them are a good ways from Cochem though. 

The Mosel Wine Festival

If you visit the Mosel Valley during the first weekend in September, like I was lucky enough to do in 2016, you’re in for a real treat. The annual Mosel wine festival occurs on this weekend (it’s a long weekend to say the least) and it’s a sight to behold. 

The wine festival means that every village along the river essentially has a miniature wine Oktoberfest. Tents are set up with food trucks. Currywurst is everywhere. Wineries have stands selling bottles for cheaper than you can get a glass of crappy wine in New York City. There are parades and everyone just has a jolly good time. It’s a celebration of wine!

The festivities last throughout the day but continue into the night as all the locals gather to drink wine and celebrate another successful harvest. After you attend a Mosel Valley wine festival you’ll be craving for German Riesling the rest of your life! 

Perhaps no region of Germany features more castles per capita than the Mosel Valley. Visiting the amazing castles is definitely one of the top things to do while you’re in Cochem. Medieval castles dot the banks of the Mosel River.

You can imagine being a watchman in the middle ages, looking out for enemy ships on the river. While there are too many castles to name, the ones below are the best to visit. Note that castle in German is “burg”. 

Reichsburg Cochem

The main landmark of Cochem is Reichsburg Cochem , more commonly known as Cochem Castle. Sitting atop a steep hill just south of the town center, the view from the castle is superb. There’s also a restaurant should you wish to enjoy the view a bit longer. For an awesome view of the castle itself from the river, stand on the L98 bridge over the Mosel and look south. 

A guided tour of the inside costs only 7 euros per adult and the castle is open daily from 9:00-17:00. No one is entirely sure when the castle was first constructed, but it dates back to at least the year 1151, making Cochem Castle about 900 years old. Though as typical with medieval castles, it was added to and refurbished numerous times over the centuries. 

A group of friends in Cochem, Germany

There are a few routes to walk to the castle from the town below. You can start from the town center and just head straight up Schlossstrabe (that’s the street name). Or you can start here and take a more scenic walk along a footpath, passing a few chapels along the way. If you don’t feel like walking there is also a parking lot near the top.  

Burg Eltz is one of the most instagrammable castles in the world. You’ve likely seen photos of this beautiful castle before. Whereas nearly all German castles are perched atop a hill, Burg Eltz is hidden in a valley surrounded by dense forest. And it’s not along the river like the other castles in the region. Its location gives it an eerie draw, especially on a misty day. 

Burg Eltz in the Mosel Valley near Cochem

From the parking lot (4 euros to park) you’ll get a nice little walk through the forest to get to the castle. There’s a quiet footpath (about 1.3 km) or the castle access road (about 800m). Both walks are nice and you get some gorgeous views of the castle on the way.

If you don’t want to walk, there is the option to take a shuttle for an additional 2 euros per person each way. The walk to the castle is downhill thus uphill back to the parking lot. 

The castle has been privately owned by the Eltz family since its construction in the 12th century. A tour of the equisiette castle will set you back 12 euros and it’s open from 9:30-17:30 daily between April and October. You can still visit the castle in the winter, you just can’t tour the inside. There’s a shop and a restaurant on site as well.  

Like a few other castles along the river, Ehrenburg offers you the unique opportunity to spend a night in a medieval castle. The 12th century castle is mostly in ruins, but the lower portion has been preserved and turned into a small hotel. So if you want the experience of staying in a castle in the Mosel Valley, a night in Ehrenburg is just what you’re looking for!

If you’re not looking to spend the night, the castle is open for visitors between 11:00-17:00 daily and costs only 3.50 EUR. This fee is mainly for the castle grounds though, as the inside is part of the private hotel. As usual, there is also a restaurant on site with the same opening hours.  

Burg Thurant

A bit out of the way from Cochem (closer to Koblenz) is Burg Thurant (no English webpage). The hill below the castle is covered in vineyards that are free to walk around. If you want a little hike you can walk through the vineyard to the castle instead of driving to the parking lot.

The castle even sells wine from the vineyard and you’re free to explore the castle grounds with a glass of wine in hand! The view of the valley and river below from the castle is to die for. 

Burg Thurant along the Mosel Valley in Germany

The castle grounds are not huge, but they are delightfully manicured with vegetation and plants. Entrance is only 4.50 euros and operating hours vary by season. Consult their website linked above for seasonal operating hours. 

Burg Metternich

A bit south of Cochem, right on a steep vineyard-clad hill coming out of the river is Burg Metternich . Metternich also features a hotel as well as a restaurant. If you’re just visiting, entry is only 2.50 euros. The grounds are small and it takes no more than 30 minutes to properly explore. As usual, views from the top are superb. 

Burg Metternich sits above the village of Beilstein. This village is home to only about 150 people, but it’s arguably the most charming of all the villages along the Mosel. Stop for lunch in the town square and you’ll be surrounded by beautiful German architecture. You’ll feel you’re part of a fairy tale! 

For a small town, Cochem is blessed with endless things to do. Wandering the cute little streets and along the Mosel Promenade should be your first goal. The town is small and you can walk around the whole thing in less than an hour. 

Marktplatz is the main square of Cochem. Lined with old buildings with traditional German architecture, it’s charming in a way that only an old German village can be. Restaurants and cafes along the square are definitely more on the overpriced and low quality side, but sitting to enjoy a glass of wine in the square is a must-do for any visitor to Cochem

The Marktplatz in Cochem

Enderttor is the main medieval gate to the city, one of three that have survived to this day. Built in 1332, it still has part of the original medieval town wall connected to it. The town is no longer surrounded by a wall.

If you want to experience a German town with its medieval wall still intact, consider adding Rothenburg ob der Tauber to your itinerary (about 3.5 hours away by car). 

Mosel River Cruise

Another cool thing to do in Cochem is to take a Mosel river cruise . The standard river cruise takes you down and back the Mosel for about an hour total. The cruise is pretty affordable at only 12 euros per person. This doesn’t include snacks and drinks, which are available for purchase on the boats. 

Mosel River Cruise view of a castle along the Mosel

Hiking and Biking

Cochem is blessed with some wonderful hiking and mountain biking trails. The region is extremely hilly, so you’ll definitely be getting some exercise out on the trails. Many hikes start right from the town itself or from parking lots nearby. 

My personal recommendation is to hike to the ruins of Burgruine Winneburg . It’s a nice, but steep, walk through the forest up to the top of a hill where the ruins of a 14th century castle lay in disarray. Park at Moselromantik Hotel WeinBmuhle and it’s a few kilometers to the top from there. Bring a bottle of wine and enjoy it from the top in the abandoned castle. 

Cochemer Sesselbahn

If hiking is not your thing and you still want to get to the top of the hills, then Cochemer Sesselbahn is for you. The chairlift quickly takes you from the town to the top of the massive hill to the north of town. From the top you get an incredible view of Cochem and the river.

If you want to enjoy the view with a glass of wine or a coffee there is a café at the top. The trip on the chairlift costs about 7 euros round trip. Note that you can also walk to the top. It’s super steep, but not even 1 km each way.  

Cochem isn’t known for its museums, but there are a few you might want to consider if you’re a fan of museums. A unique one is the Mustard Mill Museum , where you can see how traditional German mustard is made. There’s also a museum dedicated to gemstones and even a Cold War era bunker that was designed to survive a nuclear war. 

Surrounding Villages

No trip to Cochem is complete without visiting a few of the surrounding medieval villages along the river. If you’ve done proper wine tasting and castle touring, you’ll have gotten out of Cochem into the other villages. If you haven’t, then you’ll want to make sure to stop in a few of the other villages at least for a meal or a glass of wine. 

Some of the most picturesque villages are Beilstein, Bernkastel-Kues, Traben-Trarbach, Zell, and Hatzenport. These just scratch the surface though. For a more in-depth list check out the Mosel Inside website . 

What is Cochem, Germany known for? 

Cochem is known primarily for its castles and wineries along the banks of the winding Mosel River. The river provides life to the region and has for centuries. Some of the castles along the river date back over 1000 years and the wineries are famous for making the best Riesling in the world.

Is it worth visiting Cochem?

It is absolutely worth visiting Cochem. It’s one of the most beautiful and charming places in all of Germany. It’s by far the most underrated part of the country and it’s far less visited than locations along the Rhine River, meaning you get a much more intimate experience when exploring the Mosel Valley.

What is the famous castle in Cochem?

The most famous castle in Cochem is Reichsburg Cochem, as it is the only fully standing castle in the town of Cochem. The most famous castle in the Mosel Valley is definitely Burg Eltz though. Burg Eltz is one of the most picturesque castles in all of Europe and a must-see when visiting Cochem.

When should I visit the Mosel Valley?

The Mosel Valley is best in the late spring, summer, and fall. Between mid April and the end of October, ideally. As it’s off the radar for most people when they visit Germany, it doesn’t get overcrowded in the summer months. It is a popular domestic destination for Germans, though, so summer is definitely more busy than spring and fall.

Which river in Germany has the most castles?

While there are many beautiful castles along the Mosel River, the Rhine River takes the prize when it comes to the river with the most castles along it in Germany. The Rhine is an important shipping route, however, and not as stunningly beautiful as the Mosel, in this author’s opinion.

Cochem is one of the most beautiful towns in all of Europe. While unknown to most Americans, the Mosel Valley is becoming more popular every year. So better get there while it’s still a hidden gem!

The wine, the hills, the castles… it’s just a dream come true. No one leaves Cochem and the Mosel Valley disappointed. But hopefully you’ll leave with a few bottles of that famous German Riesling!   

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Chris Heckmann

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[…] in a country full of fairy tale villages lies on the banks of the Mosel River in western Germany. Cochem is the de-facto capital of Germany’s gorgeous wine region, which produces some of the best […]

[…] fairytale castles, it’s hard not to think of Burg Eltz in Germany. Nestled in the hills of the Mosel Valley in Western Germany, the castle has been privately owned by the Eltz family since it was first built […]

[…] hundreds of kilometers through southwest Germany, you’ll want to base yourself in or around the town of Cochem. Full of beautiful vineyards and medieval castles, the Mosel Valley is the perfect weekend […]

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Erin at Large

Things to do in Cochem, Germany

yachthafen cochem

Cochem is a beautiful riverside town along the river Mosel in western Germany. It’s a popular stop on the short haul river cruise route, and for good reason. Surrounded by vineyards climbing up the steep sides of the river valley, and topped off with the magnificent Castle Cochem, this town is a perfect weekend trip.  

Is it Mosel or Moselle?

You have probably seen both Mosel and Moselle when referring to this area, and both are correct. The Mosel spelling is used in German, and Moselle in French. This river runs through France as well as Germany, and this area has historically been quite fluid between the two empires for hundreds of years.

The Cochem Castle from the town

A   bit of history

Cochem has been a settlement as far back as Celtic and Roman times. It’s first mentioned in print in 893. Like many towns cities in this region, it passed from Germanic rule to French and back again over the years. The Thirty Years War took its toll, and like many castles in western Germany it was burnt and destroyed. The rebuilding of Cochem took many many years, interrupted by several changes in leadership from the Archbishop of Trier to the French crown and then to Prussia. The bridge over the Mosel in Cochem was only built in 1927 however, so the houses on the far side from the castle were originally the separate fishing villages of Cond and Sehl. Much of the Cochem old town was destroyed during the Second World War, and there was a subcamp of the Natzweiler concentration camp was near the city, provided forced labour for Bosch.  

Incredible colours of the grape vines in autumn.

Best times to visit Cochem

We have visited the Mosel valley many times, and it’s a great favourite with our visitors. I swear there isn’t a bad time to come. In summer it’s beautifully leafy, with grapevines in leaf all over the buildings and stretching across arbours. Many restaurants have terraces overlooking the river, and we’ve had several long dinners with very local (literally grown 500 meters away from where you’re sitting) wines to match outside in the fading sunshine. This autumn we visited for a weekend when the leaves were changing, and it was truly breathtaking with all the vineyards changing colours at different rates.  

The Cochem Castle above the town

Cochem Castle

This impressive castle towers over the town of Cochem. It is one of my favourite castle tours to date (and you know I’ve done loads of them), and will satisfy your castle desires for sure. It’s worth noting this is a good kid-friendly tour as it isn’t too long, and you can take photos inside, which is very unusual. You can read my full post about visiting Cochem Castle too .  

Exploring the town of Cochem on foot

Hiking, biking and exploring

There are many hiking options around Cochem, from easy walks to multi-day hikes from town to town. It’s a very rewarding area for exploring, as the vineyards wind among the hills and there are incredible views at every turn, both into the valley and the river and the fields beyond. Because Cochem is in the steep Mosel valley, however, most hikes will involve a lot of climbing. The main flat walking options are the trails along the river. If you want to rent a bike to take advantage of the beautiful flat path alongside the river, Radsport Schrauth rents out bikes with kid trailers or rear child seats if you contact them to reserve ahead of time .  

Boat rides  

You can take a quick roundtrip tour from right under the main bridge in Cochem, that will take you a little way down the river and back. You can also catch one of the popular hop-on hop-off cruises that run down the Mosel and Rhine, but do check the timings, because as the boats go against the flow of the river, they can be quite slow. Sometimes it takes twice as long to get back as it does to go out, and it’s hard if you’ve got an impatient child with you. However, most of these boats also offer at least snacks and drinks on board. You can also catch a train from most of the stopping points if you get stuck. That being said, it’s a beautiful, relaxing way to see the incredible castles and cute towns along the river. The best time to do this is, is in the summer, as from mid-October to March, most of the companies only run a very limited service. You don’t need to buy tickets ahead, but if you’d like to plan it out in advance, the main companies are KD and Kolb.

Cochem is full of half-timbered buildings, so you'll definitely get your fairy tale German town fix.

Bundesbank bunker

This underground bunker was where the German government stored their emergency supply of 15 billion Deutschmarks in case of a sudden currency crisis during the Cold War. It’s no longer in use, and you can go deep underground to see the place with a guided tour. Tours leave every hour (double check the website ), but there’s not much to see above ground until you go down, so I wouldn’t plan on arriving too early. It’s quite a way up from the town of Cochem itself, so take advantage of their shuttle bus that leaves from the old town.  

We didn’t visit the Bundesbank bunker , despite staying right next to the thing, because I am not big on extended trips below ground! I take a pass on all cave trips, mining museums, and bunkers.  

The river Mosel makes an impressive hairpin turn near the town of Bremm.

Places to visit within easy reach of Cochem

We drove a little way to see the Bremm Bend, a famous spot where the river Mosel makes a hairpin bend. The vineyards climb up the impossibly steep valley, and I couldn’t help but admire the viticulturists who built the narrow terraces and climbed up to plant those first vines. The little tiny rail cars the vineyard works use now to bring tools and materials up to the top of the hills are often parked at the bottom of the hill, so you can imagine ratcheting up those hillsides like the beginning of a roller coaster ride.  

Our favourite German castle, Burg Eltz, is quite close to Cochem

One of our favourite castles ever, Burg Eltz , is not so far away (though it’s worth noting you can only see inside during spring, summer, and early autumn). There is a short train ride to Treis-Karden, and then the  Burgenbus  that goes straight to the castle. Outside spring and summer, take a train to Moselkern, and then you can do the 5km hike or take a taxi up to the castle.  You can book your train right here, in English :

The stunning view from the top floor of the Cafe Flair

Where to eat in Cochem

Like many smaller German towns popular with tourists, the restaurants fill up quickly, so if you see something interesting in your daytime wanderings, go in and book a table for that evening right away. We didn’t get organized, but ended up in the restaurant of Hotel am Hafen and it was lovely straightforward German cuisine: schnitzel, bratwurst, local wine. We tried to make our way into Ristorante Da Vinci, a pizza place with good reviews, but the small restaurant was full to the brim. The smell coming from the kitchen was pretty amazing though.  

For Kaffe und Kuchen (cake and coffee break), the local favourite was obviously the Cafe Flair with loads of cake, fancy coffees, and light lunch options. There is a huge terrace area, but if you’re visiting when it’s colder out, there is a busy ground floor as well as a more spacious upstairs, with nice views over the Mosel.

Wherever you end up, make sure you try some of the local wine, it is affordable and lovely. Keep in mind the German wine names may hide some familiar favourites – Grauburgunder is Pinot Gris and Spätburgunder is Pinot Noir. The Mosel valley is most famous for its Reisling wines, but you choose your sweetness by asking for ‘Trocken’ (dry), or ‘Halb Trocken’ (half dry).  

View over the Mosel from the castle.

Hotels in Cochem

We stayed up the hill by the Bundesbank Bunker at the Hotel Vintage, which was quite awkward for daily exploring because it was so far up the far hillside. It was very clean, and the rooms were large, with an easy triple room option however.  

In town, some good options are:  

  • Hotel Germania, right next to the main bridge and in the Altstadt
  • Hotel am Hafen , across the river but next to the bridge, with good onsite restaurant
  • Zum fröhlichen Weinburg , a little ways back from the river, quiet and good value
  • Altes Fährhaus Cochem , is on the other side of the river with gorgeous views of the castle and town, and offers bike rentals on site
  • If you’re happy to be just outside of town, the little village of Ernst is our favourite spot, and the Altes Pfarrhaus our Mosel home away-from-home. A lovely Dutch family runs this small hotel, and the food is lovely, with a quiet terrace overlooking the river.  

Getting to Cochem

From Frankfurt or Düsseldorf, Cochem is about a two and a half hour journey by train, with one or two changes, depending on the time of day. From Cologne, it is about two hours with one change. It’s a beautiful journey no matter which way you arrive, however, as most routes will take you along the Rhine and the Mosel. You can book your ticket right here in English:

Pin this for later!

Cochem is a beautiful riverside town along the river Mosel in western Germany. It’s a popular stop on the short haul river cruise route, and for good reason. Surrounded by vineyards climbing up the steep sides of the river valley, and topped off with the magnificent Castle Cochem, this town is a perfect weekend trip. 

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Explore more of Cochem-Zell : Browse the best Gravel rides in other regions.

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  • Bruttig-Fankel
  • Bad Bertrich
  • Brachtendorf
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  • Hochpochtener Wald
  • Treis-Karden
  • Greimersburg
  • Blankenrath
  • Peterswald-Löffelscheid
  • Reidenhausen
  • Altstrimmig
  • Kaisersesch

Hotel am Hafen

Uferstrasse 3, 56812 Cochem, Deutschland – Ausgezeichnete Lage - Karte anzeigen

yachthafen cochem

Hotel am Hafen Jetzt buchen

Sichern Sie sich einen tollen Preis für die Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen – von Gästen kürzlich mit 8,1 bewertet.

Geben Sie Reisedaten an , um loszulegen.



Kostenfreies WLAN

Ausgezeichnete Lage!

Sie können einen Genius-Rabatt auf die Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen erhalten! Melden Sie sich an , um bei dieser Unterkunft zu sparen.

Am rechten Ufer der Mosel in Cochem bietet dieses Hotel komfortable Zimmer mit herrlichem Blick auf den Fluss und die Burg. WLAN nutzen Sie in allen Bereichen kostenfrei. Die Nichtraucherzimmer im Hotel am Hafen sind komfortabel eingerichtet und mit einem Flachbild-Sat-TV ausgestattet. Im eigenen Bad liegt ein Haartrockner für Sie bereit. Die meisten Zimmer verfügen über einen Balkon oder eine Terrasse und einige Zimmer bieten eine Espressomaschine. Morgens stärken Sie sich im Restaurant mit einem reichhaltigen und abwechslungsreichen, kostenfreien Frühstück. Ein Veranstaltungsraum für bis zu 25 Personen ist auf Anfrage und gegen Aufpreis verfügbar. Mittag- und Abendessen werden im trendigen Restaurant im Landhausstil serviert, das Spezialitäten aus der Moselregion und erlesene Weine aus der Region serviert. An warmen Tagen können Sie Ihre Mahlzeiten und Erfrischungen auf der Terrasse genießen, während Sie die vorbeifahrenden Boote beobachten. Die Terrasse ist in den kälteren Monaten beheizt und bietet an heißen Tagen eine Kühltruhe. Zu den beliebten Aktivitäten in der Umgebung zählen Wandern, Radfahren, Nordic Walking und Bootstouren. Besuchen Sie die historische Reichsburg (500 m) oder den berühmten Nürburgring (30 km).

Paare schätzen die Lage besonders – sie haben diese mit 9,5 für einen Aufenthalt zu zweit bewertet.

Die Entfernung in der Unterkunftsbeschreibung wurde mit © OpenStreetMap berechnet

  • Privatparkplatz
  • WLAN inklusive
  • Nichtraucherzimmer
  • Familienzimmer
  • Sehr gutes Frühstück

Highlights der Unterkunft

Dieses Hotel befindet sich in der am besten bewerteten Gegend in Cochem und hat für seine Lage ein hervorragendes Bewertungsergebnis von 9,5

냨 Gutes Essen: die Mahlzeiten wurden sehr empfohlen


Amerikanisch, Buffet

An dem Hotel stehen Privatparkplätze zur Verfügung

Anmelden, Geld sparen


Wählen Sie Daten aus, um die Verfügbarkeiten und die Preise dieser Unterkunft zu sehen

Maßnahmen der Unterkunft

Kategorien:, was gästen, die hier übernachtet haben, am besten gefallen hat.

yachthafen cochem

Umgebung des Hotels

Restaurants 1 restaurant vor ort.

  • Küche Regional
  • Ambiente Familienfreundlich • Traditionell • Modern

Ausstattung von: Hotel am Hafen Tolle Ausstattung! 8 Punkte

  • Toilettenpapier
  • Badewanne oder Dusche
  • Eigenes Badezimmer
  • Kostenlose Pflegeprodukte
  • Haartrockner
  • Sonnenterrasse
  • Kühlschrank
  • Steckdose in Bettnähe
  • Wassersportmöglichkeiten vor Ort Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Kanusport Zusätzliche Gebühren Außerhalb der Unterkunft
  • Angeln Außerhalb der Unterkunft
  • Golfplatz (max. 3 km entfernt) Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Schreibtisch
  • Flachbild-TV
  • Wein/Sekt Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Kindermahlzeiten Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Speisen für spezielle Ernährungsbedürfnisse (auf Anfrage)
  • Rechnung auf Anfrage
  • Privater Check-in/-out
  • Gepäckaufbewahrung
  • Informationsschalter für Ausflüge
  • Express-Check-in/-out
  • Tägliche Reinigung
  • Bügelservice Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Waschsalon/Wäscheservice Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Fax- u. Fotokopiereinrichtungen Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Feuerlöscher
  • Videoüberwachung der Außenbereiche der Unterkunft
  • Videoüberwachung in Gemeinschaftsbereichen
  • Rauchmelder
  • Sicherheitsalarm
  • Zugang mit Schlüsselkarte
  • Gemeinschaftslounge/TV-Bereich
  • Snackautomat
  • Allergikerfreundlich
  • Nichtraucherunterkunft (Alle öffentlichen und privaten Bereiche sind Nichtraucherzonen)
  • Allergikerfreundliche Zimmer verfügbar
  • Weckservice
  • Holz- oder Parkettböden
  • Lunchpakete
  • Schallisolierte Zimmer
  • Obere Stockwerke nur über eine Treppe erreichbar
  • Niederländisch

Hausregeln Die Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen nimmt besondere Anfragen an – im nächsten Schritt hinzufügen!

Richtlinien für kinder.

Kinder jeden Alters sind willkommen.

Kinder im Alter von 18 Jahren oder älter zahlen in dieser Unterkunft den Erwachsenenpreis.

Fügen Sie Ihrer Suche bitte die Anzahl der Kinder in Ihrer Gruppe und deren Alter hinzu, um die korrekten Preise und Belegungsinformationen zu sehen.

Richtlinien zu Baby- und Zustellbetten

Preise für Baby- und Zustellbetten sind nicht im Gesamtpreis enthalten und müssen separat während Ihres Aufenthaltes bezahlt werden.

Die Anzahl an Zustell- und Babybetten ist von der von Ihnen gewählten Option abhängig. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre ausgewählte Option für mehr Informationen.

Alle Babybetten und Zustellbetten unterliegen der Verfügbarkeit.

Kleingedrucktes Wichtige Informationen für Gäste dieser Unterkunft

Bitte teilen Sie der Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen Ihre voraussichtliche Ankunftszeit im Voraus mit. Nutzen Sie hierfür bei der Buchung das Feld für besondere Anfragen oder kontaktieren Sie die Unterkunft direkt.

Rechtliche Informationen

Häufig gestellte fragen zur unterkunft hotel am hafen, wie weit ist die unterkunft hotel am hafen vom zentrum von cochem entfernt.

Die Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen ist 350 m vom Zentrum von Cochem entfernt. Alle Entfernungen werden in Luftlinie gemessen. Die tatsächliche Fahrstrecke kann abweichen.

Welche Art von Zimmer kann ich in der Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen buchen?

  • Doppelzimmer

Hat die Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen ein Restaurant vor Ort?

  • Restaurant am Hafen

Welche Aktivitäten bietet die Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen?

  • Golfplatz (max. 3 km entfernt)
  • Wassersportmöglichkeiten vor Ort

Welche Art von Frühstück wird in der Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen serviert?

Gäste, die in der Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen übernachten, können während ihres Aufenthaltes ein gut bewertetes Frühstück genießen (Gästebewertungsergebnis: 8.3).

  • Amerikanisch

Wieviel kostet der Aufenthalt in der Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen?

Die Preise an der Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen könnten je nach Aufenthalt variieren (z.B. gewählter Zeitraum, Hotelrichtlinie usw.). Wenn Sie Ihre Daten eingeben, können Sie die Preise sehen.

Wie lauten die Check-in- und Check-out-Zeiten in der Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen?

Der Check-in in der Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen ist ab 14:00, und der Check-out ist bis 11:00.

Mehr anzeigen

Das beste von cochem.

Die beliebtesten Städte

  • Bernkastel-Kues
  • Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
  • Traben-Trarbach

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Echte Bewertungen von echten Gästen.

Wir haben über 70 Millionen Unterkunftsbewertungen – allesamt von echten Gästen, die nachweislich dort übernachtet haben .

Wie funktioniert es?

Es beginnt mit einer buchung.

Eine Bewertung kann erst nach einer Buchung geschrieben werden. So können wir sicherstellen, dass unsere Bewertungen von echten Gästen kommen, die in der Unterkunft übernachtet haben.

Dann kommt die Reise

Wenn Gäste in einer Unterkunft übernachten, wissen sie, wie ruhig die Zimmer und wie freundlich die Mitarbeiter sind, usw.

Und danach die Bewertung

Nach ihrer Reise berichten uns unsere Gäste von ihrem Aufenthalt. Jede Bewertung wird auf Schimpfwörter und ihre Echtheit geprüft, bevor wir sie der Booking.com-Seite hinzufügen.

Wenn Sie über uns gebucht haben und eine Gästebewertung hinterlegen möchten, melden Sie sich bitte in Ihrem Konto an.




yachthafen cochem

Wind & weather Superforecast Yachthafen Cochem

Superforecast, daily superforecast, bird's-eye view of wind for yachthafen cochem, nearby spots (within 25 km).

  • Klotten 3km
  • Ediger-Eller 4km
  • Valwiger Berg (Jeiersberg) 4km
  • Bruttig-Fankel 5km
  • Petersberg 6km

Look at our wind map to find more spots among our 160,000 spots.

Yachthafen Cochem popularity

Most popular spots in germany.

Have a look at the top kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, surfing or fishing spots in Germany

Additional information

The Windfinder Bird's-Eye View shows the forecasted wind and wave direction in relation to the surroundings of the forecast spot. This is useful if you rely on the exact wind direction for your outdoor activities like fishing or hunting or if you are looking for the best surf conditions. Check the Superforecast for Yachthafen Cochem when you search for the best travel destinations for your kiteboarding, windsurfing or sailing vacations in Germany. Or use the Superforecast to find the wind speed today in Yachthafen Cochem or to have a look at the wind direction tomorrow at Yachthafen Cochem.

Severe Weather Warnings


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  4. Cochem City view from Mosel river#germany #mosel #cochem

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  6. der yachthafen 13 juli 2024 21:30 Uhr


  1. Hafen

    Hafen Hafenmeister Markus Breitscheidel Telefon: 02671 4610 (mit Rufumleitung) Mobil: 0151 54727870 E-Mail: [email protected] Steigeranlage für die Hotelschifffahrt, rechtes Moselufer, Stadtteil Cond Jachthafen Cochem-Cond Download Hafensatzung Download Liegeplan Hotelschiffe

  2. Yachthafen Cochem

    Yachthafen Cochem. Uferstraße. D 56812 Cochem-Cond. Kontaktinformationen. Tel. +49 1 51 54 72 78 70. E-Mail [email protected]. Bewertung der ADAC-Mitglieder. Gesamtbewertung starstarstarstarstar (2.1 bei 2 Bewertungen) Teilbewertungen. Hafenmeister/-büro starstarstarstarstar (2)

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    keyboard_arrow_left Yachthafen Cochem. Yachthafen Cochem. Details . Contact . Details. ADAC marina classification. Technical equipment & service. Catering, provisioning/shopping & leisure. Facts & figures ... die Reichsburg Cochem. Auf den Ruinen einer bereits 1079 erbauten, 1689 von den Franzosen zerstörten Anlage wurde sie von einem reichen ...

  4. Wind & weather forecast Yachthafen Cochem

    This is the wind, wave and weather forecast for Yachthafen Cochem in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Windfinder specializes in wind, waves, tides and weather reports & forecasts for wind related sports like kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, sailing, fishing or paragliding. Forecast This forecast is based on the GFS model.

  5. Yachthafen

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  9. 15 Best Things to Do in Cochem (Germany)

    4. Bundesbank bunker Cochem. Source: wikipedia. Bundesbank Bunker Cochem. In the Cold War the FRG was in special danger had a conflict broken out between NATO and the Warsaw Pact States. To avoid the hyperinflation that would come with a war the Germany Federal Bank set up secret currency reserves around the country.

  10. Wind and weather webcams Yachthafen Cochem

    Webcams at Yachthafen Cochem are discoverable on a map for further exploration or a convenient list view sorted by distance up to 25 kilometers from this spot. Severe Weather Warnings When a severe weather warning or advisory is provided by the local meteorological institute, we display it as a banner above the wind forecast. ...

  11. Wind & weather forecast Yachthafen Cochem

    Detailed wind & weather forecast for Yachthafen Cochem / Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany for kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking. (Bird's-eye view)

  12. Cochem and Germany's Beautiful Mosel Valley

    The Mosel Valley stretches along the Mosel River from Koblenz to Trier in western Germany. Cochem is about halfway between the two along the Mosel River, a bit closer to Koblenz. The village is about 90 minutes south of Cologne and 2 hours west of Frankfurt. The stretch of river within about a 30 mile radius of Cochem is arguably the most ...

  13. THE 10 BEST Restaurants in Cochem (Updated August 2024)

    Best Dining in Cochem, Rhineland-Palatinate: See 7,915 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 93 Cochem restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more. ... Hotel am Hafen Restaurant & Terrace. 166. German, Seafood, International, European $$ - $$$ Gaststatte Noss. 164.

  14. Things to do in Cochem, Germany

    Cochem is a beautiful riverside town along the river Mosel in western Germany. It's a popular stop on the short haul river cruise route, and for good reason. Surrounded by vineyards climbing up the steep sides of the river valley, and topped off with the magnificent Castle Cochem, this town is a perfect weekend trip. ... Hotel am Hafen ...


    3.9. Value. 4.0. Hotel am Hafen is an excellent choice for travelers visiting Cochem, offering a family-friendly environment alongside many helpful amenities designed to enhance your stay. During your stay, take advantage of some of the amenities offered, including baggage storage, and you can go online as Hotel am Hafen offers guests free wifi.

  16. Wind & weather statistics Yachthafen Cochem

    The wind statistics are based on real weather observations from the weather station Yachthafen Cochem / Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. See the average wind speed, direction and temperatures.

  17. The best gravel rides around Cochem

    Gravel biking around Cochem is one of the best ways to experience the area's beauty. Here are some of the best gravel bike routes around Cochem. ... Nature reserve Pommerheld - Mosel- Island Yachthafen 🤠 loop from Cochem (Mosel) 01:43. 23.8 km. 13.9 km/h. 120 m. 120 m. Easy. 3.0 (4) 32. Easy gravel ride. Great for any fitness level. Mostly ...

  18. Hotel am Hafen, Cochem (updated prices 2024)

    The fine print. Guest reviews (1,088) Hotel am Hafen. Uferstrasse 3, 56812 Cochem, Germany - Excellent location - show map. +37 photos. Show on map. You're eligible for a Genius discount at Hotel am Hafen! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in . Located on the right bank of the River Moselle in Cochem, this hotel offers ...


    Hotel am Hafen's restaurant, while located a bit away from the old town, offers a stunning view of Cochem castle and the Mosel river. The food is tasty and the service is excellent, all at a reasonable price. This makes it a worthwhile visit for the scenic dining experience alone.

  20. Hotel am Hafen, Cochem (aktualisierte Preise für 2024)

    Reservieren. Hotel am Hafen. Uferstrasse 3, 56812 Cochem, Deutschland - Ausgezeichnete Lage - Karte anzeigen. + 37 Fotos. Sie können einen Genius-Rabatt auf die Unterkunft Hotel am Hafen erhalten! Melden Sie sich an, um bei dieser Unterkunft zu sparen. Am rechten Ufer der Mosel in Cochem bietet dieses Hotel komfortable Zimmer mit herrlichem ...

  21. Hotel am Hafen Reviews, Deals & Photos 2024

    Hotel am Hafen Reviews, Deals & Photos 2024 - Expedia. Stay at this hotel in Cochem. Enjoy free breakfast, free WiFi, and free parking. Popular attractions Moselle Promenade and Reichsburg Cochem are located nearby.

  22. Real time wind & weather report Yachthafen Cochem

    Real time wind & weather report / observation Yachthafen Cochem / Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany for sailing, boating

  23. Wind & weather Superforecast Yachthafen Cochem

    Windfinder.com - Detailed wind & weather Superforecast for Yachthafen Cochem / Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany for kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking. (Bird's-eye view)