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old image of Catalina island

A Not-So-Serious History of Catalina Island

Santa Catalina is a 22-mile long rocky island about 22 miles south-southwest of Los Angeles. It has a resident population of only about 3,700, most of whom live in its only city, Avalon, but over a million tourists drop in for a visit every year. The island is a popular weekend destination for Southern California boaters. In 1958, the Four Preps recorded the famous hit song 26 Miles (Santa Catalina). The song’s composer, Bruce Belland, once said, “It’s really like 22.3 miles, but you try singing that. Think about that meter!”Before all that, though, before hiking permits, golf cart rentals, and mountain bikes with knobby tires, there were the original owners. By the time Spanish explorer Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo “discovered” the island in 1542, the Pimugnan Indians had been there for 500 years. On spotting Cabrillo’s galleon, the Pimugnan paddled out to greet it, and were invited aboard, whereupon gifts and deadly diseases were exchanged with smiles all around. Cabrillo lingered for about 12 hours, shamelessly declared ownership of the island for Spain, thanked the Pimugnan for the fish lunch, and sailed off. Happily for the Pimugnans, another 60 years went by before they were graced with their next visit from Europeans. This time it was another Spanish explorer, Sebastian Vizcaino, who “re-discovered” the island and re-named it Santa Catalina (not that the Pimugnan cared; they continued to refer to their island as Pimu). After 48 hours, Vizcaino had seen enough. Just for good measure, the island was again claimed for Spain, a few more deadly diseases were traded for provisions, and Vizcaino departed, content in the knowledge that Catalina was again secured for the King. Now the Pimugnan were left in peace for almost 30 years. Then in 1769, the Portola expedition arrived, and not having gotten the Cabrillo and Vizcaino memos, Portola once more claimed the island for Spain. This time, however, the Europeans and other visitors never quite went away, and the good old days for the Pimugnan were finito. The Spanish, worried about encroachment by the Russians and British, began colonizing California in earnest, beginning with a franchised chain of missions up and down the coast (no mission was ever built on Catalina). Hoping to evade Spanish trade restrictions, or just seeking a little privacy, smugglers, pirates, and a variety of general all-around scoundrels quickly determined that Catalina’s many hidden coves were just the thing for a all manner of illicit activities. China Point, for instance, was used by smugglers of Chinese immigrants. Oddly, China played another part in the history of the island. Apparently fur hats had become all the rage in China, and as a result, the island was overrun with Russian and Aleut otter hunters from Alaska. Once more, a thriving trade in deadly diseases developed, and in the end neither the otters nor the Pimugnan turned a profit. On the other hand, the Chinese did get their hats. Even today, the only substantial remaining population of sea otters is off the northern Channel Islands. As for the Pimugnan, the few who remained migrated, or were dragged kicking and screaming, to the mainland, where most came under the gentle influence of Mission San Gabriel. Soon, these expatriate Pimugnan were being referred to as Gabrielinos. Today there are no known fluent speakers of the Pimugnan/Gabrielino language. Mexico fought and gained independence from Spanish rule in 1821, and California became a province of the new country. Then, in 1848, following the Mexican-American War, California was snatched up by the United States. After a brief flurry on mining activity, during which gold was hoped for but mere galena (an ore of silver, lead and zinc) was found, Catalina was inhabited mostly by sheep, cattle, and a few herders for about a quarter of a century. Avalon around 1900 — Not a yacht in sight! In 1887, George Shatto, a young businessman from Michigan, bought the island and began developing it as a tourist resort. Selecting a beautiful sheltered valley with a wide, crescent shaped harbor on the northeast side, he surveyed out the town site that would become Avalon. Shatto enlarged an existing wharf to accommodate larger steamers, built the Hotel Metropole, and began selling town lots. Shatto’s sister-in-law, Etta Whitney, chose the town’s name. It came from a Tennyson poem, Idylls of the King, in which a dying King Arthur says that he would be going to Avalon, a beautiful island valley where he would heal himself of his grievous wound. This was all very romantic, of course, but alas, Shatto very unromantically fell behind in his mortgage payments. In 1892 the Banning brothers bought the island. The Bannings built all kinds of attractions, including roads to the interior, the first telephone and wireless telegraph systems, two dance pavilions, an aquarium, a Greek amphitheater, and a golf course. Around this time the island became world-renowned for sport fishing. Elevating fishing from a job to a sport was a new idea, promoted in large part by writer and naturalist Charles Frederick Holder, who popularized the use of light tackle. He also founded Catalina’s Tuna Club, the oldest fishing club in the United States. In 1913, Avalon became an incorporated city. In 1915, about the time all the cityhood excitement had died down, a devastating fire burned out of control for three days, destroying half of the town, including the Hotel Metropole. The Bannings went bust. But, to their credit, they had introduced glass-bottom excursion boats to the island, so they departed with their heads held high. Next, the island came into the enthusiastic hands of William Wrigley Jr., the chewing gum magnate, who bought the island sight unseen but was soon stuck on it (sorry, couldn’t resist). Among other things, William enlarged the fleet of cross-channel steamers, adding the S.S. Avalon and the S.S. Catalina, which he built specifically for the Catalina run. Unlike his predecessors, he didn’t go broke; he did, however, die. And so, in 1932 his son Philip assumed control of the island. Philip enlisted the help of artists Otis and Dorothy Shepard to imbue Avalon with an early California ambiance (that would be Spanish, not Pimugnan, ambiance). Design elements included extensive use of tile, fountains, wrought iron, bell towers, a serpentine wall, soft lighting, and palm and olive trees. Wandering troubadours serenaded wandering tourists. Now we come to that landmark of all Catalina landmarks­─the Casino. Prominently visible from land and sea, the round, Art Deco structure rises the equivalent of 12 stories, and is surrounded by water on three sides. Built as a tourist attraction, the Casino’s name derives from the Italian usage of the word meaning “a social gathering place” rather than the Las Vegas lose-your-shirt meaning. The building has never been used as a gambling establishment. The site chosen for the new casino was out at the end of Sugarloaf Point, and at the very tip of the point there was a bullet-shaped rocky outcrop called Sugarloaf Rock (What in the world is a sugarloaf, by the way? Is it a thing shaped like Sugarloaf Rock?). Many people believe that back in the days of the Bannings, Sugarloaf Rock had been blasted away to clear a site for the first casino, Sugarloaf Casino, a mildly impressive octagonal structure used as a ball room and Avalon’s first high school. In fact, old photos of both the original and today’s casino show that they were built adjacent to Sugarloaf Rock, which was removed later on, mostly to improve the ocean view and to provide a level open area at the front of the current casino. The original, smaller Sugarloaf Casino shot from atop Sugarloaf Rock Sugarloaf Casino remained on the site from 1920 to 1928, but eventually the Wrigleys decided it simply wasn’t grand enough and had it razed to make way for today’s casino. Some further blasting was done to create a larger pad for the new building, and by 1929 the casino we all know and love was completed.The Casino houses the Avalon Theater on the first level, which seats up to 1,150, and is the first theater ever designed for sound movies. It is said that the acoustics are so good that a speaker on the stage can speak in a normal voice without a microphone and be heard throughout the room. The ballroom on the second level can accommodate up to 6,000 dancers and is so well insulated that theater patrons directly below cannot hear either the band or the 12,000 dancing feet on the floor above. The new Avalon Casino rises on the site of the old Sugarloaf Casino beside the now defunct Sugarloaf Rock Wrigley designed the Casino with ramps rather than stairs, an idea taken from his experience with Wrigley Field, the Chicago Cubs stadium. The ramps allowed large numbers of people to more efficiently enter and exit (the Chicago Cubs team was also owned by Wrigley, and from 1921 to 1951, excepting the war years, the Cubs used Catalina for spring training) .During World War II, the island was closed to tourists and several branches of the military trained on the island, including the Merchant Marine, Army Signal Corp, OSS, and Coast Guard. When the island reopened after the war, the use of wartime amphibious planes such as the Grumman Goose ushered in a new era of travel to the island. Eventually, both the steamers and flying boats would give way to the helicopters and smaller but faster boats that are used today. Finally, what’s with that bison herd on Catalina? They certainly didn’t hike to the island from South Dakota. The generally accepted explanation is that they were brought to the island in 1924 for the silent film version of Zane Grey’s western tale, The Vanishing American. There’s only one problem─none of the scenes in the movie appear to have been filmed on Catalina. Perhaps the Catalina scenes were cut from the final version, but the island’s absence from the movie does put the history of the bison in doubt. One other oddity─many of the bison aren’t entirely bison; 45 percent have a domesticated cow as an ancestor. Who knew? They all look so bisonish. Here are a few other fun facts: Catalina and its surrounding area are widely known within the UFO community as a “hot spot” for UFO and USO (unidentified submerged object) activity, a reputation enhanced by a famous 1966 video of a “silvery orb” flying low over the backcountry hills of the island. The video is the kind of UFO video we’ve come to expect─a miserably grainy shot of a very distant airborne speck. “Silvery orb” is mostly in the eye of the beholder. In 1936, Ronald Reagan, a young radio announcer for WHO in Des Moines, Iowa, traveled to Catalina to cover the Cubs during spring training. While there, he took a screen test and was offered an acting role. So, if Wrigley hadn’t brought the Cubs to Catalina, Ronny might never have become a movie star, or president for that matter. During World War II, a young Marilyn Monroe briefly lived in Avalon with her first husband, James Dougherty (whose husband status was also brief), a lieutenant in the Merchant Marine. Monroe was often a babysitter for neighborhood children. Today, those former kids have an unbeatable story to tell at cocktail parties. “Marilyn Monroe used to cook my dinner and follow me to bed. No, really, I’m not kidding. Hey, are you calling me a liar! Why, if you weren’t my wife’s brother I’d…” Down through the years, the Wrigley family has clung to its belief that the island should be preserved rather than developed extensively. In 1975 they donated 88% of the island to the Catalina Island Conservancy, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to preserving Catalina in its natural state. The Santa Catalina Island Company, founded by William Wrigley, owns another 11% of the island, and only a skimpy 1% of the real estate is independently owned. As a result, only the city of Avalon is open to the public without restrictions. So, even though the island’s fate is in steady hands, you can’t help but think that the Pimugnans, or Gabrielinos, are still pretty cranky about the way things worked out.

our Guide to World-Class Cuisine on Your Offshore Yacht

Your Guide to World-Class Cuisine on Your Offshore Yacht

Resource Guide to World-Class Cuisine on Your Offshore Yacht At Offshore West, we know that everything tastes better when it’s cooked and served on your own Offshore Yacht. Whether you’re serving fresh-from-the-sea delicacies like crab, shrimp, or dorado, sizzling chops right off the grill, or a not-so-simple basic cheeseburger, nothing enhances a meal onboard more than the combination of sea air, balmy temperatures, and active outdoor lifestyle on your Offshore Yacht. And whether you’re doing your own cooking or working with a hired chef, the best chefs know that cooking on a boat involves planning, provisioning, and an attention to detail that that few land-based cooks really understand. So, we’ve collected some great resources from the web, along with cookbooks written by boaters and yacht industry chefs with lifetimes of experience, so you can create stunning, unforgettable meals on your Offshore that will have you and your guests raving long after your cruise ends. General Tips for Equipping Your Galley The galley on your Offshore Yacht can be as simple as a motorboat or as sophisticated as any kitchen ashore, depending on your preferences. Follow these tips to keep your galley organized, well-equipped, and ready for anything. The bare minimum of essential equipment for any yacht includes skillets, saucepans, stockpots, and bakeware, as well as a good set of chef knives and magnetic knife rack.Boating and “big box” stores offer a variety of specialty storage solutions including nets, baskets, airtight storage containers, thermal mugs, cups, and beverage servers, as well as silicone bakeware and collapsible containersGiven you’ll be cooking and serving on a moving platform, keep glass in your galley to a minimum. You can find attractive melamine, Lexan, enameled metal, and even acrylic dishware and flatware.Use supplemental coolers for overflow fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as for stocking plenty of beer, wine, and other beverages.The grill on your Offshore Yacht can be supplemented with a variety of add-ons for grilling fish, meats, and virtually anything else you can imagine.Be “ocean friendly” by reducing trash. Use cloth napkins and tablecloths, and reusable, washable flatware. Your Offshore Yacht is the perfect place to use “real” flatware for formal or festive meals. General Tips for Preparing Meals Onboard In general, boat food usually needs to be tasty and easy to eat without requiring lots of utensils or tableware. Hand-held breakfasts (muffins, granola bars, or fresh fruit), “grab and go” lunch sandwiches or tortilla rollups, and simple dinners can provide plenty of exceptional flavor and flair along with basic nutrition.If you’re planning on being away from a port for a week or longer, plan meals around staples like rice, noodles, and grains. Use prepared mixes for sauces, marinades, and garnishes, and customize them (our recommended cookbooks offer tons of ideas).Using your Offshore’ s outdoor grill will keep the interior of your yacht a bit cooler and cut down on generator use. Your grill is perfect for sausages or burgers, veggie brochettes, or chicken wings. Online Resources for Cooking Aboard your Offshore Yacht The Superyacht Chef is a new website for chefs who serve the yachting community all over the world. The blog features articles about high-end galley gadgets, food preparation and presentation techniques, stellar recipes shared by superyacht chefs all over the world, and recommended cookbooks for the yacht galley. They even link to agencies that will help you find a professional yacht chef, if that suits your style. Portside Cuisine is the website of Peg Donahue, a former chef aboard both private and charter yachts, where she cooked for scores of interesting, influential people (like you!) including high profile politicians, writers, scientists, and even movie stars. Working as a chef for nearly 10 years aboard yachts ranging from a 26 to 90 feet, she cruised  throughout the Caribbean, along the coast of Venezuela, the Eastern seaboard of the United States, and as far north as the border of Nova Scotia. Her website features recipes (complete with photographs good enough to eat all by themselves), equipment tips and recommendations, and stories of her travels and the fascinating people and places she’s encountered along the way. We offer a review of her cookbook of the same name below. The Boat Galley offers hundreds of recipes that include a wealth of options for dietary and equipment restrictions. From the website: “Cooking on a boat is different, but boat-friendly recipes make great meals on your cruising adventures not just possible but easy.” Some specialty recipes include: Recipes to grill everything from vegetables to meat and chicken to fresh-caught fishMake-ahead meals for longer passages or weekends out on your OffshoreSpecialty recipes for dairy-free, gluten-free, keto, or other restricted mealsTips to make your own seasoning mixes for use in other recipes In addition to the website, there are bite-sized bits of information, 5 to 10 minutes long, offered in The Boat Galley Podcast | The Boat Galley,by Nica Waters and Lin Pardey. The podcasts offer a nice alternative to browsing over 1200 articles on the website itself. All Recipes is a great online source of tested recipes for every occasion, and their “Galley Kitchen” section offers a wealth of insight into using space wisely, equipping your galley, meal planning and tips for quick, efficient, and safe cooking in a small, moving space. Recommended Yachting Cookbooks for your Offshore Library The following nautical cookbooks are highly recommended (available on Amazon) and grace the galleys of many yacht chefs as well as full-time liveaboards and weekend cruisers. The Portside Cuisine Cookbook: A Yacht Chef’s Recipe Collection by Peg Donahue From Peg’s press release: “With stunning food photography and more than 160 individual recipes, The Portside Cuisine Cookbook reveals a glimpse behind the galley doors of a professional charter chef as she creates world-class cuisine on the high seas for clients that range from everyday guests to captains of industry and celebrities of the silver screen.” She also shares interesting short stories behind each recipe that are so exciting, entertaining, and educational that you can imagine each dish elegantly presented and served on your own Offshore Yacht. Her recipes are easy-to-use, family tested, and suitable for budding cooks as well as professional chefs, and range from simple “comfort food” to elegant and elaborate meals for holidays, formal dinners, buffets, picnics, and any kind of party you can imagine. She includes vegetarian recipes as well as those that are easily adaptable to accommodate dietary restrictions. Every recipe lists nutritional information for those who need to monitor salt, sugar, or calorie intake. Cruising Chef Cookbook, by Michael Greenwald After 22 years in print, now in its 10th printing, the Cruising Chef Cookbook is essential to any boat galley. Not only are there more than 300 delicious recipes, there are hundreds of tips for buying, storing, provisioning, and resupplying in out-of-the-way markets. Greenwald also offers extensive instruction on special cooking techniques like pressure-cooking, stir-frying, and grilling. But perhaps the highlight of this cookbook is the salty humor that seasons the chapters. Articles like “Planning for the Big Eater” and “Fishing” will leave you exhausted from laughing out loud. The Boat Galley Cookbook: 800 Everyday Recipes and Essential Tips for Cooking Aboard, by Carolyn Shearlock  and Jan Irons In this easy-to-navigate and extensively cross-referenced masterpiece, long-term liveaboard cruisers Carolyn Shearlock and Jan Irons offer more than 800 recipes made from easily found ingredients and hand utensils in small boat galleys. In addition to their personally galley-tested recipes, they offer unique energy-saving tips like cooking in a Thermos, baking on top of the stove, and preparing enjoyable meals in a tiny, moving kitchen. The Boater’s Cookbook: 450 Quick & Easy Galley-Tested Recipes,  by Sylvia Williams Dabney Dabney, a long-time live-aboard cruiser has over sixty thousand miles under her belt, and understands not only the necessity of a well-stocked pantry but the joy of collecting recipes from all over the world. A highlight of this wonderful cookbook is the comprehensive list of the kinds of gadgets gear, and supplies that every boater needs – and how to store it all in a limited space, whether it’s a 27-foot sailboat or a 60-foot motor cruiser. When you’re next out on your Offshore, remember that dining aboard is one of the rare joys of boating. We’d love to hear about your recommendations for shopping, storing, or cooking aboard your own Offshore Yacht. We’d also be delighted to share your recipes, grilling tips, and menu plans with the rest of our Offshore family. Just drop us a line or give us a call at either our Newport Beach Fort or Lauderdale office. We’ll look forward to hearing from you.

William “Bill” Luther, Naval Architect, receives Lifetime Achievement Award

William “Bill” Luther, Naval Architect, receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Lifetime Achievement Award Naval Architect William “Bill” B. Luther has been a partner with Offshore Yachts for many years. Bill worked side by side with the great Naval Architect William I.B. Crealock.  We want to give a “shout-out” as Bill was honored by the Maritime Institute not only for his work as a Naval Architect but more importantly for his great character and generosity toward at risk youth. On December 14, 2019 at the Los Angeles Maritime Institute’s annual Christmas and Award Ceremony, Executive Director, Captain Bruce Heyman and Captain Alice Robinson presented Naval Architect, William B. Luther a “Lifetime Achievement Award.” He was presented with #1 print (of 200) of a watercolor titled “Rendezvous At Angel’s Gate, Twin Brigantines, Exy Johnson and Irving Johnson.” The painting, painted by Scott Kennedy, also includes a remarque in the corner titled “ To Adventure at sea and the kids” a nod to the great work done by L.A.M.I. in its efforts to help children at risk. Bill has been a part of that program since its inception. He is L.A.M.I.’s Naval Architect and continues to work with them on ongoing projects. We at Offshore West also want to say Thank you Bill!!!  Well Done!!!

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Top 15 Trawlers for 2023

  • By Patrick Sciacca
  • October 13, 2023

For every shoe, there’s a foot, and for every boating enthusiast, there’s a yacht. For those individuals who like to cruise their yachts across blue water, spend months on board or voyage to remote beaches and quiet coves, a trawler yacht is the go-to vessel choice. But even within this yacht genre, there are many options. For example, there are some mighty midsize trawlers that are easily capable of transatlantic crossings for an adventurous couple, and then there are megayacht-size craft with next-level amenities that require extra crew. Some trawler-yacht builders offer significant customization and others work from a fixed options list. There are single-engine trawlers and twin-engine trawlers. One thing that is common is that these trawler yachts are designed from the ground up for yachtsmen with wanderlust in their hearts.

Top Trawlers 

The following 15 trawlers are all vessels we’ve written about. They are listed in no particular order.

  • Nordhavn 96 : Built for an owner who desired to self-sufficiently while cruising the world, literally.
  • Beneteau Grand Trawler 62 : This trawler can travel nonstop for 1,000 nautical miles.
  • Kadey-Krogen 52 : This twin-engine-capable, all-oceans trawler is a solid fit for voyaging cruising couples.
  • Bering Yachts B76 : The B76 is the builder’s first fully custom trawler in this size range.
  • Ranger Tugs R-43 Command Bridge : This vessel is equally comfortable at a 7-knot stroll or an 18-knot jog.
  • Beneteau 48 Swift Trawler : Based on the builder’s Swift Trawler 47, this yacht has a resin-infused fiberglass hull.
  • Kadey-Krogen 50 Open : The 50 Open can cruise at 6 knots nonstop for 5,000 nautical miles.
  • Outer Reef 620 Trident : It has a three-stateroom layout and optional 600 hp Cummins diesels.
  • Grand Banks 60 Skylounge : This yacht is efficient across a variety of cruising speeds.
  • Krogen Express 52 : Headroom to spare, two staterooms, a chef-ready galley and long range define this trawler yacht.
  • Grand Banks 85 Skylounge : Grand Banks’ V-warp hull form makes for a level running attitude, seakindliness and long range.
  • Vicem Yachts 82 Classic : Construction is in cold-molded, strip-planked mahogany with epoxy.
  • Outer Reef 610 Motoryacht : Power on this Outer Reef is a pair of 500 hp John Deere 6090 diesels.
  • Nordhavn 59 Coastal Pilot : Did someone say this is a 20-knot Nordhavn?
  • Marlow 58E : A high level of customization and admirable performance are at the heart of the Marlow 58E.

Nordhavn 96

The Nordhavn 96 is the yacht builder’s second-largest yacht its 17-model fleet, which ranges from 41 to 120 feet length overall. (There is a new 112 on the drawing table.) The builder says the N96 is based on its earlier 86-footer with a 10-foot cockpit extension, which increases both main-deck, skylounge and below-deck volume. The N96 we reviewed was built by an owner who previously had an 86-foot Nordhavn, but with his plans for extended cruises to remote destinations, the 96 was the right size for his voyaging plans. In fact, since the owner took delivery of the boat, it has been on a continuous circumnavigation.

Nordhavn 96

Quick Specifications

7,000 Gal.
900 Gal.
400,000 lb.

Beneteau Grand Trawler 62

Beneteau’s Grand Trawler 62 has 1,000-plus-mile range and 20-knot speed with twin 730 hp i6 MAN diesels . The Grand Trawler 62 is the builder’s flagship in its Trawler series, which also includes the Swift Trawler 35 , Swift Trawler 41 Sedan ,  Swift Trawler 41 Fly and Swift Trawler 48 . Small touches set the Beneteau Grand Trawler 62 apart. They include sea rails on all lockers to keep stowed food and gear in place, leather-wrapped interior handrails for security in a seaway, and leather drawer pulls like those found on larger yachts. Long-range cruising accommodations include a full-beam master stateroom aft, a forepeak VIP and twin-berth guest stateroom. A Quick X3 gyrostabilizer helps mitigate any potential rocking and rolling on rough days.

Beneteau Grand Trawler 62

1,022 Gal.
222 Gal.
61,729 lb.

Kadey-Krogen 52

The Kadey-Krogen 52 is the trawler-yacht builder’s smallest offering in its raised-pilothouse series, complete with a Portuguese Bridge. Owners can choose from either a two- or three-stateroom layout, and between a single-diesel engine or twin-diesel engines, for owners seeking redundancy. The standard engine is a 231 hp John Deere diesel. With the single-engine setup, draft is 5’5” and with twins it’s a shallower 4’6”. At 6 knots, range is an ocean-crossing 4,850 nautical miles. At 7 knots, it’s 3,300 nm. At 9 knots, it 1,700 nm. The builder states, “The entire Krogen 52 is built from only three molded pieces for maximized structural integrity. There are no additional secondary bonds or caulk joints that can inevitably cause issues. All deck and superstructures are cored and vacuum-bagged to maximize strength while minimizing weight.” Additionally, six longitudinal stringers enhance overall strength.

Kadey Krogen 52

1,400 Gal.
400 Gal.
5’5” (single) 4’6” (twins)
70,000 lb.

Bering Yachts B76

Lemanja  is the first custom boat that Bering has built in this size range. The yacht is notable for its steel hull and aluminum superstructure, and for its 4,000-nautical-mile-plus range with its twin 404 hp Cummins QSL9 diesel engines. As rugged as the Bering 76 is built on the outside, it also offers homelike comforts in its skylounge inside, offering panoramic views out large windows surrounding the space. Sole-to-ceiling glass offers similar views in the open-plan salon. Accommodations are fox six guests in three staterooms with a master stateroom and two guest staterooms, plus crew accommodations. In addition to its traditional diesel engines, the B76 has a solar-rechargeable battery bank for hybrid propulsion.

Bering Yachts B76

6,750 Gal.
946 Gal.
287,000 lb.

Ranger Tugs R-43 Command Bridge

The Ranger Tugs R-43 Command Bridge is a long-distance cruiser with creature comforts. Our expert found the R-43 Command Bridge to be a solid candidate to cruise The Great Loop . We agree. Twin Volvo Penta IPS450 pod drives give the boat efficient low and high cruise speeds at 7 and 18 knots, respectively. For those that have work during their cruise, the R-43 Command bridge’s master stateroom is set up with an office with a desk. Long trips require extra stowage and a way to clean salty clothes, so on the R-43 Command Bridge there is a washer, dryer, auxiliary refrigerator/freezer and stowage under the dinette, which rises on electric rams. Voyagers who buy a R-43 Commander Bridge can opt for a Factory Delivery Experience, which is three days of instruction on Puget Sound, and includes in boat systems, handling and maintenance.

Ranger Tugs R-43 Command Bridge

300 Gal.
120 Gal.
2/Volvo Penta IPS450s

Beneteau Swift Trawler 48

The Beneteau Swift Trawler 48 has a 1,300-nautical-mile range at 8 knots, but can also speed away at 26 knots if the weather goes south in a hurry. Based on the builder’s 47-footer , the three-stateroom, two-head Swift Trawler 48 has a resin-infused fiberglass hull. Power is a pair of 425 hp Cummins diesels. The main-deck layout includes a galley aft setup, which is accessible to the cockpit. There, the seating and dining area can be fully enclosed, with tracks in place for side curtains. The helmsman is kept comfortable on long passages with a bolstered, pedestal bucket-style seat with a flip-up footrest. The Swift Trawler 48 we reviewed had upgraded 12-inch Raymarine HybridTouch displays (9-inch screens are standard).

Beneteau Swift Trawler 48

510 Gal.
169 Gal.
:27,896 lb.

Kadey-Krogen 50 Open

Designed for serious extended cruising,  Kadey-Krogen Yachts 50 Open provides owners with amenities that will enhance those longer passages. The galley is fitted with a Sub-Zero refrigerator and freezer, a four-burner Wolf range, a microwave and an optional dishwasher. Unlike in many trawlers and their traditional pilothouse design, the galley is located on the same level as the helm and salon. Belowdecks is the master stateroom amidships with two hanging lockers, 12 cabinets, additional drawers for stowage and an en suite head, shower and two sinks. Forward of the master is an office. The 50 Open’s hull has soft chines and a curved after end, much like the characteristics of a sailboat built for cruising. The result is an efficient hull form that provides a gentle landing into troughs when the sea gets a temper. This trawler can cruise at 6 knots for 5,000 nautical miles; 7 knots for 3,000 nautical miles; 8 knots for 2,100 nautical miles; and 9 knots for 1,200 nautical miles.

Kadey-Krogen 50 Open

1,240 Gal.
400 Gal.
68,000 lb.

Outer Reef 620 Trident

Outer Reef Yachts 620 Trident delivers a three-stateroom layout and optional 600 hp Cummins diesels that allow this vessel to approach a top hop of 21 knots. Cruising speed is a little over 16 knots, burning about 34 gallons of fuel per hour at 2,750 rpm. The amidships master stateroom has 6-foot-8-inch headroom, a walk-in closet and a shower enclosed in smoked glass. In the forepeak VIP stateroom, there are seven drawers, a hanging locker, a 31-inch Samsung TV and 7-foot headroom. The portside guest stateroom can convert to an office, too. The aft galley has a U-shape countertop, a three-burner electric cooktop, a Bosch microwave and a Vitrifrigo refrigerator and freezer. Cherry, walnut and oak are the available wood options.

outer reef 620 trident

800 Gal.
185 Gal.
:51,000 lb.

Grand Banks 60 Skylounge

It’s obvious after a quick peek inside the Grand Banks 60 Skylounge that the  Grand Banks Yachts  trademark external DNA is retained. The deck, cabin house and skylounge are all composed of infused carbon fiber, reducing weight aloft and creating a lower center of gravity. With twin 900 hp Volvo Penta D13 diesels , the 60 Skylounge can accelerate to 31 knots and cruise at about 25 knots. The 60 Skylounge can also travel up to 2,000 nautical miles at 10 knots on a 1,530-gallon fuel tank. Twin 1,000 hp Volvo Penta IPS1200s are also available.

Grand Banks 60 Skylounge

1,532 Gal.
291 Gal.
62,832 lb.

Krogen Express 52

The Krogen Express 52 runs on twin 440 hp Yanmar diesels and can cruise at 8 knots for 1,680 nautical miles or at 16 knots for 500 nautical miles. Top hop:  22 knots. In the interior,  Krogen Express  has outfitted the 52 with a master stateroom and a guest stateroom. The former has a queen island berth, more than 7-foot headroom, hanging lockers and smaller cubbies to port and to starboard, and an en suite head with a molded fiberglass shower stall with a seat, a VacuFlush toilet and a granite countertop. A power lift elevates the berth and grants access to more stowage underneath. The Krogen Express 52’s salon has a 26-inch HD LED TV and a home-theater system, leather Stressless chairs to port and a built-in, L-shape settee to starboard. The galley boasts granite countertops, a three-burner Force 10 propane range with an oven, a refrigerator, a GE microwave oven, a deep Elkay sink and a pullout sprayer faucet. There is a Buff Ultraleather Stidd helm seat for extra comfort during long runs.

Krogen Express 52

700 Gal.
370 Gal.
43,000 lb.

Grand Banks 85 Skylounge

The Grand Banks 85 Skylounge comes in at more than 87 feet length overall and displaces 108,000 pounds, with a 22-plus-foot beam and an air draft of just under 26 feet. Owners can choose either a three- or four-stateroom layout. The standard motors are twin 1,000 hp Volvo Penta IPS diesels, twin 1,300 hp MAN straight-shaft diesels are optional. With the larger engines, owners can also choose an optional stern thruster, in addition to the standard bow thruster. With the IPS diesels, top speed is 26.5 knots and fuel burn is 100 gallons per hour, resulting in a range of 699 nautical miles. At a 21-knot cruise speed, fuel consumption drops to 57 gph, and range climbs to 972 nm. At a 9-knot jog, fuel burn falls to 9 gph, and the Grand Banks 85 Skylounge can cruise nonstop for about 2,500 nautical miles.

Grand Banks 85 Skylounge

2,640 Gal.
370 Gal.
108,025 lb.

Vicem 82 Classic Flybridge

The Vicem 82 Classic is a flybridge model built in cold-molded mahogany, which creates a stout hull form with reduced weight. The yacht is notable for its timeless Downeast lines and strong joiner work. For cruising enthusiasts, the Classic 82 Flybridge is powered with twin 900 hp Volvo Penta D13 diesels . The yacht has a top-end speed of 17.8 knots, and the cruising speed is 15 knots. At 9 knots, and considering a 10-percent fuel reserve, range is reportedly 1,100 nautical miles.  Accommodations three en-suite-equipped staterooms. The master stateroom is full-beam and amidships with a king-size berth is on centerline. The starboard-side guest stateroom and a forepeak VIP each have queen-size berths.

Vicem Classic 82 Flybridge

1,585 Gal.
500 Gal.
10 Knots

Outer Reef 610 Motoryacht

Built for an enthusiastic cruising couple after a three-year boat search, the Outer Reef Yachts 610 Motoryacht (part of the builder’s Classic series ), was customized with a fore-and-aft berth in the owners’ stateroom (as in, not athwartships), and berths rather than bunks in the smaller of two guest staterooms. This Outer Reef 610 was designed to be used as a liveaboard vessel, so the salon is not set up for dining (there are tables in the pilothouse, on the aft deck and on the bridge). A pair of swivel chairs in the salon face the built-in couch and the pop-up TV to port. The 610 is built with hand-laid fiberglass, PVC coring above the waterline, resin infusion and a vinylester barrier coat against osmosis. Power is twin 500 hp John Deere 6090 diesels turning ZF transmissions . The 610 tops out at about 13.5 knots with full tanks and 21 people aboard. The engines burn 20 gph at 1,800 rpm for 11 knots at 45 percent engine load. Those numbers should allow it to cross oceans without shortening engine life.

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1,000 Gal.
300 Gal.
93,000 lb.

Nordhavn 59 Coastal Pilot

Nordhavn has long been known for its stout circumnavigation -capable craft, and the Nordhavn 59 Coastal Pilot carries on the the tradition of a beefy build with addition of…speed. Twenty-knots-plus, actually. Twin 715 hp Cummins diesel inboards and a new semidisplacement hull form  are said to be key to the performance equation. The Nordhavn 59CP has a 777-nautical-mile range at a 9.3-knot cruise, and a 255-nm range at its 20.3-knot top-end. Construction is a solid fiberglass hull bottom supported by full-length longitudinal stringers and a series of transversal supports for added backbone. High freeboard should keep the decks dry in a seaway, while rails keep the crew secure during transits. Nordhavn says the 59CP has a “CE category A unlimited offshore rating, ensuring the vessel has the seakeeping and strength capabilities to take on most serious coastal cruises up to 1,000 miles.”

Nordhavn 59 Coastal Pilot, Nordhavn

1,100 Gal.
444 Gal.
88,000 lb.

Marlow Yachts 58E

Following on the successful Marlow 57 , the Marlow 58E was started from scratch on a blank sheet of paper. The essence of the 58E is that it has better performance and more internal and external volume than her predecessor. The centerline length grew 10 inches over the 57, but the waterline length increased 16 inches and the beam widened 4 inches. If you were to examine the two boats out of the water, you would see more bell-shaped forward sections making for a soft impact with the vee’d portion. Power options start with twin 575 hp Caterpillar C9 diesels, but the 58E we got aboard had beefier twin 1,015 hp Caterpillar C18 diesels. Top speed: 27.9 knots. At 8 knots, the Marlow 58E can cruise nonstop for 1,400 nautical miles.

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1,500 Gal.
300 Gal.
69,000 lb.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a trawler yacht?

A true trawler typically has a full-displacement hull form and robust construction to handle open-water operation, and it’s designed to operate self-sufficiently for long periods of time. They are slow-cruising vessels, but over the years, hybrid yachts called fast trawlers have emerged to offer displacement-speed operation as well as the ability to run at planing speeds when desired.

What is a full-displacement hull form?

A displacement-hull form is known is for its rounded nature and deep draft. Full-displacement vessels do not plane on the water, but rather push through the water. This hull design makes displacement-hull vessels incredibly seakindly, but it also makes them relatively slow (think 5, 6, 7, 8 knots) when compared to semidisplacement- and planning-hull designs.

Is a long-range cruiser the same as a trawler?

While all trawlers are certainly long-range cruisers, not all long-range cruisers are trawlers. True trawlers will have full-displacement hull designs and not all long-range cruisers have them.

  • More: Beneteau , Bering Yachts , Grand Banks , Kadey-Krogen , Krogen Express , Marlow , Nordhavn , Outer Reef , Ranger Tugs , Trawlers , Vicem , Yachts
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Home » Blog » Bluewater sailboats » The best bluewater sailboats (we analyzed 2,000 boats to find out)

The best bluewater sailboats (we analyzed 2,000 boats to find out)

By Author Fiona McGlynn

Posted on Last updated: May 16, 2023

We analyzed two-thousand bluewater sailboats to bring you a list of proven offshore designs


What are the best bluewater sailboats?

This was a question we asked a lot of experienced cruisers when we decided to sail across the Pacific. We needed a boat after all, and we wanted to buy the best bluewater sailboat we could afford.

We heard a lot of strong opinions.

Some sailors thought it was reckless to go offshore in any boat that didn’t have a full keel.

Others prioritized performance, and wouldn’t dream of going anywhere in a slow boat like the Westsail 32 (a.k.a. a “Wet Snail 32”).

Opinions like these left us feeling confused like we had to choose between safety and performance.  

If we learned anything from these conversations, it’s that what makes a bluewater boat is a hotly debated topic!

However, there’s a way to cut through all the opinions and get to the bottom of it. The solution is….

We analyzed just under 2,000 boats embarking on ocean crossings (over a 12 year time period) and came up with a list of the ten best bluewater sailboats.

Where did we get our data?

The data for our best bluewater sailboats list comes from 12 years of entries in the Pacific Puddle Jump (PPJ), an annual cross-Pacific rally. We took part in 2017 and had a ball!

You can read about the methodology we used to analyze this data at the bottom of the post.

What do we mean by “best”?

We know, that word is overused on the internet!

Simply, based on our data set, these were the most common makes and models entered in the PPJ cross-Pacific rally. There were at least 10 PPJ rally entries for every make of boat on our top 10 list.

So, these boats are 100% good to go?

No! A bluewater boat isn’t necessarily a seaworthy boat. Almost every cruiser we know made substantial repairs and additions to get their offshore boat ready, adding watermakers , life rafts, solar panels, and more.

Also, you should always have a boat inspected by a professional and accredited marine surveyor before buying it or taking it offshore.

But my bluewater baby boat isn’t on this list!?

There are hundreds of excellent bluewater yachts that are not on this list. For instance, we sailed across the Pacific in a Dufour 35, which didn’t even come close to making our top 10 list.

Choosing the right boat is very much an individual journey.

Where can I find these bluewater boats for sale?

We recognize that a top 10 list won’t get you very far if you’re shopping for a bluewater boat (especially if you’re looking in the used market).

So, to help you find your perfect boat, we’re going to create a big list of bluewater boats that you can use to refine your search on Yachtworld, Craigslist, or any other places to buy a used boat .

Sign up for our newsletter to get our big list of bluewater boats list as soon as it comes out.

We’re also working on a series of posts by size class. For example, if you’re looking for a smaller boat, you can narrow it down to the best bluewater sailboats under 40 feet .

Takeaways from our analysis

There were no big surprises on an individual boat level. All of these makes are considered good cruisers, some of them are even best-selling designs! However, there were a few things that caught our eye.

“Go simple, go small, go now” still holds water

We were thrilled to see the smallest boat in our roundup at the very top of the list! Westsail 32 owners can take pride in their small but mighty yachts (and ignore all those snail-sayers).

While undoubtedly there’s been a trend towards bigger bluewater cruisers in recent years, small cruising sailboats seem to be holding their own. 60% of the monohulls on this list were under 40 feet (if you count the Valiant 40 which sneaks just under at 39.92 feet).

Cat got our tongue

So, we knew catamarans were a thing, but we didn’t fully appreciate HOW popular they’d become!

50% of our top 10 bluewater boat list consists of catamarans—a good fact to toss out the next time you’re trying to garner a happy hour invite on the party boat next door (which will undoubtedly be a catamaran).

Still got it!

We’ve got good news for all you good old boat lovers! 60% of the boats on our list were first built before 2000.

While these older models are less performance-oriented than modern designs, cruisers value these boats for their ability to stand up to rough seas and heavy weather. It just goes to show that solid bones and classic looks never go out of style.

Alright, without further ado, let’s dive into our list of the 10 best bluewater boats!

The 10 best bluewater boats

best bluewater sailboats

1. Westsail 32

The Westsail 32 is an iconic bluewater sailboat

The Westsail 32 is one of the most iconic bluewater cruisers and 19 have set out to cross the Pacific in the PPJ rally since 2009.

In 1973, this small cruising sailboat garnered a 4-page spread in Time magazine. The article inspired many Americans to set sail and the Westsail 32, with its double-ender design, set the standard for what a real bluewater cruiser should look like.

There were approximately 830 built between 1971 and 1980.

This small boat has taken sailors on ocean crossings and circumnavigations. Though considered “slow” by some, the heavily-built Westsail 32 has developed a loyal following for her other excellent offshore cruising characteristics.

If you’re interested in small bluewater sailboats, check out our post on the best small sailboats for sailing around the world .

LOA32.00 ft / 9.75 m
First built1971
BuilderWestsail (USA)
DesignerW. Crealock / W. Atkin
Hull typeLong keel, trans. hung rudder
Rig typeCutter
Displacement19,500 lb / 8,845 kg

2. Lagoon 380

Lagoon 380

The Lagoon 380 is a reliable, solidly built catamaran and considered roomy for its size. We counted 18 of them in our data set. With over 800 boats built , it may be one of the best-selling catamarans in the world. Like the other boats on this list, the Lagoon 380 has proven itself on long passages and ocean crossings, winning it many loyal fans.

LOA37.89 ft / 11.55 m
First built2000
BuilderJeanneau (FRA)
DesignerV. Peteghem / L. Prévost
 typeCat. twin keel
Rig typeFractional sloop
Displacement16,005 lb / 7,260 kg
More specifications

3. Lagoon 440

Lagoon 440 is a bluewater catamaran

18 Lagoon 440s have set out to cross the Pacific in the PPJ rally since 2009.

Why leave the comforts of home, when you can take them with you? The Lagoon 440 is a luxurious long-range cruiser, offering beautiful wood joinery, spacious accommodations, and a deluxe galley. Oh, and you have the option of an electric boat motor !

SAIL and Sailing Magazine have both done in-depth reviews of the Lagoon 440 if you want to learn more.

LOA44.65 ft / 13.61 m
First built2004
BuilderLagoon (FRA)
DesignerV. Peteghem / L. Prévost
Hull typeCat. twin keel
Rig typeFractional sloop
Displacement26,786 lb / 12,150 kg

4. Amel Super Maramu (incl. SM 2000)

Amel Super Maramu is a popular bluewater sailboat

If you follow the adventures of SV Delos on YouTube, you probably know that the star of the show (SV Delos— in case the title didn’t give it away ) is an Amel Super Maramu. These classic bluewater sailboats can be found all over the world, proof they can go the distance.

We counted 16 Amel Super Maramus and Super Maramu 2000s in our list of PPJ entries.

Ready to join the cult of Amel? Read more about the iconic brand in Yachting World.

LOA52.49 ft / 16.00 m
First built1989
BuilderAmel (FRA)
DesignerH. Amel / J. Carteau
Hull typeWing keel
Rig typeMasthead ketch
Displacement35,274 lb / 16,000 kg

5. Valiant 40

The Valiant 40 is an iconic bluewater cruiser

When I interviewed legendary yacht designer, Bob Perry, for Good Old Boat in 2019, he told me that the Valiant 40 was one of the boats that most defined him and marked the real start of his career.

At the time, heavy displacement cruisers were considered sluggish and slow, especially in light winds.

Perry’s innovation with the Valiant 40 was to combine a classic double ender above the waterline, with an IOR racing hull shape below the waterline. The result was the first “performance cruiser”, a blockbuster hit, with over 200 boats built in the 1970s.

It’s no surprise we counted 16 Valiant 40s in our data set.

Cruising World magazine dubbed it “a fast, comfortable, and safe cruising yacht,” and there’s no doubt it’s covered some serious nautical miles.

It’s worth noting that there were blistering problems with hull numbers 120-249 (boats built between 1976 and 1981). Later models did not have this problem. Despite the blistering issues, the Valiant 40 remains one of the most highly thought of bluewater designs.

LOA39.92 ft / 12.17 m
First built1973
BuilderUniflite/Valiant (USA)
DesignerR. Perry
Hull typeFin keel, rudder on skeg
Rig typeCutter
Displacement23,520 lb / 10,668 kg

6. TAYANA 37

The Tayana 37 is a top bluewater boat

The Tayana 37 is another hugely popular Perry design. The first boat rolled off the production line in 1976 and since then, nearly 600 boats have been built. Beautiful classic lines and a proven track record have won the Tayana 37 a devoted following of offshore enthusiasts.

12 Tayana 37s have set out to cross the Pacific in the PPJ rally since 2009. Read more about the Tayana 37 in this Practical Sailor review .

LOA36.67 ft / 11.18 m
First built1976
BuilderTa Yang (TWN)
DesignerR. Perry
Hull typeLong keel
Rig typeCutter
Displacement22,500 lb / 10,206 kg

7. Lagoon 450

The Lagoon 450 is one of the best bluewater sailboats

If this list is starting to sound like a paid advertisement, I swear we’re not on Lagoon’s payroll! This is the third Lagoon on our list, but the data doesn’t lie. Lagoon is making some of the best cruising sailboats.

The 450 has been a hot seller for Lagoon, with over 800 built since its launch in 2014. While not a performance cat, the Lagoon 450 travels at a reasonable speed and is brimming with luxury amenities.

At least 12 owners in the PPJ rally chose the Lagoon 450 to take them across the Pacific. It’s no wonder SAIL had so many good things to say about it.

LOA45.80 ft / 13.96 m
First built2014
BuilderLagoon (FRA)
DesignerV. Peteghem / L. Prévost
Hull typeCat. twin keel
Rig typeFractional sloop
Displacement33,075 lb / 15,003 kg

8. Fountaine Pajot Bahia 46

Fountaine Pajot Bahia 46 Bluewater Sailboat

There were 11 Fountaine Pajot Bahia 46s in our data set.

Fountaine Pajot released the Bahia 46 in 1997, a sleek design for traveling long distances. Its generously-sized water and fuel tanks along with ample storage for cruising gear are a real plus for the self-sufficient sailor.

According to Cruising World , “Cruising-cat aficionados should put the Bahia 46 on their “must-see” list.”

LOA46.10 ft / 14.05 m
First built1997
BuilderFountaine Pajot (FRA)
Hull typeCat. twin keel
Rig typeFractional sloop
Displacement21,385 lb / 9,700 kg

9. Catalina 42 (MKI, MKII)

Catalina 42 bluewater boat

10 Catalina 42s (MKI and MKII) have set out to cross the Pacific in the PPJ rally since 2009.

The Catalina 42 was designed under the guidance of the legendary yacht designer and Catalina’s chief engineer, Gerry Douglas.

One of Catalina’s philosophies is to offer “as much boat for the money as possible,” and the Catalina 42 is no exception. According to Practical Sailor , Catalina aims to price its boats 15% to 20% below major production boats like Hunter and Beneteau.

Practical Sailor has a great in-depth review of the Catalina 42 .

LOA41.86 ft / 12.76 m
First built1989
BuilderCatalina (USA)
Hull typeFin keel, spade rudder
Rig typeMasthead sloop
Displacement20,500 lb / 9,299 kg

10. Leopard 46

Leopard 46 bluewater sailboat

Since 2009, 10 Leopard 46s have embarked on Pacific crossings in the PPJ rally.

Leopards have won legions of fans for their high build quality, robust engineering, and excellent performance.

The Leopard 46 also boasts something of a racing pedigree. It was built in South Africa by Robertson and Caine and designed by Gino Morelli and Pete Melvin, who came up with the record-breaking catamaran Playstation / Cheyenne 125 .

Read more about the Leopard 46 in this Cruising World review .

LOA46.32 ft / 14.12 m
First built2006
BuilderRobertson & Caine (RSA)
DesignerMorelli & Melvin
Hull typeCat. twin keel
Rig typeFractional sloop
Displacement24,206 lb / 10,980 kg


What the data is and isn’t.

The PPJ data was a real boon because it reflects a wide range of cruising boats: small, big, old, new, expensive, and affordable. We think this may be because the PPJ is a very financially accessible rally—the standard entry cost is $125 or $100 if you’re under 35 (age or boat length!).

We did look at data from other (pricier) rallies but found that the results skewed towards more expensive boats.

Needless to say, the data we used is just a sample of the bluewater boats that crossed the Pacific over the last 10+ years. Many cruisers cross oceans without participating in a rally!

Entries vs. completions

The data we used is a list of the PPJ entries, not necessarily the boats that completed the rally. In instances where we saw the same boat entered multiple years in a row, we assumed they’d postponed their crossing and deleted all but the latest entry to avoid double counting.

Boat make variations

The world of boat building and naming can get pretty complicated. Sometimes a manufacturer changes a boat’s name a year or two into production, other times the name remains the same but the boat undergoes a dramatic update.

For the most part, we’ve used SailboatData.com’s classification system (if they list the boats separately, then we have also), except where there are two separately listed models that have the same LOA, beam, and displacement.

Fiona McGlynn

Fiona McGlynn is an award-winning boating writer who created Waterborne as a place to learn about living aboard and traveling the world by sailboat. She has written for boating magazines including BoatUS, SAIL, Cruising World, and Good Old Boat. She’s also a contributing editor at Good Old Boat and BoatUS Magazine. In 2017, Fiona and her husband completed a 3-year, 13,000-mile voyage from Vancouver to Mexico to Australia on their 35-foot sailboat.

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  • Specifications

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Specification54’ Pilothouse
Overall length57′ 3″
Beam15′ 10″
Propeller draft4′ 1″
Keel extension draft4′ 8″
Displacement60,000 LBS
Fuel capacity (350 gal side tanks X 2; 300 gal forward engine room)1,000 GAL
Water capacity300 GAL
Holding tank capacity70 GAL
Standard Generator12 KW Northern lights with sound shield
Standard PowerTwin Cummins QSM11 715HP
  • 54' Pilothouse

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Offshore Enginer Magazine

Adani Ports to Buy $185 Million Stake in Astro Offshore

Aug 30, 2024

(Photo: Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone)

Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone said on Friday it will buy a majority stake in an offshore support vessel operator for $185 million, expanding its fleet and diversifying beyond port operations.

Astro Offshore, in which Adani Ports will buy an 80% stake, owns a fleet of 26 vessels including barges and workboats, counting miner NMDC and construction bellwether Larsen and Toubro as its customers.

"Astro will add... to our current fleet of 142 tugs and dredgers... (and) the acquisition will also give us access to an impressive roster of tier-1 customers," Adani Ports CEO Ashwani Gupta said in a statement.

The deal comes as India's largest private port operator aims to grow its presence beyond its mainstay port operations to maintain its sector lead against smaller rivals JSW Infrastructure and Gujarat Pipavav.

The acquisition is expected to close within a month with no requirement of regulatory approvals, Adani Ports added.

(Reuters - Reporting by Hritam Mukherjee; Editing by Nivedita Bhattacharjee)

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OLSTEN Timmerman Yachts

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If you have any questions about the OLSTEN information page below please contact us .

A General Description of Motor Yacht OLSTEN

Timmerman Yachts completed the building motor yacht OLSTEN in 2004. Accordingly, she has the distinction of being built country of Russia. OLSTEN is a yacht which had design completed by Moscow Shipyard and Moscow Shipyard. This superyacht OLSTEN is able to accommodate a maximum of 12 passengers all told aboard together with around 6 professional crew. Finished and launched in 2004 the comparatively recent interior design and decor demonstrates the proficiency which are originating from Moscow Shipyard and the owner who commissioned the yacht.

Building & Designing relating to Luxury Yacht OLSTEN

Moscow Shipyard was the naval architect firm involved in the professional vessel composition for OLSTEN. Also the company Moscow Shipyard successfully worked on this undertaking. Interior designer Moscow Shipyard was commissioned for the internal interior styling. Russia is the country that Timmerman Yachts built their new build motor yacht in. After her formal launch in 2004 in Moscow the boat was then handed over to the owner after final finishing. Her hull was constructed with steel. The motor yacht main superstructure is made predominantly from aluminium. With a width of 6.8 m or 22.31 feet OLSTEN has moderate internal space. A fairly shallow draught of 1.7m (5.56ft) affects the number of harbours she can berth in, taking into account their particular depth.

Engineering And The Speed The M/Y OLSTEN Can Reach:

The 3406E engine installed in the motor yacht is produced by CATERPILLAR. Connected to her Caterpillar engine(s) are twin screw propellers. The engine of the yacht creates 600 horse power (or 442 kilowatts). She is fitted with 2 engines. The total thrust for the yacht is accordingly 1200 HP or 884 KW.

On board Superyacht OLSTEN There is Passenger Accommodation Capacity For:

Providing room for a limit of 12 visiting passengers spending the night, the OLSTEN accommodates them in luxury. She also has room for circa 6 expert crew members to operate.

A List of the Specifications of the OLSTEN:

Superyacht Name:Motor Yacht OLSTEN
Built By:Timmerman Yachts
Built in:Moscow, Russia
Launched in:2004
Length Overall:37.7 metres / 125 feet.
Naval Architecture:Moscow Shipyard, Moscow Shipyard
Interior Designers:Moscow Shipyard
Hull / Superstructure Construction Material:steel / aluminium
Owner of OLSTEN:Unknown
OLSTEN available for luxury yacht charters:-
Is the yacht for sale:-
Helicopter Landing Pad:No
The Country the Yacht is Flagged in:Russian
Home port:Russia, Russia
Class society used:RR
Max yacht charter guests:12
Number of Crew Members:6
Her Engine(s) is two 600 HP / 442 kW Caterpillar. Engine Model: 3406E diesel.
Overall output: 1200 HP /884 KW.
Approximate Cruise Speed is 14 knots.
Fresh water: unknown.
Yacht Beam: 6.8m/22.31ft.
Draught Maximum: 1.7m/5.56ft.

OLSTEN Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht OLSTEN displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

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YachtForums Administrator

Benetti appoints Ultra Marine as Composite Line Agent for the Russian Market Viareggio – May 2005 - For Immediate Release. Benetti announces a new agreement signed in April 2005 with Ultra Marine for representation in the Russian Federation Market Ultra Marine, who has been the Azimut dealer in this market for several years, will also be the exclusive sales and marketing agent for Benetti Tradition line (30m/100’) and the Benetti Classic line ( 35m / 115’ and 37m / 120’). To seal this important appointment, Ultra Marine and Benetti recently exhibited at the Moscow Boat Show last April. They will also be present at the Moscow Extravaganza in October 2005. Benetti and Ultra Marine look forward to a long and close association in this important market. Contacts : For sales information, please contact: Mark Cavendish; Benetti Yachts Email: mcavendish@**************** Mr. Georgi Tchoumbouridze Ultra Marine Savvinskaya nab.3. Moscow. 119 121. Russia Tel: [7] 095 980 7700 Email: [email protected]

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