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The True Cost of Living on a Sailboat: Our Monthly Expenses

pin of of man standing on front of catamaran holding onto jib rigging looking out at horizon

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Catamaran at anchor on the water

How much does it cost to live on a boat? This was my biggest question when we were planning and saving to cruise. I was clueless when it came to creating a budget for our future life aboard. I was looking for someone to tell me exactly how much it would cost ME to live on a sailboat full-time.

I quickly learned some people cruise for less than $1,000 a month and some for upwards of $10,000 a month. Most are somewhere between.

Not so dissimilar from living on land, different people cruise on all sorts of budgets.

For us, our cost of living on a sailboat isn’t so far from our land-based spending.

Part of this journey was learning to live with less, but we still maintain some creature comforts on the water.

Here is a breakdown of our cost of living on a boat full-time while cruising the US east coast.

Cost to Live on a Sailboat

pie chart of cost of living on a sailboat

Average cost of $2,424 per month*

Sailboat Maintenance Expenses

Average cost $1,006.

Sunnyside captain working in bilge on the sump pump

Maintenance, Parts & Tools ($687)

It’s no surprise boat maintenance is top of the list.

You will continuously be fixing broken things or maintaining things on a sailboat. You will also need different tools, spare parts, cleaners, etc., as you cruise.

There will be months when you won’t need much in the way of tools and parts (especially if you already have a lot of tools and spare parts onboard). Then in one month, you might spend 40% of the annual budget.

We make a strong effort to do most boat projects ourselves.

Shortly after we began cruising, our wallets learned the hard truth of paying people to work on your boat.

Since then, we’ve been our own plumber, mechanic, seamstress, and electrician.

You’ll always be learning. But if you can maintain and fix your vessel, you’ll save boatloads of cash (pun intended, I couldn’t resist).

READ NEXT: Check out our 9 Helpful Things You Need in Your Sailboat Tool Kit .

Insurance ($233).

If you are a newbie cruiser, your boat insurance options will most likely be limited. Insurance was a considerable expense in our first year. In our second year, the cost dropped from 2.8% of the boat’s value to 1.3%. (We now have restricted cruising grounds for July – November.)

Do your research and consider using a broker. Get quotes based on where you’ll be cruising and staying in hurricane season.

Miscellaneous ($86)

The miscellaneous category is everything else boat-related. This includes any small purchases we make for the boat (ex. rug for the salon), our USCG documentation, Amazon Prime membership, etc.

We also have a Boat US membership , which more than pays for itself. We get dockage and fuel discounts often. And, of course, the towing service is priceless when you run aground with only one engine. (What, just me?)

For a modest fee, this membership is a no-brainer for boat owners.

Marinas vs. Anchoring

Average cost $339.

Sailboat at anchor with dinghy behind it at sunset

Marina Costs

If you’ve been researching the cost of living on a boat, you know it is more economical to anchor than to dock in a marina slip. We love anchoring out, but it does come with a set of variables that dictate comfort and safety while you’re on the hook. Not to mention, it requires a lot more planning.

Marinas can be expensive, especially in popular cruising areas. Dockage is usually charged per foot, so the bigger the boat, the higher the costs associated with docking fees. However, you can find liveaboard boat marinas with slip fees that are paid monthly.

Many cruisers prefer to dock at a liveaboard marina during hurricane season and save anchoring for cruising season. This allows you to keep your cost per night at marinas down, and your overall costs balance out throughout the year.

READ NEXT: Check out our post on Liveaboard Marinas: Finding the Best One for You .

Anchoring challenges.

Dreaming of our cruising days, I had the idea we would anchor out and rarely pay for marinas.

In reality, that’s not what worked for us out of the gate. Being beginner sailors and newbies to cruising and boats in general – there was an enormous learning curve.

Learning to live this lifestyle is not always easy. And yes, marinas make it easier. Especially when you REALLY need it to be easier.

Anchoring out requires the captain to always be “on”. You must be aware of the weather, wind direction, currents, and tides. You also have to be aware of the boats around you. None of this stops when you leave the boat or when you sleep.

The reality is you need to slowly become more comfortable living on the hook.

With experience, you can build more confidence.

You’ll become more comfortable with boat systems, weather, and making repairs while on the anchor. Conserving power and water becomes more natural, and you learn how to stay warm in the cold and cool off in hot weather. With some practice, you can spend less time (and money) at marinas.

For folks dreaming of this lifestyle, I’m not saying you won’t be able to start living on the anchor immediately. But the stress level accompanying living on the hook will lower with time and experience.

Average Cost $449

Provisions are consistently one of our most significant expenses on the boat.

Anticipating my new life on the water, I knew I wanted to learn more about cooking, baking, and making things from scratch. And since we planned to live on a smaller budget, I also wanted to be conscious of spending on food.

A game I often play with myself is to see how long we can go until the next big provisioning trip.

Buddha bowls with lettuce, carrots, peppers, chickpeas, tomatoes and hummus

You might be thinking – that sounds miserable. But we eat pretty darn well most of the time.

We ration veggies and fruits, ensuring we leave the hardiest for last. We start with fresh salads and other raw veggie meals, such as cilantro hummus bowls. As the freshest veggies thin out, we work our way to curries and stir-fries. Then, when the fridge grows empty, we move on to rice and bean dishes, pineapple and jalapeño pizza, and bean tacos with pickled onions and cabbage.

One skillset you develop living on a boat is the ability to eat more sustainably.

Learning to make bread, yogurt, and vegetable broth from scraps is super satisfying.

Spend time learning to make flexible meals. Use a balance of fresh, canned, and dried ingredients. Do this, and you can stretch your provisioning budget without sacrificing flavor.

You can also save money by minimizing disposables, such as paper towels, sandwich bags, plastic wrap, and aluminum foil.

READ NEXT: Check out our ideas for Flexible Meals on a Boat and our Best Zero Waste Swaps for Small Spaces .

Having sundowners is a bit of a staple in the boating community. It’s a common way to meet and greet other boaters in a marina or in an anchorage. Given that, we always like to have a few extra beers onboard or the ingredients for a simple cocktail.

We love good wine, but we managed to find some enjoyable boxed wines. (Bonus, lose the boxes at the dock, and there’s very little trash to contend with.)

Sunnyside crew on beach with beers

When we find a deal, we stock up on beer. Nothing hits the spot like a cold beer after the anchor drops. We even discovered a reasonably priced rum we enjoy. (No boat is complete without rum!)

Expenses here are based on personal taste. For us, it was possible to have more affordable beverages and still enjoy sundowner traditions!

Average Cost $233

Sunnyside crew member enjoying a seafood platter at a restaurant

As a couple who dined out regularly in our Colorado ski town, it was going to be tough to start cooking three meals a day living aboard.

I read a lot of advice that said, “if you like eating out, you probably won’t stop eating out because you move on a boat.”

There is truth to this. Whenever we are in a place where eating out is convenient, we tend to fall back into old habits.

However, when we dock in remote places or anchor away from shore access, there is less (or no) opportunity to eat out.

Instead, we experiment with different types of food to make meals onboard rewarding.

We still enjoy going out to experience the local cuisine, but it has become a treat instead of how we live.

A great way to cut costs is by dining out for a late lunch rather than dinner or skipping the alcohol. Opting for a refreshing drink on the trampoline while watching the sunset isn’t a bad way to close out a night.

Average Cost $103

Sunnyside boat captain driving the dinghy

Diesel, gas, and propane are three resources you will continuously be aware of while living on a boat.

Here are a few adjustments we make to maximize our fuel efficiency.

  • We use our sails. This isn’t easy as new sailors on a big boat. We have slowly become more confident, but it took us months of traveling on the water to start getting comfortable using the sails. We are still learning.
  • We don’t put ourselves in a position where we are in a hurry or have a schedule. This almost always leads to running the engines more.
  • We run on one engine. We can run one engine instead of two on our catamaran and only lose about 1 – 1.5 knots. On the ICW, we unfurl the jib to improve speed if the wind is right.
  • We always make sure to travel at an optimal time for the current. Some areas of the Intercoastal Waterway can have a current that’s pushing 2-3 knots. Choosing a departure time around the current makes a big difference in travel time and fuel efficiency. 
  • Heating water with the electric kettle if the engines are running or we are on shore power.
  • Using hot water from the engines (when we have it) to get water boiling.
  • When cooking pasta, we use a minimal amount of water. We’ll often turn the propane off and let the noodles finish cooking in the hot water.
  • Quality cookware makes a big difference. Once brought to a boil, some dishes can finish cooking with the lid on. This is helpful when coming into an anchorage. Often, I’ll kill the propane, and by the time we are anchored, dinner is ready.
  • If we plan to make a few trips to shore, we’ll anchor closer to the dinghy dock. This doesn’t always work out, but being conscious of it has helped us stretch our gas budget.
  • If it’s a short trip to the dock and we aren’t carrying supplies, we use the kayak. Paddling is free (and fun)!

Average Cost $140

Working on the computer on the boat

When we were saving for the cruising kitty, we found ways to cut our mobile bill by using data on our home and work WiFi. When we moved aboard, our phone plan became the primary internet source. We quickly realized we would need to rethink our data plan.

There are a lot of options for unlimited data in the US, as well as hotspot data. I recommend having at least unlimited mobile data for research and logistics involved when cruising. If you need to work from the boat, you may also want to invest in an additional mobile service as backup or satellite internet. Starlink is starting to become popular in the boating community.

Our Mobile Plan

While cruising the east coast, we use T-Mobile. With this carrier, we get unlimited data and 40GB of hotspot data each month (20GB per phone). This is on the pricier end, and we have been looking into other options, but we enjoy having the hotspot data. Even after the 40GB, we still have hotspot data at 2G. When we cruise the Bahamas, we are planning to use My Island WiFi service .


Average cost $23.

TV with streaming services loaded on the screen

This category is for consumable entertainment since most other entertainment on the water is free.

Music, movies, and books are popular forms of entertainment onboard. Even when we cut down on spending, we kept a few options that provided these services. Instead of ditching all the monthly streaming apps, we looked hard at our memberships and cut back or found free services to supplement.

  • Spotify membership for music (we can download or stream) $11
  • Movie library on an external hard drive created before we ditched our DVDs Free
  • Hulu (included with Spotify) Free
  • Disney Plus (prepaid for three years during a special offer) $4
  • Nexflix (included with T-Mobile plan) Free
  • Tubi (a free streaming app) Free

Spotify and Audible are great for downloading books and playlists for when you are out of service or on passage. You can also download movies and shows through many streaming apps for playback when you don’t have a signal or are running on a budgeted amount of mobile data. An external hard drive of your favorite movies is also a great source of video entertainment that will never let you down.

Personal Care & Clothing

Average cost $73.

Crew member applying tinted moisturizer

Hair & Skin Care

Go more natural with skin and hair care. Most boats won’t have spare power for hairdryers and straighteners. On top of that, the sun and humidity will destroy makeup.

Start now researching ways to simplify your personal care regimens. It will make the transition abroad much easier.

Tips for Hair & Skin Care

  • Get a tinted moisturizer with SPF for your face (I like Raw Elements ), a flexible eye shadow, and waterproof mascara. Opt for reusable makeup remover cloths to cut down on waste.
  • Work on a natural look for your hair, and see if you can find a style you can cut yourself. Shampoo and conditioner bars are a great way to save space and are typically made with clean ingredients that won’t harm sea life.
  • Opt for a simple personal care routine. The fewer products you use, the more space, time, and money you’ll save.
  • We love to use UPF clothing in combination with sunscreen. The more you can cover up, the less sunscreen you’ll need.

For us, this area is where expenses remain similar to land life. There are no unique expenses with health or dental care, although finding healthcare coverage for multiple states can be challenging.

For the lady sailors, I recommend researching ways to have a zero-waste period. A menstrual cup is something I wish I had transitioned to before cruising. It will make your life easier, plus save you money and storage space.

If you can minimize laundry and wash some stuff on board, you can limit the need to find a washing machine.

Tips for Laundry on a Boat

  • Wear clothes that are easy to wash and dry and can be worn several times between washes.
  • In the summer months, wear UPF synthetics and bathing suits that can be washed by hand. This will also extend their life.
  • In the winter months, wear merino wool and dress in layers to get the most wears out of your clothes before washing.
  • Save sheets, towels, and bulkier clothing for when you have access to a washing machine. We aim to do machine washing about once a month.

Having a solid system in place for handwashing clothes helps limit our laundry budget. We average $8 per month spent on machines.

We try to buy high-quality clothing that is durable for boat life. Once you’ve created a boat wardrobe that works, you’ll find there is little you will need.

In six months, the only clothing I have purchased is a UPF shawl, a sun hat (to replace one I lost overboard), and a tank top. I previously spent a lot of money on clothes. Now I enjoy dialing in a functional, minimalist wardrobe for living on a boat.

READ NEXT: For more on clothing for boat life, check out What to Wear Sailing and How to Downsize Your Wardrobe .

Average cost $58.

View from commercial airline

For us, our travel budget for many years has consisted of only credit card membership fees. These help us earn points that pay for our travel.

Booking a flight or rental car without worrying about how it affects the budget is a nice perk in this lifestyle. There are times you need a car to get a project done or to book a last-minute flight to visit family.

We also get an annual travel credit with the Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card. We use a lot of the credit toward Ubers and Lyfts – great for when grocery stores aren’t within walking distance or you need to make a larger provisioning run.

Getting Started With a Cruising Budget

Sunset on the Intracoastal Waterway

Here are some final thoughts when creating your future sailboat cruising budget.

  • The above expenses are based on actively cruising on our 38-foot catamaran. For us, extended time at the dock is just a redistribution of funds. Maintenance and fuel go down, and marina expenses go up.
  • Our maintenance costs are at about 4% of the hull value. Aside from the trampoline, we have not replaced any big-ticket items, so we expect this percentage may increase over the next couple of years.
  • If you hope to stretch your cruising kitty, give yourself time to overcome the learning curve. Learning to maintain, operate, cook, and just be on a boat will take time. As you get more experience, your spending habits will improve. Be patient and keep moving forward.
  • I highly recommend you continue researching and reading as much as possible about the cost of living on a sailboat. Get perspectives from different cruisers. This will help you create a cruising budget that will be unique to you.

Other Resources

  • Gone with the Wynns created a very detailed article and video that breakdowns their cost of living on a boat.
  • Sailing Kittiwake also has a great video on the cost of living on a sailboat on a budget .

*Costs not included in this overview are health insurance, taxes, business expenses, and gifts or donations. These expenses are particular to each individual’s situation and so are excluded from this article.

Want more tips on how to get started cruising on a boat?

For more information on the reality of boat life and tips for living on the water, view our complete guide.

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5 Big Costs of Living on a Sailboat

Morgan, the founder of The Home That Roams, has been living nomadically for over five years. She began her journey traveling across the U.S. in a motorhome and cruising on a liveaboard sailing catamaran. Currently, she lives full-time in a travel trailer, sharing resources on RV living and boat life to help others downsize their lives and thrive in an alternative lifestyle.

Excellent article. Thank you!

I started getting the urge to return to the sea not long after I got out of the Navy in 1974…. Started out on a 15′ Phantom…. Up to 21′ Keels, up to a 26′ Bristol and finally a 28′ Newport…. You learn alot of tricks of the trade at a working marina… Barter system, I used to go up the mast or anything Aloft in return for favors with anything that I had a problem with …. Had to give up the sailboat when I couldn’t sail it by myself anymore … Looking for a 35′-38′ trawler to live in the Tampa Bay area for the rest of my day…. From the Sea I came, back to sea I will return … Anchor’s Aweigh….

Hi George, it sounds like you have lived and breathed boats for a while! One of my favorite things about a good liveaboard marina is how everyone trades boat maintenance favors and helps each other out. I sure hope you find a good trawler to liveaboard in Tampa – sounds lovely!

Do you use a specific budgeting software or anything to track your transactions? Please share if so

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live aboard sailboat cost

Living on a Boat: Beginner's Guide for Liveaboards

living on a boat guide

It’s easy to romanticize the idea of living on a boat full-time; however, it's an alternative lifestyle like that takes preparation, organization and an ability to roll with changes. When you commit to moving aboard, make checklists of necessities and talk to your partner about deal-breakers. Prepare the boat for life aboard well before you make the move.

Factors to Consider Before Living Aboard

Before moving onboard your boat, you should ask yourself some questions:

  • Is this just for a period of time before you go cruising or is this a lifestyle choice?
  • Are you comfortable with repeatedly defending your choice to your friends and family?
  • Are you living in a climate that is boat-friendly year-round?
  • Are you handy and a good problem solver?
  • Who will accept your Amazon deliveries and are you ready to grocery shop frequently since there won’t be room to stow much?
  • Are you ready to become your own maid?
  • Will you feel comfortable with your kids being in this new environment?
  • What’s Plan B if it doesn’t work?

After moving aboard, you may be hauling the laundry to the laundromat or groceries from the parking lot with no dock cart nearby. You’ll need to go to the pump-out station regularly as well as to the post office for your mail. Small doesn’t translate to easy so mentally run through a typical week and write down solutions to the issues.

Essentials: Stowage, Comfort & Connectivity

When you move from a 2,000-square foot house to a 40-foot boat, all the closets are smaller, the cupboards are fewer and there’s no two-car garage. In preparation, you’ll need to de-clutter kitchen gadgets, tools, mementos and clothing. Keep winter clothes in off-boat storage and your business attire at the office if possible.

Make sure the boat is warm and dry with plenty of ventilation. Mildew and condensation will become a part of life and you’ll need a whole new set of cleaners and tools.

Plan your connectivity needs. Whether a dish for TV or high-speed internet access via the marina WiFi, you’ll need a connectivity solution so you’re not cut off from work, friends, family and entertainment.

Beneficial Skills to Have for Living Onboard

Maintenance on a boat may be worse than in a house in terms of frequency and specificity. Basic plumbing, electrical and mechanical skills will be needed because boat systems are generally less reliable than their household counterparts. The alternative is calling a contractor for every issue.

cost of living on a boat

Cost of Living on a Boat

Don’t assume that you’ll save money by moving aboard. Here's some expenses you may incur by living on your boat:

  • Boat mortgage payment
  • Boat insurance
  • Waste management
  • Food and water

The best way to manage expenses is by making a budget and sticking to it. Depending on the size and value of the vessel, boat insurance may be just as expensive as house insurance. Property taxes will usually be less as will electricity since you’ll not be heating/cooling/lighting as big a space. You’ll probably save money on waste management, gas and water as well.

Where costs rise dramatically is maintenance . Marine parts and labor are usually more expensive—sometimes 20% more, than typical household counterparts. If you take on the tasks yourself and you’re self-employed, every hour you spend working on your boat is an hour you don’t make money.

Learn More in our Boat Insurance Guide

Safety & Security

You’ll need to decide whether to invite strangers inside, and if kids and pets will be safe around the docks. Install CO2 and smoke alarms and a propane sniffer, check the fire extinguishers periodically, and keep an eye on the basics like bilge and battery levels. You may also want to consider the following:

  • Will you be safe walking from the parking lot to the slip at night?
  • Will your nice car be okay outside the garage 24/7?
  • Who will call you if your boat starts to list when you’re on vacation?

There aren’t really more or fewer safety issues, just different kinds.

Daily Life & Socialization

Socializing is easier in a marina than in a neighborhood. Neighbors help neighbors in marinas but it’s a two-way street so be ready to lend a hand when needed. If you’d rather live anonymously, consider an end tie in the forgotten corner of the marina. Although there are challenges to living on a boat, if you’re prepared, you may find it a perfect fit.

I already have a boat in a slip in a marina, so can I just move aboard?

Most marinas require an application for you to move aboard permanently. In some areas, liveaboards aren’t permitted or there are long waiting lists. Liveaboard slip fees are usually higher and your insurance rates may increase if your boat becomes your primary residence.

How do I live aboard a boat with a pet?

Dogs, cats and other pets need to acclimate to their new environments. They need exercise, private space and easy access to food and a potty. Make sure stairs and docks are safe for them and that they know how to get on the boat or dock if they fall in the water. Be careful of small spaces where they can get trapped and wires they can chew. Teach them about their new environment and be patient.

Learn more in Boating with Pets and Tips for Taking Your Dog Boating .

Read Next: Boat Owner's Guide

Looking for more information on boat ownership? Read...

  • Boat Owner's Guide
  • Costs of Boat Ownership
  • Boat Maintenance Guide
  • Insuring Your Boat
  • Boat Safety Guide

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My Cruiser Life Magazine

17 Best Sailboats to Live On + What You Should Know First

Many dream of living aboard a sailboat, but finding the right one can be daunting. There are many different types, and countless manufacturers have come and gone over the years. 

Here’s a list of 17 options – a sailboat for every sailor on every kind of budget. 

Best Sailboats To Live On

Table of Contents

17 best sailboats to live on, pros of living aboard a sailboat, cons of boat life.

  • Find Your Type of Boat 

Set Your Boat Budget

What size boat to pick, best liveaboard sailboats under 35 feet (< 35 feet), best liveaboard sailboats under 40 feet (35–40 feet), best liveaboard sailboats under 45 feet (40–45 feet), best liveaboard sailboats under 50 feet (45–50 feet), best liveaboard sailboats under 60 feet (50–60 feet), want to live on a sailboat, best sailboats to live on faqs.

  • Catalina 34/35
  • Panda/Baba 35, Tashiba 36a
  • Gemini 105MC
  • Islander Freeport 36
  • Passport 40
  • Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42DS
  • Leopard 42/43
  • Beneteau Oceanis 473
  • Hallberg Rassy 46/48
  • Leopard 46/Moorings
  • Amel Super Maramu 2000
  • Privilege 585

What to Know First

So, boat shopping is a challenge, to say the least. Understanding where to start and what to look for comes down to understanding what you want to do with your boat.

Here’s a look at some pros and cons of living aboard to get you started.

  • Seaside living at a fraction of the cost of a waterfront home
  • Ability to travel anywhere by water
  • Ability to move anytime—not tied to one location/town
  • Different liveaboard lifestyle options to choose from: at a dock, mooring, anchoring, cruising (traveling)—tired of one, mix it up for a different experience
  • Small living space lacks storage and privacy
  • Limited resources: you must meter your fuel, water, and electricity use when not at a dock
  • More exposed to the elements and more affected by weather events
  • Seating and furnishings are less comfortable than in a house
  • Constant maintenance to keep the boat seaworthy and clean

How to Find the Best Boat to Live on Year Round

At first, you might think boat shopping is like looking for a new car. But when shopping for a car, you have a small pool of manufacturers and models to choose from. In the end, you might have five choices and already have an opinion about each maker’s quality and reputation.

Boats are different. We’re usually shopping for boats that are a decade or more old. The manufacturers may have gone out of business years ago. When you total up all the possible makes and models of each type of boat, you might have dozens of choices with brands you’ve never heard of. Yikes!

Find Your Type of Boat

There are dozens of types of boats you could live on, depending on where you want to live and where you want to take it. Most people shopping for a sailboat will choose between coastal cruisers, bluewater boats, and sailing catamarans.

Here are some of the pros and cons of these sailboat types. 

The Coastal Cruiser

  • Inexpensive compared to bluewater and catamarans
  • Perfect for dock living or near-shore hops
  • With modifications and the right outfitting, many have island-hopped the Caribbean
  • Many to choose from, and often they are lightly used
  • Designs are often race-inspired and faster than typical heavy bluewater boats
  • Newer, bigger boat for your money
  • Often production boats have low-quality, lightweight builds

Related: Best Trailerable Sailboats

The Bluewater Sailboat

  • The best bluewater cruising sailboats are capable of going anywhere
  • Built to last and take anything
  • Give the most comfortable ride in rough conditions
  • Newer examples are expensive
  • Good ones sell quickly
  • Older vessels may be tired and in need of an extensive refit
  • Often lack the living space that coastal cruisers have—narrower beams and transoms

The Catamaran

  • Cruising cats have the maximum living space, especially cockpit dining and upper salon
  • Light-filled with plenty of airflow, perfect for the tropics and living at anchor
  • Larger models (40+ feet) are bluewater boats capable of going nearly anywhere
  • A shallower draft than most monohulls allows for more cruising and anchoring choices
  • More expensive to purchase, keep, and maintain than similar-sized monohulls  
  • The most in-demand vessels, prices are high and good ones sell fast 
  • Sometimes hard or expensive to find dock space and boatyards that can haul it out for maintenance

Still unsure which side of the monohull vs. catamaran debate you’re on? Try to get aboard some boats and experience the living space first-hand.

17 Best Sailboats To Live On + What You Should Know First

Everyone has a budget when going boat shopping, even if you’re Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. Establishing how much you can spend on your boat is the biggest factor that will affect your decision, and it’s the backbone for all other decisions. 

You must understand just how much boat costs increase as the size of boat increases. Boats are already expensive, and the average cost of owning and buying a liveaboard sailboat varies dramatically. But when the boat gets bigger, it needs bigger hardware, lines, rigging, sails, motors…everything. And bigger means more expensive, so these costs add up fast.

And then there are your storage and boat maintenance costs, all of which are charged per foot. The marina might charge you $15 per foot/per month for a dock slip, and the boatyard will similarly charge you per foot to haul and store the boat. Divers charge per foot for bottom cleaning, as do detailers for annual compounding and waxing of the hull.

When it comes to budgeting, there are two rules of thumb. 

  • Always pick the smallest boat you can comfortably live on.
  • If you have an amount budgeted for your boat purchase, spend half on the boat and save the other half for outfitting and maintenance.

As you’ll see below, boats can be grouped by price and size. When you go up in size, you go up in price—often by a lot.

The size of the boat is a factor of your budget, but also of how big a boat you can handle. Most people believe this means driving it and maneuvering it, which is true to some extent. But a good training captain can teach you what you need to know to drive any size boat in just a few sessions. 

No, the size of the boat you can manage refers more to how much maintenance you want to do. The bigger the boat, the more complex and plentiful its systems. There’s more to break on a bigger boat, and more things broken means more time fixing things.

Catamarans compound this by doubling a lot of the systems. Two engines, two saildrives, two hulls to wax, two hulls to bottom paint—you get the idea.

Another factor you should consider early on is getting insurance. Yacht insurance has gotten harder and harder to get in recent years. If you’ve never owned a boat and have no experience, you might be forced to get something small (think an under 30-foot daysailor) to get some experience on before you move up. It’s also difficult because many underwriters won’t write policies for liveaboards. 

As a general rule of thumb, most people will find boats under 35 feet too small to live on full-time. Most of these vessels don’t even have standing headroom. There is often only a “wet head,” one where you take showers while sitting on the toilet.

Boats 35 to 40 feet are good for solo travelers or couples who don’t mind living in small quarters. The beds will be small and accessed only from one side, as in a v-berth or a Pullman-style berth. If there is one, the second bunk is likely only for the occasional guest. 

You’ll get better accommodations when you move up to 40 to 45 footers. The second bunk may be in its own stateroom. The main suite will have an island-style berth that can be accessed from both sides—a huge upgrade for most couples. The head will likely have a separate, enclosed shower. This size sailing yacht makes a good liveaboard sailboat for most boaters.

Boats bigger than 45 feet are best for bigger families. If you often travel with kids or guests, these are the boats for you. They’re extremely spacious and make boat living easy, but the extra maintenance and cost may not be worth it.

The List — Best Sailboats to Live Aboard

All lists, whether found in internet blogs or international sailing magazines, have issues. There’s no one list to rule them all because there are simply too many different boats out there. And everyone uses their boat differently, so the “best” for you might be a terrible choice for me. Different boats for different folks, so to say.

So, what’s the deal with this list? It’s made from personal experience of having seen a lot of boats out cruising. And it’s a list that tries to put aside the fantasies—Oysters and Gunboats are pretty in magazines, but like Ferraris, not many of us will ever own one. So let’s look at some practical boats that fill each size category. 

For every boat on this list, a dozen or more could’ve been included. Use these models to research brands and see which sizes suit your needs.

Boats under 35 feet tend to be best suited for solo travelers or couples comfortable living in small spaces. As always, coastal cruisers in this class have much more space than bluewater boats do. Catamarans in this class are also coastal cruisers—you need more length and volume to get real bluewater performance out of a cat. No matter which type of boat you’re looking at here, storage space on this size of liveaboard boat will be limited.

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Coastal Cruiser Under 35 — Catalina 34/35

If you want to move aboard, you’re on a budget, and you want the most space you can get, it’s really hard to beat an older Catalina. Starting with the Catalina 30, these beamy boats have a surprising interior volume. They make great first liveaboards.

Bluewater Sailor Under 35 — Panda/Baba 35, Tashiba 36

The famous yacht designer Bob Perry drew these Taiwanese-built boats, all tracing their lineage to the older Tayana 37 . They’re updated slightly and built by different yards, but all full keels with cutaways and built for bluewater cruising. They all have gorgeous teak joinery and are comfortable and forgiving at sea. 

Catamaran Under 35 — Gemini 105MC

The Gemini 105M and 105MC were arguably the most popular cat models ever. They’re American-built, with a single diesel engine and a narrow beam that allows them to be parked in a standard boat slip. In the US, this means many more marina choices if that’s how you roll. The boat has centerboards and kick-up rudders, so the board-up draft is a scant 18 inches—gunkholing perfection. 

While some Geminis have crossed oceans, they aren’t made for it. They have average (sometimes below-average) build quality and fiberglass work. However, they’re perfect coastal cruisers and capable of heading into The Bahamas.

The Gemini should be on your shortlist if you’re looking for a cheap catamaran .

Runner Up: PDQ 32

Are you looking for a small cat with better build quality? They didn’t make many of them, but the PDQ 32 is what you seek. It’s an attractive small catamaran with a wider beam. It came with twin outboards in wells, but the LRC (long-range cruiser) option had inboard diesels.

best liveaboard sailboats under 40 feet

Forty feet is the sweet spot for most cruising couples—big enough to be comfortable and carry enough provisions but small enough that handling and maintenance are manageable. This class of boat has a lot of excellent choices in both coastal cruiser and bluewater boats, making it a good size range to find the perfect affordable liveaboard sailboat.

The catamaran group from 35 to 40 feet has a few very popular choices, but they are right on the edge of being too small for most cruisers. Counterintuitively, these cats are perfect for couples who don’t mind downsizing and traveling lightly. These shorter cats are prone to hobby horsing and don’t provide as comfortable a ride in bluewater as slightly longer cats do. 

Coastal Cruiser Under 40 — Islander Freeport 36

The Islander brand is no longer around, but these California-built production boats from the 1970s and 80s were well-built and well-liked. The I32 and I36 were very popular cruising boats designed by Bob Perry. The Freeport 36 is a before-its-time European deck salon with enormous windows. The swing-down swim platform is another bonus for a boat from this era, as are the Pullman-style berth and forepeak-located head (some layouts). If you can find one in good condition, these boats make excellent liveaboards. 

Bluewater Sailor Under 40 — Passport 40

Yet another boat from the desk of Bob Perry, the Passport 40, is a sharp-looking aft-cockpit bluewater cruiser from one of the best yards in Taiwan. They feature a long fin keel and skeg-mounted rudder. Everything about this sloop is just right for long-term cruising.

Catamaran Under 40 — Prout 38

The Prout 38 traces its heritage back to the earlier Prout Snowgoose. The boat is still being made, now under the Broadblue brand. It’s a sturdy British-built cat made for serious offshoring. While it lacks some of the open feeling that newer charter boats have, it more than makes up for it with its robust and high-quality build.

Runner Up: Leopard 40 (2005-2009)

This early L40 (don’t get confused with the newer ones built around 2020) was designed by famous multihull designers Morelli and Melvin. It’s got more of the things you might expect from your typical charter cat: a sliding salon door, galley-up layout, and a huge walk-through cockpit.

While this seems a small step up from the size of boats above, prices increase rapidly above the 40-foot mark. At this point, the boat’s gear needs to be bigger and heavier, from all the lines and rigging to each block and winch. Engines are now larger four-cylinder diesels, and there’s much more hull area to clean and paint. 

A 45-foot coastal cruiser has enough space to keep a small family happy for short trips or a couple happy for any length of time. These boats usually have island berths in a spacious master bedroom, so no more crawling over each other just to go to the bathroom! Bluewater boats in this class are a little smaller inside, making them just right for most couples doing a long-term cruise.

As far as catamarans go, the 40 to 45-foot range is the perfect sweet spot for most cruising couples. A spacious interior plus excellent seakeeping abilities make these top picks. There are tons of boat choices out there, and most of the best cruising catamarans come from this size group.

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Coastal Cruiser Under 45 — Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42DS

Jeanneau is part of Groupe Beneteau , but their boats often have a more refined finish than Beneteaus. The DS stands for “deck salon.” They feature larger windows that let in more light and have better visibility than a standard cruiser. This is especially welcome if you’re attracted to the living space in a catamaran but need something smaller and more affordable. 

The 42DS also has an enormous island berth, plus a huge twin-helm cockpit with lots of space for entertaining.

Bluewater Sailor Under 45 — Hylas 44

The Hylass 44 is regularly picked as one of the best offshore cruising boats. It’s a center cockpit boat designed by German Frers.  It has a wonderful layout with tons of living space and a large, usable galley. The aft cabin has a large island berth with an en suite head. 

Catamaran Under 45 — Leopard 42/43 (2001-2006)

These early Leopard charter cats are highly sought after on the used market. Like all charter cats, the best finds are the “owners versions” with one hull dedicated to the master stateroom with en suite head and shower. The Leopard 42, which came out in 2002, had a soft canvas cover over the cockpit and was updated to the Leopard 43 with a hardtop. 

Above 45 feet is another big price jump. For beginners, these big boats will require some training and experience before you head out on your own. 

Related: Best Boat for Beginners

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Coastal Cruiser Under 50 — Beneteau Oceanis 473

This big Beneteau came with either 2, 3, or 4 staterooms. Finding the right layout is as important as finding the right boat. The two-stateroom version has enormous berths and lots of storage, perfect for couples with occasional guests or families of three. Most have the standard keel with less than a six-foot draft, making this fin keel/spade rudder boat a rare find. They were built from 2000 to 2005.

Bluewater Sailor Under 50 — Hallberg Rassy 46/48

Hallberg Rassys are well-regarded boats built in Sweden, mostly designed by German Frers. These are high-end boats of the best quality, so don’t expect to find one available cheaply. They’re gorgeous, however, and make wonderful world cruisers.

Catamaran Under 50 — Leopard 46/Moorings 4600 (2006)

If you want a big catamaran, it’s hard to go wrong with the 2006 Leopard 46. Where modern Lagoon and Leopards have tall profiles with tons of windage, this is one of the newest, largest boats that still have single-level living. It has distinctive hull chines that increase living space without increasing wetted surface and plenty of sail area for good performance. In true Leopard fashion, all lines are led to the helm for easy short-handed cruising despite the boat’s large size.

best liveaboard sailboats under 60 feet

Boats in this class are borderline yachts based on their sheer size. If you were to charter these boats, they’d usually come with a crew. That size means they’re more expensive and more of a handful to manage daily. 

Coastal Cruiser Under 60 — Irwin 54

The Irwin brand is long gone, but many examples are available on the used market. They were known especially for their large center cockpit ketches, like this 54-footer. This is a spacious, big water boat that certainly meets the qualifications of most bluewater boats. They can go anywhere, but they may need maintenance and refit given their ages. 

Don’t get to lured by the low prices of these boats. You’ll have to lay out some serious cash to get one ready to cruise long-range. But if you aren’t opposed to some hard work and projecting, the Irwin can get you a lot of boat for not much money.

Bluewater Sailor Under 60 — Amel Super Maramu 2000 (53′)

Made famous by the Delos YouTube channel, the Amel is a French-built brand of high-quality bluewater boats. Today, this brand’s new models look like many others—wide sterned, flat-bottomed sloops. But the Maramus that made them famous were unique—ketch rigged and ruggedly built, designed to take a cruising couple anywhere. Electric winches were standard on everything to keep such a large boat easy to operate.

Catamaran Under 60 — Privilege 585

Privilege is the French-made catamaran that you don’t hear enough about. Unlike Lagoon and Fountaine Pajot, these are beefy cruising boats ready to take you anywhere. Their construction and fit-and-finish are first-rate, as is the joinery down below. 

Living on a sailboat is an adventure—it’s not for everyone. Finding the right boat is an important part of doing it successfully, but it’s not the only step in preparing for the lifestyle.

You should also consider checking my post on liveaboard catamaran options, to make sure you research thoroughly enough!

What makes a great liveaboard sailboat?

Everyone’s priorities for a liveaboard sailboat are different—a bluewater cruiser looking to sail around the world might pick a very different boat from someone who lives full-time dock life. In general terms, you need to find a boat that is safely capable of taking you where you want to go and has enough living space to be comfortable while doing it. 

Sailing catamarans are some of the most popular liveaboard sailboats because their living space is unmatched. Most are also bluewater-capable cruisers that can go pretty much anywhere. 

What is the best size sailboat to live on?

The size of the boat you’ll be comfortable on long term is a personal choice that depends on your personality and the number of people you’ll be traveling with. Solo travelers may be content with a sailboat around 30 feet, while most couples are comfortable on something around 40 feet. Forty-five to fifty feet is more realistic if you often have guests or kind on board. 

With all of this in mind, however, it’s really important to remember that the costs of buying and maintaining a sailboat increase exponentially with length. Getting the smallest boat you are comfortable living on is always better because that will be easier to manage and keep in the long run.

What are the negatives of living on a sailboat?

People live on their sailboats differently, so it’s difficult to narrow down the biggest negatives. Everyone struggles with the small living space that a boat affords. You’ll have to downsize your possessions to the absolute minimum you need. And getting personal space away from your spouse or family is pretty much impossible on a small boat. 

Why are sailboats so expensive?

New boats require a massive investment in time and resources to produce. The nicer the boat, the more time and skill it takes to build, which makes costs soar. Some production companies, like Beneteau, have found ways to reduce production costs and keep the price of new boats more reasonable. But these boats pale compared to other yachts in terms of overall quality. 

Older used boats can be found pretty cheaply. In fact, it’s often possible to find free or nearly-free boats that are on their way to the junkyard or dumpster. The key is understanding how much work and money it will take to get these boats ready to go again. 

Is it a good idea to live on a sailboat?

Living on a boat is an amazing way to experience seaside living or traveling the world by water. But it’s also a unique, out-of-the-ordinary lifestyle choice that’s not without challenges. 

Before you move onto a sailboat, you’ll want to research the topic carefully and talk to some folks who already to it. Many people start with occasional boating, spending a week or more onboard to try it out. With a little experience, it’s easy to see if it’s something you could do for the long term or if it’s best to keep a land house and enjoy the water occasionally.

Can you live comfortably on a sailboat?

Many people live comfortably on sailboats, but a lot depends on the size of the sailboat and your tolerance for living in a small space. Even the largest sailboats can feel cramped, while some folks love the cozy feeling of living on the tiniest boats. 

live aboard sailboat cost

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

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Cost of Living On A Sailboat (Monthly Breakdown)

Paul Stockdale Author Avatar

The cost of living on a sailboat full-time is approximately $1,880 per month or $22,560 per year.

Please keep in mind that the cost of living on a sailboat can vary depending on your specific location, the condition of the vessel, the size of the boat and your boating experience.

The cost of living on a sailboat can be broken down into 9 monthly expenses including:

  • Boat Marina Fees
  • Boat Insurance Cost
  • Boat Maintenance Fees
  • Fuel Expenses
  • Grocery Costs
  • Boat Gear Costs
  • Entertainment Costs
  • Internet Costs
  • Miscellaneous Costs

Below is a cost of living on a sailboat table summary.

Expenses Cost (Per Month)
Marine Insurance Cost $55
Maintenance Cost $250
Marina Fees $10 to $20 per foot
Fuel Costs $150
Entertainment Costs $200
Internet Costs $100
Grocery Costs $450
Miscellaneous Costs $125
Boat Gear Costs $100

1. Boat Marina Fees

Sailboat Marina Fees

The first cost to consider when living on a sailboat is the marina fees/slip fees.

The marina costs for a sailboat are approximately $10 to $20 per foot per month.

For example, a sailboat owner with a boat size of 30 feet will typically pay between $300 and $600 per month in slip fees to stay at a marina.

A marina will charge a boat owner on a per-foot basis based on the length of the vessel.

The size of the boat and the location of the marina will have a large influence on the price charged to boat owners with marinas in Florida typically being the most expensive in America compared to other locations.

Paying marina fees gives boat owners access to boat cleaning services, electricity, internet access, pump-out services and facilities, waste removal services and a marine store.

Some boat owners prefer anchoring which is free of charge. Anchoring can be the best option during warmer months from April until November when marina facilities are needed less.

Boat marina costs can be reduced by mooring in cheaper marina locations, only using the marina when necessary or anchoring the boat off the coast away from the marina.

2. Boat Insurance Cost

Sailboat Insurance Fees

The second cost to consider when living on a sailboat is the boat insurance fee.

The cost of sailboat insurance is approximately $55 per month or $660 per year.

This is an approximate cost for the average sailboat owner living onboard their vessel in America.

According to Progressive , the annual Progressive boat insurance policy cost for the insurance policies they issued to boat owners in America ranged from $250 to $700 per year.

To get an accurate boat insurance cost for your specific sailboat, contact marine insurance providers for quotes.

The cost of boat insurance will vary based on the size, location and condition of the sailboat as well as a boat owner's experience and claims history.

Typically, the boat insurance cost will be 1% to 4% of the total retail value of your sailboat.

Boat insurance is the most expensive in locations that suffer from hurricanes like Florida and Texas.

Boat insurance costs can be reduced by browsing insurance providers, using cheaper sailboats, using the boat in lower-risk areas and increasing your boat experience.

3. Boat Maintenance Costs

Sailboat Maintenance Cost

The third cost to consider when living on a sailboat is the maintenance cost.

The average cost of sailboat maintenance is $250 per month or $3,000 per year.

A sailboat's maintenance cost can vary based on the condition, size, age and location of the sailboat as well as the boat owner's experience with repairing and maintaining the boat.

Boat maintenance cost includes paying for spare parts, cleaning supplies, boat paint, engine services, repairing fridges, electronics, lines, cookers, windows, seats, toilets, deck materials etc.

Boat maintenance costs can be reduced by using second-hand parts, manually repairing the sailboat yourself and treating the boat with care.

4. Fuel Expenses

Sailboat Fuel Cost

The fourth cost to consider when living on a sailboat is the fuel cost.

Sailboat fuel costs approximately $150 per month or $1,800 per year.

Sailboat fuel costs include paying for diesel or gas for the boat engine and buying propane fuel for sailboat heating and cooking while living onboard.

The factors that affect the sailboat fuel costs are the location, weather, size and condition of the boat as well as the frequency of use.

In the winter, sailboat fuel costs tend to rise whereas they are cheaper in the months from April until September.

To reduce the fuel costs of a sailboat, use the sails more often rather than the boat motor. Sailboat fuel costs can also be reduced by only traveling when it is the optimal time for the current which can make a large difference in fuel efficiency.

5. Grocery Costs

Sailboat Grocery Cost

The fifth cost to consider when living on a sailboat is the groceries cost.

The cost of groceries when living on a sailboat is approximately $450 per month or $5,400 per year.

Grocery costs include paying for food, drinks, bathing supplies and kitchen cleaning supplies.

The grocery costs remain the same year-round. To reduce the grocery costs when living onboard a sailboat, boat owners can choose to catch fish by fishing from their boat. However, this will only cause a small reduction.

A saltwater-to-freshwater converter can be used to get a fresh supply of drinkable water without having to spend money on buying drinks. This will only cause a small reduction in costs too.

6. Boating Gear Costs

Sailboat Gear Cost

The sixth cost to consider when living onboard a sailboat is boating gear costs.

The approximate cost of boating gear when living on a sailboat is $100 per month or $1,200 per year.

Boating gear costs include paying for gear like sailing sunglasses, sailing jackets, swim gear, fishing gear, sunscreen, wetsuits, sailing hats, fire blankets, and general boating accessories.

The boating gear cost is the most expensive in the winter months when extra sailing clothing is needed to keep warm.

To reduce the cost of boating gear, take good care of your current boat gear to ensure it lasts longer and purchase high-quality boating accessories that will last for a long time.

7. Entertainment Cost

Sailboat Entertainment Cost

The seventh cost to consider when living onboard a sailboat is the entertainment cost.

The cost of entertainment when living on a sailboat is approximately $200 per month or $2,400 per year.

Entertainment costs include paying for tv subscriptions, board games, dining out, trips to the cinema, etc.

The entertainment costs will not change throughout the year.

To reduce entertainment costs, find free entertaining activities to do rather than spend money for entertainment.

8. Internet Costs

Sailboat Internet Cost

The eighth cost to consider when living on a sailboat is internet costs.

The cost of the internet when living on a sailboat is approximately $100 per month or $1,200 per year.

Internet costs include paying for a 4G/5G connection or satellite internet connection. It includes paying for a wi-fi router to connect to the sailboat too.

To reduce the internet cost on a sailboat, anchor the boat at marinas with a Wi-Fi connection included in the slip fees.

9. Miscellaneous Costs

Sailboat Miscellaneous Cost

The ninth cost to consider when living on a sailboat is the miscellaneous costs.

The miscellaneous costs when living on a sailboat are approximately $125 per month or $1,500 per year.

Miscellaneous costs will typically remain the same throughout the year without much change.

Miscellaneous costs include costs associated with buying items like boat rugs, personal care items, boat care basics, coolers, boating decor, cooking utensils etc.

To reduce the miscellaneous costs, reduce the number of general boating items purchased and ensure the items that are purchased are of good quality so they last longer.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Cost Of Living On A Sailboat

Below are the most commonly asked questions about the cost of living on a sailboat.

How Much Does A Large Sailboat (Over 50ft) Cost To Live On?

The approximate cost to live on a large sailboat (over 50ft.) full-time is $3,200 per month or $38,400 per year.

What Is The Most Expensive Cost Associated With Living On A Sailboat?

The most expensive cost associated with living on a sailboat is the marina slip fees which are a monthly cost of $10 to $20 per foot of boat size.

How Can The Cost Of Living On A Sailboat Be Reduced?

The cost of living on a sailboat can be reduced by using the sails instead of boat fuel to power the boat when traveling, mooring the sailing vessel in a cheaper marina or anchoring outside a marina, browsing for cheaper marine insurance policies, ensuring care when using the vessel to keep repair costs low, downsizing to a smaller sailboat and keeping entertainment costs to a minimum by finding cheaper or free entertainment alternatives.

Better Sailing

Living on a Boat in Texas: What you Need to Know (Best Liveaboard Marinas, Costs, etc)

Living on a Boat in Texas: What you Need to Know (Best Liveaboard Marinas, Costs, etc)

People will either think it’s the best thing ever or that you’re essentially homeless if you tell them you live on a boat. If you live at anchor, this is especially true. By law, live a-boards are only allowed at waters leading to the sea. This happens in Texas, as well as in other US states and countries throughout the world. Examples include the Trinity River, Lake Livingston, Lake Houston, and surrounding Bays and Sounds. Texas has some of the most permissive liveaboard laws in the country, making it an excellent choice for liveaboards. If you plan to liveaboard in Texas, it’s important to research the costs and marinas to find out about their laws and where you can anchor long-term if necessary. So, in this article, I will give information about the liveaboard life in Texas, the marinas, as well as the general costs. Follow me!

Information about the Liveaboard Life in Texas

Texas is a place with reasonable liveaboard fees, delicious food, and easy access to the South. There are many beautiful seaside towns and marinas to visit or stay. Many marinas are brand new and state-of-the-art, and some of them haven’t yet experienced the price explosion that has afflicted other popular destinations. Currently, a nice marina space costs around $350 per month. This is much less than anywhere around Tampa Bay or New York in the north. The food is excellent, there is a wide range of bars and restaurants as well as numerous activities to engage in. Liveaboard communities are vibrant and the state of Texas has fair liveaboard laws.

Certain Texas marinas also allow you to pay for your slip annually rather than monthly, which can save you a lot of money. A slip appropriate for a boat up to 60 feet can generally be had for around $4,200 per year or $350 per month. It would be helpful if you can have an idea of the pricing range you’re searching for. For instance, Palacios, Port Lavaca, and Ingleside all have affordable marinas that I believe allow liveaboards. Island Moorings in Port Aransas is more pricey yet nicer. In Rockport, there are several lovely marinas, but they don’t all allow liveaboards. Matagorda Harbor Marina is now offering a nice discount. They have brand new floating docks, $200 floating slips (40 feet), and convenient gulf access.

Can you live on a boat in Texas

>>Also Read: Living on a Boat in California: What you Need to Know

Liveaboard Laws in Texas

In the state of Texas, there are currently no laws preventing liveaboards, although there are various local ordinances that require additional paperwork and taxes. If you live full time on your boat in a marina, Corpus Cristi, for example, demands you to take out a form and pay a fee. In some cases, you could stay at the marina part of the time and anchor elsewhere the rest of the time to avoid the paperwork and fees. It’s a good idea to contact local officials or even marina owners in the city where you’re interested. This will provide you with some insider information, and they may often offer ways to save you time and money.

If you decide to liveaboard in Texas, make contact with several cities and marinas to inquire about their policies on living aboard your boat and where you can anchor long-term if needed. Then you must consider whether the added hassle of living anchored for the majority of the time is worth it. Or, whether it is preferable to pay the marina or town mooring costs. Texas, as one of the most laid-back states for liveaboards, can be an excellent choice. As with other states, each city will frequently have its own set of local laws and regulations, so do your research before deciding where you wish to moor your boat.

Information about Liveaboard Marinas in Texas

The marina you will choose to live on your boat will determine a big part of your budget. A significant amount of your overall charges will be determined by that. Smaller powerboats that are brought in and out of the water on a regular basis will not require a monthly mooring or dock slip. But, trailers can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000.

The cost of a slip is determined by the location, design, and size of your boat. A 28-foot covered slip at Lewisville Lake’s Cottonwood Creek Marina, for example, costs around $4,000 per month. A slip at the Bayland Marina on the Gulf Coast costs roughly $2 per foot per night. It varies across Texas, so do some research on the slip rate in the area where you’ll be staying. This has to happen before buying the boat. Like this, you will have a better idea of the overall financial picture.

Island Moorings is a lovely place to stay. Port Aransas is a wonderful town, although it is primarily a tourist destination. The marina is beautiful, well-run, and bustling. The slip costs around $350, including electricity. Port A is a great spot, but they don’t have any 40′ (or 50′) slips. You might be able to get a slip on the new transient pier. For a storm, this location is extremely vulnerable. Palacios and Port Lavaca are pleasant areas with inexpensive marinas, but they are a great way from any sailing opportunities. There is also a marina in Port O’Connor, St Christopher marina. These are all lovely small Texas towns. Palacios is a shrimper’s paradise. Port O’Connor is a tourist town with fishermen, while Port Lavaca is a tiny town with a lot of people.

Ingleside’s Bahia is in a nice location and is reasonably priced. It’s a different kind of environment. I believe that most people will either like it or dislike it, so you should go check it out to see if it is right for you. It is a very lively and easygoing marina with a $25 liveaboard fee. The Matagorda Marina is a wonderful marina at a good price. It’s a busy marina, and largely for fishermen. Although it has good gulf access, it is located far from any bay sailing options. Island Moorings Marina is great. But, there’s the exception of a small draft (about 5′) and bugs in the summer. Hurricane protection is excellent.

Keep in mind that there are no 40′ slips in the new part of Corpus Christi City Marina. You’d either be stuck in the old section or in the new section. But, the marina has a fantastic position in the heart of the city. This is a great experience of liveaboards. Key Allegro does not accept liveaboards in the Rockport region. At Cove Harbor, there is a new marina which is one of the quietest places to live in. Lastly, the Fulton Marina is surrounded by fixed piers and is highly exposed.

Can you legally live on a boat in texas

>>Also Read: Best Sailing Destinations in the Gulf of Mexico

Best Marinas in Texas

  • Alice Faye’s on the Bay Marina, Rockport-Fulton
  • Cove Harbor Marina, Rockport
  • Fulton Beach Marina, Fulton
  • Bal Harbor Marina, Nassau Bay
  • Seabrook Marina, Seabrook
  • Sea Ranch Marina, South Padre Island
  • Port Aransas Marina, Port Aransas
  • Island Moorings Marina, Port Aransas
  • Corpus Christi Marina, Corpus Christi
  • City of Port Isabel City Docks, Port Isabel Channel
  • Cypress Creek Marina, Lake Travis
  • Bastrop Marina, Freeport
  • Bridge Harbor Yacht Club, Freeport
  • Kirby Marina, Freeport
  • Eagle Point Fishing Camp Marina, San Leon
  • San Leon Marina, San Leon
  • Galveston Yacht Basin, Galveston
  • Teakwood Marina, Galveston
  • Kemah Boardwalk Marina, Kemah
  • Waterford Harbor Yacht Club, Kemah
  • Lakewood Yacht Club, Seabrook
  • Clear Lake Marine Center, Seabrook
  • Hopper’s Landing Marina, Austwell
  • Houston Yacht Club, La Porte
  • Harbor Bay Marina, Lake Ray Hubbard
  • Harbor One Marina, Eagle Mountain Lake
  • Highview Marina – Lake Bardwell
  • Harbor Inn Marina, Richland-Chambers Lake
  • Holiday Shores Marina – Lake Livingston
  • Hurst Harbor Marina – Lake Travis

Cost of Owning a Boat in Texas

The cost of owning a boat is determined by the type of boat you want to buy. Jet Skis are the cheapest way to get into boating, costing anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000 but with fewer expenses than larger powerboats or sailboats. However, all boats will have to pay for fuel, maintenance, insurance, and other expenses. Pontoon boats, outboard motorboats, inboard motorboats, and sailboats are the four types of boats you’ll see whether you’re on one of Texas’ many lovely lakes or cruise the bays and oceans of the Texas coast. Each comes with its own set of costs. Bear in mind that small sailing dinghies may demand more fuel than powerful speedboats.

It’s important to note that sails and rigging will need to be replaced on a regular basis on larger sailing vessels. The age and condition of a boat will also have an impact on the expense of continuing maintenance. In general, Texas liveaboards are lucky. Summers are hot, and winters are mild, so you can normally use your boat all year.

However, your boat will need to come out of the water for maintenance or protection during hurricane season. And, this is why winterizing and storage is a crucial (and frequently underestimated) cost of boat ownership. The average cost of hauling out is $26 per foot. Then you’ll have to pay $10 to $15 per foot to shrink-wrap your boat for storage, plus another $50 per foot to store it. In total, the full package may cost as much as $91 per foot, which is a significant cost to consider if your boat requires annual maintenance.

Maintenance is one of the expenditures of owning a boat that might be difficult to estimate, even if it isn’t fully concealed. The wear and tear on the boat’s systems and equipment will be greater in saltwater than in freshwater. Like car maintenance, some years may go by without requiring much attention, while other years everything seems to fail at once. The amount of annual maintenance you can expect depends on the boat’s age and condition. Prepare to spend up to ten percent of the total worth of your boat on annual upkeep. These expenses will also be determined by whether you hire professionals to complete the repair or whether you can perform some maintenance yourself.

Houseboat living in Texas

>>Also Read: Best Sailing Lakes in Texas

Fuel, Insurance and Other Important Considerations for Liveaboards

The cost of gasoline on an annual basis is determined by the type of boat and how often you use it. Some motorboats can consume up to 30 gallons of gas every hour. If you burn gasoline at that pace and spend five hours on the water each day, you’ll use 100 to 150 gallons of gas every day. Depending on how often you use your boat, you could end up spending thousands of dollars on gas each year. In other words, fuel expenditures should be factored into your budget.

Bear in mind that every year, thousands of watercraft accidents occur in Texas, with hundreds of people killed and millions of dollars in property damage. Meaning that boat insurance is a must-have. Fortunately, your Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Agent will be able to assist you with the insurance procedure. So, you should contact your Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Agent to learn more about the policies applied to you.

And, like anything new you buy for your boat, you’ll want to update after a while. Every boat, whether it’s for new engines, onboard fishing gear, new sails, or rigging, will require investment over time. A brand-new fishfinder, for example, might cost upwards of $900. The cost of a radar system for an offshore sailboat might be in the thousands of dollars. So, don’t forget to budget for keeping your onboard safety equipment up to date and in good working order.

Regrettably, your boat, like your automobile, begins to lose value as soon as you take possession of the keys. While depreciation expenses vary depending on the boat’s make, model, age, and condition, a fair rule of thumb is to assume a 10% depreciation the first year and a 7% depreciation the following years. When it comes time to sell your boat, there are other hidden charges to consider. Allow eight months to promote your boat, as well as a 10% to 15% brokerage charge after the purchase is closed.

>>Also Read: Living on a Boat in Florida – Best Liveaboard Marinas, Costs and Tips

Hurricane Season in Texas

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 and is expected to be busy, according to meteorologists. The Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts an above-normal hurricane season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts 13 to 20 named storms in 2021. In addition, winds of 39 mph or higher. Six to ten of them might become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or more), with three to five of them being major hurricanes (category 3, 4, or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher).

So, as a liveaboard, it’s important to keep an eye on the weather forecast. In case a storm is expected to make landfall, you have to stay away from the boat. Forecast conditions can be found on the websites of the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center. Also, you should always check the marina’s hurricane plan. If the storm or hurricane is five days out, some marinas will begin to evacuate workers and shut down areas and services. The weather may be sunny and blue skies on the day you arrive, but the marina’s personnel is prepared for the storm’s potential threats.

Moreover, you have to be patient when a storm passes. Even if the storm didn’t pass through the area, some marinas are going to close for a specific amount of time. Most personnel are picking up and removing debris caused by the hurricane’s strong winds.

Keep in mind that flooding along the coast should be avoided. Coastal flooding can be caused by low-pressure storms in the Gulf of Mexico, even hundreds of miles away from the marinas. Water can sometimes reach all the way to the beach sand dunes, closing off a shoreline due to the standing water. During this period, you will not be able to drive on the beach. Lastly, rip currents exist and are extremely dangerous. Rip currents arise in low regions or cracks in sandbars, as well as around constructions like groins, jetties, and piers. Beachgoers must be mindful of rip currents even on a quiet day.

>>Also Read: Living on a Boat in New York

Living on a Boat in Texas – The Bottom Line

The two happiest days in a boat owner’s life, according to the traditional proverb, are the day they buy the boat and the day they sell it. The days in between, however, do not have to be stressful and anxious. Each day on the water may be well worth the money with some serious planning and the right budgeting. Hopefully, you now have a good idea of whether Texas is the right place to live for you. However, before arranging your liveaboard lifestyle, you should always contact the marina of your choosing.

In Texas, you can live on your boat in an affordable way of living in comparison with California or New York. The weather is often favorable, and there are countless chances and activities to select from. Spend your next holiday anchored at one of the marinas to get a feel for the place if you’re not sure if you want to live there full-time. It can offer you a taste of what your life could be like if you decide to take the next step. And, there are many vibrant marinas in Texas with reasonable slip fees to choose from. Lastly, the liveaboard laws in the state of Texas are favorable for boaters.

I wish that this article gave you a grasp of things about the liveaboard life in Texas. If you plan ahead and do some thorough research it’s not that hard and life there is great. Wish you the best!


Peter is the editor of Better Sailing. He has sailed for countless hours and has maintained his own boats and sailboats for years. After years of trial and error, he decided to start this website to share the knowledge.

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How Much Does it Cost to Live on a Sailboat Full-Time?

What is the cost of living on a sailboat full-time? And can it be affordable? Yes! Absolutely it can.

It’s a dream for many to leave the land behind with its 9 to 5s, crowded cities, and traffic and take to the sea. To live aboard a sailboat for an extended period, maybe even indefinitely.

However, before casting off and setting sail into the sunset, one of the first questions, and perhaps the first hurdle to living this sailing lifestyle, is knowing how much such an adventure will cost.

Contrary to popular belief, boat life isn’t exclusively for wealthy people. In fact, living on a sailboat can be very affordable. Of course, a lot depends on where you’re planning to sail and what kind of lifestyle you want. Regardless of your budget, there are a number of common costs associated with living on a boat full-time that all sailboat owners should consider.

*All example costs given in $ USD

How Much Does Living on a Sailboat Full-Time Cost?

Living aboard a boat will generally cost somewhere between $500 and $10,000 per month at either extreme. For most, it’s probably somewhere close to $1,500 – $5000.

We spend somewhere around $2,500 per month living on a boat in the Mediterranean . That’s about $1,900 per month in living expenses plus a further $600 per month on boat-related expenses like servicing, repairs, boat insurance, and storage.

At the budget end of liveaboard life, are sailors living on smaller, older boats that they own outright, in areas where they can anchor regularly or have access to cheap mooring. In this case, overheads will be very low. If you can keep living costs down by cooking for yourself, not burning too much fuel motoring (either by sailing everywhere or simply staying put), and reducing maintenance and servicing costs by DIYing everything then live-aboard-life can be very cheap albeit very sparse.

On the other end of the spectrum, families leasing large, new boats that they use to explore widely can easily spend 10s of thousands in a single month.

Your cost of living on a sailboat will be completely dependent upon your own financial situation and personal aspirations for life on a boat. Let’s look at the various costs associated with living on a boat full time.

The Cost of Buying a Boat

One of the most obvious, and certainly the biggest, costs associated with the liveaboard life is the initial cost of purchasing a vessel to live on.

The cost of a boat will depend on your budget and criteria.

Realistically, a safe and seaworthy boat equipped for living aboard and with enough space for an individual or couple starts somewhere around $20,000. This will buy an older boat around thirty feet, but one that is sound and hopefully well maintained. There is no known upper limit for what you can spend on a boat, however, at the pointy end of the cruiser market, newer 50-foot monohulls cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and brand-new catamarans can cost over a million dollars.

To get an idea of how much a boat suitable for you and your crew’s needs will cost in your region head to Yacht World and plug in your criteria.

Other costs associated with purchasing a sailing vessel include:

  • Pre-purchase survey reports – These are generally charged per foot and can cost between $10 – $25 per foot depending on the region your boat is in. Boat build material may also factor into the cost with wooden boats attracting higher inspection fees.
  • Insurance – Liveaboard sailboat insurance, including third-party insurance which is almost universally mandatory, will vary substantially based on region, insurer, and boat value. On average an annual insurance policy should fall between $500 and $1,500 annually . Boat insurance is generally cheaper than home or vehicle insurance.
  • Registration costs, once again will vary from region to region and based on the size of your boat and onboard motor. Registration itself usually costs several hundred dollars for a liveaboard-sized boat . It may be a one-time payment or an annual payment. Be aware, that there may be other costs associated with boat registration, for example, some authorities might require used boats to be hauled and inspected and any issues rectified which can quickly increase the cost of registering your boat.

Costs of Maintaining a Boat

Once you’ve bought a boat, the endless work and expense of maintenance begin immediately.

The old ‘rule of thumb’ is that maintenance costs for a boat will be around 10% of the purchase cost.

Older boats will require more maintenance more frequently and owners should err on the side of caution and may need to budget for more maintenance depending on the age and condition of their boat. There is a lot of equipment on a boat and ‘nautical’ products always seem to attract an inexplicable but hefty premium.

Engine, electrical systems, kitchen, safety equipment, ropes, anchors, sails, rigging, navigation, dinghy, outboard, the hull itself, the list of systems that may require spot repair or total overhaul at any given time goes on and on.

Being able to predict a potential range of maintenance costs will require having an accurate assessment of your maintenance needs. You can do this by keeping careful inventory and monitoring your systems.

Start with the recurring annual costs. For example:

  • Inboard engine service
  • Haul out, clean, and paint
  • Outboard engine service

Next, consider which systems haven’t been updated or are starting to show signs of wear and anticipate potential maintenance or replacement costs. Try to stay on top of these issues as they arise to keep maintenance costs stable. For example:

  • Sail Service (or Replacement)
  • Worn out Rigging
  • Electrical systems
  • Electronic equipment such as sounders, navigation equipment or VHF radio
  • Expiring safety equipment like flares, life jackets, EPIRB, and safety raft

Finally set aside some contingency funds, say 10% of the boat’s value to address the unexpected issues that will invariably arise. For example:

  • Damaged rigging and equipment
  • Plumbing issues
  • Engine Issues
  • Hull damage

For an in-depth look at some average costs for common boat maintenance tasks check out this article by Improve Sailing .

Costs of Mooring a Boat

No matter how ‘off grid’ you plan to get, at one point or another, you will need to moor your boat.

Like everything else, mooring and docking costs are wildly variable. The amount you will spend will depend largely on the size of your boat, how you plan to use it, and where you plan to sail it.

Boat size is perhaps the most significant variable when it comes to mooring. Prices are usually calculated per square meter. The longer and wider your boat is, the more expensive the mooring. For this reason, catamarans are generally the most costly sailboats to moor.

How you use it will also affect the amount of money you spend on mooring fees.

  • Will you stay in one area year-round? And thus be able to get a much cheaper annual marina berth, rather than transient nightly berths which are much more expensive.
  • If you plan on sailing your boat far and wide, do you want to spend a lot of time off your boat enjoying new places, attractions, and restaurants on the land?
  • Are you a novice sailor not comfortable sleeping at anchor or sailing in bad weather
  • Do you have a smaller boat without amenities like large water tanks, a water maker, or a large solar electrical system to comfortably sustain long periods away from the port?

These questions will help you understand how regularly you might want to moor the boat. However, you probably won’t know for sure until you begin sailing.

The costs of mooring are also very much dependent on where you plan to dock. Even within the same country or region, one place very popular for sailing with many amenities and attractions may be much more expensive than a nearby marina in a less popular area. You can easily research prices for marinas in a particular area to get an accurate idea of prices. If you are planning to remain mostly in one area, consider that long-term leases can offer far cheaper rates than transient mooring prices.

Marinas are the most obvious places to more but also the most expensive. Many regions have mooring buoys or public wharves that might be free to use or be far cheaper than a marina but lack facilities.

To summarise the cost of mooring your boat is highly variable but you can easily calculate a potential range of costs based on your specific situation.

If you have a small monohull and plan to spend the majority of your time on the anchor, only coming into a marina a few times a month in very bad weather or to resupply, and you choose your marinas carefully, you’re mooring costs could conceivably be kept under $100 a month.

If you have a larger catamaran, enjoy the safety and convenience of mooring in marinas, and plan to visit the most beautiful and famous sailing grounds in the world marina fees could easily exceed $2000 a month.

For most, it will be somewhere in between based on personal preference and budget.

Personally, currently sailing in Greece, we spend about $450 a month on marina fees. We have a small boat, a 29-foot monohull but we usually spend two nights in a marina each week, sometimes even more if there is poor weather.

Winter Marina Berth Costs

Sailors in areas with challenging winter conditions may choose to spend the summer months sailing from place to place spending time on anchor and in transient berths, and over winter continue living on their boats but permanently moored inside a marina. These semi-annual marina berths often cost less than berths in the summertime as many boats will be dry-docked and there is no demand for transient berths. Certain marinas have winter communities that return each year to wait out the winter in comfortable marinas with like-minded liveaboards.

Dry Docking

Some seasonal liveaboards may live on their sailboat only for the warmer months, and haul it out each winter for cheap storage. In areas that experience disadvantageous weather in the off-season dry docking your boat for the winter can be a cost-effective solution. Dry docking involves pulling the boat from the water and storing it on the land for the winter. Storing the boat on land is far cheaper than mooring your boat in a marina. Dry docking also provides an opportunity to perform maintenance on the hull.

Costs of Sailing a Boat

The wonderful thing about a sailboat is that the wind is free. Ostensibly you could liveaboard without any costs for traveling save for the costs of maintaining sails and rigging. In reality, if you plan to travel with your boat you may end up using your motor more than you thought. That being said, fuel costs for a moderately sized liveaboard boat (30 – 40 feet) should be negligible especially compared to transport costs on land.

We travel very slowly, we work during the week and do most of our sailing on the weekend. Often we travel less than 50 nautical miles a week. Say we sail half of that time that is 25 nautical miles a week to motor (basically nothing). Our boat tops out at a little over 5 kn. This means we might motor for about 5 hours at top speed we are burning about 2 to 3 liters of diesel an hour. Our fuel consumption is a paltry 10 – 15 liters per week! In 2022 marine diesel costs $2 a liter which puts our fuel costs at $20 – $30 a week.

Some weeks we have to travel more, and some less, sometimes there is more wind, sometimes less but overall fuel costs on our little sailboat are very manageable

Let’s look at the other end of the spectrum, a 50 foot Catamaran that has to cover a lot of ground sailing in a region without much reliable wind, but a lot of swell. Say this boat needs to travel 100 NM a week using only the motor and burns fuel at a rate of 12 liters an hour. With a faster top speed of 8 kn the larger boat might use 150 liters of fuel each week which in the current climate would cost around $300 per week.

Costs of Living on a Sailboat

The day-to-day cost of living on a sailboat will likely be similar to your day-to-day cost of living on land. We have included our budget here as an example of our weekly costs of sailing in the Mediterranean.

This hasn’t changed much for us. We still cook most meals onboard and go out to eat when we are in a marina.

We spend about $80 a week on groceries and another $70 on eating out. However, your own personal grocery budget on land is a pretty good indicator of what you might spend living on a boat.

We spend another $50 a week buying wine and beer and budget a further $50 for going to the bar. We set aside $12 for coffee from a cafe on the weekend.

Phone and Internet

This one comes as a bit of a surprise to most people but our total phone and internet costs are less than $500 per annum. We have one entry-level smartphone that cost $250. We use data-only sims in the places we sail and are currently using a $50 Cosmote Three Month Unlimited Data sim in Greece. When in a marina we can often access marina wifi.

Using this single phone and single prepaid data sim we are both able to work using video conferencing as well as stream television and upload our own movies and photos to social media. The limitations of relying on a smartphone are that you usually need to be in sight of a cellular tower. As we are sailing in Europe and stay close to shore this is not a problem for us. But this might be too limiting for some.

Other phone and internet gear that full-time sailors might consider are mast-mounted wi-fi hot spot which provides a dedicated hot spot 24/7 and greater range than a smartphone thanks to their powerful antennae and positioning. Antenna boosters for wifi and cellular data are also cost-effective ways of increasing your range.

The truth is that cellular data is so cheap and so readily available along the coasts of most major sailing destinations that a modern smartphone is all most sailors will need these days. However, for those intrepid explorers planning long passages far from shore, another solution may be required.

Satellite internet is the only option to stay connected if you plan to sail offshore. The cost of satellite internet has been prohibitively expensive for most for a long time. Startup costs of purchasing entry-level marine satellite dishes cost thousands of dollars and very basic plans with a small amount of data and slow speeds cost thousands more each year. Large amounts of high-speed internet at sea and the infrastructure to deliver it can easily cost 10’s of thousands of dollars.

Hopefully, as satellite internet becomes more widely adopted, the prices of satellite internet comes down giving off shore cruisers an affordable way to access high speed internet.


Boat life is rarely boring. We spend weekends sailing, anchoring in new bays and beaches, swimming fishing, and cooking.

When we reach a new town or city we will often spend a night in a marina, once or twice a week. This gives us the opportunity to leave the boat to explore a new area.

In total our entertainment spend boils down to

  • Netflix – Free using Mum’s login details
  • Spotify – $12 per month
  • Bars – $50 per week
  • Restaurants – $80 per week

Final Thoughts About the Costs of Living on a Boat

Of course, the cost of living on a sailboat full-time will be different for everyone. The biggest factors will be the boat you buy, how you use it, and where you intend to sail.

Sailing can be bare bones, basic, and frugal, it can be reasonably comfortable and moderately priced or it can be luxurious and mind-bogglingly expensive and everything in between.

Whatever your budget and whatever your sailing style, you are really only limited by your imagination.

Hopefully, we have given you a starting point to think about the cost of living on a sailboat full-time. But if you have any questions or comments please let us know below!

Looking for more sailing content? Have a look at these recent articles:

  • The 13 Best Sailing Vlogs And Sailing Blogs (According to Us)
  • 10 Things We Hated About Sailing Albania (And 5 Things We Loved)
  • Buying a Boat In Croatia

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In 2016, I had been dumped by my girlfriend, fired from my job, and the lease on my house was running out. Facing moving back in with my parents, 26, jobless and alone I decided to listen to the message the universe was trying to send me. I took off on my first solo backpacking trip, with a one-way ticket to Bangkok and a well-thumbed Lonely Planet guide. From there I wandered Southeast and Central Asia, traveled the Great Steppe, and made my way across Russia and throughout Europe.

In Estonia I met Kelli, who, despite having a less frantic travel style, shared my my restless spirit and passion for exploration. Together, we embarked on a new journey, van life. Over four years we travelled across three different continents with three different vans.

In 2022, as the world began to re-open post COVID we took an opportunity to realise a long held dream, to live aboard a sailboat. Since then we have spent two summers in the Mediterranean, sailing and living aboard our little sail boat Whisper. When we aren't sailing we continue to live our nomadic lifestyle, guided by a philosophy of slow travel and self directed adventure be it by van or backpacking.

We find excitement through our journey into the unknown, stillness and content in the beauty of the places we discover and we find ourselves in the vastness of our world.

Hopefully, we can help you find what you're looking for too. Get lost with us and find your own path.

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live aboard sailboat cost

6 Popular Boats For Full-Time Living (Affordable Options)

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It’s a big investment to get a boat you can live in full time.

Here are some of the more affordable boats out there that we can fully recommend.

Hang with us as we guide you through some of the most popular and affordable boats for full-time living.

Table of Contents

Don’t Get “Sticker Shock”:

If you are choosing to live aboard a boat in you will need to brace yourself for the expense.

While this article is showing you “cheap” or “inexpensive” boats to live on, you should not be comparing them to other boats.

We are not talking about small boats here, but boats you can live on, remember.

Daily use boats do not afford the luxuries that a live-aboard boat can. This makes them more expensive. When looking at live-aboard boat prices, you will want to compare it to traditional living expenses. All choices for live-aboard boats are expensive and you will most likely be looking for a used, possibly even a “project” boat.

If you are looking for a new boat, or even a luxurious used boat you will need to be prepared to spend $100,000 or more depending on the size and type of boat you want.

An Affordable TRAWLER You Can Live On

A trawler is an inexpensive option that allows for generous space. Trawlers are also durable and can take large amounts of use. 

The wider hull of a trawler allows for roomy interiors that include bigger kitchens, more spacious sleeping areas and more room. This boat is also stable and accessible. This makes getting on and off the boat much easier.

They also have less draft than boats with deep hulls like sailboats and lower clearance on top for bridges.

Some cons of a trawler include noisy engines that are slower moving. They also consume large amounts of fuel.

Trawlers also will need maintenance just like any other vessel and can often be older, so they might require more maintenance up front.

1. Albin North Sea Cutter

live aboard sailboat cost

North Sea Cutters made by Albin are large, spacious and elegant. These boats offer multiple comforts and sleeping areas.

Depending on the year you select, you could have multiple cabins and many places that convert into sleeping areas. You can purchase a used Albin boat that costs anywhere from $20,000 to over $200,000. These prices vary depending on space, age and amenities offered.

Models older than 2000 will often range between $20,000 to $80,000 and they can get more expensive from there.

An Affordable YACHT You Can Live On

2. beneteau swift trawler.

live aboard sailboat cost

These boats can be swift, fuel efficient, and stable. They offer a spacious deck as well as spacious living quarters.

They often come with more than one cabin and enough room to move around and house more than one person.

The Beneteau Swift Trawlers are more expensive than the Albin models and will likely cost you more than $100,000.

If you are looking for a brand new Beneteau, you could be looking at a base price close to or even over $500,000.

So you definitely want to get a used model if you are looking for a cheaper alternative here!

2 Affordable SAILBOATS You Can Live On

Sailboats can be a relaxing option for your live-aboard vessel. Sailboats come with an open deck and oftentimes have plush cabins situated in their hull.

Some of the appeals of a live-aboard sailboat are that you will spend less money on gas. They are also quieter than their motorboat counterparts.

If you choose to live-aboard a sailboat, you will want to make sure that you have a motor available in case you do not have a cooperating wind.

3. Island Packet 35

These boats are smaller than the trawler options and are better suited to housing smaller families.  They have one main living and sleeping quarters so there is not a lot of privacy offered. These will be ideal for a couple. 

These are very popular choices among sailing cruisers and they were designed with sailing in mind. They are very user-friendly sailboats.

The prices on an Island Packet range close to $100,000.

You will be looking for a used vessel, though, as these were not manufactured after the mid-1990s.

4. Cabo Rico 38

Cabo Rico boats were designed with luxury in mind and it is reflected in their prices.

Older models from the 1980’s and 1990’s range between $80,000 and $100,000 while newer models that were made in the early 2000s can easily reach over $300,000.

The main goal of these boats was to increase the appeal of their aesthetic.

Like the Island Packet, these boats are more ideal for smaller couples. This boat also has an abundance of clever storage spaces that will help you maximize the space that you have. 

Affordable MULTI-HULL Boats You Can Live On

live aboard sailboat cost

Multi-hull catamarans can be either double or triple hulled.

The benefit of a multi-hulled vessel is the stability offered as well as the possibility for separate living spaces.

A catamaran offers a wide and spacious deck, however, the living spaces in the hulls are generally smaller than they would be on other vessel types.

The major disadvantage of a multi-hull option will be price. Because the construction of these boats is similar to building two separate boats, you should expect to pay more. If you want to live on a multi-hull vessel you could be looking at spending $100,000 or more.

Like a sailboat, you might consider a used catamaran.

In addition to a higher purchase price, these boats also might require two slips in a marina which can make them more expensive.

5. Lagoon 380

live aboard sailboat cost

The Lagoon 380 is a smaller catamaran which is not the most common. The Lagoon 380 is the smallest catamaran in the Lagoon fleet.

Unlike some other inexpensive options, these are still being produced which offers you the chance to buy new, which means that you will be more likely to customize your boat.

This boat comes with a full bath and a large queen-sized berth or the chance to instead get four cabins. Stowage on this boat is impressive and it comes with many lockers and storage space.

The boat truly is impressive for its small size and will be comfortable for living in. The price of this vessel can range from $170,000 to over $200,000 depending on the year and the options available.

Other Lagoon options can be more expensive but are also great live-aboard vessels.

6. Leopard 44

live aboard sailboat cost

If you are looking for a more luxurious catamaran, then you will want to look at the Leopard 44. 

The most inspiring part of the design of the Leopard 44 is the inclusion of two cockpits. This allows sailors to change where they steer based on the position of the sun and adds additional comfort.

This boat also provides edging on the surfaces so that you can feel where the boat ends. Attention to detail was key when crafting the Leopard 44. 

Like most catamarans, this vessel is also spacious and provides comforts and amenities that will be useful when living on board.  These include multiple berths and cabins that are well suited to housing more people.

The average price for this vessel is higher than the Lagoon 38 can range between $280,000 and $400,000.

Affordable HOUSEBOATS You Can Live On

live aboard sailboat cost

If you plan on living aboard a boat without doing a lot of traveling, a houseboat might be ideal for you.

These allow for plenty of space, but are bulky and are not very efficient so they are generally used for living while moored and never actually venturing out on the water.

The most common form of houseboats is built onto pontoon boats. These boats can even offer full enclosures on the deck with plenty of windows and light.

Another downside to a houseboat is their price. Because these boats offer the most space and comfort they are pricey.

Houseboats can offer anything from multiple rooms to decks. They are essentially a house that floats.

Houseboats are often custom designed and are not generally offered as a part of a fleet or boating line. Prices also range wildly and could be anywhere from $30,000 used to over one million dollars.

When looking at houseboats you also have to consider location as a decision that needs to be made.

Houseboats are not designed to move so in addition to the expense of the boat, you are also often looking for a permanent place to put it, and that can be more costly than a marina or other available options.

What About The Bigger Yachts?

Even more expensive than the multi-hull vessel is the luxury yacht.

This is not an inexpensive option. These are the most expensive choice as they are essentially floating hotels.

For this reason, we have opted out of listing options for the luxury yacht, but they are an option that is available for consideration.

So How Do I Choose The Right Boat?

It is most important to choose your boat based on desired lifestyle, budget, and skill level.

If you do not want to worry about learning to sail, then you should look into the power boat options. 

You also want to make sure you pick the appropriate size.

If you plan to go down rivers often, you might not want a boat that is too wide or too tall. This can make river navigation tricky and stressful.

You also want to make sure that while you are conscious about how the size of your boat is external, you allow for enough space internally.

No matter what type of boat you choose you will be giving up some luxuries and living a more minimalist lifestyle. You need to look at what your minimum size requirements will be and start there.

Another thing that is extremely important when choosing is the condition of the boat. Because these types of boats are so expensive, you will most likely be looking at used options.

This means that you will want to get your boat fully inspected before you buy it.

Much like you would get an inspector for your home, you are able to hire marine inspectors who can see things on your vessel that you can’t.

The most important places of consideration are the hull and the engine.

Even a tiny hairline crack in the hull can expand and get worse over time. These are also the most dangerous because you are less likely to see them and get them taken care of.

A marine inspector will also be able to give you a rundown on the vessel and this might help you plan for future expenses and even to negotiate a better price.

In addition to this, when buying a used boat you want to make sure you do not buy a boat that is exactly your budget. You will want to save at least %10 of your budget for possible issues and immediate maintenance needed.

Maintenance will be an ongoing expense that you will have to plan for in order to maintain the integrity of your boat.

Is It Possible To Live On A Boat Full Time?

Living on a boat full time is completely possible if you know what you are doing.

Where to Moor Your Boat:

One of your most major considerations will be where to keep your boat. Many places require marinas to have a liveaboard license and many of the places that do have long waiting lists that could last years.

If you know you want to live aboard a boat full time you will want to start checking into places right away. It would also be wise to not close a deal on a boat until you know you have somewhere to put it.

You will also want to consider the location of where you are mooring your vessel.

If you choose to dock your boat in a marina you will be more likely to have 24/7 access to both electricity and water. This is not true if you choose to live at anchor or on a mooring bay.

This can make a big difference in the comforts afforded while you are living on your boat.

Another consideration to make is the ease of getting on and off your vessel. If you do not moor in a marina you could be relying on a dinghy to get on and off your boat and this can quickly become a hassle, especially if you are transporting things with you as well.

Live-aboard marinas often provide more comfort to you, such as cable, Wi-Fi, or even laundry.

Marina’s do come with a higher cost, so you will have to decide if this is worth it to you.

Comfort Issues To Consider

One major challenge of living on a boat is space. Even with a spacious boat, you will always be living in close quarters to your boat-mates.

Depending on the size of boat you get, you could be asking your partner to move every time you want to move to a different room or area of the boat.

This can quickly get annoying and you will want to make sure that you and your partner both understand the reality of the situation.

Even if you plan to live alone you can be looking as small and confined spaces.

One good way to know if you can handle the day to day challenges of a liveaboard lifestyle is to try it out first. There are plenty of ways to rent a boat to test the waters before you take the plunge.

Another challenge is living without the comforts that most people have every day. Most liveaboards that are affordable do not have hot showers or laundry. 

They also usually have small kitchens and bathrooms with small amounts of storage space. If you are a person who likes to have everything and minimal living is not something that sounds appealing, living on a boat is likely not for you.

To keep your space comfortable, you might want to also consider a dehumidifier to keep your humidity in check.

Important Safety Considerations

live aboard sailboat cost

One major thing to make sure you plan for is safety. Like all boats, you will need to have the proper life preservers and flotation devices. This is a legal requirement on all water vessels.

In addition to the proper flotation devices, you will want to make sure you have all other required safety equipment.

This includes a fire extinguisher, a carbon monoxide detector in all enclosed areas, a flare, an emergency kit, and a first aid kit.

You should also have anything needed to repair unexpected maintenance issues. Depending on where you are, you will want to make sure you can deal with any issues that might arise until you can get to help.

In addition to the standard safety precautions, living on your boat comes with a few more.

If you are planning to live on your boat, and travel, you will want to make sure you are confident in your abilities and your boat itself before you get too far away from shore. It is wise to spend a few months cruising near land and shores before you attempt any long trips.

You also need to ensure you have the proper communication equipment on board.

Depending on how far from shore you get, you might not be able to communicate using traditional methods such as a cell phone.

A cell phone will be less effective the farther away from shore and any cell phone towers you get.

You should be sure to have satellite communications, a marine radio, and a Ham radio on board.

You will also want to make sure you regularly get your boat inspected and perform any routine maintenance. A boat that is fully functioning and well maintained will be the safest.

How Much Will Living On A Boat Cost Me?

Despite the large upfront cost, living on a boat can be cheaper than living in a traditional manner.

Costs that come with a live-aboard boat can include, but are not limited to:

  • Insurance: Just like with a home, car, or daily use boat you will need to pay for insurance. The live-aboard insurance rate will be higher than just recreational boating insurance. This insurance can sometimes compare to home insurance.
  • Moorage: Like insurance, live-aboard moorage is more expensive than traditional insurance. You will also need to go to a marina that holds a live-aboard license.
  • Mortgage Payments: If you cannot pay for your boat out of pocket, which is likely, you might have to make loan payments on it. Depending on what you spent on your vessel this could be costly.
  • Maintenance Costs: After your initial purchase you will still need to spend money on boat maintenance. This expense will vary based on the age of the boat, how often you perform regular maintenance, and how you use the boat itself.
  • Utilities: Based on how you have decided to live on your boat, you might have utilities or additional costs with the marina. This will likely still be less than you would pay in a traditional living situation.
  • Provisions and Entertainment: Just because you don’t live in a traditional manner, you will still need to buy traditional items such as food, toiletries, and entertainment. If you live completely without the comforts you are used to, your experience will not be very pleasurable.

Most importantly while looking at expenses, you need to make sure you are budgeting and stick to it.

If you are not able to afford your lifestyle, you will not have a lot of immediate options.

If you choose to travel while you sail, budgeting will be even more important. Traveling often does not allow for a traditional job and you do not want to overspend if you do not have any money coming in.

If you know this is the lifestyle you want to live, you might consider going all in. Many people sell their homes in order to live this lifestyle.

What Boat Should I Get For Full-Time Living?

Before you buy a boat to live aboard, you need to be clear about your needs.

There are a lot of options to choose from and this is not a decision to rush through. One of the first things that you need to decide when picking a boat is whether you want a motorboat or a sailboat.

A Sailboat Or A Motorboat?

Sailboats are not just appropriate for ocean living, they are also good for lake, river, or bay living. Sailboats are quieter than motorboats and are generally more economical because they use less gas.

One issue with sailboats is that they require more skill to handle and they might not be ideal for a singular person.

Like any boat, you will want to ensure that you are choosing the right size. If you plan on using your sailboat in a river, you will want to think about the required clearance when it comes to bridges.

Motorboats with ample cabin space can also be ideal for full-time living on a lake, river or bay.

These boats are often very spacious and easy to handle. Unlike sailboats, you do not have to take classes or training to be able to maneuver or handle the vessel. Motorboats that you can live aboard can range from trawlers to yachts to certain types of catamarans .

Motorboats do not rely on the wind and this can make them ideal for a boat you want to do both living and traveling on.

The issues with motorboats is that you will need to consider gas and other expenses that come with running an engine.  They are also louder than sailboats and often their engines are placed close to living quarters. This can make sleep difficult if you are moving.

Below are some inexpensive boat options that would be perfect for full-time living .

What Are The Benefits?

Even though this all might seem very expensive, there is a large list of benefits as well. 

Living on a boat can be cheaper than living in a traditional home, especially in high priced areas.

The main reason that you should live on a boat is the freedom and adventure that comes with it.

You would be able to take your home on vacation with you or just pick up and go to a new location.

You are also more likely to meet adventurous and like-minded individuals who will most likely have interesting stories to tell. 

One of the best parts about living out on the water is the views that you will see. There is nothing quite as beautiful as waking up to a sunrise over the water.

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How Much Sailboats Cost On Average (380+ Prices Compared)

Turns out that owning a sailboat is pretty affordable. OK, it isn't cheap, but it can absolutely be done on a budget. In this article, I'll show you exactly what to expect.

Sure, super yachts are expensive, but so is everything super (except for maybe supermarkets). But a modest, used sailboat can be as cheap as $2,500 and an additional $1,400 per year.

It may come as a surprise to you that you can get a decent sailboat for as little as $1,500 on Craigslist.

Average sailboat costs at a glance

We've compared thousands of listings, so you don't have to. If you just want the ballpark figures, here they are:

Situation One-Time Cost Monthly Cost
Average sailboat for most people (26') $25,000 $470
Low budget project (22') $2,500 $115
Budget ocean cruiser (35') $38,000 $450
Best-value ocean cruiser (40') $166,000 $1,300

The average price of new sailboats is $425,000 ($127,000 to $821,000). The average price of used sailboats is $278,000 ($67,000 to $555,000). Maintenance costs are on average $2,000 - $3,000 per year, and the average total annual cost is $3,000 to $7,000.

Of course the price of a sailboat depends on our choices. We decide whether sailing is a rich man's game, or actually a very good holiday investment. (It beats driving to a bungalow park for sure - both cost-wise and the experience itself.)

live aboard sailboat cost

How Much To Charter a Superyacht? (Less Than You Think)

Why you should trust us These figures are based on our latest research which was last updated September 26th 2023 . We do this research every year, giving us very accurate numbers and clear insight into the trend of sailboat prices. We've literally compared thousands of sailboat listings over the years, and we've done so methodically. The research is done by our researcher Tay, who is an engineer by trade.

This will be a long article because there are so many aspects to cover. I'd like to spend some time exploring the costs of actually buying the boat. Then I want to go into recurring costs , like mooring, maintenance, and insurance.

To really drive home what you're getting into , I'll give four real-life examples. These examples include every expense as a separate line-item. And we'll go over them line-by-line together.

Then I'll share our exact research results with you . This will include all our numbers: new vs. used, average price per foot, and much more. These are extremely detailed numbers (you don't have to read this if you don't want to).

At the end of the article, we'll discuss why a boat doesn't just cost money: she can actually make you some if you wanted.

  • A used family week-ender with a small cabin will cost roughly $30,000 (all-in for the first year).
  • If you dream of sailing around the world, expect to spend around $100,000.
  • New sailboats on average cost twice as much as used boats.
  • Maintenance cost are 5-10% of the boat's value per year. Docking costs are roughly $800 - $2,500 per year.
  • Sailboat prices have gone up 30% this year.

Lean sailboat in blue, protected waters with just the mainsail up

On this page:

Average sailboat cost: 2023 summary, examples of popular sailboats, and how much they cost, what does it cost to buy a sailboat, what does it cost to own a sailboat, make or save some money, related questions.

Before we really get into it, I first want to give you the quick rundown. So I've summarized our research for you.

Buying a sailboat

Sailboat size New price Used price Craigslist
Small $75,000 $41,500 $11,000
Medium $400,000 $261,750 $87,000
Large $3.9M $1.9M -

Small boats are up to 30 foot long . They'll be very capable and great for solo sailors or small families who want to go on day trips, or short week-end trips on inland waters. Some of them will have cabins and sleeping quarters, although small.

Medium boats are between 30 and 50 foot long . They'll host larger parties and will be more suited for longer trips, coastal sailing, or even bluewater cruising. Sailboat length isn't necessarily the most important feature for that, though.

Large boats are 50 foot and up . This is proper yacht territory, and they'll be a lot more luxurious, and also exponentially more expensive.

If you buy via a broker, you typically get more reliable boats, but also pay more. If you buy off of Craigslist, you get a fat discount, but there are more lemons on there too.

You could hire a boat surveyor who will inspect the boat before you buy it (much like when you buy a house). Those surveys are not very expensive and can be worth your money.

Owning a sailboat

There are a lot of costs involved with simply owning a boat. The biggest expenses will be docking and maintenance.

Those two alone will account for roughly 80% of your yearly expenses.

  • Maintenance : 5-10% of the boat's value
  • Docking : $800-$2,500 per year on average, depeding on location
Sailboat size Small Medium Large
Maintenance $1,500 $9,000 $50,000
Docking $1,000 $2,000 $5,000+
Other $1,000 $4,000 $10,000

If we want to know what we're getting ourselves into, we should know every expense to the dot.

Below, we'll go over four very different case studies. I'm hoping one of these will relate to your specific situation. It'll show you what to expect and how to budget for your purchase.

The four sailboat case studies

  • What does it cost if you want to keep your boat in good shape and have a good sailing experience? - aka: most people
  • What does it cost if you ONLY spend the absolute minimum amount to keep her floating?
  • If I want to sail the world on a budget, what's the absolute minimum?
  • If sailing is more of a status thing to you, how much money COULD you spend?
Model Price class One-time cost Monthly cost
Island Packet 26' medium $25,000 $470
Catalina 22' low budget $2,500 $115
Ocean cruiser 35' low budget $38,000 $450
Luxury yacht 40' expensive $166,000 $1,300

There are a lot of great boats out there for a good price and there are also some boats that are so expensive (or so cheap), it's not even fun to look at them.

But one thing's for sure: there are plenty of boats available, and even if you're on a very tight budget, you could absolutely still make it work. Sailing in and of itself is actually not that expensive: wind is free, water is free, boats can be cheap - if you're willing to look around a bit. It's all the little extras that add up quickly.

Listed below are 4 boats that make great beginner boats. Since more than 80% of all boats that are bought are second-hand, I'll use the prices of used boats I found on Craigslist.

If you want to know exactly where the numbers come from, don't worry, I'll explain them after the 4 examples.

1. Island Packet 26' for stressless weekends on the lake

The one-time costs are $24,860 Your total recurring costs are $5,650 per year, or $471 per month

Let's say you're like me and most other people and just want a nice boat without too much hassle. So you pay people for complex maintenance. You do the required maintenance and save up for future repairs. You do a little yourself, which saves you a couple of hundred of bucks a year. You also join a (cheap) sailing club to learn how to not trash the boat. You get the right trailer, and you save up some money for future repairs. You don't want to buy a bad boat, so you pay a fair purchase price

One-Time Costs:

at $10/ft $260
at 5% $1,600

Recurring Costs:

at $15/ft $400

2. Extreme Low Budget Catalina 22'

Catlina 22 white sailboat in marina

Ok, I'm very interested in how cheap you could actually go (in theory). Is it do-able to buy a very cheap sailboat and just keep her afloat, never change sails, and only pay for maintenance that is absolutely necessary to not sink?

In this scenario, I don't care about speed, so I don't change sails. I certainly won't join a sailing club, and I try to save some money on the marina by boondocking. I also happen to live in a cheap state registration and tax-wise.

Docking costs can get out of hand For an average sailboat, depending on your area and wishes, up to $5,000/year . Read everything about docking costs

I try to pay as little as possible for the boat itself (and I've actually found a Catalina 22 for $2,250 on Craigslist today!). I don't save up for rigging and hardware (tomorrows' worries). I try to get an extra 2 years out of my bottom paint and I only do the essential repairs, and I do them myself. But because I saved so much on the purchase, this little boat needs a lot of maintenance.

Luckily, I have time on my hands and know my way around engines and rigging, so I do all of it myself (with the help of YouTube).

I don't bother with winterizing my boat, I'll just sail somewhere warm. Oh, and I'll use the engine as little as possible to save on gas.

Will your boat be happy? Definitely not, but your wallet will be (for now). Can it be done? It's optimistic, but yes, I think it can be done. But you have to be mechanically inclined, and pretty creative.

The one-time costs are $2,428 Your total recurring costs are $1,380 per year, or $115 per month
at $5/ft $110
at 3% $68

Recurring Costs

Recurring Costs:
at $5/ft $130

3. Low Budget 35' Ocean Cruiser for traveling the world

live aboard sailboat cost

If you dream of crossing oceans, you need a comfortable ride. Usually, most sailors pick a boat that's between 32' - 50' for two person ocean cruising. Anything under 32' gets pretty uncomfortable in high waves, although it can be done.

But this is also the range that gets expensive - quickly . So if we're on a tight budget, but also need a good and reliable boat: how much will it cost?

The boat will cost you $35,000. For this price, I've seen a beautiful 1983 wooden cutter (by Robert Tucker), multiple Beneteau Oceanis from '88 - '89, multiple Bavarias ... plenty of solid choices on the second-hand market here.

In this example, you don't join any sailing clubs (I assume you're pretty experienced if you want to cross oceans). You also don't winterize (you're sailing the Caribbean by now). No trailer, as you won't haul it out of the water any time soon.

You do pay a fair price for the boat because you don't want any surprises during your Tour du Monde. In need of a lot of bottom paint , since you're in saltwater most of the time. It's also a good idea to invest in at least SOME navigation equipment, so for $500 I've added a simple but capable GPS chartplotter and compass.

You can get a cheap but reliable chartplotter and compass for less than $500 - in total. If you want to learn more, head over to the recommended gear section .

The one-time costs are $37,590 Your total recurring costs are $5,425 per year, or $452 per month
at $10/ft $340
at 5% $1,750
at $15/ft $800

4. Powerful 40' Yacht (and everything that goes with it)

Saloon of large yacht ready for dinner

Let's say you're in the game for the fame. What does it cost me to own a grande yacht with all luxuries (and costs) that go with it?

I join an expensive sailing club, hire pros that maintain the thing beautifully, and I also pay for winterization, the best trailer I can find. I replace my sails and running rigging every 5 years - since speed matters to me. Because she's my pride, I paint her every year. I spend an additional 500 bucks a year on special soaps and waxes.

I want a prime mooring location, so I pay a premium. I also get a small boat to hang from the large boat, to get to shore more quickly.

The one-time costs are $166,400 Your total recurring costs are $15,150 per year, or $1,263 per month
at $50/ft $2,000

There are a couple of important factors that determine how much money you end up spending.

  • Size - length determines mooring costs, insurance, amount of paint on your hull, literally everything gets more expensive with every foot of length
  • New vs. used - of course, it makes all the difference whether you buy new or used. Typically, the price of a 25-year old used sailboat vs. a comparable new one is 3-4 times lower ($60,000 vs $200,000).

With used sailboats, I find that the price generally increases rapidly from 30 feet onwards

It's the same with new sailboats - or actually, it keeps increasing with every extra couple of feet. The reason is that as the boat gets bigger, it also gets more luxurious (upholstery, finishing, equipment).

The average price of a new sailboat per foot in USD:

  • under 30 ft: $3,217 per ft
  • 30 - 50 ft: $7,625 - $11,128 ft
  • over 50 ft: $14,927 - $78,033 per ft

On average, second-hand sailboats go at 1/3 - 1/4 of the cost of a new boat:

  • under 30 ft: $1,773 per ft
  • 30 - 50 ft: $6,473 per ft
  • over 50 ft: $10,091 - $36,889 per ft

If this is too much for you, you could always rent a boat instead. I recommend chartering. You can get great sailboats at great prices. Check out my charter recommendation here .

live aboard sailboat cost

Cost of buying a sailboat

Price of new sailboats.

I've looked at the prices of thousands of yachts (really) on one of the largest yacht marketplaces in the world (- not manually, don't worry: with the help of their search function). This is what I came up with:

Length Range Low Average High
15-19ft $26,000 $30,000 $34,000
20-24ft $54,000 $70,000 $84,000
25-29ft $104,000 $127,000 $160,000
30-34ft $162,000 $244,000 $320,000
35-39ft $219,000 $371,000 $520,000
40-44ft $260,000 $464,000 $643,000
45-49ft $355,000 $523,000 $658,000
50-60ft $578,000 $821,000 $1,146,000
80-100ft $5,799,00 $7,023,000 $8,248,000

Source: Q3 2023

The price of new sailboats ranges from roughly $1,765 - $78,033 per foot. I've used these numbers to calculate the following list:

Prices per foot in USD

Here's the detailed price per foot for all lengths from 20 to 100 feet:

Length Range Per Foot
15-19ft $1,765
20-24ft $3,182
25-29ft $4,704
30-34ft $7,625
35-39ft $10,027
40-44ft $11,048
45-49ft $11,128
50-60ft $14,827
80-100ft $78,033

Price of used sailboats

We did the same for used sailboats, comparing thousands of listings. Here are the complete data:

Length Range Low Average High
15-19ft $6,000 $15,000 $26,000
20-24ft $7,000 $43,000 $79,000
25-29ft $8,000 $67,000 $146,000
30-34ft $10,000 $136,000 $294,000
35-39ft $16,000 $253,000 $512,000
40-44ft $24,000 $318,000 $638,000
45-49ft $41,000 $340,000 $656,000
50-60ft $66,000 $555,000 $1,128,000
80-100ft $487,000 $3,320,000 $6,514,000

Source: Yachtworld Q3 2023

The price of used sailboats ranges from roughly $882-$36,889 per foot . Here's the detailed price per foot for all lengths from 20 to 100 feet:

Length Range Per Foot
15-19ft $882
20-24ft $1,955
25-29ft $2,481
30-34ft $4,250
35-39ft $6,838
40-44ft $7,571
45-49ft $7,234
50-60ft $10,091
80-100ft $36,889

Prices on Craigslist

The price of used sailboats ranges from roughly $476-$2,098 per foot.

To get an average of the price of a used sailboat, I went over to Craigslist. I took the first 20 relevant search results for sailboats under, and over 30 feet.

Of course, the averages here are very speculative, as prices vary from day to day. But it gives a broad range of what to expect.

Over 50 feet, listings become meagre. I believe people tend to not place their 80-ft sailboats on Craigslist, but sell it through a broker instead.

Median Craigslist price of a used sailboat:

  • under 30 ft: $11,065
  • over 30 ft: $87,020

I've calculated the median price , not the average. The median is the price that's most common within the price range. This way the highest and lowest prices don't have as much impact.

Average Craigslist price-per-foot of a used sailboat:

  • under 30 ft: $476 per ft
  • over 30 ft: $2,098 per ft

This is what I found on Craigslist under 30 feet:

Washington dc.

Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
Macgregor 26x 1997 26 $16,500
Columbia 26 Mark II 1972 26 $7,000
Sabre Mk 1 1975 28 $4,500
Hobie Mirage Tandem Island 2018 18 $2,999

Source: Craigslist Washington DC Q3 2023

Los Angeles

Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
Catalina 22 MKII 2001 22 $17,000
Ericson 26-2 1985 26 $15,500
Beneteau 28 1982 28 $15,000
Catalina 27 1972 28 $13,500

Source: Craigslist Los Angeles Q3 2023

Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
BWC Flying Cruiser 2002 18 $12,000
Catalina/Capri 22 2007 22 $11,000
Hunter 1994 24 $9,000
Hunter 27 1980 27 $7,500

Source: Craigslist Houston Q3 2023

South Florida

Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
MacGregor 26x 1997 26 $14,995
Laser Bahia 2023 15 $12,500
Beneteau 235 1987 23 $12,000
Watkins 27 1991 27 $9,900

Source: Craigslist Miami Q3 2023

Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
Freedom 29 1985 29 $10,500
RS Sailing Quest 2022 15 $10,000
Hunter 27 1983 27 $10,000
Islander Excaliber 1969 26 $9,900

Source: Craigslist New York Q3 2023

Here's what I found for 30 feet and up:

Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
Kong & Halvorsen 48 Dawn 1985 48 $139,900
Beneteau Oceanis 2011 49 $129,000
Wellington 57ms 1989 57 $150,000
Ted Brewer 12.8 Cutter 1983 42 $89,000
Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
Hunter 460 2000 46 $127,900
Hunter 1995 43 $95,000
Marine Technologies Ketch 1979 48 $89,500
Gemini 105 mc 2001 34 $84,500
Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
Whitby 42 1983 42 $84,900
Gemini 105M 1998 35 $70,000
Island Packet IP-31 1984 34 $35,900
Condor 30 1989 30 $32,900
Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
Beneteau 423 Oceanis 2005 43 $139,000
Beneteau 2008 43 $134,900
Gemini 105mc 2001 34 $105,000
Catalina 34 MkII 2003 35 $85,999
Boat Year Length (ft) Price (USD)
Hunter 340 1999 34 $59,500
Jouet 1985 37 $50,000
Catalina 36 1984 36 $22,000
Pearson 303 1985 30 $15,500

Sailboat price development

Compared to our 2022 research, the median price of new sailboats has gone up 22.5% (from $251,000 to $307,500). The average price has gone up 33.6% (from $248,000 to $331,250).

The average price of used sailboats under 30 ft on Craigslist has gone up 30% (from $8,500 to $11,000).

Sailboat prices research archive

You can check our earlier research data here:

  • 2022 average sailboat price data
  • 2019 average sailboat price data

live aboard sailboat cost

Catamarans are 60% more expensive

If you dream of owning a catamaran, you should expect to pay roughly 60% more for the boat, and 60% more on annual cost like upkeep and mooring. There are exceptions, of course, and for some boat lengths, new catamarans may be slightly more affordable than a monohull.

I've researched thousands of catamaran listings as well to come up with those numbers. The exact numbers are summarized in my guide on the average cost of buying and owning a catamaran. It's very similar to this article, so if you like this and are curious about catamaran prices as well, I encourage you to check it out.

live aboard sailboat cost

Average Cost of Buying & Owning a Catamaran (With 4 Examples)

So let's take a quick look at the costs for owning a sailboat.

One-time costs:

  • Registration : costs of registration differ per state, but usually run anywhere from $3 - $10 per foot.
  • Taxes : differs per state and country. Most governments want you to pay property tax and sales tax. Sales tax is usually about 5%. Property tax varies and is more complex, so I'll leave that up to you to figure out.
  • Trailer : $1,000
  • Sailing club initiation fee : $1,500 - $4,000

Recurring costs:

  • Mooring : $10-15 per foot per year (can be much higher for prime locations)
  • Insurance : typically 1.5% of the total value of the boat. So a $50,000 26' cruiser will cost 750 bucks.
  • Maintenance : a good rule of thumb is 10% of the boat value. Expect to spend anywhere between $500 - $2,500 per year for small to mid-sized boats.
  • Fuel : depends on how much you use the boat and the engine, but on average something between $100 - $150. - Find out how much fuel a sailboat uses in my article here (opens in new tab).
  • International License : if you want to sail on international waters, you have to get your ICC (International Certificate of Competence ). Plan on spending anywhere between 400 to 500 dollars.
  • Safety equipment : plan on spending anywhere between 150 to 600 bucks for lifejackets, first aid kit, and distress signals.
  • Winterize boat : $2,000
  • Sailing club: $800 - $1,500

live aboard sailboat cost

Cost of owning a boat

Horizon of masts in marina


Part Replace every Cost
Engine 20 years $5,000
Standing rigging 10 years $4,000
Running rigging 5-10 years $5,000
Sails 5-10 years $2,000 - $5,000
Safety equipment 10 years $500
Batteries 4-6 years $600
Deck hardware 20-30 years $1,500
Bottom paint 2 years $500

Your average maintenance cost will be roughly $144 dollars per month for boats under 30', or just under $2,000 per year.

Maintenance involves a lot of hidden costs We took an in-depth look at everything . The result is a comprehensive article that lays it all out for new boat owners. Read all about maintenance costs

Gas engines run for about 1,500 hours, diesel engines run for 5,000. After that, you'll need to change them out.

Most engines will last you about 20 years.

A standard 15HP or 20HP outboard gas engine will cost you about $5,000 - $6,000 and needs replacing every 20 years or so. If you do the work yourself, it's more something like $1,000 - $1,500.

A smaller engine uses less fuel, reducing your total cost You can actually use a pretty small engine for most sailboats. To learn how small (and efficient) you can go, I've written a guide on how to calculate it yourself. Read all about outboard engine size

Replacing the sails and rigging

Most people that own a sailboat will have to replace the sails and rigging at least once in their lifetime. Replacing the mast is uncommon, but if you're unlucky and get demasted, it will need to be fixed. So I've added it to the "be aware this might happen" list - but won't add it to the monthly recurring costs.

If you need to replace the mast and boom, prepare to spend anywhere between $15,000 - $25,000.

I won't go into detail, but I have written a long article about the cost of new sails (opens in new tab). It's a really helpful post (with a formula) if you want to know what to expect.

Good quality cruising sails will need to be replaced every 10 years or so.

The cost of new sails is on average:

  • 26' Bermuda Sloop rig will cost you about $1,000 - $2,500.
  • 34' Bermuda Sloop rig will cost you about $3,000 - $5,000.

The cost of the new rigging is on average:

  • Standing rigging - every 10 years at $4,000
  • Running rigging - every 5-10 years at $5,000

Bottom Paint

Your boat will need bottom paint roughly every 2 years (could be longer, but to be safe, let's keep it at two). It's also called antifouling paint because it helps to protect your hull from weeds, barnacles, and so on. Barnacles can slice through your boat's bellow! So you don't want them on there.

On average, it costs about $15 to $20 per foot to get your sailboat hull painted professionally.

For a 26' sailboat, that's just 500 bucks. Money well spent.

Replacing safety equipment

USCG safety regulations require you to replace safety gear regularly.

  • Lifejackets have to be replaced every 10 years.
  • Flares have to be replaced every 42 months. You could consider buying a LED electric distress light instead, which will last you a lifetime.
  • If you carry a life-raft you'll need to replace that every 12 years as well.

Adhering to the minimum safety requirements shouldn't cost you more than 150 - 250 dollars every 5 years. But if you want the good stuff, need more fire extinguishers, plan on spending more like $600. If you want a life raft, that's another $1,500.

To avoid you have to go cheap on your safety gear, I've put it in the budget for $500.

If you want to know exactly what the USCG safety requirements are, including checklists , definitely check out my article here.

Winterizing your boat

Winterization is an often overlooked cost, but it can be one of the largest expenses each year. If you're like me, and not so lucky to live in Florida, you need to winterize your boat.

Failing to winterize it will increase your maintenance cost over time, as the engine wears out more quickly, and your plumbing and equipment will fall apart. Winter storms and ice can damage the hull and mast as well. Learn all about the dangers of failing to winterize here .

It's the best way to protect your boat in wintertime, period.

It consists of two parts:

  • Winterizing - costs $500 to $1000 - This is the preparation for winter storage. You flush the cooling system with anti-freeze, and the boat gets wrapped in a shrink wrap cover.
  • Winter storage - costs $50 per ft on average

Boat wrapped in white shrink wrap

Some other maintenance costs:

  • Batteries: deep cycle batteries need replacing every 4-6 years at $600
  • Deck hardware: every 20-30 years (bullseyes, tiller, eye straps) at $1,500

Joining a Sailing Club

If you're new to sailing, you might want to consider joining a sailboat club. This might help you to get tips, make friends, and learn in a safe environment. Most clubs also organize races, which are a great way to quickly improve your sailing skills.

But it comes at a cost. Sailing clubs are very expensive.

Initiation fees range anywhere between $1,000 - $4,000. But that's not all.

Then there's an annual fee of $500 - $1,000 per year. And lot's of additional fees: for dining, lockers, etc.

If you're willing to skip Christmas, go for it.

How about making up for some of those losses? There's just no better feeling than earning back all that cash with the same thing that you've spent it on in the first place.

There are lot's of ways to earn a little extra with your boat - if you're willing to put in the effort. Here are a few ideas:

  • hire yourself out as the captain of a personalized cruise (for families, newly-weds, groups of colleagues)
  • take people to go fishing
  • hire your boat out to yacht charter companies
  • teach someone to sail
  • take photographers, film crews, and artists on tours
  • organize dolphin and whale watching tours
  • delivery of cargo - some places just can't be reached by car, for example, the city center of Giethoorn (Dutch Venice). So you have a competitive edge here!

Giethoorn, farmers manors standing besides water way (no road)

Some ideas to save money:

  • install solar panels (no more dock power)
  • buy a and cheap small boat (kayak or someting) to get to offshore anchorage (which are cheaper)
  • shop around for insurance
  • get gas at the gas station, not the marina
  • do your own maintenance as much as possible
  • find a friend with water access to avoid mooring
  • use it a lot (prevents stuff from breaking)
  • fix things that are broken immediately
  • keep your sails out of the sun
  • do your own upgrades
For example, convert your winches to self-tailing yourself. I was really surprised by how cheaply this can be done yourself. Read my article on how to do it here (opens in new tab).

How much does it cost to paint a boat hull? Painting a boat hull with antifouling paint will usually cost between $15 - $20 per feet. For example, a 25-foot sailboat will cost roughly $500. A 35-foot sailboat will cost $800 to repaint. You can get premium paints and services, which can quadruple the cost. Typically, a boat needs to be repainted every two years.

Why are used sailboats so cheap? Sailboats require a lot of skill and patience. They can be quite expensive to maintain and to keep in slip. Some people find they can't afford the marina rent, upkeep, and other costs; sometimes they simply don't want to; others don't want to sail anymore. In some cases, expensive and important parts are missing.

How much does it cost to charter a sailboat? The price of a charter depends on location, size of the vessel, crew or bareboat chartering, and so on. However, on average, a bareboat yacht charter will cost anywhere from $5,000 - $10,000 per week. Crewed charters cost anywhere between $10,000 - $15,000 per week. Superyachts may cost up to $150,000 per week.

Thanks to Jean-Pierre Bazard for letting me use his wrapped boat photo under CC BY-SA 3.0

Pinterest image for How Much Sailboats Cost On Average (380+ Prices Compared)

Excellent write up. This is honestly the type of information that’s hard to find as you’re trying to get into sailing. I’m a car guy. People think of car collecting like Jay Leno, but it can be done cheaply. I get the impression sailing is the same way.

Shawn Buckles

Hi Stephen, thanks a lot for your kind words, really appreciate it! It really is kind of the same, it’s all about how much time and effort you’re willing to put in. As with anything, lots can be achieved with energy and attention.

Thanks again.

Serious question. Why are you buying a trailer for a 40 ft yacht? That doesn’t even make sense.

Hi Christian, thanks for the remark. 40 ft boat trailers do actually exist, although I agree that most people probably won’t trailer a 40 ft yacht.

Thank a lot for the very useful information„ now you caused me to start thinking why don’t I start sailing lessons to do round the world in a sail boat ( instead of an aircraft)

Hello Hatem, you’re very welcome. Smooth sailing, or flying.

Hi, I am not familiar with boats. My boss just asked me to find a nice boat for him. Thank you for this informative post, this helps me so much. By the way, I already found a site selling yachts here in the Philippines, here’s the link Do you have any suggestion with brand and boat type. Thank you! More power!

Very good information, but I am having a hard time matching these number here in Southern California. Cheapest slip I found so for is $375/month, on a very run down and far from the ocean marina. At the harbor that I want, the cheapest I found is $800/month. Even if I was given a boat for free, just keeping it in place would cost me almost 10k/year

Excellent writeup, Shawn! Thank you very much for all your hard work and I look forward to reading your other articles on the subject.

Great info! We are in the market for our first sailboat and this answered many of our questions. Although I do agree with Rafael that slip prices in Southern California our much higher than what you listed. The marina we like will run about $1000 a month.

Thank you for your artical…a LOT of useful information included in it sir. I have been thinking about buying one for two years now, since I moved to a harbor town near where I grew up. We always had motor boats when I was young. But, I always loved sailing MUCH much more! I love the quiet of it, and always something to do, rather than just sit, drive, gas it up, dock, repeat. Laugh!! It’s about a ten min walk to the marina from here..and I have nothing but time. However my health is pretty bad. I just don’t know if I could handle it all alone. I’m thinking maybe a 25-30 foot cruiser. Thanks again sir!! I look forward to reading your other articles. Sincerely, Gary Heaton Olcott, Ny

Thanks a million! First time I come across an article that complete and with so much effort. For people thinking about buying a boat the info you provide is priceless.

John Callahan

Good information, but any article on prices should have a date associated with it. I see no indication of when this article was posted.

Thank you so much for this well done article. We’re looking at getting a boat and you’ve answered questions we didn’t even know we had.

Awesome article good job i am from Slovenia and thinking about buyng sailboat and sail for 6 monhs per year.I hawe bean looking on Holland sites too buy one can i maybe find auctions too buy a sailingboat i bawe wach Troswijk but they do t hawe any up ther?

Many of the costs quoted look very low to me, especially in the first article. Was this written a long time ago?

Excellent article. Am wondering though how do I dispose of a used boat if I get tired of it and can’t sell it or possibly run it aground. Maybe a 40 ft sloop?

Chris Kenny

Thanks for this infor.

Peace sailing.

Benjamin Sklar

Extremely helpful and interesting article! Thank you!

John Wallace

This is the most accurate information I have ever seen about boat ownership costs.

Many thanks!!!!

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How Much Does Liveaboard Sailboat Insurance Cost?

How Much Does Liveaboard Sailboat Insurance Cost | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

January 26, 2024

In most cases, liveaboard sailboat insurance costs a fraction of what you'd pay for auto, home, or renter's insurance.

In this article, we’ll cover the average cost of sailboat insurance, along with cost considerations, types of coverage, and how to find an affordable plan. We’ll also overview several ways to improve your sailboat to qualify for discounts.

Liveaboard sailboat insurance typically costs between $200 and $500 per year. Premiums vary based on how much coverage you need, the value of your boat, and personal factors such as accident history.

We contacted 3 of the largest and most well-known sailboat insurance companies (Geico, Progressive and USAA) to aggregate this data and determine a real average cost of liveaboard sailboat insurance in the U.S. We also used insurance company data to find the best ways to upgrade your boat to reduce your premiums.

Table of contents

Is Sailboat Insurance Mandatory?

Many people wonder if they're legally required to insure their sailboat. After all, most states require auto insurance, so it follows that boats also require it. However, in most places, you don't need insurance to own or operate a sailboat. That said, purchasing sailboat insurance is still the responsible thing to do.

Liveaboard vs. Standard Sailboat Insurance

Is there a difference between standard sailboat insurance and liveaboard sailboat insurance ? Generally speaking, no, but some insurance companies might have additional coverage requirements for people who use the coat as their primary residence.

This is primarily because liveaboards spend way more time 'using' their boats. When choosing a plan, be sure to talk to an agent to determine the insurance company's precise definition of 'use.' Doing so can help save time and money, as you may only be required to disclose how often you plan to actually sail the vessel.

Some indemnity companies don't require you to specify how often you use the vessel. In these cases, there should be no difference in the cost or coverage amounts.

Should I Buy Liveaboard Sailboat Insurance?

Many sailors wonder if it's worth purchasing liveaboard sailboat insurance. It's a good question to ask, as the majority of boat owners take a very passive (and frankly, careless) approach to sailboat insurance.

The fact of the matter is that most sailboats never get into a serious accident. That said, sailboats that do get into accidents often suffer a lot of expensive damage. Additionally, sailboats that cause accidents can be on the hook (along with their owners) for thousands of dollars. If someone gets injured, the costs multiply rapidly.

But what about insurance for coats that rarely ever leave the marina? Believe it or not, insurance is just as important for stationary liveaboard sailboats. The first reason that comes to mind is that you'll be covered if another boat causes damage to yours. If they're the dishonest type and leave the scene, you won't be on the hook for the damage they cause.

After weighing the facts, it's evident that the relatively low expense required to get liveaboard sailboat insurance is more than worth it, and it's an essential part of responsible boat ownership.

Benefits of Liveaboard Sailboat Insurance

What else does liveaboard sailboat insurance protect you from? As we discussed previously, sailboat insurance is an excellent way to protect your property and shield yourself from financial liability in the event of an accident.

But as every sailboat owner knows, accidents aren't the only thing that causes damage to sailboats. Another benefit of liveaboard sailboat insurance is protection from storm damage. After all, your boat is your home, and you'd want to keep it safe from storm damage costs just like your car.

Coverage for storm damage isn't necessary everywhere. In the San Francisco or Los Angeles area, where the weather is almost always mild, storm insurance isn't a huge priority or expense.

However, places with frequent thunderstorms and hurricanes (such as Florida and the Carolinas) are areas where liveaboards should consider getting extra storm coverage. Nothing ruins your day like a storm surge or a baseball-sized hail hole in your beautiful teak deck.

Liveaboard sailboat insurance is also useful in events such as fires or when an accident happens at the marina. For example, insurance may cover you if a component of a dock breaks or a cover collapses and causes damage to your boat.

Also, if somebody else's boat catches fire and the heat causes damage to your boat, you'll be covered. These situations do happen, which is why it's important to cover all of your bases.

Liveaboard Insurance Cost Considerations

What contributes to the cost of liveaboard sailboat insurance? Purchasing insurance for a sailboat is a lot like buying car insurance, except it's likely to be a lot less expensive when it's all said and done.

Insurance companies take several things into account when issuing you a quote. The first thing they consider is the size and value of your sailboat. Obviously, a 40-foot priceless classic schooner will probably cost more to insure than a fiberglass 1971 Catalina 22.

However, that's likely not the most important factor. Insurance companies also consider your deductible and how much coverage you need. In fact, these two factors are likely the most influential when it comes to determining your annual premiums,

Location is another factor considered by insurance companies. Some states have notoriously high insurance premiums. This is often due to a combination of state regulation and analysis of how often people wreck their coats in the area.

Some parts of the country are known for heavy boat traffic. Combine that with a proclivity for bad weather, and you're likely to encounter steeper insurance premiums.

The final consideration is your personal history and how often you plan to use your sailboat. As we discussed earlier, having a history of accidents can negatively affect your ability to find an affordable sailboat insurance plan.

Average Cost of Sailboat Insurance Plans

The cost of liveaboard sailboat insurance plans varies widely. For the sake of simplicity, we'll base our estimates off of the typical cost to insure an average liveaboard sailboat. The majority of people who live aboard do so on boats between 26 and 45-feet in length.

With that in mind, we estimate that the average semi-experienced liveaboard sailboat owner will pay between $200 and $500 per year. Compared to car insurance, sailboat insurance is actually quite affordable. However, your individual boat may cost more to insure. This is especially true if you sail a lot, long distances, or in hazardous areas.

How to Reduce the Cost of Liveaboard Sailboat Insurance

Reducing the cost of liveaboard sailboat insurance can be quite easy, especially if you don't plan to sail very often (or very far). The easiest way to reduce your premiums is to reduce your deductible. The same applies to car insurance, as most kinds of vehicle insurance work the same way; here are a few more ways to reduce your sailboat insurance premiums.

Take a Boater's Safety Course

In some states, you're not required to have a boater's license for a sailboat. These states seem to dwindle in number every year, but it's possible that you live aboard and have never been licensed. Many insurance companies offer discounts if you take a boater's safety course, so it's worth considering.

Buy a Newer Boat

Insurance companies often offer discounts for newer boats. That said, newer boats tend to be costlier, so there's a point at which the insurance savings from owning a newer boat don't make up for the additional purchase price. If you already have a newer boat, inquire about possible discounts.

Install Safety Systems

Advanced safety and navigation systems reduce the risk of an accident. As a result, insurance companies often offer discounts to people who install systems such as radar, fume detectors, and automatic fire suppressors.

Additional safety and navigation systems, such as GPS systems, locator beacons, depth finders, smoke/CO detectors, and EPIRBs, can also reduce your rates.

Choose a Sailboat with a Diesel Inboard Engine

So, how can having a diesel engine save you money on your insurance premiums? Unlike gasoline, diesel is usually not explosive, and its fumes don't prevent as big of a fire hazard.

This applies only to vessels with an inboard engine. There aren't any widely-available diesel outboard engines, and some sailboats have no engine at all. Explosions and gasoline fires are more common on boats than most people expect, and insurance companies are particularly risk-averse when it comes to fuel.

Inspect and Repair Engine Safety Systems

Similarly, you can reduce your insurance premiums by updating your engine safety and fume abatement systems. These systems prevent gasoline fumes from collecting in closed areas, which greatly reduces the risk of fire. Most states require these systems, and updating them is a good idea regardless.

Will My Driving Record Affect My Premiums?

Many people wonder if their driving records will impact their sailboat insurance premiums. In most cases, the answer is a resounding "yes." If you have a stellar driving record and lots of years on the road, you can expect to pay less than your younger or less experienced counterparts.

If you have a history of accidents, a DUI/DWI, or other issues, you'll likely pay more (at least for a while). The longer you stay safe and responsible, the lower your rate will be.

On a similar note, your age can have a significant impact on the price of liveaboard sailboat insurance. Younger people, specifically in their late teens and early 20s, usually have to pay higher premiums. This is because people in that age range (and younger people in general) are far more likely to cause an accident.

The best way to avoid paying more because of your driving record is to keep it clean, avoid alcohol, and take driver's or boater's safety courses whenever possible. A ticket can have a ripple effect across all of your insurance plans, so it's best to get them expunged with courses whenever possible.

Shopping for Liveaboard Sailboat Insurance

A prudent insurance buyer always shops around to find the best rates. Most major insurance companies now have free online quote tools, which we find are fairly accurate. You don't have to purchase anything to use them, and they can help you find the best rate in minutes.

Some insurance companies offer hefty discounts for loyalty. If you're currently insured in any way, contact your insurance agent and inquire about adding a boat to your plan. Companies that offer insurance "bundles" are incentivized to save you money in the long run if you continue to work with them.

Marine Insurance Companies

Your first inclination when shopping for sailboat insurance may be to work with a big-name auto indemnity company. And while it may turn out to be the best option, you should also consider working with a specialized marine insurance company. These companies, such as BoatUS and United Marine, offer services that aren't available through traditional insurance companies.

Chances are you've seen coat towing and repair vessels speeding around your local waterway at some point. These vessels work with marine insurance companies, and they're extremely useful for sailors. These insurance plans offer on-the-water services such as towing, engine repair, and parts delivery.

In some cases, working with a marine insurance company can provide these benefits and save you money too. If you ever run aground, break a stay, or need a new battery, these insurance plans have you covered. Emergency towing and repair on the water can be obscenely expensive without insurance, so it's smart to bundle it all together when possible.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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    The 2021 Planus Nautica Aquadomus houseboat in the photo above was listed for sale on YachtWorld for $388,119 by Planus Nautica. With a balanced distribution of space, the capacity is extended to 12 people onboard. On the lower deck, it has either one or two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room.

  13. Living on a Boat: Beginner's Guide for Liveaboards

    Essentials: Stowage, Comfort & Connectivity. When you move from a 2,000-square foot house to a 40-foot boat, all the closets are smaller, the cupboards are fewer and there's no two-car garage. In preparation, you'll need to de-clutter kitchen gadgets, tools, mementos and clothing. Keep winter clothes in off-boat storage and your business ...

  14. 17 Best Sailboats to Live On + What You Should Know First

    Coastal Cruiser Under 35 — Catalina 34/35. If you want to move aboard, you're on a budget, and you want the most space you can get, it's really hard to beat an older Catalina. Starting with the Catalina 30, these beamy boats have a surprising interior volume. They make great first liveaboards.

  15. Cost of Living On A Sailboat (Monthly Breakdown)

    The first cost to consider when living on a sailboat is the marina fees/slip fees. The marina costs for a sailboat are approximately $10 to $20 per foot per month. For example, a sailboat owner with a boat size of 30 feet will typically pay between $300 and $600 per month in slip fees to stay at a marina. A marina will charge a boat owner on a ...

  16. 13 Most Practical Boat Liveaboard Places in the US

    One of the cheapest places to live aboard in San Francisco Bay is Oyster Point Marina where reports put the monthly cost at $350 plus a live aboard fee of $200. Generally, the harbours get less expensive as you go further inland. Good choices include San Rafael and Vallejo.

  17. 10 Best Sailboats To Live In

    With plenty of places to sleep, there's no need to fold away the galley table to get some rest. The Catalina 38 is another fantastic mid-sized sailboat for living aboard, especially if you aren't quite comfortable inside a Catalina 30. 10. Hunter 33. nortonyachts.

  18. Living on a Boat in Texas: What you Need to Know (Best Liveaboard

    Cost of Owning a Boat in Texas. The cost of owning a boat is determined by the type of boat you want to buy. Jet Skis are the cheapest way to get into boating, costing anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000 but with fewer expenses than larger powerboats or sailboats. However, all boats will have to pay for fuel, maintenance, insurance, and other expenses.

  19. How Much Does it Cost to Live on a Sailboat Full-Time?

    Living aboard a boat will generally cost somewhere between $500 and $10,000 per month at either extreme. For most, it's probably somewhere close to $1,500 - $5000. We spend somewhere around $2,500 per month living on a boat in the Mediterranean.

  20. 6 Popular Boats For Full-Time Living (Affordable Options)

    The boat truly is impressive for its small size and will be comfortable for living in. The price of this vessel can range from $170,000 to over $200,000 depending on the year and the options available. Other Lagoon options can be more expensive but are also great live-aboard vessels. 6. Leopard 44.

  21. The Best Liveaboard Marinas in Florida (3 Budgets)

    Summary. Miami Beach Marina, Opal Key Resort and Marina, and Harbortown Marina are some of the best liveaboard options in South Florida. The Miami Beach Marina is situated in a prime location, so you will need to prepare a higher budget between $1,500 and $2,500 per month. East Coast Florida has some excellent liveaboard marinas with above ...

  22. How Much Sailboats Cost On Average (380+ Prices Compared)

    The average price of new sailboats is $425,000 ($127,000 to $821,000). The average price of used sailboats is $278,000 ($67,000 to $555,000). Maintenance costs are on average $2,000 - $3,000 per year, and the average total annual cost is $3,000 to $7,000. Of course the price of a sailboat depends on our choices.

  23. How Much Does Liveaboard Sailboat Insurance Cost?

    The majority of people who live aboard do so on boats between 26 and 45-feet in length. With that in mind, we estimate that the average semi-experienced liveaboard sailboat owner will pay between $200 and $500 per year. Compared to car insurance, sailboat insurance is actually quite affordable. However, your individual boat may cost more to insure.